A Search Service for Abbreviation / Long Form

Abbreviation List in Life Science - SE

The following abbreviations beginning with 'SE' are found in the Allie database (>=2, order of frequency). Search for one's corresponding long forms on Allie by clicking it.

SEM  ( in XML )  (61465)
  » scanning electron microscopy (XML) | structural equation modeling (XML) | standard error of measurement (XML) | social ecological model (XML) | simultaneously extracted metals (XML) ...
SE  ( in XML )  (20837)
  » status epilepticus (XML) | standard error (XML) | spherical equivalent (XML) | spin-echo (XML) | sleep efficiency (XML) ...
SES  ( in XML )  (15091)
  » socioeconomic status (XML) | sirolimus-eluting stent (XML) | Self-Esteem Scale (XML) | social-ecological systems (XML) | standardized effect size (XML) ...
SERS  ( in XML )  (10933)
  » surface-enhanced Raman scattering (XML) | Side Effect Rating Scale (XML) | surface-enhanced resonance Raman scattering (XML) | spectroscopy (XML) | steam-exploded rice straw (XML) ...
SEER  ( in XML )  (9386)
  » Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (XML) | sequence-enabled reassembly (XML) | sonic estimation of elasticity via resonance (XML) | Statistics, Epidemiology and End Results (XML) | Surveillance, End Results and Epidemiology (XML) ...
Se  ( in XML )  (8909)
  » selenium (XML) | sensitivity (XML) | selenite (XML) | secretor (XML) | Seebeck coefficient (XML) ...
SEP  ( in XML )  (4435)
  » socioeconomic position (XML) | somatosensory evoked potential (XML) | standard error of prediction (XML) | Sexual Encounter Profile (XML) | Sclerosing encapsulating peritonitis (XML) ...
SEC  ( in XML )  (4331)
  » size exclusion chromatography (XML) | spontaneous echo contrast (XML) | sinusoidal endothelial cells (XML) | super elongation complex (XML) | specific energy consumption (XML) ...
sEMG  ( in XML )  (3116)
  » surface electromyography (XML) | surface EMG (XML) | surface electromyographic activity (XML) | superficial electromyography (XML) | spontaneous EMG (XML) ...
SEA  ( in XML )  (3026)
  » staphylococcal enterotoxin A (XML) | Southeast Asia (XML) | soluble egg antigen (XML) | spinal epidural abscess (XML) | severe eosinophilic asthma (XML) ...
SER  ( in XML )  (2216)
  » smooth endoplasmic reticulum (XML) | spherical equivalent refraction (XML) | sensitizer enhancement ratio (XML) | signal enhancement ratio (XML) | sertraline (XML) ...
SEI  ( in XML )  (2139)
  » solid electrolyte interphase (XML) | scar elevation index (XML) | Self-Esteem Inventory (XML) | socioeconomic index (XML) | surface element integration (XML) ...
SERT  ( in XML )  (2116)
  » serotonin transporter (XML) | serotonin reuptake transporter (XML) | serotonin (XML) | sertraline (XML) | serotonin-selective reuptake transporter (XML) ...
SET  ( in XML )  (1979)
  » single electron transfer (XML) | single embryo transfer (XML) | supervised exercise therapy (XML) | standardized exercise test (XML) | subepithelial tumor (XML) ...
SEPs  ( in XML )  (1958)
  » somatosensory evoked potentials (XML) | syringe exchange programs (XML) | sensory evoked potentials (XML) | sORF-encoded polypeptides (XML) | sequential extraction procedures (XML) ...
SED  ( in XML )  (1861)
  » sedentary (XML) | standard erythema dose (XML) | strain energy density (XML) | sedentary behavior (XML) | sedentary time (XML) ...
SEB  ( in XML )  (1744)
  » staphylococcal enterotoxin B (XML) | social, emotional, and behavioral (XML) | SE Bond (XML) | surrogate endpoint biomarker (XML) | surgical excision biopsy (XML) ...
SEMS  ( in XML )  (1378)
  » self-expandable metallic stent (XML) | southeastern Mediterranean Sea (XML) | spinal electromagnetic stimulation (XML) | single-event multilevel surgery (XML) | self-expanding colonic metallic stent (XML) ...
SEE  ( in XML )  (1267)
  » standard error of the estimate (XML) | South Eastern Europe (XML) | systemic embolic events (XML) | staphylococcal enterotoxin E (XML) | secondary electron emission (XML) ...
SEs  ( in XML )  (1244)
  » staphylococcal enterotoxins (XML) | super-enhancers (XML) | solid electrolytes (XML) | standard errors (XML) | side effects (XML) ...
SERMs  ( in XML )  (1198)
  » selective estrogen receptor modulators (XML) | selective ER modulators (XML) | selective estrogen modulators (XML) | selective modulators of the estrogen receptor (XML) | selective ERalpha modulators (XML) ...
sEVs  ( in XML )  (1140)
  » small extracellular vesicles (XML) | small EVs (XML) | Small EVs (XML) | semen EVs (XML) | serum EVs (XML) ...
SEEG  ( in XML )  (1134)
  » stereoelectroencephalography (XML) | stereo-EEG (XML) | stereotactic EEG (XML) | stereoencephalography (XML) | stereotactic intracerebral EEG (XML) ...
Ser  ( in XML )  (1053)
  » serine (XML) | Sec-tRNA (XML) | Serrate (XML) | selenocysteine tRNA (XML) | L-serine (XML) ...
sEH  ( in XML )  (1048)
  » soluble epoxide hydrolase (XML) | soluble epoxide hydrolase enzyme (XML) | soluble EH (XML) | enzyme-soluble epoxide hydrolase (XML) | soluble epoxide hydrolase inhibitor (XML) ...
Sec  ( in XML )  (964)
  » selenocysteine (XML) | secretory (XML) | Sec-tRNA (XML) | selenocysteyl-tRNA (XML) | secretion (XML) ...
SEN  ( in XML )  (938)
  » sensitivity (XML) | special educational needs (XML) | Society of Nephrology (XML) | senescent (XML) | senecionine (XML) ...
SeNPs  ( in XML )  (875)
  » selenium nanoparticles (XML) | Se nanoparticles (XML) | selenium NPs (XML) | chitosan-Selenium nanoparticles (XML) | selenium nanospheres (XML) ...
SELEX  ( in XML )  (864)
  » systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment (XML) | Systematic Evolution of Ligands by Exponential Amplification (XML) | systematic enrichment of ligands by exponential amplification (XML) | selection of the Sxl optimal binding site (XML) | selection experiments (XML) ...
SECM  ( in XML )  (844)
  » scanning electrochemical microscopy (XML) | Spectrally encoded confocal microscopy (XML) | spent embryo culture media (XML) | semispinalis capitis muscle (XML) | solvent-extracted canola meal (XML) ...
SEF  ( in XML )  (828)
  » supplementary eye field (XML) | Sclerosing epithelioid fibrosarcoma (XML) | spectral edge frequency (XML) | surface-enhanced fluorescence (XML) | somatosensory evoked fields (XML) ...
SERM  ( in XML )  (799)
  » selective estrogen receptor modulator (XML) | selective ER modulator (XML) | selective estrogen modulator (XML) | SERM-SERM group (XML) | selective ER-alpha agonist modulator (XML) ...
SEL  ( in XML )  (706)
  » social and emotional learning (XML) | Spinal epidural lipomatosis (XML) | socioeconomic level (XML) | subepithelial lesions (XML) | sound exposure level (XML) ...
SeMet  ( in XML )  (646)
  » selenomethionine (XML) | selenomethionine-substituted (XML) | selenomethionine-derivatized (XML) | Selenium methionine (XML) | Se, mainly selenomethionine (XML) ...
SEM-EDS  ( in XML )  (639)
  » scanning electron microscopy-energy dispersive spectroscopy (XML) | SEM-energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (XML) | scanning electron microscopy equipped with EDS detector (XML) | SEM-energy dispersive spectroscopy (XML) | scanning electron microscope-energy spectroscopy of dispersive x-rays (XML) ...
SEM-EDX  ( in XML )  (546)
  » scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (XML) | SEM-energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (XML) | SEM-energy-dispersive X-ray (XML) | scanning electron microscopy with detector x-ray energy dispersive (XML) | scanning electron microscopy-X-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy (XML) ...
SELDI-TOF-MS  ( in XML )  (533)
  » surface-enhanced laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (XML) | Surface-Enhanced Laser Desorption/ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry ProteinChip system (XML)
SERCA  ( in XML )  (488)
  » sarco/endoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase (XML) | sarcoplasmic reticulum (XML) | sarcoendoplasmic reticulum calcium adenosine triphosphatase (XML) | SR Ca ATPase (XML) | sarco/ER calcium-ATPase (XML) ...
SEMs  ( in XML )  (488)
  » structural equation models (XML) | scanning electron microscopes (XML) | standard errors of measurement (XML) | slow eye movements (XML) | stochastic epigenetic mutations (XML) ...
Sema3A  ( in XML )  (466)
  » semaphorin 3A (XML) | secreted multi-functional modulator, semaphorin 3A (XML) | semaphorin type 3A (XML)
SEAP  ( in XML )  (464)
  » secreted alkaline phosphatase (XML) | Society of Pathology (XML) | Surveillance for Enteric Fever in Asia Project (XML) | superior epigastric artery perforator (XML) | Southeast Anatolian Project (XML) ...
SEIR  ( in XML )  (458)
  » susceptible-exposed-infectious-recovered (XML) | Sindh's Electronic Immunization Registry (XML) | Susceptible-Exposed-Infected-Resistant (XML) | southeast Indian ridge (XML) | Salmonella Heidelberg, a compartmental (XML) ...
SeV  ( in XML )  (450)
  » Sendai virus (XML) | Sendai viral (XML) | Sendai virus vectors (XML) | Sendai Viruses (XML) | Sendai paramyxovirus (XML) ...
SERCA2a  ( in XML )  (434)
  » sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPase (XML) | SR Ca(2+)-ATPase (XML) | sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+) adenosine triphosphatase (XML) | sarcoplasmic endoreticular calcium adenosine triphosphatase subtype 2a (XML) | SR Ca2+-ATPase 2a (XML) ...
SEDDS  ( in XML )  (400)
  » self-emulsifying drug delivery systems (XML) | self-emulsifying lipid based drug delivery systems (XML) | griseofulvin-self-emulsified drug delivery system (XML) | SEDDS without lactoferrin (XML)
SENSE  ( in XML )  (368)
  » sensitivity encoding (XML) | Sensory Experiences (XML) | Sustained Effort Network for treatment of Status Epilepticus (XML) | Stepwise Empty Nose Syndrome Evaluation (XML) | share-explore-notice-support-extend (XML) ...
SEV  ( in XML )  (366)
  » sevoflurane (XML) | self-expanding valve (XML) | summary exposure value (XML) | severe (XML) | saccadic eye velocity (XML) ...
SEQ  ( in XML )  (363)
  » spherical equivalent (XML) | South East Queensland (XML) | spherical equivalent refraction (XML) | Sexual Experiences Questionnaire (XML) | sequential (XML) ...
SECs  ( in XML )  (362)
  » sinusoidal endothelial cells (XML) | sporopollenin exine capsules (XML) | squamous epithelial cells (XML) | super elongation complexes (XML) | socioeconomic circumstances (XML) ...
sEPSCs  ( in XML )  (348)
  » spontaneous excitatory postsynaptic currents (XML) | spontaneous EPSCs (XML) | spontaneous glutamate excitatory postsynaptic currents (XML) | spontaneous excitatory currents (XML) | Slow excitatory postsynaptic currents (XML) ...
SETAC  ( in XML )  (340)
  » Society of Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry (XML) | Society of Toxicology and Environmental Chemistry (XML)
SERCA2  ( in XML )  (333)
  » sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPase (XML) | SR Ca(2+)-ATPase (XML) | sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ adenosine triphosphatase (XML) | sarco/ER Ca(2+)-ATPase 2 (XML) | SR Ca(2+)-pump ATPase (XML) ...
sEng  ( in XML )  (317)
  » soluble endoglin (XML) | soluble form of endoglin (XML) | soluble endoglin concentrations (XML) | soluble form of the auxiliary receptor endoglin (XML) | soluble extracellular domain of Eng (XML) ...
SERRS  ( in XML )  (305)
  » surface-enhanced resonance Raman scattering (XML) | Surface-enhanced Raman resonant scattering (XML) | surface-enhanced Raman scattering (XML) | superior resonant SERS (XML)
SEBT  ( in XML )  (299)
  » Star Excursion Balance Test (XML) | Social Exclusion Bench Tool (XML) | single euploid blastocyst transfer (XML) | star excursion balance (XML) | Star excursion dynamic balance test (XML) ...
sE-selectin  ( in XML )  (265)
  » soluble E-selectin (XML) | soluble endothelial selectin (XML) | soluble endothelial leukocyte adhesion molecule-1 (XML) | serum E selectin (XML) | plasma-soluble (s) adhesion molecules E-selectin (XML) ...
SEG  ( in XML )  (263)
  » subesophageal ganglion (XML) | septal extension graft (XML) | surveillance error grid (XML) | socio-economic group (XML) | similar exposure groups (XML) ...
sEV  ( in XML )  (260)
  » small extracellular vesicles (XML) | small EV (XML) | serum EV (XML) | small vesicles/exosomes (XML) | Small plasma EV (XML) ...
SEH  ( in XML )  (254)
  » spinal epidural hematoma (XML) | staphylococcal enterotoxin H (XML) | subependymal hemorrhage (XML) | segmental extent of hyperenhancement (XML) | symptomatic epidural hematoma (XML) ...
S-ECC  ( in XML )  (249)
  » severe early childhood caries (XML) | severe ECC (XML) | severe early childhood caries development (XML)
SEAR  ( in XML )  (245)
  » South-East Asia Region (XML) | Self-Esteem and Relationship (XML) | surfactant-enhanced aquifer remediation (XML) | Self-Esteem and Relationship Questionnaire (XML) | Self-Esteem and Relationship Quality (XML) ...
SEMSs  ( in XML )  (242)
  » self-expandable metal stents (XML) | self-expandable metallic colonic stents (XML)
SES-CD  ( in XML )  (242)
  » Score for Crohn's Disease (XML) | Simple Endoscopic Score for CD (XML) | simple endoscopic score (XML) | simple endoscopic score-Crohn's disease (XML) | simplified endoscopic activity score for CD (XML) ...
SEFs  ( in XML )  (237)
  » somatosensory evoked magnetic fields (XML) | somatosensory evoked fields (XML) | supplementary eye fields (XML) | socioeconomic factors (XML) | sensitivity enhancement factors (XML) ...
SEM and TEM  ( in XML )  (236)
  » scanning and transmission electron microscopy (XML) | scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy (XML) | scanning microscopy and electron microscopy (XML) | scanning electron and transmission microscopies (XML)
SECT  ( in XML )  (236)
  » single-energy CT (XML) | single-energy computed tomography (XML) | simulated ECT (XML) | subepithelial connective tissue (XML) | Sulfasalazine enteric-coated tablet (XML) ...
SEPS  ( in XML )  (234)
  » subfascial endoscopic perforator surgery (XML) | self-expanding plastic stent (XML) | subdural evacuating port system (XML) | Subjective Experiences of Psychosis Scale (XML) | phase-separating (XML) ...
SETs  ( in XML )  (221)
  » subepithelial tumors (XML) | single-electron transistors (XML) | student evaluations of teaching (XML) | single embryo transfers (XML) | standardised exercise tests (XML) ...
SEM/EDS  ( in XML )  (220)
  » scanning electron microscopy/energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (XML) | sediments by X-ray microanalysis (XML) | studies on the growth kinetics, microstructure (XML) | scanning electron microscopy, and microanalysis (XML) | scanning electron microscopy with EDS analysis (XML) ...
S. Enteritidis  ( in XML )  (216)
  » serovar Enteritidis (XML) | Salmonella Enteritidis (XML) | Salmonella entericaserovar Enteritidis (XML) | Salmonella enterica Enteritidis (XML) | S. enterica Enteritidis (XML) ...
S. epidermidis  ( in XML )  (212)
  » Staphylococcus epidermidis (XML)
SEGA  ( in XML )  (201)
  » subependymal giant cell astrocytoma (XML) | Short Emergency Geriatric Assessment (XML) | selective extrasynaptic GABA(A) receptor agonist (XML) | serum gastrin (XML) | subependymal glioma (XML) ...
SENS  ( in XML )  (200)
  » sensitivity (XML) | Simple Erosion Narrowing Score (XML) | Senescence (XML) | sequential electrical nerve stimuli (XML) | sensitive (XML) ...
SEM/EDX  ( in XML )  (196)
  » scanning electron microscopy/energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (XML) | scanning electron microscope with energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis mapping technique (XML) | SEM/energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (XML)
SELDI  ( in XML )  (196)
  » surface-enhanced laser desorption/ionization (XML) | surface-enhanced laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (XML) | surface-enhanced laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (XML) | Surface Enhanced Laser Desorption Ionisation-ProteinChip (XML) | surface-enhanced laser desorption ionization/time of flight (XML) ...
SEIRA  ( in XML )  (195)
  » surface-enhanced infrared absorption (XML) | surface-enhanced infrared absorption spectroscopy (XML) | surface-enhanced IR absorption (XML) | surface-enhanced infrared spectroscopy (XML) | surface enhanced infrared (XML) ...
SEO  ( in XML )  (186)
  » Seoul (XML) | search engine optimization (XML) | sieve element occlusion (XML) | savory essential oil (XML) | Satureja hortensis essential oil (XML) ...
semi-IPN  ( in XML )  (184)
  » semi-interpenetrating polymer network (XML) | semi-interpenetrating network (XML) | semi-interpenetrating (XML) | semi-Interpenetrating Network Polymer (XML) | semi-interpenetrating amphiphilic networks (XML)
SESs  ( in XML )  (176)
  » sirolimus-eluting stents (XML) | social-ecological systems (XML) | socioeconomic statuses (XML) | standardized effect sizes (XML) | self-expanding stents (XML) ...
SESN2  ( in XML )  (175)
  » Sestrin2 (XML) | Sestrin2 protein (XML) | sequencing showed that sestrin 2 (XML)
SEARCH  ( in XML )  (171)
  » Shared Equal Access Regional Cancer Hospital (XML) | Southeastern Aerosol Research and Characterization (XML) | Study of Environment on Aboriginal Resilience and Child Health (XML) | Sustainable East Africa Research in Community Health (XML) | Staging Evaluation and Response Criteria Harmonization (XML) ...
SEZ  ( in XML )  (169)
  » subependymal zone (XML) | subsp. zooepidemicus (XML) | subesophageal zone (XML) | subspecies zooepidemicus (XML) | Special Economic Zone (XML) ...
SEED  ( in XML )  (158)
  » Singapore Epidemiology of Eye Diseases (XML) | Study to Explore Early Development (XML) | SJTU Emotion EEG Dataset (XML) | Severe and Enduring Eating Disorders (XML) | strand-exchange engineered domain (XML) ...
Sema4D  ( in XML )  (157)
  » Semaphorin 4D (XML) | Semaphorin 4D/CD100 (XML)
SEK  ( in XML )  (153)
  » Swedish kronor (XML) | semi-empirical kinetic (XML) | staphylococcal enterotoxin K (XML) | secukinumab (XML) | subepithelial keratomycosis (XML) ...
SELs  ( in XML )  (148)
  » subepithelial lesions (XML) | sound exposure levels (XML) | slowly expanding lesions (XML) | selenoproteins (XML) | surface exposure levels (XML) ...
SE-HPLC  ( in XML )  (146)
  » size-exclusion high-performance liquid chromatography (XML) | size-exclusion HPLC (XML) | size exclusion chromatography (XML) | size-exclusion HPLC method (XML)
SEREX  ( in XML )  (140)
  » serological analysis of recombinant cDNA expression libraries (XML) | serological analysis of cDNA expression library (XML) | serological expression cloning (XML) | Serological analysis of expression cDNA libraries (XML) | screening of a cDNA expression library (XML) ...
SERD  ( in XML )  (138)
  » selective estrogen receptor degrader (XML) | selective ER degrader (XML) | selective ERalpha downregulator (XML) | supraesophageal reflux disease (XML) | selective estrogen receptor degraders/downregulators (XML) ...
SELDI-TOF  ( in XML )  (135)
  » surface-enhanced laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight (XML) | surface-enhanced laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (XML) | surface-enhanced laser desorption/ionization-TOF (XML) | surface-enhanced laser desorption/ionization ProteinChip (XML) | samples of each participant were analyzed with the ProteinChip (XML)
SEOV  ( in XML )  (133)
  » Seoul virus (XML) | Seoul orthohantavirus (XML) | Seoul hantavirus (XML) | segments of two Seoul virus (XML) | Shenzhen city belonged to the Hantavirus type II (XML) ...
SERDs  ( in XML )  (133)
  » selective estrogen receptor degraders (XML) | selective ER degraders (XML) | selective ER downregulators (XML) | selective estrogen down regulators (XML) | Selective Estrogen Degraders (XML) ...
SEVO  ( in XML )  (131)
  » sevoflurane (XML) | space environment viability of organics (XML) | SEVO-exposed (XML) | self-expanding vascular occluder (XML) | sevoflurane administration (XML) ...
SEBS  ( in XML )  (129)
  » styrene-ethylene-butylene-styrene (XML) | Surface Energy Balance System (XML) | selenium-enriched Bacillus subtilis (XML) | styrene-butadiene-styrene (XML) | semi-crystalline thermoplastic, and polystyrene-block-poly(ethylene-co-butylene)-block-polystyrene (XML) ...
SESAM  ( in XML )  (129)
  » semiconductor saturable absorber mirror (XML) | Society in Europe for Simulation Applied to Medicine (XML) | Saxon Study for General Medicine (XML) | sub-electron-volt-sub-angstrom microscope (XML) | spatial enhanced self-attention module (XML) ...
SEAS  ( in XML )  (129)
  » Simvastatin and Ezetimibe in Aortic Stenosis (XML) | Scientific Exercise Approach to Scoliosis (XML) | South Eastern Arabian Sea (XML) | surfactant-enhanced air sparging (XML) | Self-Reported Experiences of Activity Settings (XML) ...
SEOM  ( in XML )  (129)
  » Society of Medical Oncology (XML) | solvent extracted organic matter (XML) | sexually explicit online media (XML) | Sociedad Espanola de Oncologia Medica (XML) | Supernumerary extraocular muscle (XML) ...
SECCM  ( in XML )  (126)
  » scanning electrochemical cell microscopy (XML) | scanning electron microscopy (XML)
SEVR  ( in XML )  (126)
  » subendocardial viability ratio (XML) | SEVR group (XML) | silicone elastomer vaginal ring (XML) | Susceptible Effected Vaccinated Recovered (XML) | semantic enrichment-based vector representation (XML) ...
SEDs  ( in XML )  (122)
  » safety-engineered devices (XML) | spontaneous epileptiform discharges (XML) | standard erythemal doses (XML) | standard erythema doses (XML) | sacrificial electron donors (XML) ...
SELECT  ( in XML )  (113)
  » Selenium and Vitamin E Cancer Prevention Trial (XML) | Selection for Endovascular Treatment in Acute Ischemic Stroke (XML) | single-base elongation- and ligation-based qPCR amplification method (XML) | Systolic Evaluation of Lotrel Efficacy and Comparative Therapies (XML) | Large-scale Evaluation of COX-inhibiting Therapies (XML) ...
SELENOP  ( in XML )  (111)
  » selenoprotein P (XML) | selenoprotein P gene (XML) | selenoproteins, especially Selenoprotein P (XML)
SEIPS  ( in XML )  (109)
  » Systems Engineering Initiative for Patient Safety (XML) | Systems Engineering in Patient Safety (XML) | solvent-evaporation-induced phase separation (XML)
sEPSC  ( in XML )  (108)
  » spontaneous excitatory postsynaptic current (XML) | spontaneous EPSC (XML) | slow EPSC (XML) | spontaneous glutamatergic excitatory postsynaptic potentials (XML) | slow excitatory postsynaptic current (XML)
SeCys  ( in XML )  (106)
  » selenocysteine (XML) | seleno-DL: -cystine (XML) | Se-cysteine (XML) | synthases cannot efficiently accept selenocysteine (XML) | sulfur-containing amino acids to selenocysteine (XML)
SEAs  ( in XML )  (104)
  » series elastic actuators (XML) | spinal epidural abscesses (XML) | self-etch adhesives (XML) | soluble egg antigens (XML) | superior epigastric arteries (XML) ...
SEW  ( in XML )  (103)
  » segregated early weaning (XML) | semi-eviscerated weight (XML) | surface electromagnetic waves (XML) | Social and Emotional Wellbeing (XML) | SO2-ethanol-water (XML) ...
sELISA  ( in XML )  (101)
  » sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (XML) | sandwich ELISA (XML) | surrogate enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (XML) | sandwich ELISA for the detection of the antigen HyC (XML) | indirect-sandwich ELISA (XML) ...
SEVI  ( in XML )  (101)
  » semen-derived enhancer of viral infection (XML) | slow electron velocity-map imaging (XML) | socioeconomic vulnerability index (XML) | semen-derived amyloid (XML) | Semen Enhancer of Virus Infection (XML) ...
sEPCR  ( in XML )  (98)
  » soluble endothelial protein C receptor (XML) | soluble EPCR (XML) | soluble form of EPCR (XML) | soluble form of this receptor (XML) | significance of plasma endothelial protein C receptor (XML) ...
sec  ( in XML )  (98)
  » seconds (XML) | staphylococcal enterotoxin C gene (XML) | secretory-specific (XML) | semi-empirical OC (XML) | secretory mutants (XML) ...
Sev  ( in XML )  (97)
  » Sevoflurane (XML) | Sevenless (XML) | Sevenless receptor tyrosine kinase (XML) | sevelamer hydrochloride (XML) | sev gene encodes a receptor protein tyrosine kinase (XML) ...
seq  ( in XML )  (93)
  » sequencing (XML) | RNA-sequencing (XML) | sequoia (XML) | ChIP-sequencing (XML) | deep-sequencing (XML) ...
Sema7A  ( in XML )  (93)
  » Semaphorin 7A (XML)
SERF  ( in XML )  (93)
  » spin-exchange relaxation-free (XML) | saline-enhanced radiofrequency (XML) | small EDRK-rich factor (XML) | Stroboscopy Evaluation Rating Form (XML) | socio-economic risk factor (XML) ...
SERA  ( in XML )  (93)
  » serine repeat antigen (XML) | Scottish Early Rheumatoid Arthritis (XML) | Studies of the Etiology of Rheumatoid Arthritis (XML) | Simulation Environment for Radiotherapy Applications (XML) | standardized environment for radiomics analysis (XML) ...
SERs  ( in XML )  (92)
  » sensitizer enhancement ratios (XML) | somatosensory evoked responses (XML) | slow early responders (XML) | specific emission rates (XML) | sacral evoked responses (XML) ...
SEMI  ( in XML )  (92)
  » Society of Internal Medicine (XML) | Short Explanatory Model Interview (XML) | subendocardial myocardial infarct (XML) | semitendinosus (XML) | semicircular (XML) ...
SEC-MALS  ( in XML )  (90)
  » size exclusion chromatography coupled to multi-angle light scattering (XML) | size exclusion chromatography (XML) | size exclusion chromatography followed by MALS (XML) | SEC with Multi-Angle static Light Scattering (XML)
SEDS  ( in XML )  (89)
  » supercritical fluids (XML) | shape, elongation, division, and sporulation (XML) | solution-enhanced dispersion by supercritical fluids (XML) | Stirling Eating Disorder Scales (XML) | solution-enhanced dispersion (XML) ...
SECV  ( in XML )  (89)
  » standard error of cross-validation (XML) | SE of cross-validation (XML) | Survey of Exposure to Community Violence (XML) | standard cross validation error (XML)
Sema  ( in XML )  (88)
  » semaphorin (XML) | Semaphorins (XML) | several members of the semaphorin (XML)
SEIRAS  ( in XML )  (88)
  » surface-enhanced infrared absorption spectroscopy (XML) | surface-enhanced infrared spectroscopy (XML)
SELP  ( in XML )  (88)
  » P-selectin (XML) | silk-elastin-like protein (XML) | silk-elastinlike protein polymer (XML) | P-selectin gene (XML) | selectin P (XML) ...
Se-GPx  ( in XML )  (87)
  » selenium-dependent glutathione peroxidase (XML) | selenium-glutathione peroxidase (XML) | Se-glutathione peroxidase (XML) | SNP-mediated down-regulation of antioxidative enzymes: glutathione peroxidase (XML) | glutathione-associated enzymes: glutathione peroxidase (XML) ...
SERPINE1  ( in XML )  (86)
  » serpin family E member 1 (XML) | serine protease inhibitor clade E member 1 (XML) | serine proteinase inhibitor 1 (XML) | serpin peptidase inhibitor type 1 (XML) | serpin protein E1 (XML) ...
SE-EPI  ( in XML )  (86)
  » spin-echo echo-planar imaging (XML) | spin-echo EPI (XML) | spin-echo echo-planar (XML) | SE-echo planar imaging (XML) | single-shot echo-planar imaging sequence (XML)
SeP  ( in XML )  (86)
  » selenoprotein P (XML) | Subescapular (XML) | selenium enriched peanuts (XML) | Selection Profile (XML) | 7-chloro-2-phenyl-9H-(1)-benzopyrano(3,2-b)-selenophene-9-one (XML) ...
SECO  ( in XML )  (86)
  » secoisolariciresinol (XML) | Safe and Effective Clinical Outcomes (XML) | 5,10-SECO-19-norpregna-4,5-diene-3,10,20-trione (XML) | Surgery and Metabolic Diseases (XML) | Supplementary extracorporeal oxygenation (XML) ...
SEIMC  ( in XML )  (86)
  » Society of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology (XML) | Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (XML) | Sociedad Espanola de Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiologia Clinica (XML) | Spanish Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology Society (XML)
SEIs  ( in XML )  (85)
  » solid electrolyte interphases (XML) | subepithelial infiltrates (XML) | subepithelial corneal infiltrates (XML) | solid electrolyte interfaces (XML) | single-end invasions (XML) ...
SEGAs  ( in XML )  (83)
  » subependymal giant cell astrocytomas (XML) | Subependymal ependymal giant cell astrocytomas (XML)
SEIFA  ( in XML )  (83)
  » Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas (XML) | Socioeconomic Indicator for Advantage (XML)
SEMA3F  ( in XML )  (82)
  » semaphorin 3F (XML)
sema3A  ( in XML )  (80)
  » Semaphorin 3A (XML)
SETD2  ( in XML )  (80)
  » SET domain-containing 2 (XML) | SET domain-containing protein 2 (XML) | SET domain containing 2, histone lysine methyltransferase (XML) | SET-domain 2 protein (XML) | SET domain-containing 2 methyltransferase (XML) ...
SEDC  ( in XML )  (79)
  » spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia congenita (XML) | Squamoid eccrine ductal carcinoma (XML) | sudden explained death in childhood (XML) | suboccipital endoscopic deroofing and cisternostomy (XML) | single-coding-exon EDC (XML) ...
SEPT9  ( in XML )  (79)
  » Septin 9 (XML) | Septin9 (XML) | septin 9 gene (XML) | SEPT9 DNA test (XML) | specificity (95%), prediction of overall survival (XML) ...
S-EPS  ( in XML )  (78)
  » soluble EPS (XML) | soluble extracellular polymeric substances (XML) | slime EPS (XML) | soluble extracellular polymers (XML) | EPS in SSBWR-MBR (XML) ...
SELF  ( in XML )  (78)
  » Study of Environment, Lifestyle & Fibroids (XML) | simulated epithelial lung fluid (XML) | square error loss function (XML) | self-recovery (XML) | self-retracting photos (XML) ...
SERPIN  ( in XML )  (77)
  » serine protease inhibitor (XML) | serine proteases (XML) | Serine Protease Inhibitors (XML) | serine protease inhibitor superfamily (XML) | serpin peptidase inhibitors (XML)
SEMD  ( in XML )  (77)
  » spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia (XML) | single equivalent moving dipole (XML) | single-energy material decomposition (XML) | semiempirical molecular dynamics (XML) | slow eye movement desensitization (XML) ...
SESCC  ( in XML )  (75)
  » superficial esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (XML) | squamous cell carcinoma (XML) | superficial ESCC (XML)
SETX  ( in XML )  (75)
  » senataxin (XML) | senataxin gene (XML) | SETX, encodes senataxin (XML) | senataxin mutation (XML)
SerRS  ( in XML )  (75)
  » seryl-tRNA synthetase (XML)
SECS  ( in XML )  (74)
  » steam-exploded corn stover (XML) | Salivary Excretion Classification System (XML) | self-expanding covered stent (XML) | Self-Efficacy for Clinical Evaluation Scale (XML) | spherical elementary current systems (XML) ...
SETDB1  ( in XML )  (74)
  » SET domain bifurcated 1 (XML) | SET domain bifurcated histone lysine methyltransferase 1 (XML) | SET domain bifurcated protein 1 (XML)
SeMNPV  ( in XML )  (73)
  » Spodoptera exigua multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (XML) | Spodoptera exigua MNPV (XML) | Spodoptera exigua multiple NPV (XML)
SETTLE  ( in XML )  (73)
  » Spindle epithelial tumor with thymus-like differentiation (XML) | Spindle epithelial tumor with thymus-like differentiation of the thyroid (XML) | spindle cell tumor of thyroid (XML) | settlements (XML) | spindle-cell epithelial thyroid tumors (XML) ...
SERK  ( in XML )  (72)
  » SOMATIC EMBRYOGENESIS RECEPTOR-LIKE KINASE (XML) | somatic embryogenesis-related kinase (XML) | south and east regions of Kazakhstan (XML) | somatic embryogenesis receptor-like kinases (XML)
SEMLS  ( in XML )  (72)
  » single-event multilevel surgery (XML) | Single-event multilevel orthopaedic surgery (XML) | single-event, multilevel upper extremity surgery (XML)
SEPA  ( in XML )  (72)
  » Scottish Environment Protection Agency (XML) | superficial external pudendal artery (XML) | State Environmental Protection Administration (XML) | Science Education Partnership Award (XML) | self-efficacy for physical activity (XML) ...
SECIS  ( in XML )  (72)
  » Sec insertion sequence (XML) | selenocysteine insertion sequence (XML) | selenocysteine insertion (XML) | Sec insertion sequence element (XML) | selenocysteine insertion element (XML) ...
SENP1  ( in XML )  (71)
  » sentrin-specific protease 1 (XML) | specific protein 1 (XML) | hypoxia-sensitive gene, Sentrin/SUMO-specific protease 1 (XML) | SENP1 KO (XML)
SENV  ( in XML )  (71)
  » SEN virus (XML) | single-chain DNA virus (XML) | Simple Environment (XML) | SENV-H or SENV-D (XML) | SENV-D and SENV-H (XML) ...
SEAL  ( in XML )  (71)
  » subcutaneous endoscopically assisted ligation (XML) | Sea, Air, and Land (XML) | steric and electrostatic alignment (XML) | surface electron accumulation layer (XML) | superior epithelial arcuate lesion (XML) ...
SEND  ( in XML )  (70)
  » special educational needs and disabilities (XML) | Standard for Exchange of Nonclinical Data (XML) | scanning electron nanodiffraction (XML) | selective eosinophilic neuronal death (XML) | silicone intubation in endoscopic mechanical dacryocystorhinostomy (XML) ...
SEGs  ( in XML )  (69)
  » similar exposure groups (XML) | socioeconomic groups (XML) | specifically expressed genes (XML) | single-exon genes (XML) | Stably Expressed Genes (XML) ...
SENC  ( in XML )  (69)
  » strain-encoded (XML) | Society of Community Nutrition (XML) | strain-encoded cardiac magnetic resonance (XML) | Strain-encoded MR (XML) | supraependymal neuronal complex (XML) ...
SEC-HPLC  ( in XML )  (69)
  » size exclusion chromatography (XML) | size-exclusion high-performance liquid chromatography (XML) | size exclusion chromatography-high performance liquid chromatography (XML) | Steric Exclusion Chromatography-HPLC (XML) | Size-exclusion HPLC (XML)
SelP  ( in XML )  (68)
  » selenoprotein P (XML)
SEMAC  ( in XML )  (65)
  » slice encoding for metal artifact correction (XML) | sequence for metal artifact correction (XML) | Sequences optimized for metal implant imaging (XML)
Sep  ( in XML )  (63)
  » sepiolite (XML) | specificity (XML) | selenoprotein (XML) | separation of peaks (XML) | two-step pathway, first charging phosphoserine (XML) ...
semi-IPNs  ( in XML )  (63)
  » semi-interpenetrating polymer networks (XML) | semi-interpenetrating networks (XML) | semi-interpenetrating hydrogels (XML)
SEM, TEM  ( in XML )  (62)
  » scanning and transmission electron microscopy (XML) | transmission electronic microscopy (XML) | size, using electron microscopy methods (XML)
SETS  ( in XML )  (61)
  » supercharged end-to-side (XML) | Stanford Expectations of Treatment Scale (XML) | Swiss Emergency Triage Scale (XML) | single-entry two-step (XML) | swab extraction tube system (XML) ...
S. enterica  ( in XML )  (61)
  » Salmonella enterica (XML) | subsp. enterica (XML) | Salmonella enterica serotype Typhimurium (XML) | Salmonella enterica Typhimurium (XML)
SEU  ( in XML )  (61)
  » SEUSS (XML) | single event upset (XML) | subjective expected utility (XML) | small end up (XML) | Saudi Electronic University (XML) ...
se  ( in XML )  (61)
  » short ear (XML) | serrate (XML) | sellion (XML) | serosal involvement (XML) | significantly increased the mean (XML) ...
SEVs  ( in XML )  (61)
  » self-expanding valves (XML) | self-expandable valves (XML) | simulated endocardial vegetations (XML) | summary exposure values (XML) | stem-derived extracellular vesicles (XML) ...
SEP3  ( in XML )  (60)
  » SEPALLATA3 (XML) | Sexual Encounter Profile question 3 (XML) | SEP question 3 (XML) | SEPATALLA3 (XML) | SEPALLATA3 marker (XML)
SeaWiFS  ( in XML )  (59)
  » Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (XML) | Sea Wide Field-of-view Sensor (XML) | sea viewing wide angle of field viewing sensor (XML)
SELENBP1  ( in XML )  (59)
  » Selenium-binding protein 1 (XML)
semi  ( in XML )  (58)
  » species, presumably benzo (XML) | systematic review (XML) | saccharified corn fiber that resist the current available enzymes were (XML) | Switzerland, using computer-aided or (XML) | Some bacteria utilize (XML) ...
S. enteritidis  ( in XML )  (57)
  » Salmonella enteritidis (XML) | serotype Enteritidis (XML) | ser. enteritidis (XML)
SENs  ( in XML )  (57)
  » subependymal nodules (XML) | superficial esophageal neoplasms (XML) | special educational needs (XML) | specialized emergency nurses (XML) | single-enzyme nanoparticles (XML) ...
S. equi  ( in XML )  (56)
  » subspecies equi (XML) | subsp. equi (XML) | Streptococcus equi (XML) | Streptococcus equi equi (XML)
SESI  ( in XML )  (56)
  » secondary electrospray ionization (XML) | Shoulder and Elbow Society, India (XML) | SES index (XML) | side effect checklist (XML) | Socioeconomic Status Index (XML) ...
SEM/TEM  ( in XML )  (56)
  » scanning and transmission electron microscopy (XML) | scanning electron microscopy/transmission electron microscopy (XML) | scanning/transmission electron microscopy examination (XML) | size of nanoparticles were determined using transmission electron microscope (XML)
SeM  ( in XML )  (56)
  » selenomethionine (XML) | S. equi cell wall-associated M-protein (XML) | S. equi-specific M gene (XML) | S. equi M protein (XML) | S. equi bacterin, or M-like protein (XML) ...
SELE  ( in XML )  (56)
  » E-selectin (XML) | E-selectin gene (XML) | Spectrum of End-of-Life Experiences (XML) | significantly elevated liver enzymes (XML) | sentence completion questionnaire for personal meaning (XML) ...
sEGFR  ( in XML )  (55)
  » soluble epidermal growth factor receptor (XML) | soluble EGFR (XML) | soluble form of the epidermal growth factor receptor (XML) | serum EGFR (XML) | soluble extracellular domain of the epidermal growth factor receptor (XML) ...
Sel  ( in XML )  (55)
  » selenite (XML) | selenium (XML) | Selinexor (XML) | selenoproteins (XML) | selenosugar (XML) ...
SEMAR  ( in XML )  (55)
  » single-energy metal artifact reduction (XML) | single-energy projection-based metallic artifact reduction (XML) | single-energy metal artifact reduction algorithm (XML) | Smart Environmental Monitoring and Analytical in Real-Time (XML) | SEMAR-on (XML) ...
SeHCAT  ( in XML )  (55)
  » selenium homocholic acid taurine (XML) | 23-seleno-25-homotaurocholic acid (XML) | Se-homocholic acid taurine (XML) | selenium homotaurocholic acid test (XML) | selenium-labelled homocholic acid-taurine (XML) ...
SEC-MALLS  ( in XML )  (54)
  » size exclusion chromatography-multiangle laser light scattering (XML) | size-exclusion coupled to multiangle laser light scattering (XML) | size exclusion chromatography equipped with MALLS detection (XML) | SEC-multi-angle laser light scattering (XML)
SE-AN  ( in XML )  (53)
  » severe and enduring anorexia nervosa (XML) | severe and enduring AN (XML) | SEED-Anorexia Nervosa (XML)
SEOC  ( in XML )  (53)
  » serous epithelial ovarian cancer (XML) | synchronous endometrial and ovarian cancer (XML) | solvent extractable organic compounds (XML) | serous ovarian cancer (XML) | soil water content and root-associated organic carbon (XML) ...
SET-PT  ( in XML )  (53)
  » single electron transfer followed by proton transfer (XML) | single electron transfer-proton transfer (XML) | single electron transfer preceding (XML)
SePP  ( in XML )  (52)
  » selenoprotein P (XML) | Se-enriched peanut protein (XML) | selenoprotein P-bound Se (XML)
Se-GSH-Px  ( in XML )  (51)
  » selenium-dependent glutathione peroxidase (XML) | Se-glutathione peroxidase (XML) | selenium-dependent GSH-Px (XML) | selenium dependent GSH peroxidase (XML)
SeY  ( in XML )  (51)
  » selenium-enriched yeast (XML) | selenium yeast (XML) | Se-enriched yeast (XML) | selenized yeast (XML) | high-Se yeast (XML) ...
self  ( in XML )  (51)
  » scores for protocol effectiveness (XML) | self understanding (XML) | Sexual education should aim at providing adolescents with sufficient (XML) | Self-evaluation of life function (XML) | Self-awareness and successful (XML) ...
Sema3E  ( in XML )  (51)
  » Semaphorin 3E (XML)
SEMICYUC  ( in XML )  (50)
  » Society of Intensive and Critical Care Medicine and Coronary Units (XML) | Sociedad Espanola de Medecina Intensiva Critica y Unidades Coronarias (XML)
SERVQUAL  ( in XML )  (50)
  » service quality (XML) | service quality model (XML) | service quality scale (XML) | SERV-service, QUAL-quality (XML) | service quality measurement scale (XML) ...
SEES  ( in XML )  (50)
  » Subjective Exercise Experience Scale (XML) | single-electrode electrochemical system (XML) | Static Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing (XML) | Self-Efficacy for Exercise Scale (XML) | supervision and emotional expression suppression (XML) ...
SERPA  ( in XML )  (50)
  » serological proteome analysis (XML) | Serological Proteome Approach (XML) | serological proteomics-based approach (XML)
SEFAS  ( in XML )  (50)
  » Self-reported Foot and Ankle Score (XML) | Self-Reported Foot and Ankle Outcome Score (XML) | Self-Reported Foot and Ankle questionnaire (XML) | Self-Efficacy for Functional Activity Scale (XML) | self-reported foot and ankle score questionnaire (XML) ...
SEIQoL-DW  ( in XML )  (50)
  » Schedule for the Evaluation of Individual Quality of Life-Direct Weighting (XML) | SEIQoL-Direct Weighting (XML) | Schedule of Individual Quality of Life-Direct Weighting (XML) | series of interview-led questionnaires assessing global QoL (XML)
SESA  ( in XML )  (48)
  » seizures in alcoholics (XML) | subtalar extra-articular screw arthroereisis (XML) | stress and adversity (XML) | seizures in chronic alcoholics (XML) | southeastern South America (XML) ...
sEPO  ( in XML )  (48)
  » serum erythropoietin (XML) | serum EPO (XML)
SEMFs  ( in XML )  (48)
  » subepithelial myofibroblasts (XML) | sinusoidal electromagnetic fields (XML) | sinusoidal EMFs (XML) | sinusoidal alternating electromagnetic fields (XML)
SeDBP  ( in XML )  (47)
  » seated diastolic blood pressure (XML) | seated diastolic BP (XML) | seated DBP (XML) | seated cuff diastolic BP (XML)
SENB  ( in XML )  (46)
  » single-edge notched beam (XML) | single-edge notches loaded in three-point bending (XML) | single-edge notched beam fracture toughness test (XML) | senkyunolide B (XML) | Single edge notched bending specimens (XML) ...
