A Search Service for Abbreviation / Long Form

Abbreviation List in Life Science - OO

The following abbreviations beginning with 'OO' are found in the Allie database (>=2, order of frequency). Search for one's corresponding long forms on Allie by clicking it.

OOP  ( in XML )  (1150)
  » out-of-pocket (XML) | out-of-plane (XML) | out-of-pocket payments (XML) | out-of-pocket expenditure (XML) | out-of-phase (XML) ...
OO  ( in XML )  (879)
  » olive oil (XML) | osteoid osteoma (XML) | orbicularis oculi (XML) | orbicularis oris (XML) | os odontoideum (XML) ...
OOC  ( in XML )  (404)
  » organ-on-a-chip (XML) | orthokeratinized odontogenic cyst (XML) | outlet obstructive constipation (XML) | out of care (XML) | oral octreotide capsules (XML) ...
OOH  ( in XML )  (243)
  » out-of-hours (XML) | out-of-hospital (XML) | out-of-hours services (XML) | out-of-hours primary care services (XML) | O-H bond being formed in the putative CoIII (XML) ...
OOK  ( in XML )  (190)
  » on-off keying (XML) | overnight orthokeratology (XML) | on-off key (XML) | on-off shift keying (XML) | orthokeratology (XML) ...
OOPE  ( in XML )  (182)
  » out-of-pocket expenditure (XML) | out-of-pocket expenses (XML) | out-of-pocket expenditures (XML) | out-of-pocket health expenditure (XML) | olive oil polyphenol extract (XML) ...
OOM  ( in XML )  (154)
  » orbicularis oculi muscle (XML) | Oncogenic osteomalacia (XML) | Old Order Mennonite (XML) | ozone-oxygen mixture (XML) | oxygenated organic molecules (XML) ...
OOD  ( in XML )  (153)
  » out-of-distribution (XML) | opioid overdose death (XML) | opioid overdose (XML) | opioid-related overdoses (XML) | oxycodone once-daily (XML) ...
OOS  ( in XML )  (120)
  » out-of-specification (XML) | Ocoxin oral solution (XML) | orbicularis oris superior (XML) | occupational overuse syndrome (XML) | occasions of service (XML) ...
OOA  ( in XML )  (113)
  » Old Order Amish (XML) | oxygenated organic aerosol (XML) | oxygenated OA (XML) | Osprey Optimization Algorithm (XML) | object-oriented analysis (XML) ...
OOHCA  ( in XML )  (99)
  » out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (XML) | out-of-hospital cardiac arrest victims (XML)
OOB  ( in XML )  (77)
  » out-of-bag (XML) | out of bed (XML) | out-of-bagging (XML) | Osteocalcin-Osteopontin-Biglycan (XML) | order-on-behalf (XML) ...
OOR  ( in XML )  (73)
  » otolith-ocular reflex (XML) | out-of-range (XML) | orbicularis oculi reflex (XML) | oxygen octahedral rotation (XML) | oxalate oxidoreductase (XML) ...
OOKP  ( in XML )  (71)
  » osteo-odonto-keratoprosthesis (XML)
OOHC  ( in XML )  (65)
  » out-of-home care (XML) | Out-Of-Hours Care (XML) | out-of-hours medical care (XML) | out-of-hour primary care (XML) | out-of-hours health care (XML) ...
OOPS  ( in XML )  (52)
  » out-of-pocket spending (XML) | orthogonal organic phase separation (XML) | ossiculoplasty outcome parameter staging (XML) | ovarian cancer follow-up study (XML) | operations on placental support (XML) ...
OOCs  ( in XML )  (49)
  » organs-on-chips (XML) | orthokeratinized odontogenic cysts (XML) | oral octreotide capsules (XML) | Open Online Courses (XML) | O-oleoyl-chitosan (XML) ...
OOI  ( in XML )  (48)
  » orbicularis oris inferior (XML) | other organ involvement (XML) | object of interest (XML) | other ocular imaging (XML) | onset of immunity (XML) ...
OOT  ( in XML )  (44)
  » order-order transition (XML) | oxidation onset temperature (XML) | oxygen-ozone therapy (XML) | overall operative time (XML) | oxygen octahedral tilt (XML) ...
