A Search Service for Abbreviation / Long Form

Abbreviation List in Life Science - ME

The following abbreviations beginning with 'ME' are found in the Allie database (>=2, order of frequency). Search for one's corresponding long forms on Allie by clicking it.

MetS  ( in XML )  (12558)
  » metabolic syndrome (XML) | metabolic syndrome score (XML) | metabolic syndrome components (XML) | metabolic syndrome patients (XML) | means to prevent metabolic syndrome (XML) ...
ME  ( in XML )  (9384)
  » metabolizable energy (XML) | median eminence (XML) | macular edema (XML) | malic enzyme (XML) | magnetoelectric (XML) ...
MET  ( in XML )  (6191)
  » mesenchymal-epithelial transition (XML) | metformin (XML) | metabolic equivalent (XML) | medical emergency team (XML) | motivational enhancement therapy (XML) ...
MEG  ( in XML )  (5491)
  » magnetoencephalography (XML) | multiple exciton generation (XML) | monoethylene glycol (XML) | mercaptoethylguanidine (XML) | mean effective gain (XML) ...
MEP  ( in XML )  (5366)
  » motor evoked potential (XML) | methylerythritol phosphate (XML) | molecular electrostatic potential (XML) | maximal expiratory pressure (XML) | monoethyl phthalate (XML) ...
MELD  ( in XML )  (3810)
  » model for end-stage liver disease (XML) | Modeling Employing Limited Data (XML) | MELD-Na (XML) | model for ESLD (XML) | Multi-centre Epilepsy Lesion Detection (XML) ...
MEC  ( in XML )  (3106)
  » mucoepidermoid carcinoma (XML) | medial entorhinal cortex (XML) | microbial electrolysis cell (XML) | mammary epithelial cells (XML) | minimum effective concentration (XML) ...
MEK  ( in XML )  (3072)
  » mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase (XML) | mitogen-activated extracellular signal-regulated kinase (XML) | MAPK/ERK kinase (XML) | MAPK kinase (XML) | methyl ethyl ketone (XML) ...
MES  ( in XML )  (3030)
  » maximal electroshock (XML) | maximal electroshock seizure (XML) | microembolic signals (XML) | Mayo endoscopic subscore (XML) | microbial electrosynthesis (XML) ...
MEPs  ( in XML )  (2776)
  » motor evoked potentials (XML) | megakaryocyte-erythroid progenitors (XML) | minimum energy paths (XML) | Motor Evoked Potentials (XML) | molecular electrostatic potentials (XML) ...
MEFs  ( in XML )  (2623)
  » mouse embryonic fibroblasts (XML) | murine embryo fibroblasts (XML) | middle ear fluids (XML) | movement-evoked fields (XML) | marginal emission factors (XML) ...
MEMS  ( in XML )  (2507)
  » microelectromechanical systems (XML) | Medication Event Monitoring System (XML) | micromechanical systems (XML) | micromachined microelectromechanical systems (XML) | medical event monitoring system (XML) ...
MEA  ( in XML )  (2481)
  » microelectrode array (XML) | membrane electrode assembly (XML) | monoethanolamine (XML) | multiple electrode aggregometry (XML) | malt extract agar (XML) ...
Met  ( in XML )  (2324)
  » methionine (XML) | Methoprene-tolerant (XML) | Met-tRNA(i) (XML) | L-methionine (XML) | methionyl-tRNA (XML) ...
MED  ( in XML )  (2274)
  » minimal erythema dose (XML) | minimum effective dose (XML) | morphine equivalent dose (XML) | Mediterranean (XML) | multiple epiphyseal dysplasia (XML) ...
MEL  ( in XML )  (2243)
  » melatonin (XML) | murine erythroleukemia (XML) | melamine (XML) | melittin (XML) | meloxicam (XML) ...
METH  ( in XML )  (2187)
  » methamphetamine (XML) | methadone (XML) | methanol (XML) | methysergide (XML) | methoxamine (XML) ...
MERS-CoV  ( in XML )  (2010)
  » Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (XML) | MERS coronavirus (XML) | Middle East syndrome coronavirus (XML) | merbecoviruses (XML) | mortality caused by a new strain of betacoronavirus (XML) ...
MeSH  ( in XML )  (1982)
  » Medical Subject Headings (XML) | medical subheadings (XML) | Medical Search Headings (XML) | MEDLINE, EMBASE, PubMed databases using both subject headings (XML) | MEDLINE subject headings (XML) ...