SERTs  ( in XML )  (46)
  » serotonin transporters (XML) | serotonin reuptake transporters (XML) | serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine; 5-HT) transporters (XML) | substrate recognition by serotonin transporters (XML)
SEWB  ( in XML )  (46)
  » social and emotional wellbeing (XML) | self-endangering work behavior (XML)
SEMA5A  ( in XML )  (46)
  » Semaphorin 5A (XML) | semaphorin 5A gene (XML) | TTTY14-miR-6088-semaphorin 5A (XML)
SEAM  ( in XML )  (46)
  » self-formed ectodermal autonomous multi-zone (XML) | semustine, etoposide, cytarabine, and melphalan (XML) | Southeast Asia and Melanesia (XML) | spatially enhanced attention module (XML) | Social Exercise and Anxiety Measure (XML) ...
SEAD  ( in XML )  (45)
  » Surgical Exploration and Discovery (XML) | Southern European Atlantic Diet (XML) | selected area electron diffraction (XML) | Supporting Emerging Adults with Diabetes (XML) | social emotional ability development (XML) ...
SelS  ( in XML )  (45)
  » Selenoprotein S (XML)
SEPT  ( in XML )  (44)
  » sequential electron proton transfer (XML) | septin (XML) | septal (XML) | sport-specific endurance plank test (XML) | septum (XML) ...
SENPs  ( in XML )  (44)
  » Sentrin/SUMO-specific proteases (XML) | single elemental nanoparticles (XML) | SUMOylation and deSUMOylation in a variety of cancers, SUMO proteases (XML) | SUMO-specific Cysteine Proteases (XML)
SEEs  ( in XML )  (44)
  » standard errors of estimate (XML) | systemic embolic events (XML) | series elastic elements (XML) | socioeconomic environments (XML) | single event effects (XML) ...
SERPINA1  ( in XML )  (44)
  » serpin family A member 1 (XML) | Serpin peptidase inhibitor clade A member 1 (XML) | serine protease inhibitor A1 (XML) | SERine Protein INhibitor-A1 (XML) | serpins such as alpha(1)-antitrypsin (XML) ...
SECCYD  ( in XML )  (44)
  » Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development (XML)
SEDT  ( in XML )  (43)
  » spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia tarda (XML) | site energy distribution theory (XML) | spherical equivalent deviation from target (XML) | SE deviation from target (XML)
SECA  ( in XML )  (43)
  » SNP effect concordance analysis (XML) | Sulfur Emission Control Area (XML) | SEcondary CAncer (XML) | soft-elastic composite actuator (XML) | stellate epithelial cell antibodies (XML) ...
SELPs  ( in XML )  (43)
  » Silk-elastinlike protein polymers (XML) | silk-elastin-like proteins (XML) | silk elastin-like polymers (XML) | silk-elastinlike protein-based polymers (XML) | silk-elastin-like polypeptides (XML) ...
SERP  ( in XML )  (43)
  » somatosensory event-related potentials (XML) | Score for Emergency Risk Prediction (XML) | search engine result page (XML) | selective recoupling of proton (XML) | segmental early relaxation phenomenon (XML) ...
SEY  ( in XML )  (43)
  » secondary electron yield (XML) | salted egg yolk (XML) | Seychelles (XML) | staphylococcal enterotoxin Y (XML) | SE yield (XML) ...
SEFL  ( in XML )  (43)
  » stress-enhanced fear learning (XML) | stable effector functionLess (XML) | stress enhancement of fear learning (XML)
ser  ( in XML )  (42)
  » serine protease (XML) | Salmonella enterica serovar (XML) | serotype (XML) | seryl-tRNA synthetase and tRNA (XML) | structure except for tRNA (XML) ...
SelW  ( in XML )  (42)
  » Selenoprotein W (XML) | Selenium W (XML)
SEDD  ( in XML )  (42)
  » State Emergency Department Databases (XML) | State ED Databases (XML) | single exponential decay detector (XML) | sediment delivery distributed (XML) | Scanian Economic Demographic Database (XML) ...
SERDS  ( in XML )  (42)
  » shifted-excitation Raman difference spectroscopy (XML)
S.E.M  ( in XML )  (41)
  » standard error of the mean (XML) | scanning electron microscope (XML) | scanning electron microscopic (XML) | subjects with a mean body weight of 132+/-5 kg (XML) | subjects with a mean (XML) ...
SERPINA3  ( in XML )  (41)
  » serpin peptidase inhibitor, clade A member 3 (XML) | serine proteinase inhibitor A3 (XML) | serpin family A member 3 (XML) | serine protease inhibitor clade A member 3 (XML) | Serine protease inhibitor member 3 of clade A (XML) ...
SEDAR  ( in XML )  (41)
  » Society of Anesthesiology, Reanimation and Pain Therapy (XML) | Society of Anesthesiology and Resuscitation (XML) | Society of Anesthesiology and Critical Care (XML) | Sociedad Espanola de Anestesiologia y Reanimacion (XML) | SickKids Enterprise-wide Data in Azure Repository (XML) ...
SEAC  ( in XML )  (40)
  » spinal extradural arachnoid cyst (XML) | Self-efficacy Scale for Advanced Cancer (XML) | surface-enhanced affinity capture (XML) | selective extradural anterior clinoidectomy (XML) | saponin-enriched extract of Asparagus cochinchinensis (XML) ...
SEC2  ( in XML )  (40)
  » staphylococcal enterotoxin C2 (XML) | superantigen S. aureus enterotoxin C2 (XML) | SEC2-His (XML) | single-end complex 2 (XML) | Staphylococcus aureus enterotoxin C2 (XML) ...
S-E  ( in XML )  (40)
  » side-to-end (XML) | secretory-excretory (XML) | Starr-Edwards ball (XML) | scale (XML) | semiconductor/electrolyte (XML) ...
SERR  ( in XML )  (40)
  » surface-enhanced resonance Raman (XML) | search via recursive rejection (XML) | surface enhanced RR (XML) | systematic evaluation of research risks (XML) | Strain Energy Ralease Rate (XML) ...
SECPT  ( in XML )  (40)
  » Socially Evaluated Cold Pressor Test (XML) | socially-evaluated cold pressor stress test (XML)
SECR  ( in XML )  (39)
  » spatially explicit capture-recapture (XML) | serpin-enzyme complex receptor (XML) | surfactant enhanced carbon regeneration (XML) | spherical equivalent cycloplegic refractions (XML) | social elderly care resources (XML) ...
SERCA1  ( in XML )  (39)
  » sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase 1 (XML) | sarco/endoplasmic Ca2+-ATPase 1 (XML) | sarcoplasmic or endoplasmic reticulum calcium 1 (XML) | sarco/endoplasmic reticulum calcium adenosine triphosphatase 1 (XML) | signaling pathway include TRIM32, ATP2A1 (XML) ...
SEIP  ( in XML )  (38)
  » Society of Paediatric Infectious Diseases (XML) | Social-emotional information processing (XML) | Society of Pediatric Infectology (XML) | standard error of inverse prediction (XML) | semi-extended infrapatellar (XML) ...
SEOP  ( in XML )  (38)
  » spin-exchange optical pumping (XML) | swellable elementary osmotic pump (XML) | solvent extracted olive pulp (XML) | solvent evaporation-based oil patterning (XML) | Society of Paediatric Oncology (XML) ...
SEMG  ( in XML )  (38)
  » semenogelin (XML) | Society of General and Family Physicians (XML) | surface electromyographic signal (XML) | stimulated electromyography (XML) | Sociedad Espanola de Medicos Generales y de Familia (XML) ...
SeD  ( in XML )  (38)
  » selenium-deficient (XML) | severe depression (XML) | Se-deficient (XML) | Se deficiency (XML) | semantic differential (XML) ...
set  ( in XML )  (38)
  » Single embryo transfer (XML) | Set-point temperatures of T (XML) | Serial Endosymbiotic Theory (XML) | select (XML) | scalar values, or a vector (XML) ...
SELMA  ( in XML )  (38)
  » Swedish Environmental Longitudinal, Mother and child, Asthma and allergy (XML) | Simplified, Effective, Labour Monitoring-to-Action (XML) | symbiont-derived ERAD-like machinery (XML) | selection with modified aptamers (XML) | SELMA-bins (XML) ...
SELS  ( in XML )  (37)
  » selenoprotein S (XML) | surface evaluation of living skin (XML) | surface enhanced light scattering (XML) | sub-bandgap energy-level structure (XML) | Self-Efficacy to Learn Statistics (XML) ...
SeS  ( in XML )  (37)
  » sewage sludge (XML) | sodium selenite (XML) | severe sepsis (XML) | Se supplementation group (XML) | Se-sufficient (XML) ...
SEOR  ( in XML )  (37)
  » Society of Radiation Oncology (XML) | symmetric Euler orientation representation (XML) | sieve element occlusion-related (XML) | Sociedad Espanola de Oncologia Radioterapica (XML) | Self-Evaluation of Resilience (XML) ...
SeLECTS  ( in XML )  (37)
  » self-limited epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes (XML) | self-limited epilepsy characterized by centrotemporal spikes (XML) | self-limiting centrotemporal spike wave epilepsy (XML)
SERCA2b  ( in XML )  (37)
  » sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase 2b (XML) | Sarco-ER Ca2-ATPase 2b (XML) | sarco/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase pump type 2b isoform (XML) | sarcoendoplasmic calcium-ATPase 2B (XML) | sarcoplasmic/EnR calcium ATPase 2b (XML) ...
SECP  ( in XML )  (37)
  » self-etching ceramic primer (XML) | sequential external counterpulsation (XML) | self-efficacy in clinical performance (XML) | somatosensory evoked cerebral potential (XML) | single edge cracked plate (XML) ...
SEMA3B  ( in XML )  (37)
  » semaphorin 3B (XML) | semaphorin class 3B (XML)
Sema4A  ( in XML )  (36)
  » Semaphorin 4A (XML)
SET-LRP  ( in XML )  (36)
  » single electron transfer-living radical polymerization (XML) | SET living radical polymerization (XML) | single electron transfer LRP (XML)
SEEN  ( in XML )  (36)
  » Society of Endocrinology and Nutrition (XML) | Society of Endocrinology (XML) | Spanish Endocrinology and Nutrition Society (XML) | Spanish Endocrine Association (XML) | Sociedad Espanola de Endocrinologia y Nutricion (XML) ...
SELENA  ( in XML )  (36)
  » Safety of Estrogens in Lupus Erythematosus National Assessment (XML) | Safety of Estrogen in Lupus National Assessment (XML)
SEBR  ( in XML )  (35)
  » spontaneous eyeblink rate (XML) | surfactant-enhanced bioremediation (XML) | startle eyeblink reflex (XML) | sagittal en bloc resection (XML)
sem  ( in XML )  (35)
  » significantly increased the mean (XML) | structural equation models (XML) | Sildenafil, vardenafil and tadalafil caused mean (XML) | Scale than when exposed to standard hospital lighting: mean (XML) | S-1 and caldesmon 50% inhibition required 0.09 +/- 0.01 (XML) ...
s-ECP  ( in XML )  (35)
  » serum eosinophil cationic protein (XML) | serum ECP (XML) | study was to examine eosinophil activation marker--eosinophil cationic protein (XML)
Ses  ( in XML )  (35)
  » Sesamin (XML) | sesamol (XML) | end-systolic strain (XML) | sensitivities (XML) | Staphylococcus epidermidis surface (XML) ...
SEBs  ( in XML )  (34)
  » surrogate endpoint biomarkers (XML) | subsequent entry biologics (XML) | surgical excision biopsies (XML) | socioeconomic benefits (XML) | sleep enactment behaviors (XML) ...
s.e.m  ( in XML )  (34)
  » standard error of mean (XML) | surgery, at a mean (XML) | symptomatic episodes decreased from a mean (XML) | sustained low-flow ischaemia and 120 min reperfusion was 26.6+/-3.5 (XML) | sterile pyrogen-free Au-195m with mercury breakthrough of 0.75 +/- 0.09 (XML) ...
SERPINs  ( in XML )  (34)
  » serine protease inhibitors (XML)
Sey  ( in XML )  (34)
  » Small eye (XML) | small eye mouse mutant (XML)
SEM-EDAX  ( in XML )  (33)
  » scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray analysis (XML) | scanning electron microscope-energy dispersive analysis of X-ray (XML) | transmission electron microscopy, and X-ray microprobe (XML) | Scanning electron microscopy with elemental distribution analysis X-ray (XML) | SEM together with EDAX (XML)
SEMA3C  ( in XML )  (33)
  » semaphorin 3C (XML) | semaphorin 3C gene (XML) | sema domain 3C (XML)
SEMF  ( in XML )  (33)
  » submucosal endoscopy with mucosal flap (XML) | sinusoidal electromagnetic field (XML) | subepithelial myofibroblasts (XML) | switched external magnetic field (XML) | sub-mucosal endoscopy using a mucosal flap valve (XML) ...
sECM  ( in XML )  (33)
  » synthetic extracellular matrix (XML) | semisynthetic ECM (XML) | soluble ECM (XML) | standardized energy corrected milk (XML) | soluble extracellular matrix (XML) ...
SEVA  ( in XML )  (33)
  » Standard European Vector Architecture (XML) | Splice Expression Variation Analysis (XML) | Safety Enclosed Vial Adapter (XML) | 11-SE in valvular heart disease (XML) | Standardized Education for Ventilatory Assistance (XML) ...
SERKs  ( in XML )  (33)
  » somatic embryogenesis receptor kinases (XML)
SEEK  ( in XML )  (32)
  » Safe Environment for Every Kid (XML) | seeking (XML) | Screening and Early Evaluation of Kidney disease (XML) | supported Employment: Engage and Keep (XML) | surfactant-enhanced electrokinetics (XML) ...
SEP's  ( in XML )  (32)
  » somatosensory evoked potentials (XML) | Spontaneous epileptiform potentials (XML) | Spinal evoked potentials (XML) | self-etching primer's (XML) | Standard Error of Predictions (XML) ...
SELDI-MS  ( in XML )  (32)
  » surface-enhanced laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (XML) | surface-enhanced laser desorption/ionization in conjunction with mass spectrometry (XML) | surface enhanced LDI-MS (XML) | Surface-enhanced laser desorption/ionization MS (XML)
SESS  ( in XML )  (32)
  » self-efficacy scale for self-care (XML) | Self-Evaluation and Social Support Instrument (XML) | Self-Esteem Stability Scale (XML) | Santos-Sao Vicente Estuarine System (XML) | shared energy storage system (XML) ...
SENSOR  ( in XML )  (32)
  » System for Occupational Risks (XML) | sparse optical reconstruction (XML) | sensor data (XML) | sensitivity-equation-based, non-iterative sparse optical reconstruction (XML) | System for Occupational Risk-Pesticides (XML)
SENP  ( in XML )  (31)
  » sentrin-specific protease (XML) | Society of Pediatric Pulmonology (XML) | Societe Europeenne de Neurologie Pediatrique (XML) | SUMO-conjugation via the inhibition of SUMO-specific protease (XML) | sentrin protease (XML) ...
sedaDNA  ( in XML )  (31)
  » sedimentary ancient DNA (XML) | sedimentary DNA (XML)
SERV  ( in XML )  (31)
  » simian endogenous retrovirus (XML) | Survey of Experiences of Returning Veterans (XML) | short-finned eel ranavirus (XML) | Sequence-Based Estimation of Repeat Variability (XML) | skin electrical resistance relative variation (XML) ...
SESI-HRMS  ( in XML )  (31)
  » secondary electrospray ionization high-resolution mass spectrometry (XML) | secondary electrospray ionization - high-resolution MS (XML) | source high resolution mass spectrometry (XML)
SELD  ( in XML )  (31)
  » Trans-sacral epiduroscopic laser decompression (XML) | slow expressive language development (XML) | specific expressive language delay (XML) | sound event localization and detection (XML) | Self-Efficacy List for Drug users (XML) ...
SeNP  ( in XML )  (31)
  » selenium nanoparticle (XML) | Se nanoparticles (XML) | selenium using a nanoparticle delivery system (XML) | nano-selenium particle (XML)
SeSBP  ( in XML )  (31)
  » seated systolic blood pressure (XML) | seated systolic BP (XML) | seated SBP (XML) | systolic blood pressure (XML)
SERE  ( in XML )  (31)
  » Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape (XML) | spherical equivalent refractive error (XML) | Simple Error Ratio Estimate (XML) | SElf-RElation (XML) | serotype Enteritidis repeat element (XML) ...
Sed  ( in XML )  (31)
  » sham-sedentary (XML) | sedentary control group (XML) | sediment (XML) | sedentary counterparts (XML) | sedentary men (XML) ...
SEMA  ( in XML )  (31)
  » semaglutide (XML) | Scale for Early Mathematics Anxiety (XML) | sustained elevated muscle activity (XML) | Structural Equation Modeling Analysis (XML) | 2-sulfoethyl methacrylate (XML) ...
SERI  ( in XML )  (31)
  » simple, effective, rapid, inexpensive (XML) | Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (XML) | SERI Surgical Scaffold (XML) | segment expression and RNA interference (XML) | State Emotion Regulation Inventory (XML) ...
sEHI  ( in XML )  (30)
  » sEH inhibitor (XML) | soluble epoxide hydrolase (XML)
SENIC  ( in XML )  (30)
  » Study on the Efficacy of Nosocomial Infection Control (XML) | Single-cell regulatory network inference and clustering (XML)
SEMA6A  ( in XML )  (30)
  » semaphorin 6A (XML) | SEMAPHORIN6A (XML)
SEAMS  ( in XML )  (30)
  » Self-Efficacy for Appropriate Medication Use Scale (XML) | SEmi-Adiabatic matched-phase spin echo (XML) | Self-Efficacy for Asthma Management Scale (XML) | solid excipient assisted mechanochemical salification (XML)
SEIQoL  ( in XML )  (30)
  » Schedule for the Evaluation of Individual Quality of Life (XML) | subject's perception concerning quality of life (XML) | Schedule for the Evaluation of Individual QoL (XML)
SEBA  ( in XML )  (30)
  » Systematic Evidence-Based Approach (XML) | sun exposure and behavioral activation (XML) | Secondary Board of Education (XML) | Spatial Ecosystem Bifurcation Analysis (XML) | Super-EBA (XML) ...
sE-cadherin  ( in XML )  (30)
  » soluble E-cadherin (XML) | soluble epithelial-cadherin (XML) | salivary E-cadherin (XML)
SEYLE  ( in XML )  (30)
  » Saving and Empowering Young Lives in Europe (XML)
SEAT  ( in XML )  (30)
  » seat effective amplitude transmissibility (XML) | seated (XML) | Singapore Environmental Assessment Tool (XML) | single-element annular transducer (XML) | sticky emergent adult trap (XML) ...
SESC  ( in XML )  (29)
  » superficial esophageal squamous carcinoma (XML) | statically equivalent serial chain (XML) | simultaneous enzymatic saccharification and comminution (XML) | Sequential elution solvent chromatography (XML) | Self-Efficacy Scale/Confidence (XML) ...
SEDL  ( in XML )  (29)
  » spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia tarda (XML) | sedlin gene (XML) | Spinal epidural lipomatosis (XML) | superlattice electron deceleration layer (XML) | spirituality in everyday life (XML) ...
SelM  ( in XML )  (29)
  » selenoprotein M (XML)
SEWS  ( in XML )  (29)
  » Standardised Early Warning Score (XML) | steam-exploded wheat straw (XML) | Severity of Ethanol Withdrawal Scale (XML) | salted egg white sufu (XML) | Self-Efficacy for Writing Scale (XML) ...
SETI  ( in XML )  (29)
  » search for extraterrestrial intelligence (XML) | stent elephant implantation (XML) | sequence of this inhibitor (XML) | signals from extraterrestrial intelligent beings (XML) | statistical evolutionary trajectory index (XML) ...
SEIS  ( in XML )  (29)
  » Schutte Emotional Intelligence Scale (XML) | Susceptible-Exposed-Infected-Susceptible (XML) | Seismic Experiment for Interior Structure (XML) | Stretching Exercise Influencing Scale (XML) | Social and Economic Impact Study (XML) ...
SEK1  ( in XML )  (29)
  » SAPK/ERK kinase 1 (XML) | stress-activated protein kinase/ERK kinase-1 (XML) | signal-regulated kinase kinase-1 (XML) | signal-regulated kinase-1 (XML) | SEK1-AL (XML) ...
SERPINE2  ( in XML )  (29)
  » serpin peptidase inhibitor, clade E, member 2 (XML) | serpin family E member 2 (XML) | serine protease inhibitor E2 (XML) | serine protease inhibitor nexin 2 (XML) | serine protease inhibitor peptidase inhibitor clade E member 2 (XML)
semFYC  ( in XML )  (29)
  » Society of Family and Community Medicine (XML) | Sociedad Espanola de Medicina de Familia y Comunitaria (XML) | Society of Family Physicians (XML)
session-RPE  ( in XML )  (28)
  » session rating of perceived exertion (XML) | study was to assess the effectiveness of perceived exertion (XML)
SETBP1  ( in XML )  (28)
  » SET binding protein 1 (XML)
SE-iFISH  ( in XML )  (28)
  » subtraction enrichment and immunostaining-fluorescence in situ hybridization (XML) | subtraction enrichment and immunostaining-FISH (XML)
SECSG  ( in XML )  (28)
  » Southeastern Cancer Study Group (XML) | Southeast Collaboratory for Structural Genomics (XML)
SERBP1  ( in XML )  (28)
  » SERPINE1 mRNA binding protein 1 (XML) | serpine mRNA binding protein 1 (XML)
SEFH  ( in XML )  (28)
  » Society of Hospital Pharmacy (XML) | Sociedad Espanola de Farmacia Hospitalaria (XML) | slipped epiphysis of the femoral head (XML)
SEn  ( in XML )  (28)
  » sample entropy (XML) | Salmonella Enteritidis (XML) | Social Enterprises (XML) | serovar Enteritidis (XML) | sound enamel (XML) ...
SESI-MS  ( in XML )  (28)
  » secondary electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry (XML) | source coupled to an Orbitrap mass analyzer (XML)
sEHIs  ( in XML )  (28)
  » soluble epoxide hydrolase inhibitors (XML) | sEH inhibitors (XML)
S.E  ( in XML )  (27)
  » Salmonella enteritidis (XML) | spherical equivalent (XML) | Sechium edule (XML) | Somatic embryogenesis (XML) | separate validation experiment the mean (XML) ...
sEEG  ( in XML )  (27)
  » scalp EEG (XML) | surface EEG (XML) | stereo-encephalography (XML) | spontaneous awake electroencephalographic (XML) | spontaneous EEG (XML) ...
SEDA  ( in XML )  (27)
  » structured exploratory data analysis (XML) | Stanford Education Data Archive (XML) | surface energy-directed assembly (XML) | specific endogenous denitrifying activity (XML) | software application with user-friendly, rich graphical user interface (XML) ...
SETA  ( in XML )  (27)
  » selective embolization of thyroid arteries (XML) | Severe Typhoid Fever in Africa (XML) | sequential endovascular thrombectomy approach (XML) | Severe Typhoid Fever Surveillance in Africa (XML) | S-ethylthioacetone (XML) ...
SEHRS  ( in XML )  (27)
  » surface-enhanced hyper-Raman scattering (XML) | surface-enhanced HRS (XML) | Shared EHR system (XML) | shared electronic health record summaries (XML)
SEDI  ( in XML )  (26)
  » proxy-standardized evapotranspiration deficit index (XML) | Southeastern Diabetes Initiative (XML) | socio-economic development index (XML) | Socioeconomic Disadvantage Index (XML) | shared-electron distribution index (XML) ...
SEEM  ( in XML )  (26)
  » selective estrogen enzyme modulators (XML) | specific EI-EPL evaluation method (XML) | Study of Environmental Enteropathy and Malnutrition (XML) | spatially explicit exposure model (XML) | specific extensor indicis proprius-to-extensor pollicis longus evaluation method (XML) ...
SEADL  ( in XML )  (26)
  » Schwab and England Activities of Daily Living (XML) | Schwab and England activities of daily living scale (XML) | self-efficacy for activities of daily living (XML)
SERPINH1  ( in XML )  (26)
  » serpin family H member 1 (XML) | Serpin peptidase inhibitor clade H member 1 (XML) | Serpine Protease Inhibitorclade H1 (XML)
SET-M  ( in XML )  (26)
  » Simulation Effectiveness Tool-Modified (XML) | Simulation Effectiveness Tool (XML) | simulation evaluation tool-modified (XML) | Simulation Evaluation Tool (XML) | Simulation Effectiveness in Teaching Modified (XML) ...
SECI  ( in XML )  (26)
  » South Egypt Cancer Institute (XML) | silent embolic cerebral infarction (XML) | Socialization, Externalization, Combination, and Internalization (XML) | side-effects to CPAP treatment inventory (XML) | side effects of CPAP (XML) ...
SelK  ( in XML )  (26)
  » Selenoprotein K (XML)
SEOPF  ( in XML )  (26)
  » South-Eastern Organ Procurement Foundation (XML)
SEF95  ( in XML )  (26)
  » spectral edge frequency 95 (XML) | spectral edge frequency 95 percentile (XML)
SEEC  ( in XML )  (26)
  » size-exclusion electrochromatography (XML) | specific electrical energy consumption (XML) | surface-enhanced ellipsometry contrast (XML) | Stimulation-Evoked Effective Connectivity (XML) | size-exclusion mode (XML) ...
SEPC  ( in XML )  (26)
  » Self-efficacy in Palliative Care Scale (XML) | subependymal pseudocysts (XML) | Self-efficacy in Palliative Care (XML) | spin-echo phase-contrast (XML) | scatter enhanced phase contrast (XML) ...
SeBP  ( in XML )  (25)
  » selenium-binding protein (XML) | seated cuff BP (XML) | seated blood pressure (XML) | seated BP (XML)
SelT  ( in XML )  (25)
  » selenoprotein T (XML)
sE-cad  ( in XML )  (25)
  » soluble E-cadherin (XML) | soluble E-cad (XML) | soluble form of E-cadherin (XML) | soluble ectodomain fragment of E-cadherin (XML) | soluble E-cad protein (XML) ...
SEPI  ( in XML )  (25)
  » Sun Exposure and Protection Index (XML) | subclinical EPI (XML) | segmented echo-planar imaging (XML) | single element pollution index (XML) | Sepiwhite (XML) ...
Se,Te  ( in XML )  (25)
  » superconductor Fe (XML) | superconductivity in Fe (XML) | sintering technique to synthesize bulk Fe (XML) | Symmetry in Monolayer Fe (XML) | scanning tunneling microscopy on Fe (XML) ...
SeMV  ( in XML )  (25)
  » Sesbania mosaic virus (XML)
SEEDS  ( in XML )  (25)
  » Sperm Environmental Epigenetics and Development Study (XML) | Science Engagement to Empower aDolescentS (XML) | Salisbury Eye Evaluation Driving Study (XML) | self-emulsifying drug delivery systems (XML) | Screen for Early Eating Disorder Signs (XML) ...
SEIM  ( in XML )  (25)
  » sexually explicit Internet material (XML) | scanning electrochemical impedance microscopy (XML) | spectrally encoded interferometric microscopy (XML) | Silver Enhancer and Initiator Mixture (XML) | Ship Emission Inventory Model (XML) ...
SEX  ( in XML )  (25)
  » sex-determining locus (XML) | sexual (XML) | sodium ethyl xanthate (XML) | sex types (XML) | sexuality (XML) ...
SEEP  ( in XML )  (25)
  » signal enhancement by extravascular protons (XML) | suppressant enhanced explosion parameter (XML) | Spanish ethanolic extract of propolis (XML) | Student Educational Enrichment Program (XML) | Society for Pediatric Endocrinology (XML) ...
SEJPs  ( in XML )  (24)
  » spontaneous excitatory junction potentials (XML) | spontaneous EJPs (XML)
Se-yeast  ( in XML )  (24)
  » selenized yeast (XML) | Se-enriched yeast (XML) | selenium-enriched yeast (XML) | selenium-yeast (XML)
SEDDSs  ( in XML )  (24)
  » self-emulsifying drug delivery systems (XML)
SENA  ( in XML )  (24)
  » sympathetic efferent nerve activity (XML) | System of Evaluation of Children and Adolescents (XML) | Sistema de Evaluacion de Ninos y Adolescentes (XML) | social-ecological network analysis (XML) | sequence enrichment nuclease assay (XML) ...
Se-GSHPx  ( in XML )  (24)
  » Se-dependent glutathione peroxidase (XML) | selenoenzyme glutathione peroxidase (XML)
SESE  ( in XML )  (24)
  » substituent effect stabilization energy (XML) | spontaneous emulsification solvent evaporation (XML) | simultaneous extraction and stepwise elution (XML) | School of Earth, Society, and Environment (XML) | Secure, Energy- and SLA-Efficient (XML) ...
SEE-FIM  ( in XML )  (24)
  » Sectioning and Extensively Examining the FIMbria (XML)
SEEQ  ( in XML )  (24)
  » Student Evaluation of Educational Quality (XML) | Survey of Essential Elements Questionnaire (XML) | Salisbury Eye Evaluation Questionnaire (XML) | students' evaluations of the educational quality questionnaire (XML) | Subjective Exercise Experience Questionnaire (XML) ...
Ser-P  ( in XML )  (24)
  » synthesize large amounts of HPr (XML) | Synthesis of HPr (XML) | S. thermophilus is accomplished by HPr (XML) | several Gram-positive bacteria, and the resulting intermediate, HPr (XML) | serves to dephosphorylate HPr (XML) ...
sea  ( in XML )  (24)
  » S. aureus enterotoxin A gene (XML) | scheggia (XML) | Staphylococcus aureus enterotoxin A gene (XML) | SEA PCR-ELISA identified the enterotoxin A (XML) | SEA-encoding gene (XML) ...
SEBAS  ( in XML )  (24)
  » Social Environment and Biomarkers of Aging Study (XML) | social and environmental biomarkers of aging study (XML)
SEANUTS  ( in XML )  (24)
  » South East Asian Nutrition Surveys (XML)
SEYLL  ( in XML )  (23)
  » standard expected years of life lost (XML) | SEYLLp indices was observed among female city dwellers (XML) | standard expected YLL (XML) | standard life expectancy lost method (XML)
SEMAs  ( in XML )  (23)
  » semaphorins (XML) | Semaphorins (XML) | soft electromagnetic actuators (XML) | semaphorin family of axon guidance molecules (XML)
Se-Met  ( in XML )  (23)
  » seleno-l-methionine (XML) | Se-methionine (XML) | selenomethionine-bound-Se (XML)
SelAH  ( in XML )  (23)
  » selective amygdalohippocampectomy (XML) | selective transsylvian amygdalohippocampectomy (XML) | selective AH (XML)
SeO3  ( in XML )  (23)
  » Sb2O2SeO3 and Sb2O (XML) | substitution between two NLO materials LiBa3Bi6 (XML) | symmetric open-framework gallium selenite, Cs3Ga7 (XML) | structure of the solid solution Co3 (XML) | structures feature a 3D anionic framework of Cu (XML) ...
SERPING1  ( in XML )  (23)
  » Serpin family G member 1 (XML) | serpin peptidase inhibitor, clade G, member 1 (XML) | serine proteinase inhibitor family G1 (XML) | Serine/Cysteine Proteinase Inhibitor Clade G Member 1 (XML) | serpin family G member 1 gene (XML) ...
sev  ( in XML )  (23)
  » sevenless (XML) | sevenless tyrosine kinase receptor (XML) | sevoflurane administration, A (XML) | sevoflurane concentrations were routinely measured by infrared analysis, and A (XML) | showed that the highest expression level of AsE (XML)
SemD  ( in XML )  (23)
  » semantic dementia (XML) | semantic diversity (XML) | semaphorin D (XML) | semantic distance (XML) | secreted mouse semaphorin D (XML)
SESN1  ( in XML )  (23)
  » sestrin 1 (XML)
sE-sel  ( in XML )  (23)
  » soluble E-selectin (XML)
SEPD  ( in XML )  (23)
  » Sociedad Espanola de Patologia Digestiva (XML) | social-emotional processing disorder (XML) | Spanish Society for Digestive Diseases (XML) | Society of Digestive Pathology (XML) | selected based on EPD for birth weight (XML) ...
sEPSP  ( in XML )  (23)
  » slow excitatory postsynaptic potential (XML) | slow EPSP (XML) | spontaneous EPSP (XML) | small EPSP (XML)
Sens  ( in XML )  (23)
  » Senseless (XML) | Senseless, which encodes a zinc finger transcription factor (XML) | site-specifically modified with a photosensitizer (XML) | separation in DNA with consecutive adenines adjacent to a photosensitizer (XML) | sensory hyperexcitability type (XML) ...
SEIAR  ( in XML )  (23)
  » susceptible-exposed-infectious-asymptomatic-recovered (XML) | susceptible-exposed-infectious/inapparent-recovered (XML) | susceptible-exposed-infected-asymptomatically infected-removed (XML) | sheath to external iliac artery ratio (XML) | Susceptible, Exposed, Infected, Asymptomatic, and Recovered individuals (XML)
SEUS  ( in XML )  (22)
  » southeastern United States (XML) | Sonazoid-enhanced ultrasound (XML) | Sense of Efficacy in Urban Schools (XML) | Sonazoid-enhanced ultrasonography (XML) | Society of Ultrasound (XML) ...
SERCAs  ( in XML )  (22)
  » selective estrogen receptor covalent antagonists (XML) | sarco/endoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPases (XML) | sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca ATPases (XML) | sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum (XML) | sarco-endoplasmic reticulum Ca transport ATPases (XML) ...
SENet  ( in XML )  (22)
  » squeeze-and-excitation network (XML) | Squeeze-and-Excitation Networks (XML) | squeeze-and-excitation (XML) | syntactic evidence network (XML) | spectral embedding network for attributed graph clustering (XML)
SEMDJL  ( in XML )  (22)
  » Spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia with joint laxity (XML)
SEFI  ( in XML )  (22)
  » Surveillance for Enteric Fever in India (XML) | Socioeconomic Factor Index (XML) | Self-Evaluation of Food Intake (XML) | suicides from exhaust fume inhalation (XML) | Southeast Farallon Island (XML) ...
SEIRD  ( in XML )  (22)
  » susceptible-exposed-infected-recovered-deceased (XML) | susceptible, infectious, exposed, recovered, and dead (XML) | susceptible individuals, asymptomatic infected, symptomatic infected, recovered, and deceased (XML)
SEMC  ( in XML )  (21)
  » spinal extradural meningeal cyst (XML) | subepicardial mesenchymal cells (XML) | Sporopollenin exine microcapsules (XML) | self-efficacy for medical communication (XML) | subepithelial mast cells (XML) ...
SERTPR  ( in XML )  (21)
  » serotonin transporter gene (XML) | serotonin transporter (XML) | serotonin transporter gene-linked polymorphic region (XML) | serotonin transporter promoter region (XML) | serotonin transporter promoter polymorphism (XML) ...
sEPSPs  ( in XML )  (21)
  » slow excitatory postsynaptic potentials (XML) | spontaneous excitatory postsynaptic potentials (XML) | spontaneous EPSPs (XML) | spontaneous postsynaptic excitatory potentials (XML) | Simulated EPSPs (XML)
SEPP1  ( in XML )  (21)
  » Selenoprotein P1 (XML) | selenoprotein-P plasma 1 (XML) | selenoprotein P plasma 1 gene (XML) | selenoprotein P isoform 1 (XML) | SeP, plasma 1 (XML) ...
sEHi  ( in XML )  (21)
  » soluble epoxide hydrolase inhibitor (XML)
SECD  ( in XML )  (21)
  » social-emotional and character development (XML) | single equivalent current dipole (XML) | swine enteric coronavirus diseases (XML) | spectrum extraction from chromatographic data (XML) | surface electrical charging density (XML) ...
SEDH  ( in XML )  (21)
  » Spinal epidural hematoma (XML) | sociodemographic and environmental determinants of health (XML) | social and environmental determinants of health (XML) | socio-economic determinants of health (XML) | spontaneous EDH (XML) ...
SEET  ( in XML )  (21)
  » self-energy embedding theory (XML) | single euploid embryo transfer (XML) | stimulation of endometrium embryo transfer (XML) | sterile elastic exsanguination tourniquet (XML) | sulfur dioxide emissions embodied in trade (XML) ...
SEPT2  ( in XML )  (21)
  » septin 2 (XML) | Septin2 (XML) | selenoprotein T2 (XML)
SESAME  ( in XML )  (21)
  » Serine-responsive SAM-containing Metabolic Enzyme complex (XML) | septal scoring along midline endocardium (XML) | Semantic Association Memory (XML) | spin echo scattering angle measurement (XML) | Science and Applications in the Middle East (XML) ...
SEVNB  ( in XML )  (21)
  » single edge V-notched beam (XML) | single-edge-V-notched-beam test (XML)
SEMM  ( in XML )  (21)
  » structural equation mixture modeling (XML) | serrated edged macro-morcellator (XML) | School of Molecular Medicine (XML) | size-exclusion-mixed-mode (XML) | septic encephalopathy mice model (XML) ...
SESAMs  ( in XML )  (21)
  » semiconductor saturable absorber mirrors (XML)
SESD  ( in XML )  (21)
  » spontaneous emulsification solvent diffusion (XML) | superficial epithelioma with sebaceous differentiation (XML) | solvent-evaporated solid dispersion (XML) | Self-emulsifying solid dispersions (XML) | Scanning electron-stimulated desorption (XML) ...
SEL1L  ( in XML )  (20)
  » suppressor/enhancer of Lin-12-like (XML) | sel-1 suppressor of lin-12-like (XML) | suppressor of lin-12-like 1 (XML) | suppressor enhancer Lin-12/Notch 1-like (XML) | Sel-1 suppressor of lin-12-like protein (XML) ...
SEOs  ( in XML )  (20)
  » synchronous endometrial and ovarian tumors (XML) | sensory-evoked oscillations (XML) | Spice essential oils (XML) | sweet oranges (XML) | sunflower receptacles (XML) ...
sES  ( in XML )  (20)
  » soluble E-selectin (XML) | soluble endothelial selectin (XML) | stress at end systole (XML) | singleton exome sequencing (XML) | sensory electrical stimulation (XML) ...
SEAIC  ( in XML )  (20)
  » Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (XML) | soluble egg antigen-antibody complex (XML) | Spanish Allergy and Clinical Immunology Scientific Society (XML)
SEALS  ( in XML )  (20)
  » Side Effects and Life Satisfaction (XML) | side-effects and life satisfaction inventory (XML) | South-East England Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis register (XML) | South-East England register for ALS (XML) | Supporting Early Adolescents' Learning and Social Success (XML) ...
SEX4  ( in XML )  (20)
  » starch excess 4 (XML)
SELL  ( in XML )  (20)
  » L-selectin (XML) | selectin L (XML) | sustainable economic level of leakage (XML) | Strength Endurance Lower Limbs (XML) | L-selectin gene (XML)
SEIEVA  ( in XML )  (20)
  » system for acute viral hepatitis (XML) | Surveillance System (XML) | type-specific acute viral hepatitis (XML) | system for acute viral hepatitis in Italy (XML) | surveillance of acute viral hepatitis (XML)
sE  ( in XML )  (20)
  » soluble E (XML) | soluble-Endothelial (XML) | synthetic glycoprotein E genes (XML) | soluble E ectodomain (XML) | soluble protein E (XML) ...
SENPE  ( in XML )  (20)
  » Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (XML) | Sociedad Espanola de Nutricion Parenteral y Enteral (XML)
SETD7  ( in XML )  (20)
  » SET domain containing 7 (XML) | SET domain containing lysine methyltransferase 7 (XML) | SET domain-containing protein 7 (XML)
seed  ( in XML )  (20)
  » significantly decreased FC between the right middle frontal gyrus (XML) | significant difference in genetic diversity measures in the filial (XML) | strategies, traditional Chinese herbs Bark-Flower-Fruit-Grass-Leaf-Nucleolus (XML) | strains having diverse kernel (XML) | spontaneous abortion be due to a defective embryo (XML) ...
SEACs  ( in XML )  (20)
  » Spinal extradural arachnoid cysts (XML) | Southeast Asian countries (XML)
SEACO  ( in XML )  (20)
  » South East Asia Community Observatory (XML) | South East Asian Crude Oil (XML)
SERa  ( in XML )  (20)
  » smooth endoplasmic reticulum aggregates (XML) | smooth endoplasmic reticulum (XML) | area-specific emission rates (XML)
SEST  ( in XML )  (20)
  » slow evaporation solution technique (XML) | supine empty stress test (XML) | Static ergonomic strength testing (XML) | Swedish-ESO Submillimetre Telescope (XML) | single equilibrium static technique (XML) ...
SECC  ( in XML )  (19)
  » soil environmental carrying capacity (XML) | simulated extracorporeal circulation (XML) | systemic and myocardial inflammatory patterns compared with a standard system (XML) | surgery with ECC (XML) | surface-engineered condensation and crystallization (XML) ...
SERP1  ( in XML )  (19)
  » stress-associated endoplasmic reticulum protein 1 (XML) | stress-associated ER protein 1 (XML) | strain Pseudomonas fluorescens Migula 1895 (XML) | SERPIN 1 (XML)
SEDM  ( in XML )  (19)
  » Self-Efficacy for Diabetes Self-Management Measure (XML) | solvent exchange deposition modeling (XML) | single-energy digital mammography (XML) | sinker electro discharge machining (XML) | spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia (XML) ...
SERCA3  ( in XML )  (19)
  » sarco/endoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPase 3 (XML) | SERCA type 3 (XML) | sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-transport ATPase 3 gene (XML) | sarcoplasmic endoplasmic Ca2+ ATPase-3 (XML) | sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ transporting 3 (XML)
SEER-Medicare  ( in XML )  (19)
  » Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results-Medicare (XML) | Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results registry-Medicare-linked database (XML) | Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results (XML) | SEER data linked with Medicare claims (XML)
sE2  ( in XML )  (19)
  » soluble E2 (XML) | soluble recombinant HCV envelope glycoprotein E2 (XML) | soluble truncated E2 (XML) | soluble ectodomain of envelope glycoprotein E2 (XML) | soluble HCV E2 protein (XML) ...
SELENOS  ( in XML )  (19)
  » Selenoprotein S (XML) | selenoprotein S gene (XML)
SETQ  ( in XML )  (19)
  » System for Evaluation of Teaching Qualities (XML)
SEMCD  ( in XML )  (19)
  » Self-Efficacy to Manage Chronic Disease (XML) | Self-Efficacy of Managing Chronic Disease questionnaire (XML) | Single equivalent moving current dipole (XML) | Scale for Managing Chronic Disease (XML)
SENT  ( in XML )  (19)
  » single-edge notched tension (XML) | superelastic nickel-titanium (XML) | Sentinel European Node Trial (XML) | supported-epoxidized carbon nanotube (XML) | sentence construction task (XML) ...
SEIRS  ( in XML )  (19)
  » susceptible-exposed-infectious-recovered-susceptible (XML) | susceptible, exposed, infectious, and recovered (XML) | surface-enhanced infrared spectroscopy (XML) | S--exposed--I - R - S (XML)
SEMO  ( in XML )  (19)
  » Southeast Missouri (XML) | semi-empirical molecular orbital (XML) | Simple Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimiser (XML) | spherical evolutionary multi-objective (XML) | stochastic epigenetic Mendelian oligogenic (XML)
sECG  ( in XML )  (19)
  » stress electrocardiogram (XML) | smartphone ECG (XML) | subcutaneous ECG (XML) | standard ECG (XML) | subcutaneous electrogram (XML) ...
Ser5  ( in XML )  (19)
  » SERINC5 (XML) | serine 5 (XML) | Serine incorporator 5 (XML) | suggested that the unsaturated bond from Dha5 (XML) | serotype 5 (XML) ...
SEMA4C  ( in XML )  (19)
  » semaphorin 4C (XML)
SeC  ( in XML )  (19)
  » sebaceous carcinoma (XML) | Sertoli cells (XML) | serum cortisol (XML) | Se-control (XML) | Se-cystine (XML) ...
SelN  ( in XML )  (18)
  » selenoprotein N (XML)
SEM-PLS  ( in XML )  (18)
  » structural equation modeling-partial least squares (XML)
Ser473  ( in XML )  (18)
  » serine 473 (XML) | serine 473; p-Akt (XML)
Seq  ( in XML )  (18)
  » Sequential (XML) | Sequoia (XML) | Sequential feeding programs (XML) | Sequential boost (XML) | Sequencing (XML) ...
