A Search Service for Abbreviation / Long Form

Abbreviation List in Life Science - ST

The following abbreviations beginning with 'ST' are found in the Allie database (>=2, order of frequency). Search for one's corresponding long forms on Allie by clicking it.

ST  ( in XML )  (16477)
  » sequence type (XML) | stent thrombosis (XML) | semitendinosus (XML) | sedentary time (XML) | smokeless tobacco (XML) ...
STEMI  ( in XML )  (12145)
  » ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (XML) | ST-segment elevation MI (XML) | ST-elevation MI (XML) | ST-segment myocardial infarction (XML) | ST-segment elevation infarction (XML) ...
STZ  ( in XML )  (11821)
  » streptozotocin (XML) | sulfathiazole (XML) | serum-treated zymosan (XML) | streptozotocin-induced (XML) | streptozotocin-induced diabetic (XML) ...
STS  ( in XML )  (8484)
  » soft tissue sarcoma (XML) | Society of Thoracic Surgeons (XML) | superior temporal sulcus (XML) | sequence-tagged site (XML) | sit-to-stand (XML) ...
STAT3  ( in XML )  (6519)
  » signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (XML) | STAT3-C (XML) | STAT3 siRNA (XML) | STAT3KO (XML) | SRC and activator of transcription 3 (XML) ...
STR  ( in XML )  (5209)
  » short tandem repeat (XML) | subtotal resection (XML) | striatum (XML) | streptomycin (XML) | ST-segment resolution (XML) ...
STI  ( in XML )  (5028)
  » sexually transmitted infection (XML) | systolic time intervals (XML) | soybean trypsin inhibitor (XML) | structured treatment interruption (XML) | speckle tracking imaging (XML) ...
STIs  ( in XML )  (4882)
  » sexually transmitted infections (XML) | systolic time intervals (XML) | structured treatment interruptions (XML) | soft tissue infections (XML) | sexually transmitted diseases (XML) ...
STM  ( in XML )  (4840)
  » scanning tunneling microscopy (XML) | short-term memory (XML) | SHOOT MERISTEMLESS (XML) | Salmonella Typhimurium (XML) | signature-tagged mutagenesis (XML) ...
STD  ( in XML )  (4346)
  » sexually transmitted disease (XML) | saturation transfer difference (XML) | standard (XML) | standard deviation (XML) | standard diet (XML) ...
STAT  ( in XML )  (3954)
  » signal transducer and activator of transcription (XML) | standard tube agglutination test (XML) | Surgeons-European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery (XML) | Specific Timely Appointments for Triage (XML) | self-approximating translumenal access technique (XML) ...
STN  ( in XML )  (3794)
  » subthalamic nucleus (XML) | soil total nitrogen (XML) | spinal trigeminal nucleus (XML) | sialyl Tn antigen (XML) | solitary thyroid nodule (XML) ...
STs  ( in XML )  (3081)
  » sequence types (XML) | subtypes (XML) | Sequence Types (XML) | sialyltransferases (XML) | sulfotransferases (XML) ...
STEC  ( in XML )  (3011)
  » Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (XML) | Shiga-toxigenic E. coli (XML) | Stx-producing E. coli (XML) | Shiga toxigenic (XML) | strains of Escherichia coli (XML) ...
STEM  ( in XML )  (2776)
  » scanning transmission electron microscopy (XML) | science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (XML) | Short Time-series Expression Miner (XML) | scanning TEM (XML) | Spatiotemporal Epidemiological Modeler (XML) ...
STAI  ( in XML )  (2657)
  » State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (XML) | Spielberger Trait Anxiety Inventory (XML) | state anxiety (XML) | state and trait anxiety (XML) | State-Trait Inventory (XML) ...
STA  ( in XML )  (2070)
  » superficial temporal artery (XML) | single technology appraisal (XML) | soft tissue artifact (XML) | spike-triggered average (XML) | systematic toxicological analysis (XML) ...
STE  ( in XML )  (2008)
  » speckle tracking echocardiography (XML) | ST-segment elevation (XML) | ST elevation (XML) | self-trapped exciton (XML) | smokeless tobacco extract (XML) ...
STDs  ( in XML )  (2006)
  » sexually transmitted diseases (XML) | spontaneous transient depolarizations (XML) | standard deviations (XML) | seminiferous tubule diameters (XML) | sexually transmitted infections (XML) ...
StAR  ( in XML )  (1806)
  » steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (XML) | steroid acute regulatory (XML) | StAR protein (XML) | SMS-Text Adherence Support (XML) | steroid regulatory protein (XML) ...
STP  ( in XML )  (1790)
  » sewage treatment plant (XML) | short-term potentiation (XML) | short-term plasticity (XML) | stiripentol (XML) | sodium tripolyphosphate (XML) ...
STING  ( in XML )  (1638)
  » stimulator of interferon genes (XML) | stimulator of IFN genes (XML) | Signal Transduction by Ion Nanogating (XML) | stimulating factor (XML) | stimulator of type I IFN gene (XML) ...
STG  ( in XML )  (1508)
  » superior temporal gyrus (XML) | stomatogastric ganglion (XML) | semitendinosus-gracilis (XML) | serum triglyceride (XML) | standard treatment guidelines (XML) ...
STC  ( in XML )  (1390)
  » slow transit constipation (XML) | Stanniocalcin (XML) | sterigmatocystin (XML) | sodium taurocholate (XML) | subtotal colectomy (XML) ...
STH  ( in XML )  (1262)
  » soil-transmitted helminth (XML) | solar-to-hydrogen (XML) | somatotropic hormone (XML) | Small Tail Han (XML) | Saitohin (XML) ...
STAT1  ( in XML )  (1214)
  » signal transducer and activator of transcription 1 (XML) | signal transducer and transcription activator 1 (XML) | signal transducer and transcription 1 (XML) | STAT1 siRNA (XML) | STAT1ND (XML) ...
Stx  ( in XML )  (1053)
  » Shiga toxin (XML) | Shiga toxins (XML) | Shiga-like toxin (XML) | Shiga-like toxins (XML) | sarafotoxin (XML) ...
STT  ( in XML )  (1001)
  » spinothalamic tract (XML) | Schirmer tear test (XML) | scaphotrapeziotrapezoid (XML) | soft tissue tumors (XML) | soft tissue thickness (XML) ...
STRs  ( in XML )  (1000)
  » short tandem repeats (XML) | single-tablet regimens (XML) | stirred tank reactors (XML) | short tandem repeat systems (XML) | septic transfusion reactions (XML) ...
STL  ( in XML )  (994)
  » standard tessellation language (XML) | stereolithography (XML) | step-through latency (XML) | sound transmission loss (XML) | salvage total laryngectomy (XML) ...
STIR  ( in XML )  (919)
  » short tau inversion recovery (XML) | short inversion time inversion recovery (XML) | software for tomographic image reconstruction (XML) | short tau inversion recovery sequence (XML) | short TI IR (XML) ...
sTfR  ( in XML )  (821)
  » soluble transferrin receptor (XML) | soluble TfR (XML) | soluble form of TfR (XML) | serum transferrin receptor concentration (XML) | Soluble receptor of transferrin (XML) ...
STB  ( in XML )  (817)
  » syncytiotrophoblast (XML) | suicidal thoughts and behaviors (XML) | Septoria tritici blotch (XML) | serum total bilirubin (XML) | spinal tuberculosis (XML) ...
STDP  ( in XML )  (806)
  » spike-timing-dependent plasticity (XML) | spike-timing-dependent synaptic plasticity (XML) | short-term dynamic psychotherapy (XML) | Shexiang Tongxin dropping pill (XML) | simulated agents that perform differential Hebbian learning (XML) ...
STAR  ( in XML )  (783)
  » Study of Tamoxifen and Raloxifene (XML) | stereotactic arrhythmia radioablation (XML) | Scandinavian Total Ankle Replacement (XML) | Stroke Thrombectomy and Aneurysm Registry (XML) | signal transduction and activation of RNA (XML) ...
S. Typhimurium  ( in XML )  (709)
  » serovar Typhimurium (XML) | Salmonella Typhimurium (XML) | serotype Typhimurium (XML) | Salmonella enterica Typhimurium (XML) | S. enterica var Typhimurium (XML) ...
STIM1  ( in XML )  (707)
  » stromal interaction molecule 1 (XML) | stromal interaction protein 1 (XML) | show that stromal-interaction molecule 1 (XML) | shSTIM1 (XML) | stromal interacting factor 1 (XML) ...
STED  ( in XML )  (673)
  » stimulated emission depletion (XML) | stimulated emission depletion microscopy (XML) | sight-threatening eye disease (XML) | Sight-threatening diabetic eye disease (XML) | Stimulated Depletion Emission (XML) ...
STAT5  ( in XML )  (640)
  » signal transducer and activator of transcription 5 (XML) | signal transducer and transcriptional activator 5 (XML) | STAT5 Delta (XML) | STAT5b-CA (XML) | STAT5A and STAT5B (XML) ...
STSs  ( in XML )  (612)
  » soft tissue sarcomas (XML) | sequence-tagged sites (XML) | Soft tissue sarcomas (XML) | sesquiterpene synthases (XML) | short-term survivors (XML) ...
START  ( in XML )  (611)
  » Simple Triage and Rapid Treatment (XML) | Strategic Timing of AntiRetroviral Treatment (XML) | Screening Tool to Alert doctors to Right Treatment (XML) | StAR-related lipid transfer (XML) | steroidogenic acute regulatory protein-related lipid transfer (XML) ...
STEP  ( in XML )  (572)
  » striatal-enriched protein tyrosine phosphatase (XML) | serial transverse enteroplasty (XML) | striatal-enriched phosphatase (XML) | Semaglutide Treatment Effect in People with obesity (XML) | Strategy of Blood Pressure Intervention in the Elderly Hypertensive Patients (XML) ...
STROBE  ( in XML )  (557)
  » Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (XML) | Standards of Reporting Observational Epidemiology (XML) | sociodemographic and biologic profile, treatment, and control (XML)
St  ( in XML )  (539)
  » styrene (XML) | stage (XML) | Salmonella typhimurium (XML) | Strouhal number (XML) | steel (XML) ...
STPs  ( in XML )  (532)
  » sewage treatment plants (XML) | smokeless tobacco products (XML) | Sugar transporter proteins (XML) | spatiotemporal parameters (XML) | Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships (XML) ...
STX  ( in XML )  (520)
  » saxitoxin (XML) | staphyloxanthin (XML) | syntaxin (XML) | sialyltransferase-X (XML) | 3H-saxitoxin (XML) ...
STRING  ( in XML )  (511)
  » Search Tool for the Retrieval of Interacting Genes (XML) | Search Tool for Recurring Instances of Neighbouring Genes (XML) | Subwavelength Terahertz Resonance Imaging (XML) | search the database of Interacting Genes (XML) | SEARCH TOOL FOR RETRIEVAL OF INTERACTING NEIGHBOURING GENES (XML) ...
STAT6  ( in XML )  (505)
  » signal transducer and activator of transcription 6 (XML) | signal transducer and activator 6 (XML) | STAT6vt (XML) | STAT6 protein and total level of serum IgE (XML) | STAT6 gene (XML) ...
STIC  ( in XML )  (503)
  » spatiotemporal image correlation (XML) | serous tubal intraepithelial carcinoma (XML) | serum trypsin inhibitory capacity (XML) | Systemic Therapy Inventory of Change (XML) | Swiss Toxicological Information Centre (XML) ...
STF  ( in XML )  (474)
  » selective thoracic fusion (XML) | shear thickening fluid (XML) | slip, trip and fall (XML) | seminiferous tubule fluid (XML) | short-term facilitation (XML) ...
STSG  ( in XML )  (459)
  » split-thickness skin graft (XML) | Spine Trauma Study Group (XML) | suggest the use of a simple and relevant mnemonic (XML) | subjected to burn-wound excision and auto-skin-grafting (XML) | Solvothermal synthesized graphene (XML) ...
STATs  ( in XML )  (431)
  » signal transducers and activators of transcription (XML) | statins (XML) | signal transducers and transcription activators (XML) | statistical tests (XML) | sila-substituted thioalkyne 1,2,3-triazoles (XML) ...
sTBI  ( in XML )  (422)
  » severe traumatic brain injury (XML) | severe TBI (XML) | single TBI (XML) | sports-related TBI (XML) | subjects treated for severe head injury (XML) ...
STAD  ( in XML )  (421)
  » stomach adenocarcinoma (XML) | short-term androgen deprivation (XML) | short-time aerobic digestion (XML) | short-term AD (XML) | (TCGA)-stomach adenocarcinoma (XML) ...
STN-DBS  ( in XML )  (401)
  » subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation (XML) | subthalamic nucleus DBS (XML) | sleep disturbances (XML)
S. Typhi  ( in XML )  (396)
  » serovar Typhi (XML) | Salmonella Typhi (XML) | serotype Typhi (XML) | Salmonella enterica var Typhi (XML) | Salmonella Typhimurium (XML) ...
STV  ( in XML )  (366)
  » short-term variability (XML) | short-term variation (XML) | streptavidin (XML) | superficial temporal vein (XML) | Southern tomato virus (XML) ...
STFT  ( in XML )  (355)
  » short-time Fourier transform (XML) | short-time Fourier (XML) | standing flexion test (XML) | short-term Fourier spectra (XML) | soil testing and fertilization technology (XML) ...
STA-MCA  ( in XML )  (353)
  » superficial temporal artery-middle cerebral artery (XML) | STA-middle cerebral artery (XML) | superficial temporal artery (XML) | superficial temporal artery to MCA (XML)
STSS  ( in XML )  (347)
  » streptococcal toxic shock syndrome (XML) | Secondary Traumatic Stress Scale (XML) | space-time scan statistic (XML) | Shitsu-taikan-sho Scale (XML) | Simple Triage Scoring System (XML) ...
STAS  ( in XML )  (324)
  » spread through air spaces (XML) | Support Team Assessment Schedule (XML) | sulfate transporter anti-sigma factor antagonist (XML) | State-Trait Anger Scale (XML) | anti-sigma factor antagonist (XML) ...
sTNFR1  ( in XML )  (302)
  » soluble tumor necrosis factor receptor 1 (XML) | soluble TNF receptor 1 (XML) | soluble TNFR1 (XML) | soluble tumor necrosis factor 1 (XML) | soluble CD95/Fas and of tumour necrosis factor-alpha receptor type 1 (XML) ...
sTNFR  ( in XML )  (296)
  » soluble tumor necrosis factor receptor (XML) | soluble TNF receptor (XML) | soluble TNF-alpha receptor (XML) | soluble tumor necrosis factor (XML) | soluble receptors for tumour necrosis factor (XML) ...
STa  ( in XML )  (291)
  » heat-stable enterotoxin (XML) | heat-stable toxin (XML) | heat-stable (XML) | stable enterotoxin (XML) | stable (XML) ...
STIM  ( in XML )  (289)
  » stromal interaction molecule (XML) | stimulation (XML) | scanning transmission ion microscopy (XML) | Stop Imatinib (XML) | stimulated (XML) ...
STORM  ( in XML )  (289)
  » stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (XML) | Stratification Tool for Opioid Risk Mitigation (XML) | V-Salvage Treatment of OligoRecurrent nodal prostate cancer Metastases (XML) | standard mammography (XML) | social top-down response modulation (XML) ...
sTREM-1  ( in XML )  (284)
  » soluble triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells-1 (XML) | soluble TREM-1 (XML) | soluble form of TREM-1 (XML) | soluble myeloid cell triggering receptor-1 (XML) | soluble extracellular portion of TREM-1 (XML) ...
STJ  ( in XML )  (283)
  » sinotubular junction (XML) | subtalar joint (XML) | superconducting tunnel junction (XML) | standing triple jump (XML) | Sang-Tong-Jian (XML) ...
sTM  ( in XML )  (278)
  » soluble thrombomodulin (XML) | soluble TM (XML) | serum thrombomodulin (XML) | sThrombomodulin (XML) | soluble form of thrombomodulin (XML) ...
ST2  ( in XML )  (277)
  » suppression of tumorigenicity 2 (XML) | sequence type 2 (XML) | Stimulation-2 (XML) | stimulation expressed gene 2 (XML) | suppression of tumorigenicity 2 receptor (XML) ...
STOP  ( in XML )  (268)
  » stable tubule only polypeptide (XML) | Stroke Prevention Trial in Sickle Cell Anemia (XML) | Swab Test on Premises (XML) | Strengthen Opioid Misuse Prevention (XML) | Stop Transmission of Polio (XML) ...
STO  ( in XML )  (266)
  » strontium titanate (XML) | Slater-type orbital (XML) | spin torque oscillator (XML) | SIM mouse embryo-derived thioguanine- and ouabain-resistant (XML) | scirpentriol (XML) ...
STEAM  ( in XML )  (258)
  » stimulated echo acquisition mode (XML) | Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (XML) | stimulated echo (XML) | stimulated echo acquisition method (XML) | Serial time-encoded amplified microscopy (XML) ...
STHs  ( in XML )  (255)
  » soil-transmitted helminths (XML) | Soil-transmitted helminth infections (XML) | spontaneous transient hyperpolarizations (XML) | AbstractSoil-transmitted helminths (XML) | self-trapped hole defects (XML) ...
STXM  ( in XML )  (246)
  » scanning transmission X-ray microscopy (XML) | soft X-ray microscopy (XML) | soft X-ray scanning transmission microscopy (XML) | scanning x-ray transmission microscopy (XML) | Synchrotron-based X-ray scanning transmission microscopy (XML) ...
STW  ( in XML )  (237)
  » sewage treatment works (XML) | sit-to-walk (XML) | surface transverse wave (XML) | Single-Task-Walk (XML) | sawtooth waves (XML) ...
STPP  ( in XML )  (236)
  » sodium tripolyphosphate (XML) | short-term psychodynamic psychotherapy (XML) | serine/threonine protein phosphatase (XML) | stearyl triphenylphosphonium (XML) | school-to-prison pipeline (XML) ...
STK  ( in XML )  (222)
  » serine/threonine kinase (XML) | streptokinase (XML) | SEEDSTICK (XML) | serine/threonine protein kinase (XML) | stenotic kidney (XML) ...
Stx2  ( in XML )  (220)
  » Shiga toxin 2 (XML) | Shiga toxin type 2 (XML) | Stx type 2 (XML) | Shiga-like toxin 2 (XML) | syntaxin 2 (XML) ...
STUMP  ( in XML )  (207)
  » smooth muscle tumors of uncertain malignant potential (XML) | stromal tumor of the prostate of uncertain malignant potential (XML) | stormwater treatment unit model for micropollutants (XML) | smooth uterine muscle of uncertain malignant potential (XML) | STUMP coexisting with PSS (XML) ...
STBs  ( in XML )  (205)
  » suicidal thoughts and behaviors (XML) | syncytiotrophoblasts (XML) | short tone bursts (XML) | shear-thinning biomaterials (XML) | self-injurious thoughts and behaviors (XML) ...
STAT4  ( in XML )  (199)
  » signal transducer and activator of transcription 4 (XML) | signal transducer and activator 4 (XML)
ST131  ( in XML )  (195)
  » sequence type 131 (XML)
STEPS  ( in XML )  (195)
  » STEPwise approach to Surveillance (XML) | Stepwise Approach to Chronic Disease Risk Factor Surveillance (XML) | STEPwise Approach to NCD Risk Factor Surveillance (XML) | STEPwise approach to surveillance of non-communicable diseases (XML) | similarity and truth estimation for propagated segmentations (XML) ...
Stal  ( in XML )  (192)
  » stink bug, Halyomorpha halys (XML) | strain of the planthopper Nilaparvata lugens (XML) | species-Nilaparvata lugens (XML) | saliva proteins of the rice brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (XML) | stem bug, Tibraca limbativentris (XML) ...
STAT-3  ( in XML )  (191)
  » signal transducer and activator of transcription-3 (XML) | STAT3-2.4 and 2.9 cells (XML) | signal transduction and transcriptional activation factor 3 (XML) | anti-Signal transducer and transcription factor 3 (XML) | signal activator and transducer 3 (XML)
STARD  ( in XML )  (190)
  » Standards for Reporting of Diagnostic Accuracy (XML) | Studies of Diagnostic Accuracy (XML) | standards for reporting of diagnostic accuracy studies protocol (XML) | steroidogenic acute regulatory protein-related lipid transfer domain (XML) | statement for reporting of diagnostic accuracy (XML)
STARR  ( in XML )  (180)
  » stapled transanal rectal resection (XML) | sentence test with adaptive randomized roving level (XML) | Spectral Tri-function Automated Reference Reflectometer (XML) | Stanford Research Repository (XML) | Stroke Telemedicine for Arizona Rural Residents (XML) ...
STC1  ( in XML )  (177)
  » stanniocalcin-1 (XML) | STC1-3'-UTR-MUT (XML) | showed that Stanniocalcin-1 (XML) | studies that stanniocalcin-1 (XML) | study, the roles of stanniocalcin1 (XML)
STOPP  ( in XML )  (175)
  » Screening Tool of Older Persons' Prescriptions (XML) | Screening Tool of Older Persons' potentially inappropriate Prescriptions (XML) | Steroid-Associated Osteoporosis in the Pediatric Population cohort (XML) | stomatin operon partner protein (XML) | Stress Test Originated Phantom Perception phenotype (XML) ...
st  ( in XML )  (169)
  » subtelocentric (XML) | small t antigen (XML) | site in the INTERGROWTH-21 (XML) | scarlet (XML) | syndiotactic (XML) ...
STAMP  ( in XML )  (157)
  » Screening Tool for the Assessment of Malnutrition in Paediatrics (XML) | Systems-Theoretic Accident Model and Processes (XML) | specifically targeting the ABL myristoyl pocket (XML) | Statistical Analysis of Metagenomic Profiles (XML) | sequentially timed all-optical mapping photography (XML) ...
STGD  ( in XML )  (157)
  » Stargardt disease (XML) | Stargardt (XML) | Stargardt macular degeneration (XML) | Stargardt macular dystrophy (XML) | Stargardt disease gene (XML) ...
STEs  ( in XML )  (154)
  » self-trapped excitons (XML) | Subterranean estuaries (XML) | smooth tissue expanders (XML) | self-transcendent experiences (XML) | segment elevations (XML) ...
S. typhimurium  ( in XML )  (152)
  » Salmonella typhimurium (XML) | Salmonella enterica var. typhimurium (XML) | serovar Typhimurium Strains (XML)
STDR  ( in XML )  (150)
  » sight-threatening diabetic retinopathy (XML) | sight-threatening DR (XML) | seven transmembrane domain receptor (XML) | significantly shallow foveal slope in inferior quadrant (XML) | Sequence time-domain reflectometry (XML) ...
STER  ( in XML )  (149)
  » submucosal tunneling endoscopic resection (XML) | Seven Treatment Evaluation Registry (XML) | steroids (XML) | sterigmatocystin (XML) | sternotomy (XML) ...
STn  ( in XML )  (147)
  » sialyl-Tn (XML) | sialosyl-Tn (XML) | Sialyl Thomsen-nouveau (XML) | Sialyl-Thomsen-nouveau antigen (XML) | SialylTn (XML) ...
STEP-BD  ( in XML )  (147)
  » Systematic Treatment Enhancement Program for Bipolar Disorder (XML) | Systematic Treatment Enhancement Program for BD (XML) | studies of bipolar disorder (XML)
STC2  ( in XML )  (147)
  » stanniocalcin 2 (XML) | study that stanniocalcin 2 (XML) | STC2Tg (XML) | suggested that blocking stanniocalcin 2 (XML) | stichloroside C2 (XML)
sTg  ( in XML )  (136)
  » stimulated thyroglobulin (XML) | serum thyroglobulin (XML) | stimulated Tg (XML) | single transgenic (XML) | Thyrotropin-stimulated thyroglobulin (XML) ...
Stx1  ( in XML )  (133)
  » Shiga toxin 1 (XML) | Shiga toxin type 1 (XML) | Shiga-like toxin 1 (XML) | Syntaxin-1 (XML) | Stx type 1 (XML) ...
STCs  ( in XML )  (131)
  » suppression tuning curves (XML) | Scattered tubular-like cells (XML) | serum theophylline concentrations (XML) | stanniocalcins (XML) | swallowed topical corticosteroids (XML) ...
ST3  ( in XML )  (128)
  » stromelysin-3 (XML) | serotype 3 (XML) | subtype 3 (XML) | sequence type 3 (XML) | sulfuric ester of 3:5:3'-triiodo-L-thyronine (XML) ...
STOCs  ( in XML )  (125)
  » spontaneous transient outward currents (XML) | spontaneous transient outward potassium currents (XML) | spontaneous outward currents (XML)
S-TOFHLA  ( in XML )  (122)
  » Short Test of Functional Health Literacy in Adults (XML) | Adults-Short form (XML) | short version test of functional literacy in adults (XML) | sought to evaluate the Test of Functional Health Literacy Adult (XML) | shortened version of the TOFHLA (XML)
STAT-1  ( in XML )  (121)
  » signal transducer and activator of transcription-1 (XML) | stimulator of transcription-1 (XML) | Signal transducer and activator 1 (XML)
Stxs  ( in XML )  (121)
  » Shiga toxins (XML) | Shiga-like toxins (XML) | syntaxins (XML)
STMP  ( in XML )  (120)
  » sodium trimetaphosphate (XML) | sequence-tagged microsatellite profiling (XML) | spontaneous tympanic membrane perforation (XML) | short-term maximal performance (XML) | sodium thymolphthalein monophosphate (XML) ...
sTRAIL  ( in XML )  (120)
  » soluble TRAIL (XML) | soluble tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (XML) | soluble TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (XML) | serum-soluble TRAIL (XML) | soluble form of TRAIL (XML) ...
STARS  ( in XML )  (119)
  » striated muscle activator of Rho signaling (XML) | Simplified Thea AMD Risk-Assessment Scale (XML) | Strabismus, Amblyopia and Refractive Error in Singaporean Children (XML) | St. Thomas' Atherosclerosis Regression Study (XML) | Systematic Tailored Assessment for Responding to Suicidality (XML) ...
STMN1  ( in XML )  (119)
  » Stathmin 1 (XML) | stathmin/oncoprotein 18 (XML) | sponge to increase stathmin 1 (XML) | suggested that stathmin 1 (XML)
sTREM2  ( in XML )  (117)
  » soluble triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells 2 (XML) | soluble TREM2 (XML) | soluble form of TREM2 (XML) | soluble TREM2 protein (XML) | soluble fragment of TREM2 (XML) ...
STY  ( in XML )  (116)
  » space-time yield (XML) | styrene (XML) | serine/threonine/tyrosine (XML) | STYLISH (XML) | 6-styryl-2-pyrone (XML) ...
sTNF-RI  ( in XML )  (114)
  » soluble tumor necrosis factor receptor I (XML) | soluble TNF receptor I (XML) | soluble TNF receptor type I (XML) | soluble receptor type I of tumour necrosis factor-alpha (XML) | soluble TNF-RI (XML) ...
STM/STS  ( in XML )  (114)
  » scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy (XML) | scanning tunneling microscopy/scanning tunneling spectroscopy (XML)
STICH  ( in XML )  (113)
  » Surgical Treatment for Ischemic Heart Failure (XML) | Surgical Trial in Intracerebral Haemorrhage (XML) | surgical treatment for intracerebral haemorrhage (XML) | Surgical Treatment for Heart Disease Trial (XML) | spontaneous intraCerebral Haemorrhage (XML) ...
STAND  ( in XML )  (111)
  » standing (XML) | signal transduction ATPases with numerous domains (XML) | Supporting Teens' Autonomy Daily (XML) | Structural Abnormality Index (XML) | Sedentary Time ANd Diabetes (XML) ...
STAXI  ( in XML )  (111)
  » State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory (XML) | State-Trait Anger Expression Scale (XML) | State-Trait Anger Expression (XML) | State Trait Anger Anxiety Inventory (XML) | scales of the Trait Anger Expression Inventory (XML)
STK11  ( in XML )  (109)
  » serine/threonine kinase 11 (XML) | serine/threonine protein kinase 11 (XML) | STK11Mut (XML)
STAIC  ( in XML )  (109)
  » State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children (XML) | Children-State form (XML) | State Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children, Trait version (XML) | State and Trait Anxiety in Children (XML) | State-Trait Anxiety Scale (XML) ...
STAI-T  ( in XML )  (108)
  » State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (XML) | Spielberger Trait Anxiety Inventory (XML) | State-Trait Anxiety Inventory-Trait anxiety (XML) | State-trait index-Trait anxiety (XML) | scores on both the anxiety (XML) ...
sTILs  ( in XML )  (103)
  » stromal tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (XML) | stromal TILs (XML) | stromally located TILs (XML) | stromal infiltration by lymphocytes (XML)
STAPLE  ( in XML )  (103)
  » simultaneous truth and performance level estimation (XML) | Simultaneous Truth and Performance Level Estimation Algorithm (XML) | staple length (XML)
STMs  ( in XML )  (103)
  » serum tumor markers (XML) | small testicular masses (XML) | soft tissue masses (XML) | Scanning tunneling microscopes (XML) | state transition models (XML) ...
STAIR  ( in XML )  (101)
  » Stroke Therapy Academic Industry Roundtable (XML) | Skills Training in Affective and Interpersonal Regulation (XML) | short-TR adiabatic inversion-recovery (XML) | Systematic Transparency Assessment in Intervention Reviews (XML) | stair climbing (XML) ...
STFs  ( in XML )  (98)
  » shear thickening fluids (XML) | slips, trips, and falls (XML) | spontaneous tail-flicks (XML) | Solar thermal fuels (XML) | signal transducing factors (XML) ...
STLs  ( in XML )  (95)
  » sesquiterpene lactones (XML) | structured lipids (XML) | Skin Tension Lines (XML) | Succinoyl trehalose lipids (XML) | short-term T cell lines (XML) ...
STAI-Y  ( in XML )  (94)
  » State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (XML) | state trait anxiety-form Y (XML) | State-Trait Inventory -Y (XML) | state anxiety (XML) | state and trait anxiety questionnaire (XML) ...
STAI-S  ( in XML )  (92)
  » State-Trait Anxiety Inventory-State (XML) | State Anxiety Scale (XML) | significantly reduced post-intervention compared to pre-intervention (XML) | state anxiety levels (XML) | STAI-state (XML) ...
Str  ( in XML )  (92)
  » striatal (XML) | Streptococcus (XML) | striated (XML) | strophanthidin (XML) | Sulfurtransferases (XML) ...
STAP  ( in XML )  (90)
  » space-time adaptive processing (XML) | stimulus-triggered acquisition of pluripotency (XML) | Signal-transducing adaptor protein (XML) | Screening Test for Auditory Processing (XML) | superficial temporal artery perforator (XML) ...
STRE  ( in XML )  (89)
  » stress response element (XML) | stress-response-promoter-element (XML) | stroke-related epilepsy (XML) | stress-responsive (XML) | stress-responsive cis-promoter elements (XML) ...
STAN  ( in XML )  (89)
  » segment analysis (XML) | ST analysis (XML) | ST waveform analysis (XML) | ST-waveform analysis of the foetal electrocardiogram (XML) | Stanozolol (XML) ...
STZ-D  ( in XML )  (87)
  » streptozocin-induced diabetic (XML) | streptozotocin-diabetic (XML) | STZ-induced diabetic (XML) | STZ-D rats (XML) | STZ-induced diabetes (XML) ...
sTNFRs  ( in XML )  (87)
  » soluble tumor necrosis factor receptors (XML) | soluble TNF receptors (XML) | soluble receptors for TNF-alpha (XML) | soluble receptors for tumor necrosis factor (XML) | soluble TNFRs (XML) ...
STTs  ( in XML )  (87)
  » soft tissue tumors (XML) | short-term tests (XML) | segmented treatment tables (XML) | Schirmer tear tests (XML) | Spontaneous testicular teratomas (XML) ...
sTNFR2  ( in XML )  (87)
  » soluble tumor necrosis factor receptor 2 (XML) | soluble TNFR2 (XML) | soluble TNF-alpha receptor 2 (XML) | soluble tumor necrosis factor 2 (XML) | soluble fraction of tumor necrosis factor alpha receptor 2 (XML) ...
STEC-HUS  ( in XML )  (86)
  » Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli hemolytic uremic syndrome (XML) | Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (XML) | Shiga toxin-associated hemolytic uremic syndrome (XML) | shigatoxin-associated HUS (XML) | syndrome due to infection with Escherichia coli (XML) ...
STm  ( in XML )  (86)
  » serovar Typhimurium (XML) | serotype Typhimurium (XML) | selenophene-containing conjugated organic ligand, 2-(4'-methyl-5'-(5-(3-methylthiophen-2-yl)selenophen-2-yl)-(2,2'-bithiophen)-5-yl)ethan-1-aminium (XML) | Sn(II)-based two-dimensional perovskite (XML)
STAs  ( in XML )  (84)
  » superficial temporal arteries (XML) | spike-triggered averages (XML) | soft tissue artifacts (XML) | stormwater treatment areas (XML) | single technology appraisals (XML) ...
STTD  ( in XML )  (84)
  » standardized total tract digestibility (XML) | short-term temporarily deferred (XML) | Single transpulmonary thermodilution (XML)
STM-BJ  ( in XML )  (83)
  » scanning tunneling microscope break junction (XML) | STM break junction (XML)
STRIDE  ( in XML )  (83)
  » Stimulant Reduction Intervention using Dosed Exercise (XML) | Strategies to Reduce Injuries and Develop Confidence in Elders (XML) | Selecting Therapeutic Targets in Inflammatory Bowel Disease (XML) | Stanford Translational Research Integrated Database Environment (XML) | Single Tremelimumab Regular Interval Durvalumab (XML) ...
STRFs  ( in XML )  (81)
  » spectrotemporal receptive fields (XML) | spectro-temporal filters (XML) | spectrotemporal RFs (XML)
STESS  ( in XML )  (80)
  » Status Epilepticus Severity Score (XML) | Subjects Treatment Emergent Symptoms Scale (XML)
sTWEAK  ( in XML )  (80)
  » soluble tumor necrosis factor-like weak inducer of apoptosis (XML) | soluble TNF-like weak inducer of apoptosis (XML) | soluble TWEAK (XML) | serum TWEAK (XML) | soluble variant of TWEAK (XML)
STC-1  ( in XML )  (80)
  » Stanniocalcin-1 (XML) | secretin tumor cell-1 (XML) | stanniocalcin-1 gene (XML) | stanniocalcin 1 and 2 (XML)
STREAM  ( in XML )  (79)
  » Stroke Rehabilitation Assessment of Movement (XML) | Study on Transitions in Employment, Ability and Motivation (XML) | Strategic Reperfusion Early After Myocardial Infarction (XML) | Standard Treatment Regimen of Anti-tuberculosis Drugs for Patients With MDR-TB (XML) | Simplifying HIV TREAtment and Monitoring (XML) ...
STSGs  ( in XML )  (79)
  » split-thickness skin grafts (XML) | split-thickness grafts (XML)
ST1  ( in XML )  (79)
  » sequence type 1 (XML) | Schirmer's test 1 (XML) | serotype 1 (XML) | subtype 1 (XML) | stromelysin-1 (XML) ...
str  ( in XML )  (78)
  » stratum (XML) | streptomycin resistance (XML) | synthesis in RC (XML) | streptomycin-resistant (XML) | acid-starved RC (XML) ...
STAT2  ( in XML )  (77)
  » signal transducer and activator of transcription 2 (XML) | signal transducer and transcriptional activator 2 (XML) | signal transducers of transcription 2 (XML) | STAT2ND (XML)
STMS  ( in XML )  (76)
  » sequence-tagged microsatellite site (XML) | Short Test of Mental Status (XML) | stimulated motion suppression (XML) | solid textile mill sludge (XML) | stellate mesoporous silica (XML) ...
STh  ( in XML )  (76)
  » subthalamic nucleus (XML) | heat-stable enterotoxin (XML) | stent thrombosis (XML) | septal thickness (XML) | heat-stable toxin (XML) ...
STAM  ( in XML )  (75)
  » signal-transducing adaptor molecule (XML) | Stelic Animal Model (XML) | scanning tomographic acoustic microscope (XML) | Sydney Test of Activities of Daily Living in Memory Disorders (XML) | senior technology acceptance model (XML) ...
S. typhi  ( in XML )  (75)
  » Salmonella typhi (XML) | Salmonella typhimurium (XML) | serotype typhi (XML) | substrates to distinguish complementary (XML) | systemic pathogens (XML) ...
STRICTA  ( in XML )  (73)
  » Standards for Reporting Interventions in Controlled Trials of Acupuncture (XML) | STandards for Reporting Interventions in Controlled Trials (XML) | standards for reporting trials of acupuncture (XML)
STRF  ( in XML )  (73)
  » spectro-temporal receptive field (XML) | space-time random forest (XML) | soft tick-borne RF (XML) | serum thyroid hormone reducing factor (XML) | Soft tick relapsing fever (XML) ...
sTF  ( in XML )  (73)
  » soluble tissue factor (XML) | soluble TF (XML) | soluble ectodomain of TF (XML) | soluble extracellular domain of TF (XML) | sialotransferrin (XML) ...
sTNF-RII  ( in XML )  (71)
  » soluble tumor necrosis factor receptor II (XML) | soluble tumor necrosis factor-alpha receptor II (XML) | soluble TNF-RII (XML) | salivary determination of tumor necrosis factor receptor type II (XML) | soluble type II TNF receptor (XML) ...
ST258  ( in XML )  (71)
  » sequence type 258 (XML) | ST258 KPC+ (XML)
STST  ( in XML )  (70)
  » sit-to-stand test (XML) | sequential transfixed stitch technique (XML) | salt taste sensitivity threshold (XML) | short-term strength training (XML) | sit-to-stand (XML) ...
STRIP  ( in XML )  (69)
  » Special Turku Coronary Risk Factor Intervention Project (XML) | Systematic Tool to Reduce Inappropriate Prescribing (XML) | Stroke Thromboembolism Registry of Imaging and Pathology (XML) | Special Turku Intervention Project (XML) | STrongly Reducing hydrIodic/hypoPhosphorous/hydrochloric acid (XML) ...
stx  ( in XML )  (69)
  » Shiga toxin genes (XML) | Shiga toxin-encoding genes (XML) | shiga-like toxin (XML) | Shiga toxin operon (XML) | syntaxin (XML) ...
STIP1  ( in XML )  (69)
  » stress-induced phosphoprotein 1 (XML) | stress-inducible protein-1 (XML) | show that stress-induced phosphoprotein 1 (XML) | stress-induced protein 1 (XML)
STRP  ( in XML )  (69)
  » short tandem repeat polymorphism (XML) | Salt Tolerance-Related Protein (XML) | standardized training of resident physicians (XML) | streptomycin (XML) | Soft-Tissue Retroperitoneal Sarcomas (XML) ...
STTA  ( in XML )  (68)
  » sub-Tenon injection of triamcinolone acetonide (XML) | sub-Tenon's capsule triamcinolone acetonide (XML) | subjective total taste acuity (XML) | stably transfected transcriptional activation (XML) | single-trial topographic analysis (XML) ...
STAU1  ( in XML )  (68)
  » Staufen1 (XML) | Staufen homolog1 (XML) | double-stranded RNA binding protein 1 (XML)
STAGE  ( in XML )  (67)
  » strategically acquired gradient echo (XML) | Study of Twin Adults: Genes and Environment (XML) | Stockholm Atherosclerosis Gene Expression (XML) | Sequence Tag Analysis of Genomic Enrichment (XML) | sperm transfection assisted gene editing (XML) ...
SThM  ( in XML )  (67)
  » scanning thermal microscopy (XML)
STEPP  ( in XML )  (66)
  » Subpopulation Treatment Effect Pattern Plot (XML) | Screening Tool for Early Predictors of PTSD (XML) | Strategies to Enhance Positive Parenting (XML) | strategy for proteolysis procedures (XML) | Study of the therapeutic effects of proximal intercessory prayer (XML) ...
STNS  ( in XML )  (66)
  » stomatogastric nervous system (XML) | Standard Treatment for non-severe cases (XML) | Surgical Trigeminal Neuralgia Score (XML) | soil nitrogen stock (XML)
STAT5b  ( in XML )  (65)
  » signal transducer and activator of transcription 5b (XML)
STS-PROM  ( in XML )  (64)
  » Surgeons Predicted Risk of Mortality (XML) | Surgeons-Predicted Risk of Morbidity and Mortality (XML) | Surgeons-Postoperative Risk of Mortality (XML) | Surgeons predicted risk of 30-day mortality (XML) | Surgery perioperative risk of mortality (XML) ...
STIRPAT  ( in XML )  (63)
  » Stochastic Impacts by Regression on Population, Affluence, and Technology (XML)
stem  ( in XML )  (63)
  » set of primary pancreatic cancer (XML) | stem correction factor, P (XML) | separate, more slowly cycling (XML) | sensitivity and resistance in AML (XML) | sequential model of differentiation from mesenchymal (XML) ...
STLV  ( in XML )  (63)
  » simian T-lymphotropic virus (XML) | simian T-cell leukemia virus (XML) | slow-turning lateral vessel (XML) | share a common receptor with related chimpanzee and simian viruses (XML) | simian T cell lymphotropic/leukemia virus (XML) ...
StD  ( in XML )  (62)
  » subthreshold depression (XML) | state-dependent (XML) | symptom-to-door (XML) | stable disease (XML) | standard deviation (XML) ...
ST11  ( in XML )  (62)
  » sequence type 11 (XML) | strain type 11 (XML) | study was to evaluate whether Lactobacillus paracasei CNCM-I 2116 (XML) | ST11-CRKP (XML)
STFP  ( in XML )  (62)
  » social transmission of food preference (XML) | socially transmitted food preference (XML) | Science and Technology Financial Policies (XML) | SUMO tag-fused TFP (XML) | Social Transfer of Food Preference (XML) ...
STU  ( in XML )  (62)
  » single transcript unit (XML) | Spinning top urethra (XML) | sum of toxic units (XML) | study group (XML) | speckle tracking ultrasound (XML) ...
STEL  ( in XML )  (62)
  » short-term exposure limit (XML) | short-term excursion limit (XML) | supernatant of the thymic epithelial cell line, IT-45R1 (XML) | ST elevation (XML) | STELs was identified, with a predictive equation of ln (XML) ...
Stra8  ( in XML )  (61)
  » stimulated by retinoic acid gene 8 (XML) | stimulated by RA 8 (XML) | cell-specific meiosis gene,Stimulated by retinoic acid gene 8 (XML) | acid-stimulated protein 8 (XML) | germline-specific meiosis-commitment genes,Stimulated by retinoic acid gene 8 (XML) ...
S-T  ( in XML )  (60)
  » singlet-triplet (XML) | short-term (XML) | Shimodaira-Taniguchi (XML) | sitting height (XML) | singlet-triplet splitting energy DeltaE (XML) ...
STICs  ( in XML )  (59)
  » spontaneous transient inward currents (XML) | serous tubal intraepithelial carcinomas (XML) | stem-like tumor initiating cells (XML) | small transient inward currents (XML) | single-tooth implant crowns (XML) ...
STRIPAK  ( in XML )  (59)
  » striatin-interacting phosphatase and kinase (XML)
STRPs  ( in XML )  (58)
  » short tandem repeat polymorphisms (XML) | short tandem repeat polymorphic markers (XML) | STR polymorphisms (XML) | short tandem repeat markers (XML) | Structured tandem repeats proteins (XML) ...
STGs  ( in XML )  (58)
  » standard treatment guidelines (XML) | salt-tolerant grasses (XML) | simplified therapeutic guidelines (XML) | stomatogastric ganglia (XML) | SARS-CoV-2 target genes (XML) ...
STFM  ( in XML )  (58)
  » Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (XML) | spatial-temporal functional mapping (XML) | STED-TFM (XML) | Spill, Transport, and Fate Model (XML) | Super-Resolved Traction Force Microscopy (XML) ...
STPKs  ( in XML )  (58)
  » serine/threonine protein kinases (XML) | Ser/Thr protein kinases (XML)
stat  ( in XML )  (56)
  » signal is due to Bs0-Bs0 oscillations, we measure Deltams=17.31(-0.18)+0.33 (XML) | signal events yields a measured Bc+ meson lifetime of 0.463(-0.065)(+0.073) (XML) | signal yield of nK-(pi(+))+nK+(pi(-))=1606+/-51 decays and measure the asymmetry (nK-(pi(+))-nK+(pi(-)))/(nK-(pi(+))+nK+(pi(-)))=-0.133+/-0.030 (XML) | sine terms of the CP asymmetry are C(J/psi pi(0))=0.38+/-0.41 (XML) | sin2thetaWeff = 0.2326+/-0.0018 (XML) ...
Ste  ( in XML )  (56)
  » Stellate and Su (XML) | Ste-Su (XML) | Stellate (XML) | sulfotransferase gene (XML) | sulfotransferase (XML) ...
STb  ( in XML )  (55)
  » heat-stable enterotoxin b (XML) | heat-stable toxin b (XML) | heat-stable E. coli enterotoxin (XML) | heat-stable (XML) | ST with biological activity only in piglets (XML) ...
STMV  ( in XML )  (55)
  » satellite tobacco mosaic virus (XML) | stumptailed macaque virus (XML) | Salmonella Typhimurium monophasic variants (XML) | short-term MV (XML) | stria terminalis medial division, ventral part (XML) ...
STEMM  ( in XML )  (54)
  » science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and medicine (XML) | science, technology, engineering, medicine and mathematics (XML)
STRAP  ( in XML )  (54)
  » serine-threonine kinase receptor-associated protein (XML) | solvent-targeted recovery and precipitation (XML) | Statins for regeneration after acute myocardial infarction and PCI (XML) | searching annotations of proteins (XML) | Style TRansfer Augmentation for histoPathology (XML) ...
stn  ( in XML )  (53)
  » Salmonella enterotoxin (XML) | stomatogastric nerve (XML) | heat-stable enterotoxin gene (XML) | Stenotomum (XML) | NAG-ST gene (XML) ...
