A Search Service for Abbreviation / Long Form

Abbreviation List in Life Science - UG

The following abbreviations beginning with 'UG' are found in the Allie database (>=2, order of frequency). Search for one's corresponding long forms on Allie by clicking it.

UGT  ( in XML )  (2020)
  » UDP-glucuronosyltransferase (XML) | uridine diphosphate glucuronosyltransferase (XML) | urogenital tract (XML) | UDP-dependent glycosyltransferase (XML) | UDP-galactose transporter (XML) ...
UGTs  ( in XML )  (1117)
  » UDP-glucuronosyltransferases (XML) | uridine diphosphate glucuronosyltransferases (XML) | UDP-dependent glycosyltransferases (XML) | uridine diphosphate-dependent glycosyltransferases (XML) | UDP-Glc:phenylpropanoid glucosyltransferases (XML) ...
UGI  ( in XML )  (1060)
  » upper gastrointestinal (XML) | upper gastrointestinal series (XML) | upper GI (XML) | uracil glycosylase inhibitor (XML) | urban green infrastructure (XML) ...
UGIB  ( in XML )  (882)
  » upper gastrointestinal bleeding (XML) | upper GI bleeding (XML) | upper GIB (XML) | upper gastrointestinal bleeding and perforation (XML) | UGI bleeding (XML) ...
UG  ( in XML )  (786)
  » ultimatum game (XML) | undergraduate (XML) | uteroglobin (XML) | uveitic glaucoma (XML) | universal goniometer (XML) ...
UGT1A1  ( in XML )  (446)
  » uridine diphosphate glucuronosyltransferase 1A1 (XML) | UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A1 (XML) | UDP glucuronosyltransferase family 1 member A1 (XML) | UDP glucuronosyltransferase 1 family, polypeptide A1 (XML) | uridine glucuronosyltransferase 1A1 (XML) ...
UGS  ( in XML )  (363)
  » urogenital sinus (XML) | urban green space (XML) | usual gait speed (XML) | urogenital schistosomiasis (XML) | underground gas storage (XML) ...
UGE  ( in XML )  (232)
  » urinary glucose excretion (XML) | upper gastrointestinal endoscopy (XML) | UDP-glucose 4-epimerase (XML) | urogenital sinus epithelium (XML) | urogenital epithelium (XML) ...
UGC  ( in XML )  (150)
  » user-generated content (XML) | upper gastrointestinal cancer (XML) | ultrasound-guided compression (XML) | unsuspected gallbladder carcinoma (XML) | University Grants Commission (XML) ...
UGM  ( in XML )  (134)
  » UDP-galactopyranose mutase (XML) | urogenital sinus mesenchyme (XML) | urogenital mesenchyme (XML) | Universitas Gadjah Mada (XML) | Uridine 5'-diphosphate-galactopyranose mutase (XML) ...
UGIH  ( in XML )  (104)
  » upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage (XML) | upper GI hemorrhage (XML)
UGIE  ( in XML )  (102)
  » upper gastrointestinal endoscopy (XML) | upper GI endoscopy (XML) | upper gastrointestinal events (XML) | UGI endoscopy (XML)
UGFS  ( in XML )  (99)
  » ultrasound-guided foam sclerotherapy (XML) | ultrasound-guided, catheter-directed foam sclerotherapy (XML)
UGP  ( in XML )  (93)
  » UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (XML) | Urinary gonadotropin peptide (XML) | urogenital papilla (XML) | uridine diphosphate glucose pyrophosphorylase (XML) | ultrafine granular powder (XML) ...
UGH  ( in XML )  (93)
  » uveitis-glaucoma-hyphema (XML) | upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage (XML) | Umtata General Hospital (XML) | urogenital hiatus (XML) | uveitis-glaucoma-hyphema syndrome (XML) ...
UGB  ( in XML )  (85)
  » upper gastrointestinal bleeding (XML) | urban growth boundary (XML) | uteroglobin (XML) | Upper Gangetic Basin (XML) | upper GI bleeding (XML) ...
UGDH  ( in XML )  (72)
  » UDP-glucose dehydrogenase (XML) | UDP-alpha-d-glucose 6-dehydrogenase (XML) | uridine diphosphoglucose dehydrogenase (XML)
UGT2B7  ( in XML )  (67)
  » UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B7 (XML) | uridine diphosphate-glucuronosyltransferase 2B7 (XML) | uridine glucuronosyltransferase 2B7 (XML) | UDP glucuronosyltransferase family 2 member B7 (XML) | UGT isoform 2B7 (XML)
UGIC  ( in XML )  (63)
  » upper gastrointestinal cancer (XML) | upper gastrointestinal complications (XML) | Upper gastrointestinal contrast study (XML) | upper digest tract cancer (XML) | upper GI complications (XML)
UGPase  ( in XML )  (58)
  » UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (XML) | UDP-Glc pyrophosphorylase (XML) | uridine diphosphate-glucose pyrophosphorylase (XML) | UTP-glucose-1-phosphoryl transferase (XML)
UGCG  ( in XML )  (57)
  » UDP-glucose ceramide glucosyltransferase (XML) | uridine diphosphate glucose ceramide glucosyltransferase (XML)
UGGT  ( in XML )  (56)
  » UDP-glucose:glycoprotein glucosyltransferase (XML) | UDP-glucose:glucosyltransferase (XML) | UDP-glucose:galloyl-1-O-beta-D-glucosyltransferase (XML) | Urinary gamma-glutamyl-transferase to urinary creatinine (XML) | urinary gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (XML) ...