Seg  ( in XML )  (18)
  » segment (XML) | segmentectomy (XML) | segmental resection (XML) | Segmental (XML) | segmented cine (XML)
Ser2  ( in XML )  (18)
  » serine 2 (XML) | serine protease 2 (XML) | sericin2 (XML)
SeCoV  ( in XML )  (18)
  » swine enteric coronavirus (XML)
SeAlb  ( in XML )  (18)
  » selenoalbumin (XML) | Se-containing albumin (XML) | selenium containing albumin (XML)
SETT  ( in XML )  (18)
  » submaximum effort tourniquet technique (XML) | standard endotracheal tube (XML) | Subtle Expression Training Tool (XML) | Star Excursion Timing Test (XML) | Submarine Escape Training Tower (XML) ...
SEP2  ( in XML )  (18)
  » Sexual Encounter Profile questions 2 (XML) | SEPALLATA2 (XML) | Southeast Pacific type 2 (XML) | SEP Question 2 (XML) | Sexual Encounter Profile 2 (XML)
Sema-1a  ( in XML )  (17)
  » Semaphorin-1a (XML)
SEC1  ( in XML )  (17)
  » staphylococcal enterotoxin C1 (XML) | similar to those obtained by experiments using enterotoxin C1 (XML)
SEFW  ( in XML )  (17)
  » sonographic estimated fetal weight (XML)
SEGT  ( in XML )  (17)
  » supportive-expressive group therapy (XML) | sensor-engineered glove test (XML) | subependymal giant cell tumor (XML)
sex  ( in XML )  (17)
  » sexual intercourse (XML) | sexual reproduction (XML) | Sexually (XML) | So in basidiomycetes, gamete fusion and genome mixing (XML) | sex chromosome in the following order: Odh (octanol dehydrogenase)--M (XML) ...
SE-AFLP  ( in XML )  (17)
  » single-enzyme amplified fragment length polymorphism (XML)
SEGRA  ( in XML )  (17)
  » selective glucocorticoid receptor agonist (XML) | selective GR agonist (XML) | selective GC receptor agonist (XML)
SEHOP  ( in XML )  (17)
  » Society of Paediatric Haematology and Oncology (XML)
SEQC  ( in XML )  (17)
  » Sequencing Quality Control (XML) | semiempirical quantum chemical (XML) | Sociedad Espanola de Quimica Clinica (XML) | Spanish Preanalytical Quality Monitoring Program (XML) | Sociedad Espanola de Bioquimica Clinica y Patologia Molecular (XML)
SERC  ( in XML )  (17)
  » Sentinelle Envahiet Randomisation du Curage (XML) | Screening and Genetics Collaborative (XML) | size-exclusion reaction chromatography (XML) | specialist early rectal cancer (XML) | Self etch resin cement (XML) ...
SERINC5  ( in XML )  (17)
  » serine incorporator 5 (XML) | Serine incorporator protein 5 (XML)
SEIC  ( in XML )  (17)
  » serous endometrial intraepithelial carcinoma (XML) | Spin-exchange internal conversion (XML) | Serous intraepithelial carcinoma (XML) | self-efficacy in intercultural communication (XML)
Sen  ( in XML )  (17)
  » Senegenin (XML) | such as the glycolytic enzyme, enolase (XML) | subcutaneous OVA implantation (XML) | structured RNAs participate in the conversion of human recombinant PrP (XML) | showedNo heterogeneity was found between each research group.Thesensitivity (XML) ...
Sema-3A  ( in XML )  (17)
  » semaphorin-3A (XML)
S-EDCs  ( in XML )  (17)
  » synthetic endocrine disrupting chemicals (XML) | selected endocrine disrupting compounds (XML) | synthetic compounds (XML)
SEC-LLS  ( in XML )  (17)
  » size-exclusion chromatography combined with laser light scattering (XML) | size-exclusion chromatography combined with LLS (XML) | SEC combined with laser light scattering (XML)
SEFS  ( in XML )  (16)
  » subcutaneous echo-free space (XML) | subjects exposed to fire smoke (XML) | sclerosing epithelioid fibrosarcoma (XML) | southeast-facing slope (XML) | stone event-free survival (XML) ...
SERPINF1  ( in XML )  (16)
  » serpin family F member 1 (XML) | serpin peptidase inhibitor, clade F, member 1 (XML) | serpine F1/pigment epithelium-derived factor (XML)
SED-S  ( in XML )  (16)
  » Scale of Emotional Development-Short (XML) | Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia type Stanescu (XML)
SEID  ( in XML )  (16)
  » Systemic Exertion Intolerance Disease (XML)
SeCN  ( in XML )  (16)
  » selenocyanate (XML) | selenocyano (XML) | selenocyanate anion (XML) | SnO2 electrode in the presence of I3-/I (XML) | Successful demonstration of an efficient I(-) (XML) ...
SETD  ( in XML )  (16)
  » sulfaethylthiadiazole (XML) | symptomatic Eustachian tube dysfunction (XML) | SET domain (XML) | SET domain containing (XML) | SET-domain containing protein (XML) ...
SEl  ( in XML )  (16)
  » SE-like (XML) | staphylococcal enterotoxin-like (XML) | staphylococcal-like (XML)
Ser129  ( in XML )  (16)
  » serine 129 (XML)
Seg-2  ( in XML )  (16)
  » segment 2 (XML) | genome-segment 2 (XML)
sEpoR  ( in XML )  (16)
  » soluble erythropoietin receptor (XML) | soluble Epo receptor (XML) | soluble EpoR (XML) | soluble form of the human erythropoietin receptor (XML) | soluble form of the Epo receptor (XML) ...
SELENOK  ( in XML )  (16)
  » Selenoprotein K (XML) | selenoprotein K, SELK (XML)
SESSA  ( in XML )  (16)
  » Subclinical Atherosclerosis (XML) | Surface Analysis (XML) | statistically enhanced Salp Swarm Algorithm (XML) | Sticky-ended symmetric self-assembly (XML)
SeMSC  ( in XML )  (16)
  » Se-methylselenocysteine (XML) | SeMet, selenite, or methylselenocysteine (XML) | selenomethyl selenocysteine (XML)
SEGRAs  ( in XML )  (16)
  » selective glucocorticoid receptor agonists (XML) | selective GR agonists (XML) | selective GCs receptor agonists (XML) | selective GR ligands/agonists (XML) | Selective Glucocorticoid Agonists (XML)
SERAM  ( in XML )  (16)
  » Society of Medical Radiology (XML) | secretable expanded repertoire adhesive molecules (XML)
SEPAR  ( in XML )  (15)
  » Sociedad Espanola de Neumologia y Cirugia Toracica (XML) | Society of Pulmonology and Thoracic Surgery (XML) | Spanish Pulmonology and Thoracic Surgery Society (XML) | Society of Pneumologists and Chest Surgeons (XML) | Society of Respiratory Disease (XML) ...
SEDT-PA  ( in XML )  (15)
  » spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia tarda with progressive arthropathy (XML) | Spondylo-Epiphyseal Tarda with Progressive Arthropathy (XML)
SESN3  ( in XML )  (15)
  » sestrin 3 (XML) | sestrin3 (XML)
SETD3  ( in XML )  (15)
  » SET domain containing 3 (XML) | SET domain protein 3 (XML) | SET domain containing protein 3 (XML) | SET Domain Containing 3, Actin Histidine Methyltransferase (XML)
SEGHNP  ( in XML )  (15)
  » Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (XML) | Sociedad Espanola de Gastroenterologia, Hepatologia y Nutricion Pediatrica (XML)
sens  ( in XML )  (15)
  » senseless (XML) | cisplatin-sensitive (XML) | strain was the dominant factor influencing BOD (XML) | sensitive clinical isolate of E. coli Gy-1/Ap (XML) | sensitisation efficiency eta (XML)
Se-E  ( in XML )  (15)
  » selenium-vitamin E (XML) | selenium and vitamin E (XML) | selenium emulsion (XML) | secondary emulsion (XML)
sedDNA  ( in XML )  (15)
  » sedimentary DNA (XML) | Sediment DNA (XML) | single-stranded DNA oligonucleotide (XML)
sELAM-1  ( in XML )  (15)
  » soluble endothelial leukocyte adhesion molecule-1 (XML) | soluble ELAM-1 (XML) | E-selectin adhesion molecule 1 (XML)
SEA and SEB  ( in XML )  (15)
  » staphylococcal enterotoxins A and B (XML)
SECON  ( in XML )  (15)
  » Sequential Continuity Index (XML) | Sequential Continuity (XML) | Sequential Continuity of Care (XML) | sequence continuity (XML)
sECP  ( in XML )  (15)
  » serum eosinophil cationic protein (XML) | serum concentration of eosinophil cationic protein (XML) | serum level of eosinophil cationic protein (XML)
SERA5  ( in XML )  (15)
  » serine repeat antigen 5 (XML)
SEQES  ( in XML )  (15)
  » Structured Effectiveness Quality Evaluation Scale (XML)
SEIA  ( in XML )  (15)
  » sandwich enzyme immunoassay (XML) | silver enhancement immunoassay (XML) | self-extending DNA-mediated isothermal amplification (XML) | selective exteroceptive and interoceptive attention (XML) | screening enzyme immunoassay (XML) ...
SEER-MHOS  ( in XML )  (15)
  » Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results-Medicare Health Outcomes Survey (XML) | system and the Medicare Health Outcomes Survey (XML) | SEER and Medicare Health Outcomes Survey (XML)
SECG  ( in XML )  (15)
  » standard electrocardiography (XML) | serial ECG (XML) | serial 12-lead ECG monitoring (XML) | secretagogin (XML) | simulation ECG (XML) ...
SETi  ( in XML )  (15)
  » slow extensor tibiae (XML) | slow excitatory motoneuron of the extensor tibiae (XML) | slow excitatory motoneurone (XML) | SET domain (XML) | slow excitatory axon (XML) ...
SETH  ( in XML )  (15)
  » Society of Thrombosis and Hemostasis (XML) | Sociedad Espanola de Trasplante Hepatico (XML) | Search for Extra-Terrestrial Homochirality (XML) | Self-Efficacy Towards Helping (XML) | Strategic Empowerment Tailored for Health Equity Investigators (XML) ...
SEHs  ( in XML )  (15)
  » spinal epidural hematomas (XML) | Spinal epidural hematomas (XML) | submucosal elevation heights (XML) | seminiferous epithelium heights (XML) | subependymal heterotopias (XML) ...
Sez6  ( in XML )  (15)
  » Seizure-related gene 6 (XML) | seizure protein 6 (XML) | Seizure-related protein 6 (XML)
SeW  ( in XML )  (15)
  » selenoprotein W (XML) | seleniferous wheat extract (XML)
SEM-EPMA  ( in XML )  (14)
  » scanning electron microscopy-electron probe microanalysis (XML) | spectroscopy electron probe microanalyser with image observation function (XML) | scanning electron micro-analyser and an energy dispersive X-ray micro-analyser (XML)
SeT  ( in XML )  (14)
  » seminiferous tubules (XML) | serum of rats orally treated with ethanol extract of turmeric (XML) | Separable Transformer (XML) | SeT PP - SDI (XML) | Salmonella Typhimurium (XML) ...
SEBD  ( in XML )  (14)
  » social, emotional and behavioural difficulties (XML) | Seborrheic dermatitis (XML) | Sociedad Espanola de Biologia del Desarrollo (XML) | Subepidermal bullous disorders (XML) | Society for Developmental Biology (XML)
SEQCT  ( in XML )  (14)
  » single-energy quantitative computed tomography (XML) | single energy quantitative CT (XML) | single-energy QCT (XML) | single-energy technique (XML)
SEMT  ( in XML )  (14)
  » Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism of Turkey (XML) | specific expiratory muscle training (XML) | social event memory test (XML) | Semantic Encoding Memory Task (XML) | standardized extract of Mimosa tenuiflora (XML) ...
SEWA  ( in XML )  (14)
  » Self-Employed Women's Association (XML) | Systems E-approach for women at risk (XML) | showed in a murine sarcoma derived line (XML) | slowly evolving wave approximation (XML) | subjectively estimated work ability (XML) ...
SELCoH  ( in XML )  (14)
  » South East London Community Health (XML)
SERPs  ( in XML )  (14)
  » search engine result pages (XML) | somatosensory event-related potentials (XML) | single-trial ERPs (XML)
SelU  ( in XML )  (14)
  » Selenoprotein U (XML) | 2-selenouridine synthase (XML)
sEOAD  ( in XML )  (14)
  » sporadic EOAD (XML) | Sporadic early-onset Alzheimer's disease (XML) | sporadic early-onset AD (XML)
SETD5  ( in XML )  (14)
  » SET domain-containing 5 (XML) | SET-domain-containing protein 5 (XML) | SET domain containing 5 gene (XML)
SELM  ( in XML )  (14)
  » Selenoprotein M (XML) | Siamese extreme learning machine (XML) | stochastic Eulerian-Lagrangian method (XML) | stacking ensemble learning model (XML) | selenized yeast reference material (XML) ...
SESANS  ( in XML )  (14)
  » spin-echo small angle neutron scattering (XML) | spin-echo SANS (XML) | scattering studies (XML)
SENEC  ( in XML )  (14)
  » Society of Neurosurgery (XML) | Spanish Neurosurgical Society (XML) | Sociedad Espanola de Neurocirugia (XML)
SENP2  ( in XML )  (14)
  » Sentrin-specific protease 2 (XML) | sentrin/suppressor of Mif 2-specific peptidase 2 (XML) | sentrin-specific isopeptidase 2 (XML) | SUMO-dependent because ectopic expression of SUMO-specific protease 2 (XML)
s-EMG  ( in XML )  (14)
  » spontaneous electromyography (XML) | surface electromyogram (XML)
SEQs  ( in XML )  (14)
  » short essay questions (XML) | self-efficacy questionnaires (XML) | spherical equivalents (XML) | slow earthquakes (XML) | sequestering agents (XML)
SEBM  ( in XML )  (14)
  » selective electron beam melting (XML) | surface epithelial basement membrane (XML) | Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine (XML) | Serotonergic Expanded Bioactivity Matrix (XML) | solvated electron band minimum (XML) ...
SELSI  ( in XML )  (14)
  » Sequenced Language Scale for Infants (XML)
SERPINC1  ( in XML )  (14)
  » serpin family C member 1 (XML) | Serpin peptidase inhibitor cladeC member1 (XML)
sensu lato  ( in XML )  (14)
  » species of the genus Papilio (XML) | southeastern Europe lineage of R.sanguineus (XML) | sister taxa Calonectris and Puffinus (XML) | serve as public information (XML) | scale approach, analyzing adult hybrids (XML) ...
Sema3B  ( in XML )  (14)
  » Semaphorin 3B (XML)
SERVEI  ( in XML )  (14)
  » Society of Vascular and Interventional Radiology (XML) | Society of Interventional Radiology (XML)
SEBOV  ( in XML )  (13)
  » Sudan ebolavirus (XML) | Sudan Ebola virus (XML) | species of Ebola virus (XML)
sel  ( in XML )  (13)
  » Some alpha (XML) | se-like (XML) | Stage of pregnancy affected the degree of elevation of T (XML) | season, geckos rarely had the opportunity to achieve T (XML) | selector (XML) ...
SESR  ( in XML )  (13)
  » Sorption Enhanced Steam Reforming (XML) | standardized evaporative stress ratio (XML) | Systems Theory with its unique conception of resilience (XML) | Simple Recipe and Pulsology (XML) | Social-Ecological Systems Resilience (XML) ...
SEVC  ( in XML )  (13)
  » single-electrode voltage-clamp (XML) | symmetrical eight-vertex condition (XML)
SETP  ( in XML )  (13)
  » supervised exercise training program (XML) | southeastern Tibetan Plateau (XML) | South and East Tibetan Plateau (XML) | sequential electron transfer polarization (XML) | slowly exchangeable tissue pool (XML) ...
SEEA  ( in XML )  (13)
  » System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (XML) | Southeast and East Asian (XML) | small exposed electrode area (XML) | sporadic endometrioid endometrial adenocarcinoma (XML) | System of Integrated Environmental and Economic Accounts (XML)
SEFC  ( in XML )  (13)
  » Spectrally encoded flow cytometry (XML) | sudden-expansion flow chamber (XML) | seamless enzyme-free cloning (XML) | SrEu2Fe1.8Co0.2O7-delta (XML) | Symbiotic-Evolution-based Fuzzy Controller (XML) ...
SEZs  ( in XML )  (13)
  » special economic zones (XML) | safe entry zones (XML) | solar energy zones (XML) | SEZ obtained from the elongation zone of salinized plants (XML)
SEDAC  ( in XML )  (13)
  » Spinal extradural arachnoid cyst (XML) | Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (XML)
SEHI  ( in XML )  (13)
  » secondary electron hyperspectral imaging (XML) | spatial ecosystem health index (XML) | Simultaneous electrokinetic and hydrodynamic injection (XML) | socio-economic health inequalities (XML)
SepCysS  ( in XML )  (13)
  » Sep-tRNA:Cys-tRNA synthase (XML)
SeEt  ( in XML )  (13)
  » selenoethionine (XML) | seleno-D,L-ethionine (XML)
Sel-MQC  ( in XML )  (13)
  » selective multiple-quantum coherence transfer (XML) | selective multiple quantum coherence (XML) | frequency-selective multiple-quantum- coherence technique (XML)
SETD1A  ( in XML )  (13)
  » SET domain containing 1A (XML) | SET domain-containing protein 1A (XML) | su(var)3-9, enhancer-of-zeste, and trithorax domain 1A (XML)
SERAC1  ( in XML )  (13)
  » serine active site-containing protein 1 (XML) | serine active site containing 1 (XML) | site-containing protein 1 gene (XML)
SE-ADM  ( in XML )  (13)
  » scanning electron-assisted dielectric microscopy (XML)
SESO  ( in XML )  (13)
  » sesame oil (XML) | structure-improved extended state observer (XML) | switching extended state observer (XML) | scalable-bandwidth extended state observer (XML)
SESAP  ( in XML )  (13)
  » Surgical Education and Self-Assessment Program (XML) | Self-Assessment Program (XML)
SEF90  ( in XML )  (13)
  » spectral edge frequency 90 (XML)
SELPLG  ( in XML )  (13)
  » selectin P ligand (XML) | P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 (XML) | selectin-P-ligand gene (XML) | P-selectin glycoprotein ligand (XML)
SEPM  ( in XML )  (13)
  » scanning electrochemical probe microscopy (XML) | scanning electrical potential microscopy (XML) | Self-Efficacy Prebriefing Model (XML) | selenoprotein M (XML) | semi-empirical pseudopotential method (XML) ...
SELENOT  ( in XML )  (13)
  » Selenoprotein T (XML) | selenoprotein T, SELT (XML)
SEMA6B  ( in XML )  (13)
  » semaphorin 6B (XML)
SePM  ( in XML )  (13)
  » settleable atmospheric particulate matter (XML) | settleable particulate matter (XML) | Settleable APM (XML)
SEIT  ( in XML )  (13)
  » State Information System on Drug Abuse (XML) | Self-Report Emotional Intelligence Test (XML) | System for Drug Addiction (XML) | symmetrical electrical impedance tomography (XML) | susceptible-incubating-infected-treated (XML) ...
SED-ML  ( in XML )  (13)
  » Simulation Experiment Description Markup Language (XML)
S-EBPQ  ( in XML )  (12)
  » Student Evidence-Based Practice Questionnaire (XML)
SEM-BSE  ( in XML )  (12)
  » scanning electron microscope with backscattered electron imaging (XML)
SERCA-2  ( in XML )  (12)
  » sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ pump (XML) | sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase isoform 2 (XML)
sEMGs  ( in XML )  (12)
  » surface electromyograms (XML) | surface electromyography sensors (XML)
SEMA6D  ( in XML )  (12)
  » Semaphorin 6D (XML)
Ser46  ( in XML )  (12)
  » serine 46 (XML) | serine residue 46 (XML)
SEEF  ( in XML )  (12)
  » Social, Economic, and Environmental Factor (XML) | Statistical effective energy function (XML) | subjective emotion evaluation form (XML) | surface-enhanced electrochemiluminescence film (XML) | Social, Environmental and Economic Factors (XML) ...
Sema6D  ( in XML )  (12)
  » semaphorin 6D (XML) | mTOR-Semaphorin 6D (XML)
sei  ( in XML )  (12)
  » seizure (XML) | sei and e (XML) | seen in both e (XML) | SEI determinant (XML) | voltage-sensitive sodium channel, e (XML) ...
Ser15  ( in XML )  (12)
  » serine 15 (XML) | serine at the 15th residue (XML) | Ser15-phosphorylated p53 phosphoform, p53 (XML)
SES-SFV  ( in XML )  (12)
  » Sexual Experiences Survey-Short Form Victimization (XML)
SERINC  ( in XML )  (12)
  » serine incorporator (XML) | serine incorporator family (XML)
SEPT9_i1  ( in XML )  (12)
  » septin 9 isoform 1 (XML) | SEPT9 isoform 1 protein (XML) | SEPT9 isoform 1 (XML) | septin 9 protein, isoform 1 (XML)
seDSBs  ( in XML )  (12)
  » single-ended double-strand breaks (XML) | single-ended DSBs (XML)
SEJ  ( in XML )  (12)
  » Structured expert judgment (XML) | Social and environmental justice (XML) | staphylococcal enterotoxin J (XML) | Sejroe (XML)
SENDA  ( in XML )  (12)
  » static encephalopathy of childhood with neurodegeneration in adulthood (XML) | Special Educational Needs and Disability Act (XML) | systems for early detection of dementia (XML) | Service of Prevention and Rehabilitation for Drug and alcohol consumption (XML)
SeU  ( in XML )  (12)
  » selenourea (XML) | selenium (XML) | selenouridine (XML)
SESORS  ( in XML )  (12)
  » surface-enhanced spatially offset Raman spectroscopy (XML) | spatially offset Raman scattering (XML) | surface-enhanced spatially offset Raman scattering (XML)
SEMSA  ( in XML )  (12)
  » Self-Efficacy Measure for Sleep Apnea (XML) | selectively excluded mass screening analysis (XML) | Secretaria Municipal de Saude (XML)
SECEL  ( in XML )  (12)
  » Self-Evaluation of Communication Experiences after Laryngectomy (XML)
Ser9  ( in XML )  (12)
  » serine 9 (XML) | serine at position 9 (XML) | signaling with Ly294002 prevented wound-induced GSK3ss (XML) | serine residue at position 9 (XML) | serine residue 9 (XML) ...
SEC3  ( in XML )  (12)
  » staphylococcal enterotoxin C3 (XML) | SECRETORY3 (XML)
SECARS  ( in XML )  (12)
  » surface-enhanced coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (XML) | surface-enhanced CARS (XML) | anti-Stokes Raman scattering (XML)
SESP  ( in XML )  (12)
  » Servico Especial de Saude Publica (XML) | selenium-enriched spiruline (XML) | sensory evoked spinal potential (XML) | SA/EGCG@Ti/SA/PVDF (XML) | Self-efficacy for social participation (XML) ...
SEPHS1  ( in XML )  (12)
  » selenophosphate synthetase 1 (XML)
sep  ( in XML )  (12)
  » skeletal electron pair (XML) | staphylococcal enterotoxin p (XML) | serine proteinase gene (XML) | separation time of the labeled reactant and labeled complex, t (XML) | secretion apparatus (XML) ...
SEVA-C  ( in XML )  (12)
  » starch/ethylene-vinyl alcohol (XML) | starch with poly(ethylene-vinylalcohol) copolymer (XML) | starch-ethylene vinyl alcohol biodegradable blend (XML) | starch/ethylene-co-vinyl alcohol copolymer blend (XML)
Ser10  ( in XML )  (12)
  » serine 10 (XML)
SEVLT  ( in XML )  (11)
  » Spanish-English Verbal Learning Test (XML)
Sema3G  ( in XML )  (11)
  » semaphorin 3G (XML)
sEndoglin  ( in XML )  (11)
  » soluble endoglin (XML)
SEFA  ( in XML )  (11)
  » self-efficacy for functional ability (XML) | sucrose esters of fatty acids (XML) | syringe enzymatic filter-based assay (XML) | sequence-encoded fluorescence amplification assay (XML) | Spreadsheets for Environmental Footprint Analysis (XML) ...
SECM-AFM  ( in XML )  (11)
  » scanning electrochemical-atomic force microscopy (XML)
SEROA  ( in XML )  (11)
  » Surface-enhanced Raman optical activity (XML)
SEMA5B  ( in XML )  (11)
  » semaphorin 5B (XML)
SEBI  ( in XML )  (11)
  » Sun Exposure and Behaviour Inventory (XML) | stereotactic external beam irradiation (XML) | structured exercise-based intervention (XML) | steroid-eluting bioabsorbable implant (XML) | serial end-block imaging (XML) ...
SeqAPASS  ( in XML )  (11)
  » Sequence Alignment to Predict Across Species Susceptibility (XML)
SEMA3E  ( in XML )  (11)
  » semaphorin 3E (XML)
SERK1  ( in XML )  (11)
SEM-EDXA  ( in XML )  (11)
  » scanning electron microscope attached with energy-dispersive X-ray analyser (XML) | scanning electron microscopy coupled to X-ray analysis (XML) | scanning electron microscope-energy dispersive analysis of X-rays (XML)
SETD4  ( in XML )  (11)
  » SET domain-containing protein 4 (XML) | SET domain containing 4 (XML)
SeCM  ( in XML )  (11)
  » selenocystamine (XML) | Se-enriched C. morifolium (XML) | selenium-enriched CM (XML)
S-ECP  ( in XML )  (11)
  » serum concentration of eosinophilic cationic protein (XML) | serum levels of eosinophil cationic protein (XML) | eosinophils, eosinophilic cationic protein (XML) | samples for measurements of eosinophil cationic protein (XML) | Serum-ECP (XML) ...
SEFM  ( in XML )  (11)
  » Society of Medical Physics (XML) | synthetic electrospun fiber matrix (XML) | SpanishSociety of Medical Physics (XML) | signed two formal Educational Exchange Agreements with the Spanish (XML) | solvent extracted FM (XML) ...
SERPINB2  ( in XML )  (11)
  » serpin family B member 2 (XML) | serpin peptidase inhibitor/clade 2/member B2 (XML) | RNA-seq analysis revealed that the plasminogen activator inhibitor type 2 (XML) | Serpin beta2 (XML) | Serpin Peptidase Inhibitor B2 (XML)
SEPEC  ( in XML )  (11)
  » sepsis-associated E. coli (XML) | sepsis-associated Escherichia coli (XML) | septicemia (XML) | septicemic E. coli (XML) | septicemia-associated E. coli (XML)
S-EIA  ( in XML )  (11)
  » stick enzyme immunoassay (XML) | sandwich EIA (XML) | stool antigen test by enzyme immunoassay (XML)
SEP1  ( in XML )  (11)
  » SEPALLATA1 (XML) | phiIBB-SEP1 (XML) | selenoprotein 1 (XML) | synthesis. dhp1+ is also related to S. cerevisiae DST2 (XML) | strand exchange protein 1 (XML)
s.e  ( in XML )  (11)
  » z-score regression coefficient (XML) | SENSCIS trial, the rate (XML) | SF values (XML) | slope+/-standard error (XML) | square means (XML) ...
SEARO  ( in XML )  (11)
  » South-East Asia Regional Office (XML) | South-East Asia Region (XML) | South-East Asia Region Organization (XML) | South-East Asia Region of WHO (XML)
SEAlide  ( in XML )  (11)
  » N-sulfanylethylanilide (XML) | N-S acyl transfer of N-sulfanylethylanilide (XML)
SEDAVFs  ( in XML )  (11)
  » Spinal epidural arteriovenous fistulas (XML)
SEOSI  ( in XML )  (11)
  » Scientific Evaluation of Supervised Injecting (XML)
S-ECG  ( in XML )  (11)
  » surface electrocardiogram (XML) | surface electrogram (XML) | stress electrocardiography (XML) | standard twelve leads ECG (XML) | screened using an electrocardiogram (XML) ...
Se-beta-Lg  ( in XML )  (11)
  » seleno-beta-lactoglobulin (XML) | selenium modification of the bovine milk component beta-Lg (XML)
SecS  ( in XML )  (11)
  » selenocysteine-synthase (XML) | Sec synthase (XML)
SENIOR  ( in XML )  (11)
  » Study of Exercise and Nutrition in Older Rhode Islanders (XML) | Sample of Elderly Nursing home Individuals: an Observational Research (XML) | stents in elderly patients with coronary artery disease (XML) | rolE-substitutioN In care homes to improve ORal health (XML) | Special Care Patterns for Elderly HNSCC Patients Undergoing Radiotherapy (XML) ...
SecR  ( in XML )  (11)
  » secretin receptor (XML) | secretin (XML) | secretin GPCR (XML)
SERCA1a  ( in XML )  (11)
  » sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase 1a (XML) | sarcoendoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPase isoform 1a (XML) | sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPase 1a (XML) | sarco/endoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase 1a (XML)
SE2  ( in XML )  (11)
  » SE Bond 2 (XML) | SE Bond 2 Primer (XML) | Sertoli element 2 (XML) | self-etch 2-step (XML) | self-etching Clearfil SE Bond 2 (XML)
SEsm  ( in XML )  (11)
  » smoothness (XML) | skin smoothness (XML) | surface evaluation of smoothness (XML) | self-efficacy of symptom management (XML)
Ser1  ( in XML )  (11)
  » Sericin1 (XML) | sericin 1 (XML) | Serrate1 (XML) | Serine protease 1 (XML) | sites for (125I) (XML)
SEMG1  ( in XML )  (11)
  » semenogelin-1 (XML)
semi-PBPK  ( in XML )  (11)
  » semiphysiologically based pharmacokinetic (XML) | semiphysiologically based population pharmacokinetic (XML)
SEEG-guided RF-TC  ( in XML )  (11)
  » Stereoelectroencephalography-guided radiofrequency thermocoagulation (XML) | SEEG-guided radiofrequency coagulation (XML)
SEAr  ( in XML )  (11)
  » meta-selective electrophilic aromatic substitution (XML) | studies revealed an intramolecular electrophilic aromatic substitution (XML) | selective aromatic electrophilic substitution (XML) | suggest that electrophilic aromatic substitution (XML) | school, discussing electrophilic aromatic substitution (XML) ...
SelH  ( in XML )  (11)
  » selenoprotein H (XML)
SELENOW  ( in XML )  (10)
  » selenoprotein W (XML)
SEGH  ( in XML )  (10)
  » Society for Environmental Geochemistry and Health (XML) | Special Issue 'Society for Environmental Geochemistry and Health (XML)
SEt  ( in XML )  (10)
  » selected amino acids (X = Glu, Lys, Leu, Phe), Cys (XML) | self-assembly platform Cys (XML) | self-assembly, the condensation product of CBT-Cys (XML) | suggesting the formation of face-to-face or H-aggregate for Subpc (XML) | synthesized small molecule Cys (XML) ...
SeroNet  ( in XML )  (10)
  » Serological Sciences Network (XML) | Serological Sciences Network for COVID-19 (XML)
SEAVFs  ( in XML )  (10)
  » Spinal epidural arteriovenous fistulas (XML)
SECE  ( in XML )  (10)
  » Single-entity collisional electrochemistry (XML) | selective extinction through cognitive evaluation (XML) | surface electroclinic effect (XML) | social and emotional competence enhancement (XML) | synchronous electric charge extraction (XML) ...
SEPN1-RM  ( in XML )  (10)
  » SEPN1-related myopathy (XML)
Ser727  ( in XML )  (10)
  » serine 727 (XML) | serine727 (XML) | serine 727 site (XML)
sets  ( in XML )  (10)
  » studentized multiple-range test was performed to identify aggregations (XML) | safety indicator(s) (XML) | seventy-two pairs (XML) | sequence was found for four different periods (XML) | sequence of eight unique visual discriminations (XML) ...
sEGF  ( in XML )  (10)
  » salivary epidermal growth factor (XML) | soluble EGF (XML)
SEGO  ( in XML )  (10)
  » Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics (XML) | Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology (XML) | Spanish Gynecology and Obstetrics Society (XML) | Standard and Enforced Geometry Optimization (XML) | Sociedad Espanola de Obstetricia y Ginecologia (XML)
SEEDs  ( in XML )  (10)
  » severe and enduring eating disorders (XML) | Support, Education, Empowerment, and Directions (XML) | Synthetic Exon/Expression Disruptors (XML) | seminal emissions from ejaculatory ducts (XML) | Standardized Emotion Elicitation Databases (XML)
Sec7d  ( in XML )  (10)
  » Sec7 domain (XML) | Sec7 domains, Arf1-GDP, and the Arf1-Gea2 (XML)
S. epi  ( in XML )  (10)
  » Staphylococcus epidermidis (XML)
Sesn  ( in XML )  (10)
  » Sestrin (XML) | Sestrins (XML)
SEBP  ( in XML )  (10)
  » specific estrogen-binding protein (XML) | selenium-binding protein (XML) | special estrogen-binding rat liver protein (XML) | Socio-economic, and Biophysical (XML)
SEZ6L2  ( in XML )  (10)
  » Seizure-related 6 homolog-like 2 (XML) | seizure related 6 homologue like (XML)
SEUs  ( in XML )  (10)
  » single event upsets (XML) | self-employed urologists (XML) | styryl-N-phenyl-N'-ethylureas (XML)
SEAQT  ( in XML )  (10)
  » steepest-entropy-ascent quantum thermodynamics (XML)
SECIP  ( in XML )  (10)
  » Society of Paediatric Intensive Care (XML) | Sociedad Espanola de Cuidados Intensivos Pediatricos (XML)
SE-CC  ( in XML )  (10)
  » sieve element-companion cell (XML)
SECL  ( in XML )  (10)
  » self-efficacy for community life scale (XML) | surface excess charge layer (XML) | shadow ECL (XML) | seminiferous epithelium cycle lengths (XML) | significant endothelial cell loss (XML) ...
SE 0.02  ( in XML )  (10)
  » standardized regression coefficients of -0.03 (XML) | secondary outcome ADG was 0.47 (XML) | score was 0.75 (XML) | scientific quality was 0.62 (XML) | specimens, and 0.93 (XML) ...
SESII-W  ( in XML )  (10)
  » Sexual Excitation/Sexual Inhibition Inventory for Women (XML)
SeCr  ( in XML )  (10)
  » serum creatinine (XML) | StrokeCaregiver (XML)
SETD6  ( in XML )  (10)
  » SET-domain-containing protein 6 (XML) | SET domain containing 6 (XML)
SEPB  ( in XML )  (10)
  » single-edge precracked beam (XML) | selective endoscopic pancreatic duct brushing (XML) | secondary ERM due to peripheral break (XML) | super early premature birth (XML) | SE primer + SE bonding agent (XML) ...
SelO  ( in XML )  (10)
  » Selenoprotein O (XML)
Se-Se  ( in XML )  (10)
  » study, diselenide (XML) | substituents, the extra electron is placed in the sigma (XML) | spectra and should contain a contribution of the nu (XML) | stabilized with respect to the sigma (XML) | Se-Te bonds and asymmetry of the partial distribution functions g (XML) ...
SEBQ  ( in XML )  (10)
  » Self Evaluation of Breathing Questionnaire (XML) | Sakata's Eating Behavior Questionnaire (XML)
SET-NET  ( in XML )  (10)
  » Surveillance for Emerging Threats to Mothers and Babies Network (XML) | Surveillance for Emerging Threats to Pregnant People and Infants Network (XML)
SED-time  ( in XML )  (10)
  » sedentary time (XML)
SeR  ( in XML )  (10)
  » Serenoa repens (XML) | sequential resection (XML) | species if the concentration of Au (XML)
SEMA3D  ( in XML )  (10)
  » semaphorin 3D (XML) | semaphorin 3D gene (XML)
Sem  ( in XML )  (10)
  » semaglutide (XML) | semantic decision (XML) | same molecular lesion as rl (XML) | Serratia marcescens (XML) | Selenomethionine (XML) ...
SEMP  ( in XML )  (10)
  » solitary extramedullary plasmacytoma (XML) | subendothelial matrix protein (XML) | softened EMP (XML) | side effect of MP (XML) | schema enmeshment model of pain (XML) ...
SEPN1  ( in XML )  (10)
  » selenoprotein N1 (XML) | selenoprotein N1 gene (XML) | SEPN1-RM (XML) | spine muscular dystrophy 1 (XML) | selenoprotein N1-encoding gene (XML)
S-ED  ( in XML )  (10)
  » selective electrodialysis (XML) | spike ectodomain (XML) | support plus migraine education (XML) | survival until ED discharge (XML)
Sept7  ( in XML )  (10)
  » Septin 7 (XML) | Septins, particularly septin 7 (XML)
Set  ( in XML )  (10)
  » salivary esterase (XML) | semitendinosus (XML) | sheet-enhanced technique (XML) | Se atoms (XML) | setting time (XML) ...
SEZ6  ( in XML )  (10)
  » Seizure protein 6 (XML) | seizure-related gene 6 (XML) | seizure-related homolog 6 (XML) | Seizure-related homolog protein 6 (XML)
SEMR  ( in XML )  (10)
  » submucosal endoscopy with mucosal resection (XML) | structured electronic medical record (XML) | strip endoscopic mucosal resection (XML) | special education and medical records (XML) | simultaneous enzymatic and microbial reaction (XML) ...
SEPR  ( in XML )  (10)
  » Society of Radiological Protection (XML) | stimulus-evoked pupillary response (XML) | southern East Pacific Rise (XML) | shoulder- and elbow arthroplasty register (XML) | selenoprotein R (XML) ...
SEIQR  ( in XML )  (10)
  » Susceptible-Exposed-Infected-Quarantined-Recovered (XML) | susceptible-exposure-infection-quarantine-recovery (XML)
see  ( in XML )  (9)
  » several from the lanthanide group (XML) | screening are identified (XML) | speed of processing account (XML) | specific information and issues which were relevant for our purposes (XML) | soJIA proved to be related to the mutation (XML) ...
SEPHS2  ( in XML )  (9)
  » selenophosphate synthetase 2 (XML)
SePE  ( in XML )  (9)
  » selective plasma exchange (XML)
SERAT  ( in XML )  (9)
  » serine acetyltransferase (XML) | self-extubation risk assessment tool (XML) | Ser acetyltransferase (XML)
SEERs  ( in XML )  (9)
  » Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (XML) | Stigma-reduction through Education, Empowerment, and Research (XML)
SERCA 2  ( in XML )  (9)
  » sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca(2 +) ATPase (XML) | sarco/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ ATPase type 2 (XML) | Sarcoplasmic Endothelial Reticulum Calcium ATPase 2 (XML) | sarco-endoplasmic reticulum calcium transport ATPase 2 (XML) | SR Ca2+ pump gene (XML) ...
SEME  ( in XML )  (9)
  » Search Engine Manipulation Effect (XML) | standard error of the measurement (XML) | single electromembrane extraction (XML) | Stevia eupatoria methanolic root extract (XML) | School Entry Medical Examination (XML) ...
SENLAT  ( in XML )  (9)
  » scalp eschar and neck lymphadenopathy after tick bite (XML) | scalp eschar associated with neck lymphadenopathy after a tick bite (XML) | scalp eschar and neck lymphadenopathy (XML)
SEOL  ( in XML )  (9)
  » single-exposure on-line (XML)
SEA-PHAGES  ( in XML )  (9)
  » Science Education Alliance Phage Hunters Advancing Genomics and Evolutionary Science (XML)
SENCAR  ( in XML )  (9)
  » sensitive to carcinogenesis (XML) | subpopulations of keratinocytes differing in buoyant density isolated from mice (XML) | skin hyperplasia assay in 'Sensitivity to Carcinogenesis (XML) | SENsitive to CARcinogen (XML)
SeHAS  ( in XML )  (9)
  » Streptococcus equisimilis HAS (XML) | Streptococcal HAS (XML) | streptococcal hyaluronan synthase (XML) | synthase (XML)
Seg-10  ( in XML )  (9)
  » segment 10 (XML)
SEMDs  ( in XML )  (9)
  » Spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasias (XML)
SEPSs  ( in XML )  (9)
  » self-expanding plastic stents (XML) | self-expandable plastic stents (XML) | self-expanding polyflex stents (XML) | spatial-and-ethological population structures (XML)
SEHC  ( in XML )  (9)
  » Satisfaction of Employees in Health Care (XML) | Southeast Health Center (XML) | St. Elizabeth Health Center (XML) | small exterior hydrophobic cluster (XML)
sEHKO  ( in XML )  (9)
  » sEH knockout (XML) | soluble epoxide hydrolase knockout (XML)
SEVIRI  ( in XML )  (9)
  » Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager (XML)
SEGG  ( in XML )  (9)
  » Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology (XML) | Spanish Geriatrics and Gerontology Society (XML) | Sociedad Espanola de Geriatria y Gerontologia (XML)
SEBAL  ( in XML )  (9)
  » Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land (XML)
SEFT  ( in XML )  (9)
  » spin-echo Fourier transform (XML) | single-element focused transducer (XML) | steers fed the early fattening TMR diet (XML) | sea turtle egg fusariosis (XML) | single element focused ultrasound transducers (XML) ...
SEM-AVS  ( in XML )  (9)
  » simultaneously extracted metals and acid volatile sulfides (XML)
Sema3C  ( in XML )  (9)
  » Semaphorin 3C (XML)
SENR  ( in XML )  (9)
  » Society of Neuroradiology (XML) | sensory epithelium neuropeptide-like receptor (XML) | senescence-related (XML) | Spanish Neurorehabilitation Society (XML) | Spanish Neuroradiology Society (XML) ...
SEd  ( in XML )  (9)
  » supported education (XML) | spatial entropy density (XML) | supported education programs (XML)
Sep1  ( in XML )  (9)
  » Strand exchange protein 1 (XML)
SELC  ( in XML )  (9)
  » squamous epithelial lung cancer (XML) | spindle-shaped endothelial like cells (XML) | superficial endobronchial lung cancer (XML) | steam explosion liquor of corncobs (XML) | secretory endolysosome channel (XML) ...
SEIF  ( in XML )  (9)
  » Sandwich electroimmunofixation (XML) | sparse extended information filter (XML) | simulated endogenous intestinal fluid (XML) | somatic embryos initiation frequency (XML) | sawteeth-arm embracing internal fixator (XML)
SEC61G  ( in XML )  (9)
  » SEC61 translocon subunit gamma (XML) | SEC61 translocon gamma subunit (XML) | Sec61 gamma subunit (XML)
SEOF  ( in XML )  (9)
  » self-emulsifying oil formulation (XML) | silkworm excrement organic fertilizer (XML) | side-emitting optical fiber (XML) | scattering enhanced optical fiber (XML) | saturation-excess overland flow (XML) ...
SEECS  ( in XML )  (9)
  » Swiss Eosinophilic Esophagitis Cohort Study (XML) | Swiss EoE cohort study (XML) | subepidermal extracellular space (XML)
SEDF  ( in XML )  (9)
  » strain energy density function (XML) | switched-element direction finding (XML) | shear emulsifying hydrolysis (XML) | Sleep-EDF (XML) | Sleep-EDF Expanded (XML)
SENAS  ( in XML )  (9)
  » Spanish and English Neuropsychological Assessment Scales (XML)
SENCR  ( in XML )  (9)
  » smooth muscle and endothelial cell-enriched migration/differentiation-associated lncRNA (XML) | smooth muscle and endothelial cell-enriched (XML)
SEHDI  ( in XML )  (9)
  » Socio-Economic and Health Deprivation (XML)
SEQ-C  ( in XML )  (9)
  » Self-Efficacy Questionnaire for Children (XML) | Social Environment Questionnaire (XML) | Social-Emotional Questionnaire for Children (XML)
SEPP  ( in XML )  (9)
  » SATe-enabled phylogenetic placement (XML) | Salmonella enteritidis Pilot Project (XML) | Supporting the end of prostitution permanently (XML) | Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology (XML) | supportive educational parenting program (XML) ...
SERS-LFIA  ( in XML )  (9)
  » scattering-based lateral flow immunoassay (XML) | surface-enhanced Raman scatteringlateral flow immunoassay (XML) | Raman-scattering-based competitive lateral flow assay (XML) | surface-enhanced Raman scattering-based LFIA (XML) | SERS into LFIAs (XML)
SeMC  ( in XML )  (9)
  » Se-methylselenocysteine (XML) | l-seleno-methylselenocysteine (XML)
SEPT7  ( in XML )  (9)
  » septin 7 (XML)
SEFFI  ( in XML )  (9)
  » superficial enhanced fluid fat injection (XML) | micro-superficial enhanced fluid fat injection (XML)
SERCA-2a  ( in XML )  (9)
  » sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase (XML) | sarco-endoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase-2a (XML) | sarcoplasmic Ca2+ ATPase (XML) | Sarco endoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+) ATPase (XML) | sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+)ATPase isoform 2a (XML)
sEPS  ( in XML )  (9)
  » soluble extracellular polysaccharide (XML) | sulfated epimedium polysaccharide (XML) | soluble extrapolymeric substances-coated (XML) | surface exopolysaccharide (XML) | sulfated EPS (XML) ...