STX17  ( in XML )  (53)
  » syntaxin 17 (XML) | syntaxin-17 gene (XML) | SNAP29syntaxin17 (XML)
STTM  ( in XML )  (53)
  » short tandem target mimic (XML) | Stormwater Treatment Tank Model (XML) | scapho-trapezio-trapezoidal joint method (XML) | Short Text Topic Modeling (XML) | short-term teledermoscopic monitoring (XML)
STRIVE  ( in XML )  (52)
  » Sierra Leone Trial to Introduce a Vaccine Against Ebola (XML) | Strategies and Therapies for Reducing Ischemic and Vascular Events (XML) | STandards for ReportIng Vascular changes on nEuroimaging (XML) | STRoke Interactive Virtual thErapy (XML) | Stress Resilience in Virtual Environments (XML) ...
STDT  ( in XML )  (52)
  » somatosensory temporal discrimination threshold (XML) | sib transmission-disequilibrium test (XML) | symptom-to-door time (XML) | Somesthetic temporal discrimination thresholds (XML) | STD threshold (XML) ...
STLV-1  ( in XML )  (52)
  » simian T-cell leukemia virus type 1 (XML) | simian T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 (XML) | simian T-cell leukemia/lymphoma virus type 1 (XML) | Simian T-lymphotropic virus 1 (XML) | STLV type 1 (XML) ...
STX1A  ( in XML )  (52)
  » syntaxin 1A (XML) | syntaxin1A (XML) | syntaxin 1A gene (XML)
STLS  ( in XML )  (52)
  » spontaneous tumor lysis syndrome (XML) | spontaneous TLS (XML) | Singwi-Tosi-Land-Sjolander (XML) | Senior Tuberculosis Laboratory Supervisors (XML) | Singwi, Tosi, Land, and Sjolander (XML) ...
STEMIs  ( in XML )  (51)
  » ST-segment elevation myocardial infarctions (XML) | ST-elevation MIs (XML) | ST-segment elevation MIs (XML)
StoP  ( in XML )  (51)
  » Stomach cancer Pooling (XML) | Stomach Cancer Pooling Project (XML) | studies within the 'Stomach cancer Pooling (XML)
STEADI  ( in XML )  (51)
  » Stopping Elderly Accidents, Deaths, and Injuries (XML) | screening, assessment and intervention initiative (XML)
STPK  ( in XML )  (50)
  » serine/threonine protein kinase (XML) | Ser/Thr protein kinase (XML) | serine-threonine/tyrosine-protein kinases (XML)
STXs  ( in XML )  (50)
  » saxitoxins (XML) | saxitoxin and its analogues (XML) | STX and its analogues (XML) | saxitoxin and its derivatives (XML) | saxitoxin analogues (XML)
STBM  ( in XML )  (50)
  » syncytiotrophoblast microparticles (XML) | syncytiotrophoblast microvillous membranes (XML) | seminiferous tubule basement membrane (XML) | seminiferous tubules (XML) | small-tumor-bearing mice (XML) ...
STWs  ( in XML )  (49)
  » sewage treatment works (XML) | sludge treatment wetlands (XML) | sulfurous thermal waters (XML) | shallow tubewells (XML) | surface transverse waves (XML) ...
ST5  ( in XML )  (49)
  » sequence type 5 (XML) | suppression of tumorigenicity 5 (XML) | Space Technology 5 (XML) | subtype 5 (XML) | ST5A to ST5G (XML) ...
STFX  ( in XML )  (48)
  » sitafloxacin (XML) | St. Francis Xavier University (XML) | successfully treated with sitafloxacin (XML)
STE-ACS  ( in XML )  (48)
  » ST-elevation acute coronary syndrome (XML) | ST-elevation ACS (XML) | ST-segment elevation ACS (XML) | ST-segment elevated ACS patients (XML) | STE acute coronary syndrome (XML) ...
STEAP1  ( in XML )  (48)
  » six-transmembrane epithelial antigen of the prostate 1 (XML) | Six transmembrane epithelial antigen 1 (XML) | surface protein 6 transmembrane epithelial antigen of prostate 1 (XML)
STLV-I  ( in XML )  (47)
  » simian T-cell lymphotropic virus type I (XML) | simian T-cell lymphoma virus (XML) | simian T-cell lymphoma/leukemia virus type I (XML) | simian cell lines infected with various HTLV-I-related simian retroviruses (XML) | similarity to HTLV-I-related simian viruses (XML)
STRA6  ( in XML )  (47)
  » stimulated by retinoic acid 6 (XML) | stimulated by RA 6 (XML) | such as 'stimulated by retinoic acid 6 (XML) | Signaling Receptor and Transporter Retinol 6 (XML)
STRA  ( in XML )  (46)
  » severe therapy-resistant asthma (XML) | superior temporal retinal arteriole (XML) | Skin thickness ratio (XML) | severe, treatment-resistant asthma (XML) | simplified thermoresistant assay (XML) ...
STAC  ( in XML )  (45)
  » Scandinavian Thrombosis and Cancer (XML) | scaffolding theory of aging and cognition (XML) | stearic acid (XML) | stearyltrimethylammonium chloride (XML) | short-term autocorrelation (XML) ...
ST-EPR  ( in XML )  (45)
  » saturation transfer electron paramagnetic resonance (XML) | saturation transfer EPR (XML) | Saturation transfer spectroscopy (XML) | saturation transfer electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy (XML)
STAg  ( in XML )  (44)
  » soluble tachyzoite antigen (XML) | soluble Toxoplasma antigen (XML) | soluble T. gondii antigens (XML) | soluble antigen (XML) | Soluble tachyzoite antigen alone in PBS (XML) ...
STZ-NA  ( in XML )  (44)
  » streptozotocin-nicotinamide (XML) | STZ-nicotinamide (XML) | streptozotocin-nicotinamide-induced diabetic rats (XML)
STUbL  ( in XML )  (44)
  » SUMO-targeted ubiquitin ligase (XML)
STAG  ( in XML )  (44)
  » Scottish Trauma Audit Group (XML) | staged tubularized autograft repair (XML) | split-thickness autograft (XML) | structured triacylglycerols (XML) | stromal antigen (XML) ...
STQ  ( in XML )  (43)
  » Sleep Timing Questionnaire (XML) | sound touch quantification (XML) | Social Trauma Questionnaire (XML) | sound touch quantify (XML) | Safe Times Questionnaire (XML) ...
STAXI-2  ( in XML )  (43)
  » State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory-2 (XML) | State-Trait Anxiety Inventory-2 (XML) | State-Trait Anger and Expression of Anger Inventory-2 (XML)
STD NMR  ( in XML )  (43)
  » saturation transfer difference nuclear magnetic resonance (XML) | Saturation Transfer Difference NMR spectroscopy (XML)
STIV  ( in XML )  (43)
  » Sulfolobus turreted icosahedral virus (XML) | soft-shelled turtle iridovirus (XML) | space-time image velocimetry (XML) | seasonal trivalent influenza (XML) | spatiotemporal image velocimetry (XML)
sTIL  ( in XML )  (43)
  » stromal tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (XML) | stromal TIL (XML) | stromal lymphocytic infiltration (XML)
STZ-diabetic rats  ( in XML )  (43)
  » streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats (XML)
STR-PCR  ( in XML )  (42)
  » short tandem repeat-polymerase chain reaction (XML) | short tandem repeat PCR (XML) | short tandem repeating sequences-PCR (XML) | sequences--short tandem repeats (XML) | samples by PCR analysis of highly polymorphic microsatellite loci (XML) ...
STRAW  ( in XML )  (42)
  » Stages of Reproductive Aging Workshop (XML) | Subintimal TRAnscatheter Withdrawal (XML) | STRess at Work (XML) | stratified atomic walker initialization (XML) | Stroke Translational Research Advancement Workshop (XML) ...
sTNF  ( in XML )  (41)
  » soluble TNF (XML) | soluble tumor necrosis factor (XML) | serum TNF (XML) | soluble TNF-alpha (XML) | TNF soluble (XML) ...
STAT5A  ( in XML )  (41)
  » signal transducer and activator of transcription 5A (XML) | signal transducer and activator 5A (XML) | STAT5 is constitutively phosphorylated on Ser780 (XML) | Signal transduction and transcriptional activator 5A (XML)
sTNFRII  ( in XML )  (41)
  » soluble TNF receptor II (XML) | soluble receptor for tumor necrosis factor type II (XML) | soluble tumor necrosis factor II (XML) | soluble TNFRII receptor (XML) | soluble TNFRII (XML) ...
sTLR2  ( in XML )  (41)
  » soluble toll-like receptor 2 (XML) | soluble TLR2 (XML) | soluble form of TLR2 (XML) | soluble form of recombinant TLR2 (XML) | soluble form of extracellular TLR2 domain (XML) ...
STSM  ( in XML )  (41)
  » soft tissue surgical margin (XML) | spatio-temporal source modeling (XML) | Short Term Scientific Mission (XML) | structural time series model (XML) | soft tissue stiffness meter (XML) ...
STAT-C  ( in XML )  (40)
  » specifically targeted antiviral therapy for HCV (XML) | specifically targeted therapy for HCV (XML) | social toxicity assessment tool for patients with cancer diagnosis (XML) | such time that multiple direct-acting antiviral (XML) | Social Toxicity Assessment Tool in Cancer (XML) ...
ST398  ( in XML )  (40)
  » sequence type 398 (XML) | ST398cplx (XML)
STREGA  ( in XML )  (40)
  » STrengthening the REporting of Genetic Association studies (XML)
StEP  ( in XML )  (40)
  » staggered extension process (XML) | Standardised Endpoints in Perioperative Medicine (XML) | Starting Early Program (XML) | Standardized Evaluation of Pain (XML) | structuro-elastoplastic (XML) ...
STCS  ( in XML )  (40)
  » Swiss Transplant Cohort Study (XML) | spatiotemporal contrast sensitivity (XML) | systems thinking and complexity science (XML) | secondary generalised tonic clonic seizures (XML) | sensitivity to criticism scale (XML) ...
STLC  ( in XML )  (40)
  » S-trityl-L-cysteine (XML) | syncytiotrophoblast-like cells (XML) | specific thin-layer chromatography (XML) | sequential thin-layer chromatographic method (XML) | non-starter culture (XML) ...
STSC  ( in XML )  (39)
  » snare tip soft coagulation (XML) | skin-to-skin contact (XML) | Soft Tissue Sarcoma Committee (XML) | short-term at standard condition (XML) | skin-to-skin care (XML) ...
STKs  ( in XML )  (39)
  » serine/threonine kinases (XML) | Src family tyrosine kinases (XML) | Serine/threonine protein kinases (XML) | serine-threonine kinases (XML) | Salt Testing Kits (XML) ...
std  ( in XML )  (38)
  » standardized (XML) | standardization (XML) | standard deviation value (XML) | standardised (XML) | standard housing conditions (XML) ...
STATA  ( in XML )  (38)
  » StataCorp, College Station, TX (XML) | Statistical Software for Data Science (XML) | StataCorp LLC (XML) | Statistics and Data Science (XML) | statistical software package (XML) ...
STAT5a  ( in XML )  (38)
  » signal transducer and activator of transcription 5a (XML)
STEC O157  ( in XML )  (38)
  » Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli O157 (XML) | Shiga-toxigenic Escherichia coli O157 (XML)
sT  ( in XML )  (37)
  » salivary testosterone (XML) | small tumor (XML) | search time (XML) | setting (XML) | surgical T stages (XML) ...
STGC  ( in XML )  (37)
  » syncytiotrophoblastic giant cells (XML) | simulated team-game circuit (XML) | short tract gene conversion (XML) | sodium tauroglycocholate (XML) | STG with a coating layer (XML) ...
stg  ( in XML )  (37)
  » stargazer (XML) | string (XML) | sterling (XML) | SHP-transgenic (XML) | several autogenous and anautogenous populations of the Aedes (XML) ...
STI1  ( in XML )  (37)
  » stress-inducible protein 1 (XML) | Stress-inducible phosphoprotein 1 (XML)
STOCSY  ( in XML )  (37)
  » statistical total correlation spectroscopy (XML) | spectroscopy (XML) | spectroscopy' analysis (XML)
STOMP  ( in XML )  (36)
  » Skill-building through Task-Oriented Motor Practice (XML) | Scenario-Tailored Opioid Messaging Program (XML) | Skills TO Manage Pain (XML) | Simulation Training for Operational Medicine Providers (XML) | Skeletal Muscle Function and Performance (XML) ...
STRESS  ( in XML )  (36)
  » Stent Restenosis Study (XML) | standardized residual sum of squares (XML) | Symptoms Screener (XML) | Simulator for Testing and Rating Endovascular Skills (XML) | Stress in Emergency Services Systems (XML) ...
STAB  ( in XML )  (36)
  » Standardized Tool for the Assessment of Bruxism (XML) | sodium triacetoxyborohydride (XML) | stearyltrimethylammonium bromide (XML) | stabilization (XML) | Subtypes of Antisocial Behavior Questionnaire (XML) ...
STARHS  ( in XML )  (36)
  » serological testing algorithm for recent HIV seroconversion (XML)
Stx2e  ( in XML )  (35)
  » Shiga toxin 2e (XML) | Shiga toxin type 2e (XML) | stx2e, separated from edema disease (XML) | Shiga toxin 2 subtype e (XML) | Shiga toxin 2 oedema disease (XML)
STD-NMR  ( in XML )  (35)
  » saturation transfer difference NMR (XML) | saturation-transfer difference NMR spectroscopy (XML) | saturation difference transfer NMR (XML) | saturation transfer difference NMR experiments (XML)
STEPPS  ( in XML )  (35)
  » Systems Training for Emotional Predictability and Problem Solving (XML) | STructured Evaluated Personalized Patient Support (XML) | state-based epidemiology for public health program support (XML)
STOC  ( in XML )  (35)
  » spontaneous transient outward currents (XML) | spatiotemporal optical coherence (XML) | soluble total organic carbon (XML) | sucrose thermal oligosaccharide caramel (XML) | Sensitivity to Change (XML) ...
STRS  ( in XML )  (35)
  » Student-Teacher Relationship Scale (XML) | streptomycin sulfate (XML) | stimulated thermal Rayleigh scattering (XML) | stereotactic radiosurgery (XML) | Sore Throat Relief Scale (XML) ...
STZ rats  ( in XML )  (34)
  » streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats (XML) | Streptozotocin-induced type 1-like diabetic rats (XML) | streptozotocin diabetic rats (XML) | Streptozotocin-induced hyperglycemic rats (XML) | STZ-diabetic rats (XML) ...
sTNF-alpha  ( in XML )  (34)
  » soluble TNF-alpha (XML) | secreted TNF-alpha (XML) | Serum TNF-alpha (XML) | soluble form of TNF-alpha (XML)
STMD  ( in XML )  (34)
  » statistical temperature molecular dynamics (XML) | small target motion detector (XML) | Skin to muscle depth (XML) | skin-to-muscle distance (XML) | single transmembrane domain (XML) ...
STEM-EELS  ( in XML )  (34)
  » scanning transmission electron microscopy-electron energy loss spectroscopy (XML) | scanning transmission electron microscope (XML) | Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy-Electron Energy Loss (XML) | STEM-electron energy loss spectroscopy (XML) | scanning transmission electron microscopy combined with EELS (XML) ...
sTMS  ( in XML )  (33)
  » single-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation (XML) | Synchronized transcranial magnetic stimulation (XML) | single-pulse TMS (XML) | synchronized TMS (XML) | slow TMS (XML)
STEAMI  ( in XML )  (33)
  » ST elevation acute myocardial infarction (XML) | ST elevation myocardial infarction (XML) | ST-segment elevation (XML) | segment on electrocardiogram (XML)
STNV  ( in XML )  (33)
  » satellite tobacco necrosis virus (XML) | satellite of TNV (XML)
STX3  ( in XML )  (33)
  » syntaxin 3 (XML) | show that syntaxin 3 (XML)
STOs  ( in XML )  (33)
  » subthreshold oscillations (XML) | Slater-type orbitals (XML) | spin-torque oscillators (XML) | Soft-tissue osteosarcomas (XML) | Safari Tour Operators (XML) ...
STPD  ( in XML )  (33)
  » schizotypal personality disorder (XML) | standard temperature and pressure, dry (XML) | splenectomy plus traditional pericardial devascularisation (XML) | static two-point discrimination (XML) | stance phase difference (XML) ...
STXBP1  ( in XML )  (32)
  » syntaxin-binding protein 1 (XML) | syntaxin-binding protein 1 gene (XML)
STSL  ( in XML )  (32)
  » superior transverse scapular ligament (XML) | Sitosterolemia (XML) | short-term selected line (XML) | STS plane and anterior crystalline lens surface (XML) | STS plane and crystalline lens (XML) ...
STIM2  ( in XML )  (32)
  » stromal interaction molecule 2 (XML) | STop IMatinib 2 (XML) | siSTIM2 (XML)
STSP  ( in XML )  (32)
  » staurosporine (XML) | short-term synaptic plasticity (XML) | school time selection problem (XML) | synapse-type-specific plasticity (XML) | superiority-inferiority two-stage stochastic programming (XML) ...
STIL  ( in XML )  (32)
  » serous tubal intraepithelial lesion (XML) | streak tube imaging lidar (XML) | Subtransverse process interligamentary (XML) | SCL/TAL1-interrupting locus (XML) | Sedentary Teenagers and Inactive Lifestyles (XML) ...
STOI  ( in XML )  (32)
  » short-time objective intelligibility (XML) | sternocleidomastoid tumor of infancy (XML) | subjective theories of illness (XML) | Safety Topics of Interest (XML) | surface tactile oral intubation (XML)
ST-VM  ( in XML )  (31)
  » ST vector magnitude (XML) | ST-segment vector magnitude (XML) | ST-segment vector (XML)
STEAP4  ( in XML )  (31)
  » six-transmembrane epithelial antigen of prostate 4 (XML) | Six transmembrane epithelial antigen of prostate 4 metalloreductase (XML) | STEAP family member 4 (XML) | six-transmembrane protein of prostate 4 (XML)
sTnI  ( in XML )  (31)
  » skeletal troponin I (XML) | skeletal isoform of troponin-I (XML) | skeletal muscle troponin-I (XML) | study determined the response of IL-6 mRNA and IL-6, troponin-I (XML) | slow troponin I (XML) ...
STNs  ( in XML )  (31)
  » solitary thyroid nodules (XML) | signal transduction networks (XML) | Soil-transmitted nematodes (XML) | secondary thyroid neoplasms (XML) | solid thyroid nodules (XML) ...
Sta  ( in XML )  (31)
  » statine (XML) | Staphylococcus aureus (XML) | stachyose (XML) | standing posture (XML) | stachydrine hydrochloride (XML) ...
STAY  ( in XML )  (31)
  » stayability (XML) | Strategic Treatment Assessment with Youth (XML) | Stayability EPD (XML) | State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (XML) | systemic therapy (XML) ...
STPI  ( in XML )  (30)
  » State-Trait Personality Inventory (XML) | Stanford Time Perception Inventory (XML) | scaphoid trapezium pyrocarbon implant (XML) | stroke-thrombolytic predictive instrument (XML) | Spielberger's Trait Personality Inventory (XML) ...
STITCH  ( in XML )  (30)
  » Search Tool for Interactions of Chemicals (XML) | STress Induction Tool for Close relationships and Health (XML) | Search Tool for the Retrieval of Interacting Genes (XML) | Simplified Treatment Intervention to Control Hypertension (XML) | Surgical Trial In Traumatic intraCerebral Haemorrhage (XML) ...
STII  ( in XML )  (30)
  » heat-stable enterotoxin II (XML) | stage II transport (XML) | heat-stable II (XML) | short-term intensive insulin (XML) | Skin Test Inhibition Index (XML) ...
STAF  ( in XML )  (30)
  » Score for the Targeting of Atrial Fibrillation (XML) | Strategies of Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation (XML) | selenocysteine tRNA gene transcription-activating factor (XML) | stocks and flows (XML) | Sasada transbronchial angled forceps (XML) ...
STUMPs  ( in XML )  (30)
  » smooth muscle tumors of uncertain malignant potential (XML) | smooth uterine muscle of uncertain malignant potential (XML)
STUB1  ( in XML )  (30)
  » STIP1 homology and U-box-containing protein 1 (XML) | stress-induced-phosphoprotein 1 homology and U-box containing protein 1 (XML) | STIP1 homology and U-box protein 1 (XML) | STIP1 homology and U box-containing 1 (XML) | Stip1-homologous and U-Box containing protein 1 gene (XML)
STMMs  ( in XML )  (30)
  » short-term medical missions (XML)
STICU  ( in XML )  (30)
  » surgical trauma intensive care unit (XML) | surgical trauma ICU (XML) | Surgery and Trauma Intensive Care Unit (XML)
STSD  ( in XML )  (30)
  » side-to-side difference (XML) | steroid sulfatase deficiency (XML) | semitone standard deviation (XML) | stand-to-sit down (XML) | short-term synaptic depression (XML) ...
STARE  ( in XML )  (30)
  » Structured Analysis of the Retina (XML) | structured analysis of retina (XML) | sustained tear exposure (XML) | Source-to-Target Automatic Rotating Estimation (XML) | SpatioTemporal Adaptive Resolution Encoding (XML) ...
STSLS  ( in XML )  (30)
  » streptococcal toxic shock-like syndrome (XML)
STBBI  ( in XML )  (30)
  » sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections (XML)
sTnC  ( in XML )  (30)
  » skeletal troponin C (XML) | skeletal TnC (XML) | slow troponin C (XML) | skeletal muscle troponin C (XML) | skeletal isoform of troponin C (XML) ...
STX4  ( in XML )  (30)
  » syntaxin 4 (XML) | show that Syntaxin 4 (XML)
sTEA  ( in XML )  (29)
  » surgical transepicondylar axis (XML) | surgical transepicondylar femoral axis (XML) | segmental high thoracic epidural anesthesia (XML)
STAP-2  ( in XML )  (29)
  » Signal-transducing adaptor protein-2 (XML) | Signal-transducing adaptor family member-2 (XML)
sTK  ( in XML )  (29)
  » serum thymidine kinase (XML) | serum levels of deoxythymidine kinase (XML) | Serum thymidine kinase activity (XML)
S-Trap  ( in XML )  (29)
  » suspension trapping (XML) | suspension trap (XML) | suspension trapping spin columns (XML) | suspension trapping method (XML) | suspension-trap technology (XML) ...
STOP1  ( in XML )  (29)
STAMP2  ( in XML )  (29)
  » six-transmembrane protein of prostate 2 (XML)
sTNF-R2  ( in XML )  (29)
  » soluble TNF receptor 2 (XML) | soluble TNF receptor 2 fragment (XML) | soluble TNF-R2 (XML)
STEAP  ( in XML )  (29)
  » six-transmembrane epithelial antigen of the prostate (XML) | six-transmembrane antigen of the prostate (XML)
STM/S  ( in XML )  (29)
  » scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy (XML)
STEF  ( in XML )  (28)
  » Simple Test for Evaluating Hand Function (XML) | sea turtle egg fusariosis (XML) | selective Time-resolved Emission through Fourier-filtering (XML) | Sif- and Tiam1-like exchange factor (XML) | stretchable transparent electrode films (XML)
STT-1  ( in XML )  (28)
  » Schirmer tear test-1 (XML) | Schirmer tear test-1 without (XML)
STML  ( in XML )  (28)
  » spatiotemporal mode-locked (XML) | scanning tunneling microscopy-induced luminescence (XML) | self-transcendence meaning of life (XML) | Super Translucent Multi-layered zirconia (XML) | STM induced luminescence (XML) ...
Std. MD  ( in XML )  (28)
  » standard mean difference (XML)
STELA  ( in XML )  (28)
  » single telomere length analysis (XML) | Short and Tailored Evaluation of Language Ability (XML) | single molecule telomere length analysis (XML) | Single Telomere Length Amplification (XML) | smart phone-based laparoscopy trainer (XML) ...
STxB  ( in XML )  (28)
  » Shiga toxin B-subunit (XML) | Shiga toxin B (XML) | Shiga toxin B fragment (XML)
STIRAP  ( in XML )  (28)
  » stimulated Raman adiabatic passage (XML)
ST8  ( in XML )  (27)
  » sequence type 8 (XML) | serotype 8 (XML) | high-starch diet (68% of total energy) for 8 wk (XML) | alpha-2,8-sialyltransferase (XML) | subtype 8 (XML)
StS  ( in XML )  (27)
  » straight sinus (XML) | sit-to-stand-to-sit (XML) | surface-to-surface (XML) | starch synthase (XML) | Solitaire stent (XML) ...
sTNFR-I  ( in XML )  (27)
  » soluble tumor necrosis factor receptor type I (XML) | soluble human TNF receptor type I (XML) | soluble receptors: TNF receptor type I (XML) | significantly increased levels of circulating tumor necrosis factor receptors (XML) | soluble form of the TNF receptor-I (XML)
STREs  ( in XML )  (27)
  » stress response elements (XML) | stress-responsive promoter elements (XML)
STA2  ( in XML )  (27)
  » stable analogue of thromboxane A2 (XML) | synthetic thromboxane A2 (XML) | subthreshold concentration of aerosolized thromboxane A2 analogue (XML) | stable TxA2 analogue (XML) | synthetic TXA2 mimetic (XML) ...
sTSH  ( in XML )  (27)
  » sensitive thyroid-stimulating hormone (XML) | sensitive TSH (XML) | sensitive thyrotropin (XML) | suppressed TSH levels (XML) | supersensitive, immunoenzymatic assay of TSH (XML) ...
sTNFalpha  ( in XML )  (27)
  » soluble tumor necrosis factor alpha (XML) | soluble TNFalpha (XML) | serum levels of TNFalpha (XML) | soluble form of TNFalpha (XML) | serum TNFalpha (XML)
STc  ( in XML )  (27)
  » sequence type complex (XML) | ST complex (XML) | SmartTouch catheter (XML) | ST administered with the eyes closed (XML) | storage by Tc (XML) ...
STACs  ( in XML )  (26)
  » sirtuin-activating compounds (XML) | SIRT1-activating compounds (XML) | sulfo-tetralin alkyl carboxylic acids (XML) | System Type Assignment Constraints (XML)
ST4  ( in XML )  (26)
  » sequence type 4 (XML) | serotype 4 (XML) | subtype 4 (XML) | state 4 (XML) | 4-strand (XML) ...
sTie2  ( in XML )  (26)
  » soluble Tie2 (XML) | soluble form of Tie2 (XML) | soluble Tie2 ectodomain (XML) | soluble Tie2 domain (XML) | soluble form of the Ang-binding Tie2 receptor (XML) ...
STTGMA  ( in XML )  (26)
  » Score for Trauma Triage in the Geriatric and Middle-Aged (XML)
STTR  ( in XML )  (26)
  » Seek, Test, Treat, and Retain (XML) | Small Business Technology Transfer (XML) | Small Technology Transfer Research (XML) | Small Business Technology Transfer Research (XML) | Seek, Test, Treat, and Retain data harmonization initiative (XML) ...
STRN  ( in XML )  (26)
  » striatin (XML) | soft tissue radionecrosis (XML) | striatin gene (XML) | striatin cDNA (XML)
STTT  ( in XML )  (26)
  » standard two-tiered testing (XML) | sore throat test and treat (XML) | ST transit time (XML) | standard two-tier serological testing (XML) | serine-threonine repeat with the general motif (XML) ...
STPA  ( in XML )  (26)
  » system-theoretic process analysis (XML) | step-through passive avoidance (XML) | step-through latency into the dark compartment (XML) | step-through latency passive avoidance (XML) | symptom-titrated physical activity (XML) ...
STX11  ( in XML )  (26)
  » syntaxin 11 (XML) | syntaxin 11 gene (XML)
STIPO  ( in XML )  (26)
  » Structured Interview of Personality Organization (XML) | severe deficits in personality organisation (XML)
STUbLs  ( in XML )  (26)
  » SUMO-targeted ubiquitin ligases (XML)
STEPs  ( in XML )  (25)
  » Strategies-To-Enhance-Practice (XML) | STEPwise approach to NCD risk factor surveillance (XML) | stepwise approach to surveillance of non-communicable diseases (XML) | variants--splice translational efficiency polymorphisms (XML) | sequential trauma education programs (XML) ...
STRAFI  ( in XML )  (25)
  » stray field imaging (XML) | stray field (XML) | stray-field magnetic resonance microimaging (XML) | stray-field nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (XML) | stray field of a magnet (XML)
STCM  ( in XML )  (25)
  » Short Term Case Management (XML) | shipboard three-component magnetometer (XML) | semi-electronic tissue compliance meter (XML) | Standard Medical Treatment with adjuvant Connexin Modulation Group (XML) | Space and time coherent mapping (XML) ...
STAT-6  ( in XML )  (25)
  » signal transducer and activator of transcription-6 (XML)
STDHF  ( in XML )  (25)
  » sodium tauro-24,25-dihydrofusidate (XML) | sodium taurodihydrofusidate (XML) | solubilizing activity, followed by taurodihydrofusidate (XML)
sTf  ( in XML )  (24)
  » serum transferrin (XML) | serotransferrin (XML)
sTNF-R1  ( in XML )  (24)
  » soluble TNF receptor type 1 (XML) | soluble TNF-R1 (XML) | soluble receptor 1 for tumor necrosis factor (XML) | soluble form of TNF-R1 (XML) | substrate--soluble TNF-alpha receptor type 1 (XML) ...
STPS  ( in XML )  (24)
  » spatiotemporal pattern similarity (XML) | serine- and threonine-rich peptide sequences (XML) | subthreshold psychotic symptoms (XML) | Short-Term Persistence Substudy (XML) | suprathreshold pressure stimulation (XML) ...
Stx2a  ( in XML )  (24)
  » Shiga toxin 2a (XML) | Shiga toxin type 2a (XML) | Stx type 2a (XML) | Shiga-like toxin type 2a (XML)
STGD1  ( in XML )  (24)
  » Stargardt disease type 1 (XML) | Stargardt disease 1 (XML) | STGD type 1 (XML) | Stargardt 1 patients (XML)
STBC  ( in XML )  (24)
  » space-time block coding (XML) | serum total bilirubin concentration (XML) | superior temporal bulbar conjunctivae (XML) | Space Time Block Coded (XML) | stover/Tithonia/bran/cake (XML) ...
Std  ( in XML )  (24)
  » standard feeding program (XML) | stomatal density (XML) | shed blood and Ringer's lactate (XML) | standard condition (XML) | streptidine fraction (XML) ...
STABLE  ( in XML )  (24)
  » STAndards for BipoLar Excellence (XML) | Symptom-Titrated, Algorithm-Based Longitudinal ECT (XML) | Statin and Atheroma Vulnerability Evaluation (XML) | Slice-selective Tunable-flip AdiaBatic Low peak-power Excitation (XML) | subcritical bone loss (XML) ...
stop  ( in XML )  (24)
  » showed enhanced action cascading processes when an interruption (XML) | showed attenuated neural activation related to P (XML) | showed that conflict anticipation as indexed by P (XML) | showed that DCC underwent either grip (XML) | significant, independent predictors of RT, with P (XML) ...
STAT5B  ( in XML )  (24)
  » signal transducer and activator of transcription 5B (XML) | signal transcription and transcription activator 5B (XML)
STIMs  ( in XML )  (24)
  » stromal interaction molecules (XML) | stimulant medications (XML) | stromal interaction molecule proteins (XML) | surface-tension-induced microcavities (XML)
STRC  ( in XML )  (24)
  » stereocilin (XML) | short-term repopulating cell (XML) | Short-term restorative care (XML) | Short-term residential care (XML) | Silver Trauma Review Clinic (XML) ...
STSA  ( in XML )  (24)
  » Southern Thoracic Surgical Association (XML) | side-to-side anastomosis (XML) | short-term saccadic adaptation (XML) | segmental thoracic spinal anesthesia (XML) | symbolic time series analysis (XML) ...
ST/G  ( in XML )  (24)
  » semitendinosus/gracilis (XML) | semitendinosus and gracilis tendon autografts (XML) | semitendinosus tendon and gracilis tendon (XML) | ST/gracilis (XML)
STARI  ( in XML )  (24)
  » southern tick-associated rash illness (XML) | Strategic Adolescent Reading Intervention (XML)
STEGH  ( in XML )  (23)
  » short-term experiences in global health (XML) | Short-Term Electives in Global Health (XML) | St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital (XML) | short-term experiences in global health experiences (XML) | short-term experiences in GH (XML)
STEA  ( in XML )  (23)
  » side-to-end anastomosis (XML) | sham TEA (XML) | Synchronized TEA (XML) | Spatio-temporal edge-aware (XML) | Standardized Tremor Elements Assessment (XML) ...
sTIM-3  ( in XML )  (23)
  » soluble TIM-3 (XML) | soluble T-cell immunoglobulin mucin domain-3 (XML) | soluble T-cell immunoglobulin and mucin-domain containing-3 (XML) | soluble T cell immunoglobulin domain and mucin-3 (XML)
Stau2  ( in XML )  (23)
  » Staufen2 (XML) | staufen RNA binding protein homolog 2 (XML)
sTim-3  ( in XML )  (23)
  » soluble Tim-3 (XML) | soluble T-cell immunoglobulin domain and mucin domain-containing molecule-3 (XML) | soluble T cell immunoglobulin mucin molecule 3 (XML) | soluble T cell immunoglobulin mucin-3 (XML) | soluble form of Tim-3 (XML) ...
STK1  ( in XML )  (23)
  » serum thymidine kinase 1 (XML) | Serological thymidine kinase 1 (XML) | Serum concentration of TK1 (XML) | serum TK1 (XML) | serum thymidine kinase 1 protein (XML) ...
STDC  ( in XML )  (23)
  » sodium taurodeoxycholate (XML) | short-term dense concatenate (XML) | digitonin-sodium taurodeoxycholate (XML) | State TB Training and Demonstration Centre (XML) | Spike-timing-dependent construction (XML) ...
STVs  ( in XML )  (23)
  » standard viruses (XML) | sexually transmitted viruses (XML) | synaptic vesicle protein transport vesicles (XML) | soil threshold values (XML) | single-track vehicles (XML) ...
STK4  ( in XML )  (23)
  » serine/threonine kinase 4 (XML) | serine/threonine-protein kinase 4 (XML) | stress kinase 4 (XML) | serine/threonine protein kinase 4 protein (XML)
STZ-DM  ( in XML )  (23)
  » streptozotocin-induced diabetes mellitus (XML) | streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice (XML) | streptozotocin-induced DM (XML) | STZ-induced diabetes mellitus (XML) | streptozotocin-induced rat model (XML)
Stau  ( in XML )  (22)
  » Staufen (XML) | suggested that Staufen (XML)
STND  ( in XML )  (22)
  » standard (XML) | standard group counseling (XML) | stenosis using the de-blooming algorithm (XML) | Standardised (XML) | secondary thalamic neurodegeneration (XML) ...
STHA  ( in XML )  (22)
  » short-term heat acclimation (XML) | short-term HA (XML) | Spread the Health Appalachia (XML) | short-time and high amplitude (XML) | standard THA (XML) ...
STIF  ( in XML )  (22)
  » Sexually Transmitted Infections Foundation (XML) | short-term intensive fasting (XML) | cis-stilbene/fluorene (XML) | soft tissue interstitial fluid (XML) | STI Foundation (XML) ...
sTLR4  ( in XML )  (22)
  » soluble Toll-like receptor 4 (XML) | soluble TLR4 (XML) | soluble form of extracellular TLR4 domain (XML) | soluble forms of TLR4 (XML) | soluble TLR4 ectodomain protein (XML)
STSF  ( in XML )  (22)
  » SMARTTOUCH SF (XML) | SmartTouch Surround Flow (XML) | Specialized Treatment Services facility (XML) | SmartTouch SF catheter (XML) | STS as fast as possible (XML) ...
STBI  ( in XML )  (22)
  » single-dose total body irradiation (XML) | single dose TBI (XML) | moderate-to-severe TBI (XML) | severe, and penetrating TBI combined (XML) | Sharp trauma brain injury (XML) ...
ST-OSCs  ( in XML )  (22)
  » semitransparent organic solar cells (XML) | semi-transparent OSCs (XML)
STICS  ( in XML )  (22)
  » spatio-temporal image correlation spectroscopy (XML) | surface-tethered iterative carbohydrate synthesis (XML) | Self-detecting Traffic Interference Control Scheme (XML) | systems coupling the performances of a crop model (XML) | spatiotemporal ICS (XML)
S-type  ( in XML )  (22)
  » salivary type (XML) | sugar pucker of the 2'-deoxyribofuranosyl moiety is C2'-endo-C3'-exo, 2T3 (XML) | slow-type (XML) | synaptic terminals with spherical (XML) | SLAH channels are characterized by slow voltage-dependent activation (XML) ...
ST/HR  ( in XML )  (21)
  » ST-segment/heart rate (XML) | segment depression/heart rate (XML) | ST-segment depression vs HR (XML) | ST-segment depression against heart rate (XML) | STD corrected by heart rate increment (XML) ...
STE20  ( in XML )  (21)
  » sterile 20 (XML) | sterile 20 protein (XML)
STYK1  ( in XML )  (21)
  » serine threonine tyrosine kinase 1 (XML)
STRB  ( in XML )  (21)
  » sludge treatment reed beds (XML) | subtotal radiation of the body (XML) | Strepto B agar (XML) | Strepto B (XML) | Sexual transmission risk behavior (XML) ...
Staph. aureus  ( in XML )  (21)
  » Staphylococcus aureus (XML)
STEAP3  ( in XML )  (21)
  » Six-transmembrane epithelial antigen of prostate 3 (XML) | six-transmembrane epithelial antigen of prostate family member 3 (XML) | STEAP family member 3 (XML) | six transmembrane epithelial antigen 3 (XML)
STC-VM  ( in XML )  (21)
  » ST change vector magnitude (XML) | ST-segment vector change (XML) | ST vector change from baseline (XML) | ST-segment change vector magnitude (XML)
sTNF-R  ( in XML )  (21)
  » soluble receptors for TNF (XML) | soluble form of TNF receptor (XML) | soluble TNF-R (XML) | Soluble receptor levels of tumor necrosis factor (XML) | soluble TNF-alpha receptor (XML) ...
STIA  ( in XML )  (21)
  » serum transfer-induced arthritis (XML) | Science, Technology and International Affairs (XML) | Spatial-Temporal Implementation Algorithm (XML) | soft tissue interposition arthroplasty (XML)
s-tDCS  ( in XML )  (21)
  » sham tDCS (XML)
STTP  ( in XML )  (21)
  » structured treatment and teaching programme (XML) | supervised treadmill training program (XML) | sodium tripolyphosphate (XML) | self-tapping positive profile transfixation pin (XML) | sequential blood culture time to positivity (XML) ...
STT I  ( in XML )  (21)
  » Schirmer tear test I (XML)
STK39  ( in XML )  (21)
  » serine/threonine kinase 39 (XML)
STDS  ( in XML )  (21)
  » Self-perception of Text-message Dependency Scale (XML) | sodium tetradecyl sulfate (XML) | stone-tissue-detection-system (XML) | self-time-delay synchronization (XML) | secondary treated domestic sewage (XML) ...
STARs  ( in XML )  (21)
  » small transcription activating RNAs (XML) | Safety Tips for ATV Riders (XML) | stabilizing anti-repressors (XML) | statements of awarded responsibility (XML) | structurally targeted allosteric regulators (XML) ...
STONE  ( in XML )  (20)
  » Shanghai Trial Of Nifedipine in the Elderly (XML) | medianSex, Timing, Origin, Nausea, Erythrocytes (XML) | Stockholm neck trial (XML) | Stockholm Neck (XML) | S.T.O.N.E nephrolithometry scoring system (XML) ...
STK25  ( in XML )  (20)
  » serine/threonine protein kinase 25 (XML) | serine/threonine kinase 25 (XML)
ST239  ( in XML )  (20)
  » sequence type 239 (XML) | 2SA-ST239-III (XML)
STHS  ( in XML )  (20)
  » St. Thomas' Hospital solution (XML) | Small Tail Han sheep (XML) | State-Trait Hopelessness Scale (XML) | short-term heat stress (XML) | small-tailed Han sheep (XML) ...
STEM-EDS  ( in XML )  (20)
  » scanning transmission electron microscopy-energy dispersive spectroscopy (XML) | scanning TEM energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (XML) | STEM imaging modes, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (XML)
STBR  ( in XML )  (20)
  » subtotal temporal bone resection (XML) | stirred tank bioreactor (XML) | Spatiotemporal Bayesian regularization (XML)
StI  ( in XML )  (20)
  » Sticholysin I (XML) | stability index (XML) | stimulation index (XML) | stage I (XML)
StaRI  ( in XML )  (19)
  » Standards for Reporting Implementation Studies (XML) | standards for reporting implementation studies of complex interventions (XML)
STSR  ( in XML )  (19)
  » semantic theory of survey response (XML) | spatiotemporal stochastic resonance (XML) | stance time symmetry ratio (XML) | ST-segment resolution (XML) | surgery to start of radiation time (XML) ...
STRONG  ( in XML )  (19)
  » Study of Transition, Outcomes and Gender (XML) | Synergistic Theory Research Obesity and Nutrition Group (XML) | strength training in nonagenarians (XML) | Support Through Remote Observation and Nutrition Guidance (XML) | STudy Researching Osteoporosis iN Guys (XML) ...
STEX  ( in XML )  (19)
  » static-exchange (XML) | steam explosion (XML) | structured exercise (XML) | scaled thermal explosion (XML) | self-trapped excitons (XML) ...
StnII  ( in XML )  (19)
  » Sticholysin II (XML)
STREX  ( in XML )  (19)
  » stress-regulated exon (XML) | stress axis hormone-regulated exon (XML) | stress axis regulated insert (XML) | STREX axis-regulated (XML)
STOP-Hypertension  ( in XML )  (19)
  » Swedish Trial in Old Patients with Hypertension (XML)
sTn  ( in XML )  (19)
  » sialylated Tn (XML) | sugar T antigen (XML) | skeletal troponin (XML) | skeletal troponin complex (XML) | skeletal Tn complex (XML) ...
STaRT  ( in XML )  (19)
  » surgically targeted radiation therapy (XML) | systemic targeted radionuclide therapy (XML) | systemic targeted radiopharmaceutical therapies (XML) | Stereotactic targeted radiation therapy (XML)
ST6  ( in XML )  (19)
  » sequence type 6 (XML) | alpha-2,6-sialyltransferase (XML) | serotype 6 (XML) | silk+10% TCP+6% 4-HR (XML) | stably transfected with human alpha-2,6-sialyltransferase (XML) ...
StV  ( in XML )  (19)
  » stria vascularis (XML) | stroke velocity (XML) | stroke volume (XML) | standard vitrified (XML) | Saint-Venant (XML) ...
sTR  ( in XML )  (19)
  » soluble transferrin receptor (XML) | secondary tricuspid regurgitation (XML) | significant TR (XML) | surgical cavity with bENS (XML) | somatosensory component of the thalamic reticular nucleus (XML)
STRADA  ( in XML )  (19)
  » Swedish Traffic Accident Data Acquisition (XML) | STE20-related kinase adaptor alpha (XML) | Swedish Traffic Accident Registry (XML)
STBSG  ( in XML )  (19)
  » Soft Tissue and Bone Sarcoma Group (XML)
STEM-EDX  ( in XML )  (19)
  » scanning transmission electron microscopy-energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (XML) | scanning tunneling electron microscopy combined with energy dispersive x-ray analysis (XML)
ST14  ( in XML )  (19)
  » sequence type 14 (XML) | suppression of tumorigenicity-14 (XML) | serotype 14 (XML) | somatostatin 14 (XML)
STOM  ( in XML )  (19)
  » stomatin (XML) | scanning tunneling optical microscope (XML) | STOMAGEN (XML) | scanning tunnelling optical near-field microscope (XML) | Standardized tests and outcome measures (XML) ...
STBP  ( in XML )  (19)
  » spatio-temporal backpropagation (XML) | systolic tail blood pressure (XML) | Solitary tracheobronchial papilloma (XML) | ST-binding protein (XML) | Sperm telomere binding protein(s) (XML) ...
Stage I  ( in XML )  (18)
  » study as medium-low-strength (XML) | staining: early (XML) | starting the Wellness program (XML) | stages: forward translation (XML) | stages; preeruption period (XML) ...
STD-CPR  ( in XML )  (18)
  » standard CPR (XML) | standard cardiopulmonary resuscitation (XML) | standard single rescuer cardiopulmonary resuscitation (XML) | standard single rescuer CPR (XML)
STNOs  ( in XML )  (18)
  » spin-torque nano-oscillators (XML) | spin transfer nano-oscillators (XML)
STOA  ( in XML )  (18)
  » State-Trait Operation Anxiety (XML) | sooty tern optimization algorithm (XML) | state trait operation anxiety inventory (XML) | Smartphone Task for Older Adults (XML) | Subtalar osteoarthritis (XML) ...
S-TENG  ( in XML )  (18)
  » single-electrode-based triboelectric nanogenerator (XML) | signal triboelectric nanogenerator (XML) | sliding-mode triboelectric nanogenerator (XML) | single-electrode TENG (XML) | spring-structured multilayer TENG (XML) ...
STRR  ( in XML )  (18)
  » short tandemly repeated repetitive (XML) | Sophorae Tonkinesis Radix et Rhizoma (XML) | surface tension reduction rate (XML) | saw tooth rete ridges (XML) | STR-resistant (XML) ...
S. typhimurium A1-R  ( in XML )  (18)
  » Salmonella typhimurium A1-R (XML)
STOPS  ( in XML )  (18)
  » situational theory of problem solving (XML) | supervised treatment in out-patients for schizophrenia (XML) | Specific treatment of problems of the spine (XML) | Strategic Operations (XML)
STPM  ( in XML )  (18)
  » syncytiotrophoblast plasma membranes (XML) | surgeon-tailored prolene mesh (XML) | spatiotemporal phase modulator (XML) | Soft tissue phenotype modification (XML) | Short-Term Phonological Memory (XML) ...
STCC  ( in XML )  (18)
  » superficial transitional cell carcinoma (XML) | Subtropical Countercurrent (XML) | Selenium Treatment and Chagasic Cardiopathy (XML) | Spatio-Temporal Context Coherence (XML) | Staphylococcus aureus(ATCC),Escherichiacoli (XML) ...