UGRA  ( in XML )  (56)
  » ultrasound-guided regional anesthesia (XML) | Ultrasonography-guided regional anesthesia (XML) | ultrasound-guided peripheral nerve blocks (XML)
UGTI  ( in XML )  (53)
  » ultrasound-guided thrombin injection (XML) | upper genital tract infection (XML) | ultrasound scan-guided injection of thrombin (XML) | ultrasound-guided injection (XML) | universal genetic testing initiative (XML) ...
UGN  ( in XML )  (53)
  » uroguanylin (XML) | ultrasound-guided needling (XML) | upper gastrointestinal neoplasms (XML) | ultrasonography-guided needling (XML) | US-guided needling (XML)
UGV  ( in XML )  (50)
  » unmanned ground vehicle (XML) | University of Giessen virus (XML) | urban green space' vitalization (XML) | unleaded gasoline vapors (XML) | uninhabited ground vehicle (XML) ...
UGIS  ( in XML )  (45)
  » upper gastrointestinal series (XML) | upper GI series (XML) | upper GI contrast study (XML) | ultrasound-guided interventional sclerotherapy (XML) | upper gastrointestinal (XML) ...
UGT1A  ( in XML )  (45)
  » UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A (XML) | uridine diphosphate glucuronyltransferase 1A (XML) | UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A subfamily (XML) | uridine-diphospho-glucuronosyltransferase 1A gene family (XML) | UGT1A1, UGT1A3, UGT1A4, and UGT1A9 (XML) ...
UGME  ( in XML )  (42)
  » undergraduate medical education (XML) | undergraduate medical (XML) | undergraduate medical program (XML) | Undergraduate Medical Education Programmes (XML)
UGF  ( in XML )  (41)
  » urinary gonadotropin fragment (XML) | urogenital fascia (XML) | urogenital fistulas (XML) | universal generating function (XML) | ultrathin-graphite foam (XML) ...
uGH  ( in XML )  (40)
  » urinary growth hormone (XML) | urinary GH (XML) | Urinary growth hormone excretion (XML) | urban general and teaching hospitals (XML) | 24-hour-urinary GH (XML) ...
UGIT  ( in XML )  (39)
  » upper gastrointestinal tract (XML) | upper GI tract (XML) | upper gastrointestinal (XML)
UGA  ( in XML )  (39)
  » University of Georgia (XML) | unitary group adapted (XML) | under general anesthesia (XML) | urinary d-glucaric acid (XML) | unruptured giant aneurysms (XML) ...
UGVs  ( in XML )  (37)
  » unmanned ground vehicles (XML) | Unmanned Ground Vehicles (XML) | uncrewed ground vehicles (XML) | unmanned ground vehicle systems (XML)
UGT1  ( in XML )  (35)
  » UDP-glucuronosyltransferase family 1 (XML) | UDP-glucose:glycoprotein glucosyltransferase 1 (XML) | uridine disphosphate glucuronosyl transferase 1 (XML) | UDP-galactose transporter-1 (XML)
UGW  ( in XML )  (34)
  » ultrasonic guided wave (XML) | underground water (XML) | underground workplace (XML) | urban green waste (XML) | Urban greenways (XML)
UGR  ( in XML )  (33)
  » urethrogenital reflex (XML) | University of Granada (XML) | urogenital ridges (XML) | Unified Glare Rating (XML) | undergraduate research (XML) ...
UGAP  ( in XML )  (31)
  » ultrasound-guided attenuation parameter (XML) | UGAP, LiSA and CAP values (XML) | US-guided attenuation parameter (XML)
UGD  ( in XML )  (30)
  » unconventional gas development (XML) | uniglandular disease (XML) | urogenital diaphragm (XML) | UDP-glucuronic acid dehydrogenase (XML) | untreated GD (XML) ...