SerP  ( in XML )  (9)
  » serine proteinases (XML) | seryl phosphate (XML) | serine peptidases (XML) | study aimed to determine the calcium-binding capacities of phosphoserine (XML) | showed a broad and indistinct peak from phosphoserine residue (XML)
Self  ( in XML )  (9)
  » Specifically, the DCI measures partners' perceptions of their own (XML) | self-control (XML) | self-adhesive resin cement (XML) | self-PBMCs (XML) | scanning while viewing a video of themselves (XML) ...
SECRET  ( in XML )  (9)
  » smallpox virus-encoded chemokine receptor (XML) | Spatial location of breast cancer local rECurRence aftEr masTectomy (XML) | Study on Evaluation of Candesartan Cilexetil after Renal Transplantation (XML) | SExual Chronicle REcording Table (XML) | Selection Criteria in Endovascular Thrombectomy and Thrombolytic therapy (XML)
SECoVs  ( in XML )  (9)
  » Swine enteric coronaviruses (XML) | intestine.IMPORTANCESwine enteric coronaviruses (XML)
SENIORS  ( in XML )  (8)
  » Seniors with Heart Failure (XML)
sensu stricto  ( in XML )  (8)
  » shows that Echinorhynchus (XML) | scapularis transmits Borrelia burgdorferi (XML) | species of the genus Bacteroides (XML) | species annotated to Clostridium (XML) | sister group to Insecta (XML) ...
Se, Te  ( in XML )  (8)
  » superconducting properties of the Fe (XML) | single magnetic impurity in Fe (XML) | structure of FeMo (XML) | Superconducting Performance of Fe (XML) | synthesis of organochalcogen (XML) ...
SELENOF  ( in XML )  (8)
  » Selenoprotein F (XML)
SE-lncRNAs  ( in XML )  (8)
  » super-enhancer associated long non-coding RNAs (XML) | super-enhancer-related lncRNAs (XML) | super enhancer long non-coding RNAs (XML) | Super enhancer lncRNAs (XML)
SERPINB5  ( in XML )  (8)
  » serpin family B member 5 (XML) | serpin peptidase inhibitor, clade B (ovalbumin), member 5 (XML)
SeCyst  ( in XML )  (8)
  » selenocystine (XML)
Ser2P  ( in XML )  (8)
  » serine 2 phosphorylation (XML) | Ser2-phosphorylated (XML) | CTD-Ser2 phosphorylation (XML)
SES-ANA  ( in XML )  (8)
  » stratified epithelium-specific antinuclear antibodies (XML) | stratified epithelium-specific antibodies (XML)
SEsc  ( in XML )  (8)
  » scaliness (XML) | surface evaluation of the scaliness (XML) | SELS, skin scaliness (XML) | Skin Scaliness (XML)
SEAA  ( in XML )  (8)
  » Southeast Asian American (XML) | sulfur-containing excitatory amino acids (XML) | S2--enriched alkali-activator (XML) | Smoke-free Environments Amendment Act (XML) | soaking in ethanol and aqueous ammonia (XML)
SEM/FIB  ( in XML )  (8)
  » scanning electron microscope/focused ion beam (XML) | scanning electron microscopy coupled with a focused ion beam (XML) | Scanning Electron Microscopy with Focused Ion Beam (XML)
SeA  ( in XML )  (8)
  » Se-adequate (XML) | selenocystamine (XML) | septic arthritis (XML) | Segmental Artery (XML) | selenium application (XML)
SEMGs  ( in XML )  (8)
  » surface electromyographic signals (XML) | Semenogelins (XML) | surface EMGs (XML) | Stapedial muscle electromyograms (XML)
SedSign  ( in XML )  (8)
  » sedimentation sign (XML)
SeSaS  ( in XML )  (8)
  » Sexual Sadism Scale (XML)
SEAG  ( in XML )  (8)
  » serum-effusion albumin gradient (XML) | sensor-enhanced, arthroscopic grasper (XML) | serum albumin minus pleural effusion albumin gradient (XML) | sham electroacupuncture group (XML)
SEAVS  ( in XML )  (8)
  » Southeastern Aerosol and Visibility Study (XML)
Se-CQDs  ( in XML )  (8)
  » selenium-doped carbon quantum dots (XML) | selenium-doped CQDs (XML)
SeSaM  ( in XML )  (8)
  » Sequence Saturation Mutagenesis (XML)
SESQ  ( in XML )  (8)
  » Sahlgrenska Excess Skin Questionnaire (XML) | sociocultural engagement of students' questionnaire (XML) | Social Explanatory Styles Questionnaire (XML)
SEQOL  ( in XML )  (8)
  » self-evaluation of quality of life (XML) | Stellenbosch Endometriosis Quality of Life (XML) | Study of Economics and Quality of Life (XML)
sEphB4  ( in XML )  (8)
  » soluble EphB4 (XML) | soluble extracellular domain of EphB4 (XML) | soluble monomeric form of the EphB4 extracellular domain (XML) | soluble monomeric derivative of the extracellular domain of EphB4 (XML) | soluble monomeric EphB4 (XML)
Set3C  ( in XML )  (8)
  » Set3/Hos2 histone deacetylase complex (XML) | Set3 complex (XML) | Set3/Hos2 complex (XML)
SECH  ( in XML )  (8)
  » selective elimination of host cells harboring replication-competent HIV (XML) | spherical electron cloud hopping (XML) | selective elimination of host cells capable of producing HIV (XML) | stretchy electrochemical harvester (XML) | spinal epidural capillary hemangioma (XML)
SEDAVF  ( in XML )  (8)
  » spinal epidural arteriovenous fistula (XML)
sero  ( in XML )  (8)
  » sequences bound to the Loop I of viral sub (XML) | saliva from the major (XML) | cross-sectional (XML) | Ab-seropositive/infected decreased as all-age (XML) | small volumes of saliva from all (XML) ...
SEND-PD  ( in XML )  (8)
  » Scale for Evaluation of Neuropsychiatric Disorders in Parkinson's disease (XML) | Scale for Evaluation of Neuropsychiatric Disorders in PD (XML)
SEMeas  ( in XML )  (8)
  » standard error of the measurement (XML)
Self-MOQ  ( in XML )  (8)
  » self-reported mini olfactory questionnaire (XML)
S-EMG  ( in XML )  (8)
  » surface electromyographic (XML) | Surface-detected electromyographic (XML) | Spontaneous electromyography (XML)
SELENOI  ( in XML )  (8)
  » Selenoprotein I (XML)
SEPG  ( in XML )  (8)
  » slice-resolved extended phase graph (XML) | Society of Psychogeriatrics (XML) | self-established potential gradient (XML) | serial enrichments of phosphorylation and N-glycosylation (XML) | Self-Efficacy in Prescribing-Geriatric (XML)
SECN  ( in XML )  (8)
  » subepithelial capillary network (XML) | spindle and/or epithelioid cell nevi (XML) | Secondary nitrate (XML) | specific energy consumption based on the mass of NO3--N removed (XML)
SETD1B  ( in XML )  (8)
  » SET domain containing 1B (XML) | SET domain containing the 1B gene (XML)
Sema3d  ( in XML )  (8)
  » semaphorin 3d (XML)
SEC-MS  ( in XML )  (8)
  » size exclusion chromatography-mass spectrometry (XML) | Size exclusion chromatography-MS (XML)
SECRETO  ( in XML )  (8)
  » Stroke in the Young: Revealing the Etiology, Triggers, and Outcome (XML)
SERPINB3  ( in XML )  (8)
  » Serine Proteinase Inhibitor Clade B Member 3 (XML) | serine protease inhibitor B3 (XML) | serine proteinase inhibitor, member 3 (XML)
SESAR  ( in XML )  (8)
  » Sky Air Traffic Management Research (XML) | Swedish Sleep Apnea Registry (XML) | Sevoflurane for Sedation in ARDS (XML) | selective equal-spin Andreev reflection (XML)
Selk  ( in XML )  (8)
  » selenoprotein K (XML)
Self-BAT  ( in XML )  (8)
  » self-administered bleeding assessment tool (XML) | self-bleeding assessment tool (XML)
SEPL  ( in XML )  (8)
  » streamlined expressed protein ligation (XML) | surface-enhanced photoluminescence (XML) | Socio-ecological production landscapes (XML) | subendothelial proliferative lesions (XML)
SeHLan  ( in XML )  (8)
  » selenohomolanthionine (XML)
SERB  ( in XML )  (8)
  » Science and Engineering Research Board (XML) | squeeze-and-excitation ResNet block (XML) | stem-end rind breakdown (XML) | Solvent Extraction Residual Biotreatment (XML) | sperm egg recognition and binding (XML)
SENP3  ( in XML )  (8)
  » Sentrin-specific protease 3 (XML)
Serca2a  ( in XML )  (8)
  » sarco/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase (XML) | sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+) adenosine triphosphatase (XML) | sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ ATPase 2a (XML) | sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase-2a (XML)
SEX-Q  ( in XML )  (8)
  » Sexual Experience Questionnaire (XML)
sEBRT  ( in XML )  (8)
  » salvage external beam radiation therapy (XML) | Supplemental external beam radiation therapy (XML)
SESM  ( in XML )  (8)
  » Self-efficacy for symptom management (XML) | soluble eggshell membrane (XML) | soluble eggshell membrane protein (XML) | scanning electrospray microscopy (XML) | secondary-edge-source method (XML) ...
SET8  ( in XML )  (8)
  » SET domain-containing protein 8 (XML) | SET domain containing8 (XML) | SET domain-containing lysine methyltransferase 8 (XML)
SEsM  ( in XML )  (8)
  » Simple Equations Method (XML)
SETC  ( in XML )  (8)
  » short exercise test with cooling (XML) | surface eroding thermocouple (XML) | standardized extracts of Tinospora cordifolia (XML) | subendothoracic and posteromedial (XML) | surface-engineered tape-casting (XML) ...
SEHP  ( in XML )  (7)
  » state employee health plan (XML) | semicontinuous emulsion heterophase polymerization (XML) | sesame enzymatically hydrolyzed protein (XML) | School-based Eye Health Programme (XML) | Spontaneous extracranial hemorrhagic phenomena (XML) ...
SEAVF  ( in XML )  (7)
  » spinal epidural arteriovenous fistula (XML) | Sacral extradural arteriovenous fistula (XML) | spinal epidural AVF (XML)
SENL  ( in XML )  (7)
  » supplement energy and nourish lung (XML) | superficial esophageal neoplastic lesions (XML) | supercritical extract of neem leaves (XML) | SE loaded nanoliposomes (XML)
SEEHN  ( in XML )  (7)
  » South-eastern Europe Health Network (XML)
SeACoV  ( in XML )  (7)
  » swine enteric alphacoronavirus (XML)
semi-LASER  ( in XML )  (7)
  » semi-localized by adiabatic selective refocusing (XML) | selective excitation combined with localization by adiabatic selective refocusing (XML) | single-voxel magnetic resonance spectroscopy sequence with adiabatic refocusing (XML)
SEF1  ( in XML )  (7)
  » SL3-3 enhancer factor 1 (XML)
SEPAHAN  ( in XML )  (7)
  » Study on the Epidemiology of Psychological Alimentary Health and Nutrition (XML)
SEa  ( in XML )  (7)
  » septal (XML) | systematic error (XML) | sequential (XML) | sham-EA (XML) | Systemic arterial elastance (XML) ...
Se-SP  ( in XML )  (7)
  » selenium-enriched Spirulina platensis (XML) | Selenium-enriched Spirulina (XML)
Se-PC  ( in XML )  (7)
  » selenium-containing phycocyanin (XML) | selenium-enriched phycocyanin (XML) | Se-containing phycocyanin (XML)
S,E  ( in XML )  (7)
  » SECONDARY ALLYLIC CHLORIDES WITH ALKYLZINCS (XML) | Schiff bases (XML) | systematic name (XML) | substituted acrylamides (XML) | screen identified (XML) ...
SELSA  ( in XML )  (7)
  » Scale for Adults (XML) | social and emotional loneliness (XML) | Social and Emotional Loneliness Scale (XML) | Scale for Adults-short version (XML)
Sept4  ( in XML )  (7)
  » Septin4 (XML) | septin4 gene (XML)
SepSecS  ( in XML )  (7)
  » Sep-tRNA:Sec-tRNA synthase (XML) | selenocysteine formation is catalyzed by O-phosphoseryl-tRNA:selenocysteinyl-tRNA synthase (XML)
SEp  ( in XML )  (7)
  » serum erythropoietin (XML) | storage effect due to predation (XML) | standard error of the proportion (XML)
S-ESD  ( in XML )  (7)
  » standard ESD (XML) | selective ESD (XML) | standard ESD with gas insufflation (XML) | self-completion ESD (XML)
SESDs  ( in XML )  (7)
  » safety-engineered sharp devices (XML) | self-emulsifying solid dispersions (XML) | Structural energy storage devices (XML) | self-emulsifying solid dispersible microparticles (XML)
SERBAs  ( in XML )  (7)
  » selective estrogen receptor beta agonists (XML) | selective ERbeta agonists (XML)
Serpina3n  ( in XML )  (7)
  » Serine protease inhibitor clade A member 3n (XML) | serine protease inhibitor 3n (XML)
SEC-SAXS  ( in XML )  (7)
  » size-exclusion chromatography-small-angle X-ray scattering (XML) | size exclusion-coupled small-angle X-ray scattering (XML) | size exclusion chromatography-SAXS (XML) | size-exclusion chromatography-coupled SAXS (XML)
seal  ( in XML )  (7)
  » so far, the original js and js (XML) | spheres, binder quantity during drug-layering, sub (XML) | sequence analysis of phocine (XML) | survive, cells must rapidly repair (XML) | survive, neurons and other eukaryotic cells must rapidly repair (XML) ...
SeMCys  ( in XML )  (7)
  » Seleno-methylselenocysteine (XML)
SETOC  ( in XML )  (7)
  » systemic-evolutionary theory of cancer (XML) | Systemic-Evolutionary Theory of the Origin of Cancer (XML) | systemic-evolution theory of cancer (XML) | Student Evaluation of Teaching in Outpatient Clinics (XML)
SEH/IVH  ( in XML )  (7)
  » subependymal/intraventricular hemorrhage (XML) | small intraventricular hemorrhage (XML)
SEFIR  ( in XML )  (7)
  » SEF/IL-17R (XML) | similar expression to fibroblast growth factor genes and IL-17Rs (XML) | SEF/IL-17R signaling domain (XML) | SEF/IL-17R/CIKS/ACT1 homology (XML)
SERM's  ( in XML )  (7)
  » selective estrogen receptor modulators (XML) | selective estrogen modulators (XML)
SEEKR  ( in XML )  (7)
  » Simulation Enabled Estimation of Kinetic Rates (XML) | SEquence Evaluation through k-mer Representation (XML)
S-ETUQ  ( in XML )  (7)
  » short version of the Everyday Technology Use Questionnaire (XML) | Short-form Everyday Technology Use Questionnaire (XML) | self-perceived report, the Everyday Technology Use Questionnaire (XML)
SeTal  ( in XML )  (7)
  » 1,4-anhydro-4-seleno-d-talitol (XML)
SEKI  ( in XML )  (7)
  » Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks (XML) | superior-edge-of-the-knee incision (XML) | split-flow electrokinetic injection (XML)
SE-SBM  ( in XML )  (7)
  » super-efficiency slacks-based measure (XML) | solvent-extracted soybean meal (XML) | solvent-extracted SBM (XML) | super slacks-based measure of efficiency (XML)
SEDEX  ( in XML )  (7)
  » sequential extraction method (XML) | sequential extraction procedure (XML) | sedimentary exhalative (XML) | sedimentary extraction (XML) | Self-Emulsifying Delivery Systems via Hot Melt EXtrusion (XML)
SExc  ( in XML )  (7)
  » systolic excursion (XML) | Systolic mitral annular excursion (XML)
SELU  ( in XML )  (7)
  » scaled exponential linear unit (XML) | Selumetinib (XML) | selenoprotein U (XML)
self-pMHC  ( in XML )  (7)
  » self-peptide-MHC (XML) | self-peptides presented by MHC (XML) | self-peptide bound to major histocompatibility complex II (XML) | self peptide and major histocompatibility complex proteins (XML) | self-peptide-major histocompatibility complex (XML)
s.e.e  ( in XML )  (7)
  » standard error of estimate (XML)
SEPCs  ( in XML )  (7)
  » sinusoidal endothelial cell progenitor cells (XML) | subependymal pseudocysts (XML) | suprabasal epithelial cells (XML) | Self-Efficacy Palliative Care Scale (XML) | small EPCs (XML)
SE 0.08  ( in XML )  (7)
  » sitting, mean 0.57 (XML) | squares analysis, beta=0.18 (XML) | stool weight to 1.09 (XML) | survival rate of 90.9 (XML) | Shepherd, 0.37 (XML) ...
SEPW1  ( in XML )  (7)
  » selenoprotein W1 (XML)
SEGR  ( in XML )  (7)
  » supra-esophageal gastric reflux (XML) | single-event gate rupture (XML) | school enrollment gross ratio (XML) | specific entropy generation rate (XML)
SerR  ( in XML )  (7)
  » serine racemase (XML) | serr in Escherichia coli and its gene product (XML)
seladin-1  ( in XML )  (7)
  » Selective Alzheimer's disease indicator-1 (XML) | selective AD indicator-1 (XML)
Sero  ( in XML )  (7)
  » serotonin (XML) | serotransferrin (XML)
SEM-ANN  ( in XML )  (7)
  » structural equation modeling-artificial neural network (XML)
SEIU  ( in XML )  (7)
  » Service Employees International Union (XML)
SEC-OCD  ( in XML )  (7)
  » size exclusion chromatography with organic carbon detector (XML) | size exclusion chromatography coupled with OC detector (XML) | Size-exclusion chromatography in combination with organic carbon detection (XML) | SEC and organic carbon detection (XML)
SESH  ( in XML )  (7)
  » Self-Efficacy for Sexual Healthcare (XML) | symptomatic external snapping hip (XML) | Self-Help Scale (XML) | Social entrepreneurship for sexual health (XML) | Socio-Ecological System Health (XML) ...
SENDO  ( in XML )  (7)
  » Seguimiento del Nino para un Desarrollo Optimo (XML) | Southern Europe New Drugs Organization (XML)
SE 0.01  ( in XML )  (7)
  » systolic blood pressure was 0.90 (XML) | surfaces at T2 was 0.92 (XML) | stearoyl is 0.98 (XML) | standardized beta-estimate -0.12 (XML) | specificities were, respectively, 0.96 (XML) ...
SEBF  ( in XML )  (7)
  » subtropical evergreen broadleaved forest (XML) | spontaneous eyeblink frequency (XML) | Subendometrial blood flow (XML) | social, emotional, and behavioral functioning (XML) | silencing element binding factor (XML)
Sef  ( in XML )  (7)
  » similar expression to FGF (XML) | similar expression to fgf genes protein (XML) | signaling pathway, the transmembrane protein 'similar expression to FGF genes (XML) | sevoflurane (XML)
SePs  ( in XML )  (7)
  » selenoproteins (XML) | selenium particles (XML) | S. esculenta antioxidant peptides (XML)
SEER-9  ( in XML )  (7)
  » Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results-9 (XML)
self-reported  ( in XML )  (7)
  » select social and clinical factors that predict enacted stigma (XML) | samples collected either after (XML) | Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe.Measures included diabetes (XML) | Subjects were initially asked if they were constipated (XML) | suffering from a major episode of poor health (XML) ...
SELI  ( in XML )  (7)
  » selenoprotein I (XML) | statutory employers' liability insurances (XML) | selenium (XML) | specific expressive language impairment (XML) | self-enhancement and lateral-inhibition (XML)
SE-ResNet  ( in XML )  (7)
  » squeeze-and-excitation residual network (XML) | Squeeze-and-Excitation ResNet (XML) | squeeze-and-excitation network and residual network (XML)
SECISBP2  ( in XML )  (7)
  » SECIS-binding protein 2 (XML) | Sec-insertion sequence-binding protein 2 (XML) | sequence-binding protein 2, SBP2 (XML) | selenocysteine binding protein 2 (XML) | Selenocysteine insertion binding protein 2 (XML)
SEARS  ( in XML )  (7)
  » Social and Emotional Assets and Resilience Scale (XML) | seamless dose escalation/expansion with adaptive randomization scheme (XML) | Sensory Ataxia Rating Scale (XML)
SeMeCys  ( in XML )  (7)
  » selenomethylcysteine (XML) | Se-methylselenocysteine (XML) | Se-methyl-selenocysteine (XML)
SEA-HPFH  ( in XML )  (7)
  » Southeast Asian-type hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin (XML) | Southeast Asia HPFH (XML) | Southeast Asian-type HPFH (XML)
SETD8  ( in XML )  (7)
  » SET domain-containing protein 8 (XML)
seCLIP  ( in XML )  (7)
  » Single-end Enhanced Crosslinking and Immunoprecipitation (XML) | single-end enhanced CLIP (XML) | cell-specific cross-linking immunoprecipitation and sequencing (XML)
SET1  ( in XML )  (7)
  » SETD1A (XML) | spin-echo T1-weighted sequence (XML) | Streptococcus equinus target 1 (XML) | Suppressor of Variegation, Enhancer of Zeste, and Trithorax1 (XML) | Suv, Ez, and Trithorax domain 1 (XML) ...
SelA  ( in XML )  (7)
  » selenocysteine synthase (XML) | synthetase, which is followed by Ser-to-Sec conversion by Sec synthase (XML) | selenium transferase (XML)
SeG  ( in XML )  (7)
  » Serious exerGames (XML) | selenium-doped graphene (XML) | 6-selenoguanine (XML) | Nano-Se and GSH (XML) | 1-(11-selenadodecyl)-glycerol (XML) ...
SELENON  ( in XML )  (7)
  » selenoprotein N (XML)
seRNA  ( in XML )  (7)
  » super-enhancer RNA (XML) | secreted RNA (XML) | stool-derived eukaryotic RNA (XML)
SegNet  ( in XML )  (7)
  » segmentation network (XML) | system and deep learning (XML) | segmentation convolutional network (XML) | Segmentation-Net (XML)
SEM/EDXA  ( in XML )  (7)
  » scanning electron microscopy with energy-dispersive x-ray analysis (XML)
SEEE  ( in XML )  (7)
  » simulator for engineering ethics education (XML) | specific entropy per amount of exergy exploitable in the technosphere (XML) | status epilepticus of epileptic encephalopathy (XML) | System Evolution, Erosion and Enhancement (XML) | secondary electron-electron emission (XML) ...
SeMaS  ( in XML )  (7)
  » Self-Management Screening (XML) | self-management screening questionnaire (XML) | self-management screening tool (XML)
SeCA  ( in XML )  (7)
  » selenocystamine (XML) | selenocarrageenan (XML)
SEOS  ( in XML )  (7)
  » surfactant-enhanced ozone sparging (XML) | surface tension (XML) | surface equation of state (XML) | steam-exploded okra seed (XML) | self-estimated obstruction score (XML) ...
Ser133  ( in XML )  (7)
  » serine 133 (XML) | serine at position 133 (XML)
SEVAR  ( in XML )  (6)
  » stay endovascular aortic aneurysm repair (XML) | surgical cutdown endovascular aneurysm repair (XML) | stay EVAR (XML) | Snorkel endovascular aortic repair (XML)
SEMCs  ( in XML )  (6)
  » spinal extradural meningeal cysts (XML) | self-emulsifying micelles (XML)
Seme  ( in XML )  (6)
  » selenomethionine (XML)
SESCNs  ( in XML )  (6)
  » superficial esophageal squamous cell neoplasms (XML)
SERTKO  ( in XML )  (6)
  » SERT-knockout (XML)
sER  ( in XML )  (6)
  » subplasmalemmal endoplasmic reticulum (XML) | symptomatic exertional rhabdomyolysis (XML) | superficial endoplasmic reticulum (XML) | smooth endoplasmic reticulum membrane (XML) | sheep erythrocyte rosette (XML) ...
SEPIA  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Simulation-based Evaluation of PrIoritization Algorithms (XML) | SciEnce for Plastic Impacts Argentina (XML) | Standards for the Evaluation of Photographs In Aesthetics (XML) | side effects of pulmonary vein isolation in atrial fibrillation (XML) | SuscEptibility mapping PIpeline tool for phAse images (XML) ...
SE 0.06  ( in XML )  (6)
  » score were 0.25 (XML) | significantly different at 0.87 (XML) | soya-bean-protein diets were 0.84 (XML) | students at rest were 0.32 (XML) | z-score increased by 0.14 (XML) ...
SEANUTS II  ( in XML )  (6)
  » South East Asian Nutrition Surveys (XML)
SEZ6L  ( in XML )  (6)
  » seizure 6-like (XML) | Seizure 6-Like Protein (XML) | seizure-related 6 homolog like (XML)
SET-C  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Social Effectiveness Therapy for Children (XML) | Social effectiveness therapy (XML)
sEOC  ( in XML )  (6)
  » serous EOC (XML) | serous-type EOC (XML) | serous epithelial ovarian carcinomas (XML) | serous epithelial ovarian carcinoma (XML) | secondary epithelial ovarian cancer cells (XML)
SENN  ( in XML )  (6)
  » spatially extended nonlinear node (XML) | swarm-exploring neurodynamic network (XML) | spectral extraction neural network (XML) | spatially extended nonlinear node model (XML) | Smote-ENN (XML)
SENP6  ( in XML )  (6)
  » sentrin/SUMO-specific protease 6 (XML) | sentrin-specific peptidase 6 (XML)
SEMNIM  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (XML)
seRNAs  ( in XML )  (6)
  » super-enhancer RNAs (XML) | super-enhancer derived RNAs (XML) | Super-enhancers-driven noncoding RNAs (XML) | sense transcripts (XML)
sECMs  ( in XML )  (6)
  » synthetic extracellular matrices (XML) | semi-synthetic ECMs (XML) | synthetic ECMs (XML) | specialized extracellular matrices (XML)
SEIHR  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Susceptible-Exposed-Infectious-Hospitalized-Recovered (XML)
SEQC2  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Sequencing and Quality Control Phase 2 (XML) | SEquence Quality Control project phase2 (XML)
SENORITA  ( in XML )  (6)
  » SEntinel Node ORIented Tailored Approach (XML) | short-term outcomes of a multicentre randomized controlled trial (XML)
SERIA  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Stochastic Early Reaction, Inhibition, and late Action (XML) | social-ecological resilience of indigenous adolescents (XML) | sandwich erythroimmunoassay (XML)
SERT-KO  ( in XML )  (6)
  » SERT-knockout (XML) | Serotonin transporter knockout mouse (XML)
S-EVs  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Saccharomyces cerevisiae-derived EVs (XML) | Senescence-associated extracellular vesicles (XML) | S. cerevisiae (XML) | SARS-2-S or extracellular vesicles containing SARS-2-S (XML) | small-EVs (XML) ...
S. eriocheiris  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Spiroplasma eriocheiris (XML)
SEKOIA  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Strontium Ranelate Efficacy in Knee Osteoarthritis trial (XML) | Strontium ranelate efficacy in knee OA (XML) | SrRan Efficacy in Knee OsteoarthrItis triAl (XML)
SECDI  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Swedish Early Communicative Development Inventory (XML) | secondary electrospray and corona discharge ionization (XML) | Swedish version of the Communicative Development Inventories (XML)
SELA  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Social Factors, Epigenomics and Lupus in African American Women (XML) | Southeast Los Angeles (XML) | Selenocysteine Synthase (XML) | SEL agar (XML)
SEICAP  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Society of Pediatric Allergy, Asthma and Clinical Immunology (XML) | Society of Paediatric ClinicaL Immunology, Allergy, and Asthma (XML)
SETOA  ( in XML )  (6)
  » superior eyelid endoscopic transorbital approach (XML) | superior eyelid transorbital endoscopic approach (XML)
SEHR  ( in XML )  (6)
  » shared electronic health record (XML) | Shared Electronic Health Record Service (XML) | South-East Health Region (XML) | school engagement with health research (XML)
second-order  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Some N amacrine cells produced a well-defined (XML) | similar to that described by Graves, characterized by four segmental (XML) | sensitisation and cutaneous allodynia within the referred pain area (XML) | selection are hierarchically nested within each other from broader (XML) | Surface Methodology analysis results depicted that the polynomial model (XML) ...
SEMPs  ( in XML )  (6)
  » sport and exercise medicine physicians (XML) | sound-evoked myogenic potentials (XML) | small-size endothelial microparticles (XML) | semispecific peaks (XML) | Spinally Evoked Motor Potentials (XML) ...
SES-V  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Sexual Experiences Survey-Victimization (XML)
SEGC  ( in XML )  (6)
  » solitary early gastric carcinoma (XML) | seed-expansion graph clustering algorithm (XML) | sheathless Eaucath guiding catheter (XML) | soft elastic gelatin capsule (XML) | subependymal giant cell astrocytoma (XML)
S-EPSs  ( in XML )  (6)
  » soluble extracellular polymeric substances (XML) | soluble EPSs (XML) | screening electrophysiology studies (XML) | S. flexneri exopolysaccharides (XML)
SEPT4  ( in XML )  (6)
  » septin 4 (XML) | SEPT4-G (XML) | septin proteins, septin 4 (XML)
SE-FSRS  ( in XML )  (6)
  » surface-enhanced femtosecond stimulated Raman spectroscopy (XML)
SEGI  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Society of Gynecologic Endoscopy (XML) | age-standardised (XML) | solid-state electrolyte gate insulator (XML) | Sequoiadendron giganteum (XML)
SEXIT  ( in XML )  (6)
  » SEXual health Identification Tool (XML) | sexual health and risk-taking (XML) | sex education and STIs (XML) | sexual ill health: pilot implementation of an evidence-informed toolkit (XML)
SERMS  ( in XML )  (6)
  » self-efficacy for regular meditation practice scale (XML) | Selective oestrogen receptor modulators (XML) | self-expanding removable metal stents (XML) | Selective ER Modulators (XML)
SERPS  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Systematic extended right posterior sectionectomy (XML) | serine proteinases (XML) | Structured Education Reminiscence-based Programme for Staff (XML) | State Earnings-Related Pension Scheme (XML)
SEQM  ( in XML )  (6)
  » semi-empirical quantum mechanics (XML) | Structural equation models (XML) | Systems Ethnography and Qualitative Modeling (XML) | semi-empirical QM (XML)
SERK3  ( in XML )  (6)
  » somatic embryogenesis receptor kinase 3 (XML) | SOMATIC EMBROYOGENESIS KINASE 3 (XML)
SETPT  ( in XML )  (6)
  » sequential electron transfer proton transfer (XML)
SEPTs  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Septins (XML) | septins (XML) | septin family members (XML)
SEECL  ( in XML )  (6)
  » surface-enhanced electrochemiluminescence (XML) | surface-enhanced ECL (XML)
seATRP  ( in XML )  (6)
  » simplified electrochemically mediated atom transfer radical polymerization (XML) | simplified electrochemically mediated ATRP (XML)
SESNs  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Sestrins (XML) | superficial esophageal squamous neoplasms (XML)
SerRSs  ( in XML )  (6)
  » seryl-tRNA synthetases (XML)
sET  ( in XML )  (6)
  » standard embryo transfer (XML) | successful endovascular therapy (XML) | staphylococcal exfoliative toxin (XML) | sports-based exercise therapy program combined with usual care (XML)
SEDR  ( in XML )  (6)
  » scan equalization digital radiography (XML)
SESCH  ( in XML )  (6)
  » spontaneous expulsive suprachoroidal hemorrhage (XML)
seg  ( in XML )  (6)
  » segregation (XML) | segmented mask file (XML) | SE gene (XML) | significant decreases in PPT (XML) | size, from which a length scale r_ (XML)
SEHD  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Scottish Executive Health Department (XML) | sensor-embedded holding device (XML) | synchronous extrahepatic disease (XML) | Socioeconomic health differences (XML)
Sez6l2  ( in XML )  (6)
  » seizure-related 6 homolog-like 2 (XML)
SeTB  ( in XML )  (6)
  » selective trunk block (XML)
SEM-EDXS  ( in XML )  (6)
  » scanning electron microscopy-energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (XML)
SELANA  ( in XML )  (6)
  » sutureless excimer laser-assisted non-occlusive anastomosis (XML) | sutureless ELANA (XML)
SERO  ( in XML )  (6)
  » seromyotomy (XML) | serological suspects (XML) | seroconverter (XML) | SER Officer (XML) | subjects who are not confirmed by microscopic detection of trypanosomes (XML) ...
Se-S  ( in XML )  (6)
  » selenenyl sulfide (XML) | Serum selenium concentrations (XML) | Severe impairment-Stable trajectory (XML)
SERINC2  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Serine Incorporator 2 (XML) | serine incorporator 2 gene (XML)
SeChry  ( in XML )  (6)
  » selenium-containing chrysin (XML) | Selenium-chrysin (XML)
Sema III  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Semaphorin III/D (XML)
SEER-18  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results-18 (XML)
seco-CBI  ( in XML )  (6)
  » seco-hydroxycyclopropylbenz(e)indolone (XML) | seco-1,2,9,9a-tetrahydrocyclopropa(c)benz(e)indol-4-one (XML) | synthesized conjugate between Py-Im polyamide and another alkylating agent, 1-(chloromethyl)-5-hydroxy-1,2-dihydro-3H-benz(e)indole (XML) | synthesis and cytotoxicity evaluation of 1-chloromethyl-5-hydroxy-1,2-dihydro-3H-benz(e)indole (XML)
SER IV  ( in XML )  (6)
  » supination-external rotation type IV (XML)
S-ESP  ( in XML )  (6)
  » sacral erector spinae plane (XML)
S-EDE-Q  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Short-Eating Disorder Examination-Questionnaire (XML) | Spanish version of the Eating Disorders Examination Questionnaire (XML) | study compared the Spanish language questionnaire (XML)
Se,S  ( in XML )  (6)
  » shell/shell InP/Zn (XML) | single-shelled InZnP/Zn (XML) | S and Fe-Te distances in the ternary Fe (XML) | S substitution, causing deformed Fe (XML) | structure studies on the Fe (XML) ...
sEGD  ( in XML )  (6)
  » sedated esophagogastroduodenoscopy (XML) | surveillance esophagogastroduodenoscopy (XML) | sedated EGD (XML) | screening endoscopy (XML)
SeMeSeCys  ( in XML )  (6)
  » selenomethylselenocysteine (XML)
SENCEFUL  ( in XML )  (6)
  » SElf-gated Non-Contrast-Enhanced FUnctional Lung imaging (XML)
SECCS  ( in XML )  (6)
  » screen-enrich-combine(-biomaterials) circulating system (XML) | screen-enrich-combine circulating system (XML) | State Early Childhood Comprehensive Systems (XML)
SEMA4B  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Semaphorin 4B (XML)
SEMSANS  ( in XML )  (6)
  » spin-echo modulated small-angle neutron scattering (XML)
Sema3D  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Semaphorin3D (XML)
SEPHCHC  ( in XML )  (6)
  » 2-succinyl-5-enolpyruvyl-6-hydroxy-3-cyclohexene-1-carboxylate (XML)
seb  ( in XML )  (6)
  » sebacic acid (XML) | SEB gene (XML) | SEB PCR-ELISA identified the enterotoxin B (XML)
ser1  ( in XML )  (6)
  » sericin-1 gene (XML) | sericin1 (XML)
SEPIC  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Single Ended Primary Inductor Converter (XML) | single-ended primary inductance converter (XML)
se1  ( in XML )  (6)
  » sugary enhancer1 (XML) | sensitivity 1 (XML) | stigma exposed 1 (XML)
SECTM1  ( in XML )  (6)
  » secreted and transmembrane protein 1 (XML) | secreted and transmembrane 1 (XML)
Se group  ( in XML )  (6)
  » selenium group (XML) | second group (XML) | selenomethionine group (XML) | selenium-rich group (XML) | kappa-selenocarrageenan-treated group (XML) ...
SEOCs  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Synchronous endometrial and ovarian carcinomas (XML) | synchronous primary endometrial and ovarian cancers (XML) | standardized episodes of care (XML) | serous epithelial ovarian carcinomas (XML)
SEC-ICP-MS  ( in XML )  (6)
  » size-exclusion chromatography-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (XML) | spectrometer with inductively coupled plasma (XML) | size-exclusion HPLC-ICP-MS (XML) | size exclusion chromatography-ICP-MS (XML) | size-exclusion chromatography coupled with ICP-MS (XML)
self-report  ( in XML )  (6)
  » screened for impulsivity using the BIS-11 (XML) | say relative to the level of satisfaction of participants (XML) | Self-report AND ADHD AND Valid (XML) | significantly better than other therapies (XML) | self-administered symptom survey (XML) ...
SEEL  ( in XML )  (6)
  » selective exo-enzymatic labeling (XML) | social-economic-ecological losses (XML) | Short Evening Element-like (XML)
SE/AE  ( in XML )  (6)
  » static encephalopathy/alcohol exposed (XML) | side effects/adverse effects (XML)
SeRP  ( in XML )  (6)
  » selective ribosome profiling (XML) | Secure Research Platform (XML) | senescence restriction point (XML)
SePh  ( in XML )  (6)
  » ISC-26-MnSnSeCl-SePh: 5.2(3,5-DMPH+)Mn4Sn4Se12.2Cl0.8 (XML) | selenophenyl (XML) | sulfoxide revealed one-dimensional polymeric chains of Pb (XML) | supports the presence of Pb (XML) | similar oligomeric and polymeric Hg(x) (XML) ...
sepsis-AKI  ( in XML )  (6)
  » sepsis-induced acute kidney injury (XML) | sepsis-induced AKI (XML) | sepsis-associated AKI (XML)
SERINC3  ( in XML )  (6)
  » serine incorporator 3 (XML) | Serine incorporator proteins 3 (XML)
SELENOM  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Selenoprotein M (XML) | selenoprotein M, SELM (XML)
SECTG  ( in XML )  (6)
  » subepithelial connective tissue graft (XML)
SENO  ( in XML )  (6)
  » standardized extract of Nasturtium officinale (XML) | systemic treatment, neurology, and oncology (XML) | senofilcon A (XML) | Subjective Evaluation of Noise Characteristics in Office Workplaces (XML)
SENSUPP  ( in XML )  (6)
  » sensory relearning of the upper limb (XML) | SENSory re-learning of the UPPer limb after stroke (XML)
SeGlu  ( in XML )  (6)
  » selenized glucose (XML)
Set1C  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Set1 complex (XML)
Sep15  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Selenoprotein 15 (XML) | selenoprotein 15-kDa (XML) | Sepw1, 15-kDa selenoprotein (XML)
SEC-R  ( in XML )  (6)
  » serpin-enzyme complex receptor (XML) | Security in Care--Relatives' Evaluation (XML) | SEC receptor (XML) | secretin receptors (XML) | secukinumab responders (XML)
sEV-AT  ( in XML )  (6)
  » small extracellular vesicles derived from adipose tissue (XML) | small extracellular vesicles (XML)
SETAR  ( in XML )  (6)
  » self-exciting threshold autoregressive (XML) | simplified equivalent tissue-air ratio (XML) | surrogate data method, a nonlinear (XML)
SERT-P  ( in XML )  (6)
  » serotonin transporter promoter (XML) | SERT polymorphisms, including the insertion/deletion polymorphism in the promoter (XML) | serotonin reuptake transporter (XML) | SERT-promoter (XML)
SEHS  ( in XML )  (6)
  » short-term extreme heat stress (XML) | Spin Echo Height Spectroscopy (XML) | Spontaneous epidural hematoma of the spine (XML) | school-entry hearing screening (XML) | self-enhancing humor style (XML) ...
seqFISH  ( in XML )  (6)
  » sequential fluorescence in situ hybridization (XML) | sequential multiplexed single-molecule fluorescent in situ hybridization (XML) | Sequential barcoded fluorescent in situ hybridization (XML)
SEGRAMs  ( in XML )  (6)
  » selective GR agonists and modulators (XML) | selective glucocorticoid receptor agonists and modulators (XML) | non-steroidal-selective glucocorticoid-receptor agonists and modulators (XML) | selective GC receptor agonistic modulators (XML)
SEE-C  ( in XML )  (6)
  » supercritical emulsion extraction in continuous operation layout (XML) | Simulation-Based Empathy Enhancement Program for Caregivers (XML) | Simulation-based Empathy Enhancement program for Caregivers of the Elderly (XML) | self-efficacy for exercise (XML) | Self-Efficacy Scale for ExerciseChinese version (XML) ...