STOML2  ( in XML )  (18)
  » Stomatin-like protein 2 (XML) | stomatin-like 2 (XML) | stomatin-like protein 2, mitochondrial (XML)
STIB  ( in XML )  (17)
  » stimulus train-induced bursting (XML) | Stent Thrombosis In Belgium (XML) | Shanghai Textile Industry Bureau (XML)
ST-HSCs  ( in XML )  (17)
  » short-term HSCs (XML) | short-term hematopoietic stem cells (XML) | short-term repopulating stem cells (XML) | short-term repopulating HSCs (XML)
STWW  ( in XML )  (17)
  » secondary treated wastewater (XML) | synthetic textile wastewater (XML) | septic tank wastewater (XML) | sterile wastewater (XML)
sTie-2  ( in XML )  (17)
  » soluble Tie-2 (XML) | soluble receptor Tie-2 (XML) | soluble tyrosine kinase with immunoglobulin-like/epidermal growth factor-like domains 2 (XML) | soluble receptor/regulator Tie-2 (XML) | soluble Tie-2 receptor (XML) ...
STBEVs  ( in XML )  (17)
  » syncytiotrophoblast-derived extracellular vesicles (XML)
ST36  ( in XML )  (17)
  » sequence type 36 (XML) | stomach-36 (XML) | Stomach Meridian 36 (XML) | ST36-skin group than in the Housanli (XML) | ST36 EA (XML) ...
ST-GCN  ( in XML )  (17)
  » spatial-temporal graph convolutional network (XML)
STARR-seq  ( in XML )  (17)
  » self-transcribing active regulatory region sequencing (XML)
starPEG  ( in XML )  (17)
  » star-shaped poly(ethylene glycol) (XML) | star-shaped poly(ethylene glycol) macromonomers (XML) | micrometer-sized hydrogel particles made of multiarmed polyethylene glycol (XML) | set of ready-to-use multi-armed polyethylene glycol (XML) | second polymer, 4-arm poly(ethylene glycol) (XML)
STCA  ( in XML )  (17)
  » standing tibiocalcaneal angle (XML) | soft tissue cephalometric analysis (XML) | structural carbohydrate area (XML) | suppressor T cell activity (XML) | sulphoxythiocarbamate alkyne (XML) ...
STZs  ( in XML )  (17)
  » shear transformation zones (XML)
ST34  ( in XML )  (17)
  » sequence type 34 (XML)
STORI  ( in XML )  (17)
  » Stages of Recovery Instrument (XML) | selective temporal overview of resonant ions (XML) | stable Remission on combined therapy with Immunosuppressants (XML) | stable remission on combined therapy with antimetabolites (XML) | stages of psychological recovery measure (XML)
STMN  ( in XML )  (17)
  » stathmin (XML) | spatiotemporal motion network (XML) | Stathmin-1 (XML) | Steinmann (XML) | stathmin-transfected clones (XML) ...
sTST  ( in XML )  (17)
  » subjective total sleep time (XML) | subjective TST (XML) | self-reported total sleep time (XML) | (oTST)-subjective total sleep time (XML)
STBBIs  ( in XML )  (17)
  » sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections (XML)
Stx phages  ( in XML )  (17)
  » Shiga toxin-converting bacteriophages (XML) | Shiga toxin-encoding phages (XML) | Shiga toxin-converting phages (XML) | Shiga toxins, via lambdoid prophages (XML) | Stx-converting phage genomes (XML)
STMAS  ( in XML )  (16)
  » satellite-transition magic-angle spinning (XML) | satellite-transition MAS (XML) | subtotal mastectomy (XML)
STLF  ( in XML )  (16)
  » short-term load forecasting (XML) | Seasonal and Trend decomposition using Loess Forecasting model (XML) | seasonal and trend decomposition using loess function (XML) | stress limiting factors (XML)
STARP  ( in XML )  (16)
  » semi-thermal asymmetric reverse PCR (XML) | sporozoite threonine-asparagine-rich protein (XML) | Sporozoite Threonine and Asparagine Rich Protein (XML)
STAG2  ( in XML )  (16)
  » stromal antigen 2 (XML)
Sts  ( in XML )  (16)
  » suppressor of T-cell receptor signaling (XML) | suppressor of T-cell signaling (XML) | Sticholysins (XML) | steroid sulfatase locus (XML) | stages (XML) ...
STGD3  ( in XML )  (16)
  » Stargardt macular dystrophy 3 (XML) | Stargardt disease-3 (XML) | STGD3-causing ELOVL4 (XML) | Stargardt type 3 (XML) | Stargardt3 (XML)
ST-se  ( in XML )  (16)
  » ST-segment elevation (XML)
STIP  ( in XML )  (16)
  » STIMPY (XML) | soft tissue injury protocol (XML) | sexually transmitted infection profiling (XML) | ST-segment ischemic pattern (XML) | Sensitivity Temperament Inventory for Pain (XML) ...
STCP  ( in XML )  (16)
  » spastic-type cerebral palsy (XML) | Sodium 3,5,6-trichloropyridin-2-ol (XML) | St. Thomas' cardioplegia (XML) | size tricalcium phosphate (XML) | spastic tetraparetic cerebral palsy (XML) ...
STES  ( in XML )  (16)
  » superhydrophobic thermal energy storage (XML) | Smokeless Tobacco Expectancies Scale (XML) | subthreshold electrical stimulation (XML) | science-technology-environment-society (XML) | shear-thinning electrostatic (XML) ...
STT-MRAM  ( in XML )  (16)
  » spin transfer torque magnetic random access memory (XML) | Spin-transfer torque magnetic memory (XML) | spin torque transfer magnetic random access memory (XML)
Stp  ( in XML )  (16)
  » succinoyl tetraethylene pentamine (XML) | staurosporine (XML) | saimiri transforming proteins (XML) | soft tissue reference points, porion (XML) | staphylopine (XML) ...
STPF  ( in XML )  (16)
  » stabilized temperature platform furnace (XML) | single tuned passive filter (XML) | sub-tropical pine forest (XML) | strong tracking particle filter (XML) | strength of toe plantar flexion (XML) ...
STK33  ( in XML )  (15)
  » Serine/threonine kinase 33 (XML)
STIS  ( in XML )  (15)
  » short-term inhalation studies (XML) | Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (XML) | Swiss Teratogen Information Service (XML) | severe thoracic idiopathic scoliosis (XML) | segmented total ion spectrum (XML) ...
STNPCR  ( in XML )  (15)
  » single-tube nested PCR (XML) | single tube nested PCR based approach (XML) | single-tube nested polymerase chain reaction (XML)
StA  ( in XML )  (15)
  » Standard Arabic (XML) | stefin A (XML) | Stimuplex A (XML) | Stratification Assortativity (XML) | stereotype threat (XML) ...
STPT  ( in XML )  (15)
  » serial two-photon tomography (XML) | STPT at the inframammary fold (XML) | surface microstructured porous titanium (XML) | soft tissue pinch thickness of the upper pole (XML) | symptomatic transitory delirious psychotic syndrome (XML) ...
ST6GAL1  ( in XML )  (15)
  » ST6 beta-galactoside alpha-2,6-sialyltransferase 1 (XML) | surfaces, which was consistent with the upregulation of alpha2,6-sialyltransferase I (XML)
ST17  ( in XML )  (15)
  » sequence type 17 (XML)
STGG  ( in XML )  (15)
  » skim milk-tryptone-glucose-glycerol (XML) | skim milk, tryptone, glucose, and glycerin (XML) | serum tryptone glucose glycerol (XML) | skim milk, glycerol, glucose, and tryptone soya broth (XML)
step  ( in XML )  (15)
  » step from E (XML) | stable neutral paramagnetic centers at the surface, MgO (XML) | secretion and histamine release rates, while longer exposure (XML) | Step-Tech posterior augment glenoid (XML) | serotonin injection was due to pedal wave (XML) ...
sTREM  ( in XML )  (15)
  » soluble triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells (XML)
Star  ( in XML )  (15)
  » steroidogenic acute regulatory (XML) | Star anise (XML) | Starmerella (XML) | Strategies and Hospital Overall (XML) | starvation (XML) ...
STarT  ( in XML )  (15)
  » Subgroups for Targeted Treatment (XML) | STarT Back Screening Tool (XML) | STarT Back Tool (XML)
sTyr  ( in XML )  (15)
  » sulfotyrosine (XML) | synthetase to genetically encode sulfotyrosine (XML) | sulfated tyrosine (XML) | tyrosine-O-sulfate (XML) | sulfated Tyr (XML) ...
STCL  ( in XML )  (15)
  » soft toric contact lenses (XML) | Stress Tolerance Checklist (XML) | Spatial Temporal Context Learning (XML) | Single-transponder-aided cooperative localization (XML) | Subcutaneous T-cell lymphoma (XML) ...
Stop  ( in XML )  (15)
  » stop signal - p (XML) | stop codon TAA (XML) | sensitivity of the top edge (XML) | sequential effect - a correlation between p (XML) | showed higher age-related responses to p (XML) ...
STOP-NIDDM  ( in XML )  (15)
  » Study to Prevent Non-Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (XML) | STOP-noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (XML)
STREP  ( in XML )  (15)
  » streptozotocin (XML) | Specific Targeted Research Project (XML) | biotin-Streptavidin (XML) | service in community pharmacies (XML) | strategic targeted research projects (XML) ...
STCT  ( in XML )  (15)
  » seated trunk control test (XML) | safe trigone of cerebellar tentorium (XML) | split-tibia coaptation technique (XML) | source translation based computed tomography (XML) | sperm translation cessation time (XML) ...
STK3  ( in XML )  (15)
  » serine/threonine kinase 3 (XML) | serine/threonine-protein kinase 3 (XML)
ST23  ( in XML )  (15)
  » sequence type 23 (XML)
STVM  ( in XML )  (15)
  » short-term visual memory (XML) | Society for Tropical Veterinary Medicine (XML) | shortterm visuospatial memory (XML) | short-term visual matching (XML) | short text or voice message (XML)
STFR  ( in XML )  (15)
  » small-tip fast recovery (XML) | saliva flow rate (XML) | serum transferrin receptor (XML) | soil testing and fertilizer recommendation (XML) | sparse time-frequency representation (XML) ...
sTnT  ( in XML )  (15)
  » muscle-specific troponin T (XML) | skeletal muscle troponin T (XML) | skeletal muscle TnT (XML) | skeletal troponin T (XML) | slow-twitch TnT (XML) ...
S. thermophilus  ( in XML )  (14)
  » Streptococcus thermophilus (XML) | subsp. thermophilus (XML) | thermophilic species group (XML)
ST410  ( in XML )  (14)
  » sequence type 410 (XML)
sTfr  ( in XML )  (14)
  » serum transferrin receptor (XML)
StT  ( in XML )  (14)
  » staphylococcin T (XML) | stria terminalis (XML) | St. Thomas' solution (XML) | stabilometry (XML) | standing time (XML) ...
ST-2  ( in XML )  (14)
  » suppression of tumorigenicity-2 (XML) | stromelysin-2 (XML) | settling tank-2 (XML) | semitendinosus with 2 tunnels (XML)
STMM  ( in XML )  (14)
  » short-term medical mission (XML) | superposition T-matrix method (XML) | short-term motor memory (XML) | short term major morbidity (XML) | Soft tissue malignant myoepithelioma (XML) ...
SteLL  ( in XML )  (14)
  » Schinus terebinthifolia leaf lectin (XML) | Schinus terebinthifolia leaf extract and lectin (XML) | Schinus terebinthifolia leaves express an antitumor lectin (XML)
star  ( in XML )  (14)
  » steroid acute regulatory protein (XML) | still attains its minimum near t (XML) | study we report the isolation and characterization of narX (XML) | structure accompanying PDMS (XML) | supported even when the data is generated by an unresolved (XML) ...
STiP-5.1  ( in XML )  (14)
  » Semi-Structured Interview for Personality Functioning DSM-5 (XML) | Semi-Structured Interview for DSM-5 Personality Functioning (XML)
STEM-HAADF  ( in XML )  (14)
  » scanning transmission electron microscopy-high angle annular dark field (XML) | scanning TEM with a high-angle annular dark field detector (XML) | Scanning electron microscopy with high annular dark field (XML) | scanning TEM-high angle annular dark field (XML)
sts  ( in XML )  (14)
  » Soft-tissue sarcoma (XML) | signal transduction systems (XML) | skin tensile strength (XML) | salt-tolerant and small grains (XML)
STI's  ( in XML )  (14)
  » sexually transmitted infections (XML) | systolic time intervals (XML)
STOP-EM  ( in XML )  (14)
  » Systematic Treatment Optimization Program for Early Mania (XML) | Systematic Treatment Optimization Program (XML)
St II  ( in XML )  (14)
  » Sticholysin II (XML) | sinus hair type II (XML) | Sticholysin-2 (XML) | Stichodactyla heliantus II (XML)
STHD  ( in XML )  (14)
  » survival to hospital discharge (XML) | short-term HD duration (XML) | standard bicarbonate hemodialysis (XML) | steatohepatitis-inducing HFD (XML) | stroke and HDUE (XML)
STDEV  ( in XML )  (14)
  » standard deviation (XML) | standard deviation of the error (XML)
STX6  ( in XML )  (14)
  » syntaxin 6 (XML) | showed the syntaxin 6 (XML)
stereo-DIC  ( in XML )  (14)
  » stereo-digital image correlation (XML)
ST15  ( in XML )  (14)
  » sequence type 15 (XML) | suppressor of tumorigenicity 15 protein (XML)
StP  ( in XML )  (14)
  » staphylopine (XML) | standard protocol (XML) | stylopharyngeus (XML) | steroid-paste (XML) | starch phosphate (XML) ...
STET  ( in XML )  (14)
  » space-time extremely randomized trees (XML) | short-term estrogen treatment (XML) | sinusotrabeculectomy (XML) | STandard Error Test of the null hypothesis of no difference (XML) | cryo-scanning transmission electron tomography (XML) ...
STFS  ( in XML )  (14)
  » salvage treatment-free survival (XML) | South Thames Foundation School (XML) | systemic therapy-free survival (XML) | Short-term frequency stability (XML) | salvage therapy-free survival (XML) ...
Stab2  ( in XML )  (14)
  » Stabilin-2 (XML)
STEEP  ( in XML )  (14)
  » Skin-Tissue-sparing Excision with Electrosurgical Peeling (XML) | social, technological, economic, environmental, and political (XML) | Standardized Definitions for Efficacy End Points (XML) | Simulation of Temperature Effects on ElectroPhoresis (XML) | STING ER exit protein (XML) ...
STAAB  ( in XML )  (14)
  » Stages A-B and Determinants of Progression (XML) | subjects from the general population across a wide age range (XML)
STOR  ( in XML )  (13)
  » Summary Time-Oriented Record (XML) | Society of Oncology Radiotherapy (XML) | salvage/turnover/repair (XML) | shorter median arrival to incision time (XML) | somatosensory test of reaching (XML) ...
Stm  ( in XML )  (13)
  » Starmaker (XML) | Stenotrophomonas maltophilia (XML) | Salmonella typhimurium (XML) | stomion (XML) | Streptomyces (XML)
STDD  ( in XML )  (13)
  » saturation transfer double difference (XML) | standard deviation of differences (XML) | Short-Term Depression Detector (XML) | standard dietary food (XML)
STAAD  ( in XML )  (13)
  » Stanford type A aortic dissection (XML) | Stanford type A dissection (XML) | sporadic thoracic aortic aneurysm and dissections (XML) | sporadic TAAD (XML)
STRT  ( in XML )  (13)
  » standard radiotherapy (XML) | soft-tissue respecting technique (XML) | secondary task RT (XML) | short-term resistance exercise training (XML) | Single-Cell Tagged Reverse Transcription (XML) ...
sTCC  ( in XML )  (13)
  » soluble terminal complement complex (XML) | soluble variant of the terminal C5b-9 complement complex (XML) | study included analyses of the terminal complement complex (XML)
STEAR  ( in XML )  (13)
  » selective tissue estrogenic activity regulator (XML) | stearic (XML) | 1-stearoyl-2arachidonoyl-sn-glycerol (XML)
STASCIS  ( in XML )  (13)
  » Surgical Timing in Acute Spinal Cord Injury Study (XML) | Surgical Timing in Acute SCI Study (XML)
ST235  ( in XML )  (13)
  » sequence type 235 (XML)
ST-FeSV  ( in XML )  (13)
  » Snyder-Theilen feline sarcoma virus (XML) | strain of feline sarcoma virus (XML) | sarcomagenesis in rats infected neonatally with feline sarcoma virus (XML)
STr  ( in XML )  (13)
  » somatostatin receptors (XML) | syncytiotrophoblast (XML) | sickle cell trait (XML) | supratrochlear (XML) | stimuli trains (XML) ...
STSE  ( in XML )  (13)
  » split-thickness skin excision (XML) | subacute transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (XML) | science, technology, society and environment (XML) | secondary traumatic stress efficacy (XML) | Secondary Trauma Self-Efficacy (XML) ...
stb  ( in XML )  (13)
  » stability (XML) | striped bass (XML) | spikelet-tipped bristles (XML) | heat-stable enterotoxin II (XML) | S. pombe DNA fragment (XML) ...
STNI  ( in XML )  (13)
  » subtotal nodal irradiation (XML) | single transverse neck incision (XML) | supradiaphragmatic radiotherapy and para-aortic irradiation (XML) | subtotal nodal plus spleen irradiation (XML)
STK38  ( in XML )  (13)
  » serine/threonine kinase 38 (XML) | serine/threonine protein kinase 38 (XML)
Stg  ( in XML )  (13)
  » String (XML) | staygreen (XML) | Sterigmatocystin (XML) | stargazin (XML) | stay-green drought tolerance (XML) ...
ST-IAT  ( in XML )  (13)
  » Single Target Implicit Association Test (XML) | Single Target IATs (XML)
STZ-induced  ( in XML )  (13)
  » streptozotocin-induced (XML) | streptozocin-induced (XML)
STTC  ( in XML )  (13)
  » spike time tiling coefficient (XML) | sodium tetrathiocarbonate (XML) | ST-segment changes (XML) | ST/T Change (XML) | supracerebellar transtentorial transcollateral sulcus approach (XML) ...
stDNA  ( in XML )  (13)
  » satellite DNA (XML) | salmon testes DNA (XML) | solid tumor DNA (XML)
STLI  ( in XML )  (13)
  » subtotal lymphoid irradiation (XML) | subtotal lymphoid (XML) | short-term liver injury (XML) | stochastic trophic level index model (XML) | spectral two-layer interferometry (XML) ...
Steud  ( in XML )  (13)
  » sesquiterpene coumarin, isolated from the roots of Ferula ferulaeoides (XML) | Sesquiterpenoid derivatives from Ferula ferulaeoides (XML) | sesquiterpenoid derivatives were isolated from the roots of Ferula ferulaeoides (XML) | secretory ducts of Ferula ferulaeoides (XML) | sesquiterpenes from Ferula ferulaeoides (XML) ...
STRM  ( in XML )  (13)
  » signal threshold versus reference mean (XML) | Side-lying Thoraco-lumbar Rotation Measurement (XML) | Signal Threshold Versus Reference Myocardium technique (XML) | SpatioTemporally Resolved MVPA (XML) | subcutaneous, total, or radical mastectomy (XML) ...
STABILISE  ( in XML )  (13)
  » stent-assisted balloon-induced intimal disruption and relamination in aortic dissection repair (XML) | stent assisted balloon induced intimal disruption and relamination (XML)
STOP-IT  ( in XML )  (13)
  » Study to Optimize Peritoneal Infection Therapy (XML) | short-course antimicrobial therapy for intra-abdominal infection (XML) | Sign for Predicting and Treating ICH Growth Study (XML)
sTLT-1  ( in XML )  (13)
  » soluble TREM-like transcript-1 (XML) | soluble triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells-like transcript 1 (XML) | soluble TLT-1 (XML) | soluble form of TLT-1 (XML)
Staph A  ( in XML )  (13)
  » Staphylococcus aureus (XML) | Staphylococcus aureus cells (XML) | Staphylococcus aureus protein A (XML) | Staphylococcus enterotoxin A (XML) | staphylococcal cells containing protein A (XML)
STABILITY  ( in XML )  (13)
  » Stabilization of Atherosclerotic Plaque by Initiation of Darapladib Therapy (XML) | stenosis: Insights from the bicuSpid TAvi duraBILITY (XML) | stable coronary heart disease patients (XML)
STK15  ( in XML )  (13)
  » serine/threonine kinase 15 (XML) | serine threonine protein kinase 15 (XML)
sTAA  ( in XML )  (13)
  » soluble tumor-associated antigens (XML) | soluble low-molecular-mass tumor-associated antigens (XML) | standard way (XML) | soluble 66- and 51 kDa tumor-associated antigens (XML)
STK40  ( in XML )  (13)
  » serine/threonine kinase 40 (XML)
ST-PSCs  ( in XML )  (13)
  » semitransparent perovskite solar cells (XML) | Semitransparent polymer solar cells (XML) | semitransparent PSCs (XML)
STGP  ( in XML )  (12)
  » short-term group psychodynamic psychotherapy (XML) | single-trait genomic prediction (XML) | spatiotemporal Gaussian process (XML) | shed tumor glycoproteins (XML) | single target gene positive (XML) ...
STSMs  ( in XML )  (12)
  » short-term surgical missions (XML) | soft tissue surgical margins (XML) | Short-Term Scientific Missions (XML)
STLr  ( in XML )  (12)
  » step through latency in the retention test (XML) | step-through latency (XML) | standard tessellation language (XML)
STMN2  ( in XML )  (12)
  » Stathmin-2 (XML) | stathmin-like 2 (XML) | splicing target, stathmin-2 (XML)
STMF  ( in XML )  (12)
  » syringotropic MF (XML) | Syringotropic mycosis fungoides (XML) | simultaneous transmission multiple-zone focusing (XML) | Short-Term Mortality Fluctuations (XML) | Sparse Tropical Matrix Factorization (XML) ...
STRes  ( in XML )  (12)
  » ST-segment resolution (XML) | ST resolution (XML)
strA  ( in XML )  (12)
  » streptomycin resistance (XML) | somatic mutations were determined in rpsL (XML) | spectra among organs by N-methyl-N-nitrosourea in rpsL (XML) | sortase enzyme (XML) | strain A (XML) ...
STEP61  ( in XML )  (12)
  » STriatal-Enriched protein tyrosine Phosphatase 61 (XML) | Striatal-enriched phosphatase 61 (XML) | striatal-enriched tyrosine phosphatase 61 (XML)
STOX1  ( in XML )  (12)
  » Storkhead box 1 (XML) | Storkhead-box protein 1 (XML) | STORKHEAD_BOX1 PROTEIN 1 (XML)
STAAR  ( in XML )  (12)
  » State Action on Avoidable Rehospitalizations (XML) | simplify the treatment of anemia with Aranesp (XML) | State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (XML) | variant-Set Test for Association using Annotation infoRmation (XML) | Staphylococcal toxicity and antibiotic resistance (XML) ...
StMPM  ( in XML )  (12)
  » syncytiotrophoblast microvillous plasma membrane (XML) | syncytiotrophoblast plasma membrane (XML)
Ste20  ( in XML )  (12)
  » Sterile 20 (XML)
STBA  ( in XML )  (12)
  » serum total bile acids (XML) | Serum total bile acid levels (XML) | Southern Tree Breeding Association (XML) | standardized team-based approach (XML) | stilbene-4-boronic acid (XML)
STEE  ( in XML )  (12)
  » stress transesophageal echocardiography (XML) | Supratentorial extraventricular ependymoma (XML) | sugarcane top ethanolic extract (XML) | standard EE (XML) | spatial-temporal EEG encoder (XML)
STEED  ( in XML )  (12)
  » Servicemen's Testicular Tumor Environmental and Endocrine Determinants (XML)
STDM  ( in XML )  (12)
  » shared treatment decision-making (XML) | standard trypanosome detection methods (XML) | Short-term dermoscopic monitoring (XML) | standard management (XML) | sight-threatening diabetic macular oedema (XML) ...
STFF  ( in XML )  (12)
  » scapular tip free flap (XML)
STLT  ( in XML )  (12)
  » systemic thrombolytic therapy (XML) | subthreshold laser treatment (XML) | state, tribal, local, and territorial (XML) | suprachiasmatic translamina terminalis (XML)
STEEM  ( in XML )  (12)
  » Surgical Theatre Educational Environment Measure (XML) | ship traffic, energy, and environment model (XML)
StART  ( in XML )  (12)
  » steroidogenic acute regulatory protein-related lipid transfer (XML) | Standardized Assessment of Reaction Time (XML) | Straight-Line Advanced Release Technique (XML) | Stress Assessment and Research Toolkit (XML) | Stipulation Analysis Review Tool (XML) ...
STK31  ( in XML )  (12)
  » serine/threonine kinase 31 (XML) | serine/threonine-protein kinase 31 (XML)
STATH  ( in XML )  (12)
  » statherin (XML) | statherin gene (XML)
STRIPE  ( in XML )  (12)
  » Synthesis and Translation of Research and Innovations from Polio Eradication (XML) | STRategies to Improve Pain and Enjoy life (XML) | Strength Training Rehabilitation Incorporating Power Exercises (XML) | study was to validate a predictive model for radiation pneumonitis (XML)
STMC  ( in XML )  (12)
  » 6-O-succinate-N-trimethyl chitosan (XML) | Salmonella typhimurium var. copenhagen (XML) | Soft tissue myoepithelial carcinomas (XML) | spatiotemporal mode collapse (XML) | spin-tensor-momentum coupling (XML) ...
STAC3  ( in XML )  (12)
  » SH3 and cysteine-rich domain 3 (XML) | SH3 and cysteine-rich domain-containing protein 3 (XML) | Src homology 3 and cysteine rich domain 3 (XML)
STAZN  ( in XML )  (12)
  » Stilbazulenyl nitrone (XML) | second-generation azulenyl nitrone, stilbazunenlyl nitrone (XML) | stilbazulenyl-bis-nitrone (XML)
STPR  ( in XML )  (12)
  » skin thickness progression rate (XML) | score and three amino acid peptide repeat (XML) | stopping-power ratio (XML) | Standardised Training of Paediatric Resident (XML) | surface two-plasmon resonance (XML) ...
STAI-I  ( in XML )  (12)
  » State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (XML) | Spielberger Trait Anxiety Inventory (XML) | state-trait anxiety inventory scale (XML) | State-Trait-Anxiety Index-I (XML)
STECs  ( in XML )  (12)
  » swine tracheal epithelial cells (XML) | Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (XML) | Salmonella enterica, Listeria monocytogenes, Escherichia coli (XML) | Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli strains (XML)
STEMO  ( in XML )  (12)
  » Stroke Emergency Mobile (XML) | stroke emergency mobile unit (XML)
STAE  ( in XML )  (11)
  » Selective transarterial embolization (XML) | supplementary transcatheter arterial embolization (XML) | salt-tolerant anion-exchange (XML) | skin tumor area extraction (XML) | inserted twelve additional nucleotides, corresponding to four additional amino acids (XML) ...
STAM2  ( in XML )  (11)
  » signal transducing adaptor molecule 2 (XML)
StR  ( in XML )  (11)
  » Speciality Registrar (XML) | surgery trainees (XML) | stratum radiatum (XML) | stapedius reflex (XML) | stent-remodeled (XML) ...
STRD  ( in XML )  (11)
  » standardized training for resident doctors (XML) | summed tandem-repeat difference (XML) | Stochastic Thermostatted Rotation Dynamics (XML) | soft tissue rheumatic disease (XML) | serine/threonine-rich domain (XML) ...
stm  ( in XML )  (11)
  » stumpy (XML) | starmaker gene (XML) | shoot meristemless (XML) | similar mutants, stumpy (XML) | shoot turgor maintenance (XML) ...
STOV  ( in XML )  (11)
  » spatiotemporal optical vortex (XML)
Stig  ( in XML )  (11)
  » stigmasterol (XML)
STM and STS  ( in XML )  (11)
  » scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy (XML)
sto  ( in XML )  (11)
  » stomion (XML) | stoloniferum (XML) | some potato cultivars carrying the Ry (XML) | heat-stable enterotoxin gene (XML)
S-transform  ( in XML )  (11)
  » Stockwell transform (XML)
STAG3  ( in XML )  (11)
  » stromal antigen 3 (XML)
STARRS-LS  ( in XML )  (11)
  » Servicemembers-Longitudinal Study (XML) | STARRS and its longitudinal follow-up study (XML) | STARRS Longitudinal Study (XML)
ST-7  ( in XML )  (11)
  » sequence type 7 (XML) | showed that the 7 equivalent mol% TiO2 doped SiO2 film (XML) | synthesized a peptide corresponding to the sequence 37-53 (XML)
ST19  ( in XML )  (11)
  » sequence type 19 (XML)
STAT-1alpha  ( in XML )  (11)
  » signal transducer and activator of transcription-1alpha (XML)
STFA  ( in XML )  (11)
  » Spatio-Temporal Factor Analysis (XML) | saturated FA (XML) | saturated fatty acid (XML) | saturated total fatty acid (XML) | second-trimester fetal antigen (XML) ...
ST101  ( in XML )  (11)
  » sequence type 101 (XML)
sTNF-R75  ( in XML )  (11)
  » soluble tumor necrosis factor receptor 75 (XML) | soluble 75-kDa TNF-receptor (XML) | soluble TNF-alpha receptor p75 (XML) | soluble TNF-receptor 75 (XML) | soluble p75 tumor necrosis factor (XML)
ST7  ( in XML )  (11)
  » subtype 7 (XML) | suppressor of tumorigenecity 7 (XML) | ST7-1 and ST7-2 (XML) | strain 7 (XML) | suppressor of tumorigenicity 7 protein (XML)
StII  ( in XML )  (11)
  » sticholysin II (XML)
ST-G  ( in XML )  (11)
  » semitendinosus-gracilis tendon (XML) | single-lumen tube group (XML) | ST and gracilis tendon (XML) | Semitendinosus and Gracilis tendons autograft (XML) | semitendinosus and gracilis (XML) ...
ST30  ( in XML )  (11)
  » sequence type 30 (XML) | ATCC-12598-ST30 (XML)
STCI  ( in XML )  (11)
  » state-trait-cheerfulness-inventory (XML) | Standards for tuberculosis care in India (XML) | Standards for TB Care in India (XML) | Spatiotemporal conditional inference (XML) | search-to-confirmed interval (XML) ...
stepAIC  ( in XML )  (11)
  » stepwise Akaike information criterion (XML)
ST-T  ( in XML )  (11)
  » ST-segment and T-wave (XML) | ST-segment-T wave (XML) | sole tissue temperature (XML) | subjects: labile repolarization (XML) | ST and/or T (XML) ...
Staph  ( in XML )  (11)
  » Staphylococcus (XML)
STMDs  ( in XML )  (11)
  » small target motion detectors (XML) | Self-triggered micro-/milli-devices (XML)
STAT1alpha  ( in XML )  (11)
  » signal transducer and activator of transcription 1alpha (XML)
ST59  ( in XML )  (11)
  » sequence type 59 (XML)
STX2  ( in XML )  (11)
  » Syntaxin2 (XML)
STD's  ( in XML )  (11)
  » sexually transmitted diseases (XML) | Sexually transmitted diseases (XML)
ST-1  ( in XML )  (11)
  » Stromelysin-1 (XML) | Streptococcus thermophilus strain YIT 2001 (XML) | semitendinosus with 1 tunnel (XML) | settling tank-1 (XML) | spa types. t127 (XML) ...
stLFR  ( in XML )  (11)
  » single-tube long fragment read (XML)
Stbm  ( in XML )  (11)
  » Strabismus (XML)
STNR  ( in XML )  (11)
  » symmetrical tonic neck reflex (XML) | Salmonella Typhimurium (XML) | symmetric tonic neck reflex (XML) | strain (XML) | stanene nanoribbon (XML) ...
STBD  ( in XML )  (11)
  » skin-to-bone distance (XML) | spatiotemporal brain data (XML) | skin-to-bone depth (XML) | spatial textual big data (XML) | spinal trabecular bone density (XML)
STARRS  ( in XML )  (11)
  » Study to Assess Risk and Resilience in Servicemembers (XML)
STEC/ETEC  ( in XML )  (10)
  » Shiga toxin-producing and enterotoxigenic E. coli (XML) | Shiga Toxin-Producing and Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (XML) | Shigatoxigenic and Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (XML) | Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli/enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (XML) | shigatoxigenic and enterotoxigenic E. coli (XML)
STAU  ( in XML )  (10)
  » staurosporine (XML) | specialized treatment as usual (XML) | ST-as-Usual (XML) | Staufen protein (XML) | double-stranded RNA-binding protein gene (XML)
ST198  ( in XML )  (10)
  » sequence type 198 (XML)
sTD-DFT  ( in XML )  (10)
  » simplified time-dependent density functional theory (XML)
ST-36  ( in XML )  (10)
  » Stomach 36 (XML) | stomach 36 point (XML) | stomach-36 or Zusanli (XML) | Stomach Meridian-36, Zusanli (XML)
STDF  ( in XML )  (10)
  » spatiotemporal data fusion (XML) | Standards and Trade Development Facility (XML) | spatio-temporal deep forest (XML) | shape and topology description function (XML) | self-trained deep-forest (XML) ...
STEGHs  ( in XML )  (10)
  » short-term experiences in global health (XML) | short-term educational experiences in global health (XML)
STaR  ( in XML )  (10)
  » Single-Tablet Regimen (XML) | heat-stable enterotoxin receptor (XML) | Survey Tool approach for collaborative literature Reviews (XML) | Surgical Timing and Rehabilitation (XML) | Steroidogenic Acute Regulatory protein (XML) ...
ST512  ( in XML )  (10)
  » sequence type 512 (XML)
STLV-III  ( in XML )  (10)
  » simian T-lymphotropic virus type III (XML)
STEREO  ( in XML )  (10)
  » Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (XML) | steering resonance over the object (XML)
ST25  ( in XML )  (10)
  » sequence type 25 (XML)
STARFM  ( in XML )  (10)
  » Spatial and Temporal Adaptive Reflectance Fusion Model (XML) | Spatial and Temporal Adaptive Fusion Model (XML)
ST22  ( in XML )  (10)
  » sequence type 22 (XML) | 14SA-ST22-IVh (XML)
STZ/HFD  ( in XML )  (10)
  » streptozotocin/high-fat diet (XML) | streptozotocin combined with a high-fat diet (XML)
STVQT  ( in XML )  (10)
  » short-term variability of the QT interval (XML) | short-term variability of QT (XML) | short-term QT interval variability (XML)
STYs  ( in XML )  (10)
  » space time yields (XML) | sustained timber yields (XML) | Super typhoons (XML)
sTXB2  ( in XML )  (10)
  » serum thromboxane B2 (XML) | serum TXB2 (XML)
stRNAs  ( in XML )  (10)
  » small temporal RNAs (XML) | sRNAs in wheat derived from tRNAs (XML) | small temporally regulated RNAs (XML) | small temporally expressed RNAs (XML) | structured RNAs (XML)
StC  ( in XML )  (10)
  » symptom-to-catheter (XML) | strength training control (XML) | strip clear-cutting (XML) | standard of care without molecular testing (XML) | starches were extracted from cassava (XML) ...
ST-CBCT  ( in XML )  (10)
  » soft tissue cone-beam computed tomography (XML) | soft-tissue cone-beam tomographic examinations (XML)
STRRIDE  ( in XML )  (10)
  » Studies of a Targeted Risk Reduction Intervention through Defined Exercise (XML)
S-TRAIL  ( in XML )  (10)
  » specific agent, tumor necrosis factor-apoptosis-inducing ligand (XML) | secretable TRAIL (XML) | secretable variant of TRAIL (XML) | TRAIL-S-layer fusion protein (XML) | secreted TRAIL (XML)
STI/HIV  ( in XML )  (10)
  » sexually transmitted infection/human immunodeficiency virus (XML) | sexually transmitted infection including HIV (XML)
STPV  ( in XML )  (10)
  » Solar thermophotovoltaic (XML) | septic thrombosis of portal vein (XML) | solar thermal photo vapor generator (XML) | semitransparent PV (XML)
STOK  ( in XML )  (10)
  » space-time ordinary kriging (XML) | spatiotemporal ordinary kriging (XML) | Self-Testing Own Kidneys (XML) | Self-Tuning Optimized Kalman filter (XML) | self-tuning optimized Kalman (XML)
STIKO  ( in XML )  (10)
  » Standing Committee on Vaccination at the Robert Koch Institute (XML) | Standige Impfkommission (XML) | Standige Impfkommission am Robert-Koch-Institut, Berlin (XML)
STARD3  ( in XML )  (10)
  » StAR related lipid transfer domain containing 3 (XML) | steroidogenic acute regulatory-related lipid transfer domain containing 3 (XML) | StAR-related lipid transfer domain-3 (XML)
STAA  ( in XML )  (10)
  » superficial temporal artery aneurysm (XML) | short-term abstinent alcoholics (XML) | spatio-temporal aggregated attention (XML) | streptomycin thallous acetate actidione (XML) | short-term acoustic adaptation (XML) ...
STMA  ( in XML )  (10)
  » State Tobacco Monopoly Administration (XML) | Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolitan Area (XML) | spectro-temporal modulation analysis (XML) | stilbene maleic acid (XML) | Susceptibility Testing Manufacturers Association (XML) ...
StE  ( in XML )  (10)
  » Stimulated Emission (XML) | structural epilepsy (XML) | Stroop EncephAlapp (XML) | staphylococcal enterotoxin (XML) | Strain echocardiography (XML) ...
STENT  ( in XML )  (10)
  » stenting (XML) | Strategic Transcatheter Evaluation of New Therapies (XML) | Survey on ureTEric draiNage post uncomplicaTed ureteroscopy (XML) | stent catheter (XML) | stent grafts (XML) ...
STRCs  ( in XML )  (10)
  » short-term repopulating cells (XML) | spike time response curves (XML) | short-term repopulating hematopoietic cells (XML)
s-TSH  ( in XML )  (10)
  » serum TSH (XML) | serum levels for TSH (XML)
STID  ( in XML )  (10)
  » streptozocin-induced diabetic (XML) | SHG to TPEF index of the dermis (XML) | Systemic therapy-induced diarrhea (XML) | Smart&TouchID (XML) | solar-thermal interface desalination (XML) ...
ST-FMR  ( in XML )  (10)
  » spin-torque ferromagnetic resonance (XML) | spin torque-induced ferromagnetic resonance (XML) | SOT-induced ferromagnetic resonance (XML)
STAMPEDE  ( in XML )  (10)
  » Surgical Treatment And Medications Potentially Eradicate Diabetes Efficiently (XML) | Systemic Therapy in Advancing or Metastatic Prostate cancer (XML) | STudy of Active Duty Military Personnel for Environmental Dust Exposure (XML) | SystemicTherapy inAdvancing orMetastaticProstateCancer:Evaluation ofDrugEfficacy (XML)
sTP  ( in XML )  (10)
  » severe thrombocytopenia (XML) | system on the basis of the tumor perfusion signal intensity (XML) | synthetic thymic peptides (XML) | static telepathology (XML) | small-sized triple-positive group (XML) ...
STLPyV  ( in XML )  (10)
  » Saint Louis polyomavirus (XML) | STL polyomavirus (XML)
sTT  ( in XML )  (10)
  » serum total testosterone (XML) | serum testosterone (XML) | standard transtibial (XML) | serum total thiol (XML) | simple thumb tapping (XML)
STCR  ( in XML )  (10)
  » soil test crop response (XML) | spatiotemporal constrained reconstruction (XML) | short telephone call reminder (XML) | soil test crop response correlation (XML) | signal-to-trailing-clutter ratios (XML)
S-TDCM  ( in XML )  (10)
  » synthetic trehalose dicorynomycolate (XML) | synthetic trehalose dicorynomycolate in drakeol (XML)
STHMFP  ( in XML )  (10)
  » specific THMFP (XML) | specific trihalomethane formation potential (XML) | specific THMs formation potential (XML) | standardised THMFP (XML)
STRiV  ( in XML )  (10)
  » Survey on Teen Relationships and Intimate Violence (XML)
ST167  ( in XML )  (10)
  » sequence type 167 (XML)
STPa  ( in XML )  (10)
  » superior temporal polysensory area (XML) | Superior Temporal Polysensory (XML)
ST-HSC  ( in XML )  (10)
  » short-term HSC (XML) | short-term hematopoietic stem cells (XML) | Short-term repopulating hematopoietic stem cells (XML) | short-term repopulating HSC (XML)
sTDDFT  ( in XML )  (9)
  » subsystem time-dependent density-functional theory (XML) | simplified TDDFT (XML)
STK10  ( in XML )  (9)
  » serine/threonine kinase 10 (XML) | serine/threonine-protein kinase 10 (XML)
ST-MCS  ( in XML )  (9)
  » short-term mechanical circulatory support (XML)
stress-EchoCG  ( in XML )  (9)
  » stress echocardiography (XML) | speckle-tracking stress-echocardiography (XML)
Stev  ( in XML )  (9)
  » stevioside (XML) | same time, changes in stevioside (XML) | species investigated, E. phyllopogon (XML) | strains isolated from nodules of Vavilovia formosa (XML)
START-Play  ( in XML )  (9)
  » Sitting Together And Reaching To Play (XML)
STRIPES  ( in XML )  (9)
  » Support To Rural India's Public Education System (XML) | spectro-temporal ripple for investigating processor effectiveness (XML) | Study To Reduce Infection Prior to Elective Cesarean Deliveries (XML) | Steroids in Fluid and/or Vasoactive Infusion Dependent Pediatric Shock (XML) | study will test a peer-delivered intervention (XML)
STPE  ( in XML )  (9)
  » sewage treatment plant effluents (XML) | S. terebinthifolius, from fruits'peel (XML) | Sargassum thunbergii phenolic-rich extract (XML) | Small temporal pole encephalocele (XML) | sewage treatment plant (XML) ...
sTNF-R55  ( in XML )  (9)
  » soluble tumour necrosis factor receptor p55 (XML) | soluble TNF receptor p55 (XML) | soluble 55-kDa TNF receptor (XML) | soluble p55 receptor for TNF (XML)
ST-CF  ( in XML )  (9)
  » short-term culture filtrate (XML) | single-tip ablation catheters aided by contact force sensing (XML)
ST-GPR  ( in XML )  (9)
  » spatiotemporal Gaussian process regression (XML)
STBD1  ( in XML )  (9)
  » starch-binding domain-containing protein 1 (XML) | starch-binding domain protein 1 (XML) | starch domain binding protein 1 (XML) | starch-binding domain 1 (XML) | starch-binding-protein-domain-1 (XML)
sTCR  ( in XML )  (9)
  » soluble T cell receptor (XML) | soluble TCR (XML) | soluble murine T cell receptors (XML) | survivin-specific transgenic TCR (XML) | soluble form of the TCR (XML) ...
Stereo-seq  ( in XML )  (9)
  » spatial enhanced resolution omics-sequencing (XML) | resolution-SpaTial Enhanced REsolution Omics-sequencing (XML)
STK24  ( in XML )  (9)
  » serine/threonine-protein kinase 24 (XML) | serine/threonine kinase 24 (XML)
STING1  ( in XML )  (9)
  » stimulator of interferon response cGAMP interactor 1 (XML) | STING protein, TMEM173 (XML) | stimulator of interferon gene 1 (XML)
STEMs  ( in XML )  (9)
  » scanning transmission electron microscopes (XML) | synthetic tumor microenvironment mimics (XML) | Spatiotemporal Exploratory Models (XML) | spheroids-synthetic tumor microenvironment mimics (XML)
Struthio camelus  ( in XML )  (9)
  » sexually immature ostrich (XML) | studied five female adult ostriches (XML) | serum albumin from the ostrich (XML)
Stb  ( in XML )  (9)
  » Standardbreds (XML) | stobadine dipalmitate (XML) | stability determinant (XML) | stabilizing dipeptides (XML) | stable CHF postinfarction course (XML) ...
STAP1  ( in XML )  (9)
  » signal-transducing adaptor family member 1 (XML) | signal transduction adaptor protein 1 (XML)
STWS  ( in XML )  (9)
  » Stuve-Wiedemann syndrome (XML) | Solar thermal water-splitting (XML) | streamer along the water surface (XML) | solar thermochemical water splitting (XML)
Stx-1  ( in XML )  (9)
  » Shiga toxin-1 (XML) | syntaxin-1 (XML)
Stab1  ( in XML )  (9)
  » Stabilin-1 (XML)
StSi  ( in XML )  (9)
  » stand-to-sit (XML)
STOP-PD  ( in XML )  (9)
  » Study of the Pharmacotherapy of Psychotic Depression (XML)
STEARC  ( in XML )  (9)
  » spatial-temporal association of response codes (XML)
STOD  ( in XML )  (9)
  » subclinical target organ damage (XML) | satisfaction with Tinder offline dates (XML) | single-to-differential (XML) | storage under anoxic conditions, k (XML)
sTL  ( in XML )  (9)
  » salivary telomere length (XML) | standard TL (XML) | Suitable threshold level (XML)
Strand-seq  ( in XML )  (9)
  » strand sequencing (XML) | strand-specific single-cell sequencing (XML)
STAMBPL1  ( in XML )  (9)
  » STAM-binding protein-like 1 (XML) | STAM-binding protein like 1, ALMalpha (XML)
STAMPs  ( in XML )  (9)
  » specifically targeted antimicrobial peptides (XML) | spatiotemporal amplitude-modulated patterns (XML)
ST147  ( in XML )  (9)
  » sequence type 147 (XML)
STGCs  ( in XML )  (9)
  » syncytiotrophoblastic giant cells (XML) | Single-track Gray codes (XML)
STVR  ( in XML )  (9)
  » surgical tricuspid valve replacement (XML) | specimen-to-tumor-volume ratio (XML) | stentless tricuspid valve replacement (XML) | semitransparent volume-rendering (XML) | Surgical treatment for varicose recurrence (XML) ...
STOT  ( in XML )  (9)
  » short-term oxygen therapy (XML) | Solid Tumor Orientation Tube (XML) | specific target organ toxicant (XML) | sterilized oat was inoculated as follows: (a) aseptic water (XML) | subtotal outpatient transplantation (XML)
STTS  ( in XML )  (9)
  » streptococcal toxic shock syndrome (XML) | scaphoid-trapezium-trapezoid subluxation (XML) | Special Tactics Training Squadron (XML) | Satisfaction with Therapy and Therapist Scale (XML) | supracerebellar transtentorial transcollateral sulcus (XML) ...