UGT1A6  ( in XML )  (29)
  » UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A6 (XML) | uridine diphosphate glucuronosyltransferase 1A6 (XML) | UDP glycosyltransferase 1 family, polypeptide A6 (XML)
UGT1A9  ( in XML )  (29)
  » uridine diphosphate-glucuronosyltransferase 1A9 (XML) | UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A9 (XML) | UGT1A7l displays 80% similarity to that encoded by human HP4 (XML) | uridine diphosphateglucuronosyltransferase family 1 member A9 (XML) | UDP glycosyltransferase 1 family, polypeptide A9 (XML) ...
UGSs  ( in XML )  (28)
  » urban green spaces (XML) | urogenital sinuses (XML) | urogenital systems (XML) | unattended ground sensors (XML) | Underground gas storages (XML) ...
UGL  ( in XML )  (27)
  » unsaturated glucuronyl hydrolase (XML) | uteroglobin (XML) | unpurified glycerolytic lard (XML) | Understanding Group and Leader (XML) | Uapaca guineensis leaves (XML) ...
UGs  ( in XML )  (26)
  » undergraduates (XML) | unique genes (XML) | Unripe grapes (XML) | undergraduate students (XML) | undergraduate medical students (XML) ...
UGPA  ( in XML )  (26)
  » undergraduate grade point average (XML) | undergraduate GPA (XML) | precumulative grade point average (XML) | undergraduate nursing programme (XML)
UGCR  ( in XML )  (25)
  » ultrasound-guided compression repair (XML) | urinary glucose-to-creatinine ratio (XML) | urinary glucose concentration and the glucose-to-creatinine ratio (XML)
UGT2B17  ( in XML )  (25)
  » UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B17 (XML) | Uridine diphospho-glucuronosyltransferase 2B17 (XML) | UDP glycosyltransferase 2 family, polypeptide B17 (XML)
UGTB  ( in XML )  (25)
  » Urogenital tuberculosis (XML) | urogenital TB (XML)
UGDP  ( in XML )  (21)
  » University Group Diabetes Program (XML) | University Group on diabetes mellitus program (XML)
UGT2B15  ( in XML )  (20)
  » UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B15 (XML) | UDP glucuronosyltransferase family 2 member B15 (XML) | uridine diphosphate glucuronosyltransferase family 2 member B15 (XML) | Uridine diphosphate-glucuronosyltransferase 2B15 (XML) | UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2 family, polypeptide B15 (XML)
uGAG  ( in XML )  (20)
  » urinary glycosaminoglycan (XML) | urinary GAG (XML) | urinary excretion of glycosaminoglycans (XML)
UGRP1  ( in XML )  (19)
  » uteroglobin-related protein 1 (XML) | Uterus globulin associated protein 1 (XML)
Ugd  ( in XML )  (17)
  » UDP-glucose dehydrogenase (XML)
UGO  ( in XML )  (17)
  » urogenital opening (XML) | ultrasmall graphene oxide (XML) | unzipped graphene-oxide (XML) | unique GC organizer (XML) | upright GO (XML) ...
UGCs  ( in XML )  (17)
  » user-generated contents (XML) | Upper Gastrointestinal Cancers (XML) | unghosted cells (XML) | upper gastrointestinal adenocarcinomas (XML) | undifferentiated-type GCs (XML) ...
UGGT1  ( in XML )  (16)
  » UDP-glucose:glycoprotein glucosyltransferase 1 (XML) | uridine 5'-diphosphate-glucose: glycoprotein glucosyltransferase 1 (XML) | UDP-glucose ceramide glucosyltransferase-like 1 (XML)
UG-FNA  ( in XML )  (16)
  » ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration (XML) | ultrasound-guided FNA (XML)
UGP2  ( in XML )  (16)
  » UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase 2 (XML) | uridine diphosphate-glucose pyrophosphorylase 2 (XML) | UDP-G pyrophosphorylase-2 (XML)
UGIs  ( in XML )  (15)
  » Urban Green Infrastructures (XML) | units of genetic information (XML) | upper gastrointestinal radiographs (XML) | urogenital infections (XML) | undermethylated genomic islands (XML) ...
UGKO  ( in XML )  (15)
  » uterine gland knockout (XML)
UGT1A7  ( in XML )  (15)
  » UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A7 (XML) | uridine-diphosphoglucuro-nosyltransferase 1A7 (XML) | uridine phosphorylase glycosyltransferase 1A7 (XML)
UGDS  ( in XML )  (15)
  » Utrecht Gender Dysphoria Scale (XML) | ultrasound gestational diabetes screening score (XML) | ultrasound based scoring system suitable for screening (XML) | University of Ghana Dental School (XML) | University of Guyana Diploma in Surgery (XML)
UG-FNAB  ( in XML )  (15)
  » ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration biopsy (XML) | Ultrasound-guided FNAB (XML)
UGT1A4  ( in XML )  (15)
  » UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A4 (XML) | uridine diphosphate glucuronosyltransferase 1A4 (XML) | uridine glucuronosyltransferase 1A4 (XML) | UDP glucuronosyltransferase 1-family polypeptide A4 (XML)
UGRs  ( in XML )  (14)
  » unidirectional guided resonances (XML) | urogenital ridges (XML) | undergraduate researchers (XML) | unsolicited genomic results (XML) | users' global ratings (XML) ...