MEF  ( in XML )  (1954)
  » mouse embryonic fibroblast (XML) | metal-enhanced fluorescence (XML) | middle ear fluid (XML) | maximal expiratory flow (XML) | myocyte enhancer factor (XML) ...
MESA  ( in XML )  (1766)
  » Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (XML) | microsurgical epididymal sperm aspiration (XML) | Medical, Epidemiologic, and Social Aspects of Aging (XML) | myoepithelial sialadenitis (XML) | Marshfield Epidemiologic Study Area (XML) ...
MeJA  ( in XML )  (1664)
  » methyl jasmonate (XML) | methyl jasmonic acid (XML) | methyl JA (XML) | methyl jasmonate treatment (XML) | methyl jasmonate acid (XML) ...
MEPS  ( in XML )  (1652)
  » Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (XML) | Mayo Elbow Performance Score (XML) | microextraction by packed sorbent (XML) | molecular electrostatic potential surface (XML) | Means-Ends Problem-Solving (XML) ...
MEN1  ( in XML )  (1642)
  » multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (XML) | MEN type 1 (XML) | menin 1 (XML) | menin 1 gene (XML) | multiple neuroendocrine tumour type 1 (XML) ...
MEM  ( in XML )  (1585)
  » minimum essential medium (XML) | meropenem (XML) | maximum entropy method (XML) | memantine (XML) | macrophage electrophoretic mobility (XML) ...
MERS  ( in XML )  (1360)
  » Middle East respiratory syndrome (XML) | mild encephalitis/encephalopathy with a reversible splenial lesion (XML) | MERS-CoV (XML) | mobile emergency and resuscitation services (XML) | microbial electrochemical remediation systems (XML) ...
METs  ( in XML )  (1319)
  » metabolic equivalents (XML) | metastases (XML) | macrophage extracellular traps (XML) | microbial electrochemical technologies (XML) | Medical emergency teams (XML) ...
mESCs  ( in XML )  (1135)
  » mouse embryonic stem cells (XML) | mouse ESCs (XML) | murine ESCs (XML) | mouse endometrial stromal cells (XML) | mouse embryonic cells (XML) ...
MEN  ( in XML )  (1095)
  » multiple endocrine neoplasia (XML) | mitotic exit network (XML) | menadione (XML) | multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome (XML) | minimal enteral nutrition (XML) ...
MELAS  ( in XML )  (985)
  » myopathy, encephalopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke-like episodes (XML) | myopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke-like episodes (XML) | mitochondrial encephalomyopathy and stroke-like episodes (XML) | mitochondrial disease (XML) | Mitochondrial encephalomyelitis, lactic acidosis and cerebrovascular accidents (XML) ...
MeOH  ( in XML )  (966)
  » methanol (XML) | methanol extract (XML) | methanol clusters (XML) | mixture of methanol (XML) | methyl alcohol (XML) ...
ME/CFS  ( in XML )  (933)
  » myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (XML) | myalgic encephalomyelitis, also known as chronic fatigue syndrome (XML) | Myalgic encephalomyelitis, also referred to as chronic fatigue syndrome (XML) | Myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) often also called chronic fatigue syndrome (XML)
MENA  ( in XML )  (890)
  » Middle East and North Africa (XML) | Methyl Epigenome Network Association (XML) | 2-methoxy-5-nitroaniline (XML) | molecular ecological network analysis (XML) | Mammalian-enabled (XML) ...
MEKC  ( in XML )  (876)
  » micellar electrokinetic chromatography (XML) | micellar EKC (XML) | micellar electrokinetic capillary electrophoresis (XML) | micellar electrokinetic systems (XML) | micellar electrokinetic electrophoretic (XML) ...
MECs  ( in XML )  (871)
  » mammary epithelial cells (XML) | microbial electrolysis cells (XML) | myoepithelial cells (XML) | microvascular endothelial cells (XML) | measured environmental concentrations (XML) ...
MEHP  ( in XML )  (871)
  » mono-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (XML) | mono-2-ethylhexyl phthalic acid (XML) | mono(2-ethyl-5-oxohexyl) phthalate (MEOHP) analyses (XML) | MEHP or SigmaDEHP (XML) | phthalate--mono-2-ethylhexyl phthalate (XML) ...