STFJ  ( in XML )  (9)
  » superior tibiofibular joint (XML) | stiffness jump (XML)
STRMK  ( in XML )  (9)
  » Stormorken syndrome (XML)
sTTE  ( in XML )  (9)
  » standard transthoracic echocardiography (XML) | standard TTE (XML)
S.T  ( in XML )  (9)
  » Scheduled tribes (XML) | Slow Twitch fibres (XML) | Spiraea thunbergii (XML) | senior author (XML) | secondary tumors (XML) ...
ST90  ( in XML )  (9)
  » sequence type 90 (XML) | saturation <90 (XML) | saturation below 90 (XML) | ST plus 2 g/d FO for 90 d (XML) | sleep time with oxyhaemoglobin saturation<90 (XML)
STRAIN  ( in XML )  (9)
  » Stress and Adversity Inventory (XML) | ST Reduced Assembly IdentificatioN (XML)
STCH  ( in XML )  (9)
  » solar thermochemical hydrogen production (XML) | Starch (XML) | synaptic tagging and capture hypothesis (XML) | stochastic programming (XML) | stress chaperone (XML) ...
stbm  ( in XML )  (9)
  » strabismus (XML)
ST cells  ( in XML )  (9)
  » swine testicular cell line (XML) | swine testis cells (XML) | special thecal cells (XML) | Sertoli cells (XML)
STASH  ( in XML )  (9)
  » Simvastatin in Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage (XML) | STis And Sexual Health (XML) | Simvastatin in Aneurysmal Hemorrhage Trial (XML) | anti-smoking intervention, the 'STis AndSexual Health (XML) | sexual health in secondary schools (XML)
STATCOM  ( in XML )  (9)
  » static synchronous compensator (XML)
STURDY  ( in XML )  (9)
  » Study to Understand Fall Reduction and Vitamin D in You (XML)
sta  ( in XML )  (9)
  » stubarista (XML) | quasi-stationary (XML) | starch accumulation (XML) | stability gene (XML) | starchless (XML) ...
ST38  ( in XML )  (9)
  » sequence type 38 (XML)
STRATIFY  ( in XML )  (9)
  » St. Thomas's Risk Assessment Tool in Falling Elderly Inpatients (XML) | St. Thomas Risk Assessment Tool In Falling elderlY (XML) | STRAtifying Treatments In the multi-morbid Frail elderlY (XML)
STBEV  ( in XML )  (9)
  » syncytiotrophoblast extracellular vesicles (XML) | STB derived EV (XML) | STB-derived extracellular vesicles (XML)
STDA  ( in XML )  (9)
  » spatial-temporal discriminant analysis (XML) | supervised target detection algorithms (XML) | self-tuned discrimination-aware (XML) | Siamese-Transport Domain Adaptation (XML) | Self-Training based Domain Adaptation method (XML) ...
STNO  ( in XML )  (9)
  » spin torque nano-oscillator (XML) | spin-transfer nano-oscillator (XML)
STX7  ( in XML )  (9)
  » syntaxin 7 (XML)
StAv  ( in XML )  (8)
  » streptavidin (XML)
STZ-HFD  ( in XML )  (8)
  » streptozotocin-high fat diet (XML) | streptozotocin and high fat diet-treated (XML)
STOP-HF  ( in XML )  (8)
  » Screening TO Prevent Heart Failure (XML) | Stromal Cell-Derived Factor-1 Plasmid Treatment for Patients with Heart Failure (XML)
STSI  ( in XML )  (8)
  » spatiotemporal stability index (XML) | systolic thyroid stiffness index (XML) | short-term isolation from littermates (XML) | short-term social isolation (XML) | short-term isolation (XML) ...
STEET  ( in XML )  (8)
  » single thawed euploid embryo transfer (XML)
STAS-J  ( in XML )  (8)
  » Support Team Assessment Schedule-Japanese (XML)
STEG  ( in XML )  (8)
  » solar thermoelectric generator (XML) | suspension-type free-standing mode TEG (XML) | stove-powered thermoelectric generator (XML) | sterigmatocystin (XML) | anti-schistosomular tegument (XML)
STA-SCA  ( in XML )  (8)
  » superficial temporal artery-superior cerebellar artery (XML)
STX8  ( in XML )  (8)
  » syntaxin 8 (XML)
Sti  ( in XML )  (8)
  » Sticky (XML) | stigma and social distress (XML) | strong incompatibility (XML) | Slow tropomyosin isoform (XML) | saliva detected by anti-I (XML) ...
STAI-6  ( in XML )  (8)
  » State-Trait Anxiety Inventory-6 (XML) | State-Trait Anxiety Inventory 6-item short form (XML)
STeP  ( in XML )  (8)
  » Structured Testing Program (XML) | short transitional intervention in psychiatry (XML)
STSTS  ( in XML )  (8)
  » sit-to-stand-to-sit (XML) | sit-to-stand-to-sit exercises (XML)
STSN  ( in XML )  (8)
  » staurosporine (XML) | subscapularis tendon slip number (XML) | structure-texture separation network (XML) | steerable transseptal needle (XML) | self-taught student network (XML)
stx1  ( in XML )  (8)
  » Shiga toxin 1 gene (XML) | Shiga toxin genes 1 (XML) | Shiga toxin 1 encoding (XML) | st, vtx1 (XML) | strains presented vtx1 (XML)
S-TDT  ( in XML )  (8)
  » sib TDT (XML) | sibling-TDT (XML) | sibling-based TDT (XML)
ST10  ( in XML )  (8)
  » sequence type 10 (XML) | ST-segment depression was measured to the nearest 10 microV (XML) | set of tests to determine: 10 m (XML) | subset within a broadly disseminated O78:H10 clonal group (XML)
STESR  ( in XML )  (8)
  » saturation transfer electron spin resonance (XML) | saturation transfer ESR (XML)
STARC  ( in XML )  (8)
  » Spatial-Tactile Association for Response Code (XML) | Stress, Trauma and Anxiety Research Clinic (XML) | Spatial-Temporal Association Response Codes (XML) | surgical aortic valve replacement (XML) | spatiotemporal analysis of relative convergence (XML) ...
STELLA  ( in XML )  (8)
  » software defined implantable modular platform (XML) | Sustainable Transport in Europe and Links and Liaisons to America (XML) | Stimulated Electroencephalogram on Line Analyzer (XML) | Stem Cells Sensitivity Assay (XML) | staged electron laser acceleration (XML) ...
SToRM  ( in XML )  (8)
  » smoothness regularization on manifolds (XML) | Self-report tool for recognizing mania (XML) | SNPs To Risk of Metastasis (XML)
STWT  ( in XML )  (8)
  » school-to-work transition (XML) | submaximal treadmill walk test (XML) | signature tagged wild-type (XML) | short TAVR wait times (XML) | school-to-work and school-to-university transition (XML) ...
ST111  ( in XML )  (8)
  » sequence type 111 (XML)
STRATOS  ( in XML )  (8)
  » Strasbourg Thoracic Osteosynthesis System (XML) | sternal reconstruction using an innovative titanium rib bridge system (XML) | strengthening analytical thinking for observational studies (XML)
STHLM3  ( in XML )  (8)
  » Stockholm 3 (XML) | Stockholm-3 model (XML)
STLmax  ( in XML )  (8)
  » short-term largest Lyapunov exponent (XML) | short-term Lyapunov exponents (XML)
ST80  ( in XML )  (8)
  » sequence type 80 (XML) | sequence type 80 with staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec type IVc (XML)
StTA  ( in XML )  (8)
  » stimulus-triggered averaging (XML)
STRY  ( in XML )  (8)
  » strychnine (XML)
Stat3  ( in XML )  (8)
  » signal transducer and activator 3 (XML) | signal transducer and transcription activator 3 (XML) | suggests that transcription-3 (XML)
STEER  ( in XML )  (8)
  » Simulation Training in Early Emergency Response (XML) | strength training to enhance early recovery (XML) | St. Thomas East End Reserves (XML) | Supporting the Effective Entry to the Roadway (XML) | Substrate-guided, Tissue-Electrode Encapsulation and Integration (XML)
STIE  ( in XML )  (8)
  » systemic tumor immune environment (XML) | Science, Technology, Innovation and Economy (XML) | selective transarterial iliac embolization (XML) | second transcription initiation element (XML) | supratentorial intraventricular ependymoma (XML) ...
STNA  ( in XML )  (8)
  » stoned-A (XML) | self-targeting nano-assembly (XML) | social transformation needs areas (XML) | subtropical NA (XML)
STI571  ( in XML )  (8)
  » signal transduction inhibitor 571 (XML) | ABL-specific tyrosine kinase inhibitor, CGP57148B (XML) | synthetic inhibitor, identified as CGP57148 (XML)
STSp  ( in XML )  (8)
  » superior temporal sulcus (XML) | sit-to-stand power test (XML)
ST313  ( in XML )  (8)
  » sequence type 313 (XML) | S. Typhimurium ST313 (XML)
STIMS  ( in XML )  (8)
  » Swedish Ticlopidine Multicentre Study (XML) | Simultaneous Time Interleaved MultiSlice (XML) | Sexually Transmitted Infection Management Standards (XML)
Stst  ( in XML )  (8)
  » stainless steel (XML)
Stim  ( in XML )  (8)
  » Stromal interaction molecule (XML) | site-directed mutagenesis have identified the triggering molecule (XML) | solution maximizing the cytosolic cAMP concentration (XML) | stimulated by a solution (XML) | stimulation of each of the muscles (XML) ...
STG.L  ( in XML )  (8)
  » superior temporal gyrus (XML)
StkP  ( in XML )  (8)
  » serine/threonine protein kinase (XML) | Ser/Thr kinase of S. pneumoniae (XML) | Ser/Thr protein kinases (XML) | serine/threonine kinase found in Streptococcus pneumoniae (XML) | serine/threonine kinase, found in S. pneumoniae (XML) ...
STILs  ( in XML )  (8)
  » serous tubal intraepithelial lesions (XML) | stromal lymphocytic infiltrates (XML)
STMB  ( in XML )  (8)
  » short-term memory binding (XML) | Short-Term Memory Binding Test (XML) | simultaneous MB (XML) | spinal thermal massage bed (XML)
sTAC  ( in XML )  (8)
  » standard tacrolimus (XML) | severe transaortic constriction (XML) | Serum total antioxidant capacity (XML) | standard-dose tacrolimus and sirolimus (XML) | standard-exposure tacrolimus (XML) ...
STTI  ( in XML )  (8)
  » Swallowing Threshold Test Index (XML) | Safety threshold of temperature increase (XML) | Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Honor Society (XML) | Sigma Theta Tau International (XML) | Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing (XML) ...
sTfRs  ( in XML )  (8)
  » soluble transferrin receptors (XML)
streptavidin-HRP  ( in XML )  (8)
  » streptavidin-horseradish peroxidase (XML) | streptavidin-conjugated horseradish peroxidase (XML)
STH-PAS  ( in XML )  (8)
  » single-stranded tag hybridization chromatographic printed-array strip (XML) | single-tag hybridization-printed array strip (XML)
Stk  ( in XML )  (8)
  » Stokes number (XML) | spanning the ranges of Stokes (XML) | stem cell kinase receptor (XML) | Stokes (XML) | Streptokinase (XML)
ST group  ( in XML )  (8)
  » trans-sub-Tenon's anesthesia group (XML) | ST onset after OCT-guided PCI (XML) | single-target tACS group (XML) | short-term group patients (XML) | study group (XML) ...
STARNET  ( in XML )  (8)
  » Stockholm-Tartu Atherosclerosis Reverse Network Engineering Task (XML) | RNA-sequence datasets (XML)
STSW  ( in XML )  (8)
  » sit-to-stand-and-walk (XML) | sit-to-stand and walking (XML) | Short-term strong wind (XML) | smoothed Wigner-Ville distribution (XML)
stl  ( in XML )  (8)
  » stalactite (XML) | Streptolydigin (XML) | second true leaf (XML) | scan, the stereolithography (XML) | shorttail (XML) ...
ST-OPVs  ( in XML )  (8)
  » semitransparent organic photovoltaics (XML)
StNPs  ( in XML )  (8)
  » starch nanoparticles (XML) | starch NPs (XML)
sTSO  ( in XML )  (8)
  » sleep onset (XML) | subjective time-to-sleep onset (XML) | significantly improved time-to-sleep onset (XML) | subjective sleep onset time (XML) | self-reported time to sleep onset (XML)
STS-EACTS  ( in XML )  (8)
  » Surgeons-European Association for Cardiothoracic Surgery (XML)
STDI  ( in XML )  (8)
  » systolic time diameter index (XML) | short-term disability insurance (XML) | ST dependence index (XML) | spike-time-dependent integrated (XML) | State-Trait Depression Inventory (XML) ...
STX1B  ( in XML )  (8)
  » syntaxin 1B (XML)
STATSGO  ( in XML )  (8)
  » State Soil Geographic Data Base (XML) | State Soil Geographic (XML)
ST18  ( in XML )  (8)
  » suppression of tumorigenicity 18 (XML) | sequence type 18 (XML)
Stv  ( in XML )  (8)
  » Starvin (XML) | Stveoside (XML) | systolic annular velocity (XML) | smooth variant (XML) | NUAK-Starvin (XML)
STaz  ( in XML )  (8)
  » S-thiazolinyl (XML)
StaRT-PCR  ( in XML )  (8)
  » Standardized Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction (XML) | standardized reverse transcription PCR (XML) | Standardized RT-PCR (XML) | standardized and quantitative, reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (XML)
STAT3i  ( in XML )  (8)
  » STAT3 inhibitors (XML) | Signal Transducer and Activation of Transcription 3 factor (XML)
STEP-UP  ( in XML )  (8)
  » staged treatment of emphysema with upper lobe predominance (XML) | Study To Enhance Prevention by Understanding Practice (XML) | STEMI process upgrade (XML) | Story, Educational Goals, Preliminary Plan, Uncertainties, Plan Recap (XML)
ST/CB  ( in XML )  (8)
  » striatum to cerebellum (XML) | striatal/cerebellar (XML) | striatum and that in the cerebellum (XML)
STELs  ( in XML )  (8)
  » short-term exposure limits (XML) | simplified tree ensemble learners (XML) | short-term occupational exposure limits (XML) | ST-segment elevation leads (XML)
strep throat  ( in XML )  (8)
  » streptococcal pharyngitis (XML) | Streptococcus pyogenes infections include pharyngitis (XML)
STBL  ( in XML )  (8)
  » segmental bone transport by lengthening (XML) | Soc Trang and Bac Lieu (XML) | short-time BL (XML) | solitary tuberculous brain lesion (XML) | serum total bilirubin (XML) ...
STPO  ( in XML )  (8)
  » short-term power output (XML) | South Texas Physicians Outreach (XML) | scrap tires pyrolysis oil (XML) | spent tyre pyrolysis oil (XML) | spatio-temporal organization of cortical potentials (XML) ...
STLR  ( in XML )  (8)
  » spatiotemporal learning rule (XML) | subthalamic locomotor region (XML) | spatial and temporal-based logistic regression algorithm (XML) | short-time learning retention (XML) | spleen to liver volume ratio (XML)
ST307  ( in XML )  (8)
  » sequence type 307 (XML)
S-TSH  ( in XML )  (8)
  » serum thyroid-stimulating hormone (XML) | supersensitive thyrotropin (XML) | sensitive immuno-assays for thyrotropin in serum (XML)
STME  ( in XML )  (8)
  » small-scale terrestrial model ecosystem (XML) | scrub typhus meningoencephalitis (XML) | Scale of Tendency to Medical Errors (XML) | Starving TME (XML) | sympton-tolerated maximal exercise (XML) ...
STROND  ( in XML )  (8)
  » Standards of Reporting of Neurological Disorders (XML)
stx2  ( in XML )  (8)
  » Shiga toxin 2 gene (XML) | Shiga toxin 2-encoding genes (XML) | Stx2 operon (XML)
STEMI-CS  ( in XML )  (8)
  » ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction complicated with cardiogenic shock (XML) | STEMI care systems (XML) | STEMI-associated cardiogenic shock (XML)
StSy  ( in XML )  (8)
  » stilbene synthase (XML)
STON2  ( in XML )  (7)
  » Stonin 2 (XML) | stonin 2 gene (XML)
STAGs  ( in XML )  (7)
  » structured triacylglycerols (XML) | striped tags (XML) | spatiotemporal activation graphs (XML) | side-branched thoracoabdominal aortic grafts (XML) | scar tags (XML)
ST1193  ( in XML )  (7)
  » sequence type 1193 (XML)
Stl  ( in XML )  (7)
  » streptolydigin (XML) | species, with the following nomenclatural changes proposed: Diponthus nigroconspersus (XML) | stringlike proteins (XML) | staphylococcal repressor protein (XML) | Stellar (XML)
STROOP  ( in XML )  (7)
  » Stroop Colour Word Interference Test (XML) | Stroop color-word test (XML) | Stroop color-naming condition (XML) | Stroop task (XML) | Stroop Color and Word Test (XML) ...
STRMs  ( in XML )  (7)
  » selective thyroid hormone receptor modulators (XML) | selective TR modulators (XML) | spatiotemporal response maps (XML) | Synovial tissue-resident macrophages (XML)
STATIC  ( in XML )  (7)
  » stemness-associated tumor-initiating capacity (XML) | static scene (XML) | statically loaded (XML) | static pose (XML) | static dyspnea measures (XML) ...
sTLR9  ( in XML )  (7)
  » surface Toll-like receptor 9 (XML) | surface TLR9 (XML) | soluble form of TLR9 (XML)
STDE  ( in XML )  (7)
  » surface quasi-two-dimensional electrolyte (XML) | segment depression (XML) | spike-timing-dependent eligibility (XML) | spatial time-delay entropy (XML) | ST-segment depression (XML)
STBG  ( in XML )  (7)
  » slow TBG (XML) | Short Term Blood Glucose (XML) | Strasbourg (XML) | Sankey-based temporal bar graph (XML) | standard blood gas (XML) ...
STX1  ( in XML )  (7)
  » Syntaxin-1 (XML)
STDB  ( in XML )  (7)
  » single-tunnel double-bundle (XML) | Sina Trauma Data Bank (XML) | spatio-temporal database (XML) | Science and Technology Development Board (XML) | ST Change Database (XML)
STGCN  ( in XML )  (7)
  » spatial-temporal graph convolutional network (XML)
Stan  ( in XML )  (7)
  » Starry night (XML) | Self-scalable tanh (XML) | Stanley (XML)
Stc1  ( in XML )  (7)
  » stanniocalcin-1 (XML)
ST45  ( in XML )  (7)
  » sequence type 45 (XML)
sTAg  ( in XML )  (7)
  » small T antigen (XML)
ST-seq  ( in XML )  (7)
  » spatial transcriptome sequencing (XML)
STIDH  ( in XML )  (7)
  » Sukraraj Tropical and Infectious Disease Hospital (XML)
STHCS  ( in XML )  (7)
  » St. Thomas's Hospital cardioplegic solution (XML) | St. Thomas Cardioplegic Solution (XML)
STSMC  ( in XML )  (7)
  » super-twisting sliding mode control (XML) | super twisting SMC (XML)
StaCw  ( in XML )  (7)
  » Staphylococcus aureus Cowan I (XML)
STAPP  ( in XML )  (7)
  » short-term anxiety-provoking psychotherapy (XML) | short-term dynamic psychotherapy (XML)
StrAb  ( in XML )  (7)
  » Striational autoantibodies (XML) | striated muscle antibodies (XML) | striational antibody (XML)
stSCS  ( in XML )  (7)
  » short-term spinal cord stimulation (XML) | short-term spinal cord electrical stimulation (XML)
STRBP  ( in XML )  (7)
  » spermatid perinuclear RNA-binding protein (XML)
sTCA  ( in XML )  (7)
  » sagittal tibial component angle (XML) | Subjective transverse chromatic aberration (XML) | spatio-temporal clustering analysis (XML)
sTACI  ( in XML )  (7)
  » soluble TACI (XML) | soluble transmembrane activator and CAML interactor (XML) | surface and circulate in soluble form (XML)
STARD13  ( in XML )  (7)
  » StAR related lipid transfer domain containing 13 gene (XML) | StAR-related lipid transfer domain protein13 (XML) | START domain containing 13 (XML)
STPN  ( in XML )  (7)
  » standard total parenteral nutrition (XML) | Staurosporine (XML) | soft tissue PN (XML) | spatio-temporal parse network (XML)
ST1RE  ( in XML )  (7)
  » Steno Type 1 Risk Engine (XML)
ST95  ( in XML )  (7)
  » sequence type 95 (XML)
STS-60  ( in XML )  (7)
  » sit-to-stand 60 (XML) | sit-to-stand repetitions in 60s (XML) | sit-to-stand transfers in 60seconds (XML)
STS-E  ( in XML )  (7)
  » sarcoma of the extremities (XML) | soft tissue sarcoma of the extremity (XML)
STL-SWEI  ( in XML )  (7)
  » single tracking location shear wave elasticity imaging (XML) | Single-track location shear wave elastography (XML) | Single-track-location SWEI (XML)
STLVs  ( in XML )  (7)
  » slow-turning lateral vessels (XML) | simian T-cell lymphotropic viruses (XML) | Simian T-cell leukemia viruses (XML)
StUD  ( in XML )  (7)
  » stimulant use disorder (XML) | Step Up and Down (XML)
STT-I  ( in XML )  (7)
  » Schirmer's tear test type I (XML) | Schirmer tear test (XML)
STSB  ( in XML )  (7)
  » screen time sedentary behaviors (XML) | single-tunnel single-bundle (XML) | screw tip-subchondral bone (XML) | Sock Test for Sitting Balance (XML) | stromal tumors of the small bowel (XML)
Sth  ( in XML )  (7)
  » suprathreshold pressure sensitivity (XML) | scope catalyzed by the minimalist SHMT (XML) | sensitivity threshold (XML) | subthalamic region (XML) | Streptococcus thermophilus (XML) ...
STRBs  ( in XML )  (7)
  » sludge treatment reed beds (XML) | Sludge treatment reed bed systems (XML)
ST8SIA2  ( in XML )  (7)
  » ST8 alpha-N-acetyl-neuraminide alpha-2,8-sialyltransferase 2 (XML) | Alpha-2,8-sialyltransferase 2 (XML) | sialyltransferase 8B (XML)
STFU  ( in XML )  (7)
  » short-term follow-up (XML) | Southern Tenant Farmers' Union (XML) | short term imaging follow-up (XML)
STZ-diabetic  ( in XML )  (7)
  » streptozotocin-induced diabetic (XML) | streptozotocin-diabetic (XML)
STFC  ( in XML )  (7)
  » Science and Technology Facilities Council (XML) | Shade Tree Family Clinic (XML) | Simplified Technique of Filamentous Count (XML) | sediments treated by the flash calcination method (XML) | solar-to-fuel conversion (XML) ...
STAT3-HIES  ( in XML )  (7)
  » STAT3 hyper-IgE syndrome (XML) | STAT3 hyperimmunoglobulin E syndrome (XML) | Signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 hyper-IgE syndrome (XML)
sTREM1  ( in XML )  (7)
  » soluble triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells 1 (XML) | soluble form of TREM1 (XML) | soluble TREM1 (XML)
STRI  ( in XML )  (7)
  » Swedish transmission research institute (XML) | systemic time ratio index (XML) | Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (XML) | soft tissue radiation-related injuries (XML) | standard treatment-refractory/ineligible (XML)
STLV-3  ( in XML )  (7)
  » simian T-lymphotropic virus type 3 (XML)
STD-KQ  ( in XML )  (7)
  » Sexually Transmitted Disease Knowledge Questionnaire (XML) | STD-Knowledge Questionnaire (XML)
STRETCH  ( in XML )  (7)
  » stretching (XML) | stretching and toning group (XML) | Strategies for research engagement of clinicians in allied health (XML) | stretch group (XML) | Stretching Group (XML)
STJN  ( in XML )  (7)
  » subtalar joint neutral (XML) | subtalar joint neutral position (XML)
STORC  ( in XML )  (7)
  » Specialty Training's Organizational Readiness for curriculum Change (XML) | Standard Obstetric Record Charting system (XML)
STK1p  ( in XML )  (7)
  » serum thymidine kinase 1 protein (XML) | serum TK1 protein (XML) | serological TK1 protein (XML) | serum thymidine kinase 1 protein concentration (XML)
STRO-1  ( in XML )  (7)
  » stromal precursor antigen-1 (XML) | stromal cell surface marker-1 (XML) | stromal cell antigen 1 (XML)
STAFF  ( in XML )  (7)
  » superficial temporal artery fascial flap (XML) | sulfamethoxazole, trimethoprim, amphotericin, fosfomycin and 5-fluorouracil (XML) | STSG over adiopofascial flap (XML) | Spatial Temporal Analysis of Fieldwise Flow (XML) | staff reminder (XML) ...
std. beta  ( in XML )  (7)
  » standardized beta (XML) | standard beta (XML)
StrR  ( in XML )  (7)
  » streptomycin-resistant (XML) | suppressed by certain rpsL (XML) | pathway-specific activator protein (XML) | Streptomycin-resistant strains (XML)
STAM1  ( in XML )  (7)
  » signal-transducing adaptor molecule 1 (XML) | show that the beta-arrestin1signal-transducing adaptor molecule 1 (XML)
STKF  ( in XML )  (7)
  » spatiotemporal Kalman filter (XML) | strong tracking Kalman filter (XML)
STa, STb  ( in XML )  (7)
  » heat-stable enterotoxins (XML) | heat-stable toxins (XML)
sTfR-F  ( in XML )  (7)
  » sTfR/(log)ferritin (XML) | serum transferrin receptors/log ferritin (XML) | sTfR/log ferritin index (XML) | soluble transferrin receptor-ferritin index (XML) | sTfR-ferritin (XML) ...
S-TiO2  ( in XML )  (7)
  » sulfur-doped TiO2 (XML) | S-containing TiO2 (XML) | synthesized Ru/WO3/ZrO2 was then compared to a benchmark photocatalyst (XML) | surface modified TiO2 nanoparticles (XML) | sulfur-doped anatase TiO2 (XML)
Strep  ( in XML )  (7)
  » Streptococcus (XML) | Streptococcus iniae (XML) | streptococcal cell walls (XML) | streptavidin protein (XML)
stPNET  ( in XML )  (7)
  » supratentorial primitive neuroectodermal tumors (XML)
Study 1  ( in XML )  (7)
  » sample of 1,049 Malaysian adults (XML) | Study samples consisted of 41 (XML) | selected individuals aged 16-74 years (XML) | survey of 314 respondents (XML) | study in 1,050 LGBT individuals (XML) ...
StaR  ( in XML )  (7)
  » Standards for Research (XML) | small fragment library using thermostabilized (XML) | stabilized receptor (XML) | first time, a topoisomerase I regulator protein (XML)
STp  ( in XML )  (7)
  » signals recorded from the proximal (XML) | heat-stable toxin of porcine origin (XML) | heat-stable enterotoxin Ip (XML) | Serine-Threonine peptide (XML) | switching and corresponding passive stiffness (XML) ...
stereo-EEG  ( in XML )  (7)
  » stereotactic electroencephalography (XML) | stereotactic recording of focal brain activity in the rat (XML) | stereotaxic EEG (XML)
Stage II  ( in XML )  (7)
  » stage of infection (XML) | significantly associated with early stage (XML) | spread to locoregional lymphatic area (XML) | seed filling and pit hardening (XML) | significant peripheral lymphadenopathy (XML) ...
STVC  ( in XML )  (7)
  » spatiotemporally varying coefficients (XML) | soft tissue volume change (XML)
ST13  ( in XML )  (7)
  » suppression of tumorigenicity 13 (XML) | sequence type 131 (XML) | ST13 Hsp70 interacting protein (XML)
STOX  ( in XML )  (7)
  » styrene oxide (XML) | switchable trace oxygen (XML) | styrene-7,8-oxide (XML)
STEM-CL  ( in XML )  (6)
  » scanning transmission electron microscopy-cathodoluminescence (XML) | scanning transmission electron microscopy (XML) | scanning transmission electron microscope based cathodoluminescence spectroscopy (XML)
s to m  ( in XML )  (6)
  » serosal to mucosal (XML)
sTNX  ( in XML )  (6)
  » serum form of TNX (XML) | standard-dose TNX (XML) | serum TNX (XML) | soluble TNX (XML)
STAT3KO  ( in XML )  (6)
  » STAT3 knockout (XML) | STAT3 knockout mice (XML)
STIN  ( in XML )  (6)
  » SMCTCICCneuron (XML) | socio-technical interaction networks (XML) | serous tubal intraepithelial neoplasia (XML) | standard training, called nutritional intervention training session (XML) | solitary thyroid isthmic nodules (XML) ...
Stmn1  ( in XML )  (6)
  » stathmin 1 (XML)
ST155  ( in XML )  (6)
  » sequence type 155 (XML)
STMO  ( in XML )  (6)
  » short-term mating orientation (XML) | spinel transition metal oxide (XML) | Steroid monooxygenase (XML)
Stage III  ( in XML )  (6)
  » seven as having severe endometriosis (XML) | significantly lower in advanced disease (XML) | satisfaction of nursing students (XML) | sero-negative rheumatoid arthritis (XML) | progression to a fixed deformity (XML) ...
STARD4  ( in XML )  (6)
  » StAR-related lipid transfer domain 4 (XML) | steroidogenic acute regulatory protein-related lipid transfer 4 (XML) | StAR related lipid transfer domain containing 4 (XML)
StpC  ( in XML )  (6)
  » saimiri transformation-associated protein type C (XML) | Staphopain C (XML)
STENTS  ( in XML )  (6)
  » sTent-associated Symptoms (XML)
StM  ( in XML )  (6)
  » state of mind (XML) | striatum mediale (XML) | stereocomplexed nanomicelles (XML) | stimulant (XML) | standard method of bladder clearance (XML)
STOML3  ( in XML )  (6)
  » stomatin-like protein-3 (XML)
STAIRS  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Storytelling and Training to Advance Individual Recovery Skills (XML) | Stepped Aligned Inbred Recombinant Strains (XML) | STructurally Aligned Identical ResidueS (XML) | spectrally tunable absolute irradiance and radiance source (XML)
STf  ( in XML )  (6)
  » seminiferous tubule (XML) | seminiferous tubular fractions (XML) | seminiferous tubule-enriched fractions (XML)
Stip1  ( in XML )  (6)
  » stress-inducible protein 1 (XML)
STA-PCA  ( in XML )  (6)
  » superficial temporal artery-posterior cerebral artery (XML) | STA-to-posterior cerebral artery (XML)
STMW  ( in XML )  (6)
  » subtropical mode water (XML)
STRICT  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Sleep Time-Related Information and Communication Technology (XML) | Strategic Index Case Testing (XML) | Streamlined Rapid Identification of Combinatorial Therapies (XML) | established toolStudent Ratings in Clinical Teaching (XML)
STIG  ( in XML )  (6)
  » steam-injected gas turbine (XML) | Stigmatisation (XML) | split thickness isografts (XML) | Speech Therapy Intervention Group (XML) | Spain, Taiwan, Italy, Germany (XML)
S-TPA  ( in XML )  (6)
  » serum TPA (XML) | Serum tissue polypeptide antigen (XML)
ST-PNETs  ( in XML )  (6)
  » supratentorial primitive neuroectodermal tumors (XML)
STXBP5  ( in XML )  (6)
  » syntaxin-binding protein 5 (XML)
STAGE-12  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Stimulant Abuser Groups to Engage in 12-Step (XML)
STM and LTM  ( in XML )  (6)
  » short- and long-term memory (XML) | short and long-term memory consolidation (XML) | short- and long-term recognition memory (XML)
STIFF  ( in XML )  (6)
  » stiffness index (XML) | stiffness (XML) | stiff bifurcated design (XML) | stiffer (XML)
ST II  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Strep-tag II (XML) | sensilla trichodea (XML) | Sialyltransferase II (XML) | Stage II (XML)
STCD  ( in XML )  (6)
  » screw tips and the dorsal radial cortex (XML) | Supplemented Taoren Chengqi decoction (XML) | spatiotemporal coupling distortion (XML) | spatiotemporally controlled defibrillation (XML) | skin-to-calyx-distance (XML) ...
STVHCS  ( in XML )  (6)
  » South Texas Veterans Health Care System (XML)
STGNN  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Spatiotemporal Graph Neural Network (XML) | Space-Time Graph Neural Network (XML) | spatio-temporal GNN (XML) | statistical time growing neural network (XML)
STARE-HI  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Studies in Health Informatics (XML) | studies of health informatics applications (XML)
STRIKE  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Short-Time Retractable Instrumented Kalorimeter Experiment (XML) | Student Tobacco Reform Initiative: Knowledge for Eternity (XML)
STICA  ( in XML )  (6)
  » short-term treatment of internet and computer game addiction (XML) | Stimulation in Acute Middle Cerebral Artery Stroke (XML) | short-term treatment of IA/CA (XML) | spontaneous thrombosis of internal carotid artery (XML) | spatio-temporal independent components (XML)
stage III and IV  ( in XML )  (6)
  » significantly associated with advanced stage (XML) | significantly elevated in advanced (XML) | significantly higher in advanced disease (XML) | conservative therapy and a period of immobilization, some higher-grade lesions (XML) | Sixty-nine eligible patients with advanced (XML)
STADs  ( in XML )  (6)
  » stomach adenocarcinomas (XML) | sheath-turning auxiliary devices (XML) | Stanford Type A dissections (XML) | supracrestal tissue attachment dimensions (XML)
STD/HIV  ( in XML )  (6)
  » sexually transmitted disease/human immunodeficiency virus (XML)
STX16  ( in XML )  (6)
  » syntaxin-16 (XML)
STATE  ( in XML )  (6)
  » State Tobacco Activities Tracking and Evaluation (XML) | Selection for Transarterial Chemoembolisation Treatment (XML)
s-TEG  ( in XML )  (6)
  » short thrombelastography (XML)
STNB  ( in XML )  (6)
  » stoned-B (XML) | spot-type net blotch (XML) | stonedB (XML) | Stoned B protein (XML)
Stx5  ( in XML )  (6)
  » syntaxin 5 (XML)
STXBP1-E  ( in XML )  (6)
  » STXBP1 encephalopathy (XML) | STXBP1-related encephalopathy (XML)
stICA  ( in XML )  (6)
  » spatiotemporal ICA (XML) | spatiotemporal independent component analysis (XML) | spatial template ICA (XML)
STAT proteins  ( in XML )  (6)
  » signal transducers and activators of transcription (XML)
STUN  ( in XML )  (6)
  » STop UNhealthy (XML) | stunning (XML) | social-evaluative Threat, Unpredictability and Novelty (XML) | sense of low control, threat to ego, unpredictability and novelty (XML)
STZ-mice  ( in XML )  (6)
  » streptozotocin induced diabetic mice (XML) | STZ-induced diabetic mice (XML) | Streptozotocin administration to mice (XML)
ST2L  ( in XML )  (6)
  » ST2, an IL-1 receptor family member with transmembrane (XML) | suppression of tumorigenicity 2L (XML) | ST2 molecule (XML) | sST2, a soluble form of the IL-33 receptor (XML)
STLE  ( in XML )  (6)
  » soybean trypsin-like enzyme (XML) | S. tuberculata leaves extract (XML) | standard hospital light environment (XML) | system transverse Lyapunov exponents (XML) | standardized T. laurifolia extract (XML)
STCB  ( in XML )  (6)
  » saponins from Tupistra chinensis Bak (XML) | saponin extracted from Tupistra chinensis Baker (XML) | superficial transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder (XML) | supratentorial cranial bleed (XML)
STN8  ( in XML )  (6)
  » STATE TRANSITION 8 (XML) | SER/THR PROTEIN KINASE8 (XML) | state transition kinase 8 (XML) | State Transition protein kinase 8 (XML)
stj  ( in XML )  (6)
  » straightjacket (XML)
STFD  ( in XML )  (6)
  » spatiotemporal finite difference (XML) | Symptoms of tear film dysfunction (XML) | algorithms-spatiotemporal finite differences (XML) | space-time-frequency distribution (XML) | stemofoline derivatives (XML)
STK36  ( in XML )  (6)
  » serine/threonine kinase 36 (XML) | serine/threonine-protein kinase 36 (XML)
STUD  ( in XML )  (6)
  » spike trains of uneven duration and delay (XML) | scanning temporal ultrafast delay (XML) | studio (XML) | students (XML) | static unitary detector (XML)
STKA  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Stemmed total knee arthroplasty (XML) | simultaneous total knee arthroplasty (XML) | serine/threonine kinase (XML) | stkA gene encodes a putative GATA-type transcription factor (XML) | Simultaneous bilateral total knee arthroplasty (XML)
sTSLIM  ( in XML )  (6)
  » scanning thin-sheet laser imaging microscopy (XML)
ST-ICA  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Space-Time ICA (XML) | Spatio-Temporal ICA (XML) | Spatio-Temporal ICA algorithm (XML) | spike-triggered independent component analysis (XML)
S. typh  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Salmonella typhimurium (XML)
STOP CRC  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Stop Colorectal Cancer (XML) | Screening To Prevent ColoRectal Cancer (XML) | STOP Colon Cancer (XML)
sTNFalphaRII  ( in XML )  (6)
  » soluble tumor necrosis factor-alpha receptor II (XML) | soluble fraction of receptor II of TNFalpha (XML) | soluble fraction of TNFalpha receptor II (XML) | Soluble Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha Type II Receptor (XML)
STDH  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Space-time digital holography (XML) | Space-Time Digital Hologram (XML) | stimulus-dependent hierarchies (XML) | stimulus- and task-dependent hierarchies (XML)
STIT  ( in XML )  (6)
  » short-term insulin treatment (XML) | scleral tunnel incision- trabeculectomy (XML) | skeletal traction and irrigation therapy (XML) | short-term intravesical therapy (XML) | spectacle-wearing time in the awake time (XML) ...
STICH II  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Surgical Trial in Lobar Intracerebral Haemorrhage (XML)
sTLR  ( in XML )  (6)
  » soluble Toll-like receptor (XML) | serum levels of toll-like receptor (XML) | soluble receptors (XML) | Soluble forms of Toll-like receptors (XML)
STAR-PU  ( in XML )  (6)
  » specific therapeutic group age-sex related prescribing unit (XML) | age-sex weighting of the practice population for expected prescribing rates (XML)
ST9  ( in XML )  (6)
  » sequence type 9 (XML)
STELLAR  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Sickle Cell Transplantation Evaluation of Long-term and Late Effects Registry (XML) | stella-related (XML) | Systemic Tracking of Elevated Lead Levels and Remediation database (XML) | Study of Letrozole and Raloxifene (XML) | Selective Targeting for Efficacy in Lung Cancer, Lower Adverse Reaction (XML)
STARTER  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Speckle Tracking Assisted Resynchronization Therapy for Electrode Region (XML) | Sonographic Tenosynovitis/arthritis Assessment in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients in Remission (XML)
ST228  ( in XML )  (6)
  » sequence type 228 (XML) | 10SA-ST228-I (XML)
STcs  ( in XML )  (6)
  » sequence type complexes (XML) | ST complexes (XML)
STANDARD  ( in XML )  (6)
  » standard implant placement (XML) | standard MTP (XML) | standard 3-parameter fit (XML) | standard wound dressing (XML) | standard stem group (XML) ...
StCA  ( in XML )  (6)
  » steroid cell antibodies (XML) | steroid-producing cell antibodies (XML)
STPC  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Systemic Treatment Program Committee (XML) | serine/threonine/proline-rich exon C (XML) | soil total phosphorus content (XML) | spent tyre pyrolysis chars (XML) | SiO2-TiO2 pillared aluminosilicate (XML)
SToP-C  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Surveillance and Treatment of Prisoners with hepatitis C (XML)
STWPs  ( in XML )  (6)
  » space-time wave packets (XML) | subtropical wooded peatlands (XML)
STARNet  ( in XML )  (6)
  » South Texas Ambulatory Research Network (XML)
Stn  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Salmonella carry enterotoxin (XML) | Sporomusa type Nfn (XML) | Swietenine (XML) | soft tissue reference points, nasion (XML) | statherin-derived peptide (XML) ...
Stx2B  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Stx2 B subunit (XML) | Shiga toxin 2 B subunit (XML) | Stx2 and its B subunit (XML)
ST88  ( in XML )  (6)
  » sequence type 88 (XML)
STS-PCR  ( in XML )  (6)
  » sequence-tagged-site polymerase chain reaction (XML) | sequence-tagged-site PCR (XML) | sequence-target-site PCR (XML)
Strr  ( in XML )  (6)
  » streptomycin-resistant (XML) | streptovaricin (XML)
STI/RTI  ( in XML )  (6)
  » sexually transmitted and reproductive tract infections (XML)
STEU  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Situational Test of Emotional Understanding (XML) | smokeless tobacco educational unit (XML)
ST71  ( in XML )  (6)
  » sequence type 71 (XML)
STHR  ( in XML )  (6)
  » subretinal transient hyporeflectivity (XML) | seed to husk ratio (XML) | segment/heart rate (XML) | short-term hypoxic response (XML) | steroid hormone receptor (XML)
STDU  ( in XML )  (6)
  » superficial temporal artery duplex ultrasonography (XML) | STA duplex ultrasonography (XML)
STEM/EDX  ( in XML )  (6)
  » scanning transmission electron microscopy/energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (XML)
STGR  ( in XML )  (6)
  » semitendinosus and gracilis (XML) | semitendinosus and gracilis tendon (XML) | hamstring tendon grafts (XML)
STLMP  ( in XML )  (6)
  » serous tumors of low malignant potential (XML) | smooth muscle tumor of low malignant potential (XML)
STNC  ( in XML )  (6)
  » spinal trigeminal nucleus complex (XML) | ship-transport network of China (XML) | split trinucleotide composition (XML) | sum of the total negative charge (XML)
sTfR1  ( in XML )  (6)
  » soluble transferrin receptor 1 (XML)
ST16  ( in XML )  (6)
  » sequence type 16 (XML)
StyA  ( in XML )  (6)
  » styrene monooxygenase (XML) | step in this metabolic pathway is catalyzed by an oxygenase (XML) | styrene degradation (XML) | styrene monooxygenases from pseudomonads (XML)
Stx6  ( in XML )  (6)
  » syntaxin 6 (XML)
STRICTOM  ( in XML )  (6)
  » STandards for Reporting Interventions in Clinical Trials of Moxibustion (XML)
StBu  ( in XML )  (6)
  » smart dual AIE probe Ac-Arg-Val-Arg-Arg-Cys (XML) | solution with the tert-butylthio (XML) | investigated: the tert-butylsulfenyl (XML) | smart Gd-based probe Glu-Cys (XML) | Subsequently, the Fmoc--MeCys (XML) ...
STHE  ( in XML )  (6)
  » startle disease, hyperekplexia (XML) | STH, its phenolic extract (XML) | STHE locus (XML) | shell and tube heat exchanger (XML) | spontaneously transformed hamster embryo (XML)
STED-FCS  ( in XML )  (6)
  » stimulated emission depletion and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (XML) | STED nanoscopy in combination with fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (XML)
Stat  ( in XML )  (6)
  » U-statistics for structured multivariate data (XML) | signal transducing activating transcriptional factor (XML) | stationary housing conditions (XML) | statistical detector (XML) | statistical features (XML) ...
StrepTSS  ( in XML )  (6)
  » streptococcal toxic shock syndrome (XML)
STG.R  ( in XML )  (6)
  » superior temporal gyrus (XML)
ST69  ( in XML )  (6)
  » sequence type 69 (XML)
STMH  ( in XML )  (6)
  » short-term mucosal healing (XML) | short-term myocardial hibernation (XML) | staged major hepatectomy (XML) | short-term masked hypertension (XML)
STG_L  ( in XML )  (6)
  » superior temporal gyrus (XML)
ST-I  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Schirmer I test (XML) | sialyltransferase (XML) | strains producing only heat-stable (XML) | shear thinning regime I (XML)
STRN4  ( in XML )  (6)
  » striatin 4 (XML)
ST-DEP  ( in XML )  (6)
  » State-Trait Depression Questionnaire (XML) | State-Trait Depression Index (XML)
ST117  ( in XML )  (6)
  » sequence type 117 (XML) | 1 strain (XML)
STM-LE  ( in XML )  (6)
  » STM-induced light emission (XML) | scanning tunneling microscope light emission (XML)
STRADalpha  ( in XML )  (6)
  » STE20-related kinase adaptor alpha (XML) | STE20-related adaptor alpha (XML)
Stwl  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Stonewall (XML)
STBRs  ( in XML )  (6)
  » stirred tank bioreactors (XML) | Standardbred racehorses (XML)
S-TK  ( in XML )  (6)
  » serum deoxythymidine kinase activity (XML) | Serum deoxythymidine kinase (XML) | S-thymidine kinase (XML)
STAI-Y1  ( in XML )  (6)
  » State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, Form-Y1 (XML) | State Anxiety Inventory form Y1 (XML) | state anxiety reduction compared to QR 10min (XML) | state and trait anxiety inventory-Y1 (XML)
STD/AIDS  ( in XML )  (6)
  » sexually transmitted disease/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (XML) | Sexually Transmitted Diseases (XML) | sexually transmitted diseases / AIDS (XML)
STEAP-1  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Six-transmembrane epithelial antigen of the prostate-1 (XML)
STRIPS  ( in XML )  (6)
  » solvent transfer-induced phase separation (XML) | stripped microplates (XML)
STRL  ( in XML )  (6)
  » skin twitch reflex latency (XML) | sterol-3-beta-glucosyl transferase (XML) | self-supervised representation learning (XML) | specific taproot length (XML)
STHT  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Selcuk type headgear-timer (XML) | six-metre timed hop test (XML) | seat-to-head transfer ratio (XML) | short-term heart transplant (XML)
standard group  ( in XML )  (6)
  » standard-of-care group treatment alone (XML) | standard initial dose group (XML) | standard surgery group (XML) | standard multifocal IOL group (XML) | standard transgluteal Hardinge approach (XML) ...
stem cells  ( in XML )  (6)
  » similar morphological features to hemoblasts (XML) | similar to their mother cells (XML) | stem and progenitor cells (XML) | small interstitial cells (XML) | transfer to early hematopoietic cells (XML) ...