Ugi  ( in XML )  (13)
  » uracil-DNA glycosylase inhibitor protein (XML) | UNG inhibitor (XML)
UGWs  ( in XML )  (12)
  » ultrasonic guided waves (XML)
UGNB  ( in XML )  (11)
  » ultrasonically guided needle biopsy (XML) | Ultrasound-guided nerve blocks (XML) | Ultrasound-guided nerve block anesthesia (XML) | ultrasound-guided needle biopsy (XML) | ultrasound guided lower extremity nerve blockade (XML) ...
uGAGs  ( in XML )  (11)
  » urinary glycosaminoglycans (XML) | urinary GAGs (XML) | urine GAGs (XML) | urinary excretion of total glycosaminoglycans (XML)
UGPAs  ( in XML )  (10)
  » undergraduate grade point averages (XML)
UGMS  ( in XML )  (10)
  » unigene-derived microsatellite (XML) | University of Ghana Medical School (XML) | Unexplained General Malaise Syndrome (XML) | unigene-based microsatellite (XML)
UGPL  ( in XML )  (10)
  » ultrasound-guided percutaneous lavage (XML) | Upper gastrointestinal precancerous lesions (XML) | ultrasound-guided puncture and lavage (XML) | units of IgG antiphospholipid antibodies (XML)
U group  ( in XML )  (9)
  » ulinastatin-treated group (XML) | uterine aspiration group (XML) | union group (XML) | upfront dose reduction group (XML) | ultrasound-guided approach only group (XML) ...
UGRS  ( in XML )  (9)
  » Utrecht Grief Rumination Scale (XML)
UGT8  ( in XML )  (8)
  » UDP glycosyltransferase 8 (XML) | uridine diphosphate-galactose glycosyltransferase 8 (XML)
uGRS  ( in XML )  (8)
  » unweighted GRS (XML) | unweighted genetic risk score (XML)
UGFNAB  ( in XML )  (8)
  » ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration biopsy (XML) | ultrasound-guided FNAB (XML)
UGPD  ( in XML )  (8)
  » Upper Gastrointestinal and Pancreatic Diseases (XML) | ultrafine ginseng powder with beta-cyclodextrin as the dispersant (XML) | ultrasonography-guided percutaneous drainage (XML)
UGRP  ( in XML )  (8)
  » uteroglobin-related protein (XML) | Utah Genetic Reference Project (XML) | ubiquitously expressed glucose-6-phosphatase catalytic subunit-related protein (XML)
UGEs  ( in XML )  (7)
  » UDP-glucose 4-epimerases (XML) | Upper gastrointestinal endoscopies (XML) | unsigned gaze errors (XML)
UGNBs  ( in XML )  (7)
  » Ultrasound-guided nerve blocks (XML) | Ultrasonography-guided nerve blocks (XML)
UGSR  ( in XML )  (7)
  » ultrasound gray scale ratio (XML)
UGT2B  ( in XML )  (7)
  » Uridine 5'-diphosphate-glucuronosyltransferase 2B (XML) | UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B (XML)
UGCNB  ( in XML )  (7)
  » ultrasound-guided core needle biopsy (XML)
UGT1A10  ( in XML )  (7)
  » UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A10 (XML) | UDP-glucuronosyltranspherase 1A10 isoenzyme (XML)
UGCoP  ( in XML )  (7)
  » uncertain geographic context problem (XML)
Ugt1a1  ( in XML )  (7)
  » UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1a1 (XML) | uridine diphosphate glucuronosyltransferase-1a1 (XML)
UGAB  ( in XML )  (7)
  » ultrasonically guided aspiration biopsy (XML) | Ultima Gold Alpha-Beta (XML) | ultrasound-guided adductor block (XML) | ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration biopsy (XML)
u-GaN  ( in XML )  (6)
  » unintentionally doped GaN (XML) | undoped GaN (XML)
UGT2B4  ( in XML )  (6)
  » UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B4 (XML) | uridine diphosphate glucuronosyltransferase 2 family polypeptide B4 (XML) | uridine 5'-diphosphate-glucuronosyltransferase 2B4 (XML) | UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2 family, polypeptide B4 (XML)
UGIEs  ( in XML )  (6)
  » upper gastrointestinal endoscopies (XML) | upper gastrointestinal events (XML)
UGCB  ( in XML )  (6)
  » ultrasonically guided cutting biopsy (XML) | ultrasound guided core biopsy (XML) | ultrasound-guided cutting biopsy (XML)
UGET  ( in XML )  (6)
  » ultrasound-guided embryo transfer (XML) | UCLA Gene Expression Tool (XML) | upper gastrointestinal endoscopic treatment (XML)
UGKS  ( in XML )  (6)
  » unified gas-kinetic scheme (XML)
UGHR  ( in XML )  (6)
  » ultrasound-guided hydrostatic reduction (XML)
UGBS  ( in XML )  (6)
  » urban green and blue spaces (XML) | universal Gaussian basis set (XML) | Ultrasound image guided brain surgery (XML)
UGSM  ( in XML )  (6)
  » urogenital sinus mesenchyme (XML) | urine glucose self-monitoring (XML) | urogenital sinus mobilization (XML)
UGT1A8  ( in XML )  (6)
  » UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A8 (XML) | UDP glucuronosyltransferase 1 family, polypeptide A8 (XML)
UGLU  ( in XML )  (6)