SE/CC  ( in XML )  (6)
  » sieve element/companion cell (XML) | sieve element/companion cell complex (XML)
SEDP  ( in XML )  (6)
  » supportive expressive dynamic psychotherapy (XML) | self-expansion double patterning (XML) | Synthesis of a new bisphosphonic acid ligand (XML)
SECONDs  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Simplified Evaluation of CONsciousness Disorders (XML)
SEBCS  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Seoul Breast Cancer Study (XML)
SER-CI  ( in XML )  (6)
  » surface-enhanced Raman chemical imaging (XML)
seven cases  ( in XML )  (5)
  » severe mucosal reactions (XML) | seven advanced gastric cancer lesions (XML) | SJS/TEN-like reactions to nivolumab (XML) | side effects: microfollicular conjunctivitis (XML) | significant unexpected complications were uveitis (XML)
SeRA  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Self-Regulation Assessment (XML)
SELSTOC  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Self-limiting sternal tumors of childhood (XML)
SERL  ( in XML )  (5)
  » SERK-like (XML) | signal enhancement ratio (XML) | Survey and Evaluation Research Lab (XML) | STEC Reference Laboratory (XML)
Ser118  ( in XML )  (5)
  » serine 118 (XML)
SEMOR  ( in XML )  (5)
  » self-modeling regression (XML)
SelCIDs  ( in XML )  (5)
  » selective cytokine inhibitory drugs (XML)
SEFIP  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Self-Estimated Functional Inability because of Pain (XML) | senior fitness and prevention (XML)
SEPT11  ( in XML )  (5)
  » septin 11 (XML) | septin11 (XML)
SERPINE  ( in XML )  (5)
  » serine protease inhibitor E (XML) | serine proteinase inhibitor, clade E (XML) | serine peptidase inhibitor clade E member (XML)
SEMHT  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Sclerosing extramedullary hematopoietic tumor (XML)
SEAKER  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Synthetic Enzyme-Armed KillER (XML)
s-ED  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Self-reported Exhaustion Disorder Scale (XML) | self-rated exhaustion disorder (XML) | stress-related Exhaustion Disorder (XML)
Se-HBVs  ( in XML )  (5)
  » selenium health benefit values (XML)
SeNEx  ( in XML )  (5)
  » selenium(II)-nitrogen exchange (XML)
SEHH  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Society of Hematology and Hemotherapy (XML) | Sociedad Espanola de Hematologia y Hemoterapia (XML)
SELINE  ( in XML )  (5)
  » spin-echo line-scanning (XML) | self-opening neural interface (XML) | spin-echo-based line-scanning fMRI (XML) | self-opening intraneural peripheral interface (XML) | self-opening intrafascicular neural interface (XML)
SEP-856  ( in XML )  (5)
  » SEP-363856 (XML)
SEMAS  ( in XML )  (5)
  » self-expandable metallic airway stents (XML) | self-expanding metallic stents (XML)
SESOD  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Symptoms of Dryness (XML)
SeQDs  ( in XML )  (5)
  » selenium quantum dots (XML)
Se-AAs  ( in XML )  (5)
  » selenoamino acids (XML) | Se-amino acids (XML) | selenium-containing amino acids (XML)
self-efficacy  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Self-Efficacy for Managing Treatments and Medications (XML) | successfully fulfilling evidence-based practice-related tasks (XML) | student; normative beliefs and motivation to comply; efficacy beliefs (XML) | skills, including personal judgement of clinical efficacy (XML) | Self-efficacy for Exercise (XML)
SecA  ( in XML )  (5)
  » secretion system subunit protein A (XML) | Sec-translocon (XML) | secretory A (XML)
SEVT  ( in XML )  (5)
  » situated expectancy-value theory (XML) | saccadic eye velocity test (XML) | secondary endovascular treatment (XML) | single-entry viscotrabeculotomy (XML)
SE-S  ( in XML )  (5)
  » self-efficacy for sleep (XML) | Self-Efficacy for Sleep Scale (XML) | sensitive (XML)
Serr  ( in XML )  (5)
  » serum-resistant (XML)
SE1  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Scanning Enhancer 1 (XML) | Sertoli element 1 (XML) | sea horse Hippocampus kuda Bleeler; 1-(5-bromo-2-hydroxy-4-methoxyphenyl)ethanone (XML) | self-etch 1-step (XML) | specific epitope 1 (XML)
Ser62  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Serine 62 (XML) | serine 62 residue (XML)
SE Spain  ( in XML )  (5)
  » sources in Alicante province (XML) | Sierra Espuna Regional Park (XML) | Spanish sample from La Alpujarra (XML) | soils from Alicante province (XML) | solar saltern in Santa Pola (XML)
SENEX  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Southeast Nexus (XML) | selective nonexcitation (XML)
SEYLLp  ( in XML )  (5)
  » standard expected years of life lost per person (XML)
Sesn3  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Sestrin 3 (XML)
SEIEL  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Self-Efficacy for Interprofessional Experiential Learning (XML)
SEALs  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Special Operations Forces personnel (XML) | Spinal extradural angiolipomas (XML) | Superior epithelial arcuate lesions (XML) | sclero-embolic and ablative lasers (XML) | Sea, Air, and Land Forces (XML)
seHAS  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Streptococcus equisimilis hyaluronan synthase (XML)
SEICAT  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Socio-Economic Impact Classification for Alien Taxa (XML) | Society of Cardiothoracic Imaging (XML)
sEVAR  ( in XML )  (5)
  » standard endovascular aneurysm repair (XML) | standard EVAR (XML)
selC  ( in XML )  (5)
  » selenocysteine (XML) | selB genes includes an entire tRNASec sequence (XML) | selenocystyl-tRNA (XML) | selenocystyl transfer RNA gene (XML)
secGFP  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Secreted GFP (XML) | secreted form of green fluorescent protein (XML) | secreted form of Aequoria victoria green fluorescent protein (XML)
SE-ILK  ( in XML )  (5)
  » SE-immune lymphokines (XML) | S. enteritidis-immune lymphokines (XML) | Salmonella enteritidis-immune T lymphokines (XML)
SE-QCT  ( in XML )  (5)
  » single-energy quantitative CT (XML) | single-energy quantitative computed tomography (XML)
SERDP  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (XML)
SE-FRET  ( in XML )  (5)
  » sensitized emission-fluorescence resonance energy transfer (XML) | Sensitized Emission FRET (XML)
sed  ( in XML )  (5)
  » staphylococcus enterotoxin gene D (XML) | Stratigraphic trends in carbonaceous phases and C (XML) | sediments exhibit decreasing C (XML) | sediment concentrations, C (XML)
SEANCE  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Sentiment Analysis and Social Cognition Engine (XML)
Se-B. longum DD98  ( in XML )  (5)
  » selenium-enriched Bifidobacterium longum DD98 (XML)
SEI-HS  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Social Exclusion Index for Health Surveys (XML)
SESPAS  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Spanish Public Health Association (XML) | Sociedad Espanola de Salud Publica y Administracion Sanitaria (XML) | Spanish Society of Public Health (XML) | scientific societies of public health (XML)
SexFS  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Sexual Function and Satisfaction (XML)
Se2  ( in XML )  (5)
  » spectrum of Ba2Ag2Se2 (XML) | semiconducting nature of Ba2Ag2Se2 (XML) | Sensitivity 2 (XML) | Synthesis and Characterization of Ba2Ag2Se2 (XML) | sample of Ba2Ag2Se2 (XML)
Sec7p  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Sec7 protein (XML) | SEC7 gene and its product (XML) | SEC7 gene product (XML)
SEff  ( in XML )  (5)
  » sleep efficiency (XML) | splenic effluate (XML) | self-efficacy (XML) | separation efficiency (XML)
SELDI-ToF-MS  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Surface Enhanced Laser Desorption/Ionization-Time of Flight-Mass Spectrometry (XML) | surface-enhanced laser desorption/ionisation time of flight (XML)
SETBP1-HD  ( in XML )  (5)
  » SETBP1 haploinsufficiency disorder (XML)
SESOM  ( in XML )  (5)
  » soil-extracted soluble organic matter (XML) | soil-extracted solubilized organic matter (XML) | soil-extracted solubilized organic and inorganic matter (XML)
SemMedDB  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Semantic MEDLINE Database (XML)
SE 0.07  ( in XML )  (5)
  » z-score increased by 0.17 (XML) | SA to be 0 (XML) | sP-selectin 0.51 (XML) | smokers 0.42 (XML) | statin users compared to +0.42 (XML)
s-EPS  ( in XML )  (5)
  » sulphated EPS (XML) | soluble extracellular polysaccharides (XML) | solved-EPS (XML)
SEIRV  ( in XML )  (5)
  » susceptible-exposed-infected-removed -vaccinated (XML)
Se-garlic  ( in XML )  (5)
  » selenium-enriched garlic (XML) | selenized garlic (XML)
Se-P  ( in XML )  (5)
  » selenoprotein P (XML) | Se concentrations in plasma (XML) | selenium binding protein (XML) | selenium concentration in plasma (XML)
sEcad  ( in XML )  (5)
  » soluble ectodomain fragment (XML) | soluble E-cadherin (XML) | shedded E-cadherin extracellular domain fragment (XML)
SEMV  ( in XML )  (5)
  » seminal vesicles (XML) | subendocardial myocyte vacuolization (XML) | Saccadic eye movement velocity (XML)
SEEB  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Self-Efficacy for Exercise Beliefs (XML) | Semiempirical Energy Based (XML) | self-efficacy for exercise behavior (XML) | SE exercise behaviour (XML) | Self-Efficacy for Exercise Behaviors Scale (XML)
seg-2  ( in XML )  (5)
  » segment-2 (XML) | segments of BTV-16 isolates varied from 3.23110-5 (XML)
Sema7a  ( in XML )  (5)
  » semaphorin 7a (XML)
SEPH  ( in XML )  (5)
  » segmental extrahepatic portal hypertension (XML) | Sepharose-bound (XML) | selenoprotein H (XML) | subtotal EPH (XML) | staged early partial hepatectomy (XML)
SeMetSeCys  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Semethylselenocysteine (XML) | Se-methyl-Se-cysteine (XML)
SEDOR  ( in XML )  (5)
  » spin echo double resonance (XML)
SeLIE  ( in XML )  (5)
  » self-limited infantile epilepsy (XML)
Sema4F  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Semaphorin4F (XML)
SEAE  ( in XML )  (5)
  » supratentorial extraventricular anaplastic ependymoma (XML) | saponin-enriched alcohol extract (XML) | sappanwood ethyl acetate extract (XML) | standardized ethyl acetate extract (XML)
SEls  ( in XML )  (5)
  » staphylococcal enterotoxin-like toxins (XML) | SE-like toxins (XML) | SE-like enterotoxins (XML)
SearD  ( in XML )  (5)
  » South East Asia with high adult and high child mortality (XML)
SETDCs  ( in XML )  (5)
  » surgical encounter total direct costs (XML)
SeVV  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Sendai virus vectors (XML)
SETM  ( in XML )  (5)
  » structured epidural teaching model (XML) | static ETM (XML) | single-elevated tumor marker (XML) | stacking ensemble tree models (XML)
seipin-nKO  ( in XML )  (5)
  » seipin knockout (XML) | seipin knockout mice (XML)
sEOPD  ( in XML )  (5)
  » sporadic early-onset PD (XML) | sporadic early-onset Parkinson's disease (XML)
SEM-EBSD  ( in XML )  (5)
  » scanning electron microscope-electron backscatter diffraction (XML)
S-ELISA  ( in XML )  (5)
  » spike protein-ELISA (XML) | spike protein enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (XML) | S-Ag preparation was tested by ELISA (XML) | standard-ELISA (XML) | strip-ELISA (XML)
SEBS-g-MA  ( in XML )  (5)
  » polystyrene-b-poly(ethylene-ran-butylene)-b-polystyrene-grafted maleic anhydride (XML) | styrene/ethylene-butylene/styrene copolymer-grafted maleic anhydride (XML) | styrene-(ethylene-butene)-styrene triblock copolymer grafted with maleic anhydride (XML)
SEBC  ( in XML )  (5)
  » swivel-derived exhaled breath condensate (XML) | Stages of Exercise Behaviour Change (XML) | Standard European Behavior Classification (XML) | simulated exhaled breath condensate (XML)
SeCS  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Sexual Communication Scale (XML) | selenium-chondroitin sulfate (XML) | sulfate-functionalized selenium nanoparticles (XML)
sey  ( in XML )  (5)
  » small eye (XML) | staphylococcal enterotoxin Y gene (XML)
SESMEB  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Scale of Effects of Social Media on Eating Behaviour (XML)
SeDG  ( in XML )  (5)
  » selenodigalactoside (XML) | selenoglycoside bond (XML) | specifically that of di(beta-D-galactopyranosyl)selenide (XML) | selenodiglutathione (XML)
SEdb  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Super-Enhancer Database (XML)
SEGRMs  ( in XML )  (5)
  » selective glucocorticoid receptor modulators (XML) | selective GR modulators (XML)
SEPAD  ( in XML )  (5)
  » separation anxiety disorder (XML)
SEHT  ( in XML )  (5)
  » severe essential hypertension (XML) | Sclerosing Extramedullary Hematopoietic Tumor (XML) | structural episodic head tremor (XML)
seam  ( in XML )  (5)
  » male-specific divisions of the most posterior lateral hypodermal (XML) | second minor discontinuity to appear is planar (XML) | seen in the lateral hypodermal (XML) | stem cell-like lateral hypodermal (XML) | symmetry break (XML)
SEEBIC  ( in XML )  (5)
  » secondary electron e-beam-induced current (XML) | secondary electron-based electron beam-induced current (XML)
SEEOG  ( in XML )  (5)
  » South-East European Oncology Group (XML)
SeSS  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Sensitivity Scales (XML) | (3,14-L-seleno-cysteine, 8-D-tryptophan)-somatostatin (XML)
SEEDO  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Society for the Study of Obesity (XML) | Spanish Association for the Study of Obesity (XML)
SEEV  ( in XML )  (5)
  » salience, effort, expectancy, value (XML) | social-economic-ecological vulnerability (XML)
SElX  ( in XML )  (5)
  » staphylococcal enterotoxin-like toxin X (XML) | Stability and emetic activity of enterotoxin like X (XML)
SEDE  ( in XML )  (5)
  » steric, electric, and dielectric exclusion (XML) | somatically effective dose equivalent (XML)
SE 0.05  ( in XML )  (5)
  » z-score increased by 0.12 (XML) | soya-bean-protein diet 0.06 (XML) | score would be 0.14 (XML) | sensitivity, 60 (XML)
SERPINS  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Serine protease inhibitors (XML) | serine protease inhibitor superfamily (XML) | serine protease inhibitors and substrates (XML)
SECU  ( in XML )  (5)
  » secukinumab (XML)
sEHs  ( in XML )  (5)
  » soluble epoxide hydrolases (XML)
SERS-LFA  ( in XML )  (5)
  » scattering-based lateral flow assay (XML) | spectroscopy with lateral flow assay (XML)
SELFIES  ( in XML )  (5)
  » self-referencing embedded strings (XML) | SELF-referencing Embedded String (XML)
SEFCQ  ( in XML )  (5)
  » self-efficacy for functional constipation questionnaire (XML)
sEPI  ( in XML )  (5)
  » single-shot EPI (XML) | silent echo-planar imaging (XML) | single-shot EPI-based DWI sequence (XML) | segmented echo planar imaging (XML) | shot EPI (XML)
SENDs  ( in XML )  (5)
  » special educational needs and dis/abilities (XML) | selenium nanodots (XML) | safety-engineered needle devices (XML)
SEM-XRM  ( in XML )  (5)
  » scanning electron microscopy coupled with X-ray elemental microanalysis (XML) | Scanning electron microscopy coupled with X-ray microanalysis (XML) | system Noran Voyager of basic microanalysis X-ray (XML)
seven patients  ( in XML )  (5)
  » significant differences between absorptive IH (XML) | severely ill patients with malignancy (XML) | severe parasitic infection (XML) | serious intraoperative complications were rare (XML) | systemic or pulmonary ventricle (XML)
SELCA  ( in XML )  (5)
  » South East London Cancer Alliance (XML) | Smooth excimer laser coronary angioplasty (XML) | subependymal layer of cerebral aqueduct (XML)
Self-MF  ( in XML )  (5)
  » self-ascribed masculinity-femininity (XML)
SENASA  ( in XML )  (5)
  » stamping-out measures dissuaded the National Animal Health Authority (XML) | samples per year, was received by the veterinary authority (XML) | Services--the National Health and Agrifood Quality Service (XML) | Services of Animal Health of Argentina (XML) | Service ofAgrifoodHealth and Safety (XML)
sEA  ( in XML )  (5)
  » severe EA (XML) | session of EA (XML) | sacral electroacupuncture (XML)
SECM-SICM  ( in XML )  (5)
  » scanning electrochemical-scanning ion conductance microscopy (XML) | microscopy-scanning ion conductance microscopy (XML)
SE US  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Southeastern United States (XML)
SERPINB1  ( in XML )  (5)
  » serpin family B member 1 (XML) | serpin protease inhibitor B1 (XML)
self-Ags  ( in XML )  (5)
  » self-antigens (XML)
SEOFs  ( in XML )  (5)
  » side-emitting optical fibers (XML)
SeH  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Mito-SeH includes three moieties: a selenol group (XML) | species, characterized by J (XML) | splanchnic-evoked hypothalamic (XML) | selenols HSe-C2H4-Se-Se-Et (4) and CH3-CH (XML) | sesquiterpenes hydrocarbon (XML)
SEFTY  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Science Education for the Youth (XML)
SELNET  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Sarcoma European and Latin American Network (XML)
Serinus canaria  ( in XML )  (5)
  » songbirds, such as canaries (XML) | song production in male canaries (XML) | song learning in adult canaries (XML) | sexual responsiveness of female canaries (XML)
sEPOR  ( in XML )  (5)
  » soluble EPO receptor (XML) | soluble extracellular domains of the EPO receptor (XML)
seg-EPI  ( in XML )  (5)
  » segmented echo planar imaging (XML)
SESPI  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Staff-Patient Interactions in Progress Notes (XML) | Sesame seed protein isolate (XML)
SESCCs  ( in XML )  (5)
  » superficial esophageal squamous cell carcinomas (XML)
SECAs  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Sulphur Emission Control Areas (XML) | soluble Escherichia coli antigens (XML) | subtype of Capa-expressing cells (XML)
ses  ( in XML )  (5)
  » encapsidation signal (XML) | Staphylococcal enterotoxin genes (XML) | sensitivities to snail gut enzymes (XML) | end-systolic stress (XML)
SEIFEM  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Sorveglianza Epidemiologica Infezioni nelle Emopatie (XML)
SelR  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Selenoprotein R (XML) | selective stress echocardiography-guided revascularization (XML)
sERC  ( in XML )  (5)
  » smooth endoplasmic reticulum cluster (XML)
SE Asia  ( in XML )  (5)
  » southeast Asia (XML)
SEPE  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Stauts Epilepticus in patients with previous Epilepsy (XML) | Socially, economically, politically and emotionally (XML) | scale for estimating the prognosis of epilepsy (XML) | Student Entry Physical Examination (XML) | social-economic-political-emotional (XML)
SESCN  ( in XML )  (5)
  » superficial esophageal squamous cell neoplasm (XML)
sE-Selectin  ( in XML )  (5)
  » soluble E-Selectin (XML)
SexHs  ( in XML )  (5)
  » sex hormones (XML) | Sex differences in COVID-19outcomes might be explained from asex hormones (XML)
SerpinB5  ( in XML )  (5)
  » serine protease inhibitor B5 (XML)
sEMG RMS  ( in XML )  (5)
  » surface electromyographic root-mean-square (XML)
self-esteem  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Self-esteem Scale (XML) | same population identified the constructs kwihangana (patience/perseverance) and kwigirira ikizere (XML) | Self-esteem Questionnaire (XML)
SE-SPI  ( in XML )  (5)
  » spin echo single point imaging (XML) | spin echo SPI (XML)
SERCA2A  ( in XML )  (5)
  » sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase 2A (XML) | SR Ca(2 +) -ATPase (XML)
SEMPA  ( in XML )  (5)
  » scanning electron microscopy with polarization analysis (XML) | self-efficacy in managing positive affect (XML) | Society for Emergency Medicine Physician Assistants (XML)
Ser-187  ( in XML )  (5)
  » serine 187 (XML)
sepsis-related  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Septic shock patients had a higher sequential (XML) | septic shock risk scores and Sequential (XML) | sepsis-associated acute kidney injury; SYL: Saving Young Lives; SOFA: sequential (XML) | sepsis, including parameters such as the sequential (XML) | systemic inflammatory response syndrome or quick sequential (XML)
SEJP  ( in XML )  (4)
  » standardized extract of Justicia pectoralis (XML) | spontaneous excitatory junction potential (XML) | spontaneous EJP (XML)
SERU  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Student Experience in the Research University (XML) | Scientific and Ethical Review Unit (XML)
S-EBR  ( in XML )  (4)
  » single endometrial biopsy regimen (XML)
SELFF-OCT  ( in XML )  (4)
  » self-examination low-cost full-field OCT (XML) | Self-Examination Low-Cost Full-Field Optical Coherence Tomography (XML)
SEPIR  ( in XML )  (4)
  » susceptible-exposed-pre-symptomatic-infectious-recovered (XML) | soluble early product of immune recognition (XML) | susceptible-exposed-presymptomatic infectious-undocumented and documented infectious-removed (XML)
Seli  ( in XML )  (4)
  » selenoprotein i (XML) | Selinexor (XML)
SEP-2  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Sexual Encounter Profile question 2 (XML) | SEP items 2 (XML) | sexual encounter profile-2 (XML)
S-EPO  ( in XML )  (4)
  » S-erythropoietin (XML) | serum levels of eosinophil peroxidase (XML) | serum EPO levels (XML) | serum eosinophil peroxidase (XML)
SECRAL  ( in XML )  (4)
  » source with Advanced design in Lanzhou (XML)
s-EH  ( in XML )  (4)
  » soluble epoxide hydrolase (XML)
sema4D  ( in XML )  (4)
  » semaphorin4D (XML)
SEFV  ( in XML )  (4)
  » spontaneous expiratory flow-volume (XML) | Areas-under-the-spontaneous expiratory flow-volume (XML) | side effects by the Pharmacovigilance Spanish System (XML)
Se-EMP  ( in XML )  (4)
  » selenite-exchangeable metabolic pool (XML)
SED-11Q  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Symptoms of Early Dementia-11 Questionnaire (XML)
Sentinel-CPS  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Sentinel Cerebral Protection System (XML)
SEIE  ( in XML )  (4)
  » submarine escape and immersion equipment (XML) | surface-enhanced imaging ellipsometry (XML) | Student Earned Income Exclusion (XML)
semi-VOCs  ( in XML )  (4)
  » semi-volatile organic compounds (XML)
SERF2  ( in XML )  (4)
  » small EDRK-rich factor 2 (XML)
SEC-seq  ( in XML )  (4)
  » secretion-encoded single-cell sequencing (XML) | single-cell sequencing (XML)
SEPX1  ( in XML )  (4)
  » selenoprotein X1 (XML)
SESCD  ( in XML )  (4)
  » score for Crohn's disease (XML) | simple endoscopic score for CD (XML)
SeCP  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Spirometra erinaceieuropaei cysteine protease (XML) | seven core principles (XML)
SENI  ( in XML )  (4)
  » senkyunolide I (XML) | supportive-educative nursing intervention (XML) | scanning electron microscopy (XML)
SE-UHPLC  ( in XML )  (4)
  » size-exclusion ultra-high performance liquid chromatography (XML)
SEWP  ( in XML )  (4)
  » semi-evisceration weight percentage (XML) | soluble earthworm preparations (XML) | succinylated egg white protein (XML)
SE/E  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Southeast/East (XML) | Stokes-Einstein/Eyring (XML) | solvent emulsification-evaporation (XML) | supported education (XML)
Sepp  ( in XML )  (4)
  » selenoprotein P (XML) | selenoprotein P gene (XML)
SEIOMM  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Society for Research in Osteoporosis and Mineral Metabolism (XML) | Society for Bone and Mineral Metabolism Investigation (XML) | Sociedad Espanola de Investigacion Osea y del Metabolismo Mineral (XML) | Society for Bone Research and Mineral Metabolism (XML)
SELENE  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Selenological and Engineering Explorer (XML)
SE 0.04  ( in XML )  (4)
  » sites measured was 0.81 (XML) | sEng 0.91 (XML) | score was 0.86 (XML) | sensitivity 40 (XML)
Ser36  ( in XML )  (4)
  » serine 36 (XML) | serine 36 residue (XML)
Seg-9  ( in XML )  (4)
  » segment 9 (XML) | segment 9 RNA (XML)
SenA  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Senkyunolide A (XML) | Senexin A (XML)
SER50  ( in XML )  (4)
  » sensitizer enhancement ratio at 50% survival (XML) | Speed-endurance 50 m running (XML)
SEFP  ( in XML )  (4)
  » secretory alkaline phosphatase-EGFP fusion protein (XML) | secretory fluorescent protein (XML) | Socio-Economic Framework of Panic (XML)
SEC14L2  ( in XML )  (4)
  » SEC14 like lipid binding 2 (XML) | SEC14-like protein 2 (XML)
SECPR  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Standard external cardiopulmonary resuscitation (XML) | standard external CPR (XML)
SEest  ( in XML )  (4)
  » standard error of estimation (XML) | SE of the estimate (XML)
SENIAM  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Surface EMG for Non-Invasive Assessment of Muscles (XML) | Surface Electromyography for Non-Invasive Assessment of Muscles (XML)
SEFAC  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Social Engagement Framework for Addressing the Chronic-disease-challenge (XML) | Society of Community Pharmacy (XML)
SEMA-CD  ( in XML )  (4)
  » simplified endoscopic mucosal assessment for Crohn's disease (XML) | simplified endoscopic mucosal assessment for CD (XML)
SEPEA  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Social Epidemiology of Psychoses in East Anglia (XML)
SEC-PAGE  ( in XML )  (4)
  » size exclusion chromatography-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (XML)
SE-MISF  ( in XML )  (4)
  » severe epilepsy with multiple independent spike foci (XML) | severe epilepsy with MISF (XML)
SegE  ( in XML )  (4)
  » segmentation error (XML)
SeAH  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Se-adenosyl-L-selenohomocysteine (XML) | selective unilateral amygdalo-hippocampectomy (XML) | selective amygdalohippocampectomy (XML)
S-EES  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Synergy everolimus-eluting stents (XML) | spontaneous electroencephalo-signal (XML) | Synergy everolimus-eluting stent (XML)
SE-FPLC  ( in XML )  (4)
  » size-exclusion fast protein liquid chromatography (XML)
seLND  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Conclusions Extending LND up to the inferior mesenteric artery (XML) | superextended lymph-node dissection (XML) | super-extended LND (XML) | superextended LN dissection (XML)
SELF-I  ( in XML )  (4)
  » self-identification with having a mental illness (XML) | Self-Identification as Having a Mental Illness Scale (XML) | self-identification of mental illness scale (XML)
sEAE  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Spontaneous experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (XML) | severe form of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (XML)
SEAPharm  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Southeast Asian Pharmacogenomics Research Network (XML)
SEAI  ( in XML )  (4)
  » skin-electrode alternating current impedance (XML) | Social Emotional Artificial Intelligence (XML) | Southeast Asian indigenous (XML) | Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (XML)
SEM-CL  ( in XML )  (4)
  » scanning electron microscopy (XML) | scanning electron microscope-cathodoluminescence (XML)
sE-Cad  ( in XML )  (4)
  » soluble E-cadherin (XML) | soluble E-Cadherin fragment (XML) | soluble E-Cad levels (XML)
SEAF  ( in XML )  (4)
  » syndrome of endemic arsenism and fluorosis (XML) | SLAM Emergency Airway Flowchart (XML) | Symptom Experience in AF (XML)
SECODG  ( in XML )  (4)
  » self-correcting distance geometry (XML)
SEROCO  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Seropositive Cohort (XML) | Seroconverters (XML) | Seroconverter Cohort (XML) | seroconversion (XML)
SEPEAP  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Sociedad Espanola de Pediatria Extrahospitalaria y Atencion Primaria (XML) | Sociedad Espanola de Pediatria de Atencion Primaria (XML) | Society of Primary Care Pediatrics (XML) | Society of Extra-hospital Paediatrics and Primary Health Care (XML)
SEGE  ( in XML )  (4)
  » self-efficacy for going out among community-dwelling elderly people (XML) | single embryo gene expression (XML) | small-EPP generating ending (XML) | Scale on Going out among community-dwelling Elderly (XML)
SEAH  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Subfascial Ergonomic Axillary Hybrid (XML) | Selective amygdalo-hippocampectomy (XML)
Se-SAD  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Selenium-Single-wavelength Anomalous Dispersion (XML) | selenium measured at a single wavelength (XML) | Se single-wavelength anomalous dispersion (XML) | selenium single-wavelength anomalous diffraction (XML)
Serca2  ( in XML )  (4)
  » sarcoplasmic Ca(2+)-ATPase 2 (XML) | sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum Ca2+-dependent ATPase II gene locus (XML) | cardiomyocyte-specific excision of the Atp2a2 (XML) | SR Ca2+-ATPase 2 (XML)
SELFIA  ( in XML )  (4)
  » spin-enhanced lateral flow immunoassay (XML)
sePLND  ( in XML )  (4)
  » superextended pelvic lymph node dissection (XML) | super-extended PLND (XML)
SEQB  ( in XML )  (4)
  » sequence B (XML)
SEAPI  ( in XML )  (4)
  » stress, emptying, anatomic, protection, and instability (XML)
SESV  ( in XML )  (4)
  » stress end-systolic volume (XML) | Segmentation-Emendation-reSegmentation-Verification (XML) | selective embolization of the splenic vein (XML) | southern elephant seal virus (XML)
SE-B  ( in XML )  (4)
  » staphylococcal enterotoxins B (XML) | Staphylococcus aureus exotoxin B (XML) | serine esterase B (XML)
SETDB2  ( in XML )  (4)
  » SET domain, bifurcated 2 (XML) | SET Domain Bifurcated Histone Lysine Methyltransferase 2 (XML)
Ser-His  ( in XML )  (4)
  » seryl-histidine (XML) | Seryl-histidine dipeptide (XML)
SEICAV  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Society of Cardiovascular Infections (XML)
SEFDM  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Spectral efficient frequency division multiplexing (XML)
SeMI  ( in XML )  (4)
  » single-ended memory interface (XML) | Semantic Mutual Information (XML) | sensitivity to mean intentions (XML)
SERES  ( in XML )  (4)
  » surfaced Raman excitation spectroscopy (XML) | SEquential RESampling (XML) | Self-Efficacy to Regulate Exercise Scale (XML)
SE PT4  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Salmonella enteritidis, phage type 4 (XML) | serovar Enteritidis phage type 4 (XML)
Se-OVA  ( in XML )  (4)
  » seleno-ovalbumin (XML) | selenized OVA (XML)
SEOA  ( in XML )  (4)
  » sonographic evidence of adenomyosis (XML) | solar-driven evaporation of oil combined with adsorption (XML) | selective ensemble-based online adaptive deep neural network (XML) | seagull optimization algorithm (XML)
SEaRCH  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Scientific Evaluation and Review of Claims in Health Care (XML)
SEAZIT  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Systematic Evaluation of the Application of Zebrafish in Toxicology (XML)
SEFQ  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Self-Expressiveness in the Family Questionnaire (XML)
SERGs  ( in XML )  (4)
  » super-enhancer-related genes (XML) | SE-related genes (XML)
SeqB  ( in XML )  (4)
  » sequential boost (XML) | sequential integrated boost (XML)
sESAM  ( in XML )  (4)
  » soluble ESAM (XML) | soluble endothelial cell-selective adhesion molecule (XML)
Setdb2  ( in XML )  (4)
  » SET domain bifurcated 2 (XML)
SENP8  ( in XML )  (4)
  » sentrin-specific protease 8 (XML) | SENtrin specific Protein 8 (XML)
SEBDs  ( in XML )  (4)
  » socioemotional and behavioural difficulties (XML)
SEqM  ( in XML )  (4)
  » structural equation modelling (XML) | structural equation models (XML)
SEGP  ( in XML )  (4)
  » supportive expressive group psychotherapy (XML) | segmental pressures (XML) | solar energy generation potential (XML) | spherical equivalent at glasses plane (XML)
SEWs  ( in XML )  (4)
  » sexually explicit websites (XML) | surface electromagnetic waves (XML)
SEP-3  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Sexual Encounter Profile question-3 (XML)
SEPT5  ( in XML )  (4)
  » septin 5 (XML) | SEPTIN5 (XML) | MLL-septin 5 (XML)
S-EDE  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Spanish version of the Eating Disorders Examination (XML)
Ser3  ( in XML )  (4)
  » serine-3 (XML) | Sericin 3 (XML) | sericin3 (XML)
SE-LC  ( in XML )  (4)
  » sequential elution liquid chromatography (XML) | size exclusion liquid chromatography (XML)
SEITU  ( in XML )  (4)
  » S-ethylisothiourea (XML)
SERATS  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Self-expression and Emotion Regulation in Art Therapy Scale (XML)
sEIM  ( in XML )  (4)
  » surface electrical impedance myography (XML) | standard EIM (XML)
SEDUFARK  ( in XML )  (4)
  » SElective DUal Filtration ARtificial Kidney (XML) | selective dual hemofiltration artificial kidney (XML)
SESF  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Social-ecological systems framework (XML) | sequential enzymatic saccharification and fermentation (XML) | steam exploded sisal fiber (XML)
SEP-PTS  ( in XML )  (4)
  » spectroscopy (XML) | stimulated emission pumping-population transfer spectroscopy (XML)
SEM-FEG  ( in XML )  (4)
  » scanning electron microscope equipped with a field emission gun (XML) | Scanning Electron Microscopy-Field Emission Gun (XML)
SeLNE  ( in XML )  (4)
  » self-limited neonatal epilepsy (XML) | Self-Limited Familial Neonatal Epilepsy (XML) | self-limited familial infantile epilepsy (XML)
SET7  ( in XML )  (4)
  » SET domain containing lysine methyltransferase 7 (XML) | su(var)3-9, enhancer-of-zeste, trithorax domain-containing lysine methyltransferase 7 (XML)
SECOST  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Seremban Cohort Study (XML)
Se-EPS  ( in XML )  (4)
  » selenium rich exopolysaccharide (XML)
SEPF  ( in XML )  (4)
  » subendocardial Purkinje fibers (XML) | snow-exclusion postfire (XML) | side edge prefunctionalized (XML)
SERPINA6  ( in XML )  (4)
  » serpin family A member 6 (XML) | serpin peptidase inhibitor, clade A, member 6 gene (XML) | serine protease inhibitor A6 (XML)
SESL  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Semantic Enrichment of the Scientific Literature (XML) | SES-implanted lesions (XML) | silica encapsulated solid lipid (XML)
SEBE  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Subjective Evidence-Based Ethnography (XML) | standard error of bending energy (XML) | Skeletonizing en bloc esophagectomy (XML)
semi-RT-PCR  ( in XML )  (4)
  » semi-reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (XML) | Semi-quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (XML)
SECHO  ( in XML )  (4)
  » stress echocardiography (XML)
SEDTC  ( in XML )  (4)
  » sedation training course (XML)
SENCE  ( in XML )  (4)
  » spiral electrochemical notification coupled electrode (XML) | social-economic-natural complex ecosystem (XML) | Strategies to Enhance CGM Use in Early Childhood (XML)
sEV-miRNAs  ( in XML )  (4)
  » small extracellular vesicle-associated microRNAs (XML)
SeBriNA  ( in XML )  (4)
  » systematic review and bibliometric network analysis (XML)
Sept5  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Septin 5 (XML)
SeI  ( in XML )  (4)
  » sensitivity index (XML) | study, the antidepressant-like effect of 2-phenyl-1-(phenylselanyl)indolizine (XML) | synthetic organoselenium compounds 1-isopropyl-3-methylbenzimidazole-2-selenone (XML)
SECSY  ( in XML )  (4)
  » spin echo correlated spectroscopy (XML)
SEQA  ( in XML )  (4)
  » sequence A (XML)
SEA-ORCHID  ( in XML )  (4)
  » South-East Asia Optimising Reproductive and Child Health in Developing Countries (XML)
SeDs  ( in XML )  (4)
  » selenadiazole derivatives (XML)
SERAs  ( in XML )  (4)
  » serine-repeat antigens (XML)
SeO  ( in XML )  (4)
  » spectrum of the selenium monoxide (XML) | selenium compound, 2-hydroxy-4-methylselenobutanoic acid (XML) | selenophene-Se-oxide (XML) | seed volatile oil (XML)
SENAs  ( in XML )  (4)
  » stem cell-derived neural aggregates (XML) | substrate-adherent ES cell-derived neural aggregates (XML) | self-extracellular nucleic acids (XML)
SENECA  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Survey in Europe on Nutrition and the Elderly, a ConcertedAction (XML) | Sepsis ENdotyping in Emergency CAre (XML) | SEcond-line therapy in NEuroendocrine CArcinomas (XML) | SEarchiNg biomarkErs of Cerebral Angiopathy (XML)
SEFCI  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Screening Examination for Cognitive Impairment (XML)
SeedGel  ( in XML )  (4)
  » segregation driven gel (XML)
SEJCs  ( in XML )  (4)
  » spontaneous excitatory junction currents (XML) | stimulation, 'spontaneous excitatory junction currents (XML) | spontaneous EJCs (XML)
SEAP-NA  ( in XML )  (4)
  » secreted alkaline phosphatase neutralization assay (XML)
Sema3  ( in XML )  (4)
  » semaphorin 3 (XML)
SEKs  ( in XML )  (4)
  » secondary enamel knots (XML) | Simple epithelial keratins (XML)
SERFs  ( in XML )  (4)
  » social ecological risk factors (XML) | socio-environmental risk factors (XML) | SER fragments (XML)
SeBA  ( in XML )  (4)
  » sexual behavior acquisition system (XML) | Salute e Benessere nell'Anziano (XML) | Selenoethers attached to functional groups through propyl chain viz., bis(3-carboxypropyl)selenide (XML)
Ser83  ( in XML )  (4)
  » serine at position 83 (XML) | serine residue 83 (XML) | serine 83 (XML)
sEMD  ( in XML )  (4)
  » spiking elementary motion detector (XML) | strict EMD (XML) | solitary extramedullary disease (XML)
SeMeCo  ( in XML )  (4)
  » self-establishing metabolically cooperating (XML) | self-establishing metabolically cooperating communities (XML)
SEATS  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Spotting wheelchair skills (XML) | South East Asia Time-Series (XML) | SouthEast Asia Time Series Station (XML)
SeLFEs  ( in XML )  (4)
  » self-limited focal epilepsies (XML)
SeF  ( in XML )  (4)
  » sequential fermentation (XML) | sexual functioning (XML) | SepsisFinder (XML) | secondary follicles (XML)
SELO  ( in XML )  (4)
  » selenoprotein O (XML) | subgraph encoding via linear optimization (XML)
SEPHS  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Selenophosphate synthetase (XML)
SeAM  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Se-adenosyl-L-selenomethionine (XML)
sesB  ( in XML )  (4)
  » stress-sensitive B (XML)
SEw  ( in XML )  (4)
  » skin wrinkle (XML)
SEPT6  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Septin6 (XML)
SEVS  ( in XML )  (4)
  » surface-enhanced vibrational spectroscopic (XML) | SEV small (XML) | shared electric vehicle scheduling (XML)
SEBINI  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Software Environment for Biological Network Inference (XML)
SeCT  ( in XML )  (4)
  » selective cell tagging (XML) | sensitivities at CT (XML)
Sez  ( in XML )  (4)
  » selenazolidine (XML) | seizure (XML) | ssp. zooepidemicus (XML)
Se0  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Se fertilizer application treatments: 0 g ha-1 (XML) | Se0Nps entirely composed by elemental selenium (XML) | selenium fertilizer gradients of 0 mg m-2 (XML) | Selenium 0 (XML)
sErbB3  ( in XML )  (4)
  » soluble form of ErbB3 (XML) | soluble ErbB3 (XML) | p85-soluble ErbB3 (XML) | secreted form of receptor tyrosine-protein kinase ErbB3 (XML)
SeN  ( in XML )  (4)
  » subepithelial network (XML) | selenium nanoparticles (XML) | selenoneine (XML) | Se nanoparticles (XML)
SEM-HCl  ( in XML )  (4)
  » semicarbazide hydrochloride (XML)
sEMR  ( in XML )  (4)
  » standard EMR (XML) | Special Electronic Medical Records (XML) | spinally evoked motor responses (XML)
SEWSS  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Saint Elian Wound Score System (XML)
Se-APS  ( in XML )  (4)
  » selenized APS (XML) | Se-enriched Astragalus polysaccharide nanoparticles (XML) | Selenylation Astragalus polysaccharides (XML)
SEDSS  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Sentinel Enhanced Dengue Surveillance System (XML) | Sentinel Enhanced Dengue and Acute Febrile Illness Surveillance System (XML)
Sept2  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Septin 2 (XML)
SEVP  ( in XML )  (4)
  » spinal epidural venous plexus (XML) | selenium-vitamin P complex (XML) | severe aEEG voltage pattern (XML)
SerMA  ( in XML )  (4)
  » sericin methacryloyl (XML)
SEBT-ANT  ( in XML )  (4)
  » star excursion balance test in anterior (XML) | SEBT-anterior reaching direction (XML) | SEBT anterior (XML) | Star Excursion Balance Test (XML)
sELAF  ( in XML )  (4)
  » soluble elastin fragments (XML)
SE and RE  ( in XML )  (4)
  » systematic and random errors (XML) | standard parameters and of entropy (XML) | state and response entropy (XML)
SEQ-DA  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Self-Efficacy Questionnaire for Depression in Adolescents (XML)
SETR  ( in XML )  (4)
  » segmentation transformer (XML) | soft elastic tubular reactors (XML) | Single Event Transition Risk (XML)
Ser1177  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Serine1177 (XML)
SepRS  ( in XML )  (4)
  » synthesized by phosphoseryl-tRNA synthetase (XML) | Sep-tRNA synthetase (XML) | two-step indirect pathway, where O-phosphoseryl-tRNA synthetase (XML) | synthetase, O-phosphoserine is ligated to tRNA(Cys) by O-phosphoseryl-tRNA synthetase (XML)
Ser16  ( in XML )  (4)
  » serine-16 (XML)
SEHM  ( in XML )  (4)
  » standard end-hole microcatheter (XML) | subjective evaluation of health management (XML) | Salutogenic Environmental Health Model (XML) | semi-enclosed heated microclimate (XML)
SEKN  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Social Exclusion Knowledge Network (XML) | Social Knowledge Exchange Network (XML)
sEVA  ( in XML )  (4)
  » single-EV analysis (XML) | Surface extravehicular activity (XML)
Ser13  ( in XML )  (4)
  » serine 13 (XML)
SE 0.09  ( in XML )  (4)
  » standardized beta=-0.22 (XML) | supine, mean 0.67 (XML) | scores were 1.01 (XML)
SeNrs  ( in XML )  (4)
  » selenium nanorods (XML)
SEMHP  ( in XML )  (4)
  » severe and enduring mental health problems (XML)
Seg-B  ( in XML )  (4)
  » segment-B (XML)
SEA-ELISA  ( in XML )  (4)
  » soluble egg antigen-enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (XML)
Ser20  ( in XML )  (4)
  » serine 20 (XML)
SEAK  ( in XML )  (4)
  » southeastern Alaska (XML) | Southeast Alaska (XML) | secondary erosive arthritis of knee (XML)
SERS-based LFIA  ( in XML )  (4)
  » scattering-based lateral flow immunoassay (XML)
Se-HBV  ( in XML )  (4)
  » selenium health benefit value (XML) | Se Health Benefit Value (XML)
SELENOV  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Selenoprotein V (XML) | selenoprotein V, SELV (XML)
SERVPERF  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Service Performance (XML)
SES6G  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Self-Efficacy for Managing Chronic Disease 6-Item Scale (XML)
Sel1L  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Suppressor/Enhancer of Lin-12-like (XML) | Sel-1 suppressor of lin-12-like (XML)
SE-I  ( in XML )  (4)
  » secondary electron-I (XML) | Seniors-ENRICA-I (XML) | secondary electron type I (XML)
seqIF  ( in XML )  (4)
  » sequential immunofluorescence (XML)
sesquiTPS  ( in XML )  (4)
  » sesquiterpene synthase (XML)
SECORD  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Severe Early Childhood Onset Retinal Dystrophy (XML) | severe early-childhood-onset retinal degeneration (XML)
sepsis-ALI  ( in XML )  (4)
  » sepsis-induced acute lung injury (XML)
SerDH  ( in XML )  (4)
  » serine dehydratase (XML)
Sev group  ( in XML )  (4)
  » sevoflurane group (XML) | sevoflurane preconditioning group (XML) | sevoflurane pretreatment group (XML)
sema1a  ( in XML )  (4)
  » semaphorin-1a (XML)
SeLEAS  ( in XML )  (4)
  » self-limited epilepsy with autonomic seizures (XML)
SeRB  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Southeastern River Basin (XML) | selenate reducing bacteria (XML) | Selenium-respiring bacteria (XML)
S-EEG  ( in XML )  (4)
  » standard EEG (XML) | subdural EEG recordings (XML) | standard-Electroencephalogram (XML)
SENP5  ( in XML )  (4)
  » sentrin-specific protease 5 (XML) | significance as prognosis biomarkers and identified SUMO-specific protease 5 (XML)
sEF  ( in XML )  (4)
  » stimulation excretion fraction (XML) | speeded executive function (XML) | slice ejection fraction (XML) | Slice-derived ejection fraction (XML)
SEEA EEA  ( in XML )  (4)
  » System of Environmental-Economic Accounting - Experimental Ecosystem Accounting (XML) | SEEA Experimental Ecosystem Accounting (XML) | Accounts - Experimental Ecosystem Accounts (XML)
SedT  ( in XML )  (3)
  » sedentary time (XML)
Se-TPS  ( in XML )  (3)
  » selenium-enriched tea polysaccharides (XML) | Se-containing tea polysaccharides (XML)
SESPA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Service of the Principality of Asturias (XML)
SerC  ( in XML )  (3)
  » serine biosynthesis and was overexpressed as a MalE/PdxC (XML) | serC, the bifunctional gene for phosphoserine-oxoglutarate aminotransferase (XML) | Serum cortisol (XML)
SEC63  ( in XML )  (3)
  » SEC63 homolog (XML)
SEBTC  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Summer Electronic Benefits Transfer for Children (XML)
SE 0.15  ( in XML )  (3)
  » smokers and 0.94 (XML) | score 2.00 (XML) | showed R2 values of 0.974 (XML)
SEHGNs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » silica-encapsulated hollow gold nanospheres (XML)
se-AFP  ( in XML )  (3)
  » serum-Alpha-FetoProtein (XML) | serum AFP (XML)
SETO  ( in XML )  (3)
  » stock exchange trading optimization (XML) | subjective evaluation of treatment outcome (XML) | Southeast Toronto (XML)
SE/RE  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Spectral Entropy algorithms State- and Response Entropy (XML) | state/response entropy (XML) | stimulating/return electrode (XML)
Serp  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Serpentine (XML) | serplulimab (XML)
sEx  ( in XML )  (3)
  » severe exercise (XML) | Soluble extract (XML)
seco-iso-CFI  ( in XML )  (3)
  » seco-iso-cyclopropylfurano(2,3-e)indoline (XML)
s-ENTDs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » soluble ectonucleotidases (XML) | soluble ENTDs (XML)
Ser40  ( in XML )  (3)
  » serine 40 (XML)
SE-ED  ( in XML )  (3)
  » severe and enduring eating disorders (XML)
SEED-BT  ( in XML )  (3)
  » seed brachytherapy (XML)
SeIV-1  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Spodoptera exigua iflavirus 1 (XML)
sedFFF  ( in XML )  (3)
  » sedimentation field-flow fractionation (XML)
SEATPEC  ( in XML )  (3)
  » South East Asian Therapeutic Plasma exchange Consortium (XML) | SEA TPE Consortium (XML)
SE-UPLC  ( in XML )  (3)
  » size exclusion ultra performance chromatographic (XML)
SERIO  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Side Effect Registry Immuno-Oncology (XML)
sELISAs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Sandwich ELISAs (XML) | Surrogate Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assays (XML)
SEIN  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Stichting Epilepsie Instellingen Nederland (XML) | Socio-Economisch Instituut (XML)
Sema3e  ( in XML )  (3)
  » semaphorin 3E (XML) | PlexinD1-Semaphorin 3e (XML)
Set1  ( in XML )  (3)
  » SET domain containing 1 (XML) | SET domain-containing protein 1 (XML)
SeHAN  ( in XML )  (3)
  » selenium-doped hydroxyapatite nanorods (XML) | selenium-substituted hydroxyapatite nanoparticles (XML) | selenium-containing nano-hydroxyapatite (XML)
SEMU  ( in XML )  (3)
  » standardized extract from cultivated M. urundeuva (XML) | Structure Estimation of Minimum Uncertainty (XML) | Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International Mura (XML)
SESIs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » segmental epidural steroid injections (XML) | sites of extraordinary scientific importance (XML)
SebD  ( in XML )  (3)
  » seborrhoeic dermatitis (XML)
SEC-FPLC  ( in XML )  (3)
  » size-exclusion chromatography-fast protein liquid chromatography (XML) | size exclusion fast protein liquid chromatography (XML)
self-initiated  ( in XML )  (3)
  » study thus aimed to explore the associations of volitional (XML) | stimulus or following the intention to produce a response (XML) | stimulus following a willed button press (XML)
SE-PMC  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Self-Efficacy for Providing Mouth Care (XML)
SENSE-SPIRAL  ( in XML )  (3)
  » sensitivity-encoded spiral-in (XML) | sensitivity-encoded spiral-in imaging sequence (XML)
SE-1  ( in XML )  (3)
  » sinusoidal endothelial 1 antibody (XML) | Seniors-ENRICA-1 (XML) | sinusoidal endothelial 1 (XML)
S-EVAR  ( in XML )  (3)
  » submitted to endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm repair with standard technique (XML) | surgical access for endovascular aortic aneurysm repair (XML) | standard endovascular aneurysm repair (XML)
SEELS  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Special Education Elementary Longitudinal Study (XML)
Se NPs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » selenium nanocomposites (XML) | mice-Selenium nanoparticles (XML) | sericin nanoparticles (XML)
SevenCEWA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » seven communities in East and West Africa (XML)
SerA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » species. d-3-Phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase (XML) | selenate reductase (XML) | L-serine biosynthesis is initiated by the action of D-3-phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase (XML)
SeThrRS  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Salmonella enterica ThrRS (XML) | Salmonella enterica threonyl-tRNA synthetase (XML)
SERPINF2  ( in XML )  (3)
  » serpin family F member 2 (XML) | serpin peptidase inhibitor clade F member 2 (XML)
SegPD  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Segmental pigmentation disorder (XML) | segmental hypo- and hyperpigmentation pigmentation disorder (XML)
sEpo  ( in XML )  (3)
  » serum erythropoietin levels (XML) | serum Epo levels (XML) | Serum Epo (XML)
sERP  ( in XML )  (3)
  » self-directed ERP (XML) | single event-related potentials (XML)
sex1  ( in XML )  (3)
  » starch-excess1 (XML)
SEM-Mb  ( in XML )  (3)
  » semicarbazide-modified Mb (XML) | semicarbazide-modified myoglobin (XML)
SeNPV  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Spodoptera exigua nucleopolyhedrovirus (XML)
SERCAP  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Single Encounter Radical Cure and Prophylaxis (XML)
SEPV  ( in XML )  (3)
  » superficial external pudendal vein (XML) | Sepik virus (XML) | skin-electrode polarization voltage (XML)
SEPCT  ( in XML )  (3)
  » single photon emission computed tomography (XML)
SELFI  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Self-Identification as Mentally Ill (XML) | self-identification as having a mental illness (XML) | Socialization, Education, and Learning for the Internet (XML)
SEFB  ( in XML )  (3)
  » stalk-empty fruit bunches (XML) | simulated ethanol fuel blend (XML) | Sharp esophageal foreign body (XML)
Se-Car  ( in XML )  (3)
  » kappa-selenocarrageenan (XML)
s e p  ( in XML )  (3)
  » separation (XML)
SEMEDA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » semantic metadatabase (XML)
SENSE-EPI  ( in XML )  (3)
  » sensitivity-encoded-echo-planar-imaging (XML) | sensitivity-encoded single-shot EPI (XML)
Sez6L  ( in XML )  (3)
  » seizure 6-like protein (XML) | Sez6-Like (XML)
SegRef  ( in XML )  (3)
  » segmental refractive (XML)
SED by AD  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Stopping Eating and Drinking by Advance Directives (XML)
Self-ONN  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Self-organized Operational Neural Network (XML)
SELEBLAT  ( in XML )  (3)
  » selenium and bladder cancer trial (XML)
S-EGF  ( in XML )  (3)