OOc  ( in XML )  (42)
  » orbicularis oculi (XML) | orbicularis oculi muscle (XML) | occupancy by antipsychotics (XML) | olfactory occlusion (XML)
OOSCC  ( in XML )  (37)
  » oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (XML) | oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma (XML) | other OSCC sites (XML)
O-O  ( in XML )  (37)
  » oxygen-oxygen (XML) | side-on mode with d (XML) | one in a superoxo pi (XML) | organic-organic (XML) | old-to-old (XML) ...
OOs  ( in XML )  (35)
  » osteoid osteomas (XML) | olive oils (XML) | Olfactory obsessions (XML) | optimal outcomes (XML) | oblique osteotomies (XML) ...
OOPC  ( in XML )  (34)
  » out-of-pocket costs (XML) | out-of-pocket cost (XML) | oropharyngeal cancer (XML) | oleyloxyethyl phosphorylcholine (XML) | oropharyngeal cancer patients (XML) ...
OOPs  ( in XML )  (33)
  » out-of-pocket payments (XML) | olive oil phenols (XML) | optimal operating points (XML) | out-of-pocket expenditures (XML) | out-of-pockets (XML) ...
OOF  ( in XML )  (32)
  » optimally oriented flux (XML) | out of frame (XML) | out-of-field (XML) | out-of-focus (XML) | optimal orthodontic force (XML) ...
OOFDM  ( in XML )  (30)
  » optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (XML) | optical OFDM (XML)
OOS-TMP  ( in XML )  (28)
  » O,O,S-trimethyl phosphorothioate (XML)
O,O  ( in XML )  (25)
  » O-HO and O-H (XML) | O-HO, O-H (XML) | O-HO and bifurcated O-H (XML) | O-HO, N-HO and N-H (XML) | only involves both hydroxypyrone (XML) ...
OON  ( in XML )  (24)
  » out-of-network (XML) | outpatient oncological neurosurgery (XML) | Oxo Clusters Bearing an Electron-Rich Unsymmetrical (XML) | one's own name (XML) | orbital optic nerves (XML)
OoC  ( in XML )  (24)
  » organ of Corti (XML) | oocyte cryopreservation (XML) | outcomes of care (XML) | out-of-care (XML) | organ-on-a-chip technology (XML) ...
OOWS  ( in XML )  (23)
  » Objective Opiate Withdrawal Scale (XML) | observer-rated opioid withdrawal scale (XML) | opioid withdrawal scale for the observation of these symptoms (XML)
OoCs  ( in XML )  (21)
  » Organs-on-chips (XML) | Organ-on-chip devices (XML)
OOH-PC  ( in XML )  (21)
  » out-of-hours primary care (XML) | out-of-hours primary healthcare services (XML) | OOH primary care (XML)
OOMW  ( in XML )  (20)
  » olive oil mill wastewater (XML) | olive oil mills wastes (XML) | Olive Oil Mills' Wastes (XML)
OOUTH  ( in XML )  (19)
  » Olabisi Onabanjo University Teaching Hospital (XML)
OOV  ( in XML )  (19)
  » out-of-vocabulary (XML) | out-of-voxel (XML) | Ophiopogon japonicus vinegar (XML) | oro-oesophageal voice (XML)
OOKS  ( in XML )  (19)
  » Opioid Overdose Knowledge Scale (XML)
OOE  ( in XML )  (19)
  » objective overeating (XML) | out-of-equilibrium (XML) | opioid overdose event (XML) | orange oil extract (XML) | open-ocean exchange (XML) ...
OOPCs  ( in XML )  (18)
  » out-of-pocket costs (XML) | olive oil phenolic-compounds (XML)
OOMs  ( in XML )  (18)
  » oxygenated organic molecules (XML) | Observable operator models (XML) | Oxidized organic molecules (XML) | Old Order Mennonites (XML) | objective outcome measures (XML) ...