  » urine glucose (XML) | urinary glucose (XML)
UGID  ( in XML )  (6)
  » upper gastrointestinal disease (XML)
UGI-XR  ( in XML )  (6)
  » upper gastrointestinal barium X-ray radiography (XML)
UGIM  ( in XML )  (6)
  » upper gastrointestinal malignancies (XML)
UGU  ( in XML )  (6)
  » umbilical glucose uptake (XML) | unmodified glucose units (XML) | glucose uptake (XML) | Uniform Geographical Unit (XML)
UGSB  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Ultrasound-guided synovial biopsy (XML) | Ultrasound-guided core biopsy (XML)
UGOT  ( in XML )  (5)
  » University of Gothenburg (XML) | Universitet, Goteborgs, Sweden (XML) | urinary glutamic-oxaloacetic acid transaminase (XML)
Ugt1a6  ( in XML )  (5)
  » UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1a6 (XML) | UDP glucuronosyltransferase 1 family polypeptide A6 (XML)
UGT1As  ( in XML )  (5)
  » uridine diphosphate-glucuronosyltransferases 1As (XML) | UDP glucuronosyltransferase 1A enzymes (XML) | uridine diphosphate glucuronosyltransferase 1A subfamilies (XML) | UDP-glucuronosyltransferases 1A (XML)
UGPNB  ( in XML )  (5)
  » ultrasound-guided glossopharyngeal nerve block (XML) | ultrasound-guided peripheral nerve block (XML) | ultrasound-guided paravertebral nerve blockade technique (XML)
UGFM  ( in XML )  (5)
  » University of Geneva Faculty of Medicine (XML) | ultrasound-guided fluid management (XML) | universal genome fingerprint map (XML)
UG-FNB  ( in XML )  (5)
  » ultrasonically guided fine-needle biopsy (XML) | ultrasound-guided fine-needle biopsy (XML) | Ultrasonically guided fine-needle aspiration biopsy (XML)
UGCT  ( in XML )  (5)
  » ultrasound-guided compression therapy (XML) | UDP glucose:cinnamate glucosyl transferase (XML) | unfavorable glycemic control trajectory (XML) | Uncertainty Guided Collaborative Training (XML)
UGT2B1  ( in XML )  (5)
  » UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B1 (XML)
UGMs  ( in XML )  (5)
  » unbound granular materials (XML) | utility generation mechanisms (XML) | unapproved GMOs (XML) | UDP-galactopyranose mutases (XML)
UGICs  ( in XML )  (5)
  » upper gastrointestinal cancers (XML) | upper gastrointestinal complications (XML)
UGVAB  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Ultrasound-guided vacuum-assisted biopsy (XML)
UGT74B1  ( in XML )  (5)
  » UDP-glycosyltransferase 74B1 (XML) | UDP-GLUCOSYL TRANSFERASE 74B1 (XML)
UGT1A3  ( in XML )  (5)
  » uridine diphosphate glucuronosyltransferase 1A3 (XML) | UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A3 (XML) | UDP glucuronosyltransferase family 1 member A3 (XML)
UGlcAE  ( in XML )  (5)
  » UDP-glucuronic acid 4-epimerase (XML) | UDP-GlcA 4-epimerase (XML)
UGT2B28  ( in XML )  (4)
  » UDP-glucuronosyltransferase family 2, polypeptide B28 (XML) | Uridine Diphosphate Glucuronosyl Transferase 2B28 (XML) | UDP glucuronosyltransferase family 2 member B28 (XML)
UG-KO  ( in XML )  (4)
  » UG-knock-out (XML) | UG gene-knockout (XML)
UGHE  ( in XML )  (4)
  » University of Global Health Equity (XML)
UG-TPVB  ( in XML )  (4)
  » ultrasound-guided thoracic paravertebral block (XML)
UGES  ( in XML )  (4)
  » ultrasound-guided ethanol sclerotherapy (XML) | Universal Gluten Extraction Solution (XML) | undergraduate entry students (XML)
UGMOs  ( in XML )  (4)
  » unauthorized GMOs (XML) | unauthorized GM organisms (XML)
UGPT  ( in XML )  (4)
  » ultrasound-guided percutaneous treatment (XML) | Universal Global Peace Treaty (XML) | urinary glutamic-pyruvic acid transaminase (XML)
ug  ( in XML )  (4)
  » uteroglobin gene (XML) | uniform gray-green (XML) | ungassed power ratio, P(g)/P (XML)
UGAD  ( in XML )  (4)
  » uniaxial graded auxetic damper (XML)
UGT2B10  ( in XML )  (4)
  » UDP-glucuronosyl transferase 2B10 (XML)
UGLs  ( in XML )  (4)
  » unsaturated glucuronyl hydrolases (XML) | unsaturated glucuronidases (XML)
UGE4  ( in XML )  (4)
  » UDP-glucose epimerase 4 (XML)
UGSA  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Urogynaecological Society of Australasia (XML) | urban green space accessibility (XML)
UGDS-GS  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Utrecht Gender Dysphoria Scale-Gender Spectrum (XML)
UGEO  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Used gasoline engine oils (XML)
UGMC  ( in XML )  (4)
  » ultrasound-guided manual compression (XML)
UGRB  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Upper Green River Basin (XML) | unresolved gamma-ray background (XML) | Upper Ganges river basin (XML)