  » stabilized epidermal growth factor (XML) | factors-stabilized-EGF (XML) | serum EGF concentration (XML)
SEDK  ( in XML )  (3)
  » spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia presentation; Kimberley type (XML) | spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia, Kimberley type (XML) | SED type Kimberley (XML)
SELECT-TDCS  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Sertraline vs. Electric Current Therapy for Treating Depression Clinical Study (XML)
SENP7  ( in XML )  (3)
  » sentrin-specific protease 7 (XML) | sequence for SUMO specific peptidase7 (XML)
SE-T1  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Spin-echo T1 (XML) | spin echo T1-weighted (XML) | Spin echo T1 images (XML)
sELAM  ( in XML )  (3)
  » soluble endothelial cell-leukocyte adhesion molecule (XML)
SENEP  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Sociedad Espanola de Neurologia Pediatrica (XML) | Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery (XML)
SEFD  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Surpass Evolve flow diverter (XML) | strong electric field dialysis (XML) | strong evapotranspiration flash drought (XML)
SECASP  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Social and Emotional Contexts of Adolescent Smoking Patterns (XML)
SERTAD3  ( in XML )  (3)
  » SERTA domain containing 3 (XML)
sERRBLUP  ( in XML )  (3)
  » selective Epistatic Random Regression BLUP (XML)
SECQ  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Social-Emotional Competence Questionnaire (XML) | Stages of Exercise Change Questionnaire (XML)
SE-IOP  ( in XML )  (3)
  » sustained elevation of intraocular pressure (XML) | Sustained elevation of IOP (XML)
SERGAS  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Servicio Gallego de Saude (XML)
SEOO  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Severe early-onset obesity (XML)
self-GISH  ( in XML )  (3)
  » self-genomic in situ hybridization (XML)
Se-NPs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Se-MOFs could be regulated to obtain nanoparticles (XML) | selenium nanoparticles either alone (XML) | selenium dioxide nanoparticles (XML)
SESBI  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Sutter-Eyberg Student Behavior Inventory (XML)
segA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » segmental aneuploidy (XML) | system involving resolution of plasmid oligomers (XML) | segregation by resolving plasmid dimers (XML)
SEADiet  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Southern European Atlantic Diet (XML)
SES-SFP  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Sexual Experiences Survey-Short Form Perpetration (XML)
secPHEX  ( in XML )  (3)
  » secreted form of PHEX (XML) | secretory PHEX (XML) | secreted form of human PHEX (XML)
SeO4  ( in XML )  (3)
  » SO42- guest ions are incorporated in the triclinic Na2Me (XML) | superionic phase transition in (NH4)4H2 (XML) | superprotonic (NH4)3H (XML)
SESOI  ( in XML )  (3)
  » smallest effect size of interest (XML)
Selt  ( in XML )  (3)
  » selenoprotein T (XML)
SESEP  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Senior Exercise Self-efficacy Project (XML) | Senior Exercise Self-Efficacy Pilot Program (XML)
S-ECD  ( in XML )  (3)
  » spike extracellular domain (XML) | spike protein ectodomain (XML) | soluble fragment of E-cadherin protein (XML)
SEEI  ( in XML )  (3)
  » self-efficacy-enhancing intervention (XML) | skin-electrode electrochemical interface (XML)
SEPPs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » self-emulsifying phospholipid pre-concentrates (XML)
SEL1L-HRD1  ( in XML )  (3)
  » suppressor of lin-12-like-HMG-CoA reductase degradation 1 (XML)
self-sampling  ( in XML )  (3)
  » self-collected vaginal sampling (XML) | self-collected sampling (XML) | sampling by fishermen themselves (XML)
s-EVs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » serum-derived EVs (XML) | small-extracellular vesicles (XML) | surface of EVs (XML)
secs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Significant increase in mean latency time (XML) | speed (m/s) and chair rise time (XML) | seconds (XML)
SEFA-PCR  ( in XML )  (3)
  » self-formed adaptor PCR (XML)
Ser-Pro  ( in XML )  (3)
  » synthetic hydroxyproline-rich peptides with repetitive (XML) | stable tertiary peptide bond (XML) | Serine-proline (XML)
Seq-BNCT  ( in XML )  (3)
  » sequential boron neutron capture therapy (XML)
SEPOS  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Southern European Psycho-Oncology Study (XML)
SER-IR  ( in XML )  (3)
  » serotonin-immunoreactive (XML)
SEBPR  ( in XML )  (3)
  » sulfur-associated enhanced biological phosphorus removal (XML) | sulfur transformation-centric EBPR (XML) | sulfur transformation-centric enhanced biological phosphorus removal (XML)
SESg  ( in XML )  (3)
  » self-expanding stent graft (XML)
Ser-727  ( in XML )  (3)
  » serine-727 (XML) | serine residue 727 (XML)
SeOMet  ( in XML )  (3)
  » selenomethionine-oxide (XML) | selenium methionine (XML)
SEA, SEB  ( in XML )  (3)
  » staphylococcal enterotoxins A and B (XML)
Seg-1  ( in XML )  (3)
  » segment 1 (XML) | genome-segment 1 (XML)
SeAD  ( in XML )  (3)
  » separation anxiety disorder (XML)
SEPSA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » sensitized erythrocyte platelet serology assay (XML) | student engagement in practical skills acquisition (XML) | student engagement in the acquisition of practical skills (XML)
SECSI  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Smart Emergency Care Services Integration (XML) | silver enhancement-controlled sequential immunogold (XML) | Spectroscopically Encoded Chemical Shift Imaging (XML)
SESMO  ( in XML )  (3)
  » self-efficacy scale for maternal oral care (XML) | sequential SMO (XML)
SenV  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Sendai virus (XML) | senescent cells induced by vemurafenib (XML)
SEWL  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Subjective Experience of Work Load (XML) | standardized evaporative water loss rate (XML)
seTLE  ( in XML )  (3)
  » split exponential track length estimator (XML)
SES/IB  ( in XML )  (3)
  » socioeconomic status and individual behaviors (XML)
SEER-LAC  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Sequence-enabled reassembly of beta-lactamase (XML)
SEDIA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » 2-SE in diastolic heart failure (XML) | Sociedad Espanola de Diagnostico por Imagen del Abdomen (XML) | snake envenomation detection immunoassay (XML)
SEC24C  ( in XML )  (3)
  » SEC24 homolog C (XML) | SEC24 homolog C, COPII coat complex component (XML) | SEC24 family member C (XML)
SEAQ  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Statin Experience Assessment Questionnaire (XML) | Social Engagement and Activities Questionnaire (XML)
SERRF  ( in XML )  (3)
  » systematic error removal using random forest (XML)
SEO-EC  ( in XML )  (3)
  » synchronous endometrial-ovarian endometrioid cancer (XML) | synchronous endometrial and ovarian endometrioid carcinoma (XML)
SEMLC  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Single-event multi-level chemoneurolysis (XML) | scanning electron microscopy with lanthanides contrasting (XML)
SecinH3  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Sec7 inhibitor H3 (XML)
SESPAN  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Seattle Senior Physical Activity Network (XML)
sE1E2  ( in XML )  (3)
  » secreted form of E1E2 (XML) | soluble form of E1E2 (XML)
SeE  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Se-vitamin E (XML) | hydroxy-selenomethionine and vitamin E (XML) | serovar Enteritidis (XML)
S-endosymbionts  ( in XML )  (3)
  » secondary endosymbionts (XML)
SE T1WI  ( in XML )  (3)
  » spin echo T1-weighted images (XML) | spin-echo T1-weighted imaging (XML)
SECPAL  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Society of Palliative Care (XML)
SEMAT  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Smart Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Technologies (XML)
SERRS-RDE  ( in XML )  (3)
  » spectroscopy coupled to rotating disc electrochemistry (XML) | SERRS coupled to rotating disc electrochemistry (XML)
serum Cr  ( in XML )  (3)
  » serum creatinine (XML)
SEM, CAS  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Shanghai Entomological Museum, Chinese Academy of Sciences (XML) | Shanghai Entomological Museum, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, China (XML)
SePPs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » soybean peptides (XML)
SeCy  ( in XML )  (3)
  » sedimentation cytometer (XML) | selenocystamine (XML) | 3,3-disulfopropyl-9-methyl-selenacarbocyanine (XML)
SePat  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Salmonella enterica Pat (XML) | Salmonella enterica protein acetyltransferase (XML) | S. enterica Pat (XML)
SELENOH  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Selenoprotein H (XML)
SET3C  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Set3 complex (XML) | Set3p deacetylase complex (XML)
SECOS  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Sertoli cell only syndrome (XML)
SECAR  ( in XML )  (3)
  » spherical equivalent cycloplegic auto refraction (XML) | spherical equivalent autorefraction (XML)
SECTA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » single-energy CTA (XML) | single-energy computed tomographic angiography (XML)
SEDFs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » strain energy density functions (XML)
SECPs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Surface Exposed Colonization Proteins (XML)
SeMeth  ( in XML )  (3)
  » L-selenomethionine (XML)
SEPT12  ( in XML )  (3)
  » SEPTIN12 (XML) | Septin 12 (XML)
sedDNAs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » small, excised, damage-containing DNA oligonucleotides (XML) | small (30-nt-long), excised, damage-containing DNA oligonucleotides (XML)
SESG  ( in XML )  (3)
  » standard esophageal stent group (XML) | Surface Electrical Stimulation Group (XML) | Swiss Echinococcosis Study Group (XML)
SERPINA4  ( in XML )  (3)
  » serpin family A member 4 (XML)
SESAS  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Self-Efficacy Scale for Adult Stutterers (XML) | Simulation Endoscopic Skill Assessment Score (XML)
sEVD  ( in XML )  (3)
  » smartphone-guided, angle-adjusted technique for assisted implantations of an EVD (XML) | Suspect Ebola virus disease (XML) | spontaneous epiaortic vessel dissection (XML)
s-EC  ( in XML )  (3)
  » standard EC (XML)
SES-MPD  ( in XML )  (3)
  » size of mean pairwise distance (XML)
SEWM  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Self-Efficacy in Wheeled Mobility scale (XML) | self-efficacy in WM scale (XML)
SEGCA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » subependymal giant cell astrocytomas (XML)
sEPSM  ( in XML )  (3)
  » speech-based envelope power spectrum model (XML)
SEMERGEN  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Society of Rural and General Medicine (XML) | Society of General Medicine (XML)
SELSA-S  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Social-Emotional Loneliness Scale Short form (XML) | Social and Emotional Loneliness Scale (XML) | Scale for Adults-Short Version (XML)
Ser637  ( in XML )  (3)
  » serine 637 (XML)
SEEG-RFTC  ( in XML )  (3)
  » stereoelectroencephalography-guided radiofrequency thermocoagulation (XML)
SE-PAI  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Subtilase-Encoding PAI (XML) | subtilase-encoding pathogenicity island (XML)
SELW  ( in XML )  (3)
  » selenoprotein W (XML) | secondary epidermal lamellar width (XML)
SESi  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Supramolecular elastomer based on polydimethylsiloxanes (XML) | socioeconomic status index (XML)
SELN  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Synthetic Exosome-Like Nanoparticles (XML) | selenoprotein N1-encoding gene (XML)
SEGM  ( in XML )  (3)
  » segmented and resampled (XML) | shape-evolving geometric model (XML) | Stochastic Evolution of Genetic Motifs (XML)
s-EASIX  ( in XML )  (3)
  » simplified EASIX (XML)
SENF  ( in XML )  (3)
  » sub-epidermal nerve fiber (XML) | Self-emulsifying nano-formulation (XML)
seu  ( in XML )  (3)
  » seuss (XML)
SEC13  ( in XML )  (3)
  » SEC13 homolog, nuclear pore and COPII coat complex component (XML) | SECRETORY13 (XML) | SEC13-dihydrofolate reductase (mouse) fusion gene (XML)
SEAO  ( in XML )  (3)
  » south-eastern Atlantic Ocean (XML) | southeast Atlantic (XML)
SepNet  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Sepsis Competence Network (XML)
Sec-pathway  ( in XML )  (3)
  » secretion pathway (XML)
semi-T  ( in XML )  (3)
  » semitendinosus (XML)
SELF-BREATHE  ( in XML )  (3)
  » self-guided, breathlessness supportive intervention (XML)
SENLIBS  ( in XML )  (3)
  » surface-enhanced laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (XML)
SEP-PT  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Stimulated emission pumping-population transfer (XML)
SERMs and SERDs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » selective estrogen receptor modulators and degraders/downregulators (XML)
sen  ( in XML )  (3)
  » sample of standardized molecular characteristics, Acacia (XML) | space and focus on the unique value q (XML) | showed that both racemic and Delta-Cr (XML)
SETIS  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Serbian experience with thrombolysis in ischemic stroke (XML) | Serbian experience with intravenous thrombolysis in ischemic stroke (XML)
SEA-E  ( in XML )  (3)
  » staphylococcal enterotoxin (XML)
SEEPR  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Simultaneous Electrochemical Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (XML) | Simultaneous electrochemistry and EPR (XML)
SETB  ( in XML )  (3)
  » SETalpha and SETbeta (XML) | spectral transformer block (XML) | suction endometrial tissue biopsy (XML)
SEA/SEB  ( in XML )  (3)
  » staphylococcal enteroxins A and B (XML) | Staphylococcus aureus enterotoxin A/B (XML)
SeSP  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Se-rich spirulina (XML) | sensitivity encoded silicon photomultiplier (XML)
SEGLISA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » silver-enhanced gold-labelled immunosorbent assay (XML)
SecM  ( in XML )  (3)
  » secretion monitor (XML)
SERPINA5  ( in XML )  (3)
  » serpin peptidase inhibitor A member 5 (XML) | serpin family A member 5 (XML)
SEpred  ( in XML )  (3)
  » standard error of prediction (XML) | SE for prediction of the regression (XML)
sEMG-BF  ( in XML )  (3)
  » surface electromyography biofeedback (XML)
SeNS  ( in XML )  (3)
  » selenium nanospheres (XML) | selenium-nanostructures (XML)
sEC  ( in XML )  (3)
  » stochastic Extinction-Colonisation model (XML) | Soluble E-cadherin (XML) | static EC (XML)
SEPMs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » spatially explicit population models (XML) | Scanning electrochemical probe microscopes (XML)
Semi  ( in XML )  (3)
  » semi-autonomy (XML) | Succinimides on Cysteine to Facilitate (XML) | Scoring for COVID-19: A Welcome (XML)
SELSCs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » stimulated emission luminescent solar concentrators (XML)
SEGS  ( in XML )  (3)
  » self nano-emulsifying granule system (XML) | sequential enantiotopic-group-selective (XML)
SEMRs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » structured electronic medical records (XML) | spinal evoked motor responses (XML) | selective estrogen receptor modulators (XML)
s-EMBU-C  ( in XML )  (3)
  » short Chinese Egna Minnen av Barndoms Uppfostran (XML) | Short-form Egna Minnenav Barndoms Uppfostran for Chinese (XML)
SerpinB2  ( in XML )  (3)
  » selective urokinase inhibitor PAI-2 (XML) | showed that plasminogen activator inhibitor type 2 (XML)
SEM/STEM  ( in XML )  (3)
  » scanning and transmission electron microscopy (XML) | scanning/transmission electron imaging (XML)
SESLHD  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Sydney Local Health District (XML)
SE ADL  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Schwab and England Activities of Daily Living Scale (XML)
SEMAC-VAT  ( in XML )  (3)
  » slice encoding for metal artefact correction and view angle tilting (XML) | slice encoding for metal artefact correction with VAT (XML)
SEIDAS  ( in XML )  (3)
  » surface-enhanced infrared difference absorption spectroscopy (XML) | surface-enhanced IR difference absorption spectroscopy (XML)
SENFC  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Society of Clinical Neurophysiology (XML)
SECSs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » self-expanding covered stents (XML) | Soil erosion control services (XML)
Seff  ( in XML )  (3)
  » steric effects (XML) | scan efficiency (XML) | Seebeck coefficient (XML)
sErbB  ( in XML )  (3)
  » soluble ErbB (XML)
SensOR  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Sensory Over-Responsivity Inventory (XML) | Sensory Over-Responsivity (XML)
SECOND  ( in XML )  (3)
  » second half of donation (XML) | sepsis coding and documentation (XML)
serS  ( in XML )  (3)
  » seryl-tRNA synthetase (XML) | serine-tRNA ligase (XML)
SEAB  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Secretary of Energy Advisory Board (XML) | South East Asian born (XML) | standardized EAB (XML)
SERCA 2a  ( in XML )  (3)
  » SR Ca2+-ATPase (XML) | Sarco(endo)plasmic Ca(2+)-ATPase isoform 2a (XML)
SeDEL  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Se-containing insitu library and DNA-encoded library (XML) | selenium-containing DNA-encoded library (XML) | suitable for on-plate parallel and DNA-encoded library (XML)
SE Qld  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Southeast Queensland (XML)
SERVE  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Stacked Euler vector (XML) | Service, Education, Reflection, Volunteerism Elective (XML)
serpinB9  ( in XML )  (3)
  » serine protease inhibitor B9 (XML)
SESRE  ( in XML )  (3)
  » sorption-enhanced steam reforming of ethanol (XML) | substrate-encoded size-reducing epitaxy (XML)
SECMS  ( in XML )  (3)
  » self-expandable covered metallic stents (XML)
SESCAM  ( in XML )  (3)
  » study SETTING: Mental Health Service (XML) | service of Castille-La Mancha (XML) | Salud de Castilla-La Mancha (XML)
SEBL  ( in XML )  (3)
  » scanning-electron-beam-lithography (XML) | self-emptying blind loops (XML)
SED-C  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Self-Efficacy for Diabetes Scale-Child version (XML) | sedentary group received a control diet (XML) | sedentary control (XML)
Sema-2b  ( in XML )  (3)
  » semaphorin 2b (XML)
seCPT  ( in XML )  (3)
  » socially evaluated cold pressor test (XML)
SECURE  ( in XML )  (3)
  » selective curbing of unwanted RNA editing (XML) | Sustainable, Ecological, Consistent, Uniform, Responsible, and Efficient (XML) | Secondary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease in the Elderly (XML)
SelMQC  ( in XML )  (3)
  » selective multiple quantum spectroscopy (XML) | selective multiple quantum filter technique (XML) | SELective Multiple Quantum Coherence (XML)
SET1A  ( in XML )  (3)
  » SET-domain-containing 1A (XML) | SET1 histone methyltransferase (XML)
SE-CAD  ( in XML )  (3)
  » soluble E-cadherin (XML) | soluble epithelial cadherin (XML)
sEpCAM  ( in XML )  (3)
  » soluble EpCAM (XML) | soluble epithelial cell adhesion molecule (XML)
Ser9Gly  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Serine-9-Glycine (XML) | serine-to-glycine substitution at amino acid position 9 (XML) | serine-to-glycine polymorphism at codon 9 of the DRD3 gene (XML)
SERS NPs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » surface-enhanced Raman scattering nanoparticles (XML)
series I  ( in XML )  (3)
  » structures 6-(3-tertioalkylphenyl)-2-naphthoic acid (XML) | small-molecule gp41 inhibitors, 2-Alkylthio-1-benzylimidazole-5-carboxylic acid (XML) | series of 1,3-benzothiazoles (XML)
SEFE  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Sonographic exploration for fascial exploration (XML) | exploration-sonographic exploration for fascial exploration (XML) | sensory evoked facial muscle electromyography (XML)
SEPN  ( in XML )  (3)
  » spinal ependymomas (XML) | selenoprotein N (XML)
Ser-Thr  ( in XML )  (3)
  » serine-threonine (XML) | serine and threonine (XML)
SEMES  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Sociedad Espanola de Medicina de Urgencias y Emergencias (XML) | Sociedad Espanola de Urgencias y Emergencias (XML)
SED congenita  ( in XML )  (3)
  » spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia congenita (XML)
SEAQUAMAT  ( in XML )  (3)
  » South-East-Asia-Quinine-Artesuante-Malaria-Trial (XML)
SEA and SEE  ( in XML )  (3)
  » staphylococcal enterotoxins A and E (XML)
SEO-F  ( in XML )  (3)
  » sieve element occlusion by forisome (XML)
SERK4  ( in XML )  (3)
  » somatic embryogenesis receptor kinase 4 (XML)
S.E.R  ( in XML )  (3)
  » somesthetic evoked response (XML)
SESPB  ( in XML )  (3)
  » sacral erector spinae plane block (XML)
SED-E  ( in XML )  (3)
  » sedentary (XML) | sedentary group received an ethanol diet (XML)
Sema4B  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Semaphorin4B (XML)
SesI  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Staphylococcus epidermidis surface protein I (XML) | S. epidermidis surface protein I (XML)
SeLNA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » selenomethylene-locked nucleic acid (XML)
SEECs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » sheep endometrial epithelium cells (XML) | sheep EECs (XML)
SESLO  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Space Environment Survivability of Living Organisms (XML)
SEED-AN  ( in XML )  (3)
  » severe and enduring anorexia nervosa (XML) | severe and enduring form of the illness (XML)
SERW  ( in XML )  (3)
  » stabilization exercise program using respiratory resistance and whole body vibration (XML) | self-efficacy for return to work (XML) | Southeastern Region of Wisconsin, USA (XML)
Ser51  ( in XML )  (3)
  » serine51 (XML)
SEFF  ( in XML )  (3)
  » sleep efficiency (XML) | seismic efficiency ratio (XML)
sELIFA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » sandwich enzyme-linked immunofiltration assay (XML)
S.E.A  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Southeast Asian (XML) | sheep erythrocyte agglutination (XML)
S-EtOH  ( in XML )  (3)
  » sugary ethanol (XML) | Senecio chrysanthemoides (XML) | serum ethanol levels (XML)
self-care  ( in XML )  (3)
  » secondary outcome measures including 'ABILHAND-kids and 'WeeFIM (XML) | same Functional Independence Measure-A (XML) | Self-Care/Non-Prescription Medications (XML)
SeGSH-Px  ( in XML )  (3)
  » selenium glutathione peroxidase (XML)
sEphB4-HSA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » soluble EphB4-human serum albumin (XML) | soluble EphB4 conjugated to human serum albumin (XML)
sers  ( in XML )  (3)
  » serum-sensitive (XML)
SEM-FIB  ( in XML )  (3)
  » scanning electron microscope/focused ion beam (XML)
Se-HA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Se-doped hydroxyapatite (XML) | Selenite-substituted hydroxyapatite (XML) | (IV)-substituted hydroxyapatite (XML)
SEEA-EA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » System of Environmental-Economic Accounting Ecosystem Accounting (XML)
se5  ( in XML )  (3)
  » sensitivity5 (XML)
SELFIE  ( in XML )  (3)
  » self-taken intraoral images (XML) | Self-Management Maintenance Inhalation Therapy With eHealth (XML)
SEP-M  ( in XML )  (3)
  » SEP incorporated composite membrane (XML) | Somatosensory evoked potentials from median nerve (XML) | SEPs elicited by acupuncture and by median nerve stimulus (XML)
Sec14p  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Sec14 protein (XML)
sePP  ( in XML )  (3)
  » single exposure place preference (XML)
SegTHOR  ( in XML )  (3)
  » segmentation of thoracic organs at risk (XML)
SERS and TERS  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Surface- and tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (XML)
SeMo  ( in XML )  (3)
  » segmented neutrophil-to-monocyte (XML)
SEDoH  ( in XML )  (3)
  » social and environmental determinants of health (XML)
SEM/EDAX  ( in XML )  (3)
  » scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (XML) | scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive analysis of X-ray (XML) | Scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy analyser (XML)
SESAW  ( in XML )  (3)
  » SocioEconomic Status and Activity in Women (XML) | Self-Efficacy Scale for Abused Women (XML)
SEA-SEE  ( in XML )  (3)
  » staphylococcal enterotoxins A-E (XML) | separated into two groups; the classical (XML)
SeaDAS  ( in XML )  (3)
  » SeaWiFS Data Analysis System (XML)
SEMDSA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Society for Endocrinology Metabolism and Diabetes South Africa (XML) | Society for Metabolism, Endocrinology and Diabetes of South Africa (XML)
Serpine1  ( in XML )  (3)
  » SRM and IN1130 repressed TGF-beta1-induced PAI-1 (XML) | signature, including plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (XML) | Serine protease inhibitor clade E1 (XML)
Ser49Gly  ( in XML )  (3)
  » serine/glycine substitution at amino acid 49 (XML) | Serine49Glycine (XML)
SE'd  ( in XML )  (3)
  » self-employed (XML)
Se-TN  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Serum tetranectin (XML) | serum level of tetranectin (XML)
SeqChIP  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Sequential chromatin immunoprecipitation (XML)
SEVN  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Single-edge V-notched (XML) | self-rectifying artificial visual neuron (XML) | subependymal vascular network (XML)
SEr  ( in XML )  (3)
  » skin roughness (XML)
SERCA 1  ( in XML )  (3)
  » sarco/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2th-ATPase 1 (XML) | sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+) ATPase 1 (XML)
SEPRP  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Structured Education Pulmonary Rehabilitation Programme (XML)
S-EDP  ( in XML )  (3)
  » soluble elastin-derived peptide (XML) | serum concentrations of elastin-derived peptides (XML)
SerialRED  ( in XML )  (3)
  » serial rotation electron diffraction (XML)
SENTINA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » SENTinel NeoAdjuvant (XML)
Ser157  ( in XML )  (3)
  » serine 157 (XML)
sect  ( in XML )  (3)
  » section (XML)
SE-TAP  ( in XML )  (3)
  » semilunaris to transversus abdominis plane (XML) | subcostal exterior semilunaris approach (XML)
SELDI-TOF-MS or SELDI  ( in XML )  (3)
  » surface-enhanced laser desorption/ionization time of flight mass spectrometry (XML)
SELFCARE  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Stress-free Everyday LiFe for Children and Adolescents REsearch (XML)
SexAb  ( in XML )  (3)
  » sexual abuse (XML)
SEMCD6  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Self-Efficacy for Managing Chronic Disease 6-item Scale (XML)
Serpina3k  ( in XML )  (3)
  » serine protease inhibitor A3K (XML)
SecYEG  ( in XML )  (3)
  » system composed of a polypeptide-conducting channel (XML) | system consists of the protein-conducting channel (XML) | SecG of the canonical system (XML)
set 1  ( in XML )  (3)
  » samples and 5,919 controls (XML) | Shigella enterotoxin 1 (XML) | sets of degenerate primers, PAL1v1978/PAR1c496 (XML)
SeHA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » substituted hydroxyapatite (XML) | selenite-substituted hydroxyapatite (XML) | serum coated hydroxyapatite (XML)
SEEA EA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » System of Environmental-Economic Accounting Ecosystem Accounting (XML)
second phase  ( in XML )  (3)
  » spent licking their formalin-injected paws (XML) | subsequent magnifying chromoendoscopy (XML)
SEMDJL1  ( in XML )  (3)
  » spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia with joint laxity, type 1 (XML)
SEMH  ( in XML )  (3)
  » social, emotional and mental health (XML) | social, emotional and mental health difficulties (XML)
SELGA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » South East Local Government area (XML)
SEEDi  ( in XML )  (3)
  » SEED intervention (XML)
SE-UF  ( in XML )  (3)
  » salt extraction coupled with ultrafiltration (XML)
SES-SQ  ( in XML )  (3)
  » socioeconomic status short-form questionnaire (XML) | SES questionnaire (XML)
SEMQUA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » SEMinal QUAlity studies (XML)
SEC23A  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Sec23 homolog A (XML)
SERENE  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Study Evaluating Rituximab's Efficacy in MTX iNadequate rEsponders (XML) | Stress protection for postnatal dEpREssioN prEvention (XML)
SeRTs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » sentence reception thresholds (XML)
SEAIR  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Susceptible-Exposed-Asymptomatic-Infectious-Recovered (XML)
serC  ( in XML )  (3)
  » serum creatinine (XML) | substrate of the pdxC (XML) | structural gene for phosphohydroxy-pyruvate transaminase (XML)
Se-GTP  ( in XML )  (3)
  » selenium-enriched green tea polysaccharides (XML) | selenium-containing tea polysaccharides (XML)
SELENA-SLEDAI  ( in XML )  (3)
  » SLE National Assessment modification (XML) | SELENA-SLE Disease Activity Index (XML)
Se-SPP  ( in XML )  (3)
  » selenium-containing polysaccharide from Spirulina platensis (XML) | selenized derivative of SPP (XML)
SEATAK  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Subcostal echocardiographic assessment of tricuspid annular kick (XML)
SERT-IR  ( in XML )  (3)
  » SERT immunoreactivity (XML)
SEGD  ( in XML )  (3)
  » sub-segments of data of duration (XML) | screening esophagogastroduodenoscopy (XML) | solid-electrolyte-gate dielectric (XML)
SE-EE  ( in XML )  (3)
  » SE ethanol extract (XML) | selective enamel etching (XML) | socio-economic and eco-environment (XML)
SEEROG  ( in XML )  (3)
  » South Eastern European Research Oncology Group (XML) | South Eastern Europe Oncology Group (XML)
SEPPA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Spatial Epitope Prediction of Protein Antigens (XML) | spatial epitope prediction webserver (XML)
SerpinA1  ( in XML )  (3)
  » serine protease inhibitor A1 (XML) | SerpinB1 and alpha-antitrypsin (XML)
SerGly  ( in XML )  (3)
  » serylglycine (XML) | serine-glycine (XML)
Ser831  ( in XML )  (3)
  » serine 831 (XML)
SEAMEO  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (XML) | South East Asian Ministers of Education Organization (XML)
SEPRS  ( in XML )  (3)
  » simplified erosion partial recording system (XML) | Self-Efficacy for Personal Recovery Scale (XML)
Ser-ADPr  ( in XML )  (3)
  » serine ADP-ribosylation (XML) | serine residues in target proteins (XML)
semi-QRT-PCR  ( in XML )  (3)
  » semi-quantitative RT-PCR (XML)
SENFs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » subepidermal nerve fibers (XML)
SEMPP  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Sequential endoscopic-microscopic pituitary procedure (XML) | simultaneous-event multivariate point process (XML)
SESCs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Skin epidermal stem cells (XML) | Spontaneous excitatory synaptic currents (XML)
sEPO-R  ( in XML )  (3)
  » soluble extracellular domain of the human erythropoietin receptor (XML) | soluble EPO-R (XML) | soluble recombinant binding-active extracellular domain of the murine erythropoietin receptor (XML)
SEMIUC  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Society of Intensive Care Medicine and Coronary Units (XML) | Sociedad Espanola de Medicina Intensiva y Unidades Coronarias (XML)
SepA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » serine protease A (XML) | Secreted Extracellular Protein A (XML)
SERF1  ( in XML )  (3)
SEC-L3  ( in XML )  (3)
  » super elongation complex-like 3 (XML) | SEC-like 3 (XML)
SE5  ( in XML )  (3)
  » SENSITIVITY5 (XML) | seizures 5 min (XML)
SERTAD1  ( in XML )  (3)
  » SERTA domain containing protein 1 (XML) | SERTA domain containing 1 (XML)
SETL  ( in XML )  (3)
  » sheath exchange for tunneled lines (XML) | Semantic Extraction, Transformation and Loading (XML) | sertraline (XML)
Se1  ( in XML )  (3)
  » sequences to the rice Hd1 (XML) | Sensitivity 1 (XML)
S-EPSP  ( in XML )  (3)
  » slope of the field EPSP (XML)
Sectm1a  ( in XML )  (3)
  » secreted and transmembrane protein 1a (XML) | secreted and transmembrane 1A (XML)
SEA 1  ( in XML )  (3)
  » South-East Asia 1 (XML) | Senate Enrolled Act 1 (XML)
SE-OCT  ( in XML )  (3)
  » spectral estimation OCT (XML) | spectral estimation optical coherence tomography (XML)
SEIO  ( in XML )  (3)
  » southeast Indian Ocean (XML)
SEA Region  ( in XML )  (3)
  » South-East Asia Region (XML)
SERS-based LFA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » scattering-based lateral flow assay (XML)
SETscore  ( in XML )  (3)
  » stroke-related early tracheostomy score (XML)
sElastin  ( in XML )  (3)
  » soluble elastin (XML)
SE 0.14  ( in XML )  (3)
  » score increased by 0.20 (XML) | score of 20.6 (XML) | significantly improved to -0.31 (XML)
sERCs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » smooth endoplasmic reticulum clusters (XML)
SEDACs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Spinal extradural arachnoid cysts (XML)
SELDI-ToF  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Surface-enhanced laser desorption ionization time-of-flight (XML)
SERCa2  ( in XML )  (3)
  » SERCa type 2 (XML) | sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ pump (XML) | sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ ATPase (XML)
SESAMO  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Sexuality Evaluation Schedule Assessment Monitoring (XML)
sEI  ( in XML )  (3)
  » systolic eccentricity index (XML) | Subjective energy intake (XML)
S-ERMM  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Score for Early Relapse in Multiple Myeloma (XML)
SePl  ( in XML )  (3)
  » seminal plasma (XML)
sEMGRMS  ( in XML )  (3)
  » surface-electromyography root-mean-square (XML)
SEGAm  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Short Emergency Geriatric Assessment (XML)
SEIV  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Socio-Economic-Infrastructure Vulnerability (XML) | susceptible, exposed, infected, and vaccinated (XML) | subannular endomyocardial implantation of valve prosthesis (XML)
SEVIA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Smartphone-Enhanced Visual Inspection with Acetic acid (XML) | smartphone-enhanced VIA platform (XML)
SEES Initiative  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Sciences Initiative (XML)
SeMetFa NPs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » selenium-methionine-folic acid nanoparticles (XML)
SEEIUC  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Society of Intensive Nursing and Coronary Units (XML) | Society of Intensive Care and Coronary Unit Nursing (XML)
SEP-R  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Somatosensory evoked potential recovery (XML) | SEP recovery function (XML)
SEMP1  ( in XML )  (3)
  » senescence-associated epithelial membrane protein 1 (XML) | small exported membrane protein 1 (XML)
SEWGS  ( in XML )  (3)
  » sorption-enhanced water gas shift (XML)
SE block  ( in XML )  (3)
  » squeeze-and-excitation block (XML)
SerE  ( in XML )  (3)
  » serovar E (XML)
SEIH  ( in XML )  (3)
  » startle epilepsy associated with infantile hemiplegia (XML) | socioeconomic inequalities in health (XML)
seco-CFQ  ( in XML )  (3)
  » seco-cyclopropyltetrahydrofurano(2,3-f)quinoline (XML)
SETE  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Screening Executive Tests for Elderly (XML) | search for extraterrestrial eukaryotes (XML) | semi-end-to-end (XML)
SeONPs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » selenium oxide nanoparticles (XML)
S-endoglin  ( in XML )  (3)
  » soluble endoglin (XML) | spliced short isoform of endoglin (XML)
SECM/OM  ( in XML )  (3)
  » scanning electrochemical/optical microscopy (XML)
SEVEN  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Single Extracellular VEsicle Nanoscopy (XML)
sEMGdi  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Surface electromyogram of the diaphragm (XML) | surface diaphragmatic electromyography (XML)
SEICR  ( in XML )  (3)
  » susceptible-exposed-infectious-confirmed-recovered (XML) | susceptible-exposed-infected-confirmed-removed (XML)
SeNA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Se-derivatized nucleic acids (XML) | selenium-derivatization of nucleic acids (XML)
SERT KO  ( in XML )  (3)
  » serotonin transporter knockout (XML)
SEPSTAT  ( in XML )  (3)
  » storage, transportation, and analysis of trace contaminants (XML)
Seph  ( in XML )  (3)
  » SeMNPV polyhedrin gene (XML) | seneciphylline (XML) | Sephardic (XML)
Setd2  ( in XML )  (3)
  » SET domain containing 2 (XML)
SEP-PPD  ( in XML )  (3)
  » somatosensory-evoked potential paired-pulse depression (XML) | SEP paired-pulse depression (XML)
second-line  ( in XML )  (3)
  » study investigated the effect of introducing earlier (XML) | fibro-steatosis after a combination of raltegravir and maraviroc (XML) | broad-spectrum antibiotics and alternative (XML)
Set 2  ( in XML )  (3)
  » set of 6512 compounds (XML) | shift to the 2nd rule (XML) | subjects and 282 AA controls (XML)
SECGs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » subcutaneous electrocardiograms (XML) | starch-synthesis enzyme-coding genes (XML)
s-Epo  ( in XML )  (3)
  » serum Epo (XML) | Serum erythropoietin levels (XML)
SEA's  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Spinal epidural abscesses (XML) | state economic areas (XML) | subdural electrode arrays (XML)
SEMCD-S  ( in XML )  (3)
  » scale for managing chronic diseases (XML) | scale for chronic disease management (XML) | Self-Efficacy to Manage Chronic Disease (XML)
SERPINA3N  ( in XML )  (3)
  » serine peptidase inhibitor clade A member 3N (XML) | serine protease inhibitor A3N (XML)
SExos  ( in XML )  (3)
  » serum exosomes (XML)
SELENON-RM  ( in XML )  (3)
  » SELENON-related myopathy (XML)
SENeo  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Spanish Neonatology Society (XML) | Sociedad Espanola de Neonatologia (XML)
SETU  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Student Evaluation of Teaching and Units (XML) | Support to End Tuberculosis (XML) | S-ethylisothiourea (XML)
SEISA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » sol-evaporation induced self-assembly (XML)
sEPM  ( in XML )  (3)
  » standard EPM (XML) | synthetic extracellular protein matrix (XML)
SEWI  ( in XML )  (3)
  » schistosomiasis early warning index (XML) | southeastern Wisconsin (XML)
SEC16B  ( in XML )  (3)
  » SEC16 homolog B (XML) | SEC 16 homolog B, endoplasmic reticulum export factor (XML)
SELR  ( in XML )  (3)
  » silk-elastin-like recombinamer (XML) | selenoprotein R (XML) | Silk Elastin-Like co-Recombinamer (XML)
SEI-HI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Social and Emotional Impact of Hearing Impairment (XML)
SE-BMS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » self-expandable bare-metal stent (XML)
SEMEP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » SEMantic-Episodic (XML) | SEMantic and EPisodic Memory Test (XML)
s-epsp  ( in XML )  (2)
  » slow-excitatory postsynaptic potentials (XML)
SESTD1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » spectrin domains 1 (XML) | spectrin-type domains 1 (XML)
seco-CI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » seco-cyclopropylindole (XML) | 6-amino-seco-cyclopropylindole (XML)
SELFPASS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Self-administered Psycho-TherApy-SystemS (XML)
SEA 2  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Southeast Asia 2 (XML)
SECCIM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » scanning electrochemical cell impedance microscopy (XML)
SEMLA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » socioemotional and material learning paradigm (XML)
sexDEGs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sex-differentially expressed genes (XML)
SeMetO  ( in XML )  (2)
  » SeMet and selenomethionine oxide (XML) | selenomethionine selenoxide (XML)
SE-LV  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Salmonella Enteritidis vaccine (XML) | Salmonella Enteritidis live-vaccine-strain (XML)
SEGUE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Set Elicit Give Understand End (XML) | Speedy rEgion-Growing algorithm for Unwrapping Estimated phase (XML)
SEAm  ( in XML )  (2)
  » SEA was point mutated (XML) | SEA mutant (XML)
SExS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » self-expanding drug-eluting stents (XML) | self-expanding stents (XML)
Se30  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sedentary with doxycycline 30mg/kg/day (XML) | single dose of 30ml (XML)
SEMGdi  ( in XML )  (2)
  » surface diaphragm signal (XML) | superficial diaphragm electromyography (XML)
SESLA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Secoeudesma sesquiterpenes lactone A (XML)
SeLBA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » selective left bronchial aspiration (XML)
SEQMs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » semiempirical quantum chemical methods (XML)
secGAA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » secretable form of GAA (XML)
SEICs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Safety-engineered intravenous catheters (XML) | Surface epithelial inclusion cysts (XML)
Ser-147  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serine at Us3 position 147 (XML)
SE and SP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sensitivity and specificity (XML)
SENSA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » System for Endoscopic Stenosis Assessment (XML) | Sparse Embodiment Neural-Statistical Architecture (XML)
Ser-5  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serine at position 5 (XML)
SERAP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » South Wales Department of Education (XML) | Score for Emergency ReAdmission Prediction (XML)
SECB  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Se-enriched Bacillus (XML) | subepithelial collagen band (XML)
SEMIC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » SEM based on internal consistency (XML)
SEAgs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » soluble exogenous antigens (XML)
SEEearly  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Supported Employment and Education (XML)
SES7  ( in XML )  (2)
  » subtilisin E-S7 (XML)
SEDIM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sedimentation rate (XML) | Surrogate-assisted Evolutionary Deep Imputation Model (XML)
SEAR/WPR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » South-East Asia/Western Pacific Region (XML)
self-protection  ( in XML )  (2)
  » study compares different vehicle types with respect to their crashworthiness (XML) | stimulates the production of immune memory cells (XML)
SeAAs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » selenoamino acids (XML)
SELLMO  ( in XML )  (2)
  » situational goal achievement (XML) | scales for the assessment of learning and performance motivation (XML)
SEOI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » secondary end of injection (XML) | SEO clinical activity index (XML)
SEM-mapping  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Scanning Electron Microscopy-mapping (XML)
SeMt  ( in XML )  (2)
  » selenomethionine (XML) | pollutants-selenomethionine (XML)
Ser307  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serine residue 307 (XML) | serine 307 (XML)
sEV-BAT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » small extracellular vesicles derived from BAT (XML) | sEVs derived from brown adipose tissue (XML)
SeCRS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » secondary cytoreductive surgery (XML)
send-to-all  ( in XML )  (2)
  » self-sampling kit unsolicited (XML)
SEIRT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sorption-enhanced infrared thermography (XML)
SEBW  ( in XML )  (2)
  » steam-exploded birch wood (XML)
SEASONS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Seasonal Variation of Blood Cholesterol Study (XML)
SelFi  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Selection Finder (XML)
SEWDI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » standardized ecological water deficit index (XML)
SelF  ( in XML )  (2)
  » selenoprotein F (XML)
Sema I  ( in XML )  (2)
  » semaphorin I (XML)
SeGPx  ( in XML )  (2)
  » selenocysteine dependent GPx (XML) | selenoenzymes glutathione peroxidase (XML)
Se-MPS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » SeMet-Pro-Ser (XML) | Se-enriched Morel polysaccharide (XML)
SEPEQOL  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Septal Perforation Quality of Life questionnaire (XML) | Septal Perforation Quality of Life (XML)
Se-CNPs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Seleniumcleome droserifoliananoparticles (XML)
SECOB  ( in XML )  (2)
  » secondary osteoporosis and metabolic bone diseases (XML)
SEHMC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » St. Elizabeth Hospital Medical Center (XML)
SENAX  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Stellar ExoNuclease Assembly miX (XML) | Single 3'-exonuclease-based multifragment DNA assembly method (XML)
SEA/CFA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » schistosome egg Ag in CFA (XML) | schistosome egg antigens in CFA (XML)
SELEB  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Service-Learning Benefit (XML) | subepidermal low echogenic band (XML)
SETOV  ( in XML )  (2)
  » single-electron-trapped oxygen vacancies (XML)
SE 0.001  ( in XML )  (2)
  » slope variance of 0.006 (XML) | intra-specific distance was 0.002 (XML)
SER-PCR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » STAR element repetitive-PCR (XML)
SELTP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » somatic embryogenesis-associated lipid transfer protein (XML) | SE-ASSOCIATED LIPID TRANSFER PROTEIN (XML)
S-ESAK-O  ( in XML )  (2)
  » scatter entrance skin air kerma to the operator (XML) | skin air kerma to the operator position (XML)
SEARCH-CC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » SEARCH for Diabetes in Youth Case Control Study (XML)
Se-PHGPx  ( in XML )  (2)
  » selenium-dependent phospholipid hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase (XML)
secondary care  ( in XML )  (2)
  » study evaluated childhood psoriasis in private practice (XML) | secondary mental health care (XML)
SEMMs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Structural Equation Mixture Models (XML) | Somatically Engineered Mouse Models (XML)
Ser-10  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serine phosphorylation of p27Kip1 protein at position 10 (XML) | serine at position 10 (XML)
SEP-R2PI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stimulated-emission-pumping/resonant 2-photon ionization (XML)
SEIQRD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » susceptible, exposed, infected, quarantined, recovered, deceased (XML)
SEBSs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » self-etching bonding systems (XML) | sirolimus-eluting biodegradable stents (XML)
SeDeM EDS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » SeDeM Expert Diagram System (XML)
S.epidermidis  ( in XML )  (2)
  » surface properties using a Staphylococcusepidermidis (XML) | structures was evaluated for bactericidal efficacy against gram-positive, non-motileStaphylococcusepidermidis (XML)
SEMGAS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » surface electromyographic assisted stretching (XML) | surface EMG-assisted stretching (XML)
SEIARD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » susceptible-exposed-infected-asymptomatic-recovered-death (XML)
SEACTN  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Southeast Asia Community-based Trials Network (XML)
SELENOO  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Selenoprotein O (XML) | selenoprotein O, SELO (XML)
Sema6c  ( in XML )  (2)
  » semaphorin 6C (XML)
SEICAAP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergology and Pediatric Asthma (XML) | Sociedad Espanola de Inmunologia Clinica, Alergologia y Asma Pediatrica (XML)
Ser-133  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serine residue at position 133 (XML) | serine residue 133 (XML)
Se-enriched  ( in XML )  (2)
  » selenium-enriched (XML) | selenomethionine-enriched (XML)
SEPS1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » selenoprotein S1 (XML)
SESRS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » surface-enhanced stimulated Raman spectroscopy (XML) | surface enhanced stimulated Raman scattering (XML)
SEISAR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Seniors at Risk (XML)
S-EC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » seeded endothelial cells (XML) | strength-endurance continuum (XML)
Ser-Cl  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sertraline hydrochloride (XML) | sertraline HCl (XML)
SetA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sugar efflux transporter A (XML)
SEPDB  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Substance-Effect-Process-Disease-Body Part (XML) | secreted protein database (XML)
SEHE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » spinal epithelioid hemangioendothelioma (XML) | swing eccentric hamstring exercise (XML)
Ser-46  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serine residue at position 46 (XML)
SE-FD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Surpass Evolve-Flow Diverter (XML)
SELH  ( in XML )  (2)
  » SELH/Bc mouse strain (XML) | SELH/Bc (XML)
Se-GBR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » selenium-enriched germinated brown rice (XML) | selenized germinated brown rice (XML)
SEAES  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Saudi Early Autism and Environment Study (XML) | South-East Asian Ergonomics Society (XML)
SEED II  ( in XML )  (2)
  » severe epithelium esophageal dysplasia (XML) | severe esophageal epithelium dysplasia (XML)
SE-P  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Status Epilepticus (XML) | self-etch primers (-P) and adhesives (-A) of Clearfil SE Bond (XML)
SEC-HDX-MS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » size-exclusion chromatography-hydrogen-deuterium exchange-mass spectrometry (XML)
Ser188  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serine 188 (XML)
Sepsis-related  ( in XML )  (2)
  » systemic inflammatory response syndrome, quick Sequential (XML) | sepsis.One of the newest measures developed is aquick Sequential (XML)
SEREC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Southeast Research and Extension Center (XML) | smooth ER exit compartment (XML)
SEP2-3  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Sexual Encounter Profile questions 2 and 3 (XML)
SEBMs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sharing economy business models (XML) | spatial-expression basis modes (XML)
SE-ERCP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » spiral assisted ERCP (XML) | spiral enteroscopy ERCP (XML)
Sestd1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » spectrin domains 1 (XML)
Sec23p  ( in XML )  (2)
  » SEC23 gene product (XML)
SEDCIS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stack ensemble of deep and conventional image segmentation (XML)
SEMRPs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » saccadic eye movement-related potentials (XML)
SEAPT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Singapore English Action Picture Test (XML)