STEV  ( in XML )  (6)
  » short-term exposure values (XML) | syndromic talipses equinovarus (XML) | Stevioside (XML) | short-term chemical exposure values (XML) | stereo evaluation (XML)
STATISCOM  ( in XML )  (6)
  » statistical ictal SPECT coregistered to MRI (XML) | single photon emission computer tomography (XML)
ST72  ( in XML )  (6)
  » sequence type 72 (XML)
STMT  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Short-Term Memory recall Test (XML) | Short-Term Memory Test (XML) | Short term memory to tones (XML) | Symbol Trail Making Test (XML) | secondary thermophilic microaerobic treatment (XML)
STAPs  ( in XML )  (6)
  » synthetic TALE-activated promoters (XML) | Signal-transducing adaptor protein family of proteins (XML) | Secreted Transcriptional Activator Proteins (XML) | signal-transducing adapter proteins (XML) | Spatio-temporal activity patterns (XML)
Stx-HUS  ( in XML )  (6)
  » shiga toxin-related hemolytic-uremic syndrome (XML) | Shiga toxin-mediated HUS (XML) | Stx-induced hemolytic uremic syndrome (XML)
stc1  ( in XML )  (6)
  » stanniocalcin 1 (XML) | salt tolerant callus 1 (XML)
STORK  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Standards of Reporting Kampo Products (XML) | Stanford's Outcomes Research in Kids (XML) | Stop Smoking for OuR Kids (XML) | Stop Tobacco for OuR Kids (XML)
STGp  ( in XML )  (6)
  » superior temporal gyrus (XML)
sTNF-Rs  ( in XML )  (5)
  » soluble TNF-alpha receptors (XML) | soluble forms of TNF receptors (XML) | significance of circulating levels of TNF-alpha and its soluble receptors (XML)
sTCO  ( in XML )  (5)
  » strained trans-cyclooctene (XML) | selectively with cyclopropane-fused trans-cyclooctene (XML)
STRAT  ( in XML )  (5)
  » stratified test for association (XML) | stratification (XML) | structured association (XML) | strategies instruction, followed by practice in (a) teacher-led whole-class activities (XML) | STRucture of the ATmosphere (XML)
standard care  ( in XML )  (5)
  » patients taking ARVs were randomly allocated to either control (XML) | standard mental health service (XML) | randomised to a non-perforated PIVC (XML) | traditional school-based health center (XML) | stockings and low-dose low-molecular-weight heparin (XML)
STK17A  ( in XML )  (5)
  » serine/threonine kinase 17a (XML)
staBTKA  ( in XML )  (5)
  » staged BTKA (XML) | staged bilateral TKA (XML)
STMI  ( in XML )  (5)
  » superficial TMI (XML) | ST-elevation myocardial infarction (XML) | superficial total microvascular (XML) | spectro-temporal modulation index (XML)
STEVOR  ( in XML )  (5)
  » subtelomeric variable open reading frame (XML)
STPVs  ( in XML )  (5)
  » solar thermophotovoltaics (XML)
STS30  ( in XML )  (5)
  » sit-to-stand for 30-s test (XML) | sit-to-stand from a chair for 30 sec (XML) | sit to stand in 30s (XML)
STGS  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Scapulothoracic Gliding Surface (XML) | single-trait genomic selection (XML) | sinusoidal transmission grating spectrometer (XML) | soft tissue graft substitute (XML) | start of thermal growing season (XML)
ST8Sia  ( in XML )  (5)
  » alpha2,8-sialyltransferase (XML) | 8-sialyltransferases (XML) | sources, the orthologues of the six human alpha2,8-sialyltransferases (XML)
STXeq  ( in XML )  (5)
  » saxitoxin equivalents (XML) | STX equivalents (XML)
STARx  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Self-Management and Transition to Adulthood with Rx=Treatment (XML) | Self-sustaining Treatment for Active Remediation applied ex situ (XML)
stPEI  ( in XML )  (5)
  » stearyl poly-ethylenimine (XML) | stearic acid modified low molecular polyethyleneimine (XML) | stearic acid modified polyethyleneimine (XML)
ST78  ( in XML )  (5)
  » sequence type 78 (XML)
STP13  ( in XML )  (5)
  » sugar transport protein 13 (XML) | STP13OX (XML)
St-DVB  ( in XML )  (5)
  » styrene-divinylbenzene (XML)
STZ-rats  ( in XML )  (5)
  » streptozotocin-injected rats (XML) | streptozotocin-induced diabetes (XML) | STZ-treated rats (XML)
St1  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Sterol transport1 (XML) | sugar transport 1 (XML) | spermatid 1 (XML) | station-1 (XML) | specimens at days 11 (XML)
STBMs  ( in XML )  (5)
  » syncytiotrophoblast microparticles (XML) | syncytiotrophoblast microvillous membranes (XML)
Stoma-QOL  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Stoma Quality of Life (XML) | Stoma quality of life scale (XML)
STBS  ( in XML )  (5)
  » single toroidal bubble with a spike (XML) | soft tissue and bone sarcomas (XML) | soft tissue and bone-derived sarcomas (XML) | storage tank bottom sludge (XML) | soft tissue and bone sarcomas cell lines (XML)
STEB  ( in XML )  (5)
  » strength training with elastic band (XML) | sodium tetraethylborate (XML) | selective transforaminal epidural block (XML) | Staged Tool for the Elimination of Brucellosis (XML) | Salinity-tolerant endophytic bacteria (XML)
STTB  ( in XML )  (5)
  » sodium transfer tissue biosensor (XML) | spin transfer torque bias (XML) | soldier task test battery (XML)
STN7  ( in XML )  (5)
  » STATE TRANSITION7 (XML) | Serine/Threonine protein kinase 7 (XML) | state transition kinase 7 (XML)
STAIR-UTE  ( in XML )  (5)
  » short repetition time adiabatic inversion recovery prepared ultrashort echo time (XML) | Short TR Adiabatic Inversion Recovery prepared Ultrashort TE (XML) | short repetition-time adiabatic inversion recovery prepared UTE (XML)
STH2  ( in XML )  (5)
  » salt tolerance homolog2 (XML) | St. Thomas Hospital Cardioplegia #2 (XML) | St. Thomas' Hospital cardioplegic solution No.2 (XML)
STRIDE-II  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Selecting Therapeutic Targets in Inflammatory Bowel Disease (XML)
STK35  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Serine/threonine kinase 35 (XML)
STACE  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Supraselective transarterial chemoembolization (XML) | subjective threat from armed conflict events (XML) | sequence tag-based amplification of cDNA ends (XML) | studies the relationship between a newly developed scale (XML)
ST73  ( in XML )  (5)
  » sequence type 73 (XML)
Stmn2  ( in XML )  (5)
  » stathmin-2 (XML) | stathmin-like 2 (XML)
Stbd1  ( in XML )  (5)
  » starch-binding domain-containing protein 1 (XML)
STX5  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Syntaxin 5 (XML) | anti-syntaxin 5 (XML)
sTME  ( in XML )  (5)
  » salvage total mesorectal excision (XML) | spatial tumour microenvironment (XML) | surgeryafter TEM, comparing TaTME to conventionalsalavge TME (XML)
STM-TERS  ( in XML )  (5)
  » scanning tunneling microscopy-tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (XML) | scanning tunneling microscopy-TERS (XML) | STM-based tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (XML) | scanning tunnelling microscopy control (XML)
stai  ( in XML )  (5)
  » stathmin (XML) | stasis (XML) | stathmin gene (XML) | State-Trait Anxiety instrument (XML)
STOP-Hypertension-2  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Swedish Trial in Old Patients with Hypertension-2 (XML)
STin2  ( in XML )  (5)
  » serotonin transporter intron 2 (XML) | second intron 2 (XML)
st-SCS  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Short-term spinal cord stimulation (XML) | short-term SCS (XML)
STT OA  ( in XML )  (5)
  » scaphotrapeziotrapezoid osteoarthritis (XML)
STAB1  ( in XML )  (5)
  » stabilin-1 (XML)
ST-PLS  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Spatial-temporal partial least squares (XML) | spatiotemporal PLS (XML) | Soft- Thresholding Partial Least Squares (XML)
S-Tg  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Serum thyroglobulin (XML) | stimulation Tg levels at 6-12 months after remnant ablation (XML)
ST28  ( in XML )  (5)
  » sequence type 28 (XML)
ST-II  ( in XML )  (5)
  » sialyltransferase II (XML) | segment in lead II (XML) | syncytiotrophoblast layer II (XML)
STR's  ( in XML )  (5)
  » short tandem repeats (XML)
StB  ( in XML )  (5)
  » stefin B (XML) | Salmonella typhimurium type B (XML) | StentBoost (XML)
ST-IMRT  ( in XML )  (5)
  » standard IMRT (XML) | standard intensity modulated radiotherapy (XML) | standard dose IMRT (XML) | standard IMRT plans (XML)
ST21  ( in XML )  (5)
  » sequence type 21 (XML)
StandTS  ( in XML )  (5)
  » stand-to-sit (XML)
StxA  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Shiga toxin subunit A (XML) | shiga toxin (XML)
StrEF  ( in XML )  (5)
  » stretched exponential function (XML)
ST3GAL4  ( in XML )  (5)
  » ST3 beta-galactoside alpha-2,3-sialyltransferase 4 (XML)
STEPA  ( in XML )  (5)
  » super thin external pudendal artery (XML)
stt  ( in XML )  (5)
  » significant for circles of 300-1500 bp length with a (XML) | sensitivities (XML) | stress test time (XML) | temperature-sensitive (XML) | temperature-sensitive mutants (XML)
STRV  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Stratford virus (XML) | stress tolerant rice varieties (XML) | starving condition (XML)
STROPS  ( in XML )  (5)
  » STrengthening the Reporting Of Pharmacogenetic Studies (XML)
S.typhimurium  ( in XML )  (5)
  » serovar typhimurium (XML)
STag  ( in XML )  (5)
  » soluble tachyzoite antigen extracts (XML) | soluble extracts of T. gondii tachyzoites (XML) | soluble Toxoplasma gondii extract (XML) | silylated tag (XML) | Soluble extracts of Toxoplasma gondii tachyzoites (XML)
STPEs  ( in XML )  (5)
  » styrenic thermoplastic elastomers (XML) | signal transduction pathway elements (XML) | sewage treatment plant effluents (XML) | sustainable thermoplastic elastomers (XML)
STAMPS  ( in XML )  (5)
  » STrain Analysis and Mapping of the Plantar Surface (XML) | spectral-temporal amplitude mapping polarization spectroscopy (XML) | spatio-temporal analyzer for motion and physiologic study (XML) | self-template-assisted micro-phase segregation (XML)
STi  ( in XML )  (5)
  » sub-Tenon's infusion (XML) | stuttering interneurons (XML) | splinted crowns with titanium screw (XML) | sandblasted Ti (XML) | SLM pure titanium (XML)
STR-3  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Stromelysin-3 (XML)
sTNFRp55  ( in XML )  (5)
  » soluble tumor necrosis factor receptor p55 (XML) | soluble, 55-kilodalton isoform of tumor necrosis factor receptor (XML) | soluble TNF-Receptor p55 (XML)
STIp  ( in XML )  (5)
  » heat-stable enterotoxin Ip (XML)
sTbetaRII  ( in XML )  (5)
  » soluble TGF-beta receptor II (XML) | soluble TGF-beta type II receptor (XML) | Soluble transforming growth factor-beta receptor type II (XML)
STZ mice  ( in XML )  (5)
  » streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice (XML) | streptozotocin-induced hyperglycemic mice (XML) | streptozotocin induced mice (XML)
stk1  ( in XML )  (5)
  » stem cell tyrosine kinase 1 (XML) | serine threonine kinase1 (XML)
STAK  ( in XML )  (5)
  » skin test antigen stimulated killer (XML) | steps to active kids (XML) | Self Treatment Assisted Knee (XML)
STIR-EPI  ( in XML )  (5)
  » short TI version recovery-echo planar imaging (XML)
STCCB  ( in XML )  (5)
  » superficial transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder (XML)
StrA  ( in XML )  (5)
  » striatin (XML) | sortase A (XML) | Strategies (XML)
ST-PGPR  ( in XML )  (5)
  » salt-tolerant plant-growth-promoting rhizobacteria (XML)
STNN  ( in XML )  (5)
  » subject transfer neural network (XML) | spatiotemporal neural network (XML) | spatiotemporal transformer neural network (XML) | stochastic time effective neural network (XML) | strength neural network (XML)
STZ/NA  ( in XML )  (5)
  » streptozotocin/nicotinamide (XML)
stab  ( in XML )  (5)
  » stabilgaurd (XML) | stabilization and by flattening of the curvature of DeltaG (XML) | stabilization DeltaG (XML) | stabilization energy E (XML) | such a complex will more than balance its disadvantageous G (XML)
sTTA  ( in XML )  (5)
  » sensitized triplet-triplet annihilation (XML) | shed tumor associated antigens (XML)
ST-D  ( in XML )  (5)
  » ST deviation (XML) | ST-D-acid (XML) | steroid-dependent (XML) | supraspinatus tendon (XML) | ST-segment depression in V1-V4 (XML)
S-TPN  ( in XML )  (5)
  » standard TPN (XML) | solution of total parenteral nutrition (XML) | standard continuous total parenteral nutrition (XML)
St-QRS  ( in XML )  (5)
  » stimulus-to-QRS interval (XML) | stimulus to QRS onset (XML) | stimulus to the onset of QRS activation (XML) | site to the QRS (XML) | stimulus artifact to the onset of QRS complex (XML)
STBO  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Sewing Training-Based Optimization (XML) | surface trajectory-based operations (XML) | staged-bilateral OWHTO (XML)
STAR-CAP  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Staging Collaboration for Cancer of the Prostate (XML) | Staging Collaboration for Prostate Cancer (XML)
StL  ( in XML )  (5)
  » sternal length (XML) | St Lawrence Estuary (XML) | stem-loop (XML) | Shorter-the-Limit (XML)
sTNFR-p55  ( in XML )  (5)
  » soluble tumor necrosis factor-alpha receptor-p55 (XML) | soluble TNF receptor p55 (XML) | soluble TNFR-p55 (XML) | sTNFR proteins p55 (XML)
sTOF  ( in XML )  (5)
  » symptomatic tetralogy of Fallot (XML)
S-TB  ( in XML )  (5)
  » drug-susceptible tuberculosis (XML) | drug-susceptible (XML) | susceptible strains (XML) | drug-susceptible TB patients (XML)
STACK  ( in XML )  (5)
  » scalable time-lapse analysis of cell death kinetics (XML) | stacked generalization (XML) | Sequence Tag Alignment and Consensus Knowledgebase (XML) | stacking-unstacking (XML)
ST-DLLME  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Solvent-terminated dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction (XML)
sTFR  ( in XML )  (5)
  » soluble portion of the transferrin receptor (XML) | soluble transferrin receptor concentration (XML) | soluble portion of the homodimeric transferrin receptor (XML) | soluble portion of the TFR (XML) | serum erythropoietin, ferritin, haptoglobin, hemoglobin, and transferrin receptor (XML)
STPL  ( in XML )  (5)
  » supratracheal partial laryngectomy (XML) | staples (XML) | STIMPY-LIKE (XML) | spatiotemporal modulation projection lithography (XML)
STHC  ( in XML )  (5)
  » St. Thomas' Hospital cardioplegia solution (XML) | St. Thomas' Hospital cardioplegic (XML) | secondary and tertiary healthcare (XML) | short-term hypobaric hypoxic conditions (XML) | specialness thesis about healthcare (XML)
STAR-T  ( in XML )  (5)
  » safe and timely antithrombotic removal - ticagrelor (XML) | Suboxone Treatment and Recovery Trial (XML)
sti  ( in XML )  (5)
  » stilbene (XML) | sticky (XML) | Sexually transmitted infection (XML) | suture lines (XML) | structures built from 1-open d4r (XML)
St-D  ( in XML )  (5)
  » strength exercise-dependent (XML) | structured-diet (XML) | streptozotocin-diabetic (XML) | streptozotocin-treated diabetic animals (XML)
StuDoQ  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Study, Documentation, and Quality Center (XML)
STase  ( in XML )  (5)
  » sialyltransferase (XML) | alpha-2,6-sialyltransferase (XML)
St. aureus  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Staphylococcus aureus (XML)
ST-EPSCs  ( in XML )  (5)
  » solitary tract-evoked excitatory postsynaptic currents (XML) | synchronous evoked excitatory postsynaptic currents (XML) | short-latency, glutamatergic EPSCs (XML) | ST afferent evoked EPSCs (XML) | ST-evoked glutamatergic excitatory synaptic currents (XML)
STAGES  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Stanford Technology Analytics and Genomics in Sleep (XML) | Stanford Technical Analysis and Sleep Genome Study (XML) | Stages of Change in Exercise Adherence (XML) | Staged treatment and acceptability guidelines in early psychosis study (XML)
STOPAH  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Steroids or Pentoxifylline for Alcoholic Hepatitis (XML)
st-PMMA  ( in XML )  (5)
  » syndiotactic poly(methyl methacrylate) (XML)
STAEST  ( in XML )  (5)
  » stanol ester (XML)
STHM  ( in XML )  (5)
  » scanning tunneling hydrogen microscopy (XML) | serine transhydroxymethylase (XML) | Six Thinking Hats method (XML)
sTNFRI  ( in XML )  (5)
  » soluble, dimeric TNF receptor I (XML) | soluble receptors of tumour necrosis factor (XML) | soluble receptors TNFRI (XML) | soluble TNFRI (XML) | secretion and tumor necrosis factor-alpha soluble receptor I (XML)
ST-EPN  ( in XML )  (5)
  » supratentorial ependymomas (XML) | supratentorial EPN (XML) | supratentorial brain (XML)
STXBP2  ( in XML )  (5)
  » syntaxin binding protein 2 (XML)
STAI-1  ( in XML )  (5)
  » State-Trait Anxiety Inventory-1 (XML)
Step 2 CS  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Step 2 Clinical Skills (XML) | Step 2 Clinical Skills Examination (XML)
sTN  ( in XML )  (5)
  » spinal trigeminal nuclei (XML) | soluble total nitrogen (XML)
STORM-2  ( in XML )  (5)
  » standard mammography-2 (XML) | synthetic 2D mammography compared with 2D mammography alone (XML)
STROKOG  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Stroke and Cognition Consortium (XML) | Stroke and Cognition (XML)
study group  ( in XML )  (5)
  » subclinical hypothyroidism during pregnancy (XML) | study, underwent ureteroscopic stone surgery (XML) | sutures during sliding-clip renorrhaphy (XML) | surgery plus neoadjuvant chemotherapy (XML) | selected to undergo either potentially curative gastrectomy and receive IARC (XML)
STRUCTURE  ( in XML )  (5)
  » structure was further evaluated using Bayesian model-based clustering (XML) | structure of boreal caribou across western Canada using nonspatial (XML) | structure using Bayesian clustering analyses (XML) | structure analysis was evaluated using the model-based method (XML) | structure analysis (XML)
st-DNA  ( in XML )  (5)
  » salmon testes DNA (XML)
sTIPS  ( in XML )  (5)
  » salvage TIPS (XML) | simplified thrombo-inflammatory score (XML) | Simplified Thrombo-Inflammatory Prognostic Score (XML)
Step  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Steppke (XML) | Stephanine (XML) | stepwise (XML) | streptozotocin (XML)
STARTS  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Strategies to Avoid Returning to Smoking (XML) | Stress and Anxiety Regulation Strategies (XML) | strategies scale (XML)
StSt  ( in XML )  (5)
  » steady-state (XML) | steady-state condition (XML) | stand-to-sit (XML)
STGPI  ( in XML )  (5)
  » semitendinosus gracilis graft with preserved tibial insertion (XML) | STG graft with preserved tibial insertion (XML)
STFI  ( in XML )  (5)
  » spine tumour frailty index (XML) | spatiotemporal form integration (XML) | saturation of transferrin with iron (XML)
stress echo  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Stress echocardiography (XML)
STA1  ( in XML )  (5)
STRAS  ( in XML )  (5)
  » STRoke After Surgery (XML) | STRs Annotation and Score (XML) | subperichondrial transseptal (XML)
S. ty  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Salmonella typhimurium (XML)
STTX III  ( in XML )  (5)
  » stemphyltoxin III (XML)
ST-EPN-RELA  ( in XML )  (5)
  » supratentorial ependymomas (XML) | supratentorial ependymoma with RELA-fusion (XML) | supratentorial RELA-fused ependymoma (XML) | supratentorial RelA fusion-positive (XML)
StageTip  ( in XML )  (5)
  » stop-and-go-extraction tip (XML)
S type  ( in XML )  (5)
  » systolic blood pressure to mecholyl (XML) | small cell type (XML) | synapses contained clear spherical vesicles (XML) | selectivity was greater for simple (XML) | short-sequential type (XML)
STBUR  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Snoring, Trouble Breathing, Un-Refreshed (XML)
stTRAIL  ( in XML )  (5)
  » secretable trimeric TRAIL (XML) | secretable trimeric form of tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (XML)
STATCOPE  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Simvastatin for the Prevention of Exacerbations in Moderate-to-Severe COPD (XML) | Simvastatin in the Prevention of COPD Exacerbations (XML)
STAV  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Stromal Tumor of the Ampulla of Vater (XML) | superficial temporal arteries and veins (XML) | stavudine (XML) | sequences of five amino acids with an approximate consensus sequence (XML)
ST97  ( in XML )  (5)
  » sequence type 97 (XML)
S-TSA  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Serum total sialic acid (XML)
STAI-CH  ( in XML )  (5)
  » State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children (XML)
STPIS  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Sore Throat Pain Intensity Scale (XML)
stc  ( in XML )  (5)
  » shuttle craft (XML) | ST Cluster (XML)
STURE  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Stockholm TNF-alpha follow-up registry (XML)
sTNF-alphaR  ( in XML )  (5)
  » soluble TNF-alpha receptors (XML) | soluble tumor necrosis factor-alpha receptor (XML)
STWM  ( in XML )  (5)
  » short-term working memory (XML)
StAEW  ( in XML )  (5)
  » strong acidic electrolyzed water (XML)
sTREM-2  ( in XML )  (5)
  » soluble triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells 2 (XML) | soluble TREM-2 (XML) | Soluble TREM-2 protein (XML)
ST3GAL1  ( in XML )  (5)
  » ST3 beta-galactoside alpha-2,3-sialyltransferase 1 (XML)
STCF  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Short-term continuous flow (XML) | sandwich-type composite film (XML) | specialty triple-clad fiber (XML) | short term culture filtrate (XML) | spatiotemporal coherence factor (XML)
sTFs  ( in XML )  (4)
  » synthetic transcription factors (XML) | secrete six neurotrophic factors (XML)
ST50  ( in XML )  (4)
  » sequence type 50 (XML) | subsequently rounded down to the nearest 50 microV (XML) | survival time 50  (XML) | susceptibility time that causes 50% effect (XML)
s-TTV  ( in XML )  (4)
  » simian TTV (XML) | Simian TT virus (XML)
s-Tg  ( in XML )  (4)
  » serum Tg (XML) | stimulation resulted in a rise of Tg (XML) | TSH-stimulated thyroglobulin (XML)
stx1a  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Shiga toxin 1a gene (XML) | Syntaxin-1A (XML)
stp  ( in XML )  (4)
  » suppressor mutation (XML) | stopper (XML) | specific terminal portions (XML) | secretory tailpiece (XML)
STELAR  ( in XML )  (4)
  » side-to-end reanastomosis after low anterior resection (XML) | test the effectiveness of a co-designed multifaceted intervention (XML) | Study Team for Early Life Asthma Research (XML)
STRADL  ( in XML )  (4)
  » STratifyingResilienceandDepressionLongitudinally (XML)
Sty  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Sprouty (XML) | styloconica (XML)
ST29  ( in XML )  (4)
  » sequence type 29 (XML)
ST463  ( in XML )  (4)
  » sequence type 463 (XML)
STMR  ( in XML )  (4)
  » supervised trials median residues (XML) | silage-TMR (XML) | standard TMR (XML)
stDNAs  ( in XML )  (4)
  » satellite DNAs (XML)
STIPO-R  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Structured Interview of Personality Organization (XML)
sTLC  ( in XML )  (4)
  » serum total light chain (XML)
STIFT  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Structure Tensor Informed Fiber Tractography (XML) | smart toolkit for fluorescence tomography (XML)
StAPs  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Solanum tuberosum aspartic proteases (XML) | shape-tunable anisotropic nano-/microparticles (XML)
STOUT  ( in XML )  (4)
  » spatio-temporal unifying tomography (XML) | SMILES-TO-IUPAC-name translator (XML)
STAG1  ( in XML )  (4)
  » stromal antigen 1 (XML) | solid tumor-associated gene 1 (XML)
Stx1B  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Shiga toxin 1 B subunits (XML) | syntaxin-1B (XML)
StO2  ( in XML )  (4)
  » saturated O2 (XML) | ScvO2 and peripheral tissue oxygenation (XML) | SpO2 and cerebral oximetry (XML) | sessions; tissue O2 saturation (XML)
Sti-LVAT  ( in XML )  (4)
  » stimulus to peak left ventricular activation time (XML)
stan  ( in XML )  (4)
  » starry night (XML) | standard plan: P (XML)
Strep A  ( in XML )  (4)
  » streptococcal vaccine (XML) | streptococcal (XML)
STRAIGHT  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Stroke: Relevant Impact of Hemoglobin, Hematocrit and Transfusion (XML) | segment extraction by connectivity-enforcing HT (XML)
STRH  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Sekou Toure Regional Hospital (XML) | sub-total removal of hematoma (XML) | spontaneous tumor rupture hemorrhage (XML)
sTAB  ( in XML )  (4)
  » severe thoracic aortic banding (XML)
STDO  ( in XML )  (4)
  » short tube DNA origami (XML) | spondylothoracic dysostosis (XML) | sliding transport distraction osteogenesis (XML)
ST320  ( in XML )  (4)
  » sequence type 320 (XML)
STGD/FFM  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Stargardt disease/fundus flavimaculatus (XML) | Stargardt's-fundus flavimaculatus (XML) | Stargardt/Fundus Flavimaculatus disease (XML)
STEMS  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Screening Tool for Everyday Mobility and Symptoms (XML)
STBV  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Soft tick bunyavirus (XML) | Schwartz's theory of basic values (XML)
StARS  ( in XML )  (4)
  » stability approach to regularization selection (XML) | Student Assessment of Reflection Scoring rubric (XML) | Standardized Assessment and Reporting System (XML)
ST depression  ( in XML )  (4)
  » segment depression (XML) | separate Minnesota codes IV (XML)
str. rad  ( in XML )  (4)
  » stratum radiatum (XML)
STRiDE-I  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Secular TRends in DiabEtes in India (XML)
Stk33  ( in XML )  (4)
  » serine/threonine kinase 33 (XML)
SThL  ( in XML )  (4)
  » scanning thermal lithography (XML)
ST-RELA  ( in XML )  (4)
  » supratentorial RELA fusion (XML) | supratentorial RELA-fusion positive (XML) | supratentorial ependymoma, RELA fusion-positive (XML)
STOC-T  ( in XML )  (4)
  » spatio-temporal optical coherence tomography (XML)
stTDI  ( in XML )  (4)
  » short-tracks track-density imaging (XML) | short track TDI (XML)
STK17B  ( in XML )  (4)
  » serine/threonine kinase 17B (XML)
STaVR  ( in XML )  (4)
  » segment deviation in lead aVR (XML) | segment change in lead aVR (XML)
ST-SCs  ( in XML )  (4)
  » semitransparent solar cells (XML)
SToP  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Schanzlin-Thomas-Purcell (XML) | Screening to Prevent (XML) | strategies for transfusion of platelets (XML)
STAXI-II  ( in XML )  (4)
  » State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory-II (XML)
S.T.A.R.T.T  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Simulated Trauma and Resuscitation Team Training (XML)
Stil  ( in XML )  (4)
  » SCL/TAL interrupting locus (XML) | SCL/Tal1-interrupting locus gene (XML) | populations-Stillwater (XML) | some biological parameters of Mahanarva fimbriolata (XML)
star-PEG  ( in XML )  (4)
  » star-poly(ethylene glycol) (XML) | star-shaped poly(ethylene glycols) (XML)
Streptococcus zooepidemicus  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Streptococcus equi subspecies zooepidemicus (XML)
STDRR  ( in XML )  (4)
  » standard deviation of RR intervals (XML) | standard deviation of all RR (XML)
STReM  ( in XML )  (4)
  » super temporal-resolved microscopy (XML)
STTD P  ( in XML )  (4)
  » standardized total tract digestible phosphorus (XML) | standardized total tract digestible P (XML)
STDFA  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Spatial and Temporal Data Fusion Approach (XML) | spatial-temporal deformable feature aggregation (XML) | spatial temporal data fusion approach (XML)
STARMA  ( in XML )  (4)
  » spatial-temporal auto-regressive moving-average (XML) | space-time autoregressive moving average (XML) | Space-Time Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (XML)
STRATEGY  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Stress, Atherosclerosis, and ECG Study (XML) | sitagliptin based triple antihyperglycemic therapy (XML)
STY-DVB  ( in XML )  (4)
  » styrene and divinylbenzene (XML) | surface area, and porous nature of modified polystyrene-divinylbenzene (XML)
STc131  ( in XML )  (4)
  » sequence type clonal complex 131 (XML) | sequence type complex 131 E. coli (XML) | sequence type complex 131 (XML)
STOR-M  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Saskatchewan Torus-modified (XML)
STEMB  ( in XML )  (4)
  » single-tube extractive membrane bioreactor (XML)
STRiDE  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Strengthening Responses to Dementia in Developing Countries (XML)
St-g-PAA  ( in XML )  (4)
  » starch grafted poly(acrylic acid) (XML)
STIAT  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Single Target Implicit Association Test (XML)
STEAP2  ( in XML )  (4)
  » six transmembrane epithelial antigen of the prostate 2 (XML)
ST6N  ( in XML )  (4)
  » alpha2,6-sialyltransferase (XML) | showed that Gal beta 1-4GlcNAc alpha 2, 6-sialyltransferase (XML) | sialyltransferases, the Gal beta 1,4GlcNAc alpha 2,6-sialyltransferase (XML)
STINGa  ( in XML )  (4)
  » STING agonists (XML) | stimulator of interferon gene agonists (XML)
S. tangutica  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Scopolia tangutica (XML) | Saxifraga tangutica (XML) | Scopolia tangutica Maxim (XML)
S.T.O.N.E  ( in XML )  (4)
  » stone density (E) (XML) | Size, Topography, Obstruction, Number, and Evaluation of Hounsfield units (XML) | stones, and evaluation of Hounsfield units (XML)
STAT6-IP  ( in XML )  (4)
  » STAT6 inhibitory peptide (XML) | show that STAT6-immunomodulatory peptide (XML)
stage N2  ( in XML )  (4)
  » stage 2 non-rapid eye movement (XML)
StUPh  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Salmonella typhimurium uridine phosphorylase (XML) | Salmonella typhimurium (XML) | S. typhimurium UPh (XML)
ST-LSTM  ( in XML )  (4)
  » spatiotemporal LSTM (XML) | spatiotemporal long short-term memory (XML)
StAR2D  ( in XML )  (4)
  » support control for type 2 diabetes (XML) | suppoRt for people with type 2 diabetes (XML)
STACHs  ( in XML )  (4)
  » short-term acute care hospitals (XML)
STINR-MR  ( in XML )  (4)
  » spatial and temporal implicit neural representation learning (XML)
S. tonkinensis  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Sophorae tonkinensis (XML) | Sophorae tonkinensis Radix et Rhizoma (XML)
STN-HFS  ( in XML )  (4)
  » subthalamic nucleus-high-frequency stimulation (XML)
sTNF-alphaR1  ( in XML )  (4)
  » soluble tumor necrosis factor-alpha receptor type 1 (XML)
sTPD  ( in XML )  (4)
  » stress total perfusion deficit (XML) | stress-TPD (XML)
Stk9  ( in XML )  (4)
  » serine/threonine kinase 9 (XML)
S-Tn  ( in XML )  (4)
  » sialosyl-Tn (XML) | 1-0-serine/threonine (XML)
ST-GCNs  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Spatial-Temporal Graph Convolutional Networks (XML)
s.t  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Surface tension (XML) | sheep tracheal (XML) | heat-stable toxin genes (XML)
STAI-s  ( in XML )  (4)
  » State Anxiety Inventory score (XML) | State-Trait Anxiety Inventory questionnaire (XML) | State--Trait Anxiety Inventory--state anxiety (XML) | State Trait Anxiety Inventory-state (XML)
ST's  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Specialty Trainees (XML) | steroid sulfotransferase enzymes (XML) | sequence types (XML) | suicidal thoughts (XML)
STAP2  ( in XML )  (4)
  » signal-transducing adaptor protein-2 (XML) | signal transducing adaptor family member 2 (XML)
STOF  ( in XML )  (4)
  » spectroscopic time of flight (XML) | standard overfeeding (XML) | SpiralTOF (XML) | sensor to oximeter first (XML)
STTF  ( in XML )  (4)
  » serial-tilted-tapered fiber (XML) | second toe tissue flap (XML) | Skin Tolerance Task Force (XML)
St-g-PAM  ( in XML )  (4)
  » starch-graft-polyacrylamide (XML)
STRDs  ( in XML )  (4)
  » soft tissue rheumatic disorders (XML) | summed tandem-repeat differences (XML)
Stim-Tg  ( in XML )  (4)
  » stimulated thyroglobulin (XML) | TSH-stimulated Tg (XML)
stHIV-1  ( in XML )  (4)
  » simian-tropic HIV-1 (XML)
STA/LTA  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Short Term Average/Long Term Average (XML) | Short Time Average over Long Time Average (XML) | short-term average to long-term average (XML) | short-time average/long-time average (XML)
stilbene 5c  ( in XML )  (4)
  » stilbene derivative, cis-3,4',5-trimethoxy-3'-aminostilbene (XML) | stilbenes, cis-3,4',5-trimethoxy-3'-aminostilbene (XML)
STHP  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Screening Test for Hearing Problems (XML) | Standing Head Position (XML) | spatial transfer of haze pollution (XML) | supra threshold heat pain (XML)
StOMP  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Stagewise orthogonal matching pursuit (XML)
STLA  ( in XML )  (4)
  » sub-tenon's local anaesthesia (XML) | Standard Language Test of Aphasia (XML) | substances possessing thymosine-like activity (XML)
StF  ( in XML )  (4)
  » sensitivity to t-PA-mediated fibrinolysis (XML) | stratum fibrosum (XML) | standard biopsy forceps (XML) | standard feed conditions (XML)
stand-alone  ( in XML )  (4)
  » surgical and medical complications profile of zero-profile (XML) | Stenotrophomonas maltophilia at manufacturer-recommended durations (XML) | systems in countries with a high HIV burden, vertical (XML)
Strep-HRP  ( in XML )  (4)
  » streptavidin-horseradish peroxidase (XML)
STABS  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Social Thoughts and Beliefs Scale (XML) | Student Type A Behavior Scale (XML)
STAMBP  ( in XML )  (4)
  » STAM-binding protein (XML) | signal-transducing adaptor molecule-binding protein (XML)
STING-NPs  ( in XML )  (4)
  » STING-activating nanoparticles (XML) | STING agonists within nanoparticles (XML)
STRAf  ( in XML )  (4)
  » short tandem repeats of A. fumigatus (XML) | short tandem repeats of Aspergillus fumigatus (XML)
S-TAP  ( in XML )  (4)
  » snuggle T and protrusion (XML) | serum total alkaline phosphatase (XML) | standard transannular patching (XML)
STY1  ( in XML )  (4)
STD-VMAT  ( in XML )  (4)
  » standard volumetric modulated arc therapy (XML) | standard VMAT (XML)
S.T.D  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Sexually transmitted diseases (XML)
STAGA  ( in XML )  (4)
  » SPT3-TAFII31-GCN5-L acetyltransferase (XML) | SPT3-TAFII31-GCN5L acetylase (XML)
STOP-ROP  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Supplemental Therapeutic Oxygen for Prethreshold Retinopathy of Prematurity (XML)
STEW  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Simultaneous task EEG workload (XML) | Sludge Treatment Electro Wetland (XML) | spatial-temporal energy weighting (XML)
STAIS  ( in XML )  (4)
  » State-Trait Anxiety Inventory State (XML)
STGGB  ( in XML )  (4)
  » skim milk tryptone glucose glycerol broth (XML)
STSFs  ( in XML )  (4)
  » single-turnover saturating flashes (XML) | Specialized Treatment Service facilities (XML)
Stim-LVAT  ( in XML )  (4)
  » stimulus to peak ventricular activation (XML)
STADT  ( in XML )  (4)
  » short-term androgen deprivation therapy (XML) | short-term ADT (XML)
STPCBs  ( in XML )  (4)
  » spent telecommunication printed circuit boards (XML) | spent printed circuit boards (XML)
STROBE-NI  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Studies in Epidemiology for Newborn Infection (XML)
ST3GAL5  ( in XML )  (4)
  » ST3 beta-galactoside alpha-2,3-sialyltransferase 5 (XML)
ST7-AS1  ( in XML )  (4)
  » suppressor of tumorigenicity 7 antisense RNA 1 (XML) | ST7 antisense RNA 1 (XML)
StrV-1  ( in XML )  (4)
  » strawberry virus 1 (XML)
STVT  ( in XML )  (4)
  » spatiotemporal vision transformer (XML) | sonorous tongue vibration technique (XML) | sinusoidal tubercle volute tongues (XML) | selective tumor vascular thrombogen (XML)
sTxB2  ( in XML )  (4)
  » serum Thromboxane B2 (XML) | serum thromboxane B2 level (XML)
STPCs  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Solitary true pancreatic cysts (XML) | saddle-type pickup coils (XML) | stem total polysaccharide contents (XML) | subtunic penile progenitor cells (XML)
STVA  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Solvothermal vapor annealing (XML) | subtotal villous athrophy (XML) | second-toe valgus angle (XML)
ST37  ( in XML )  (4)
  » sequence type 37 (XML)
STLMC  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Short-term liquid marrow culture (XML) | silibinin-loaded thermosensitive liposome-microbubble complex (XML) | STLMC injection group (XML)
STOPPE  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Steroid Therapy and Outcome of Parapneumonic Pleural Effusions (XML)
STZ-icv  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Streptozotocin-intracerebroventricularly (XML) | STZ-intracerebroventricularly (XML)
STCN  ( in XML )  (4)
  » stable task control network (XML) | symptomatic thyroid cystic nodules (XML) | Strychnine (XML) | series clustering network (XML)
S-Ti  ( in XML )  (4)
  » smooth titanium (XML) | Serum titanium (XML) | submicron features (XML)
STTE  ( in XML )  (4)
  » sanghuang total triterpenoid extract (XML) | Short-Term Token Economy (XML) | Single trocar transanal endoscopic surgery (XML) | surrounding tubal tissue around the Essure (XML)
STOP-IgAN  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Supportive versus immunosuppressive Therapy Of Progressive IgA Nephropathy (XML) | supportive care plus immunosuppression in IgA nephropathy (XML) | Study of Outcome and Practice Pattern of IgA Nephropathy (XML)
STDCs  ( in XML )  (4)
  » short-term detention certificates (XML) | sexually transmitted disease clinics (XML) | Seminiferous tubule-derived cells (XML) | spatiotemporal dislocation curves (XML)
STJA  ( in XML )  (4)
  » subtalar joint axis (XML) | subtalar joint arthrodesis (XML)
STANAG  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Standardization Agreement (XML)
std. dev  ( in XML )  (4)
  » standard deviation (XML)
ST175  ( in XML )  (4)
  » sequence type 175 (XML)
ST340  ( in XML )  (4)
  » sequence type 340 (XML)
STNPs  ( in XML )  (4)
  » silver triangular nanoplates (XML) | sequentially targeted therapeutic nanocomplexes (XML) | surface-treated nanoparticles (XML)
STEO  ( in XML )  (4)
  » semi-tandem stand with eyes open (XML) | skipjack tuna eyeball oil (XML) | smoothed Teager energy operator (XML) | Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi essential oil (XML)
STAR-VA  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Staff Training in Assisted Living Residences-Veterans Health Administration (XML) | sustainment of an intervention (XML)
sTNFR-75  ( in XML )  (4)
  » soluble TNF receptor 75 (XML) | soluble tumor necrosis factor receptor p75 (XML) | soluble 75-kilodalton TNF-alpha receptor (XML)
STAT-4  ( in XML )  (4)
  » signal transducer and activator of transcription-4 (XML)
ST-CFP  ( in XML )  (4)
  » short-term culture filtrate proteins (XML)
STZ-diabetes  ( in XML )  (4)
  » streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats (XML) | streptozotocin-diabetes (XML)
STRUETH  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Studies of Twin Responses to Understand Exercise Therapy (XML)
stdTTP  ( in XML )  (4)
  » standardized time-to-peak (XML) | standardized time-to-peak variable (XML)
STEM/EDS  ( in XML )  (4)
  » scanning transmission electron microscopy/energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (XML)
STAPH  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Staphylococcus epidermidis (XML) | Staphylococcus aureus BSI (XML)
STBF  ( in XML )  (4)
  » standing time before falling (XML) | short-term breastfeeding (XML) | spatiotemporal bilateral filter (XML) | ShengTaiBuFen (XML)
STQC  ( in XML )  (4)
  » SHIGA TOXIN QUIK CHEK (XML) | Shiga Toxin Quik Chek test (XML)
stRNA-seq  ( in XML )  (4)
  » spatial transcriptome RNA sequencing (XML)
STF-PERT  ( in XML )  (4)
  » single-tube fluorescent product-enhanced reverse transcriptase assay (XML)
STP1  ( in XML )  (4)
  » SUGAR TRANSPORTER PROTEIN 1 (XML) | Summer Transition Program 1 (XML)
ST213  ( in XML )  (4)
  » sequence type 213 (XML) | Stoneville 213 (XML)
STOVs  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Spatiotemporal optical vortices (XML) | Spatiotemporal vortices (XML)
STVRE  ( in XML )  (4)
  » stevia residue extract (XML) | suggested that by-product of stevia (XML)
STUN-BH-DMD  ( in XML )  (4)
  » stochastic tunnelling-basin hopping-discrete molecular dynamics (XML)
STN-LFP  ( in XML )  (4)
  » subthalamic nucleus local field potentials (XML)
sTG  ( in XML )  (4)
  » serum total gangliosides (XML) | super-Tonks-Girardeau (XML)
STOFHLA  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Shortened Test of Functional Health Literacy in Adults (XML) | Short Test of Health Literacy in Adults (XML) | short version test of functional health literacy in adults (XML)
S-TR  ( in XML )  (4)
  » somatosensory part of the thalamic reticular nucleus (XML) | somatosensory thalamic reticular (XML)
STHJ  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Shatai Heji (XML)
STMPs  ( in XML )  (4)
  » secreted transmembrane peptides (XML) | short-term motor patterns (XML) | Surgical telementoring programs (XML) | ST microparticles (XML)
STIPs  ( in XML )  (4)
  » spatio-temporal interest points (XML) | staphylococcal delta-toxin-inspired peptides (XML)
STZR  ( in XML )  (4)
  » streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats (XML) | diabetic-streptozotocin rats (XML)
strepTSS  ( in XML )  (4)
  » streptococcal toxic shock syndrome (XML)
STK38L  ( in XML )  (4)
  » serine/threonine kinase 38-like (XML) | serine/threonine-protein kinase 38-like (XML)
Str1  ( in XML )  (4)
  » stromelysin-1 (XML)
S-t  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Student's t statistics (XML) | specific radioactivity-time (XML)
stDNN  ( in XML )  (4)
  » spatiotemporal deep neural network (XML)
STEM-ADF  ( in XML )  (4)
  » scanning transmission electron microscopy-annular dark field (XML) | Scanning TEM Annular Dark Field (XML)
STRO  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi leaves oil (XML) | Stromal precursor antigen (XML) | SrTi0.7Ru0.3O3-delta (XML) | surface occupied by human osteoblastic progenitor cells (XML)
S.T.E.P.S  ( in XML )  (4)
  » System for Thalidomide Education and Prescribing Safety (XML)
STEMI and NSTEMI  ( in XML )  (4)
  » non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (XML)
S-test  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Biering-Sorensen test (XML) | Schellong test (XML) | Secretin test (XML) | sound test (XML)
STIP-1  ( in XML )  (4)
  » stress-induced-phosphoprotein-1 (XML)
sTbetaRIII  ( in XML )  (4)
  » soluble TbetaRIII (XML)
STNet  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Spatial-Temporal convolutional-recurrent neural Network (XML) | Spatio-Temporal Combined Network (XML) | Style Transfer Network (XML) | single-temporal network (XML)
StarD6  ( in XML )  (4)
  » START-domain-containing 6 (XML) | StAR and START domain-containing 6 (XML)
S-TK1  ( in XML )  (4)
  » serum TK1 (XML) | investigate thymidine kinase 1 concentration in serum (XML) | Serum concentrations of TK1 (XML)
STAFS  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Southeast Texas Applied Forensic Science (XML) | South East Texas Applied Forensic Science Facility (XML)
STAI-C  ( in XML )  (4)
  » STAI for children (XML) | State-Trait Anxiety Scale for Children (XML) | State-Trait Anxiety Questionnaire for Children (XML)
STX18  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Syntaxin18 (XML)
STANN  ( in XML )  (4)
  » spatio-temporal attention neural network (XML) | spatial transcriptomics cell-types assignment using neural networks (XML) | self-training artificial neural network (XML)
ST7L  ( in XML )  (4)
  » suppression of tumorigenicity 7-like (XML)
STEPIX  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Step index (XML)
STEM/EELS  ( in XML )  (4)
  » scanning transmission electron microscopy/electron energy loss spectroscopy (XML) | scanning transmission electron microscope (XML)
state anxiety  ( in XML )  (4)
  » State-Trait Anxiety Inventory-1 (XML) | Situation-specific anxiety (XML) | substrate of anxiety response (XML)
STRAC  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Southwest Texas Regional Advisory Council (XML) | spatiotemporal access control based on reputation (XML) | Syllabus Tracking (XML)
STAR-Q  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Sedentary Time and Activity Reporting Questionnaire (XML)
STTAR  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Structured Training Trainer Assessment Report (XML)
STWB  ( in XML )  (4)
  » sulphuric acid-treated wheat bran (XML) | Six Tie Wings Brackets (XML)
stdEEG  ( in XML )  (4)
  » standard EEG (XML) | standard 21-electrode montage (XML) | standard electroencephalography (XML)
ST-LUR  ( in XML )  (4)
  » spatiotemporal land-use-regression (XML)
STAX  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Source Term Analysis of Xenon (XML) | State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory (XML)
STEC/EHEC  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Shiga toxin-producing and enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (XML) | Shiga toxin-producing E. coli/ Enterohaemorrhagic E. coli (XML)
STP alpha  ( in XML )  (4)
  » strand transfer protein alpha (XML)
STLSs  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Senior TB Laboratory Supervisors (XML) | shock train leading shocks (XML) | seminiferous tubule-like structures (XML) | surface tension lowering substances (XML)
STAL  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Screening Test for Adolescent Language (XML) | spatial-temporal attention-aware learning (XML) | safety transactional leadership (XML) | sterile alfalfa was inoculated as follows: (i) aseptic water (XML)
StoRMi  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Switch to Risperidone Microspheres (XML)
stM-FISH  ( in XML )  (4)
  » subtelomere-specific multiplex fluorescence in-situ hybridization (XML) | subtelomere-specific multiplex FISH assay (XML)
STS-MIP  ( in XML )  (4)
  » sliding thin slab-maximum intensity projection (XML) | Sliding Thin Slab MIP (XML)
ST-CS  ( in XML )  (4)
  » surgically treated cervical spondylosis (XML) | spatiotemporal compressive sensing (XML) | stearoyl chitosan (XML)
STICK  ( in XML )  (4)
  » soft tissue impact characterisation kit (XML) | sequential targeting in crosslinking (XML) | substrates that interact with C-kinase (XML)
STAIT  ( in XML )  (4)
  » State-Trait Anxiety Inventory Trait (XML) | State - Trait Anxiety Inventory (XML)
ST-se AMI  ( in XML )  (4)
  » ST-segment elevation acute myocardial infarction (XML)
STF-1  ( in XML )  (4)
  » somatostatin transcription factor-1 (XML)
STEP-KOA  ( in XML )  (4)
  » stepped exercise program for patients with knee osteoarthritis (XML) | STepped Exercise Program for Knee OsteoArthritis (XML)
STGM  ( in XML )  (4)
  » single-trait genomic model (XML) | spatiotemporal gradient map (XML) | split-thickness germinal matrix (XML)
STZ rat  ( in XML )  (4)
  » streptozotocin-induced diabetic rat (XML)
STSH  ( in XML )  (4)
  » short time stay in hospital (XML) | transfusion service and hemovigilance (XML) | short-tailed shearwater (XML) | soft tissue sarcoma of the hand (XML)
STEEL  ( in XML )  (4)
  » spliced-transcript endothelial-enriched lncRNA (XML) | SpatioTemporal Extended Event Language (XML) | Spatial Transcriptome based cEll typE cLustering (XML) | STudent Engagement with Education and Learning (XML)
sTva  ( in XML )  (4)
  » soluble Tva (XML) | soluble forms of the chicken and quail Tva receptor (XML) | soluble form of Tva (XML)
ST121  ( in XML )  (4)
  » sequence type 121 (XML)
ST152  ( in XML )  (4)
  » sequence type 152 (XML)
ST-CI  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Supportive Therapy for Cognitively Impaired Older Adults (XML) | supportive therapy for cognitively impaired patients (XML)
STERNO  ( in XML )  (4)
  » sternocleidomastoid (XML)
STALs  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Siglec-engaging tolerance-inducing antigenic liposomes (XML)
STRESS-A  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Symptoms Screener for Adults (XML)
STX12  ( in XML )  (4)
  » syntaxin-12 (XML)
std.beta  ( in XML )  (4)
  » standardized beta coefficient (XML)
STBAD  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Stanford type B aortic dissection (XML) | Stanford type B AD (XML)
StarD7  ( in XML )  (4)
  » StAR-related lipid transfer domain containing 7 (XML) | steroidogenic acute regulatory protein D7 (XML) | Steroidogenic acute regulatory protein-related lipid transfer domain containing 7 (XML)
StxB  ( in XML )  (4)
  » shiga toxin B subunit (XML)
ST-R  ( in XML )  (4)
  » standard restricted (XML) | ST receptor (XML) | steroid-refractory (XML)
STMVC  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Salmonella typhimurium variatio copenhagen (XML)
Stz  ( in XML )  (4)
  » streptozotocin-induced AD mice model (XML) | streptozotocin injection (XML) | Streptozotocin induced (XML)
StdC  ( in XML )  (4)
  » standard care (XML) | standardized unformulated curcumin extract (XML)
Study I  ( in XML )  (4)
  » study periods, with a 7-day (XML) | studied cross-sectionally (XML) | study was carried out before (XML) | showed plasticity during cognitive training (XML)
STK16  ( in XML )  (4)
  » serine/threonine kinase 16 (XML)
STREAM-URO  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Standardized Reporting of Machine Learning Applications in Urology (XML) | STandardized REporting of Applications of Machine learning in UROlogy (XML)
ST-L  ( in XML )  (4)
  » ST/a mouse lung fibroblasts (XML) | Stable Topic-Louvain (XML) | self-tapping (XML) | self-tapping screws and the Mini-Locking-System (XML)
s-T  ( in XML )  (4)
  » sialosyl-T (XML) | structure T (XML) | serum T (XML)
sTfR-F index  ( in XML )  (4)
  » sTfR/log ferritin index (XML) | sTfR/logFerr index (XML)
STARD3NL  ( in XML )  (4)
  » STARD3 N-terminal like (XML) | steroidogenic acute regulatory protein D3-N-terminal like (XML)
ST-PVR  ( in XML )  (4)
  » short-term personalized vestibular rehabilitation (XML) | short-term personalized vestibular rehabilitation supervised by special personnel (XML)
ST32  ( in XML )  (4)
  » sequence type 32 (XML)
STFFs  ( in XML )  (4)
  » scapular tip free flaps (XML) | STF used were free flaps (XML) | scapular tip chimeric free flaps (XML)
STXBP4  ( in XML )  (4)
  » syntaxin-binding protein 4 (XML)
StEPS  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Statewide Eyesight Preschooler Screening (XML) | Stable Edge-specific Penalty Selection (XML)
Stol  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Stolbur (XML)
sTRAP  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Suspension TRAPping filter (XML) | soluble form of TRAP (XML)
sTNFR-55  ( in XML )  (4)
  » soluble TNF receptor-55 (XML) | soluble form of tumour necrosis factor receptor-55 (XML) | soluble tumor necrosis factor receptor p55 (XML)
STKc  ( in XML )  (4)
  » serine/threonine kinase catalytic (XML)
STP-PreK  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Summer Treatment Program for Pre-Kindergartners (XML)
stage 1  ( in XML )  (4)
  » versus the A-LTZ group was 21 versus 4 (XML) | two-stage approach, we ascertained 101 (XML) | stage were $40,164 (XML) | stages: 0 to 100 procedures (XML)
SToPS  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Sunderland Tracheoesophageal Perceptual Scale (XML) | Significant Times on Persistent Strands (XML)
Stratus OCT  ( in XML )  (3)
  » subjects using optical coherence tomography (XML) | Stratus optical coherence tomography (XML)
ST/CC  ( in XML )  (3)
  » sequence type/clonal complex (XML)
Stroop Test  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Stroop Color and Word Test (XML) | significant improvement in executive functions (XML)
STABC  ( in XML )  (3)
  » soft tissue aneurysmal bone cyst (XML) | Short-term aerobic bacterial culture (XML)
St.3  ( in XML )  (3)
  » stage 3 (XML)
STEDMAN  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Study of the Effects of Diet on Metabolism and Nutrition (XML)
stRNA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » small temporal RNA (XML) | spatial transcriptome sequencing (XML)