UGFNAC  ( in XML )  (4)
  » ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration cytology (XML)
uGBM  ( in XML )  (4)
  » unifocal glioblastoma (XML) | unmethylated GBM (XML) | unifocal GBM (XML)
UGRC  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Undergraduate Medical Education to Graduate Medical Education Review Committee (XML)
UGICD  ( in XML )  (3)
  » upper GI CD (XML) | upper gastrointestinal Crohn's disease (XML)
UGRP-1  ( in XML )  (3)
  » uteroglobin related protein-1 (XML)
uge  ( in XML )  (3)
  » uridine diphosphate galacturonate 4-epimerase gene (XML) | UDP galacturonate 4-epimerase (XML)
ugt  ( in XML )  (3)
  » UDP-glycosyltransferase (XML) | uridine diphosphate glucuronyl transferases (XML)
UGIN  ( in XML )  (3)
  » upper gastrointestinal neoplasia (XML) | upper GIN (XML)
UGRdGT  ( in XML )  (3)
  » UDPG-ginsenoside Rd glucosyltransferase (XML)
uG  ( in XML )  (3)
  » ultrathin graphite (XML) | universal G (XML) | Unmodified gelatin (XML)
UGCSH  ( in XML )  (3)
  » University of Gondar Comprehensive Specialized Hospital (XML)
UGHL  ( in XML )  (3)
  » ultrasonographyguided high ligation (XML) | University of Ghana Hospital, Legon (XML) | University General Hospital of Larissa (XML)
UGI-SBFT  ( in XML )  (3)
  » upper gastrointestinal study with small bowel follow-through (XML) | upper GI series with small-bowel follow-through (XML)
UGDB  ( in XML )  (3)
  » ulcerous gastroduodenal bleedings (XML)
UGSS  ( in XML )  (3)
  » unmanned aerial vehicle-based gas sampling system (XML) | urban green space score (XML) | unfermented green soybean shuidouchi (XML)
UGLS  ( in XML )  (3)
  » uncertainty guided deep learning strategy (XML) | ultrasound-guided liquid form sclerotherapy (XML) | Upper Great Lakes States (XML)
UGICR  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Upper Gastrointestinal Cancer Registry (XML)
UGBC  ( in XML )  (3)
  » unexpected gallbladder cancer (XML) | Uncertainty-Guided Bayesian Classification (XML)
u-GIP  ( in XML )  (3)
  » urine gluten immunogenic peptides (XML) | urinary excretion kinetics of gluten immunogenic peptides (XML)
UGFNA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration (XML) | Ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration biopsies (XML) | ultrasonographically guided fine-needle aspiration (XML)
UGRL  ( in XML )  (3)
  » unsupervised graph representation learning (XML)
U.G  ( in XML )  (3)
  » uracil.G (XML) | university graduates (XML) | uracil.guanine (XML)
UGDs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » UDP-D-glucose 4,6-dehydratases (XML) | underground dams (XML) | uvula-glossopharyngeal dimensions (XML)
UGVA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » ultrasound-guided vascular access (XML)
UGRAFT  ( in XML )  (3)
  » ultrasound-guided rectus abdominis fat transfer (XML) | ultrasound-guided rectus abdominis fat grafting (XML)
UGIBs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » upper gastrointestinal bleedings (XML)
UGSE  ( in XML )  (3)
  » upper gastrointestinal system endoscopy (XML) | UGS estrous (XML)
UGMWA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » ultrasound-guided microwave ablation (XML)
UGT1A2  ( in XML )  (3)
  » UDP-glucuronosyltransferase form 1A2 (XML)
UG-PRF  ( in XML )  (3)
  » ultrasound-guided pulsed radiofrequency treatment (XML)
uGC  ( in XML )  (3)
  » urinary glucocorticoids (XML) | unresectable GC (XML)
UGAAR  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Ulaanbaatar Gestation and Air Pollution Research (XML)
UGIRA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Upper GI International Robotic Association (XML) | Upper Gastrointestinal International Robotic Association (XML)
UgdG  ( in XML )  (3)
  » UDP-glucose dehydrogenase (XML)
UGIA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » upper gastrointestinal adenocarcinoma (XML) | unbiased Gaussian information-achieving (XML)
UGNPs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » ultrasmall gadolinium oxide nanoparticles (XML) | ultrasmall gold nanospheres (XML) | urchin-like gold nanoparticles (XML)
UGT2A1  ( in XML )  (3)
  » UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2A1 (XML) | UDP glucuronosyltransferase family 2A1 (XML)
uGLY  ( in XML )  (3)
  » urinary glyphosate (XML) | uGLY was converted and expressed as Loge (XML)
UGSP  ( in XML )  (3)
  » urban growth spatial patterns (XML) | uniform gradient spherical pattern (XML)
uGCA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » unified GCA (XML) | Unified Granger causality analysis (XML)