OOHL  ( in XML )  (18)
  » N-3-oxooctanoyl-L-homoserine lactone (XML)
OOPP  ( in XML )  (17)
  » out-of-pocket payments (XML) | opioid overdose prevention program (XML) | out-of-plan pharmacy (XML) | Objective Oriented Project Planning (XML) | out-of-pocket payments for health care services (XML)
OOAC  ( in XML )  (17)
  » organ-on-a-chip (XML) | Online Obstetric Anesthesia Course (XML)
OOAS  ( in XML )  (17)
  » Opioid Overdose Attitudes Scale (XML) | orthogonal optical absorption spectroscopy (XML)
OODR  ( in XML )  (16)
  » optical-optical double resonance (XML) | optical-based on-demand droplet release (XML) | opioid overdose death rates (XML)
oo  ( in XML )  (15)
  » occurrence of Giardia and Cryptosporidium (XML) | oysters, resulting in more efficient (XML) | ova or (XML) | occurrence of infective protozoan (XML) | only when human pathogenic (XML) ...
OODs  ( in XML )  (15)
  » opioid overdose deaths (XML) | opioid-related overdose deaths (XML) | Overlapping Orbit Differences (XML) | organic optoelectronic devices (XML) | other ocular diseases (XML)
OOPEs  ( in XML )  (15)
  » out-of-pocket expenditures (XML) | out-of-pocket expenses (XML) | Oligomeric organophosphate esters (XML) | olive oil phenolic extracts (XML)
OOPPs  ( in XML )  (14)
  » opioid overdose prevention programs (XML) | out-of-pocket payments (XML) | out-of-pocket health payments (XML)
OOPHE  ( in XML )  (14)
  » Out-of-pocket healthcare expenditure (XML)
OOG  ( in XML )  (14)
  » olive oil group (XML) | overdose of glucose (XML) | Orthopaedic Oncology Group (XML) | old-old group (XML) | olive oil control group (XML) ...
OoL  ( in XML )  (13)
  » origin of life (XML)
OOIP  ( in XML )  (12)
  » original oil in place (XML) | oil originally in place (XML)
OOr  ( in XML )  (12)
  » orbicularis oris (XML) | orbicularis oris muscle (XML)
OODD  ( in XML )  (11)
  » odonto-onycho-dermal dysplasia (XML) | onycho-odontodermal dysplasia (XML) | Olive oil deodorizer distillate (XML) | odonto-onycho-dermal dysplasia syndrome (XML)
ooDSGCs  ( in XML )  (11)
  » on-off direction-selective ganglion cells (XML) | ON-OFF direction-selective RGCs (XML)
Oo  ( in XML )  (11)
  » Ophidiomyces ophiodiicola (XML) | O. oeni (XML) | oxirane oxygen content (XML) | outward open (XML) | Olive oil (XML)
OoSRs  ( in XML )  (10)
  » overview of systematic reviews (XML) | overview of SRs (XML)
OODG  ( in XML )  (9)
  » oculo-oscillodynamography (XML) | Ocular oscillodynamograms (XML) | out-of-distribution generalization (XML)
OoH  ( in XML )  (8)
  » out-of-hours (XML) | out-of-home (XML)
OOHs  ( in XML )  (8)
  » out-of-hours (XML) | organic-organic heterojunctions (XML) | out-of-hours primary care clinics (XML)
OODA  ( in XML )  (8)
  » Observe-Orientate-Decide-Act (XML) | Observe, Orient, Decide, and Act (XML) | object-oriented data analysis (XML) | Observation Orientation-Decision-Action (XML)
OOS-Me  ( in XML )  (8)
  » O,O,S-trimethyl phosphorothioate (XML)
OOO  ( in XML )  (8)
  » odd-one-out (XML) | oils was trioleoylglycerol (XML) | Opvattingen over Opvoeding (XML) | oxynitride-oxide-dioxide (XML) | oleic-oleic-oleic (XML) ...