MEE  ( in XML )  (838)
  » middle ear effusion (XML) | medial edge epithelium (XML) | multilocus enzyme electrophoresis (XML) | measured energy expenditure (XML) | myocardial external efficiency (XML) ...
MER  ( in XML )  (793)
  » microelectrode recording (XML) | meropenem (XML) | methanol extraction residue (XML) | maintenance energy requirements (XML) | Molecular Epidemiology Resource (XML) ...
MEAs  ( in XML )  (718)
  » microelectrode arrays (XML) | membrane electrode assemblies (XML) | managed entry agreements (XML) | medium-entropy alloys (XML) | multilateral environmental agreements (XML) ...
MEs  ( in XML )  (695)
  » medication errors (XML) | microemulsions (XML) | matrix effects (XML) | major errors (XML) | microenvironments (XML) ...
MeCP2  ( in XML )  (687)
  » methyl-CpG-binding protein 2 (XML) | MECP2, encoding methyl-CpG-binding protein 2 (XML) | methylcytosine-binding protein 2 (XML) | methyl-CpG-binding domain protein 2 (XML) | methyl-CpG protein 2 (XML) ...
METTL3  ( in XML )  (624)
  » methyltransferase-like 3 (XML) | methyltransferase-like protein 3 (XML) | N6-methyladenosine methyltransferase-like 3 (XML) | methyltransferase-like enzyme 3 (XML) | methylation transferase methyltransferase like 3 (XML) ...
mEPSCs  ( in XML )  (617)
  » miniature excitatory postsynaptic currents (XML) | miniature EPSCs (XML) | miniature postsynaptic currents (XML) | miniature spontaneous excitatory postsynaptic currents (XML) | miniature spontaneous EPSCs (XML) ...
MECP2  ( in XML )  (587)
  » methyl-CpG-binding protein 2 (XML) | methyl-CpG-binding 2 (XML) | methyl CpG2 (XML) | methyl cytosine protein binding 2 (XML) | MECP2-KO (XML) ...
MetHb  ( in XML )  (563)
  » methemoglobin (XML) | methemoglobinemia (XML) | Methaemoglobin (XML) | metHb concentration, taking into account the simple relationship (XML) | methemoglobin saturation level (XML)
MedDiet  ( in XML )  (556)
  » Mediterranean diet (XML) | Mediterranean dietary pattern (XML) | Mediterranean-style diet (XML) | Mediterranean-type diet (XML) | Mediterranean Diet adherence (XML) ...
MEF2  ( in XML )  (553)
  » myocyte enhancer factor 2 (XML) | myocyte-specific enhancer factor 2 (XML) | myocyte enhancer binding factor 2 (XML) | MADS box transcription enhancer factor 2 (XML) | myocyte enhancer factor 2 family (XML) ...
Me  ( in XML )  (530)
  » median (XML) | menton (XML) | methyl (XML) | medial amygdala (XML) | medial amygdaloid nucleus (XML) ...
MEQ  ( in XML )  (525)
  » Morningness-Eveningness Questionnaire (XML) | Mindful Eating Questionnaire (XML) | morphine equivalents (XML) | Mequindox (XML) | Mystical Experience Questionnaire (XML) ...
MEDLINE  ( in XML )  (498)
  » Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (XML) | METHODS: An electronic search was conducted through PubMed (XML) | METHODS: An electronic search in Pubmed (XML) | METHODS: A Cochrane Library and PubMed (XML) | MEDLARS Online (XML) ...
MEFV  ( in XML )  (479)
  » maximum expiratory flow-volume (XML) | Mediterranean fever (XML) | Mediterranean fever gene (XML) | MEditerraneanFeVer (XML) | MEFV innate immunity regulator, pyrin (XML) ...
MEN2  ( in XML )  (433)
  » multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 (XML) | MEN type 2 (XML) | multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2 (XML) | multiple endocrine neoplasm type 2 syndrome (XML) | multiple neoplasia type 2 (XML) ...
MeA  ( in XML )  (422)
  » medial amygdala (XML) | medial (XML) | medial nucleus of the amygdala (XML) | medial amygdaloid nucleus (XML) | methylanthranilate (XML) ...
MEI  ( in XML )  (389)
  » metabolizable energy intake (XML) | magnetic endoscope imaging (XML) | middle ear implant (XML) | ME intake (XML) | mobile element insertion (XML) ...