uGGT  ( in XML )  (3)
  » urinary-gamma glutamyl transferase (XML)
UGCS  ( in XML )  (3)
  » ultrafine grinding corn stover (XML) | ultrafine granulated copper slag (XML)
UGSC  ( in XML )  (3)
  » ultrasound-guided suction curettage (XML) | Ultrasound-guided supraclavicular catheterization (XML) | Usnea ghattensis in submerged culture (XML)
UGNs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » ultrafine gold nanosystems (XML) | unloaded gliadin nanoparticles (XML) | urchin-like gold nanoparticles (XML)
UGHA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » University General Hospital of Alexandroupolis (XML) | Upper Greater Horn of Africa's (XML)
UGTOIRA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » unilateral genital tract obstruction with ipsilateral renal anomaly (XML)
UGPN  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Utrecht General Practitioner Network (XML) | ultrasound-guided percutaneous nephrolithotomy (XML)
UGFTS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » uniformly global finite-time stable (XML) | uniformly global fixed-time stability (XML)
UGCN  ( in XML )  (2)
  » ultrathin graphitic carbon nitride nanosheets (XML) | uncertainty-based graph convolutional network (XML)
UGSCB  ( in XML )  (2)
  » ultrasound-guided supraclavicular block (XML)
UGIANB  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Ultrasound-guided inferior alveolar nerve block (XML)
UGPF  ( in XML )  (2)
  » urogenital papilla feminization (XML) | ultrasound-guided percutaneous plantar fasciotomy (XML)
UGFICB  ( in XML )  (2)
  » ultrasound-guided fascia iliaca compartment block (XML)
UGT2A3  ( in XML )  (2)
  » UDP glucuronosyltransferase family 2 member A3 (XML)
UGLM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » univariate general linear model (XML)
UGT76G1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » UDP-glycosyltransferase 76G1 (XML)
UgV  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Uganda variant (XML) | Ugandan variant virus (XML)
UGPAC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » ultrasound-guided peripheral arterial cannulation (XML)
UGAN  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Uncertainty Generative Adversarial Network (XML) | unified generative adversarial network (XML)
UgS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Urogenital schistosomiasis (XML)
UGLNB  ( in XML )  (2)
  » ultrasound-guided lymph node biopsy (XML)
U-G  ( in XML )  (2)
  » ungrazed grassland (XML) | Ultroser-G (XML)
UGTR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » ultrasound-guided tubal recanalization (XML) | UDP-glucose:glycoprotein glucosyltransferase (XML)
Ugt1a6a  ( in XML )  (2)
  » UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1 family, polypeptide a6a (XML) | UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1a6a (XML)
UGITD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » upper gastrointestinal tract disease (XML)
UGSCIS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » ultrasound-guided supraclavicular-interscalene block (XML)
Ugt  ( in XML )  (2)
  » U. gibba's traps (XML) | undergoes extensive uridine 5'-diphosphate glucuronosyltransferase (XML)
UGVP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » ultrasound-guided vascular puncture (XML)
UGLOC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » ultrasound-guided laparoscopic ovarian cystectomy (XML)
UG-PTA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » ultrasound-guided percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (XML)
Ugrp2  ( in XML )  (2)
  » uteroglobin-related protein 2 (XML)
ugi  ( in XML )  (2)
  » upper gastrointestinal cineradiographs (XML) | uracil-DNA glycosylase inhibitor gene (XML)
uGA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Urinary excretion of D-glucaric acid (XML) | unmodified gold nanoparticles-based aptasensing (XML)
UG-DN  ( in XML )  (2)
  » ultrasound-guided dry needling (XML)
UGITE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » upper gastrointestinal tract endoscopy (XML)
UGOB  ( in XML )  (2)
  » US-guided office-based (XML) | Uncertainty-Guided Online Bootstrapping (XML)
UGPI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » US-guided percutaneous intervention (XML) | Ultrasound-guided percutaneous irrigation (XML)
ugp  ( in XML )  (2)
  » uptake of glycerol phosphate (XML) | UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase gene (XML)