OOGIB  ( in XML )  (7)
  » overt obscure gastrointestinal bleeding (XML) | overt obscure GI bleed (XML) | obscure-overt gastrointestinal bleeding (XML)
OOMMF  ( in XML )  (7)
  » Object Oriented MicroMagnetic Framework (XML)
OOemg  ( in XML )  (7)
  » orbicularis oculi electromyographic (XML) | orbicularis oculi muscle electromyography (XML) | orbicularis oculi electromyogram (XML)
O. oeni  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Oenococcus oeni (XML)
o-o  ( in XML )  (6)
  » optical-to-optical (XML) | ovine-ovine (XML)
OOBN  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Object-Oriented Bayesian Network (XML) | Object Oriented BNs (XML) | object-oriented BN (XML)
OODP  ( in XML )  (6)
  » online optical detection platform (XML) | Oncology Drug Products (XML)
OOWW  ( in XML )  (6)
  » olive oil wastewater (XML) | olive oil washing water (XML) | olive-oil washing wastewater (XML) | organic compounds responsible for the olive mill wastewater (XML)
OOTL  ( in XML )  (6)
  » out-of-the-loop (XML) | out-of-the-loop phenomenon (XML)
OOX  ( in XML )  (6)
  » oocytectomized complexes (XML) | oocytectomized cumulus-oolema complexes (XML) | oxalate oxidase (XML)
OoA  ( in XML )  (6)
  » out-of-autoclave (XML) | out of Africa (XML) | order of administration (XML)
o. oculi  ( in XML )  (6)
  » orbicularis oculi (XML)
o-OPEs  ( in XML )  (6)
  » ortho-oligo phenylene ethynylenes (XML) | ortho-Phenylene Ethynylenes (XML) | o-oligo(phenyleneethynylene)s (XML) | oligomeric OPEs (XML) | oligo ortho-phenylene ethynylenes (XML)
OOTF  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Ophthalmic Oncology Task Force (XML) | organized organic thin films (XML)
OOHS  ( in XML )  (5)
  » out-of-hours health service (XML) | out-of-hours primary healthcare services (XML) | out-of-hospital setting (XML)
OOPR  ( in XML )  (5)
  » out of programme for research (XML) | Opioid Overdose Prevention and Response (XML) | out of programme research (XML) | open omental patch repair (XML)
o. oris  ( in XML )  (5)
  » orbicularis oris (XML)
OOL  ( in XML )  (5)
  » out of specification limits (XML) | organic outer layer (XML) | ocellus to the compound eye (XML) | Origanum onites Labiatae (XML) | Out-Of-the-Loop (XML)
OOPSCC  ( in XML )  (5)
  » oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (XML)
OOXs  ( in XML )  (5)
  » oocytectomized complexes (XML) | oophorus complexes (XML) | oocyte-free complexes (XML)
OOHB  ( in XML )  (5)
  » out-of-home behavior (XML) | out-of-hospital childbirth (XML)
OOPT  ( in XML )  (4)
  » opioid overdose prevention training (XML) | out of programme training (XML)
OOMC  ( in XML )  (4)
  » orbicularis oculi myocutaneous (XML) | obstructed ostiomeatal complex (XML)
OOEO  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Origanum onites essential oil (XML) | O. onites essential oil (XML)
OOGS  ( in XML )  (4)
  » orbito-ocular granulocytic sarcoma (XML)
OOK-NRZ  ( in XML )  (4)
  » on-off keying non-return-to-zero (XML)
OoPG  ( in XML )  (4)
  » oocysts per gram of feces (XML)
OOPD  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Office of Orphan Products Development (XML) | older onset Parkinson's disease (XML) | oropharyngeal dysplasia (XML)
OO-DFT  ( in XML )  (4)
  » orbital-optimized density functional theory (XML) | orbital-corrected orbital-free density functional theory (XML)
OoR  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Overview of Reviews (XML) | order-of-report (XML) | oocyte receipt (XML)
OoP  ( in XML )  (4)
  » out-of-pocket (XML) | out-of-pocket medical expenditures (XML)
O-OER  ( in XML )  (4)
  » object-oriented episodic record (XML)
OoI  ( in XML )  (4)
  » outcomes of interest (XML)
O,OH  ( in XML )  (4)
  » octahedron preferentially connects to As (XML) | open-framework silicogermanate with 26-ring channels built from seven-coordinated (Ge,Si)10 (XML) | observed the formation of Zn (XML) | octahedra and a bidentate mononuclear inner-sphere complex but with Sb (XML)
o-OPE  ( in XML )  (4)
  » ortho-phenylene ethynylene (XML) | o-oligo(phenyleneethynylene) (XML)
OODB  ( in XML )  (4)
  » object-oriented database (XML)
OOTs  ( in XML )  (4)
  » order-order transitions (XML) | orthopaedic operating theatres (XML) | Oral oncolytic treatments (XML)
OODBL  ( in XML )  (4)
  » 1,6-O,O-diacetylbritannilactone (XML)
OOSS  ( in XML )  (4)
  » oxalate-oxalic acid soluble substances (XML) | oil orange SS (XML) | overall oral safety set (XML)
OOP-ESEEM  ( in XML )  (4)
  » out-of-phase electron spin echo envelope modulation (XML)
OOW  ( in XML )  (4)
  » open oval window (XML) | officer of the watch (XML) | older overweight women (XML)
OOSs  ( in XML )  (4)