MeV  ( in XML )  (389)
  » measles virus (XML) | megaelectron volt (XML) | measles vaccine virus (XML) | megavoltage (XML) | anti-measles virus (XML) ...
MEMRI  ( in XML )  (386)
  » manganese-enhanced MRI (XML) | manganese-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (XML) | Mn-enhanced MRI (XML) | magnetic resonance imaging (XML) | manganese-enhanced MR imaging (XML) ...
MEN 2A  ( in XML )  (385)
  » multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2A (XML) | multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2A syndrome (XML) | syndromes--multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2A (XML) | multiple endocrine type 2A (XML) | medullary endocrine neoplasia 2A (XML)
MEWS  ( in XML )  (378)
  » Modified Early Warning Score (XML) | Mind Excessively Wandering Scale (XML) | Modified EWS (XML) | meningitis early warning system (XML) | multiparameter early warning score (XML) ...
mESC  ( in XML )  (355)
  » mouse embryonic stem cell (XML) | mouse ESC (XML) | murine embryonic stem cell (XML) | mouse ES cell (XML) | murine ESC (XML) ...
mean  ( in XML )  (348)
  » median (XML) | mean value (XML) | mean +/- s (XML) | mean arterial pressure and MCA V (XML) | measurement (XML) ...
MEPPs  ( in XML )  (332)
  » miniature endplate potentials (XML) | miniature EPPs (XML) | miniature electroplaque potentials (XML) | miniature endplate potential-like depolarizations (XML) | miniature endplate potential voltage-time integrals (XML)
MECC  ( in XML )  (331)
  » micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography (XML) | minimal extracorporeal circulation (XML) | Making Every Contact Count (XML) | Middle East Cancer Consortium (XML) | Molecular Epidemiology of Colorectal Cancer (XML) ...
MEG3  ( in XML )  (328)
  » maternally expressed gene 3 (XML) | MEG3-DMR (XML) | molecular disruptions of the imprinted region in 14q32 (XML) | MEG3 DMRs had a maximum decrease in methylation of 2.9 (XML) | lncRNA-MEG3 (XML)
mES  ( in XML )  (309)
  » mouse embryonic stem (XML) | mouse ES (XML) | murine ES (XML) | murine stem cells (XML) | Microembolic signals (XML) ...
MERRF  ( in XML )  (296)
  » myoclonic epilepsy with ragged-red fibers (XML) | myoclonus epilepsy associated with ragged-red fibers (XML) | mitochondrial encephalomyopathy with ragged-red fibers (XML) | myoclonus epilepsy, ragged red fibers (XML) | myoclonic epilepsy, ragged-red muscle fiber (XML) ...
MEV  ( in XML )  (282)
  » mink enteritis virus (XML) | multi-epitope vaccine (XML) | mastoid emissary vein (XML) | mevalonate (XML) | meropenem-vaborbactam (XML) ...
MEPP  ( in XML )  (271)
  » miniature endplate potential (XML) | miniature EPP (XML) | maximum entropy production principle (XML) | Mirror Effect Plus Protocol (XML) | miniemulsion periphery polymerization (XML) ...
MetSyn  ( in XML )  (267)
  » metabolic syndrome (XML) | MD's effect on metabolic syndrome (XML) | mellitus, the Metabolic Syndrome (XML) | methionine synthase (XML)
MEB  ( in XML )  (263)
  » muscle-eye-brain disease (XML) | muscle-eye-brain (XML) | Medicines Evaluation Board (XML) | middle ear barotrauma (XML) | mental, emotional, and behavioral (XML) ...
MEGX  ( in XML )  (260)
  » monoethylglycinexylidide (XML) | metabolites-monoethylglycinexylidide (XML) | lidocaine-monoethylglycinexylidide (XML) | metabolites, N-ethylglycyl-2,6-xylidide (XML)
MEPM  ( in XML )  (260)
  » meropenem (XML) | mouse embryonic palatal mesenchymal (XML) | meropenem trihydrate (XML) | methanol extract of Phyllanthus muellerianus (XML) | murine embryonic palate (XML) ...