UG-PTC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Ultrasonically guided percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography (XML) | ultrasound-guided percutaneous transhepatic cholangiocarcinography (XML)
UGG  ( in XML )  (2)
  » urban green growth (XML) | Utilizing this novel methodology, we have successfully evolved tRNATrp (XML)
UgmA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » UDP-galactopyranose mutases (XML)
UGCC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » USG guided controlled compression (XML) | ultrasound-guided compression closure (XML)
UGMLC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » University of Giessen and Marburg Lung Center (XML)
UGCVC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Ultrasound-guided central venous catheter insertion (XML) | ultrasound guidance for placement of central venous catheters (XML)
UGA-SUMRCC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Unitary Group Adapted State Universal Multireference Coupled Cluster (XML)
UGDE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » urban green development efficiency (XML)
UGGAA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » using a probe against (XML) | UGGAAexp (XML)
UGI/HPB  ( in XML )  (2)
  » upper gastrointestinal/hepato-pancreato-biliary (XML)
u-GH  ( in XML )  (2)
  » urinary GH (XML)
UGPIV  ( in XML )  (2)
  » ultrasound-guided peripheral intravenous (XML)
UGP1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase 1 (XML)
UGBE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » ultrasonication-processed ginseng berry extract (XML)
U-GMAW  ( in XML )  (2)
  » ultrasonic-assisted gas metal arc welding (XML)
UG-CRPP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » ultrasound-guided closed reduction and percutaneous pinning (XML)
UGAA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » uncoated GAA (XML)
UGT2  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Uridine diphosphate-glucuronosyltransferase 2 (XML) | UDP-glucuronosyltransferases type 2 (XML)
UglucP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » UP with conjugate cleavage (XML) | urine precipitation with conjugate cleavage (XML)
UGAM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » ultra-grinded A. membranaceus (XML) | urban-rural gradient analysis method (XML)
UGEN  ( in XML )  (2)
  » unilateral GEN (XML) | urban general (XML)
UG-PCNL  ( in XML )  (2)
  » ultrasound-guided percutaneous nephrolithotomy (XML)
UGFAA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » ultrasound-guided femoral arterial access (XML)
UGLUE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » urban green land use efficiency (XML)
UGPRF  ( in XML )  (2)
  » ultrasound-guided pulsed radiofrequency (XML)
UGFAB  ( in XML )  (2)
  » ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration biopsy (XML)
UGT74E2  ( in XML )  (2)
  » UDP-glycosyltransferase 74E2 (XML)
UGTNB  ( in XML )  (2)
  » ultrasound-guided trigeminal nerve block (XML)
U-group  ( in XML )  (2)
  » unknown time of onset group (XML) | upper grade group (XML)
U-GCN  ( in XML )  (2)
  » U-net and a graph convolutional neural network (XML)
UGIDs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » upper gastrointestinal diseases (XML)
UGTCase  ( in XML )  (2)
  » ureidoglycine transcarbamylase (XML) | ureidoglycine carbamoyltransferase (XML)
UGSGNB  ( in XML )  (2)
  » ultrasound-guided selective glossopharyngeal nerve block (XML)
UGT 1A1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » uridine diphosphate-glucuronosyl transferase 1A1 (XML)
UGT85A3  ( in XML )  (2)
  » UDP-glycosyltransferase 85A3 (XML) | UDP-GLUCOSYL TRANSFERASE 85A3 (XML)
UGNA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » ultrasound-guided needle aspiration (XML) | ultrasonography guided needle aspiration (XML)
UGPs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Unconventional gene pairs (XML) | urchin-like gold nanoplasmonics (XML)
UGTD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » upper gastrointestinal tract diseases (XML) | Uniform Geometrical Theory of Diffraction (XML)
UGVAE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » ultrasonographically guided vacuum-assisted excision (XML) | Ultrasoundguided vacuum-assisted excision (XML)
UGFI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » US-guided fibrin glue injection (XML) | ultrasound-guided fibrin glue injection (XML)
UGT1ab  ( in XML )  (2)
  » UDP glucuronosyltransferase 1 family a, b (XML)