SE-DT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » self-efficacy in distress tolerance scale (XML)
SEPGG  ( in XML )  (2)
  » spatial evolutionary public goods game (XML)
seco-CPI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » seco-cyclopyrroloindoline (XML)
Self-PBQ  ( in XML )  (2)
  » self-administered pediatric bleeding questionnaire (XML)
sell  ( in XML )  (2)
  » staphylococcal enterotoxin-like L (XML) | stabilize the foreign exchange market by placing buy (XML)
SE, Spain  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sediments from Portman Bay (XML) | super-intensive olive orchard in Cordoba (XML)
S-ESWT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sham ESWT group (XML)
SESAMeD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Self-Efficacy Scale for Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet (XML)
sea rice  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Salt-tolerant rice cultivar (XML) | Salt-tolerant rice (XML)
SEBAC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sequential batch anaerobic composting (XML)
SEC-RI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » size-exclusion chromatography coupled with a refractive index detector (XML)
SERMAS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Servicio Madrileno de Salud (XML)
S-endostatin  ( in XML )  (2)
  » soluble endostatin (XML) | serum levels of the anti-angiogenic factor endostatin (XML)
SERPINB10  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Serine peptidase inhibitor, clade B, member 10 (XML)
Se-Pro  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Se-containing proteins (XML) | Se-probiotic (XML)
SEFA-1024  ( in XML )  (2)
  » structurally-engineered fatty acid-1024 (XML)
Sen-TFs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » senescence-associated transcription factors (XML)
S-EW  ( in XML )  (2)
  » S-EW group (XML) | spray-dried egg white (XML)
SEOTs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » surface epithelial tumors (XML) | surface epithelial ovarian tumors (XML)
SENSAAS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » SENtence Supramodal Areas AtlaS (XML)
SERCYF  ( in XML )  (2)
  » semi-retentive cytoskeletal fractionation (XML)
SEYLLd  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Standard Expected Years of Life Lost per death (XML)
SETAF  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Self-management and Educational Technology tool for Atrial Fibrillation (XML) | support Tool for AF patients (XML)
SECNI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » secondary-electron capture negative-ion (XML)
SEaTH  ( in XML )  (2)
  » SEparability and THresholds algorithms (XML) | Separability and threshold (XML)
Self-M  ( in XML )  (2)
  » self-management (XML)
semi-arid  ( in XML )  (2)
  » systems comparison field trial in vertisols under a subtropical (XML) | sowing dates in two different climatic regions: Faisalabad (XML)
SERT, DAT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serotonin and dopamine transporter (XML)
seed-PLS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Seed-partial least square analyses (XML) | seed-based Partial Least Squares (XML)
SECHPLC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Size Exclusion Chromatography-High Performance Liquid Chromatography (XML) | size exclusion high performance liquid chromatography (XML)
SES-A  ( in XML )  (2)
  » severity measured on a VAS, affective (XML) | sensory pain perception (XML)
sept  ( in XML )  (2)
  » septuagenarians and 62 octogenarians were over 30-day survivors; 17.5 (XML) | septal thickness (XML)
SEDIMENT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Segmented diffusion imaging with iterative motion-corrected reconstruction (XML)
sEphA7  ( in XML )  (2)
  » soluble form of EphA7 (XML)
SE-SEM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » secondary electron microscopy (XML) | secondary electron scanning electron microscopy (XML)
SELLY  ( in XML )  (2)
  » early-stage ovarian cancer: preliminary results of a prospective multicentre study (XML)
serum Ca  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serum calcium (XML)
SE-TRCA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Spectrum-Enhanced TRCA (XML)
SE 0.013  ( in XML )  (2)
  » spending decreased from 0.119 (XML) | smokers and 0.029 (XML)
Senp1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sentrin-specific protease 1 (XML)
S. exigua  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Spodoptera exigua (XML)
Sec Y  ( in XML )  (2)
  » secretion protein Y (XML)
Sel1l  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Suppressor Enhancer Lin12/Notch1 Like (XML)
Sema-4D  ( in XML )  (2)
  » semaphorin-4D (XML)
semi-nested RT-PCR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » semi-nested reverse transcription PCR (XML) | semi-nested reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (XML)
  » Southeast Asia initiative to combat SARS-CoV-2 variants (XML)
SET-Test  ( in XML )  (2)
  » specific endurance tennis test (XML)
SEEMP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (XML)
SEBWAT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Standardised Equine-Based Welfare Assessment Tool (XML)
sexual-related PTSS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sexual-related posttraumatic stress symptoms (XML)
SEC or GPC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Size-exclusion chromatography (XML)
SEWDR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Staff Experiences of Working with Demented Residents questionnaire (XML)
Ser.T  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Services for Addiction (XML) | Service Drug Unit (XML)
SETIM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » simplified exposure tool in medical nutrition (XML)
sELF  ( in XML )  (2)
  » synthetic lung epithelial lining fluid (XML) | surrogate Epithelial Lining Fluid (XML)
SeCh  ( in XML )  (2)
  » selenonium choline (XML)
SebK  ( in XML )  (2)
  » seborrhoeic keratoses (XML)
SedFFF  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sedimentation field-flow fractionation (XML)
SEDATE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Synthesizing Evidence from Diagnostic Accuracy Tests (XML) | Sedation - Effects of disorders of abuse on therapeutic efficacy (XML)
SEPERA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Side-specific Extra-Prostatic Extension Risk Assessment tool (XML)
SEH-IVH  ( in XML )  (2)
  » subependymal-intraventricular hemorrhages (XML)
SENAMHI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » supervision of the National Meteorological and Hydrological Service (XML) | Service of Meteorology and Hydrology (XML)
SE-C19  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Symptoms Evolution of COVID-19 (XML)
SELRC1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » SEL1 repeat containing 1 protein (XML) | Sel1 repeat containing 1 (XML)
Sema 1a  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Semaphorin 1a (XML)
SePFP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Selenium-enriched polysaccharides from Pyracantha fortuneana (XML)
SEHMM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » speed embedded hidden Markov model (XML)
Seattle, WA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sediment from Lake Washington (XML) | studies in Lake Washington (XML)
SEFIP-dance  ( in XML )  (2)
  » SEFIP for dancers (XML) | Self-Estimated Functional Inability because of Pain (XML)
SETc  ( in XML )  (2)
  » SET correcting for its dependence on heart rate (XML) | sedimental extract of Tinospora cordifolia (XML)
SELISAs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (XML)
S.E.E.G  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stereo-electroencephalographic investigations (XML)
SERPE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Society of Pediatric Radiology (XML)
senNACs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » senescence-associated NAC genes (XML)
SERBP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Sterol regulatory element-binding protein (XML)
SE, 1.4  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Severity Index, -16.9 (XML) | seated versus 15.0 (XML)
sEB  ( in XML )  (2)
  » single ectopic beats (XML)
self-related  ( in XML )  (2)
  » support the production of lies about oneself (XML) | salient stimuli and exaggerates the effects of strong (XML)
Sevo-post  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sevoflurane postconditioning (XML)
SerS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serum-susceptible (XML)
SEMMS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » silver electrode modified by magnetron sputtering (XML) | safety evaluation method in multi-logical scenarios (XML)
SEC-LS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » SEC-light scattering (XML) | size exclusion chromatography coupled with multiangle laser light scattering assays (XML)
SE 0.025  ( in XML )  (2)
  » size 0.051 (XML) | slope of 0.54 (XML)
SEPRA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » SEmaglutide PRAgmatic (XML) | SEmaglutide randomized PRAgmatic (XML)
Se2SAP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » synthesized a core-modified expanded porphyrin analogue, 5,10,15,20-(tetra(N-methyl-3-pyridyl))-26,28-diselenasapphyrin chloride (XML) | stoichiometry, 5,10,15,20-(tetra-(N-methyl-3-pyridyl))-26-28-diselena sapphyrin chloride (XML)
Ser-HCl  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Sertraline hydrochloride (XML)
SeHANs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » selenium-doped hydroxyapatite nanoparticles (XML)
SEASE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Safety and effectiveness assessment of the surpass evolve (XML)
SERS-MS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » surface enhanced Raman scattering microsensors (XML)
semi-preparative HPLC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » semi-preparative high-performance liquid chromatography (XML)
SEACV  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Spanish Angiology and Vascular Surgery Society (XML) | Surgery Vascular (XML)
serpine1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serpin peptidase inhibitor, clade E nexin group 1 (XML) | serpin peptidase inhibitor, clade E, member 1 (XML)
SEISMED  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Systems in Medicine (XML)
sEGO  ( in XML )  (2)
  » surfactant-assisted exfoliated graphene oxide (XML)
SEN1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » senescence-associated 1 (XML) | SENESCENCE 1 (XML)
serotonin-3  ( in XML )  (2)
  » structurally novel heterocyclic carboxamides which are highly potent 5-HT3 (XML) | series of new azabicycloalkanes as 5-HT3 (XML)
Ser 19  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serine 19 (XML)
seer  ( in XML )  (2)
  » surveillance, epidemiology, and end results (XML) | significant preference for begging from a person who faced them (XML)
SEVM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » spatial eigenvector mapping (XML) | statistically equivalent virtual microstructures (XML)
SET-CTCs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » SET-expressing circulating tumor cells (XML) | SET-expressing CTCs (XML)
SElL  ( in XML )  (2)
  » staphylococcal enterotoxins-like toxin L (XML)
SEMLARASS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » single-event multilevel lever arm restoration and anti-spasticity surgery (XML)
SEAKMC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » self-evolving atomistic kinetic Monte Carlo (XML)
SERPIN1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serpin peptidase inhibitor, clade E, member 1 (XML) | serpin family C member 1 (XML)
SECUs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » secondary eye care units (XML) | Secure extended care units (XML)
Sed-M  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sedentary + mesterolone (XML) | Sedentary mice treated with mesterolone (XML)
SERS-ChA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » surface-enhanced Raman scattering-chiral anisotropy (XML)
SECri  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sensory, emotional, and cognitive reserve (XML) | SEC reserve inventory (XML)
Ser112  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serine 112 (XML)
sEELS and sEEGS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stimulated electron energy loss and gain spectroscopy (XML)
SERPINB11  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serpin peptidase inhibitor, clade B, member 11 (XML) | serine protease inhibitor B11 (XML)
SePro  ( in XML )  (2)
  » selenoproteins (XML) | soybean protein (XML)
SeSPs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Superellipse sector particles (XML)
SEIR-like  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Susceptible-Exposed-Infected-Recovered-like (XML)
SEBTs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Star Excursion Balance Tests (XML)
SEPCQ  ( in XML )  (2)
  » self-efficacy in patient centeredness questionnaire (XML)
seven-day  ( in XML )  (2)
  » significantly compared to the baseline HRV (XML)
SEBES  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Sensomics-based expert system (XML)
SEW-7  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Self-Efficacy for Walking-7 (XML) | self-efficacy for walking with 7 items (XML)
SE-THV  ( in XML )  (2)
  » self-expanding transcatheter heart valves (XML)
SEOUL  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Self-Evaluation Of Unhealthy foods by Looking at postprandial glucose (XML) | SNU-experts-of-urodynamics-leading (XML)
SE-LPD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Systemic EBV-positive lymphoproliferative disease of childhood (XML) | systemic T-cell lymphoproliferative disease (XML)
SER-II  ( in XML )  (2)
  » supination-external rotation-II (XML)
SEVF  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Spastic Equino Varus Foot (XML)
SELIBS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » surface-enhanced laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (XML)
SeNWs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » selenium nanowires (XML)
SERTDeltaCT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » SERT C-terminal deletion mutant (XML)
SET-MPs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » subepithelial tumors originating from the muscularis propria (XML)
Ser-53  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serine 53 (XML)
SEPOD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Side Effects of Peanut Oral Immunotherapy Diary (XML) | surfactant cocktail-aided extraction/precipitation/on-pellet digestion (XML)
SEP9  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Salmonella Enteritidis FliC-specific 9-kDa polypeptide (XML) | FliC-specific 9kDa polypeptide (XML)
SEC-HPLC-ICP-MS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » size exclusion high performance liquid chromatography coupled to ICP-MS (XML) | Size exclusion chromatography coupled to ICP-MS (XML)
SEKG  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stress EKG (XML)
Sed-D  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sedentary-dependent (XML)
SEARC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Southeast Asia Radiographer's Conference (XML) | self-etching adhesive resin cements (XML)
SEV/REM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sevoflurane/remifentanil (XML) | sevoflurane-remifentanil (XML)
self-rated  ( in XML )  (2)
  » significant levels of perceived (XML) | significantly discriminated between (XML)
SER's  ( in XML )  (2)
  » somatosensory evoked responses (XML) | sensitizer enhancement ratios (XML)
SeCKI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Spirometra erinaceieuropaei casein kinase I (XML)
S.exigua  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Slackia exigua (XML)
Sept8  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Septin 8 (XML)
sEAS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Severe equine asthma syndrome (XML) | simulation of electro-acoustic stimulation (XML)
Sema4d  ( in XML )  (2)
  » semaphorin4d (XML)
SESIFS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » self-esteem/self-image female sexuality (XML)
Ser845  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serine 845 (XML)
SEACP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » shoulder extension angles at cocking phase (XML) | specific enzymatic activity of CP (XML)
seleno-GST  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Selenium-containing glutathione transferase (XML)
SEOR1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sieve element occlusion-related 1 (XML) | Sieve-Element-Occlusion-Related1 (XML)
Sema-5c  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Semaphorin-5c (XML)
SesC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » S. epidermidis surface protein C (XML)
SEED's  ( in XML )  (2)
  » self-electro-optic-effect devices (XML)
SESMC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sacral extradural spinal meningeal cysts (XML)
SELCOH  ( in XML )  (2)
  » South East London Community Health (XML)
SerT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » seryltransferase (XML) | serotype T (XML)
SERY-I  ( in XML )  (2)
  » safety and efficacy registry of the Yinyi stent (XML)
SEBKP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » simultaneous en-bloc kidney and pancreas transplantation (XML)
SEIVAL  ( in XML )  (2)
  » SEIzure interVAL (XML)
Sec14L3  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Sec14-like 3 (XML)
Self-MNA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » self-administered screening tool (XML) | Self-Mini Nutritional Assessment (XML)
SE-MRCP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » secretin-enhanced magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (XML)
SeUr  ( in XML )  (2)
  » selenourea (XML)
Se-PFPs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Selenium enriched P. fortuneana polysaccharides (XML) | Selenium-enriched polysaccharides from Pyracantha fortuneana (XML)
Self-ONNs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Self-organized ONNs (XML)
Ser59  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serine at position 59 (XML) | serine 59 (XML)
SE1457  ( in XML )  (2)
  » S. epidermidis 1457 strain (XML) | S. epidermidis 1457, a PNAG positive strain (XML)
SEC61A1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Sec61 translocon alpha 1 subunit (XML)
SeMSCys  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Se-methylselenocysteine (XML)
Sema-3E  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Semaphorin-3E (XML)
seFRET  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sensitized emission FRET (XML)
serum-free  ( in XML )  (2)
  » subpopulations were established in primary cultures under wholly defined (XML) | showed a change in anchorage-independent growth-regulatory activity from stimulation (XML)
SExp  ( in XML )  (2)
  » smoking and exposed (XML) | smoking exposed (XML)
SePC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Se-rich phycocyanin (XML) | separate pill combination (XML)
Ser331  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serine 331 (XML)
SEIB  ( in XML )  (2)
  » self-exercise with a therapeutic inflatable ball (XML) | Systematic Early Intervention for Bereaved (XML)
SelenoP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » selenoprotein P (XML)
SECMs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Sea cucumber extracellular matrices (XML) | strongly electron-correlated materials (XML)
SEMPC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » search engine for multi-proteoform complexes (XML) | scanning electron microscopy for the analysis of protein chips (XML)
seta  ( in XML )  (2)
  » synergistic action of microscale contact end (XML) | segment of the awn (XML)
SEFDDS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » self-emulsifying floating drug delivery system (XML)
SERA N  ( in XML )  (2)
  » SERA fragment (XML) | second, larger protein (XML)
serotonin, 5-HT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Various endocrine responses to 5-hydroxytryptamine (XML) | showed an increase of 5-hydroxytryptamine (XML)
Se-B. longum  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Se-enriched B. longum (XML) | selenium-enriched Bifidobacterium longum (XML)
SEWR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » semi-eviscerated weight rate (XML) | spatial water requirement of ecological vegetation (XML)
sestaMIBI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Scintigraphy with 99mTc hexakis 2-methoxy-2-isobutyl isonitrile (XML) | 99mTc-sesta-methoxyisobutylisonitrile (XML)
ser-P  ( in XML )  (2)
  » symporter of Lactobacillus brevis: cooperative binding of glucose and HPr (XML) | such as FBP as well as HPr (XML)
SELSAP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sensory action potential (XML) | surface-evoked laryngeal sensory action potential (XML)
SEREs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » spherical equivalent refractive errors (XML)
SED-T  ( in XML )  (2)
  » SED volunteers (XML) | SED tarda (XML)
SetCys  ( in XML )  (2)
  » N-selenoethyl cysteine (XML)
SEEG-RF  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stereo electroencephalography-guided radiofrequency (XML) | SEEG-radiofrequency (XML)
SE 0.008  ( in XML )  (2)
  » species was 0.060 (XML) | sROC curve, 0.81 (XML)
SENSS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Score for Essential Neonatal Symptoms and Signs (XML)
sesame oil  ( in XML )  (2)
  » simultaneously, or the vehicle (XML) | separate compartments, one oily phase (XML)
self-reports  ( in XML )  (2)
  » self-reported mechanical demands (XML) | self-determination theory, the perspective of nursing home residents (XML)
SEQHTL  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sequential hydrothermal liquefaction (XML)
selenium-ACE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » selenium and vitamins A, C and E (XML)
Seln  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Selenoprotein n (XML)
S. ebulus  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Sambucus ebulus (XML)
SE-ECL  ( in XML )  (2)
  » single-electrode electrochemiluminescence (XML) | surface enhanced electrochemiluminescence (XML)
SECope  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Side Effects Coping Questionnaire (XML) | Side Effects Coping (XML)
SEBEs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » supernatant exchange batch experiments (XML) | sensory-enriched break environments (XML)
S-entianin  ( in XML )  (2)
  » succinylated entianin (XML)
SEAD-J  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Study on Diagnosis of Early Alzheimer's Disease-Japan (XML)
SERVs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » simian ERVs (XML) | Simian endogenous retroviruses (XML)
SEANERN  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Southeast and East Asian Nursing Education and Research Network (XML)
SENSAR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Safety in Anesthesia and Resuscitation (XML) | Safety in Anaesthesia and Recovery (XML)
secNluc  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Secreted Nano-luciferase (XML)
Seg-CNNs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Segment convolutional neural networks (XML)
SEQTAP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sequential finger-tapping task (XML)
SENAPA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Serengeti National Park (XML)
SES-NS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » SES-laden NS (XML) | SES and its nano-suspensions (XML)
Se-A  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Se/l in drinking water (XML) | sennoside A (XML)
SE/SP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » self-etching/self-priming (XML)
SELT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » statistical energy landscape theory (XML) | Social Evaluation Learning Task (XML)
SEV1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Sulfolobus ellipsoid virus 1 (XML)
Se-compounds  ( in XML )  (2)
  » selenocompounds (XML) | Selenium compounds (XML)
SEHRA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » School Eye Health Rapid Assessment (XML)
SEAZ  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Small East African zebu (XML)
SER/THR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serine/threonine (XML)
SeSPEN  ( in XML )  (2)
  » segmented spatiotemporally encoded (XML) | segmented SPEN (XML)
sef  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stem ectopic flowers (XML) | Salmonella Enteritidis fimbrial (XML)
S-ET  ( in XML )  (2)
  » S-etodolac (XML) | strawberry ET-rich extract (XML)
sEDN  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serum EDN (XML) | serum Eosinophil-Derived Neurotoxin (XML)
SerGpl  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serine glycerophospholipid (XML)
SE-DEG  ( in XML )  (2)
  » single electrode droplet-based electricity generator (XML)
SE-AS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » self-emulsifying adjuvant system (XML)
SeIA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » selective immunoadsorption (XML) | separator and tryptophan-immobilized column (XML)
Ser896  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serine-896 (XML) | serine residues 896 (XML)
SERS-IA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » spectroscopy combined with immunoassay (XML) | SERS immunoassay (XML)
SEMiNExt  ( in XML )  (2)
  » search engine misinformation notifier extension (XML)
SeLND  ( in XML )  (2)
  » selective lymph node dissection (XML) | SeLN dissection (XML)
SERVAL  ( in XML )  (2)
  » surveillance evaluation framework (XML) | Serotonergic antidepressants and the risk of valvular heart disease (XML)
SENEB  ( in XML )  (2)
  » subepidermal nonechogenic band (XML)
SEAM-RA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Subjects with Rheumatoid Arthritis (XML)
SECmide  ( in XML )  (2)
  » N-sulfanylethylcoumarinyl amide (XML)
SemDem  ( in XML )  (2)
  » semantic dementia (XML)
SERPINB7  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Serine protease inhibitor B7 (XML) | Serpin Family-B Member 7 (XML)
severe AEs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » self-removals that required surgery (XML) | self-removals requiring surgery (XML)
SENSE-GARDEN  ( in XML )  (2)
  » study explored care professionals' reflections on a novel, technological intervention (XML) | Spaces for People Living With Dementia (XML)
seDSB  ( in XML )  (2)
  » single-ended DSB (XML) | single-ended double-strand break (XML)
serine-BEES  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serine-base exchange enzyme system (XML)
sESD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » secondary ESD (XML)
Sed-C  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sedentary + vehicle (XML) | Sedentary mice (XML)
SE-MRE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » spin-echo MR elastography (XML) | spin-echo lung MRE sequence (XML)
seDSM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » selective ensemble for predicting deleterious synonymous mutations (XML)
SE AUC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sedimentation equilibrium ultracentrifugation (XML)
SECCC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sieve element companion cell complex (XML)
SERIS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » shift of equivalent refractive index slice (XML) | self-referencing, ion-selective microelectrodes (XML)
SEGF  ( in XML )  (2)
  » short E-glass fiber (XML) | single-end gene fusion (XML)
SemiWAM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Seminartage Weiterbildung Allgemeinmedizin (XML)
Se-TP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » study the therapeutic effect of selenium-polysaccharides (XML) | selenium-polysaccharide-protein conjugate (XML)
SeBPs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Selenium-binding proteins (XML)
Serbp1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serpine mRNA binding protein 1 (XML)
Se-esters  ( in XML )  (2)
  » selenoesters (XML)
SEARCH-MaP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Structure Ensemble Ablation by Reverse Complement Hybridization with Mutational Profiling (XML)
SEHS-S  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Social Emotional Health Survey-Secondary (XML)
self-renewal  ( in XML )  (2)
  » suggesting that they were incapable of expansive cellular proliferation (XML) | stem cells in bone marrow are capable of proliferating (XML)
sevo-postC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sevoflurane postconditioning (XML)
SEQ-G-CSF  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Satisfaction and Experience Questionnaire for G-CSF (XML) | Satisfaction and Experience Questionnaire for Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor (XML)
SEMCME  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Southeast Michigan Center for Medical Education (XML)
SESPM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » social-ecological suicide prevention model (XML)
Se2U  ( in XML )  (2)
  » 2-selenouridine (XML)
SEPTI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Self-Efficacy for Parenting Task Index (XML)
SEM/AVS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » simultaneously extracted metals/acid-volatile sulfide (XML) | Simultaneous Extracted Metal/Acid Volatle Sulfide (XML)
Ser338  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serine 338 (XML)
SEEA-W  ( in XML )  (2)
  » System of Environmental-Economic Accounting for Water (XML)
S. epidermis  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Staphylococcus epidermis (XML) | Staphylococcus epidermidis (XML)
sEMGBF  ( in XML )  (2)
  » surface electromyogram biofeedback therapy (XML) | surface electromygraphic biofeedback (XML)
seBDNF  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serum Brain-derived Neurotrophic Factor (XML) | serum BDNF (XML)
sec-FTOHs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » secondary FTOHs (XML) | secondary fluorotelomer alcohols (XML)
SERvitro  ( in XML )  (2)
  » SER in vitro (XML) | sensitizer enhancement ratios in vitro (XML)
Se enzyme  ( in XML )  (2)
  » gene-specified enzyme (XML) | secretor enzyme (XML)
SEISMIC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Safety of Mifepristone in the Treatment of Endogenous Cushing's Syndrome (XML) | Sustaining Evidenced-Based Innovations through Multi-level Implementation Constructs (XML)
SERCO  ( in XML )  (2)
  » severe exacerbations and readmissions in patients hospitalised for COPD exacerbation (XML)
SeYeast  ( in XML )  (2)
  » selenoyeast (XML)
SE6  ( in XML )  (2)
  » SEs during outgrowth at 3-6 days (XML) | short E6 protein (XML)
SED-R  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Scale for Emotional Development - Revised (XML)
SE-ER  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sieve-element endoplasmic reticulum (XML) | Self-Efficacy for Emotion Regulation (XML)
SER-R  ( in XML )  (2)
  » SER cases that were re-operated (XML) | SER reoperation (XML)
SETMQ  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Self-Efficacy for Tinnitus Management Questionnaire (XML)
SEAGAL  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Spatial Enrichment Analysis of Gene Associations using L-index (XML)
self-association  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stepwise analysis of one-component (XML) | specific interactions between identical proteins (XML)
SE/IVH  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Subependymal/intraventricular hemorrhage (XML)
SENIRA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » surface-enhanced near-infrared absorption (XML) | surface enhanced near-IR absorption (XML)
SEWWTP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » small electrocoagulation wastewater treatment plant (XML) | secondary effluents of a municipal wastewater treatment plant (XML)
sEMRs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » spinally evoked motor responses (XML)
SED tarda  ( in XML )  (2)
  » spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia tarda (XML)
S - ENCCMA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » secure enhanced non-cooperative cognitive division multiple access (XML) | secure non-cooperative cognitive medium access (XML)
Sepp1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » selenoprotein P1 (XML)
SEC-QOL  ( in XML )  (2)
  » society of contraception quality-of-life (XML)
S-EMBU-A  ( in XML )  (2)
  » short Egna Minnen Betraffande Uppfostran-Adolescent version (XML)
Se-MetSeCys  ( in XML )  (2)
  » selenomethylselenocysteine (XML)
SEC-UV  ( in XML )  (2)
  » size-exclusion chromatography with an ultraviolet detector (XML) | size exclusion chromatography with UV detection (XML)
SEDMA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Special Education Database of Metropolitan Atlanta (XML)
second edition  ( in XML )  (2)
  » standards of Mechanical ventilation (XML) | sedation in gastroenterological endoscopy (XML)
SEQI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Seagrass Ecological Quality Index (XML) | sensitization, evaluative introduction, qualification, and implementation (XML)
SERMEN  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Southeastern Regional Medical-Nutrition Education Network (XML)
sets of  ( in XML )  (2)
  » statements express facts about specific (XML) | specify or detect concepts via (XML)
SE 0.043  ( in XML )  (2)
  » score was 0.897 (XML) | studies was-0.305 (XML)
sEBV  ( in XML )  (2)
  » simian equivalent of the Epstein-Barr virus (XML) | simian Epstein-Barr virus (XML)
SESBL  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stent enhancement side branch length (XML)
SEM with EDX  ( in XML )  (2)
  » scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (XML) | Scanning Electron Microscope with Energy Dispersive X-ray detector (XML)
sera5  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Serine Repeat Antigen 5 (XML) | SERA5 gene (XML)
SEC-GISCoR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » surgical radicalization after complete endoscopic polypectomy of a malignant adenoma (XML) | Surgical Radicalization of Malignant Polyps after Complete Endoscopic Polypectomy (XML)
S epsilon  ( in XML )  (2)
  » epsilon switch recombination region (XML) | epsilon switch (XML)
SeCSs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » smart electro-clothing systems (XML)
SESSI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Science and Spatial Informatics (XML)
Se-polysaccharides  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Selenium polysaccharides (XML)
SE ratios  ( in XML )  (2)
  » superelastic ratios (XML) | stroma/epithelia expression ratios (XML)
set of  ( in XML )  (2)
  » samples to identify the best (XML) | search is initiated from a (XML)
SEE-Fim  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Sectioning and Extensively Examining-Fimbria (XML) | Sectioning and Extensive Examination of the Fimbria protocol (XML)
SePT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Seated Para-throwers (XML) | Socio-emotional Preference Task (XML)
Sema3c  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Semaphorin 3c (XML)
SESETD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Swallowing Evaluation for Tracheostomy Decannulation (XML) | Swallowing Evaluation for Tracheostomy Decannulation in Critically Ill Neurologic Patients (XML)
Setd4  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Set domain-containing protein 4 (XML)
SEEIIST  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Sustainable Technologies (XML)
SEcl  ( in XML )  (2)
  » SELANA clip (XML) | sutureless ELANA Clip device (XML)
serpinA3  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serine protease inhibitor A3 (XML)
SEf  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Sleep efficiency (XML) | Splicing efficiency (XML)
SEH1L  ( in XML )  (2)
  » SEH1-like nucleoporin (XML)
sEVC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » soft ensemble vote classifier (XML)
SERSIA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopic immunoassay (XML) | SERS-based immunoassay (XML)
SeCs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Selenocompounds (XML)
segmental MF-BIA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » segmental multi-frequency BIA (XML) | segmental, multiple-frequency bioelectrical impedance analysis (XML)
SERPINB8  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serpin peptidase inhibitor 8 (XML) | serine protease inhibitor 8 (XML)
SenR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sensor rate (XML) | sensitivity-regularized method (XML)
SEFAs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » soft electrofluidic actuators (XML) | Structurally engineered fatty acids (XML)
Sed-2.5  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Sedentary 2.5 mg/kg IND (XML)
SEM 0.03  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stretched Achilles from 0.25 (XML) | samples, mean kurtosis was -0.80 (XML)
Serie A  ( in XML )  (2)
  » seventeen professional (XML) | Seven Under-23 Brazilian national league (XML)
SE-FCA-D  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Self-Efficacy as Faculty Change Agent for Diversity (XML)
SEMG-T  ( in XML )  (2)
  » SEMG threshold (XML)
sesMD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » swarm-enhanced sampling molecular dynamics (XML)
SEBID  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Steroid-eluting bioabsorbable intranasal devices (XML) | 2-(2-selenocyanic acid ethyl ester)-1H-benz(de) isoquinoline-1,3-(2H)-dione (XML)
SELCSI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Student Emotional Learning in Cultural Safety Instrument (XML)
sema III  ( in XML )  (2)
  » semaphorin III (XML) | semaphorin III (D)/collapsin-1 (XML)
SeRyR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » S. exigua RyR (XML) | S. exigua ryanodine receptor (XML)
SELPS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Spanish-English Language Proficiency Scale (XML)
SEM6S  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Self-Efficacy for Managing Chronic Disease 6-Item Scale (XML)
sej  ( in XML )  (2)
  » solar equivalent joules (XML) | solar emjoules (XML)
Seriola lalandi  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sedentary species, and yellowtail kingfish (XML) | samples from farmed yellowtail kingfish (XML)
Ser5-P  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serine 5 phosphorylation (XML) | Ser5-phosphorylated (XML)
SeRIS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Self-referencing ion-selective (XML)
S. equisimilis  ( in XML )  (2)
  » subsp. equisimilis (XML)
SeCI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » S.epidermidis composite insertion (XML) | severe cognitive impairment (XML)
Seine-et-Oise  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sulfur bacteria of the Enghien-les Bains (XML) | stay of the patient at l'Hopital de Gonesse (XML)
SEBPs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » super-enhancers and broad-promoters (XML) | secretion enhancer binding proteins (XML)
SERBP-1c  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sterol-regulatory element binding protein 1c (XML)
SeCURE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Suspected Cancer Urgent Referral Electronically (XML) | sequential factor extraction via co-sparse unit-rank estimation (XML)
SE-RFP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » silkworm excretory red fluorescent protein (XML)
SEMSE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » signal-enhanced MSE (XML)
SEPHO  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Society of Hospital Pediatrics (XML) | Spanish Pediatric Hospital Medicine Society (XML)
secondary outcomes  ( in XML )  (2)
  » self-efficacy, coping skills, and overall utility of the program (XML) | scores, neuroplasticity, and neurodegeneration biomarkers (XML)
SE-SPM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sequential excitation scanning probe microscopy (XML)
SEI-R  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Spiritual Experience Index-Revised (XML)
sEPTI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » spherical EPTI (XML) | Spherical echo-planar time-resolved imaging (XML)
SePCA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Sparse exponential family Principal Component Analysis (XML) | simple exponential family PCA (XML)
SESATS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » semi-centralised supply and treatment systems (XML) | Self-Assessment in Thoracic Surgery (XML)
SEHAT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Solutions to Enhance Health with Alternative Treatments (XML) | Study to Expand Heart Associated Treatments (XML)
Se-dependent GPx  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Se-dependent glutathione peroxidase (XML)
sea-sed  ( in XML )  (2)
  » S.argenteus isolates were investigated for enterotoxin (XML) | study was to estimate frequency of occurrence of enterotoxins (XML)
self-stigma  ( in XML )  (2)
  » severe mental disorder completed the following instruments: ISMI (XML) | self-perceptions of people with gambling disorder (XML)
S. Enteritidis and S. Typhimurium  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serovars Enteritidis and Typhimurium (XML)
SEA-D  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sensitivity, and production of enterotoxins A through D (XML) | staphylococcal enterotoxins A, B, C, and D (XML)
SERvivo  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sensitizers, which was evaluated from the enhancement ratio in vivo (XML) | sensitizer enhancement ratio in vivo (XML)
SETv  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Spanish Toxic Surveillance System (XML) | Spanish Toxicovigilance System (XML)
SEEO  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Scutellaria edelbergii essential oils (XML) | socio-economic-environmental-operational (XML)
SEMDS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia Strudwick (XML) | Spondyloepipmetaphyseal dysplasias (XML)
SECSLO  ( in XML )  (2)
  » scanning laser ophthalmoscopy (XML) | scanning laser ophthalmoscope (XML)
SEISMIC-RNA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Sequencing, Mutation Identification, and Clustering of RNA (XML)
SET-A  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Six Elements Task-Adapted (XML) | streptococcal erythrogenic toxin type-A (XML)
S-EAT-10  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Swedish version of the Eating Assessment Tool-10 (XML) | Swedish Eating Assessment Tool-10 (XML)
SELDI or SELDI-TOF MS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Surface-enhanced laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (XML) | surface enhanced laser desorption-time of flight mass spectrometry (XML)
SECAT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Size-Exclusion Chromatography Analysis Toolkit (XML) | size-exclusion chromatography algorithmic toolkit (XML)
SEWMA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Simple and Effective Wheat Mapping Approach (XML) | secondary exponentially weighted moving average (XML)
SERT and DAT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serotonin and dopamine transporters (XML) | serotonin and dopamine transporter availability (XML)
SEED-IV  ( in XML )  (2)
  » SJTU Emotion EEG Dataset-IV (XML)
SE-Ch-G  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sulfoethyl chitin-glucan (XML)
serotonin-IR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serotonin-immunoreactive (XML)
SenI-ET  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sensitization-initiated electron transfer (XML)
SE 0.9  ( in XML )  (2)
  » severe periodontitis, 26.0 (XML) | sevoflurane and isoflurane were 10.6 (XML)
seed set  ( in XML )  (2)
  » seeds per stem (XML) | size and maternal fitness (XML)
Se II  ( in XML )  (2)
  » 1,3-di-p-methoxybenzylpyrimidine-2-selenone (XML)
Ser211  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Serine 211 (XML)
SE NiTi  ( in XML )  (2)
  » superelastic nickel-titanium (XML)
SE 100  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Sarcoma E 100 (XML)
Se-sEH  ( in XML )  (2)
  » soluble epoxide hydrolase (XML)
SERROA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » surface enhanced resonance Raman optical activity (XML) | surface enhanced resonance ROA (XML)
SEF-MBR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » spontaneous electric field membrane bioreactor (XML)
SET-Q  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Stressful Experiences in Transit Questionnaire (XML)
SEPAL  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Survival effect of para-aortic lymphadenectomy (XML) | Southeast Asia and Pacific Area League (XML)
SE bridges  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Saddle extension bridges (XML)
SESZ  ( in XML )  (2)
  » S. equi ssp. zooepidemicus (XML) | Streptococcus equi subspecies zooepidemicus (XML)
Se-DMC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Se-((2,2-dimethyl-1,3-dioxolan-4-yl)methyl) 4-chlorobenzoselenolate (XML)
SEGUR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » South-Eastern European Group for Urolithiasis Research (XML)
Sema4a  ( in XML )  (2)
  » semaphorin-4a (XML)
Se-I  ( in XML )  (2)
  » semisynthetic diets: combined deficient A (XML) | Severe impairment-Improving trajectory (XML)
SeQI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sediment quality index (XML)
SET-EA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » subtests assessing Emotion Attribution (XML) | subtests targeting Causal Inference, Emotion Attribution (XML)
SECEE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Student Evaluation of Clinical Education Environment (XML)
Ser-115  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serine-115 (XML)
SEPROS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » size-exclusion chromatography (XML) | size-exclusion chromatography-based refolding process (XML)
S-ESQ  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Status of Working-Age People Questionnaire (XML) | Socioeconomic Status Questionnaire (XML)
SeNPs-AOS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » selenium nanoparticles based on alginate oligosaccharides (XML)
SEBv  ( in XML )  (2)
  » staphylococcal enterotoxin B vaccine (XML) | SEB vaccine (XML)
SerialED  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Serial electron diffraction (XML)
SeOvCa  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Serous Ovarian Carcinoma (XML) | Serous ovarian cancer (XML)
SE EPI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » spin-echo echo planar imaging (XML)
SerD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Servizio per le Dipendenze (XML) | Ser dominant (XML)
SEGPs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Segmental blood pressures (XML) | socio-economic groups (XML)
SEAOFE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » South East Asia Obesogenic Food Environment (XML)
SeDS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sedentary death syndrome (XML)
SEPECSA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Self-Efficacy for Performing Energy Conservation Strategies Assessment (XML)
SEC-NMR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » size exclusion chromatography-nuclear magnetic resonance (XML) | Size-Exclusion Chromatography (XML)
SELDI-TOFMS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » surface-enhanced laser desorption and ionization time of flight mass spectrometry (XML) | Surface-enhanced laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry (XML)
SENAR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Salmonella Enteritidis (XML)
SETBP1-MUT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » SETBP1 mutated (XML)
sepA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » septase (XML) | Shigella extracellular protein (XML)
SE-chromatin  ( in XML )  (2)
  » EDTA-soluble chromatin (XML)
Ser232  ( in XML )  (2)
  » studies revealed that serine 232 (XML) | serine 232 (XML)
Sept  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Septins (XML) | September (XML)
Se-Kiwi  ( in XML )  (2)
  » selenium-enriched kiwifruit (XML)
SECD6  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Self-efficacy for Chronic Disease 6-item Scale (XML)
Segi's  ( in XML )  (2)
  » age-standardized incidence rate by world standard (XML)
SECY  ( in XML )  (2)
  » selenocystine (XML)
SET's  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sexual economics theory's (XML) | strand exchange tetraplexes (XML)
Ser312  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serine at position 312 (XML) | serine312 (XML)
SE-VC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » secondary-electron voltage-contrast (XML)
self-selected  ( in XML )  (2)
  » strength training practitioners can perform with the load commonly used (XML) | set of nonsocial images and personalized (XML)
se-ORM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serum ORM (XML)
SEMdiff  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Standard Error of the Measurement difference (XML)
seC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serum cortisol (XML)
SEpvp  ( in XML )  (2)
  » subcutaneous polyvinylpyrrolidone-grafted silicon elastomer catheter (XML) | SE grafted with the hydrogel polyvinylpyrrolidone (XML)
SERIES  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Subarctic Ecosystem Response to Iron Enrichment Study (XML) | Standardized Emergency Response Incident Evaluation System (XML)
SEBILS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » SEB-induced lethal shock (XML)
S. ent. LPS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Salmonella enteritidis lipopolysaccharide (XML)
SERT/NET  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serotonin and noradrenaline transporters (XML)
SETIs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serine-type protease inhibitors (XML)
SEC-TD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » SEC with triple detection (XML) | size-exclusion chromatography with triple detection (XML)
SEDFX  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Sleep-EDF Expanded (XML)
SEC14L-PITPs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » SEC14-like phosphatidylinositol transfer proteins (XML)
SEM-Q  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sunlight exposure measurement questionnaire (XML)
Sed-HF  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sedentary HF (XML)
SEC22B  ( in XML )  (2)
  » SEC22 vesicle trafficking protein homolog B (XML) | SEC22 Homolog B (XML)
Seq-BSA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sequencing-based bulked segregant analysis (XML)
S-ENBA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » A1-selective N6-(2-endo-norbornyl) adenosine (XML) | S-N6-(2-endonorbornyl)adenosine (XML)
sea urchin  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stage, indicating that both regulative (XML) | structure of the Paracentrotus lividus (XML)
Ser5P  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Ser5 phosphorylation (XML)
SEl-K  ( in XML )  (2)
  » staphylococcal enterotoxin-like K (XML)
SERIs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » selective endocannabinoid reuptake inhibitors (XML)
SeSp  ( in XML )  (2)
  » selenium-rich Spirulina (XML)
SenNet  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Senescence Network (XML)
SeKS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Se-enriched kale sprout (XML) | selenium-enriched kale sprouts (XML)