STS score  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Society of Thoracic Surgeons score (XML)
STG/MTG  ( in XML )  (3)
  » superior temporal gyrus/middle temporal gyrus (XML)
STRIDE-GO  ( in XML )  (3)
  » SToRytelliing to Improve Disease outcomes in Gout (XML)
sTNFp55R  ( in XML )  (3)
  » soluble TNF p55 receptor (XML)
STWV  ( in XML )  (3)
  » space-time-wave-vector (XML) | similarity with Sitiawan virus (XML) | Sitiawan virus (XML)
StimUD  ( in XML )  (3)
  » stimulant use disorder (XML)
STHL  ( in XML )  (3)
  » soft-tissue hybrid layer (XML) | short-term high light (XML)
STM/WM  ( in XML )  (3)
  » short-term/working memory (XML) | Short-term memory and working memory (XML)
statistical learning  ( in XML )  (3)
  » concerns the ability to extract regularities based on frequency information (XML) | statistical regularities in input (XML) | statistical regularities among individual objects (XML)
sTrfR  ( in XML )  (3)
  » soluble transferrin receptor (XML)
sTGF-beta  ( in XML )  (3)
  » soluble TGF-beta (XML)
STPIs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » serine-type protease inhibitors (XML)
STPB-C  ( in XML )  (3)
  » short-type PB-cadherin (XML)
stat3  ( in XML )  (3)
  » signal transducers and activators of transcription 3 (XML)
STEM/TEM  ( in XML )  (3)
  » scanning/transmission electron microscopy (XML) | cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy (XML)
Ste2  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Sst2 mediate binding to its cognate GPCR (XML) | sterile 2 alpha-factor receptor (XML) | sterile2 alpha-factor receptor protein (XML)
St 1  ( in XML )  (3)
  » stage 1 (XML)
s-taVNS  ( in XML )  (3)
  » sham taVNS (XML)
STREAM-VCI  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Symptomatic Treatment of Vascular Cognitive Impairment (XML)
STCir  ( in XML )  (3)
  » STC immunoreactive (XML)
sTSP  ( in XML )  (3)
  » stripped of associated TGF-beta activity (XML) | stripped of associated TGF-beta (XML)
St-CTA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » starch-based flocculant (XML)
STIDD  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Scale for Treatment Integration of the Dually Diagnosed (XML)
STZL  ( in XML )  (3)
  » sertaconazole (XML) | stabilized 633-nm He-Ne transverse Zeeman laser (XML)
sTTTG  ( in XML )  (3)
  » sagittal tibial tubercle-trochlear groove (XML)
STAT3 and STAT5  ( in XML )  (3)
  » signal transducers and activators of transcription 3 and 5 (XML)
STRICU  ( in XML )  (3)
  » shock-trauma intensive care unit (XML) | Shock/Trauma/Respiratory Intensive Care Unit (XML)
STAI-2  ( in XML )  (3)
  » State-Trait Anxiety Inventory-2 (XML) | state-trait anxiety inventory form2 (XML)
stress-CMR  ( in XML )  (3)
  » stress cardiac magnetic resonance (XML) | Stress myocardial perfusion imaging by cardiac magnetic resonance (XML)
Stx12  ( in XML )  (3)
  » syntaxin 12 (XML)
StiL  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Studiengruppe indolente Lymphome (XML) | Study Group for Indolent Lymphoma (XML) | Study group indolent Lymphomas (XML)
STox  ( in XML )  (3)
  » severe toxicity (XML) | severe pulmonary toxicity (XML) | sequences of CnH toxins (XML)
stress-rest  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Single-photon emission computed tomography was performed following a one-day protocol (XML) | SDS is the difference between two measurements (XML) | stress MBF, the absolute difference (XML)
Stx-phages  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Stx-encoding phages (XML) | Stx-encoding temperate lambdoid phages (XML)
Strat-M  ( in XML )  (3)
  » synthetic hydrophobic membrane (XML) | skin permeability using an artificial membrane (XML) | synthetic membranes (XML)
STT1  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Schirmer tear test-1 (XML)
StMan  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Streptomyces thermolilacinus (XML) | Streptomyces thermolilacinus mannanase (XML)
StACS  ( in XML )  (3)
  » St Andrew's COVID-19 surgery safety (XML)
S-TE  ( in XML )  (3)
  » solubilization by thermophilic enzyme (XML) | stiffness (XML)
STAT-Cs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » specifically targeted antiviral therapies for hepatitis C (XML)
Stim ON  ( in XML )  (3)
  » stimulation (XML)
STOP-DUB  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Surgical Treatments Outcomes Project for Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding (XML)
STIR-MRI  ( in XML )  (3)
  » short tau inversion recovery magnetic resonance imaging (XML) | short inversion time inversion recovery sequence (XML)
STNFR  ( in XML )  (3)
  » soluble TNF receptor (XML) | soluble TNFalpha receptor (XML)
steady-state  ( in XML )  (3)
  » spirographic ventilatory disorders and a decrease in CO transfer (XML) | sampling was performed immediately before the administration of G-CSF (XML) | system than the time-integrated (XML)
sTDA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » simplified Tamm-Dancoff approximation (XML)
ST648  ( in XML )  (3)
  » sequence type 648 (XML)
STCPD  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Screening Test for Comorbid Personality Disorders (XML) | screening test for co-morbid PDs (XML)
STSTs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » spontaneous tube sedimentation techniques (XML) | short-term surgical trips (XML) | Sit-to-stand tests (XML)
STM1  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Salmonella typhimurium phage type 1 (XML) | stromelysine 1 (XML) | Salmonella Typhimurium ATCC14028 (XML)
STRATA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Safety of TYSABRI Re-dosing and Treatment (XML) | study-participation were investigated as part of a larger research collaboration (XML) | Sertraline for anxiety in adults with a diagnosis of autism (XML)
STRIP1  ( in XML )  (3)
  » striatin interacting protein 1 (XML)
STSCC  ( in XML )  (3)
  » specified TSCC (XML) | side-to-side cavo-caval (XML) | sinonasal tract squamous cell carcinoma (XML)
STEAPs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » six transmembrane epithelial antigen of prostate (XML)
STAMPP  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Steps Towards Alcohol Misuse Prevention Programme (XML)
STRA8  ( in XML )  (3)
  » stimulated by retinoic acid 8 (XML) | stimulated by RA-8 (XML)
Std-L  ( in XML )  (3)
  » standard carbidopa-levodopa (XML) | stable doses of standard carbidopa/levodopa (XML)
StxS6c  ( in XML )  (3)
  » sarafotoxin S6c (XML)
ST156  ( in XML )  (3)
  » sequence type 156 (XML)
ST solution  ( in XML )  (3)
  » St. Thomas' Hospital cardioplegic solution (XML)
STJs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » superconducting tunnel junctions (XML) | situational judgement tests (XML) | Surface triple junctions (XML)
STAI-Trait  ( in XML )  (3)
  » State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (XML)
Stx4a  ( in XML )  (3)
  » syntaxin 4 (XML)
STAREE  ( in XML )  (3)
  » STAtins in Reducing Events in the Elderly (XML) | substudy of the 'Statins for Reducing Events in the Elderly (XML)
S. TSH  ( in XML )  (3)
  » serum- thyroid-stimulating hormone (XML)
S-TMT  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Stepping Trail Making Test (XML)
STGA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » small- and thin-for-gestational age (XML) | spatial-temporal grouping attention (XML) | spatio-temporal gait analysis (XML)
STSV1  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Sulfolobus tengchongensis spindle-shaped virus 1 (XML)
STRIPE-seq  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Survey of TRanscription Initiation at Promoter Elements with high-throughput sequencing (XML)
STRENDA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Standards for Reporting Enzymology Data (XML)
stearoyl-CoA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » stearoyl coenzyme A (XML)
STADP  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Screening Test for Alzheimer's Disease with Proverbs (XML)
STMTs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Short-term medical teams (XML) | spike-triggered measured tensions (XML)
STT II  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Schirmer tear test II (XML) | Schirmer's tear test with topical anesthesia (XML)
STrA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » supratrochlear artery (XML)
stf  ( in XML )  (3)
  » stenofolia (XML) | stem fasciated (XML) | stumpy flagellar (XML)
ST/CT  ( in XML )  (3)
  » subsoiling/conventional tillage rotational tillage (XML) | Systems Thinking and Complexity Theory (XML) | subsoiling/conventional tillage (XML)
STERGMs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Separable TERGMs (XML) | Separable Temporal Exponential Random Graph Models (XML) | separable temporal exponential-family random graph models (XML)
Stri  ( in XML )  (3)
  » striatum (XML) | spike protein (XML)
sTENS  ( in XML )  (3)
  » sham TENS (XML)
STC95  ( in XML )  (3)
  » sequence type complex 95 (XML) | ST95 complex (XML)
ST-WHAM  ( in XML )  (3)
  » statistical temperature weighted histogram analysis method (XML)
Sto-RNase H1  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Sulfolobus tokodaii RNase H1 (XML)
STG/S  ( in XML )  (3)
  » superior temporal gyrus/sulcus (XML)
sTPO  ( in XML )  (3)
  » serum thrombopoietin (XML) | serum TPO levels (XML) | serum TPO (XML)
Strip1  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Striatin-interacting protein 1 (XML)
sTNF-R I  ( in XML )  (3)
  » soluble TNF-receptor I (XML) | soluble' tumor necrosis factor receptor I (XML)
Stx1a  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Shiga toxin 1a (XML) | Shiga Toxin Type 1a (XML)
STACH  ( in XML )  (3)
  » short-term acute care hospital (XML)
STAGED  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Somatic Treatment Algorithm for Geriatric Depression (XML) | Somatic Algorithm Treatment for Geriatric Depression (XML)
sTRAEs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » select treatment-related adverse events (XML) | select TRAEs (XML)
STHB  ( in XML )  (3)
  » stalking, threatening, or harassing behavior (XML) | shear-thinning hydrogel barrier (XML)
sThy-1  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Soluble Thy-1 (XML) | soluble recombinant Thy-1 (XML) | soluble Thy-1-Fc (XML)
s. TSH  ( in XML )  (3)
  » serum thyroid stimulating hormone (XML)
Staf  ( in XML )  (3)
  » selenocysteine tRNA gene transcription activating factor (XML) | selenocysteine tRNA-activating factor (XML)
STREAT  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Stuttering Treatment Research Evaluation and Assessment Tool (XML) | Steroid Responsive Encephalopathy Associated with Autoantibodies to Thyroperoxidase (XML)
step 1  ( in XML )  (3)
  » SCFH, drying temperature 100C/15 s (XML) | steps of Rnl1 adenylylation (XML) | ST1+M78 plus KE82 (XML)
STRESS-MS  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Signs-Multiple Sclerosis (XML)
STAR-C  ( in XML )  (3)
  » STAR-caregivers (XML) | Scale To Assess Therapeutic Relationship (XML)
STEVs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » syncytiotrophoblast-derived extracellular vesicles (XML) | Syncytiotrophoblast extracellular microvesicles (XML)
STOB  ( in XML )  (3)
  » STop OBesity (XML) | Stop to Obesity (XML) | spread weight reduction clubs in our country (XML)
ST-PA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » streptavidin-protein A (XML)
STAI-Y A  ( in XML )  (3)
  » State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (XML)
STn-KLH  ( in XML )  (3)
  » STn antigen conjugated to keyhole limpet hemocyanin (XML) | Sialyl-Tn-keyhole limpet hemocyanin (XML)
sT4b  ( in XML )  (3)
  » surgical macroscopic T4b (XML) | surgically confirmed T4b (XML)
STFBs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » soft-tissue foreign bodies (XML)
STPW  ( in XML )  (3)
  » sewage treatment plant water (XML)
sTNF-alphaRII  ( in XML )  (3)
  » solubilized tumor necrosis factor-alpha receptor II (XML)
stHIV  ( in XML )  (3)
  » simian-tropic HIV-1 (XML)
STARTT  ( in XML )  (3)
  » STArgardt Remofuscin Treatment Trial (XML)
S-TPE  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Simulation in Therapeutic Patient Education (XML)
STREETS  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Safe Travel Environment Evaluation in Texas Schools (XML)
ST3Gal3  ( in XML )  (3)
  » beta-galactoside-alpha2,3-sialyltransferase III (XML)
ST-PGPB  ( in XML )  (3)
  » salt-tolerant plant-growth-promoting bacteria (XML) | investigated the potentiality of plant growth-promoting bacteria (XML)
STIC-HDF  ( in XML )  (3)
  » spatiotemporal image correlation-high definition flow (XML)
ST188  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Staphylococcus aureus CUHK_188 (XML) | sequence type 188 (XML) | S. aureus genotypes were CC188 (XML)
sT-Ag  ( in XML )  (3)
  » small tumor antigen (XML)
STGBs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » symmetrical tilt grain boundaries (XML) | small-angle tilt GBs (XML)
STTLR  ( in XML )  (3)
  » syngeneic T-T lymphocyte reaction (XML)
sTNFR I  ( in XML )  (3)
  » soluble TNF-alpha receptor I (XML) | soluble TNFR I (XML) | soluble TNFR type I (XML)
ST-PRA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » sociotechnical probabilistic risk assessment (XML)
Stx1A  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Stx1 A subunit (XML) | Shiga toxin 1 A subunit (XML) | Stx1 or the toxin A subunit (XML)
STROMA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Strengthening the Reporting of Menopause and Aging (XML) | STROke MArkers (XML) | Stroke Register of Malmo, Lund, Sweden (XML)
step-CA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » stepwise catheter ablation (XML) | stepwise CA (XML)
STEIS  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Strategic Executive Information System (XML)
STMN3  ( in XML )  (3)
  » stathmin-like 3 (XML) | stathmin 3 (XML)
STCHO  ( in XML )  (3)
  » structural CHO (XML) | structural carbohydrate (XML)
ST-W  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Sensodyne True White (XML)
STFTs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » short-time Fourier transforms (XML) | short-time Fourier spectrograms (XML)
STd  ( in XML )  (3)
  » series--a distal compartment (XML) | septal thickness, diastolic (XML) | scaphotrapezoid (XML)
STK19  ( in XML )  (3)
  » serine/threonine kinase 19 (XML)
STRokE DOC  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Stroke Team Remote Evaluation Using a Digital Observation Camera (XML)
St-H  ( in XML )  (3)
  » stimulus to His (XML) | stimulus-His potential (XML)
stearoyl-PEG-polySDM  ( in XML )  (3)
  » stearoyl-poly(ethylene glycol)-poly(methacryloyl sulfadimethoxine) copolymer (XML) | stearoyl-PEG-poly-sulfadimethoxine methacrylate (XML)
sT4  ( in XML )  (3)
  » surgical T4 (XML) | simple method by which a soluble form of human CD4 (XML) | soluble recombinant CD4 (XML)
STEBI  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Science Teaching Efficacy Belief Instrument (XML)
STANA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » succinyl-L-alanyl-L-alanyl-L-alanyl p-nitroanilide (XML) | Succinyltrialanine p-nitroanilide (XML)
Strep-ALP  ( in XML )  (3)
  » streptavidin-alkaline phosphatase (XML)
ST86  ( in XML )  (3)
  » sequence type 86 (XML)
STc14  ( in XML )  (3)
  » ST14 complex (XML) | ST14 clonal complex (XML) | ST clonal complex 14 (XML)
STPCA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Stylophora pistillata CA (XML) | short temporal posterior ciliary artery (XML) | stylophora pistillata carbonic anhydrase (XML)
ST-CNN  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Spatio-Temporal Convolutional Neural Networks (XML) | single-task CNN (XML)
STZYD  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Shentong-Zhuyu decoction (XML)
STLIP  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Siberian Traps large igneous province (XML)
stress-CTP  ( in XML )  (3)
  » stress-computed tomography perfusion (XML) | stress myocardial computed tomography perfusion (XML)
STM/AFM  ( in XML )  (3)
  » scanning tunneling and atomic force microscope (XML) | scanning tunneling microscopy/atomic force microscopy (XML)
Study 303  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Study E2006-G000-303 (XML)
STICHES  ( in XML )  (3)
  » STICH extension study (XML) | STICH Extended Study (XML) | Surgical Treatment of Ischaemic Heart Failure (XML)
ST-MACE  ( in XML )  (3)
  » single-trait multiple across-country evaluation (XML)
StarClose  ( in XML )  (3)
  » safety and efficacy of the circumferential clip-based (XML) | severe acute limb ischemia after using the vascular closure device (XML) | stenosis following use of a vascular clip closure device (XML)
std diff  ( in XML )  (3)
  » standardized difference (XML)
STATT  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Split tibialis anterior tendon transfer (XML) | study to evaluate the impact of chemotherapy (XML) | Simvastatin Treats Asians to Target (XML)
STAPF  ( in XML )  (3)
  » superior thyroid artery perforator flaps (XML)
STOP AF  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Sustained Treatment of Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation (XML) | Systematic Trial of Pacing to prevent Atrial Fibrillation (XML)
StTCP  ( in XML )  (3)
  » St. Thomas' cardioplegia solution (XML) | St. Thomas' cardioplegia (XML)
ST-PCR  ( in XML )  (3)
  » semi-random, two-step PCR (XML) | single tube method of polymerase chain reaction (XML)
sTSAb  ( in XML )  (3)
  » sensitive TSAb (XML) | sensitive thyroid-stimulating antibody (XML)
STOMA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Skin to origin of mesenteric artery study (XML) | Stomatal Conductance (XML) | stoma care (XML)
STRIP2  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Striatin-interacting protein 2 (XML)
STD-LTP  ( in XML )  (3)
  » spike-timing-dependent long-term potentiation (XML)
STEN  ( in XML )  (3)
  » signal-transduction excitable network (XML) | stenosis was created in seven animals (XML)
sTNF-alpha R1  ( in XML )  (3)
  » soluble TNF-alpha receptor 1 (XML) | Soluble TNF-alpha R1 (XML)
STOSA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Stigma of Suicide Attempt (XML)
ST-RS  ( in XML )  (3)
  » speckle tracking radial strain (XML)
sTgAb  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Serum antithyroglobulin antibodies (XML) | serum anti-Tg antibodies (XML)
STD-R  ( in XML )  (3)
  » summation operatorST depression (XML) | ST-segment depression (XML) | ST depression resolution (XML)
STOP-IC  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Sufficient Treatment of Peripheral Intervention by Cilostazol (XML)
ST-ESR  ( in XML )  (3)
  » saturation transfer ESR (XML) | spin-trapping electron spin resonance (XML)
STATIN  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Statistical Institute of Jamaica (XML)
STEGs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » solar thermoelectric generators (XML)
StH  ( in XML )  (3)
  » sternothyroid (XML) | symptom onset to hospital presentation (XML) | Sitting height (XML)
ST26  ( in XML )  (3)
  » sequence type 26 (XML)
Steph  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Studies on chemical constituents of Lagopsis supina (XML) | species were collected, Chiloscyphus concavus (XML) | study of underground organs of Phlojodicarpus sibiricus (XML)
STARD5  ( in XML )  (3)
  » StAR-related lipid transfer domain protein 5 (XML) | steroidogenic acute regulator-related lipid transfer protein 5 (XML)
stpy  ( in XML )  (3)
  » cis-styrylpyridine (XML) | symmetry pentagonal bipyramidal Werner-type clathrate inclusion complexes of Cd (XML)
ST/PVA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » starch/polyvinyl alcohol (XML)
StrN  ( in XML )  (3)
  » striatonigral (XML) | similarity to an aminoglycoside phosphotransferase (XML)
St-g-PAN  ( in XML )  (3)
  » starch-graft-polyacrylonitrile (XML)
stmF  ( in XML )  (3)
  » streamer F (XML) | streamer F mutant (XML)
STAI-AD  ( in XML )  (3)
  » State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Adults (XML)
STZ diabetes  ( in XML )  (3)
  » streptozotocin-induced diabetes (XML)
STRAD  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Spatio-Temporal-Radar (XML) | STE20-related adaptor (XML) | LKB1-STE-related adaptor (XML)
STEC and EPEC  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Shigatoxigenic and enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (XML)
STDN  ( in XML )  (3)
  » spike timing-dependent neuromodulation (XML) | standard nutrition (XML)
STOHFLA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Short Test of Functional Health Literacy in Adults (XML)
STSI-OA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Stress Informed Organizational Assessment (XML)
StroCs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » stromal cells (XML)
STSU  ( in XML )  (3)
  » sit-to-stand-up (XML) | study were to clarify functional distinctions between the upper (XML)
STAI-II  ( in XML )  (3)
  » State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (XML)
StO  ( in XML )  (3)
  » trans-stilbene oxide (XML) | structured oil (XML)
STINT-NMR  ( in XML )  (3)
  » structural interactions inside a living cell by using NMR spectroscopy (XML) | structural changes that accompany protein-protein interactions (XML) | structural interactions using in-cell NMR spectroscopy (XML)
St. beta  ( in XML )  (3)
  » standardized beta (XML)
ST48  ( in XML )  (3)
  » sequence type 48 (XML)
ST/LT  ( in XML )  (3)
  » stent/lesion thrombosis (XML) | ST and LT (XML) | heat-stable and heatlabile toxins (XML)
STWP  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Solid Tumours Working Party (XML) | St. Louis Target Weight Procedure (XML)
ST582  ( in XML )  (3)
  » sequence type 582 (XML)
STOSASS  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Stigma of Suicide and Suicide Survivor (XML)
StRs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » specialist registrars (XML) | Specialty Registrars (XML)
STRIM  ( in XML )  (3)
  » signal-to-RGB image mapping (XML) | Sub-event detection by real-TIme Microblog monitoring (XML) | synchronized tri-wavelength reflection interferometry microscope (XML)
STAMI  ( in XML )  (3)
  » ST-elevated AMI (XML) | segment elevation acute myocardial infarction (XML) | ST-segment elevation acute myocardial infarction (XML)
ST1275  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Streptococcus thermophilus ASCC 1275 (XML)
sTBS  ( in XML )  (3)
  » short theta burst stimulation (XML) | sham TBS (XML)
STobRV RNA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » satellite tobacco ringspot virus RNA (XML)
STATSCIS  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Stockholm Thessaloniki Acute Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury Study (XML)
STUN-BH  ( in XML )  (3)
  » stochastic tunnelling-basin hopping (XML)
stv  ( in XML )  (3)
  » starvin (XML) | short valve (XML)
STARGEO  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Search Tag Analyze Resource for the Gene Expression Omnibus (XML) | Search Tag Analyze Resource (XML)
STXBP6  ( in XML )  (3)
  » syntaxin-binding protein 6 (XML)
STANISLAS  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Sante des Lorrains Assures Sociaux (XML)
STT3A  ( in XML )  (3)
  » STT3 oligosaccharyltransferase complex catalytic subunit A (XML) | staurosporine and temperature sensitive 3A (XML)
STARSHIP  ( in XML )  (3)
  » severe hyperbilirubinaemia in infants in primary care (XML) | Studying Trends of Auto-Regulation in Severe Head Injury in Paediatrics (XML)
STE1  ( in XML )  (3)
  » SALT TOLERANCE ENHANCER1 (XML) | STEROL1 (XML) | self-trapped exciton 1 (XML)
stiffness beta  ( in XML )  (3)
  » stiffness index beta (XML)
s-TMDs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » semiconducting transition-metal dichalcogenides (XML) | semiconducting TMDs (XML)
ST20  ( in XML )  (3)
  » segment 20 msec after the end of QRS (XML) | ST-segment amplitude 20 ms after the end of QRS (XML)
STOHN  ( in XML )  (3)
  » South Texas Oral Health Network (XML)
STx  ( in XML )  (3)
  » supraventricular extrasystoles (XML) | sexual transmission (XML) | Shigella toxin (XML)
stx genes  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Shiga-toxin encoding genes (XML) | Shiga toxin genes (XML)
STS-CHS  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Surgeons Congenital Heart Surgery (XML)
StrAbs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » striational antibodies (XML) | striated muscle antibodies (XML)
STAR-PUs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » specific therapeutic group age-sex-related prescribing units (XML)
StDM  ( in XML )  (3)
  » stochastic dynamic methodology (XML)
STRAFI-MAS  ( in XML )  (3)
  » stray-field imaging of rotating samples with magic-angle spinning (XML) | stray-field magic angle spinning imaging (XML) | stray-field imaging with sample magic-angle spinning (XML)
sTC  ( in XML )  (3)
  » superficial tufted cell (XML) | significant thyroid cancer (XML) | senior Transplant Coordinator (XML)
StnI  ( in XML )  (3)
  » sticholysins I (XML)
STABLE I  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Study of Thoracic Aortic Type B Dissection Using Endoluminal Repair (XML)
STNP  ( in XML )  (3)
  » subtalar neutral position (XML) | asingle-tube nested PCR (XML)
sTSHI  ( in XML )  (3)
  » standard TSH index (XML) | standardized TSHI (XML)
sTHI  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Splanchnic tissue haemoglobin index (XML)
StrS  ( in XML )  (3)
  » straight sinus (XML) | signatures (XML) | structural similarity (XML)
STePS  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Supporting Teen Problem-Solving (XML)
StDiff  ( in XML )  (3)
  » standardized difference (XML)
STEH  ( in XML )  (3)
  » short-term experimental hyperthyroid (XML) | seminiferous tubular epithelial height (XML) | Smart Turbine Energy Harvester (XML)
S-TAA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » sporadic thoracic aortic aneurysm (XML)
STEMMI  ( in XML )  (3)
  » stem cells in myocardial infarction (XML)
S-TGCs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » sinusoidal trophoblast giant cells (XML)
STOPVs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » semitransparent organic photovoltaics (XML) | Semi-transparent OPVs (XML)
STZN  ( in XML )  (3)
  » sertaconazolenitrate (XML) | streptozotocin (XML)
ST2R  ( in XML )  (3)
  » simultaneous translation on 2 rods (XML) | simultaneous translation technique on 2 rods (XML)
STWE  ( in XML )  (3)
  » spent tea waste extract (XML) | standard treadmill walking exercise (XML)
StxA1  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Shiga toxin 1 (XML) | Shiga toxin type 1 A subunit (XML)
ST/SC  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Scheduled Tribes (XML) | SpyTag/SpyCatcher (XML) | superglue the SpyTag/SpyCatcher (XML)
STRN3  ( in XML )  (3)
  » striatin 3 (XML) | specifically targeted striatin 3 (XML)
STAgR  ( in XML )  (3)
  » string assembly gRNA cloning (XML)
STSa  ( in XML )  (3)
  » superior temporal sulcus (XML)
STEOM  ( in XML )  (3)
  » similarity transformed equation of motion (XML)
sTE fFLAIR  ( in XML )  (3)
  » short-echo fast fluid-attenuated inversion-recovery (XML)
STKE  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Signal Transduction Knowledge Environment (XML)
STCF-VADs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Short-term continuous-flow ventricular assist devices (XML)
STPH  ( in XML )  (3)
  » STP approaches involved the formula by Hanscheid (XML) | six perylene bisimide-based red emitters, N,N'-bis(2-decyltetradecyl)-1-((1,1':3',1-terphenyl)-5'-yl)perylene-3,4,9,10-diimide (XML) | Shanghai tenth people's hospital (XML)
STAART  ( in XML )  (3)
  » skills training for African Americans with osteoarthritis (XML)
ST-HUS  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Shiga-toxin mediated hemolytic uremic syndrome (XML)
stBF  ( in XML )  (3)
  » spatiotemporal beamformer (XML) | solvent treatment breath figure (XML)
STWL  ( in XML )  (3)
  » synthetic tank waste leachate (XML) | suboptimal TWL (XML) | simulated tank waste leachate (XML)
stEEG  ( in XML )  (3)
  » standard EEG (XML) | stat EEG (XML)
STAHP  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Spastic Tetraplegia and Axial Hypotonia (XML)
StAS  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Strawberry Advisory System (XML)
STEP-U  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Survey of Teaching Beliefs and Practices for Undergraduates (XML)
ST-B  ( in XML )  (3)
  » streptavidin-biotin (XML) | Syringotoxin-B (XML) | needle-shaped crystal habit (XML)
stearic acid  ( in XML )  (3)
  » saturated chain fatty acid (XML) | substrate ratio, lactic acid (XML) | splanchnic tissues and from 0.005+/-0.002 (XML)
STINGs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » stimulators of interferon genes (XML) | stimulator of IFN genes (XML)
STC-I  ( in XML )  (3)
  » subtotal colectomy end ileostomy (XML) | sexually transmitted co-infections (XML)
stsp  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Staurosporine (XML)
sTLRs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » soluble TLRs (XML) | soluble toll-like receptors (XML)
STUs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » soil treatment units (XML) | students in higher education schools or colleges (XML)
ST I  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Stage I (XML) | heat-stable enterotoxin (XML) | heat-stable toxin (XML)
STGO  ( in XML )  (3)
  » scrub typhus group orientiae (XML) | Societe Tunisienne de Gynecologie Obstetrique (XML)
Str-D  ( in XML )  (3)
  » streptomycin-dependent (XML) | stroke-related death (XML)
STDFT  ( in XML )  (3)
  » short-time discrete Fourier transform (XML)
Stent-PAMI  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Stent-Primary Angioplasty in Myocardial Infarction (XML) | Stent Primary Angioplasty in MI (XML)
ST-OSC  ( in XML )  (3)
  » semitransparent organic solar cell (XML)
STHIC  ( in XML )  (3)
  » stationary phase of hydrophobic interaction chromatography (XML) | stationary phase of HIC (XML)
Stepwise-MLR  ( in XML )  (3)
  » stepwise multiple linear regression (XML)
STICCS  ( in XML )  (3)
  » spatiotemporal image cross-correlation spectroscopy (XML)
STJC  ( in XML )  (3)
  » subtalar joint complex (XML) | Sertoli-spermatid junctional complex (XML) | subtalar joint congruity (XML)
SThA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Superior thyroid artery (XML)
STEPHY  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Study on Epidemiology of Parkinsonism and Hypertension in the Elderly (XML)
STAB2  ( in XML )  (3)
  » stabilin-2 (XML) | special AT-rich sequence-binding protein 2 (XML)
ST/SG  ( in XML )  (3)
  » serotyping/serogrouping (XML) | Serotype/serogroup (XML)
STAURO  ( in XML )  (3)
  » staurosporine (XML)
strr  ( in XML )  (3)
  » strep-resistant (XML) | Streptomycin resistance genes (XML) | streptomycin-resistance (XML)
StG  ( in XML )  (3)
  » styrenated gelatin (XML) | semitendinosus-gracilis autograft (XML) | Shrink then Graft (XML)
S typhi  ( in XML )  (3)
  » serotype typhi (XML)
STEACS  ( in XML )  (3)
  » segment elevation ACS (XML)
ST35  ( in XML )  (3)
  » sequence type 35 (XML)
STEOM-CC  ( in XML )  (3)
  » similarity transformed equation-of-motion coupled cluster (XML)
STLK  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Scheuermann thoracolumbar kyphosis (XML)
ST-d-rHDL  ( in XML )  (3)
  » simvastatin-loaded discoidal-rHDL (XML) | simvastatin-loaded d-rHDL (XML)
STAAMP  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Study of Tranexamic Acid During Air and Ground Prehospital Transport (XML)
Stt  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Stattic (XML) | succinyl-triethylene tetramine (XML)
STy  ( in XML )  (3)
  » serovars Typhi (XML) | S. Typhimurium (XML)
STGF  ( in XML )  (3)
  » spatio-temporal gait features (XML) | semitendinosus-gracilis-free graft (XML)
StarD  ( in XML )  (3)
  » steroidogenic acute regulatory-related lipid transfer domain (XML) | steroidogenic acute regulator-related proteins (XML)
STAR-Shoulder  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Staged Approach for Rehabilitation Classification: Shoulder Disorders (XML) | Staged Approach for Rehabilitation Classification for the Shoulder (XML)
Strep-MBs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » streptavidin-magnetic beads (XML) | streptavidin coated magnetic microbeads (XML)
stwl  ( in XML )  (3)
  » stonewall (XML)
st1  ( in XML )  (3)
  » stage1 (XML) | salinity tolerance 1 (XML) | stripe1 (XML)
STORY  ( in XML )  (3)
  » story based on a presented picture (XML) | Sisters Tell Others and Revive Yourself (XML) | Sensible treatment of obesity in rural youth (XML)
StAhpC  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Salmonella typhimurium alkyl hydroperoxide reductase C (XML) | Salmonella typhimurium AhpC (XML)
STRIDES  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Strategies to Improve Donor Experiences (XML) | Science and Technology Research Infrastructure for Discovery, Experimentation, and Sustainability (XML) | Studying Risk to Improve DisparitiES (XML)
StimulusTA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » stimulus-triggered averaging (XML) | Stimulus triggered electromyographic averages (XML)
STOU  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University (XML)
STLMS  ( in XML )  (3)
  » soft tissue LMS (XML) | Soft tissue leiomyosarcoma (XML)
STCQ  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Stimulant Craving Questionnaire (XML) | Smoking Temptation Coping Questionnaire (XML)
STAT5A and STAT5B  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Signal transducers and activators of transcription 5A and 5B (XML)
S T  ( in XML )  (3)
  » states value (XML) | Sawi integral transform (XML) | significantly, and their mutual effects (XML)
STAT1 alpha  ( in XML )  (3)
  » signal transducer and activator of transcription 1 alpha (XML)
StPV  ( in XML )  (3)
  » stocky prune virus (XML) | strain peak value (XML)
sTTT  ( in XML )  (3)
  » subthreshold transpupillary thermotherapy (XML) | standard two-tier testing (XML) | sequential test-time training (XML)
STXBP3  ( in XML )  (3)
  » syntaxin-binding protein 3 (XML) | Syntaxin-Binding Protein 3 gene (XML)
ST-DFT  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Short-Time Discrete Fourier Transform (XML)
styrene oxide  ( in XML )  (3)
  » styrene-7,8-oxide (XML)
ST-group  ( in XML )  (3)
  » standard therapy group (XML) | sham training of upper extremities (XML)
S. Thompson  ( in XML )  (3)
  » serovar Thompson (XML) | Salmonella Thompson (XML)
ST439  ( in XML )  (3)
  » NCC-ST-439 (XML)
STPSS  ( in XML )  (3)
  » space-time permutation scan statistic (XML)
Stx2d  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Shiga toxin 2d (XML) | Shiga toxin variant type 2d (XML) | Shiga toxin type 2d (XML)
STENO  ( in XML )  (3)
  » stroke network with telemedicine in northern Bavaria (XML)
STLEs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » stressful or traumatic life events (XML) | single-unit-cell-thick layered electrocatalysts (XML)
STWU  ( in XML )  (3)
  » standard work-up (XML) | slow to warm up (XML)
STEOM-CCSD  ( in XML )  (3)
  » similarity transformed EOM-CCSD (XML) | similarity transformed equation-of-motion coupled cluster singles and doubles (XML) | similarity transformed equation-of-motion coupled-cluster method (XML)
STEM-in-SEM  ( in XML )  (3)
  » scanning transmission electron microscopy in scanning electron microscopy (XML) | Scanning transmission electron microscopy in the SEM (XML)
STA-R  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Skala Therapeutische Allianz -Revised (XML) | Scale of the Therapeutic Alliance-Revised (XML) | Scale for Therapeutic Alliance (XML)
STNV RNA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » satellite tobacco necrosis virus RNA (XML)
STDL  ( in XML )  (3)
  » spatiotemporal deep learning (XML) | short-term disability leave (XML)
ST Maps  ( in XML )  (3)
  » spatio-temporal maps (XML)
STRW  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Surviving and Thriving in the Real World (XML)
STDV  ( in XML )  (3)
  » standard deviation (XML) | ST-segment deviation (XML)
ST306  ( in XML )  (3)
  » sequence type 306 (XML)
STFDs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » spatial time-frequency distributions (XML) | systemic therapy-free days (XML)
STRRs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » shell-thickness-to-radius ratios (XML) | short tandemly repetitive repeat sequences (XML)
STESD  ( in XML )  (3)
  » submucosal tunneling endoscopic septum division (XML)
STA-MCA bypass  ( in XML )  (3)
  » superficial temporal artery middle cerebral artery bypass (XML)
stimulus-TAs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » stimulus-triggered averages (XML)
stress-induced  ( in XML )  (3)
  » specific outcome categories for individual sheep, including normal, compromised (XML) | syndrome and diagnostic criteria for Takotsubo (XML) | stress response, which promotes ciprofloxacin-induced (XML)
STM3  ( in XML )  (3)
sTIV  ( in XML )  (3)
  » seasonal trivalent influenza vaccine (XML)
STVNa  ( in XML )  (3)
  » suggested a beneficial role of Isosteviol Sodium (XML) | study examined the effects of isosteviol sodium (XML) | signaling pathways indirectly, and isosteviol sodium (XML)
STROME-ID  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Strengthening the Reporting of Molecular Epidemiology for Infectious Diseases (XML)
STP-A  ( in XML )  (3)
  » STPs utilising UV irradiation (XML) | saimiri transformation-associated protein of subgroup A (XML) | summer day treatment program for adolescents with ADHD (XML)
stum  ( in XML )  (3)
  » stumble (XML)
STZ, i.p  ( in XML )  (3)
  » streptozotocin (XML)
StaRT  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Standardized RT (XML)
STODS  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Swedish Twin project of Disability pension and Sickness absence (XML) | Surgical Temporary Ocular Discomfort Syndrome (XML)
STRDD  ( in XML )  (3)
  » soft tissue Rosai-Dorfman disease (XML) | soft tissue RDD (XML)
StARTS  ( in XML )  (3)
  » structure-activity relationships through sequencing (XML)
STOL  ( in XML )  (3)
  » spatio-temporal online dictionary learning (XML) | statistical tree of life (XML) | Stolbur of Capsicum annuum (XML)
sTA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » statistical texture analysis (XML) | surrogate tumor antigen (XML)
STAMINA-HFP  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Study of Anemia in a Heart Failure Population (XML)
STFMs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » self-Thai foot massages (XML) | spatio-temporal frequency tuned mechanisms (XML) | synthetic transcription factor mimics (XML)
Stanford, CA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Stanford University Medical Center (XML)
ST-IVUS  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Speckle-tracking IVUS (XML) | speckle tracking intravascular ultrasound (XML)
STBT  ( in XML )  (3)
  » shuangtengbitong tincture (XML) | stereotactic brachytherapy (XML)
ST273  ( in XML )  (3)
  » sequence type 273 (XML)
STACS  ( in XML )  (3)
  » stochastic active contour scheme (XML) | small-molecule activators (XML)
sTIE2  ( in XML )  (3)
  » soluble ANG receptor TIE2 (XML) | soluble TIE2 (XML) | soluble tunica intima endothelial kinase 2 (XML)
STOP-2  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Swedish Trial in Old Patients with Hypertension-2 (XML)
ste  ( in XML )  (3)
  » stearic (XML) | schneckentempo (XML) | sterility genes (XML)
STHE cells  ( in XML )  (3)
  » spontaneously transformed hamster embryonic fibroblasts (XML)
ST/T  ( in XML )  (3)
  » ST-segment and T-wave (XML)
STRAMBO  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Structure of the Aging Men's Bones (XML)
STDRHI  ( in XML )  (3)
  » selected for high (XML) | short-term selected line (XML)
stage I  ( in XML )  (3)
  » stages: ICRS channel formation (XML) | stages containing type A4-spermatogonia (XML) | stages: before IVF-ET (XML)
StNC  ( in XML )  (3)
  » starch-based nanoparticulate carrier system (XML) | starch nanocapsules (XML)
STARD1  ( in XML )  (3)
  » steroidogenic acute regulatory protein 1 (XML) | Stard1DeltaHep (XML)
ST-ECG  ( in XML )  (3)
  » stimulation technique electrocardiogram (XML) | ST depression in electrocardiogram (XML) | standard-ECG (XML)
STPB  ( in XML )  (3)
  » sodium tetraphenylborate (XML) | stereotactic transperineal prostate biopsy (XML) | serum-supplemented TPB (XML)
ST562  ( in XML )  (3)
  » sequence type 562 (XML)
STFE  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Schinus terebinthifolius fruits extract (XML) | Standard E TB-Feron enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (XML) | supra trochlear femoral erosion (XML)
STHG  ( in XML )  (3)
  » subcutaneous tunnel and hepatocholangioplasty using the gallbladder (XML) | subcutaneous tunnel and hepatocholangioplasty with the utilization of the gallbladder (XML) | surface third-harmonic generation (XML)
ST382  ( in XML )  (3)
  » sequence type 382 (XML)
STMHT  ( in XML )  (3)
  » short time modified Hilbert transform (XML)
s-TDI  ( in XML )  (3)
  » spectral tissue Doppler imaging (XML)
St-Ag  ( in XML )  (3)
  » standard antigen (XML) | stability of a polyvalent Pseudomonas aeruginosa antigen (XML)
StN  ( in XML )  (3)
  » signal-to-noise (XML) | starch nanocrystals (XML)
STOPP-J  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Screening Tool for Older Persons' Appropriate Prescriptions for Japanese (XML)
STILT  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Stochastic Time-Inverted Lagrangian Transport (XML) | stochastic inference on lineage trees (XML)
STD-D  ( in XML )  (3)
  » standard design (XML) | standard calorie-restricted, low-fat omnivorous diet (XML) | standard calorie- and fat-restricted diet (XML)
STWC  ( in XML )  (3)
  » short-term work capacity (XML) | Stroop test of words and colours (XML) | Short-Time Windowed Covariance (XML)
ST-EPNs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Supratentorial ependymomas (XML)
ST92  ( in XML )  (3)
  » sequence type 92 (XML)
sTLV  ( in XML )  (3)
  » standardized total liver volume (XML)
STS-3  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Suicide Trigger Scale version 3 (XML) | secretion, whereas 3-hydroxystaurosporine (XML) | Suicide Trigger Scale v.3 (XML)
ST-ETEC  ( in XML )  (3)
  » heat-stable enterotoxin-producing Escherichia coli (XML) | heat-stabile toxin-producing enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (XML) | heat-stable enterotoxigenic E. coli (XML)
STFN  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Septic thrombophlebitis of the facial vein (XML) | SrTi0.3Fe0.6Ni0.1O3-delta (XML) | superhydrophilic thin film nitinol (XML)
STDIs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Sexually transmitted diseases and infections (XML)
STrIPS  ( in XML )  (3)
  » solvent transfer induced phase separation (XML)
StruPI-RA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » structured patient information in rheumatoid arthritis (XML) | structured patient information program (XML)
STJD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » STJ diameter (XML) | Subtalar joint dislocation (XML)
sTBURG  ( in XML )  (2)
  » steep Trendelenburg (XML) | steep Trendelenburg position (XML)
Sth A  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Schisantherin A (XML)
Step I  ( in XML )  (2)
  » steps: basic centre (XML) | systematically performs the following (XML)
St-Ht31  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stearated form of Ht31 (XML) | stearated Ht31 peptide (XML)
ST8SIA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » ST8 alpha-N-acetyl-neuraminide alpha-2,8-sialyltransferases (XML) | Alpha-2,8-sialyltransferase (XML)
STAPB  ( in XML )  (2)
  » subcostal transversus abdominis plane block (XML)
STYJOBS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » STyrian Juvenile OBesity (XML)
sTIE-2  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Soluble TIE-2 (XML) | soluble variant of the angiopoietin receptor TIE-2 (XML)
STOP2  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Standardized Treatment of Pulmonary Exacerbations-2 (XML)
STENOROL  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Safety of a feed additive consisting of halofuginone hydrobromide (XML) | scientific opinion on the coccidiostat halofuginone hydrobromide (XML)
S-TBEV  ( in XML )  (2)
  » subtype of TBEV (XML) | Siberian TBEV (XML)
STGI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » spectro-temporal glimpsing index (XML) | Spontaneous tumor cell growth inhibition by human peripheral lymphocytes (XML)
STARD8  ( in XML )  (2)
  » StAR-related lipid transfer domain protein 8 (XML)
STV1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Similar To VPH1 (XML) | SHORT VALVE 1 (XML)
STL-VE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » single tracking location viscosity estimation (XML) | Single tracking location acoustic radiation force impulse viscoelasticity estimation (XML)
STOP DM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » STOP data management (XML) | Stop Transmission of Polio Data Management (XML)
STIR MRI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » recovery-sequence magnetic resonance imaging (XML) | Short tau inversion recovery magnetic resonance imaging (XML)
sTBL  ( in XML )  (2)
  » simplified TBL (XML) | simplified version of team-based learning (XML)
STREAK  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sum-difference theory of remembering and knowing (XML)
STEADY  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Support, Tracking Distress, Education, and Discussion Community (XML)
ST630  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sequence type 630 (XML)
St-R  ( in XML )  (2)
  » several modifications in the potato rootstocks (XML) | stimulus-to-R wave (XML)
STRt  ( in XML )  (2)
  » striatum tail (XML) | spectro-temporal ripple test (XML)
sta1-1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stresses, and STA1 recessive mutation (XML) | stabilized1-1 (XML)
STAR1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sensitive to aluminum rhizotoxicity 1 (XML) | SENSITIVE TO ALUMINUM RHIZOTOXICITY1 (XML)
STOPPA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » study On Prediction and Prevention of Asthma (XML)
STKI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » soft tissue knee injuries (XML) | symmetric total knee implant (XML)
STACEY  ( in XML )  (2)
  » species delimitation analysis (XML) | species-delimitation methods, including a Bayesian coalescence-based approach (XML)
STING-L  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stimulator of interferon gene ligand (XML) | STING ligand (XML)
Study II  ( in XML )  (2)
  » surgically created two-wall periodontal defects (XML) | surgery after diabetic vitrectomy (XML)
ST773  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sequence type 773 (XML)
STEIRI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » ST-segment elevation ischemic reperfusion injury (XML)
STPHL  ( in XML )  (2)
  » severe-to-profound hearing loss (XML)
sTLR5  ( in XML )  (2)
  » soluble TLR5 (XML) | soluble toll-like receptor 5 (XML)
StCsm  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Streptococcus thermophilus Csm complex (XML) | Streptococcus thermophilus (XML)
StARD1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » steroidogenic acute regulatory protein D1 (XML) | StAR-related lipid transfer protein domain containing protein 1 (XML)
ST DVAB  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stereotactic directional vacuum-assisted breast biopsy (XML)
S-T-C  ( in XML )  (2)
  » suppressor T cells (XML) | science-technology-clinical (XML)
St-LAK  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stimulated LAK (XML) | stimulated LAK cells (XML)
S-terminase  ( in XML )  (2)
  » small terminase (XML)
StLT2  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serovar Typhimurium LT2 (XML)
STOP-BAG  ( in XML )  (2)
  » STOP-BANG questionnaire without neck circumference (XML) | STOP items plus BMI, age, and sex (XML)
StABL1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » StABI5-like 1 (XML) | show that StABI5-like 1 (XML)
ST-BFR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » strength training with blood flow restriction (XML)
Sts1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » suppressor of TCR signaling 1 (XML)
State-aR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » State Version Questionnaire on Autonomic Regulation (XML) | state autonomic regulation scale (XML)
STFEcE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sustainable total-factor ecology efficiency (XML)
sTIA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » single TIA (XML) | spinal cord transient ischemic attack (XML)
stA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stable angina (XML) | Sculponeatin A (XML)
STEMFI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » STEM faculty institute (XML)
S. Typhimurium LT2  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serovar Typhimurium LT2 (XML)
SttH  ( in XML )  (2)
  » streptothricin hydrolase (XML) | structure of a tryptophan 6-halogenase (XML)
STs area  ( in XML )  (2)
  » superior temporal sulcal cortex (XML)
STEAM-DTI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Stimulated echo diffusion tensor imaging (XML) | stimulated echo acquisition mode diffusion tensor imaging (XML)
Stk40  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serine/threonine protein kinase 40 (XML)
STFLC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » self-tuning FLC (XML) | self-tuning fuzzy logic controller (XML)
stCDR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Spatio-temporal CDR's (XML) | Spatio-temporal current density reconstruction (XML)
ST-HMI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » single transducer HMI (XML) | single transducer-harmonic motion imaging (XML)
ST247  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sequence type 247 (XML)
STASAB  ( in XML )  (2)
  » spatiotemporally anaerobic/semi-aerobic bioreactor (XML)
STLN  ( in XML )  (2)
  » striploin (XML) | superior temporal lobe neocortex (XML)
stress markers  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stress-responsive biomarkers (XML)
STSV  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Stride-to-stride variability (XML) | Septic thrombosis of intracranial venous sinuses (XML)
STRATEGIC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » screening uptake at first invitation (XML)
sTNFRI and II  ( in XML )  (2)
  » soluble tumor necrosis factor receptors I and II (XML)
STSCS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » soft tissue spindle cell sarcomas (XML) | single-mode-tapered small-core-single-mode (XML)
STaMPtides  ( in XML )  (2)
  » single-chain tandem macrocyclic peptides (XML)
STEaVR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » ST elevation in lead aVR (XML) | ST-segment elevation in lead aVR (XML)
sTIM-1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » soluble T-cell immunoglobulin and mucin domain 1 (XML) | swine TIM-1 (XML)
StiO-alpha-CD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » StiO group of alpha-CD (XML) | stilbene-alpha-cyclodextrin (XML)
sTAP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » surgeon-administered Transversus Abdominis Plane block (XML) | Surgically administered TAP (XML)
sTTA-UC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sensitized triplet-triplet annihilation upconversion (XML)
ST-END  ( in XML )  (2)
  » strength followed by endurance training (XML)
StK  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stratified kriging (XML) | stratifying keratin (XML)
StWC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stem water content (XML)