  » organic optoelectronic synapses (XML) | Orthopedic oscillating saws (XML) | ocean observing systems (XML) | organooxygen species (XML)
OOH GP  ( in XML )  (4)
  » out-of-hours general practice (XML)
OOAs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » oxygenated organic aerosols (XML) | oxidized organic aerosols (XML)
OOBE  ( in XML )  (3)
  » olive oil based emulsion (XML) | out-of-bag error (XML) | out-of-band emission (XML)
ooc  ( in XML )  (3)
  » oocydin A (XML) | oocydin (XML)
OOPPE  ( in XML )  (3)
  » out-of-pocket pharmaceutical expenditure (XML)
OORP  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Opioid Overdose Recovery Program (XML)
OOSP  ( in XML )  (3)
  » out-of-seat position (XML) | osteoid osteoma-specific pain (XML)
OOHBs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » out-of-hospital births (XML) | out-of-home behaviors (XML)
OOWM  ( in XML )  (3)
  » orderly oriented wire mesh (XML)
o,o  ( in XML )  (3)
  » ortho-ortho (XML) | doubly-open form (XML)
OOQ  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Occupational Outcome Questionnaire (XML) | Oral Optimism Questionnaire (XML) | objective optical quality (XML)
oOEC  ( in XML )  (3)
  » ovine oviduct epithelial cell (XML) | ovine oviductal epithelial cell monolayer (XML)
OOSP1  ( in XML )  (3)
  » oocyte-secreted protein 1 (XML)
OOAD  ( in XML )  (3)
  » object-oriented analysis and design (XML) | oldest-old AD (XML)
OORs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » otolith-ocular reflexes (XML) | oncologists/oncology residents (XML) | orthopedic oncology residents (XML)
OOMT  ( in XML )  (3)
  » orcinol O-methyltransferase (XML)
OOEs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Olive oil extracts (XML) | oceanic oxygenation events (XML) | opioid overdose events (XML)
OOMF  ( in XML )  (3)
  » orbicularis oculi muscle flap (XML) | orbicularis oculi myocutaneus flap (XML)
O. ovis  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Oestrus ovis (XML)
OOx  ( in XML )  (3)
  » oral oxybutynin (XML)
O-OTases  ( in XML )  (3)
  » O-oligosaccharyltransferases (XML) | O-oligosaccharyl:protein transferases (XML)
OOHP  ( in XML )  (3)
  » out-of-home placement (XML)
OOART  ( in XML )  (3)
  » overdose awareness and reversal training (XML)
OOCC  ( in XML )  (3)
  » older-onset colorectal cancer (XML) | Object-oriented combinator chemistry (XML) | Opioid Operational Command Center (XML)
OOSO  ( in XML )  (2)
  » olive and soybean oil (XML) | out-of-step oscillation (XML)
OOD-OD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » out-of-distribution object detection (XML)
OOSH  ( in XML )  (2)
  » out-of-school-hours (XML)
OOMD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » oocyte maturation defects (XML)
ooTFD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Object-oriented transcription factors database (XML)
OOPjr  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Other-Oriented Perfectionism Subscale-Junior Form (XML)
OO-REMP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » orbital-optimized variant (XML) | Orbital Optimized REMP (XML)
OOO-TMP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » O,O,O-trimethyl phosphorothionate (XML)
OOCE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » optical-to-optical conversion efficiency (XML)
OOBNs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » object-oriented Bayesian networks (XML)
OOCS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Observatory of the Catalan Sea (XML)
OOHVR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Object-Oriented Healthcare Vocabulary Repository (XML)
O.O  ( in XML )  (2)
  » oxygen atoms (XML) | olive oil liquid diet (XML)
OOFC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » open oral food challenge (XML)
OOPL  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Olive oil polar lipid (XML) | olive oil polar lipid extract (XML)
OOHI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » out-of-household isolation (XML) | OLAP on Hadoop by Indexing (XML)
oORF  ( in XML )  (2)
  » overlapping sORF (XML) | overlapping open reading frame (XML)
OOMS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » olive oil mill sludge (XML)
OONO  ( in XML )  (2)
  » oxidizing acid known as peroxynitrite (XML) | oxyMb with NO, if the common intermediate metMb (XML)
OOFD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » oculo-oto-facial dysplasia (XML)
OOSTT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Organizational Structures of Trauma systems and Trauma centers (XML)
OOTFs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » organized organic thin films (XML)