SENSOR-Pesticides  ( in XML )  (2)
  » System for Occupational Risks-Pesticides (XML)
Ser28  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serine 28 (XML)
s-EFRT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » salvage extended field radiotherapy (XML)
SELEN  ( in XML )  (2)
  » selenium (XML) | Study of Korean Adults in the Yeungnam area (XML)
SemNA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » semantic network analysis (XML)
Ser1047  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serine 1047 (XML)
SEAL-SV  ( in XML )  (2)
  » spermatic vessels (XML)
SESPO  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Spanish Society of Epidemiology and Oral Public Health (XML)
S-EXPAR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » symmetric exponential amplification reaction (XML)
SeDOCs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sequence-defined oligocarbamates (XML)
SERHL  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Serine hydrolase-like protein (XML) | serine hydrolase-like (XML)
SEHAT-IW  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Sexual Health Assessment Tool for Infertile Women (XML)
SEMVAFC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » S.E. Mitchell Vascular Anomalies Flow Chart (XML)
self-stimulation  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stimulation of the first hand digit, resulting from active (XML) | specific involvement of these pathways in learned behaviour (XML)
SE-QM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » semiempirical quantum-mechanics (XML)
sETV  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stented ETV (XML) | stented endoscopic third ventriculostomy (XML)
SE 0.11  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sclerosis; 0.95 (XML) | score were 0.02 (XML)
SE-C  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sedentary control (XML)
SEMPER  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stoichiometric expression of mRNA polycistrons by eukaryotic ribosomes (XML) | Sequence-Enhanced Magnetic Polymer (XML)
SeTA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Salmonella enterica (XML) | septic total arthroplasty (XML)
sEPDM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sulfonated ethylene-propylene-diene terpolymer (XML)
SEHER  ( in XML )  (2)
  » scHool-based intErventions for pRomoting adolescent health (XML) | whole-school health promotion intervention (XML)
SE-IgE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Staphylococcus aureus-immunoglobulin E (XML) | staphylococcal enterotoxin IgE (XML)
SEER-13  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results 13 Registries (XML) | Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results (XML)
SEP4  ( in XML )  (2)
  » SEP question 4 (XML) | Sexual Encounter Profile questions 4 (XML)
SEMAR-A  ( in XML )  (2)
  » single-energy metal artifact reduction (XML) | single-energy metal artefact reduction (XML)
SES1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » SENSITIVE TO SALT1 (XML) | sestrin1 (XML)
SENK  ( in XML )  (2)
  » senktide (XML)
SECTR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » spectrally encoded coherence tomography and reflectometry (XML)
SEMA3A-I  ( in XML )  (2)
  » SEMA3A-inhibitor (XML)
SEHPLC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » size exclusion HPLC (XML)
seaWAF  ( in XML )  (2)
  » seawater accommodated fraction (XML)
Ser65  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serine 65 (XML) | Serine65 (XML)
s-errors  ( in XML )  (2)
  » systematic errors (XML) | slight errors (XML)
Seg-GCRNs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » segment graph convolutional and recurrent neural networks (XML)
self-dsRNA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » self-double-stranded RNA (XML)
serpinA1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serpin peptidase inhibitor clade A member 1 (XML)
sEEV  ( in XML )  (2)
  » specific end-expiratory volume (XML)
SExh  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sexually exhausted (XML)
SE-2  ( in XML )  (2)
  » SE primer was applied for 20 s and dried (XML) | Seniors-ENRICA-2 (XML)
SeL  ( in XML )  (2)
  » synchronous e-learning (XML) | Streptomyces exfoliatus lipase (XML)
SEDMES  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sorption enhanced dimethyl ether synthesis (XML)
SEL-WOLEDs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » single-emitting-layer WOLEDs (XML) | Single-emitting-layer white organic light-emitting diodes (XML)
SERGG  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Southeast Regional Genetics Group (XML)
SESAMI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Stent Versus Bare-Metal Stent in Acute Myocardial Infarction (XML) | Socio-Economic and Acute Myocardial Infarction study (XML)
S-EFTR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » standard EFTR (XML) | snare-assisted EFTR (XML)
seCRP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serum CRP (XML) | slightly elevated CRP (XML)
Seq-I  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sequential inoculation (XML)
SENDR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Synthetic Elaboration of Native DNA by RASS (XML)
SEEMD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sample entropy empirical mode decomposition (XML) | Supportive Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition (XML)
SEIRR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » pathway-selective insulin resistance and responsiveness (XML)
SEBV  ( in XML )  (2)
  » symptomatic Epstein-Barr virus (XML) | soil environment background values (XML)
SeFAD2  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Seed-specific FAD2 (XML) | sesame FAD2 gene (XML)
SEPTSO  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Self-Efficacy of Physical Therapist Student Outcomes (XML)
SedOv  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sedentary ovulatory subjects (XML) | sedentary ovulatory (XML)
SE-SBM-DEA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » slack-based measure data envelopment analysis (XML) | superefficiency slack-based model-data envelopment analysis (XML)
seven items  ( in XML )  (2)
  » subjects' cognitive performance, including NCTB (XML) | scales were identified: Treatment advantages (XML)
SEQ-P  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Session Evaluation Questionnaire-Positivity Subscale (XML) | sequential paretic-lead (XML)
SELEX-seq  ( in XML )  (2)
  » systematic evolutionof ligands by exponential enrichment sequencing (XML) | SELEX followed by high-throughput sequencing (XML)
SENFD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » subepidermal nerve fiber densities (XML)
SEPSIS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sepsis group with standard supportive care (XML) | sepsis control group (XML)
SES-Sim  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Scale for Medical Courses with Simulations of the Doctor-Patient Interaction (XML)
SELPHI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » self-testing public health intervention (XML)
SEYs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » salted egg yolks (XML) | shaken boiled egg yolks (XML)
SEC-nMS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » size-exclusion chromatography-native mass spectrometry (XML) | size exclusion chromatography coupled to nMS (XML)
SEATOR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Southeast Alaska Tribal Ocean Research (XML)
SeVg  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Spodoptera exigua vitellogenin (XML) | sublethal effects of bistrifluron on biological traits and vitellogenin gene (XML)
semi-BATNet  ( in XML )  (2)
  » semi-supervised model with consistency constraints on boundary features (XML) | semi-supervised model with boundary feature consistency constraints (XML)
SeHL  ( in XML )  (2)
  » selenahomolysine (XML) | Saudi e-health literacy scale (XML)
self-nanogels  ( in XML )  (2)
  » self-assembled nanogels (XML)
semi-CRFs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » semi-Markov conditional random fields (XML) | semi-Markov CRFs (XML)
SERPACWA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Skin Exposure Reduction Paste Against Chemical Warfare Agents (XML)
SENMG  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stimulation electroneuromyography (XML)
SEBP3  ( in XML )  (2)
  » secretion enhancer binding protein 3 (XML)
S-EEsAI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Swedish Eosinophilic Esophagitis Activity Index (XML) | Swedish cultural context (XML)
SEXA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » single-energy X-ray absorptiometry (XML)
SEHRs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » shared electronic health records (XML)
Ser7  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serine at position 7 (XML) | serine 7 (XML)
Ser-1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sericin-1 (XML)
SEEING  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Salisbury Eye Evaluation in Nursing Home Groups (XML)
Se-PPU  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Selenized-PPU (XML) | Selenylation of PPU (XML)
SERCa2a  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sarco/endoplasmic Ca2+-ATPase (XML) | sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ ATPase (XML)
s-EL4  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sensitive EL4 mouse thymoma cells (XML)
SEm  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Standard Error Measurement (XML) | Supported Employment (XML)
Ser-9  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serine-9 (XML)
S. enterica serovar Paratyphi A  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Salmonella enterica serovar Paratyphi A (XML)
SER-CAT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » synchrotron X-ray source (XML) | Southeast Regional Collaborative Access Team (XML)
SECAP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Survey of Endoscopic Capacity (XML) | Social Emotional Contexts of Adolescent and Young Adult Smoking Patterns (XML)
SEM 0.1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » suxamethonium, reaching 0.69 (XML) | stenosis, and HOCM were 0.8 (XML)
series 1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » series of 170 children (XML) | series of isoquinolines: (E)-1-styryl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinolines (XML)
secosterol-A  ( in XML )  (2)
  » 3beta-hydroxy-5-oxo-5,6-secocholestan-6-al (XML)
SENTOS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Scottish Ear Nose and Throat Outcome Study (XML) | Scottish ENT Outcome Study (XML)
S-EP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » short-exercise preconditioning (XML) | sepsis-group treated with EP (XML)
SEUF  ( in XML )  (2)
  » size enhanced ultrafiltration (XML) | snow-exclusion-undisturbed forest (XML)
SEC-TDA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » size exclusion chromatography-triple detector array (XML)
SerDs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » specialized outpatient centers for drug addicts (XML) | sample of practitioners working in outpatient addiction centres (XML)
SEMQ  ( in XML )  (2)
  » scanning electron microprobe quantometer (XML) | Self-Evaluation Memory Questionnaire (XML)
Se-APC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Se-containing allophycocyanins (XML) | selenium-containing allophycocyanin (XML)
sETB  ( in XML )  (2)
  » spontaneous early term birth (XML) | site of exfoliative toxin B (XML)
SePSP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sanghuang extracellular polysaccharopeptide (XML) | plasmatocyte-spreading peptide (XML)
seVL  ( in XML )  (2)
  » septal ventrolateral (XML) | septal ventrolateral nucleus (XML)
SEC-IC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » size exclusion/anion exchange chromatography (XML)
SE 0.005  ( in XML )  (2)
  » supine, 0.90 (XML) | serum was 0.03 (XML)
SEINRHD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Susceptible, Exposed, Infectious, No symptoms, Hospitalized and reported, Recovered, Death (XML)
SESAM-6  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Saxon Epidemiological Study in General Practice-6 (XML)
Sema 3F  ( in XML )  (2)
  » semaphorin 3F (XML)
SE SGs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » self-expandable stent grafts (XML)
SEFRT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Southeast Florida Reef Tract (XML) | semi-extended field radiotherapy (XML)
SEON  ( in XML )  (2)
  » surface epithelial ovarian neoplasms (XML) | Section of Experimental Oncology and Nanomedicine (XML)
Se-CDs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » selenium-doped carbon dots (XML) | selenium-carbon dots (XML)
Seg-Lp-TAE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » segmental artery chemoembolization with Lipiodol (XML) | segmental Lp-TAE (XML)
SelfExRem  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Self-injectable extended release formulation of Remdesivir (XML) | Self-injectable extended release subcutaneous injection of Remdesivir (XML)
SEHB  ( in XML )  (2)
  » South-Eastern Health Board (XML) | single-electron hydrogen-bonded complex (XML)
second step  ( in XML )  (2)
  » susceptible to nuclease digestion (XML) | should be added against staphylococci (XML)
SEBECOMID-S  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sexual behaviour and concerns of people with mild intellectual disabilities (XML)
SeQMA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sequence-based quantitative methylation analysis (XML)
SE and IE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » supratentorial and infratentorial ependymoma (XML) | symptomatic and generalized idiopathic epilepsy (XML)
SEC's  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Securities and Exchange Commission's (XML) | squamous epithelial cells (XML)
SERCS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Self-Efficacy for Restorative Care (XML) | Surface enhanced Raman correlation spectroscopy (XML)
Se-MPH  ( in XML )  (2)
  » selenized Morchella esculenta protein hydrolysate (XML) | selenized MPH (XML)
SEN4  ( in XML )  (2)
SE-MI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » steam explosion and microwave irradiation (XML)
setMag  ( in XML )  (2)
  » short-echo-time magnitude (XML)
selfBACK  ( in XML )  (2)
  » system for low-back pain (XML) | Self-Management for Low Back Pain (XML)
SE/MM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » semiempirical QM/MM (XML)
SeII  ( in XML )  (2)
  » 1,3-di-p-methoxybenzylpyrimidine-2-selenone (XML)
Ser-216  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serine 216 (XML)
SEDIGRAM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Selective Dimerizing GR Agonists and Modulators (XML) | Selective Dimerizing Glucocorticoid Receptor Agonists and Modulators (XML)
SeSa  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Seeking Safety (XML) | Service Sanitaire (XML)
SEDCONT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sedentary control (XML)
SeLFE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » self-limited focal epilepsy of childhood (XML) | self-limited familial neonatal and/or infantile epilepsy (XML)
SEEGs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Subdural electroencephalograms (XML) | stereotactic electroencephalograms (XML)
SEPAP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Spatial Equivalent Plane Acoustic Pressure (XML) | superficial external pudendal artery perforator (XML)
S.E. 0.01  ( in XML )  (2)
  » surveys, and indicate a 0.31 (XML) | SO2, respectively, a 0.04 (XML)
SEPPNs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » somatosensory evoked potentials of the pudendal nerve (XML)
SeNp  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Selenium nanoparticles (XML)
sECV  ( in XML )  (2)
  » synthetic myocardial extracellular volume fraction (XML) | successful external cephalic version (XML)
SERGIS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » spin-echo resolved grazing incidence scattering (XML)
SeSaMI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Self Similarity alpha-MI (XML)
SEMSS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Southeastern Medical Scientist Symposium (XML) | SELF-EXPANDABLE METALLIC STENTS (XML)
sEE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » symptomatic EE (XML) | simplified EE (XML)
SERS dots  ( in XML )  (2)
  » surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopic nanoparticles (XML) | surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopic tagging material (XML)
SEBV1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Sebokele virus 1 (XML)
SE-HCC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » solitary early hepatocellular carcinoma (XML) | standard exception for HCC (XML)
SEM-XMA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » SEM with X-ray microanalysis (XML) | Scanning electron microscopic x-ray microanalysis (XML)
Ser 37  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serine 37 (XML)
SE-LC19  ( in XML )  (2)
  » symptoms evolution of long COVID19 (XML)
SeGalNAc  ( in XML )  (2)
  » 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-1-seleno-beta-D-galactopyranoside (XML)
SerW  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serrated waves (XML)
SE-EPI-DWI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » spin-echo echo-planar diffusion-weighted sequences (XML)
session 1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Intra-session CVs were 9.51 (XML) | sequences of T(1)WI+STIR (XML)
SeqA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sequestration A (XML) | sequence centered at -41 of the mtr promoter (XML)
SemPoD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » semantic proteomics dashboard (XML)
Serinc2  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serine incorporator 2 (XML)
SE-CPP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » single-exposure conditioned place preference assay (XML)
semi-CSTR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » semi-continuous stirred tank reactors (XML)
SeSo  ( in XML )  (2)
  » selenium-sorafenib (XML) | selenium-sorafenib nanocomplex (XML)
Sec C  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Secoemestrin C (XML)
SePA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » selective phylogenetic analysis (XML) | selenopropionic acid (XML)
Ser239  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serine 239 (XML)
SE-12  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Self-efficacy-12 (XML)
SeGSHPx  ( in XML )  (2)
  » selenium-dependent GSHPx (XML) | selenium glutathione peroxydase (XML)
SEDDCs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sonoelectrochemical deposition-dissolution cycles (XML)
SeOM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sediment organic matter (XML)
SERLI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Sex Roles Learning Inventory (XML) | Sex Role Learning Index (XML)
SEP-Q  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Sexual Encounter Profile Question (XML)
S-Exo  ( in XML )  (2)
  » small exosomes (XML) | serum exosome (XML)
Sem-Flu  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Semantic fluency test (XML)
SERH  ( in XML )  (2)
  » smallest emergent root hair (XML) | sexuality education and reproductive health (XML)
SePB  ( in XML )  (2)
  » study evaluated the antinociceptive effect of N-(3-(phenylselanyl)prop-2-yn-1-yl)benzamide (XML)
SEASA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Self-Efficacy to Avoid Suicidal Action (XML)
SEB CA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sebaceous carcinoma (XML)
SeAcs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » S. enterica Acs (XML) | Salmonella enterica Acs (XML)
SEIBM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » spatially explicit individual-based model (XML)
SE, 0.08  ( in XML )  (2)
  » standardized beta = 0.42 (XML) | system tumor, 0.48 (XML)
SEM-P  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Sistema de Emergencias Medicas Pediatricas (XML)
SEASR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Southeastern Association of Shared Resources (XML)
SE-SMHC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Self-Efficacy to Seek Mental Health Care (XML) | self-efficacy in seeking mental health care (XML)
SE-CARS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » surface-enhanced coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (XML)
SEMIRA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Steroid EliMination In Rheumatoid Arthritis (XML)
SEQ-S  ( in XML )  (2)
  » SEQ-South (XML) | Social Experience Questionnaire-Self-Report (XML)
S.E.P  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Somatosensory evoked potentials (XML)
SEMAIVP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » social ecology model of adolescent interpersonal violence prevention (XML)
Se-NHC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » selenium N-heterocyclic carbene (XML)
SEMEDS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive spectroscopy (XML)
SERPT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Soave endorectal pull-through (XML) | Shoulder external rotation peak torque (XML)
SEDB  ( in XML )  (2)
  » scanning electrodynamic balance (XML) | Structural Exon Database (XML)
SEER-22  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results 22 (XML)
SESTAR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » selenium-encoded isotopic signature targeted profiling (XML)
SEMA3  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Semaphorin 3 (XML)
Ser6  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serine 6 (XML)
semi-FFQ  ( in XML )  (2)
  » semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire (XML) | semiquantitative FFQ (XML)
secCellFie  ( in XML )  (2)
  » secretory expansion of CellFie (XML)
S-EGFP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stably expresses C-terminally EGFP-tagged SARS-CoV S protein (XML) | spike-EGFP fusion protein (XML)
self-control  ( in XML )  (2)
  » strategy for providing post-coma persons with multiple disabilities an active (XML) | stimulants decrease impulsive choices on delay-to-reinforcement (XML)
SERPH  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serine repeat protein homologue (XML)
SENNOX  ( in XML )  (2)
  » senecionine N-oxide (XML)
sensory rhodopsin II  ( in XML )  (2)
  » spectroscopy on a microbial rhodopsin (XML) | SH-reagent to cysteine-introduced pharaonis phoborhodopsin (XML)
SERF VT CANADA Trial  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Saline-Enhanced Radiofrequency Needle-Tip Ablation for Ventricular Tachycardia (XML)
Sema3fa  ( in XML )  (2)
  » semaphorin-3fa (XML)
Ser783  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serine 783 (XML)
SEVOrane  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sevoflurane (XML)
SERS-based  ( in XML )  (2)
  » surface-enhanced Raman scattering-based (XML)
serpinB1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serine protease inhibitor B1 (XML)
SET1C  ( in XML )  (2)
  » SET1 complex (XML)
Seladin-1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » selective Alzheimer's disease indicator-1 (XML)
SE-EBP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Self-Efficacy in EBP (XML) | Self-Efficacy of Evidence-Based Practice (XML)
sEMGcw  ( in XML )  (2)
  » surface EMG recorded from the chest wall overlying the diaphragm (XML) | surface EMG of the lateral chest wall overlying the diaphragm (XML)
SEsl  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sutureless ELANA slide (XML) | SELANA slide (XML)
Seg-3  ( in XML )  (2)
  » segment 3 (XML)
SEQ-MLR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sequential multiple linear regression (XML)
s-ECG  ( in XML )  (2)
  » standard 12-lead ECGs (XML) | smartphone-based electrocardiographic (XML)
SEC-SMB  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Size-exclusion simulated moving beds (XML)
SE-ISRS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Sagnac-enhanced impulsive stimulated Raman scattering (XML) | surface-enhanced impulsive stimulated Raman spectroscopy (XML)
SEGPATH  ( in XML )  (2)
  » segregation and path analysis (XML)
SEQ's  ( in XML )  (2)
  » short essay questions (XML)
sEDACS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » simplified Emergency Department Assessment of Chest Pain Score (XML)
SER4Gy  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sensitization-enhancement ratio at 4Gy (XML)
SePN  ( in XML )  (2)
  » nano-Se during the cultivation of Panax notoginseng (XML) | selenium-rich Panax notoginseng (XML)
SESMQ  ( in XML )  (2)
  » situational communication management questionnaire (XML)
SeLI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Sentinel-2 LAIgreen Index (XML)
SEG-CES  ( in XML )  (2)
  » segmental cement extraction system (XML)
semi-rural  ( in XML )  (2)
  » studies have qualitatively evaluated peer support programs in inner-regional (XML) | sites from the UK, Hazelrigg (XML)
SEQSs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » soil environmental quality standards (XML)
SE86  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Salmonella Enteritidis 86 (XML) | serovar Enteritidis 86 (XML)
S-ERAS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » standardized ERAS (XML) | standardized enhanced recovery after surgery (XML)
SE/OE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » self-efficacy/outcome expectancies (XML)
SE-BOLD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » spin-echo BOLD (XML) | spin-echo blood oxygenation level dependent (XML)
Sec-tRNASec  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Sec-specific tRNAs (XML) | selenocysteinyl-tRNASec (XML)
sema3B  ( in XML )  (2)
  » semaphorin 3B (XML)
sECoG  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Subdural electrocorticography (XML) | simulated electrocorticography (XML)
self-pMHCs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » self-peptides and MHC molecules (XML) | self-peptides bound to major histocompatibility complexes (XML)
SET-R  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sleep extension therapy using a remote support system (XML) | Structural Ecosystems Therapy for women in Recovery (XML)
SEBRs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » startle eyeblink responses (XML) | systematic evidence-based reviews (XML)
secA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sequence similarity with Paulownia witches'-broom phytoplasma (XML) | specialized transducing phages which carry an Escherichia coli gene (XML)
Selx  ( in XML )  (2)
  » selenoprotein X gene (XML) | selenoprotein X (XML)
SEPAS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » scale for physical activity scale (XML) | self-efficacy for physical activity scale (XML)
SE-E  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Sentence Extractor with Embeddings (XML) | SE applied to enamel (XML)
s-EI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » seminal plasma (XML) | serum endogenous insulin (XML)
SEACFMD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » South East Asia and China Foot-and-Mouth Disease Project (XML) | South-East Asia and China FMD (XML)
SE cells  ( in XML )  (2)
  » supraependymal cells (XML)
SE-MD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Semiempirical molecular-dynamics (XML) | spectral energy measure of morphologic differences (XML)
S-EBV-TCL  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Systemic Epstein-Barr virus-positive T-cell lymphoma of childhood (XML) | systemic EBV-positive T-cell lymphoma (XML)
SEM/WDX  ( in XML )  (2)
  » scanning electron microscopy/wavelength dispersive X-ray (XML)
self-HPV  ( in XML )  (2)
  » self-collected human papillomavirus tests (XML) | Self-sampling for HPV testing (XML)
Ser375  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serine 375 (XML)
SENTINEL  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Sepsis epidemiology in Australian and New Zealand children (XML) | SABA rEductioN Through ImplemeNting Hull asthma guidELines (XML)
SEMAF  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Semaphorin F (XML)
SeMeCos  ( in XML )  (2)
  » self-establishing metabolically cooperating yeast communities (XML)
S-EDS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » spiral electrode deflector structures (XML) | severe EDS (XML)
SEPO  ( in XML )  (2)
  » southeastern Pacific Ocean (XML)
serINHB  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serum INHB (XML)
SecoA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » secosterol A (XML)
SE fibers  ( in XML )  (2)
  » supraependymal fibers (XML)
SECHs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Spinal epidural cavernous hemangiomas (XML)
SESAI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Special Secretariat for Indigenous Health (XML) | Special Department of Indigenous Health (XML)
SEMCD-6  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Self-Efficacy for Managing Chronic Disease 6-item scale (XML)
SEP Q3  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Sexual Encounter Profile Question 3 (XML)
set1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » staphylococcal exotoxin-like protein-1 (XML) | SNP were within 10-kb of a gene (XML)
SedNMR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sedimented solute NMR (XML)
SerH3  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serotype H3 (XML)
SEMTP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » southeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau (XML)
SEA-SC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Southeast Asia and southern China (XML)
Ser-319  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serine-319 (XML)
Ser900  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serine 900 (XML)
S. enterica serovar Typhimurium  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (XML)
SEg  ( in XML )  (2)
  » staphylococcal enterotoxin gene (XML)
SeTTP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » 4'-selenothymidine triphosphate (XML) | 2-Se-thymidine triphosphate (XML)
SESRIM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » single-exposure super-resolved interferometric microscopy (XML)
Seg-Net  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Segmentation Network (XML)
SE-PD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » spin-echo proton density (XML)
sEAST  ( in XML )  (2)
  » standardized elevated arm stress test (XML)
Se-PM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Seleno-polymannuronate (XML)
SeSMiK  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Semi supervised multi kernel (XML) | Semi-Supervised Multi-Kernel Graph Embedding (XML)
self-acceptance  ( in XML )  (2)
  » self-report measure that uses two subscales to assess appearance satisfaction (XML) | subscales assess appearance satisfaction (XML)
SERZ-beta  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sertoli cell gene with a zinc finger domain-beta (XML)
SEM-Edx  ( in XML )  (2)
  » scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray analysis (XML)
SEGRAM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » selective glucocorticoid receptor agonistic modulator (XML) | selective GR agonists/modulators (XML)
SE_EPI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » spin echo echo planar imaging (XML) | spin-echo version of echo planar imaging (XML)
SELECT-D  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Selected Cancer Patients at Risk of Recurrence of Venous Thromboembolism (XML)
SER IV E  ( in XML )  (2)
  » supination-external rotation type IV equivalent (XML)
SEML  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stacked ensemble machine learning (XML) | single-emitting layer (XML)
Se-BR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » selenium-rich brown rice (XML) | Se-enriched brown rice (XML)
SeKT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Saccharomyces eubayanus killer toxin (XML) | Saccharomyces eubayanus and to produce its killer toxin (XML)
SERG  ( in XML )  (2)
  » surface-enhanced Raman gene (XML) | super extended radical gastrectomy (XML)
SESAMe  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Scheduling and Monitoring in eRCTs (XML)
SEABUS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » spatiotemporal correlation-based hybrid plug-and-play priors (XML)
SELMs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » subepithelial lung myofibroblasts (XML)
serum-MAF  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Serum-derived macrophage activating factor (XML)
SELF-FIT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Self-determined Exercise and Learning For FITness (XML)
SE 0.032  ( in XML )  (2)
  » spending decreased from 0.242 (XML)
SenPQ  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Sensed Presence Questionnaire (XML)
SeFa  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serum/plasma fructosamine (XML)
SEPTI-TS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Self-Efficacy for Parenting Tasks Index-Toddler Scale (XML)
SeMOA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Self-Management of OsteoArthritis in Veterans (XML) | Self-Management of OsteoArthritis (XML)
SESB  ( in XML )  (2)
  » steam-exploded sugarcane bagasse (XML) | steam exploded SCB (XML)
Seg-5  ( in XML )  (2)
  » segment 5 (XML) | genome-segment 5 (XML)
SEADE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Sistema Estadual de Analise de Dados (XML)
SEOT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » surface epithelial ovarian tumors (XML) | simulated end-of-treatment (XML)
SerpinE2  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serine protease inhibitor E2 (XML)
SE-DRC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » southeastern Democratic Republic of Congo (XML)
SeNa  ( in XML )  (2)
  » selenate (XML)
SEAFOMP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » South East Asian Federation of Organizations for Medical Physics (XML)
SEMANTIC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » semantic-violated sentences (XML) | semantic anomaly (XML)
S.E.S  ( in XML )  (2)
  » steam electric station (XML) | single attending pediatric otolaryngologist (XML)
SERT-ir  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serotonin transporter immunoreactivity (XML)
semi-SSF  ( in XML )  (2)
  » semi-simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (XML)
SEchoCG  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stress-echocardiography (XML)
SEMARNAT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Secretary of Environment and Natural Resources of Mexico (XML) | Secretaria del Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (XML)
SEN-L  ( in XML )  (2)
  » special educational needs in the area of learning (XML) | special educational needs in learning (XML)
SEBOMD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Semi-Empirical Born-Oppenheimer Molecular Dynamics (XML)
SEE-HF  ( in XML )  (2)
  » ScrEEning for advanced Heart Failure treatment (XML)
SemEval  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Semantic Evaluation (XML)
SeCVAUS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » segmental congenital vascular anomaly with atrophy, ulceration, and scarring (XML)
Sel15  ( in XML )  (2)
  » selenoprotein 15 (XML)
SEPAs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » surgical entrustable professional activities (XML)
second hit  ( in XML )  (2)
  » second mismatch repair allele (XML) | stressor occurring during adulthood (XML)
SENTAC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Society for Ear Nose and Throat Advancement in Children (XML)
SEC-RPR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » solar electrochemical-raceway pond reactor (XML)
SELENO  ( in XML )  (2)
  » selenoproteins (XML)
SEGMEnT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Spatially Explicit General-purpose Model of Enteric Tissue (XML)
sed1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » slow embryo development1 (XML) | segregation distortion 1 (XML)
SEM/XEDS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » scanning electron microscopy with X-ray energy-dispersive spectroscopy (XML)
SERIAS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Seizure-Related Impact Assessment Scale (XML)
SEM-XRMA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » scanning electron microscopy with X-ray microanalysis (XML)
Self-HPV  ( in XML )  (2)
  » self-sampling for human papillomavirus testing (XML) | self-collected HPV-test (XML)
SELCAB  ( in XML )  (2)
  » self-lung cardiac bypass (XML)
SERAFM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » speciation, transport, fate, and food web model (XML) | spreadsheet-based ecological risk assessment for the fate of mercury (XML)
SERt  ( in XML )  (2)
  » signal-enhancement ratio (XML) | signal enhancement ratio threshold (XML)
SEQ-PE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » spherical equivalent prediction error (XML)
seed-based FC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » seed-based functional connectivity (XML)
Sepsis-AKI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Sepsis-associated acute kidney injury (XML)
selPOCE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » selective POCE (XML) | Selective proton-observed, carbon-edited (XML)
SEAoxy  ( in XML )  (2)
  » N-sulfanylethylaminooxybutyramide (XML)
sEDs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » subclinical epileptiform discharges (XML) | sporadic epileptiform discharges (XML)
SEA to SEE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » SE types A to E (XML)
SEOB  ( in XML )  (2)
  » silver-based electrochemical oncolytic bioreactor (XML) | sieve element occlusion B-like (XML)
SeTot  ( in XML )  (2)
  » soil physicochemical characteristics, along with the concentrations of total Se (XML) | Se concentrations (XML)
SenMV  ( in XML )  (2)
  » senna mosaic virus (XML)
SeRBC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » senescent RBC (XML) | Senescent Red Blood Cells (XML)
SeB  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serum bilirubin (XML) | Se-enriched broccoli extracts (XML)
Se-PTC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Se-phenyl-thiazolidine-4-carboselenoate (XML)
S-EM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » semi-equiaxed microstructure (XML) | sex-enhancing medications (XML)
SEHA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » School Entrant Health Assessment (XML) | steric, electrostatic, hydrophobic and H-bond acceptor fields (XML)
SeaSCAPE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Spray Chemistry and Particle Evolution (XML)
second report  ( in XML )  (2)
  » secondary schools in Kanagawa Prefecture (XML) | suspected of having eating disorders (XML)
SE-RSM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » solvent-extracted rapeseed meal (XML)
sECS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » southern East China Sea (XML) | single ECS (XML)
SeqLKT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sequential liver and kidney transplantation (XML)
sEos  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sputum eosinophils (XML) | induced-sputum eosinophils (XML)
SERVE-HF  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Servo-Ventilation in Patients with Heart Failure (XML)
SeAN  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Se-containing RTP molecule (XML) | selenanthrene (XML)
Serpinc1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Serpin peptidase inhibitor clade C Member 1 (XML) | Serpin Family C Member 1 (XML)
Sec-SeIs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » selenocysteine selenenyl iodides (XML)
SE50  ( in XML )  (2)
  » single-end 50 bp (XML) | systems: 50 (XML)
SePX  ( in XML )  (2)
  » selenoperoxidase (XML)
SeSMiK-GE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Supervised Multi Kernel Graph Embedding (XML)
Sertad1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » SERTA domain-containing protein 1 (XML)
SEMI-RARE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » single excitation multiple image RARE (XML)
SEED I  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Study to Explore Early Development Phase I (XML) | severe esophageal epithelium dysplasia (XML)
Se-Ni  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Serum nickel concentration (XML) | selenite (XML)
SEUG  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sulfurized eucommia ulmoides gum (XML)
SEPSISPAM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Sepsis and Mean Arterial Pressure (XML)
SEC16A  ( in XML )  (2)
  » SEC16 homolog A (XML)
Se-Zn  ( in XML )  (2)
  » selenium-zinc preparation (XML) | Se and Zn deficient (XML)
Sedi  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sediment (XML)
SEAPS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Seniors Empowerment and Advocacy in Patient Safety (XML)
SE-US  ( in XML )  (2)
  » strain elastic ultrasound (XML) | strain elastography ultrasound (XML)
SeAV-5a  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Spodoptera exigua ascovirus 5a (XML)
SECPT-G  ( in XML )  (2)
  » socially evaluated cold-pressor group test (XML)
SETCOL  ( in XML )  (2)
  » settling column (XML) | settling column method (XML)
Ser-Tyr  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serinyl-tyrosine (XML)
SEM-LA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » semicarbazide-modified LA (XML) | semicarbazide-modified alpha-lactalbumin (XML)
SECURE-PCI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Statins Evaluation in Coronary procedUres and REvascularization (XML)
SEKT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » skill-oriented, material-based cognitive behavioral therapy (XML)
Selv  ( in XML )  (2)
  » selenoprotein V (XML)
SeSAME  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sensorineural deafness, ataxia, mental retardation, and electrolyte imbalance (XML)
SEDDs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » self-emulsifying drug delivery systems (XML)
seqGWAS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sequencing-based genome-wide association study (XML) | sequencing-based GWAS (XML)
Se-abzyme  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Se-containing abzyme (XML) | selenium containing abzyme (XML)
SerpinB1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serine protease inhibitor B1 (XML)
SEPRL  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Southeast Poultry Research Laboratory (XML)
Se-SPro  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Se-enriched soybean protein (XML) | selenium-enriched soybean protein (XML)
SERCA2c  ( in XML )  (2)
  » SERCA2 can be detected (XML) | sarco/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase 2 isoform (XML)
SefA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Se factor A (XML)
SexQoL  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sexual quality of life (XML)
SEPTM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sequential enrichment of post translational modification (XML) | serial enrichments of different post-translational modifications (XML)
Ser-35  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serine residue at position 35 (XML) | Ser substitution at residue 35 (XML)
SESL01  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Single Vision Lens 01 (XML)
sebenzimMe  ( in XML )  (2)
  » 1-methyl-1,3-dihydro-2H-benzimidazole-2-selone, H (XML) | 2-Seleno-1-methylbenzimidazole, H (XML)
SELB  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Sensory Ethnography of Logan-Beaudesert (XML) | selB gene product (XML)
SE-CG  ( in XML )  (2)
  » O-(2-sulfoethyl)chitin-glucan (XML) | successful-eradication chronic gastritis (XML)
SE-EP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » spin-echo echo-planar (XML) | SE echo-planar (XML)
SeQ10  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Selenium and coenzyme Q10 (XML)
SeCNdU  ( in XML )  (2)
  » 5-Selenocyanato-2'-deoxyuridine (XML)
SevEx  ( in XML )  (2)
  » severe exacerbations (XML)
Sepn1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » selenoprotein N, 1 (XML)
SE-SMR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sorption enhanced steam methane reforming (XML)
SE-GC-MS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » solvent extraction-GC-MS analysis (XML) | solvent extraction-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (XML)
SELDLA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » scaffold extender with low depth linkage analysis (XML)
SET-NRC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » single electron transfer-nitroxide radical coupling reaction (XML)
SEP53  ( in XML )  (2)
  » squamous epithelial heat shock protein 53 (XML) | stress protein of 53 kDa (XML)
S-EX  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Sham exercised (XML) | single bout of aerobic exercise (XML)
SELSS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sound exposure levels (XML)
S-EMS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Secondary cooling electromagnetic stirring (XML) | Strand electromagnetic stirring (XML)
s-EV  ( in XML )  (2)
  » derivedsmall extracellular vesicles (XML) | small-EV (XML)
SEHQ  ( in XML )  (2)
  » School Entrant Health Questionnaire (XML)
Ser67  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serine at position 67 (XML) | serine 67 (XML)
SECRAB  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stage breast cancer (XML)
SETRAC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » South East Texas Regional Advisory Councils (XML)
SEALD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Study Endpoints and Label Development (XML)
sENP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » soft engineered nanoparticle (XML)
SeLyN  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Selected Lymph Node (XML)
SePAS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sphaerocephala polysaccharide (XML)
sem-SWNTs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » semiconducting-single-walled carbon nanotubes (XML)
Ser-84  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serine at residue 84 (XML) | serine at position 84 (XML)
SENTAR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sensation-seeking targeting (XML)
SE fusion  ( in XML )  (2)
  » synergid-endosperm fusion (XML)
SETENGs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » single-electrode triboelectric nanogenerators (XML)
SEACOMP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » South-East Asia Congress of Medical Physics (XML)
SeCEP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Secretion-Correlated mRNA Expression Pattern (XML) | expression-to-secretion correlation (XML)
SERMO  ( in XML )  (2)
  » self-reported morbidity (XML)
Ser1179  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serine-1179 (XML)
S-ETT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » surfactant administration through an ETT (XML) | standard criteria (XML)
SEMDC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia congenita (XML)
SES-C  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Socioeconomic Status Composite Scale (XML) | successfully developed and validated a composite scale (XML)
SEBG  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Skeletonizing en-bloc gastrectomy (XML) | self-evolution bipartite graph (XML)
SEWD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Stockton East Water District (XML) | self-powered electrical-stimulator-based wound dressing (XML)
SERoM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » soluble, extracellular regions of MmpL (XML)
SE-EPI-MRE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » spin-echo echo-planar imaging-based MRE (XML)
SEMED  ( in XML )  (2)
  » standard entry medical degree (XML) | Sports Medicine (XML)
Se-GPX  ( in XML )  (2)
  » selenium-dependent GPX (XML) | Se-dependent GPX (XML)
SETARA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Semangat Dunia Remaja or Teen Aspirations (XML) | SEmangaT duniA RemajA/Teen's Aspirations (XML)
sEDS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » subjective excessive daytime sleepiness (XML)
Sed-Sham  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sedentary sham (XML)
SEUP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sequential ultrasonic extraction procedure (XML) | Sociedad Espanola de Urgencias Pediatricas (XML)
SENATOR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » senior program: Results of a prospective randomized multicenter study (XML) | START criteria on incident ADRs (XML)
SEATTLE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Simplified Extraction of Atrial Tumor With Targeted Loop Electricity (XML) | S-E anastomosis through temporary lymphatic expansion (XML)
sECC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stilbenes containing extract-fraction from Cajanus cajan L (XML) | standard extracorporeal circulation (XML)
secHsp70  ( in XML )  (2)
  » secreted form of Hsp70 (XML) | secreted Hsp70 (XML)
SESp  ( in XML )  (2)
  » semi-empirical spectrophotometric (XML)
SeE-SP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » selenium-enriched spirulina (XML)
Sept10  ( in XML )  (2)
  » septin 10 (XML)
SegSNR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » segment signal-noise ratio (XML)
SeDDLeR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Semi-supervised Double Deep Learning Temporal Risk Prediction (XML)
Ser259  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serine 259 (XML)
SEP-HFS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » stimulated emission pumping-hole-filling spectroscopy (XML)
Se-HSA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Se-human serum albumin (XML) | species, human serum albumin-bound selenium (XML)
SEHADCF  ( in XML )  (2)
  » single eccentric hole-assisted dual-core fiber (XML)
Ser940  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serine 940 (XML)
SETG  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Search for Extra-Terrestrial Genomes (XML)
Sema6C  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Semaphorin Y/6C (XML)
SEMDJL3  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Spondylo-epi-metaphyseal dysplasias with joint laxity, type 3 (XML)
SERPIND1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serpin family D member 1 (XML)
sEPs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » small extracellular particles (XML) | single evoked potentials (XML)
SE 5.1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » disease-specific survival was 20.5 months (XML) | symptoms versus 50.6 (XML)
s-EPX  ( in XML )  (2)
  » serum eosinophil protein X (XML)
series 2  ( in XML )  (2)
  » alpha-(2-X-substituted-ethyl)-gamma,gamma-dimethyl-gamma-butyrolactones (XML) | 3-substituted-5H-benzimidazo(1,2-d)(1,4)benzodiazepin-6(7H)-one derivatives (XML)
SEN/ND  ( in XML )  (2)
  » special educational needs and/or neurodevelopmental disorders (XML)
ses.MNTD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sizes of the mean nearest taxon distance (XML)
SENTRY  ( in XML )  (2)
  » surveillance systems (XML) | Strategies to enhance venous thromboprophylaxis in hospitalized medical patients (XML)
SEC-HDX  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Size-Exclusion-HDX (XML) | size exclusion chromatography coupled with hydrogen-deuterium exchange (XML)
S-e  ( in XML )  (2)
  » S ectodomain (XML)
SEROTONIN  ( in XML )  (2)
SEREBAR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Sequential Reactive Barrier (XML)