STHCP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » spatial-temporal hybrid CSP-PCA (XML) | spatial-temporal hybrid common spatial pattern-principal component analysis (XML)
STFB  ( in XML )  (2)
  » short-term feeding behavior (XML) | soft-tissue foreign bodies (XML)
SToRK  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Soft Tissue Radiological Knee (XML)
St1DH  ( in XML )  (2)
  » steroid-1-dehydrogenase (XML)
STEPO  ( in XML )  (2)
  » self-contained toxic environment protective outfit (XML)
STLDI-MS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » surface tuning laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (XML)
STUT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » semitransparent ultrathin (XML) | Suction Tube Uterine Tamponade (XML)
Strain SoD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » SARS-associated coronavirus (XML)
s-type  ( in XML )  (2)
  » short-type (XML)
STOP COVID-19  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Self-Testing for Our Protection from COVID-19 (XML)
stable-MCI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stable mild cognitive impairment patients (XML) | stable condition of cognitive impairment or improved (XML)
STZ-WT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » streptozotocin-induced diabetic WT (XML)
stigma stress  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stigma as a stressor (XML)
STQV  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stridor quantitative value (XML)
ST108  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sequence type 108 (XML)
ST CC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sequence type clonal complexes (XML)
STMT-R  ( in XML )  (2)
  » short-term memory recall test (XML)
STAr  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Spatial Transcriptomics Arena (XML)
STREET  ( in XML )  (2)
  » spatially and temporally resolved energy and environment tool (XML) | Somatostatin Treatment Experience Trial (XML)
ST-SM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » silent miscarriages (XML) | stochastic sensitivity measure (XML)
star-PDMAEMA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » star poly(2-(dimethylamino)ethyl methacrylate) (XML)
Stage 1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stage, from 18.1 (XML) | single-bed room hospital in 2016 (XML)
study 2  ( in XML )  (2)
  » study subjects to estimate Paco(2) (XML) | study (ClinicalTrials.gov ID: NCT03542734) (XML)
Stn2  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stonin 2 (XML)
STEP-YA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Sleep Treatment Education Program for Young Adult Cancer Survivors (XML)
ST-LP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » subthreshold laser photocoagulation (XML) | short-term, long-peptide (XML)
S-TOPS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Shortened Treatment Outcomes in Pain Survey (XML)
Stick-ELISA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Stick-enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (XML) | sticks as solid phase (XML)
S-TPI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Stroke-Thrombolytic Predictive Instrument (XML)
SthA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » soluble transhydrogenase (XML) | soluble transhydrogenase from Escherichia coli (XML)
STSDSs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » self-tapping and self-drilling screws (XML)
STEC/VTEC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » shigatoxigenic/verotoxigenic Escherichia coli (XML) | Shiga toxin/verotoxin-producing Escherichia coli (XML)
ST448  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sequence type 448 (XML) | ST448Cplx (XML)
ST/CS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sample thickness to cadaver stature (XML) | Systems thinking and complexity science (XML)
STAT1 GOF  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Signal transducer and activator of transcription 1 gain-of-function (XML)
STABCs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » soft tissue aneurysmal bone cysts (XML)
st3  ( in XML )  (2)
  » strain L15527, representingsubtype3 (XML) | stripe3 (XML)
S-T2  ( in XML )  (2)
  » solubilized T2 phage (XML)
stCO2  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serum total CO2 (XML)
Sti1p  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stress-inducible protein 1 (XML)
STAR-II  ( in XML )  (2)
  » single-arm, multicenter, European study (XML) | Safety of MINIject in Patients With Medically Uncontrolled Open-angle Glaucoma (XML)
STE-RVGLS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » STE-RV global longitudinal strain (XML)
ST-SIM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Spectral Temporal SIMilarity (XML)
ST233  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sequence type 233 (XML)
STEPS Stroke  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stepwise approach to stroke surveillance (XML)
SToM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » strategic theory of mind (XML) | spontaneous theory of mind (XML)
St-A1c  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stable haemoglobin A1c (XML)
STGTV  ( in XML )  (2)
  » spatiotemporal graph total variation (XML)
star-PLLs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » star-shaped poly(l-lysine) polypeptides (XML)
StNAT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Salmonella typhimurium NAT (XML)
STD, LTD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » short- and long-term disability (XML)
STINR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » spatial and temporal implicit neural representation learning (XML)
stageI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stable patients with oxygen treatment (XML) | stages, with an initial global decrease in methylated cytosines (XML)
stHRF  ( in XML )  (2)
  » spatiotemporal hemodynamic response function (XML)
STELAZINE  ( in XML )  (2)
stereo-guide  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stereotactic guidance system (XML)
STAO  ( in XML )  (2)
  » surfactant-type asymmetric organocatalyst (XML) | single-tungsten-atom-oxide (XML)
STMAs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » single transition metal atoms (XML) | soft tissue movement artifacts (XML)
sTGF-beta1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » secretory type TGF-beta1 (XML) | soluble transformation growth factor-beta 1 (XML)
STARD10  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Star-related lipid transfer protein 10 (XML)
ST/IT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » superior temporal/inferior temporal (XML)
ST19A  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serotype 19A (XML) | Streptococcus pneumoniae 19A (XML)
STARSurg  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Student Audit and Research in Surgery (XML)
STIPP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » strength training injury-prevention program (XML) | softening and the prediction of preterm birth (XML)
ST8SIA4  ( in XML )  (2)
  » 8-sialyltransferase 4 (XML) | ST8 alpha-N-acetyl-neuraminide alpha-2,8-sialyltransferase 4 (XML)
STS-R  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Smoking Treatment Scale-Rating (XML)
STALL  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stimulation-induced temporary arrest of lateral diffusion (XML)
Stxbp1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » syntaxin binding protein 1 gene (XML)
STTZ  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Sabouraudtripheniltetrazolium agar (XML)
StRS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stratified random sampling (XML)
SteepK  ( in XML )  (2)
  » steep keratometry (XML)
S-TPD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stress total perfusion deficit (XML)
STSSS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Shapiro Tourette-syndrome severity scale (XML)
ST-EMG  ( in XML )  (2)
  » standard EMG (XML)
sTAPS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » spontaneous twin anemia-polycythemia sequence (XML) | spontaneously (XML)
StaBTKA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » staged bilateral total knee arthroplasty (XML)
StSase  ( in XML )  (2)
  » starch synthase (XML)
STEAM-DWI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stimulated echo acquisition mode diffusion weighted imaging (XML)
STK4-AS1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » STK4 antisense RNA 1 (XML)
ST39  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sequence type 39 (XML)
STESO  ( in XML )  (2)
  » super-twisting extended state observer (XML)
STIII  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sulfotransferase III (XML)
ST126  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sequence type 126 (XML)
ST 25  ( in XML )  (2)
  » ST 25 group, Tianshu (XML)
StandStrong  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Sensing Technologies for Maternal Depression Treatment in Low Resource Settings (XML)
STEM-M  ( in XML )  (2)
  » science, technology, engineering, mathematics and medicine (XML) | subjects with a medium proportion of women (XML)
STIVA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Stone Tools Illustrations with Vector Art (XML)
sTNFR-IgG  ( in XML )  (2)
  » soluble tumor necrosis factor receptor immunoglobulin G fusion protein (XML) | soluble TNF receptor-immunoglobulin G fusion protein (XML)
S-TAMs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » smaller TAMs (XML)
ST-EX  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stair climbing-descending exercise (XML)
s-t  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sheelite (XML) | stroma to tear (XML)
STCI-S  ( in XML )  (2)
  » State-Trait-Cheerfulness Inventory (XML) | State-Trait Cheerfulness Inventory-State Version (XML)
STls  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sexually transmitted infections (XML)
STAP-1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » signal-transducing adaptor protein-1 (XML)
StARD4  ( in XML )  (2)
  » StAR-related lipid transfer domain protein 4 (XML) | START domain-containing protein 4 (XML)
STAI-Y-2  ( in XML )  (2)
  » State-Trait Anxiety Inventory Form Y-2 (XML)
Stfb  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stefin B (XML)
STdOCT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » spectral and time domain OCT (XML) | Spectral and Time domain Optical Coherence Tomography (XML)
sTPC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » simultaneous two primary cancer (XML)
StLDP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Stramenopile-type lipid droplet protein (XML) | Stramenopile-type LD protein (XML)
S-to-E  ( in XML )  (2)
  » side-to-end (XML)
S-type MS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » subcutaneous fat type MS (XML)
STOP COVID-19 CA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Share, Trust, Organize, and Partner COVID-19 California Alliance (XML)
STDGNN  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Spatial-Temporal Discriminant Graph Neural Network (XML) | spatiotemporal dynamic graph neural network (XML)
STIM-T  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Scanning Transmission Micro-Tomography (XML)
Stub  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Solanum tuberosum (XML)
STHIs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » soil-transmitted helminth infections (XML)
S-TOL  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Scarborough adaptation of the Tower of London (XML)
s.t.m  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Scanning tunnelling microscopy (XML) | leptospires--small terrestrial mammals (XML)
STISS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Stankiewicz-Isidor syndrome (XML) | sexually transmitted infection self-sampling (XML)
sTBP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » substituted TBP (XML) | stranded telomere binding protein (XML)
ST-GS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » single-trait GS (XML)
Street PAR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » street participatory action research (XML)
STAT3Y705  ( in XML )  (2)
  » STAT3 on tyrosine 705 (XML) | signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 tyrosine 705 (XML)
STAMMER  ( in XML )  (2)
  » short template amplicon and multiplex megaprimer-enabled relay (XML)
Stx13  ( in XML )  (2)
  » syntaxin 13 (XML)
STOP-SAS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » STOP-Suicidality Assessment Scale (XML)
StaNoSA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Stain Normalization using Sparse AutoEncoders (XML)
STX-S6c  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sarafotoxin S6c (XML)
Stha  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sensory thalamus (XML)
STL-A  ( in XML )  (2)
  » succinoyl trehalose lipid-A (XML) | Space Tissue Loss Flight Module A (XML)
ST-ROP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sub-threshold ROP (XML) | sight-threatening ROP (XML)
StaRs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stable regions (XML)
St. epidermidis  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Staphylococcus epidermidis (XML)
STPAP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » single-trial passive avoidance paradigm (XML) | spacetime-polarization adaptive processing (XML)
STeM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » spring tensor model (XML)
STC-villi  ( in XML )  (2)
  » short-term cultured villi (XML)
STARDIT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » study using 'Standardised data on initiatives (XML) | Standardised Data on Initiatives (XML)
STS/CF  ( in XML )  (2)
  » secondary traumatic stress/compassion fatigue (XML)
S-T3  ( in XML )  (2)
  » spectra of a long-chain neurotoxin, toxin 3 Naja naja siamensis (XML) | serum T3 (XML)
StQ  ( in XML )  (2)
  » 3,3',5,5'-tetra-tert-butyl-4,4'-stilbenequinone (XML) | styrylquinoline (XML)
StxB1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Stx1 B subunit (XML) | Stx1 subunit B (XML)
ST0  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stage 0 (XML)
STARTMAS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » satellite transitions acquired in real time by magic angle spinning (XML)
steel factor  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stem cell factor (XML)
stAH  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stable AH (XML)
STV10  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Safe-T-Vue 10 (XML)
S-Ti3C2Tx  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sulfonic-group-grafted Ti3C2Tx (XML) | sulfur-modified Ti3C2Tx (XML)
STGPs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » spatiotemporal gait parameters (XML)
steady state  ( in XML )  (2)
  » simulate different inspiratory flows (XML) | sustained but moderately reduced flow (XML)
ST65  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sequence type 65 (XML)
sTMG  ( in XML )  (2)
  » subclinical toxic multinodular goiter (XML)
ST11-CRKP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » ST11 carbapenem-resistant KPN (XML) | ST11-CR-HvKP (XML)
STOTEN  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Science of the Total Environment (XML)
STARZ  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Sethi, Tibrewal, Agrawal, Raina, waZir (XML)
STLM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » substructural regularization transfer learning model (XML) | Stereolithographic models (XML)
stc genes  ( in XML )  (2)
  » ST biosynthetic genes (XML) | sterigmatocystin cluster genes (XML)
STEIs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Sexually transmissible enteric infections (XML)
STAR-RA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Safety of Tofacitinib in Routine Care Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis (XML)
STEPdb  ( in XML )  (2)
  » STEP database (XML) | subcellular topologies of E. coli polypeptides database (XML)
STP 13  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sugar transporter 13 (XML)
STMAS NMR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » satellite-transition magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance (XML)
sTRX  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serum thioredoxin (XML)
STJSS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » School Teachers Job Stressor Scale (XML)
STAI-X  ( in XML )  (2)
  » State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (XML)
STN HFS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » subthalamic nucleus high-frequency stimulation (XML)
ST471  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sequence-type 471 (XML)
S-TAU  ( in XML )  (2)
  » specialist treatment as usual (XML)
STArT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Sickle Cell Disease Treatment with Arginine Therapy (XML)
Strep pyogenes  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Streptococcuspyogenes (XML)
STERN  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Spatial Transformer Network (XML) | sternotomy (XML)
STENTICO  ( in XML )  (2)
  » STENTIng and oral antiCOagulation (XML)
sTNFalpha-R  ( in XML )  (2)
  » soluble TNFalpha receptor (XML)
ST30-MRSA-IV  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sequence type 30 MRSA SCCmec type IV (XML) | sequence type 30 methicillin-resistant S. aureus SCCmec type IV (XML)
sTALL-1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » soluble TALL-1 (XML) | soluble fragment of TALL-1 (XML)
ST-10  ( in XML )  (2)
  » SYMTDYYLST (XML) | ST for 10 days (XML)
st-RNN  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sparse, topographic connectivity (XML) | sparse, topographic recurrent neural network (XML)
STAW  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Staphylococcus aureus Wood (XML) | Staphylococcus aureus strain Wood (XML)
ST209  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sequence type 209 (XML)
ST-PD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » standard pancreaticoduodenectomy (XML) | standard PD (XML)
STOIC-D Surgery  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Specialist Treatment of Inpatients: Caring for Diabetes in Surgery (XML)
sTGA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » simple transposition of the great arteries (XML)
S-TAPSE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » subcostal tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion (XML)
sTGR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » single traditional growing rods (XML)
ST127  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sequence type 127 (XML)
STZ-AD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » streptozotocin-induced rat model of AD (XML)
StDSD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Salmonella typhimuriumd-serine deaminase (XML) | Salmonella typhimurium DSD (XML)
STKW  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stylet knob width (XML)
St4  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Streptococcus thermophilus DGCC7710 type I-E CRISPR4-Cas (XML) | in situ and assayed 4 (XML)
S-TPS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sesquiterpene synthase (XML)
STX1C  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Syntaxin 1C (XML) | STX1C-WT (XML)
STACKENOX  ( in XML )  (2)
  » STACK-on to ENOXaparin (XML)
STPSDS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » simulation-based training in patient safety during sedation (XML)
STRIVE-Hi  ( in XML )  (2)
  » spontaneous respiration using intravenous anesthesia and hi-flow nasal oxygen (XML)
STATS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Students Teaching AIDS to Students (XML) | Simulated Tax and Transfer System (XML)
Stroop-CW  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Stroop-Color Word (XML) | Stroop Color-word interference test- color-word condition (XML)
STn-crotyl  ( in XML )  (2)
  » synthetic epitope, NANA alpha(2-6) GalNAc alpha-O-Crotyl (XML)
STAT1 and STAT2  ( in XML )  (2)
  » signal transducers and activators of transcription 1 and 2 (XML)
StarD4  ( in XML )  (2)
  » StAR-related lipid transfer domain containing 4 (XML) | Steroidogenic acute regulatory protein-related lipid transfer 4 (XML)
s-TS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serum transferrin saturation (XML)
ST2KO  ( in XML )  (2)
  » ST2-knockout (XML)
s-TMS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » single-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation (XML)
STCNN  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Spatio-temporal convolutional neural networks (XML) | spatial-temporal causal neural network (XML)
STS5  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sit-to-stand 5 times (XML) | stand to sit 5 (XML)
StPNETs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » supratentorial PNETs (XML)
STCAT3  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stomach cancerassociated transcript3 (XML)
Stigma to Others  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stigma towards others (XML)
STXBP5-AS1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » syntaxin-binding protein 5-antisense RNA 1 (XML)
Stim-T  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stimulus to T wave (XML) | stimulus-T interval (XML)
STAXI-K  ( in XML )  (2)
  » State-trait Anger Expression Inventory-Korean version (XML)
STM's  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sexually transmitted microbes (XML) | stand magnifiers (XML)
STGAT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » spatiotemporal graph attention network (XML)
straPP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » scale transformed power prior (XML)
styryl Ox  ( in XML )  (2)
  » 2-styryloxazolone (XML)
STT-II  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Schirmer II tear test (XML) | Schirmer tear test-II (XML)
S-TBPG  ( in XML )  (2)
  » synthesis of 2-(3'-(1H-tetrazol-5-yl)bicyclo(1.1.1)pent-1-yl)glycine (XML) | Synthesis and biological evaluation of 2-(3'-(1H-tetrazol-5-yl) bicyclo(1.1.1)pent-1-yl)glycine (XML)
sTNFR55  ( in XML )  (2)
  » soluble tumour necrosis factor receptor p55 (XML)
STKD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Spatial-Temporal Knowledge Discovering (XML) | synchronous teaching knowledge distillation (XML)
STETS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » single-tube extraction-to-sequencing (XML) | super turbocharged end-to-side (XML)
ST131-H30  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Sequence Type 131-H30 (XML) | sequence type 131 and its H30 subclone (XML)
Stroke-TPI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Stroke-Thrombolytic Predictive Instrument (XML)
STANR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » soft tissues around nerve root (XML)
stt1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stunter1 (XML) | suppresses the growth defect of a PKC1 mutant (XML)
ST-gelatin  ( in XML )  (2)
  » styrenated gelatin (XML)
STAI-State  ( in XML )  (2)
  » State-Trait Anxiety Inventory-State Subscale (XML)
sTNFRSF1A  ( in XML )  (2)
  » soluble TNF receptor superfamily 1A (XML) | soluble tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily 1A (XML)
ST-45  ( in XML )  (2)
  » ST-45 CC (XML) | Sequence type 45 (XML)
StPT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Standing Para-throwers (XML) | stance phase time (XML)
str. L-M  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stratum lacunosum-molecular (XML)
StDMs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stoichiometric distribution models (XML)
STARS21  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Strategic Training in Transdisciplinary Radiation Science for the 21st Century (XML)
ST8Sia-1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » 2,8-sialyltransferase (XML)
STABEL  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Sensorimotor Training to Affect Balance, Engagement, and Learning (XML)
sTE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » short TE (XML) | symptomatic TE (XML)
STPMAD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » St. Tammany Parish Mosquito Abatement District (XML)
STA LAX  ( in XML )  (2)
  » STA-Liquid Anti-Xa assay (XML)
STNMF  ( in XML )  (2)
  » spike-triggered non-negative matrix factorization (XML)
STE-DW  ( in XML )  (2)
  » spatial temporal equalization dynamic window (XML)
STxB2  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Serum thromboxane B2 (XML)
sTM-Seq  ( in XML )  (2)
  » simultaneous targeted methylation sequencing (XML)
Str-Rec  ( in XML )  (2)
  » post-stress recovery period (XML)
START-MH  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Summer Training on Aging Research Topics-Mental Health (XML)
STAH  ( in XML )  (2)
  » superior thyroid artery hemorrhage (XML) | subtotal abdominal hysterectomy (XML)
StcO2  ( in XML )  (2)
  » SaO2 derived from PtcO2 (XML) | transcutaneous SO2 (XML)
ST-OG  ( in XML )  (2)
  » single-task overground walking (XML) | starch group (XML)
StepSVM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Stepwise Support Vector Machine (XML)
STSTW  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Sha Tin STW (XML)
STD-RR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » significance was not noted for the time domain measure (XML)
sTACE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » truncated soluble form (XML) | sequential TACE (XML)
STAT-MI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Short-term application of tocilizumab during myocardial infarction (XML) | ST-Segment Analysis Using Wireless Technology in Acute Myocardial Infarction (XML)
ST-MM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » shield-site melanoma (XML) | self-triggered thermomechanical metamaterials (XML)
STHPs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » spontaneous transient hyperpolarizations (XML)
s TfR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » soluble transferrin receptor (XML)
ST1591  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sequence type 1591 (XML)
Step-Dep  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stepped care program to prevent major depression (XML) | subthreshold depression in Dutch primary care (XML)
STRENGTH  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Stroke Rehabilitation Enhancing and Guiding Transition Home (XML) | Survivor Training for Enhancing Total Health (XML)
Stel B  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stellettin B (XML)
STAb  ( in XML )  (2)
  » secreting TCE antibodies (XML) | secretion of T cell-redirecting bsAbs (XML)
STARD11  ( in XML )  (2)
  » StAR-related lipid transfer domain 11 (XML)
ST-C  ( in XML )  (2)
  » standard control (XML)
STAI-X1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » State Trait Anxiety Inventory 1 (XML)
ST474  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sequence type 474 (XML)
ST/L  ( in XML )  (2)
  » soft tissue and ligamentous (XML) | starch/lignin (XML)
STTS-R  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Satisfaction with Therapy and Therapist Scale-revised (XML)
sTSR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stemmed total shoulder replacement (XML) | simplified torsion-to-shortening ratio (XML)
StLTA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » staphylococcal LTA (XML)
stable-CAD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stable coronary artery disease (XML)
STTD-P  ( in XML )  (2)
  » standardized total tract digestible phosphorus (XML)
STZ-S  ( in XML )  (2)
  » streptozotocin induced diabetic rats (XML)
STC-AP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stanniocalcin-alkaline phosphatase (XML)
STQOLI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Specific Thalassemia Quality of Life Instrument (XML)
sTOS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » symptomatic thoracic outlet syndrome (XML) | serum Total Oxidant Status (XML)
StaF  ( in XML )  (2)
  » state following (XML)
STMTF  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Spectro-temporal modulation transfer function (XML)
S-TM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » spike trimer protein (XML) | smooth trochanteric module (XML)
STBMV  ( in XML )  (2)
  » STB microvesicle (XML) | STB-derived EVs enriched for either microvesicles (XML)
ST-graph  ( in XML )  (2)
  » spatiotemporal graph (XML)
StSat  ( in XML )  (2)
  » subterminal satellite (XML)
STARPA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » simple tag-guided analysis of relative protein abundance (XML) | Stable RNA Processing Product Analyzer (XML)
STOVES  ( in XML )  (2)
  » subclinical tests on volunteers exposed to smoke (XML)
Student t test  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Statistical analysis used both parametric (XML) | subjected to statistical analysis (XML)
STCE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » short-term creep effect (XML) | solar-to-current efficiency (XML)
SThN  ( in XML )  (2)
  » subthalamic nucleus (XML)
ST-EVs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » ST-binding EVs (XML) | synovial tissue-derived extracellular vesicles (XML)
STAMs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Signal-transducing adaptor molecules (XML) | streptoaminals (XML)
stim  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stimulus voltage (XML) | stimulatory (XML)
StEx  ( in XML )  (2)
  » steam exploded (XML) | stapled excision (XML)
ST171  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sequence type 171 (XML)
Stroop CW  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Stroop Colour-Word test (XML) | Stroop Color Word (XML)
sTOC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » soluble total organic carbon (XML)
STIDs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » static traffic information demands (XML) | sexual transmission of infectious diseases (XML)
STT-B  ( in XML )  (2)
  » shape trails test-B (XML)
STENG  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sandwich-structured T-TENG (XML) | skin-like triboelectric nanogenerator (XML)
ST, PWT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » septal and posterior wall thicknesses (XML) | septum and posterior wall (XML)
STEP-OP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » short-term event prediction in the operating room (XML)
STSRs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stiffness-tunable soft robots (XML) | sweet taste-sensing receptors (XML)
STRAIPER  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Strain Perception Questionnaire (XML)
STS60  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sit-to-stand transfers in 60 s (XML) | stand transfers in 60 s (XML)
STALWART  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Study of Aldesleukin with and without antiretroviral therapy (XML)
stMTX  ( in XML )  (2)
  » short-term methotrexate (XML)
STAI-A  ( in XML )  (2)
  » State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Adults (XML) | State Anxiety Inventory (XML)
sTOL  ( in XML )  (2)
  » successful TOL (XML) | species Tree Of Life (XML)
STOPN  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Spit Tobacco Prevention Network (XML)
STS-C  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Smoke Treatment Scale (XML) | Smoking Treatment Scale- Content (XML)
Stx16  ( in XML )  (2)
  » syntaxin 16 (XML)
ST-SMC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » super-twisting sliding mode control (XML)
STFNet  ( in XML )  (2)
  » spatial-adaptive and transformer fusion network (XML)
Stra  ( in XML )  (2)
  » several retinoic acid-inducible (XML) | Stimulated with retinoic acid (XML)
StarPEG  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Star-Shaped Poly(ethylene glycol) (XML) | star-shaped four-arm poly(ethylene glycol) (XML)
StructLMM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » structured linear mixed model (XML)
sTCRs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » soluble T-cell receptors (XML)
STGD4  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Stargardt disease-4 (XML) | Stargardt-like macular dystrophy 4 (XML)
STZ-DB  ( in XML )  (2)
  » streptozotocin-induced diabetic (XML)
S-TRACP5b  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serum TRACP 5b (XML) | serum TRACP isoform 5b (XML)
stems and leaves  ( in XML )  (2)
  » finishing the experiment, aboveground plant biomass (XML)
StrAv  ( in XML )  (2)
  » streptavidin (XML)
STZEE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » streptozotocin in an enriched environment (XML) | streptozotocin effect (XML)
STD-TPN  ( in XML )  (2)
  » standard TPN solution (XML) | Standard total parenteral nutrition (XML)
STJI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Single tract jejunal interposition (XML) | sinotubular junction (XML)
STAT-6-IP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » STAT-6 inhibitory peptide (XML)
Stp-T  ( in XML )  (2)
  » step on a treadmill (XML)
sTIM3  ( in XML )  (2)
  » soluble T cell immunogloblulin and mucin domain-containing protein 3 (XML) | soluble TIM3 (XML)
STEP-IN-AMI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » short-term psychotherapy in acute myocardial infarction (XML)
STCL-Net  ( in XML )  (2)
  » spatiotemporal convolutional long short-term memory network (XML) | Semantic and Temporal Contextual Correlation Learning Network (XML)
STOCK  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge (XML) | stockiness (XML)
STS PROM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » STS predicted risk of mortality (XML)
StEM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stochastic expectation-maximization (XML) | straw extract medium (XML)
STK11mut  ( in XML )  (2)
  » STK11-mutant (XML) | STK11 mutation (XML)
ST9 aRNA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » ST9-associated RNA (XML)
STG/STS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » superior temporal gyrus/superior temporal sulcus (XML)
STRIDE-PD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Stalevo Reduction in Dyskinesia Evaluation in Parkinson's Disease (XML)
stBLM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Sparsely tethered bilayer lipid membranes (XML)
sTNF-r  ( in XML )  (2)
  » soluble TNF receptor (XML)
ST367  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sequence type 367 (XML)
STS-INTERMACS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Surgeons-Interagency Registry for Mechanical Assisted Circulatory Support (XML)
S-TEP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » single-incision totally extraperitoneal (XML) | single-incision multiport laparoscopic totally extra-peritoneal (XML)
sto-TIs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Stochastic Topological Indices (XML)
ST-E-g  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Schema Therapy for Eating Disorders (XML)
STEPT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Short-term oestrogen and progesterone treatment (XML) | skin test end point titration (XML)
STS-TW  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Soft tissue sarcomas of the trunk wall (XML)
STeMiSy  ( in XML )  (2)
  » static telemicroscopy system (XML)
StAR protein  ( in XML )  (2)
  » steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (XML)
ST-P  ( in XML )  (2)
  » heat-stable toxin of porcine (XML) | ST of porcine origin (XML)
s-TfR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » soluble form of the TfR (XML) | s-Transferrin Receptor (XML)
Stmn4  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stathmin-like 4 (XML)
ST-HRV  ( in XML )  (2)
  » short-term heart rate variability (XML)
STLRP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » single-port transvesical laparoscopic radical prostatectomy (XML)
STRG  ( in XML )  (2)
  » spatiotemporal region-growing (XML) | secondary temozolomide-resistant glioblastoma (XML)
STAI-X2  ( in XML )  (2)
  » State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, Form X2 (XML)
stw  ( in XML )  (2)
  » slow traveling waves u (XML) | stubby wing (XML)
ST/LA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » shock tube and UV laser-absorption (XML) | shock tube/laser absorption (XML)
ST8SIA6-AS1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » ST8 alpha-N-acetyl-neuraminide alpha-2,8-sialyltransferase 6 antisense 1 (XML)
Staph epi  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Staphylococcus epidermidis (XML)
StTDP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stimulus-timing-dependent plasticity (XML)
STIG1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stigma-specific protein 1 (XML) | STIGMA-SPECIFIC PROTEIN1 (XML)
ST58  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sequence type 58 (XML)
STRNs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Striatins (XML)
stu  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stumbler (XML)
STHI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sensitivity to thyroid hormone indices (XML) | soil-transmitted helminthic infection (XML)
ST-PDA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » salt-tolerant partial denitrification and Anammox (XML)
ST-VADs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » short-term ventricular assist devices (XML)
STA-PSV  ( in XML )  (2)
  » superior thyroid artery peak systolic velocity (XML)
sTYR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serum tyrosine (XML)
sTNF-R1 and -2  ( in XML )  (2)
  » soluble tumour necrosis factor alpha receptors 1 and 2 (XML) | soluble TNF-receptors 1 and -2 (XML)
STEAM-EPI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stimulated echo acquisition mode-echoplanar imaging (XML) | Single-shot localized echo-planar imaging (XML)
StPP2Ac  ( in XML )  (2)
  » six PP2A catalytic subunits (XML)
STEPWISE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » STructured lifestyle education for people WIth SchizophrEnia (XML)
STPG  ( in XML )  (2)
  » spatial-temporal parameters of gait (XML) | synchronized time-phase-gated (XML)
stVNS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sham tVNS (XML)
STEARs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » selective, tissue estrogenic activity regulators (XML)
StPSI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Solanum tuberosum plant-specific insert (XML)
ST172  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sequence type 172 (XML)
STDME  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sight-threatening diabetic macular oedema (XML) | selenoneine-containing tuna dark muscle extract (XML)
STHSM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » single transgenic hybridoma selection method (XML)
STCTs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sexually transmitted Chlamydia trachomatis infections (XML) | Single-tablet combination therapies (XML)
sTnl  ( in XML )  (2)
  » skeletal muscle troponin (XML) | skeletal isoforms of troponin I (XML)
stxA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » shiga toxin A-subunit (XML)
STAT3-BS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » STAT3 binding site (XML) | signal transducer and activator of transcription 3-binding site (XML)
ST-WT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stromal type WT (XML)
STFH  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Skin temperature on the forehead (XML) | spatiotemporal Fay-Herriot (XML)
standard treatment  ( in XML )  (2)
  » standardised control treatment (XML) | endovascular treatment alone compared with intravenous thrombolysis plus endovascular treatment (XML)
STEPS-B  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Services for Teens Engaging in Problem Sexual Behaviour (XML)
st-IAT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » single target Implicit Association Test (XML)
STACC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sinonasal tract and nasopharyngeal adenoid cystic carcinomas (XML) | short term adherent cell colony (XML)
STS-CA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Secondary Traumatic Stress Clinical Algorithm (XML) | STS Clinical Algorithm (XML)
stKDE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » spatio-temporal kernel density estimation (XML)
STEP-AD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Striving Towards Empowerment and Medication Adherence (XML)
STOX1A  ( in XML )  (2)
  » STOX1 transcription factor (XML) | storkhead box 1A (XML)
StAsp-PSI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » swaposin-like domain of potato aspartic protease (XML) | swaposin domain from a potato aspartic protease (XML)
sTDT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » somesthetic temporal discrimination threshold (XML)
StoNED  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stochastic non-parametric envelopment of data (XML) | stochastic nonparametric data envelope analysis (XML)
ST-gene  ( in XML )  (2)
  » heat-stable toxin coding gene (XML)
ST283  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sequence type 283 (XML)
STBVG  ( in XML )  (2)
  » seabird tick-borne virus group (XML)
STLa  ( in XML )  (2)
  » step-through latency in the acquisition trial (XML) | step-through latency in acquisition (XML)
StrlSch V  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Strahlenschutzverordnung (XML)
STARSEED  ( in XML )  (2)
  » System distribution with Earth mover's Distance (XML)
STUR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stem cell transplantation utilization rate (XML) | Student Teams Utilizing Research (XML)
Stem  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Solutions, the Alternative of Mesenchymal (XML) | Strategy to Modulate the Fate of Normal and Pathological Human (XML)
Stapf  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Stapf. var cumminsii (XML)
STYKs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serine/threonine/tyrosine kinases (XML) | Ser/Thr/Tyr kinases (XML)
STI-PrEP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Sexually transmissible infection pre-exposure prophylaxis (XML) | STI preexposure prophylaxis (XML)
STTCs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » space-time trellis codes (XML) | spinothalamic-thalamocortical pathways (XML)
St3  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Stage 3 (XML) | state 3 mitochondrial respiration (XML)
StaLCV  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stachytarpheta leaf curl virus (XML)
STSGT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Spatial-Temporal Synchronous Graph Transformer network (XML)
STAEs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » smokeless tobacco aqueous extracts (XML) | suprathreshold acceleration events (XML)
STMSs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sequence-tagged microsatellite sites (XML)
STAT3-DN  ( in XML )  (2)
  » STAT3 dominant negative (XML) | strongly abrogated by dominant-negative STAT3 (XML)
STRIDER  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Sildenafil therapy in dismal prognosis early onset fetal growth restriction (XML)
StAP-PSI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » plant-specific insert of potato aspartic proteases (XML) | Solanum tuberosum aspartic proteases (XML)
stBLMs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sparsely tethered bilayer lipid membranes (XML) | sparsely tethered BLMs (XML)
STS ACSD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » STS Adult Cardiac Surgery Database (XML)
STEAEC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Shiga-toxin-producing enteroaggregative E. coli (XML)
STPOD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Short-Time Power of Difference (XML)
ST12  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serotype 12 (XML) | sequence type 12 (XML)
S.T.E.P  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Stewardship Through Educating Patients (XML)
STOT-RE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » specific target organ toxicity arising from repeated exposure (XML) | Specific Target Organ Toxicity for repeat exposure (XML)
STMY1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stromelysin-1 (XML)
STaS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stereotype threat at school (XML) | STs with biological activity in suckling mice and piglets (XML)
sTNFr-I  ( in XML )  (2)
  » soluble TNF receptor-I (XML)
STILPAD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Study of Interstitial Lung Disease in Primary Antibody Deficiency (XML)
S-TAT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » slide-TAT (XML) | Sibling Thematic Apperception Test (XML)
STY2  ( in XML )  (2)
  » similar data available for a different Ty2 isolate (XML) | STYLISH2 (XML)
STEn  ( in XML )  (2)
  » symbolic transfer entropy (XML)
STLB  ( in XML )  (2)
  » spent tea leaves-based biochar (XML) | statistical texture learning block (XML)
StfA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stefin A (XML)
STPUs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » small tertiary planning units (XML) | standard push-ups (XML)
STMRs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » supervised trial median residues (XML)
ST1A3  ( in XML )  (2)
  » SULT1A1hum (XML) | SULT1A1 (XML)
StoD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » symptom to door (XML)
strain rate  ( in XML )  (2)
  » strain, deformation rate (XML) | stiffness and presented as percentage (XML)
SToP-BPD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Systemic Hydrocortisone to Prevent Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia (XML) | Systemic Hydrocortisone To Prevent Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia in preterm infants (XML)
Strd  ( in XML )  (2)
  » streptomycin-dependent (XML)
sTNFalpha-R1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » soluble tumor necrosis factor alpha receptor 1 (XML)
Ste2p  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sterile 2 alpha-factor receptor protein (XML)
STIG-9  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Stigma-9 Questionnaire (XML)
Staf50  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Stimulated trans-acting factor of 50 kDa (XML)
ST211  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sequence type 211 (XML)
StartReact  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stimuli can activate a fast-neural pathway for movement triggering (XML) | stimulus to accelerate reaction times (XML)
S-TEER  ( in XML )  (2)
  » spatial-TEER (XML) | Spatial trans-epithelial electrical resistance (XML)
STreSS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Severe Bodily Distress Syndromes (XML)
Stac  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Staccato (XML)
Stx10  ( in XML )  (2)
  » syntaxin 10 (XML)
ST6Gal-I  ( in XML )  (2)
  » ST6 beta-galactoside alpha-2,6-sialyltransferase 1 (XML) | suggest that the beta-galactoside alpha-2,6-sialyltransferase 1 (XML)
STAR-PAD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Stimulating beta3-Adrenergic Receptors for Peripheral Artery Disease (XML)
STin2 VNTR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serotonin transporter intron 2 variable number tandem repeat (XML)
Step 2 CK  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Step 2 Clinical Knowledge (XML)
StcE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » strategy by employing a catalytically inactive mucinase (XML)
STRT-seq  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Single-cell tagged reverse transcription sequencing (XML)
stomatin-IR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stomatin-immunoreactivity (XML)
staA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » starch-degrading enzyme gene (XML) | heat-stable enterotoxin A (XML)
ST40  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sequence type 40 (XML)
STAI-SA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » State-Trait Anxiety Inventory-State Anxiety (XML)
Stat5RE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Stat5 response element (XML)
StARRT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Strategic Assessment of Risk and Risk Tolerance (XML)
STAT1 and STAT4  ( in XML )  (2)
  » signal transducers and activators of transcription 1 and 4 (XML)
stereo-UPP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stereographic urethral pressure profile (XML) | stereographed with the aid of a computer (XML)
S-TS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » short-term sensitizing heat-stable (XML) | session thermal sensation (XML)
ST2OMP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » surgical or medical treatment for paediatric type 2 diabetes (XML)
STC-2  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stanniocalcin-2 (XML)
STAK-D  ( in XML )  (2)
  » steps to active kids with diabetes (XML)
ST-HD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » solvothermal headspace desorption (XML) | steaming-high-temperature drying (XML)
STNLFFM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Spatial and Temporal Non-Local Filter-based Fusion Model (XML) | spatial-temporal information fusion based on non-local means filter (XML)
StoRM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » SNPs to Risk of Metastasis (XML)
STMSA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Smokeless Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement (XML) | single-step microwave steam activation (XML)
streptavidin-FITC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » streptavidin-fluorescein isothiocyanate (XML)
StAPL  ( in XML )  (2)
  » split aptamer proximity ligation (XML)
StCBF1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » St C-Repeat Binding Factor1 (XML) | S. tuberosum CBF1 (XML)
S-tube  ( in XML )  (2)
  » silicone tube (XML) | Spirosimulation Tube (XML)
STRSS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » standard residual square sum (XML)
STEFF  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Spatial-Temporal EEG/fMRI Fusion (XML)
STVEEG  ( in XML )  (2)
  » short-term video-electroencephalography (XML) | short-term video EEG (XML)
STOLF  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Sato classification (XML) | severe thoracic ligamentum flavum ossification (XML)
STAY-Y1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » State Trait Anxiety Inventory Y-1 form (XML) | State-Trait Anxiety Inventory-Y1 (XML)
S-Traps  ( in XML )  (2)
  » suspension trappings (XML) | Suspension traps (XML)
STTJ  ( in XML )  (2)
  » scaphotrapeziotrapezoid joint (XML)
Stx17  ( in XML )  (2)
  » show that syntaxin 17 (XML) | show that autophagosomal syntaxin 17 (XML)
sTRA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sialylated tumor-related antigen (XML)
Stm-l  ( in XML )  (2)
  » starmaker-like (XML)
ST136  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sequence type 136 (XML)
STOX2  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Storkhead box protein 2 (XML) | Storkhead box-2 (XML)
StnA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Schisantherin A (XML) | Streptonigrin methylesterase A (XML)
STL-pRT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » STL after previous radiotherapy (XML) | Salvage total laryngectomy after previous radiotherapy (XML)
SToMP-AD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Senolytic therapy to modulate the progression of Alzheimer's Disease (XML)
STM-AFM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » scanning tunneling microscopy-atomic force microscopy (XML)
STBW  ( in XML )  (2)
  » side TBW (XML) | septic tanks for treating black water (XML)
sTSE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » standard TSE (XML) | sporadic TSE (XML)
STIPE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Severe Primary Pontine Hemorrhage Evacuation (XML)
STPA-Sec  ( in XML )  (2)
  » System-Theoretic Process Analysis for Security (XML)
STAT1KO  ( in XML )  (2)
  » STAT1 knockout (XML)
STCW  ( in XML )  (2)
  » spring till continuous spring wheat (XML) | Sensitivity Training Clown Workshop (XML)
STiERA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Soft Tissue Elastography Robotic Arm (XML)