OO-CAMHS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Orientated Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (XML)
O-ORFs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » overlapping open reading frames (XML)
OOSM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » out-of-sequence measurement (XML)
OOCH  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Olive oil and calcium hydroxide (XML) | out-of-home care (XML)
OoRs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » OBJECTIVE: Overviews of Systematic Reviews (XML) | overviews of systematic reviews (XML)
OOK-PPM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » on-off keying pulse-position modulation (XML)
OOHCAs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » out-of-hospital cardiac arrests (XML)
OOSCCs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinomas (XML)
OoO  ( in XML )  (2)
  » out-of-oven (XML)
Oog  ( in XML )  (2)
  » oogonia (XML)
OOIs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » objects of interest (XML) | opportunistic ocular infections (XML)
OOA-VBO  ( in XML )  (2)
  » out-of-autoclave-vacuum-bag-only (XML)
OO/SO  ( in XML )  (2)
  » oil-soybean oil (XML)
OO-RI-MP2  ( in XML )  (2)
  » orbital-optimized MP2 with the resolution of the identity approach (XML)
OOIS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Odense overweight intervention study (XML)
o-OH  ( in XML )  (2)
  » ortho-substituted hydroxy (XML) | o-hydroxybenzoate (XML)
OOPRT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Overdose Prevention and Response Training (XML)
OORT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Opioid overdose response training (XML) | outcome-optimized radiotherapy (XML)
OOIA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Object-Oriented Image Analysis (XML)
O-OTase  ( in XML )  (2)
  » O-oligosaccharyltransferase (XML)
OOTR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Oncology and Translational Research (XML)
OOMP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » optimized orthogonal matching pursuit (XML)
OOH services  ( in XML )  (2)
  » out-of-hours emergency care services (XML) | out-of-hours services (XML)
OORTT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » open-source, open-access reaction time test (XML)
OoEVV  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Ontology of Experimental Variables and Values (XML)
OOSR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » oldest-old support ratio (XML) | olive oil solid residue (XML)
OOPHEs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » out-of-pocket healthcare expenditures (XML)
OOOH  ( in XML )  (2)
  » oxazoline-oxazinone rearrangement-hydrogenation sequence (XML)
OO-VQE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » orbital-optimized variational quantum eigensolver (XML)
OOHT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » out-of-hospital time (XML) | Out-of-hospital transfusion (XML)
O. obscura  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Odontobutis obscura (XML)
OOFE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » olive oil-based fat emulsion (XML) | olive oil -supplemented FE (XML)
OODBMS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Object Oriented Data Base Management Systems (XML)
OOSMs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Out-of-Sequence Measurements (XML)
o-OH-ATV  ( in XML )  (2)
  » o-hydroxy atorvastatin acid (XML) | ortho-hydroxyatorvastatin (XML)
OOVs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » ordered oxygen vacancies (XML)
OOIF  ( in XML )  (2)
  » ovarian oviposition-inducing factor (XML)
oo-pCCD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » orbital-optimized pair-Coupled Cluster Doubles (XML) | optimizing the orbitals at the pCCD level (XML)
OOTW  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Operations Other Than War (XML)
OODC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » opportunistic and on-demand network coding (XML) | other oral dental conditions (XML)
o or m  ( in XML )  (2)
  » obtained from rac-glycidyl (XML)
OOH-TT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » OOH telephone triage (XML) | out-of-hours telephone triage (XML)
O-ODNs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » oligodeoxynucleotides (XML) | ODNs that contain natural phosphodiester backbones (XML)
OOLE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » olive oil lipid emulsion (XML) | olive oil-supplemented lipid emulsion (XML)
OOxy  ( in XML )  (2)
  » oral oxycodone (XML)
OOOR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » out-of-the-operating-room (XML) | outside of the operating room (XML)