STIPS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » STI prevalence study (XML) | Sexually Transmitted Infection Prevalence Study (XML)
STS/STG  ( in XML )  (2)
  » superior temporal sulcus/superior temporal gyrus (XML)
STS-GTSD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Surgeons General Thoracic Surgery Database (XML)
s-TFDDS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » supersaturated triglyceride free drug delivery system (XML)
STdev  ( in XML )  (2)
  » ST-segment deviation (XML)
STORRM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Stapled Transabdominal Ostomy Reinforcement with retromuscular mesh (XML)
sTAH  ( in XML )  (2)
  » soft total artificial heart (XML)
STD-PN  ( in XML )  (2)
  » standard PN (XML) | standard GLN-free PN (XML)
STTh  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Soft-tissue thickness (XML)
STREAM-LE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Stroke Rehabilitation Assessment of Movement (XML) | Stroke Rehabilitation Assessment of Movement lower extremity subscales (XML)
sTNFr  ( in XML )  (2)
  » soluble receptor for tumor necrosis factor (XML)
STARK  ( in XML )  (2)
  » statins and risk of post-ERCP acute pancreatitis (XML) | STARK Industries, LLC (XML)
STEAEs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serious treatment emergent adverse events (XML) | serious TEAEs (XML)
STMGP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » smooth-threshold multivariate genetic prediction (XML)
STIMULUS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Stimulation to Prevent Diaphragm Disuse during Mechanical Ventilation (XML) | Spatio-Temporal Interference-based stiMULation focUsing Strategy (XML)
st-ag  ( in XML )  (2)
  » small t-antigen (XML)
STMY2  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stromelysin-2 (XML)
ST239-III  ( in XML )  (2)
  » ST239-staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec type III (XML) | ST239, SCCmec type III (XML)
ST and MT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » surgical and mechanical thrombectomy (XML) | structural and magnetic transitions (XML)
STOMACH  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Stomach Cancer (XML) | Surgical Techniques, Open versus Minimally invasive gastrectomy After CHemotherapy (XML)
STm 170  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Salmonella Typhimurium phage type 170 (XML)
Strata valve  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Strata II valve (XML) | Strata II small valve (XML)
sTNFrI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » soluble tumor necrosis factor receptor (XML) | study, the recombinant human TNF soluble receptor type I (XML)
Sto  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sotagliflozin (XML) | stolons (XML)
STTMs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » short tandem target mimics (XML) | short tandem target MIMICs (XML)
STEPCARE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Sedation, TEmperature, and Pressure after Cardiac Arrest and REsuscitation (XML) | stepped care intervention for depression in primary care (XML)
study-test  ( in XML )  (2)
  » study and test trials alternated (XML) | pure-study condition to determine whether the standard (XML)
S-to-A  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sample-to-answer (XML)
STAR-RISs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Simultaneous transmitting and reflecting reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (XML)
stage I and II  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stage invasive breast disease (XML) | Staging was subclassified as early (XML)
STNCC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » spatial temporal normalized cross correlation (XML) | sum-table based normalized cross-correlation (XML)
STeleR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stroke telerehabilitation (XML)
styA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » specifically binds the P (XML) | silico analysis of the P (XML)
St beta  ( in XML )  (2)
  » standardised beta (XML)
STRYCH  ( in XML )  (2)
  » strychnine (XML)
ST2-CM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » ST2 murine mesenchymal stem cells-conditioned medium (XML) | ST2 stromal cells (XML)
Stfa  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stefin A (XML)
STMBs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Strep-Tactin-coated magnetic beads (XML) | syncytiotrophoblast microvesicles (XML)
ST/LV  ( in XML )  (2)
  » short travel to low-volume hospitals (XML) | short travel/low-volume (XML)
STDNN  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Space-Time Delay Neural Network (XML) | structural-topic aware deep neural networks (XML)
STEP-MDP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Strategic Teamwork for Effective Practice Mentor Development Program (XML)
STUS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » standing-wave tubes with uniform cross-section (XML) | second trimester ultrasound (XML)
Stern-E-Fix  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sternum external fixation (XML)
STRICTOC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » standards for reporting interventions in clinical trials of cupping (XML)
STYMeOH  ( in XML )  (2)
  » space-time yield of methanol (XML)
StIR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stimulated innate resistance (XML)
STS-2  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Suppressor of TCR signaling-2 (XML)
STIGA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » split trehalase immunoglobulin G assay (XML)
ST103  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sequence type 103 (XML)
StU  ( in XML )  (2)
  » striation units (XML) | short-term unresponsiveness (XML)
ST-A  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Stellettamide A (XML) | plate-shaped crystal habit (XML)
StReCH  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stereospecific reagent-controlled homologation (XML)
steam-ultrasound  ( in XML )  (2)
  » steam and ultrasound (XML) | steam and high-power ultrasound (XML)
STAT3-RE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » STAT3 response element (XML)
ST, n-ST  ( in XML )  (2)
  » specific or nonspecific computerized training (XML)
ST6Gal I  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Galbeta1,4GlcNAcalpha2,6-sialyltransferase (XML) | alpha2,6-sialyltransferase of protein Asn-linked glycosylation (XML)
STR4  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Subtropical Race 4 (XML)
ST-miRCCL22  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Salmonella typhimurium expressing CCL22 miRNA (XML)
STHNT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Spatio-Temporal Hybrid Novel Technique (XML)
STANet  ( in XML )  (2)
  » spatio-temporal adaptation network with clinical prior embedding learning (XML) | spatiotemporal attention network (XML)
STXOL  ( in XML )  (2)
  » saxitoxinol (XML)
STICC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Situation, Task, Intent, Concern, Calibrate (XML)
STZC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Skalak, Tozeren, Zarda, and Chien (XML)
STDSIM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stochastic microsimulation model (XML) | sexually transmitted diseases simulation model (XML)
STH-1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » St. Thomas' Hospital solution N degrees 1 (XML) | St. Thomas-1 (XML)
STPSC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » semitransparent solar cells (XML) | semi-transparent polymer solar cell (XML)
ST-PHPMA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Semitelechelic poly(N-(2-hydroxypropyl)methacrylamide)s (XML)
STAT5s  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Signal transducers and activators of transcription 5 (XML)
ST43  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sequence type 43 (XML)
STRK1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » salt tolerance receptor-like cytoplasmic kinase 1 (XML)
ST-HSPCs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » short-term HSPCs (XML)
STR-I  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Stroop Test Interference Score (XML) | subtropical ridge (XML)
stab2  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stabilin-2 (XML)
STARD6  ( in XML )  (2)
  » StAR-related lipid transfer domain 6 (XML)
STAKE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Stop Tobacco Access to Kids Enforcement (XML)
StHD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Sterbehilfe Deutschland (XML) | straighthead disorder (XML)
STEDD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stimulated emission double depletion (XML)
STdep  ( in XML )  (2)
  » segment depression, but excluding any resting ST elevation (XML) | ST depression (XML)
StimNETs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stim-nanoelectronic threads (XML)
S-TV  ( in XML )  (2)
  » systolic tissue velocity (XML) | single-isocenter jaw-tracking VMAT based on the Varian TrueBeam linear accelerator (XML)
STEMCCA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stem cell cassette (XML)
STOP-D  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Screening Tool for Psychological Distress (XML)
ST617  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sequence type 617 (XML)
ST-CCR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » similarity transformed CC response (XML) | Similarity transformed coupled cluster response (XML)
ST22-MRSA-IV  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sequence type 22 MRSA staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec type IV (XML) | ST22-methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus type IV (XML)
StarVIBE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stack-of-stars volume interpolated breath-hold examination (XML)
stress-DPI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stress digital perfusion images (XML)
STA/V  ( in XML )  (2)
  » superficial temporal artery and vein (XML)
S.T.A.R  ( in XML )  (2)
  » short- to mid-term results of an unconstrained total ankle prosthesis (XML) | Salla Treatment and Research (XML)
StdRGP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » standard RGP (XML) | standard RGP lens made of the same material (XML)
Steap4  ( in XML )  (2)
  » six-transmembrane epithelial antigen of the prostate 4 (XML)
STNV-1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » satellite tobacco necrosis virus 1 (XML)
STFO  ( in XML )  (2)
  » SrTi0.7Fe0.3O(3-delta) (XML) | sinus tarsi fat obliteration (XML)
star-PEGs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » star-burst configured polyethylene glycols (XML)
STASS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Short Term Air Supply System (XML)
STBB  ( in XML )  (2)
  » spatio-temporal bandwidth-based (XML) | spatiotemporal branch-and-bound (XML)
STGD-FFM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Stargardt disease-fundus flavimaculatus (XML) | Stargardt macular dystrophy-fundus flavimaculatus (XML)
STC-SEE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Southeastern European countries (XML) | Survey on Tobacco Consumption in Southeastern Europe (XML)
STT3B  ( in XML )  (2)
  » STT3 oligosaccharyltransferase complex catalytic subunit B (XML) | staurosporine and temperature sensive 3B (XML)
STBCs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » space-time block codes (XML)
STIMA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » simultaneous threshold interaction modeling algorithm (XML) | submucosal temporary inferior maxillary antrostomy (XML)
s-triazine  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Seven 1,3,5- triazine (XML) | symmetrical triazine (XML)
stylar-S  ( in XML )  (2)
  » S-haplotypes with disrupted pistil component (XML)
StTCTP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Solanum tuberosum Translationally Controlled Tumor Protein (XML) | Solanum tuberosum TCTP (XML)
st-LFP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » spike-triggered LFP average (XML)
STSIS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » spatiotemporal sequential indicator simulation (XML)
S-TAG  ( in XML )  (2)
  » synthetic tumor-associated glycoconjugate (XML) | synthetic beta-anomer of the Thomsen-Friedenreich antigen (XML)
STMY3  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stromelysin 3 (XML)
STRT1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sodium-ion trehalose transporter 1 (XML) | Standard Radiation Therapy 1 (XML)
STKR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stomoxytachykinin receptor (XML) | stable fly's tachykinin receptor (XML)
StAMPS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Structured Assessment using Multiple Patient Scenarios (XML)
STDCM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » synthetic trehalose dicorynomycolate ml(-1) (XML) | software testing defect corrective model (XML)
ST-OA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » soft template with oriented attachment (XML) | starch-octanoic acid (XML)
STARR-LCA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » standardized technique for assessing and reporting reviews of LCA (XML) | systematic literature review limited to Life Cycle Assessment (XML)
Stereo-PIV  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stereo particle image velocimetry (XML)
Sten  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stenoses (XML) | Stenotrophomonas (XML)
sTGFbetaRII  ( in XML )  (2)
  » soluble transforming growth factor-beta type II receptor (XML)
STAIY  ( in XML )  (2)
  » State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Youth (XML) | state-trait anxiety inventory (XML)
ST-4821  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Serotype 4821 (XML) | sequence type 4821 (XML)
STMBT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Short-term Memory Binding Tests (XML)
STORI-30  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stage of recovery instrument-30 (XML)
STMRT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Short-term medical relief trips (XML) | spatiotemporally modulated radiotherapy (XML)
STK-1L  ( in XML )  (2)
  » STK-1 Ligand (XML) | STK-1 receptor ligand (XML)
STCAS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Sheikh Trunk Control Ability Scale (XML) | standard carotid artery stenting (XML)
STALPP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stapled transanal longitudinal posterior proctectomy (XML)
STSHN  ( in XML )  (2)
  » soft tissue sarcomas of the head and neck (XML)
STAfb  ( in XML )  (2)
  » STA trunk with its frontal branch (XML) | Superficial Temporal Artery, Frontal branch (XML)
Stu  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stuttering (XML) | such isolate (XML)
STaRT-RWE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Structured Template and Reporting Tool for Real-World Evidence (XML) | Structured Template and Reporting Tool for RWE (XML)
STV-AP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » streptavidin-modified alkaline phosphatase (XML) | streptavidin-alkaline phosphatase (XML)
S-TraP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » SDS-Trapping of Proteins (XML)
STAC2  ( in XML )  (2)
  » SH3 and cysteine rich domain 2 (XML) | Src homology 3 domain and cysteine-rich domain-containing protein 2 (XML)
sTNF-R1 and R2  ( in XML )  (2)
  » soluble tumor necrosis factor receptors 1 and 2 (XML)
sTKA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » standard TKA of symmetric (XML) | secondary TKA (XML)
STPPG  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Shared Trauma Professional Posttraumatic Growth Inventory (XML)
STNT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » spinal trigeminal nucleus and tract (XML)
STARPAM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » star-shaped polymer (XML)
STOW  ( in XML )  (2)
  » S. townsendi (XML) | Solvation Thermodynamics of Ordered Water (XML)
STASE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stasis of efflux (XML)
StEH1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Solanum tuberosum epoxide hydrolase 1 (XML)
StLois  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stepwise loop insertion strategy (XML)
STARCH  ( in XML )  (2)
  » starch-rich (XML) | starch-based agent (XML)
STH1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Salt Tolerance and Heading Date 1 (XML) | St Thomas' Hospital cardioplegic solution number 1 (XML)
STAT5-beta  ( in XML )  (2)
  » signal transduction molecule and activator of transcription 5beta (XML)
ST405  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sequence type 405 (XML)
STRATUM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Street Tree Resource Analysis Tool for Urban Forest Managers (XML) | Strategic Tissue Repository Alliances Through Unified Methods (XML)
starch-OS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » starch octenyl succinate (XML)
sTNF-R p75  ( in XML )  (2)
  » soluble tumor necrosis factor receptor p75 (XML)
sTEC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » slant TEC (XML)
sTL1A  ( in XML )  (2)
  » soluble TL1A (free/drug-bound) (XML) | soluble TNF-like cytokine 1A (XML)
STPSs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Sesquiterpene synthases (XML) | Stimulation-induced transient nonmotor psychiatric symptoms (XML)
STIM1L  ( in XML )  (2)
  » STIM1 splice variant (XML) | stromal interacting molecule 1L (XML)
Stroop T  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Stroop Color-Word Test Interference (XML) | Stroop Colour-Word Interference Test (XML)
stage II-IV  ( in XML )  (2)
  » significantly higher in invasive (XML) | Twenty-seven patients with hypopharyngeal carcinoma (XML)
sTie1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » study, the porcine Tie1 (XML) | soluble Tie1 (XML)
St-S  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sodium 4-styrenesulfonate (XML) | stopped-smokers (XML)
ST-5  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serotype 5 (XML) | ST was performed under topical anesthesia for 5min (XML)
STM-COMET  ( in XML )  (2)
  » School of Medicine's Computerized Memory Test (XML)
STarT-G  ( in XML )  (2)
  » STarT tool into German (XML) | STarT Back 5-item screening tool (XML)
STEP-P  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Schultz Test of Emotion Processing-Preliminary Version (XML) | velocity-step tests in twenty-five pilots (XML)
stPCL  ( in XML )  (2)
  » star-shaped poly(epsilon-caprolactone) (XML) | star-shaped polycaprolactone (XML)
STOP-Dementia  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Study of Outcome and aPolipoproteins in Dementia (XML)
STTG  ( in XML )  (2)
  » ST training group (XML) | Seebeck-driven transverse magneto-thermoelectric generation (XML)
sTBIs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » severe traumatic brain injuries (XML)
STIH  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Skin tests for immediate hypersensitivity (XML) | short-term induced hyperglycemia (XML)
STS-IE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Surgeons's Infective endocarditis score (XML) | Society of Thoracic Surgeons-IE (XML)
ST116  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sequence type 116 (XML)
StDH  ( in XML )  (2)
  » steroid dehydrogenases (XML) | strombine dehydrogenase (XML)
STHK  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Signal transduction histidine kinases (XML) | Spatial-Temporal Hopcroft-Karp (XML)
Star-VIBE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » star-volumetric interpolated breath-hold examination (XML)
ST-IATs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » single-target Implicit Association Tests (XML)
STE-MINOCA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction with Non-Obstructive Coronary Arteries (XML)
STAZ  ( in XML )  (2)
  » ST azimuth (XML) | Statewide Traffic Analysis Zone (XML)
STrIP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stool color for triage of infants for phototherapy (XML)
s-TAR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » simplified total arch reconstruction (XML) | stent graft (XML)
stz  ( in XML )  (2)
  » study, the multiple low-dose streptozotocin (XML) | streptozotocin- induced (XML)
STGT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » signal-tuned Gabor transform (XML) | single-task gait training (XML)
STP-Q  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Smart Tools Proneness Questionnaire (XML)
STS-MinIP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » slab, minimum intensity projection (XML)
STATIS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » between-site analysis, using multiable comparison methods (XML) | statistique (XML)
STRA13  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Stra13 gene (XML) | Stimulated by retinoic acid 13 (XML)
Stein-Leventhal  ( in XML )  (2)
  » suppression tests in the differential diagnosis of the polycystic ovary (XML) | surgical intervention in patients with sclerocystic ovarian (XML)
S-TCS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » secondary tethered cord syndrome (XML)
STON  ( in XML )  (2)
  » string tightening self-organizing neural network (XML) | strontium titanium oxynitride (XML)
StereoDIC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stereo digital image correlation (XML)
sTBCs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » simple TC burst complexes (XML)
STZ-GF  ( in XML )  (2)
  » STZ-induced diabetes with glucose fluctuations (XML)
StP-II-B  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Susceptibility to Persuasion-II (XML)
STAIt  ( in XML )  (2)
  » STAI trait (XML)
sTNFS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Subcutaneous trigeminal nerve field stimulation (XML) | sPNFS for the treatment of trigeminal pain (XML)
STDDP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » spike timing dependent delay plasticity (XML)
s.t.o.c.s  ( in XML )  (2)
  » spontaneous transient outward currents (XML)
s-triazines  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Studied herbicides and chemical groups included atrazine, propazine, and prometryne (XML) | symmetric triazines (XML)
st.Cys  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stabilized cysteamine (XML)
STYLE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Strength Through Youth Livin' Empowered (XML)
STB-FCS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » surface transient binding-based fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (XML)
STS1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Site 1 chimeric enzyme of DSRS (XML) | SWOLLEN TAPETUM AND STERILITY 1 (XML)
ST54  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sequence type 54 (XML)
STRNet  ( in XML )  (2)
  » semantic transformer representation network (XML) | Spatial-Temporal Refinement Network (XML)
STAET  ( in XML )  (2)
  » STA + ET (XML) | statins + ET (XML)
STM, STS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » scanning tunneling microscopy, and spectroscopy (XML)
stLFP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » spike-trigger-averaged LFP (XML) | spike-triggered average of the local field potential (XML)
ST Ia  ( in XML )  (2)
  » heat-stable enterotoxin (XML)
STEM EDX  ( in XML )  (2)
  » scanning transmission electron microscopy energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (XML)
STIR-TSE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » short tau inversion recovery turbo spin echo (XML) | short tau inversion recovery TSE (XML)
STEAL  ( in XML )  (2)
  » simplification of antiretroviral therapy with tenofovir-emtricitabine or abacavir-lamivudine trial (XML)
STPOs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » 2022-Specialist tactical police officers (XML) | Standard Poodles (XML)
STFL  ( in XML )  (2)
  » slips, trips and falls on the same level (XML) | safety transformational leadership (XML)
STX-HRP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » saxitoxin-horseradish peroxidase conjugate (XML) | STX conjugate to horseradish peroxidase (XML)
STRESS I  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Stent Restenosis Study (XML) | Stent Restenosis (XML)
STRIPAKs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Striatin-interacting phosphatases and kinases (XML)
STARA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Smart Technology, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Algorithms (XML) | Southern Taiwan Allergy Research Alliance (XML)
STBRL  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Sexually Transmitted Bacteria Reference Laboratory (XML)
STS-COMP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Society of Thoracic Surgeons-defined composite (XML) | Society of Thoracic Surgeons composite for mortality or major morbidity (XML)
STKR1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » STOREKEEPER RELATED1/G-Element Binding Protein (XML)
ST3Ne  ( in XML )  (2)
  » 2,3-sialyltransferase (XML) | secretion of the catalytic ectodomain of rat alpha2,3-sialyltransferase (XML)
ST-UEM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » scanning transmission ultrafast electron microscopy (XML)
s,t  ( in XML )  (2)
  » series of control fields E (XML) | space time displacements (XML)
sTTP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » systemic lupus erythematosus patients (XML) | SLE-associated TTP (XML)
STAR-RND  ( in XML )  (2)
  » single-port transaxillary robotic modified radical neck dissection (XML)
S-THs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » soil-transmitted helminths (XML)
ST-LRSF  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Spatiotemporal Local-Remote Senor Fusion (XML)
StRGP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Solanum tuberosum RGP (XML)
StyB  ( in XML )  (2)
  » styrene monooxygenase B (XML) | supplied by an NADH-dependent flavin reductase (XML)
StMBF1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Solanum tuberosum Multiprotein Bridging Factor 1 protein (XML) | Solanum tuberosum MBF1 (XML)
sTGFbetaRIIFc  ( in XML )  (2)
  » soluble transforming growth factor receptorII-Fc (XML) | soluble transforming growth factor-beta receptor II fused with human Fc (XML)
stRBCs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stored RBCs (XML)
StARD3  ( in XML )  (2)
  » StAR-related lipid transfer domain-3 (XML)
STAI Y1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » State-Trait Anxiety Inventory-Form Y1 (XML)
sTNI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sensitive troponin I (XML)
STX-6c  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sarafotoxin 6c (XML)
ST/OC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » striatal to occipital cortex (XML) | striatum/occipital lobe (XML)
ST-LD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » steaming-low-temperature drying (XML) | Short Training-Long Detraining (XML)
STC-NC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » spike-triggered covariance (XML) | Spike Triggered Covariance - Non-Centered (XML)
ST-ODN  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stimulatory CpG ODN (XML) | stimulatory CpG-oligonucleotides (XML)
STSRI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » spinal tumor surgery risk index (XML) | structure tensor synchrotron radiation imaging (XML)
STRICTOTM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » STandards for Reporting Interventions in Clinical Trials Of Tuina/Massage (XML)
STS 2B  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stainless steel with finish 2B (XML) | steel coupons with 2B finish (XML)
STPNet  ( in XML )  (2)
  » short-term synaptic depression (XML)
STWR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » suit-type wearable robot (XML) | six-traits writing rubric (XML)
sTOSC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » specific TOSC (XML)
STRS1  ( in XML )  (2)
STEER OA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Subgrouping and TargetEd Exercise pRogrammes for knee and hip OsteoArthritis (XML)
S-trimer  ( in XML )  (2)
  » spike trimer (XML) | S ectodomain trimer (XML)
S-TnT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » specific troponin T in serum (XML) | Serum cardiac troponin T (XML)
stage 0  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stage was TisN0M0 (XML) | stage was 203 (XML)
study 1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » study: 64 individuals in 2019 (XML) | studies, 12 young healthy-weight men (XML)
STOML1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stomatin-like protein-1 (XML)
sTNFRI-IgGFc  ( in XML )  (2)
  » soluble extracellular region of tumor necrosis factor alpha receptor I-IgGFc (XML) | soluble extra-cellular region of TNF receptor I-IgGFc (XML)
STPSCC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » superficial-type pharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (XML)
STRATUS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » synthetic tracked aperture ultrasound (XML) | Small-volume tubes to reduce anemia and transfusion (XML)
St-Phy  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Sporotrichum thermophile produces very low titres of phytase (XML) | specificity, and therefore, the gene encoding phytase (XML)
S-TBUD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » staring contest, while tear film breakup was videotaped (XML) | Staring Tear Breakup Dynamics (XML)
S-THA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » subtrochanteric shortening osteotomy (XML) | standard total hip arthroplasty (XML)
sTNFR-p75  ( in XML )  (2)
  » soluble TNF receptor p75 (XML) | soluble tumor necrosis factor receptor-p75 (XML)
ST/CAS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » smokeless tobacco extracted with complete artificial saliva (XML) | ST product preparation in complete artificial saliva (XML)
STDMI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » ST-segment depression (XML) | ST-depression myocardial infarction (XML)
Strep-CP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » streptavidin/biotin-based chromatin precipitation (XML) | streptavidin chromatin precipitation (XML)
STELR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » standardized estimated liver remnant ratio (XML) | Smooth Transitions Equal Less Readmission (XML)
STCV  ( in XML )  (2)
  » senescence tumor cell vaccine (XML) | short time coefficient of variation (XML)
sty genes  ( in XML )  (2)
  » styrene upper pathway catabolic genes (XML) | styrene upper catabolic gene cluster (XML)
STGHEs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Short-term global health electives (XML) | short-term global health experiences (XML)
ST-RC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » steel tube reinforced concrete (XML)
StARD7  ( in XML )  (2)
  » StAR-related lipid transfer protein 7 (XML)
STC4A  ( in XML )  (2)
  » p-sulfonatothiacalix(4)arene (XML)
S. thea  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Sageretia thea (XML)
STIR-FSE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » short tau inversion recovery fast spin echo (XML)
stTg  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stimulated Tg (XML) | Stimulated thyroglobulin (XML)
ST357  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sequence type 357 (XML)
STIHH  ( in XML )  (2)
  » short-term intermittent hypobaric hypoxia (XML)
STCCs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serum total cortisol concentrations (XML) | syncytial tumor cell clusters (XML)
STAR-VTF  ( in XML )  (2)
  » STAR-Caregivers Virtual Training and Follow-up (XML)
STE-FS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » systemic therapy escalation-free survival (XML)
STLL  ( in XML )  (2)
  » ST with Lactococcus lactis (XML) | Subjective tinnitus loudness level (XML)
STCP-1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stimulated T cell chemotactic protein (XML)
ST, IT, and LT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » short-, intermediate-, and long-term model (XML)
sTregs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » specific Tregs (XML) | secreting Treg cells (XML)
stTM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » striated TM (XML) | striated muscle TM (XML)
stretch 1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stretch with velocity V1 (XML)
ST-CH  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Steroidal-compound-loaded chitosan (XML) | steroidal loaded-chitosan (XML)
ST-HR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » short-term survivors (XML) | ST-segment-heart rate (XML)
stereo-DOV  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stereo-video (XML)
STC-Seq  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Saturated Tiling Capture Sequencing (XML)
StoneMod  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stone modulator (XML) | stone modulator database (XML)
StARD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » steroidogenic acute regulatory domain (XML)
St28B  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Salmonella typhimurium phage 28B (XML)
S-thal  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sickle-cell-beta-thalassaemia (XML)
stECG  ( in XML )  (2)
  » standard base-apex ECG (XML) | six-lead electrocardiograph (XML)
StTS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stand-to-sit (XML) | stand-to-sit activity (XML)
STMP-STPP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sodium trimetaphosphate-sodium tripolyphosphate (XML)
ST195  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sequence type 195 (XML)
ST-DNA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » secondary target DNA fragment (XML) | Salmon testes deoxyribonucleic acid (XML)
STSQS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Sleep Quality Screening questionnaire (XML)
STIP-TA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » short-term inpatient psychotherapy based on transactional analysis (XML)
sTNF alpha  ( in XML )  (2)
  » secreting TNF alpha (XML)
STxB-OVA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » STxB chemically coupled to OVA (XML)
STOS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » superior thoracic outlet syndrome (XML)
STM-STS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » scanning tunnelling microscopy and spectroscopy (XML)
STPCV13  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serotypes included in the 13-valent vaccine (XML)
STAHR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Study to Assess Hepatitis C Risk (XML) | Students Training in Academia, Health, and Research (XML)
StaBTHA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » staged bilateral total hip arthroplasty (XML)
StTH  ( in XML )  (2)
  » St. Thomas' Hospital (XML)
sTx  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sham-Tx (XML)
static-FTS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » static Fourier transform spectrometer (XML)
STM-HCDGU  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Service of the Hospital Central de la Defensa Gomez Ulla (XML)
S-TDI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » S wave tissue Doppler imaging (XML) | systolic tissue Doppler imaging (XML)
sTAs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » small traditional adenomas (XML) | sporadic traditional adenomas (XML)
ST-EGF  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stabilized EGF (XML) | stabilized epidermal growth factor (XML)
STRATCANS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » STRATified CANcer Surveillance (XML)
STZ1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » streptozotocin 1 mg/kg (XML) | icv-STZ injection at two doses: 1 (XML)
stds  ( in XML )  (2)
  » standards (XML)
ST-score  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Staffelstein Score (XML)
STEVIE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Safety Events in Vismodegib (XML)
STTn  ( in XML )  (2)
  » spinothalamic tract neurons (XML)
STMN-1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stathmin-1 (XML) | stathmin1 gene (XML)
stDLNN  ( in XML )  (2)
  » spatial-temporal dictionary learning neural networks (XML)
STaRR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sewage treatment and resource recovery (XML) | Supporting Translation Research in Rural and Regional settings (XML)
STPSCs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Semitransparent perovskite solar cells (XML) | semitransparent polymer solar cells (XML)
s, t  ( in XML )  (2)
  » subsequent time interval (XML) | since the last event, h (XML)
STA-TRE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » standard-treatment (XML)
STA-CNN  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Spatial-Temporal Attentive Convolutional Neural Network (XML) | spatial-temporal attention-based convolutional neural network (XML)
ST-CT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » subsoiling and conventional tillage (XML) | Stepping Together for Children after Trauma (XML)
STIDA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Structured Telephone Interview for Dementia Assessment (XML)
StTAs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stimulus-triggered averages (XML)
sTGFbetarIII  ( in XML )  (2)
  » soluble TGFbetarIII (XML) | soluble transforming growth factor beta receptor type III (XML)
ST2H  ( in XML )  (2)
  » alpha2,6-sialylated blood group type 2H (XML)
StPLdET  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sequential triple proton loss double electron transfer (XML)
STTTA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » standard two-tiered testing algorithm (XML) | self-tuning triple threshold algorithm (XML)
St I  ( in XML )  (2)
  » slowly adapting type I (XML)
S-TSRI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Teacher-Student Relationship Inventory (XML)
s-TBI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » severe TBI patients (XML) | symptomatic TBI participants (XML)
STARFIRE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » signal targeting using alternative radiofrequency and flow-independent relaxation enhancement (XML) | STAR and Flow-Independent Relaxation Enhancement (XML)
Stro-1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stromal cell antigen 1 (XML)
S-thiolation  ( in XML )  (2)
  » (-SH) may occur through oxidation to mixed disulfides (XML) | stress and can easily conjugate with nonprotein thiols (XML)
STEEs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » supratentorial extraventricular ependymomas (XML)
St-EPS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » structural extracellular polymeric substances (XML)
STPDs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Standard Poodles (XML) | snail-transmitted parasitic diseases (XML)
ST-ISO  ( in XML )  (2)
  » squat combined with an isometric squat (XML) | stroke isolation (XML)
STBout  ( in XML )  (2)
  » STB on the outer surface (XML)
St group  ( in XML )  (2)
  » standard group without a membrane (XML) | Shoutai Wan group (XML)
ST3G5  ( in XML )  (2)
  » ST3GAL5 protein (XML) | ST3Gal5 (XML)
star-PCL  ( in XML )  (2)
  » star-poly(epsilon-caprolactone) (XML)
Str. uberis  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Streptococcus uberis (XML)
STaSI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » step transition and state identification (XML)
stepwise-net  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stepwise deep neural network (XML)
S.t.LOX  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Solanum tuberosum tuber 5-lipoxygenase (XML) | stimulate a lipoxygenase other than mammalian 5-lipoxygenase (XML)
STCrP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » STC related protein (XML) | stanniocalcin related protein (XML)
Stx phage  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Shiga toxin-encoding bacteriophage (XML) | Stx-encoding lambdoid bacteriophage (XML)
StMA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » styrene-maleic acid (XML)
STDSP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » static three dimensional screw-plate system (XML) | fracture-static 3-dimensional screw-plate system (XML)
STAIR-FSE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » short repetition time adiabatic inversion recovery prepared-fast spin echo (XML)
STEAS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sham TEAS (XML)
STAT5CA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » STAT5 transcription factors (XML) | signal transducer and activator of transcription 5 (XML)
StHA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » strategic health authority (XML)
Stx2dact  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Shiga toxin type 2dact (XML) | Stx2d mucus-activatable toxin (XML)
S-TD-DFT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » spin-adapted time-dependent density functional theory (XML) | spin-adapted TD-DFT (XML)
STMP1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » short transmembrane protein 1 (XML)
Stroop test  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Stroop color-word test (XML)
ST8-IV  ( in XML )  (2)
  » ST8 with SCCmec type IV (XML) | sequence type 18-IV (XML)
STG I  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Synaptotagmin I (XML) | shrimp transglutaminase I (XML)
STZ-NC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Streptozotocin-nicotinamide (XML)
STS's  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sequence-tagged-sites (XML)
sTK1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serum TK1 activity (XML) | serum concentration of thymidine kinase 1 (XML)
StPM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » structured patch model (XML) | structured polymicrobial (XML)
STWF  ( in XML )  (2)
  » spatio-temporal wave-front (XML) | surface temperature with feathers (XML)
STEDI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » spectrum, transmission, enablement, diversity and insurance (XML) | synthetic transmit element delay insertion (XML)
st. pyr  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stratum pyramidale (XML)
STMCs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Supported Transition Metal Catalysts (XML) | sulfated tri mannose C-C-linked dimers (XML)
STORM-RLA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy-based relative localization analysis (XML)
S-TAE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » superselective TAE (XML) | short-TAE (XML)
ST-TV  ( in XML )  (2)
  » spatiotemporal total variation (XML)
st2  ( in XML )  (2)
  » ST2-deficient (XML) | stage2 (XML)
S-TAGs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » synthetic tumor-associated glycoconjugates (XML)
STAT3 CKO  ( in XML )  (2)
  » STAT3 conditional knockout (XML)
STD-PE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » standard psychoeducation (XML)
STABMT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Swiss Transplant Working Group Blood and Marrow Transplantation (XML)
sTNFp55  ( in XML )  (2)
  » systemic inflammation using plasma tumor necrosis factor-a soluble receptor p55 (XML) | serum tumor necrosis factor-alpha-soluble receptor p55 (XML)
STS IIA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sulfotanshinone IIA sodium (XML)
Stot  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sediments, respectively; high values of sulphur (XML) | soil total sulfur (XML)
sTCCs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » superficial transitional cell carcinomas (XML)
ST231  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sequence type 231 (XML)
sTRSV  ( in XML )  (2)
  » strand of tobacco ringspot virus (XML) | satellite RNAs from the tobacco ringspot virus (XML)
stress-Echo  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stress echocardiography (XML) | Stress-Echocardiogram (XML)
STRASS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sarcoma treated in the EORTC-STBSG-62092 (XML) | Spacing of TNF-blocker injections in Rheumatoid ArthritiS Study (XML)
STKH  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stylet knob height (XML)
ST3Gal-I  ( in XML )  (2)
  » CMP-N-Acetylneuraminate-beta-galactosamide-alpha-2,3-sialyltransferase 1 (XML) | Several tungstate-type PMs inhibited Gal: alpha2,3-sialyltransferase-I (XML)
STAMP-I  ( in XML )  (2)
  » same high-dose regimen of CPA, cisplatin, and 1,3-bis(2-chloroethyl)-1-nitrosourea (XML) | same HDCT regimen, with cyclophosphamide, cisplatin, and carmustine (XML)
stDL  ( in XML )  (2)
  » striatal dorsolateral (XML)
STING KO  ( in XML )  (2)
  » STING knockout (XML)
ST772  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sequence type 772 (XML)
StCs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stretched cells (XML)
STT/SC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » State Integrated Telemedicine and Telehealth System (XML)
STUFFS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » STand Up Frequently From Stroke (XML)
Stat 1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » signal transducers and activators of transcription 1 (XML)
StaaS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » storage-as-a-service (XML)
STRAWINSKI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » STRoke Adverse outcome is associated WIth NoSoKomial Infections (XML)
ST 29  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sequence type 29 (XML)
STF1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Soybean TGACG-motif binding Factor 1 (XML) | somatostatin transcription factor 1 (XML)
STMQ  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Short-Term Memory Questionnaire (XML) | short-term memory using a forward repeat task performed in quiet (XML)
stages I and II  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stages of invasive adenocarcinoma (XML) | sarcoidosis manifesting with intrathoracic lymphadenopathies (XML)
STEM/HRTEM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » scanning high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (XML)
Staph-A  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Staphylococcus aureus protein-A (XML)
StyleGAN  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Style-Based Generator Architecture for Generative Adversarial Networks (XML) | style generative adversarial networks (XML)
STIPU  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Sexually Transmissible Infections Program Unit (XML) | Snodgrass' tubularized incised plate urethroplasty (XML)
STBFR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » soccer training with BFR (XML) | Strength training with blood flow restriction (XML)
STAR-ED  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Skin Tone Analysis for Representation in Educational Materials (XML)
STZ-rat  ( in XML )  (2)
  » streptozotocin-diabetic rat (XML) | STZ-induced diabetic rats (XML)
sTalin-1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » soluble talin-1 (XML)
STIFs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » synthetic translation initiation factors (XML) | spatio-temporal spread of infectious diseases (XML)
sTTX-R  ( in XML )  (2)
  » slow tetrodotoxin-resistant (XML)
ST-VAB  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stereotactic vacuum-assisted breast biopsy (XML)
STEMEs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » saturated targeted endogenous mutagenesis editors (XML)
s-TNFR1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » soluble TNFR1 (XML)
STAR-LITE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » interventions to aid evaluation (XML) | Standardised reporting of lifestyle weight management interventions to aid evaluation (XML)
ST-ESD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Scissor-type ESD (XML) | Scissor-type endoscopic submucosal dissection (XML)
STPp  ( in XML )  (2)
  » superior temporal polysensory area (XML)
sTEP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » soluble transparent exopolymer particles (XML) | Selective Traffic Enforcement Program (XML)
str-TILs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stromal tissue (XML) | stromal TILs (XML)
sTAS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serum total antioxidant status (XML)
sTB  ( in XML )  (2)
  » saturation TB (XML) | solid TB (XML)
s-TIV  ( in XML )  (2)
  » s-trivalent inactivated vaccine (XML) | seasonal trivalent inactivated (XML)
STEAR INTER  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stearic interesterified (XML)
STDLR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » simultaneous two-directional low-rankness (XML)
ST41  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Sequence type 41 (XML) | Stomach 41 (XML)
STEx  ( in XML )  (2)
  » short-term exercise (XML) | short-term running exercise (XML)
ST-OC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » single-task obstacle crossing (XML)
StSp  ( in XML )  (2)
  » N-N-Staurosporine (XML) | station-specific (XML)
Stap  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sperm-tail-associated protein (XML)
ST-beta-CD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » heptakis(6-(4-sulfonylmethyl-1H-(1,2,3)triazol-1-yl)-6-deoxy)-beta-cyclodextrin (XML)
s-TK  ( in XML )  (2)
  » studying serum deoxythymidine kinase (XML) | Serum deoxythymidine kinase activities (XML)
STSFAN  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Studies Food and Agriculture Network (XML)
StageTips  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stop-and-go-extraction tips (XML)
STOPCoV  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Safety and Efficacy of Preventative COVID Vaccines (XML) | study of COVID Vaccine Antibody Response (XML)
sTNF-alphaRI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » soluble tumor necrosis factor - alpha receptor I (XML)
STARFISH  ( in XML )  (2)
  » substrate-tracking autoradiographic fluorescent in situ hybridization (XML) | spectral interferometry technique assisted by a fiber optics coupler (XML)
ST-PNET  ( in XML )  (2)
  » supra-tentorial primitive neuroectodermal tumors (XML) | supratentorial PNETs (XML)
STIGMA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » tissue-specific gene prioritization using machine learning (XML) | stigmatizing (XML)
STARTS-1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Sildenafil in Treatment-Naive Children, Aged1-17 years, with Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (XML)
STEEST  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sterol esters (XML) | sterol ester (XML)
ST-LIBS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stand-off LIBS (XML) | standoff laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (XML)
St-A  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stimulus-to-atrium (XML)
STRIN  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Search Tool for Retrieval of Interacting Genes/Proteins (XML) | Striga infestation (XML)
STAQ  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stages of the tobacco acquisition questionnaire (XML) | Sedentary, Transportation and Activity Questionnaire (XML)
STOP-JIA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Start Time Optimization of Biologics in Polyarticular JIA (XML)
ST6GALNAC1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » ST6 N-Acetylgalactosaminide Alpha-2,6-Sialyltransferase 1 (XML)
star-PCL-TA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » star-PCL-tetracryalate (XML)
STEP3  ( in XML )  (2)
  » STEP3-7d (XML)
STEHOP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Shanghai post-Traumatic Elbow Heterotopic Ossification Prediction model (XML)
STLP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » ST with Lactobacillus plantarum (XML) | stria terminalis, lateral division, posterolateral part (XML)
Stanford DB  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Stanford HIV Drug Resistance Database (XML)
STI-CH  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Swedish Test of Intelligibility for Children (XML)
sTMA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » secondary TMA (XML) | sepsis-induced thrombotic microangiopathy (XML)