MEIA  ( in XML )  (253)
  » microparticle enzyme immunoassay (XML) | monoclonal enzyme immunoassay (XML) | multiple electrode impedance aggregometry (XML) | membrane enzyme immunoassay (XML) | magnetic affinity enzyme-linked immunoassay (XML) ...
mEH  ( in XML )  (253)
  » microsomal epoxide hydrolase (XML) | microsomal EH (XML) | membrane of hepatocytes and MDCK (XML) | means of epoxide hydrolase (XML) | microsomal form of epoxide hydrolase (XML)
MEST  ( in XML )  (252)
  » Mixed epithelial and stromal tumor (XML) | mesoderm-specific transcript (XML) | maximal electroshock seizure threshold (XML) | mouse ear swelling test (XML) | maximal electroshock test (XML) ...
MedDRA  ( in XML )  (238)
  » Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities (XML) | Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities Terminology (XML)
MEK1  ( in XML )  (235)
  » mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 1 (XML) | MAPK kinase 1 (XML) | MAP kinase kinase 1 (XML) | mitogen-activated protein kinase/extracellular signal-regulated kinase kinase-1 (XML) | MAPK/extracellular signal-regulated kinase-1 (XML) ...
MEF2C  ( in XML )  (228)
  » myocyte enhancer factor 2C (XML) | myocyte-specific enhancer factor 2C (XML) | myocyte enhancer-binding factor 2C (XML) | MADS box transcription enhancer factor 2, polypeptide C (XML) | myogenic transcription factor 2C (XML) ...
MESP  ( in XML )  (227)
  » molecular electrostatic potential (XML) | minimum ethanol selling price (XML) | Mandarin Early Speech Perception (XML) | molecular electrostatic surface potential (XML) | Middle Ear Screening Protocol (XML) ...
Meth  ( in XML )  (219)
  » Methamphetamine (XML) | methionine (XML) | methacholine (XML) | methimazole (XML) | methicillin (XML) ...
MEWDS  ( in XML )  (217)
  » multiple evanescent white dot syndrome (XML)
MEO  ( in XML )  (212)
  » malignant external otitis (XML) | Medium Earth Orbit (XML) | mint essential oil (XML) | milk energy output (XML) | mediated electrochemical oxidation (XML) ...
MENQOL  ( in XML )  (205)
  » Menopause-Specific Quality of Life (XML) | Menopause-Specific Quality of Life Questionnaire (XML) | menopause quality of life (XML) | menopause-specific QOL (XML) | Menopause-Specific Quality of Life-Intervention (XML) ...
MeRIP-seq  ( in XML )  (200)
  » methylated RNA immunoprecipitation sequencing (XML) | Methylated RNA immunoprecipitation with next-generation sequencing (XML) | methylated RNA immunoprecipitation followed by high-throughput sequencing (XML) | Methylated RNA Immunoprecipitation Sequencing technology (XML) | Methylated RNA Immunoprecipitation combined with RNA sequencing (XML) ...
MenB  ( in XML )  (198)
  » meningococcal serogroup B (XML) | meningitidis serogroup B (XML) | meningococcal B (XML) | Meningitis B (XML) | meningococcal capsular group B (XML) ...
MEPI  ( in XML )  (198)
  » Mayo Elbow Performance Index (XML) | Medical Education Partnership Initiative (XML) | Multidimensional Energy Poverty Index (XML) | Marinas Environmental Pollution Index (XML) | median eminence-pituitary islands (XML) ...
MeP  ( in XML )  (196)
  » methylparaben (XML) | methyl parathion (XML) | Methyl paraben (XML) | 6-methylpurine (XML) | methylphosphonate (XML) ...
Mel  ( in XML )  (196)
  » melphalan (XML) | melanin (XML) | melatonin group (XML) | melanoma cell (XML) | Mouse erythroleukemia (XML) ...
MEW  ( in XML )  (194)
  » melt electrowriting (XML) | Managing Epilepsy Well (XML) | melt electrospinning writing (XML) | modified early warning (XML) | mass extraction window (XML) ...
MEKi  ( in XML )  (192)
  » MEK inhibitors (XML) | MEK inhibitor (XML) | mitogen-activated protein kinase inhibitors (XML) | mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase (XML) | MEK kinase inhibitors (XML) ...
MeSA  ( in XML )  (192)
  » methyl salicylate (XML) | methyl salicylic acid (XML) | 5'-deoxy-5'-methylthioadenosine (XML) | methylated SA (XML) | derivatives-methyl salicylic acid (XML) ...
MEX  ( in XML )  (189)
  » material extrusion (XML) | mexiletine (XML) | Mexico (XML) | muscle extract (XML) | motif extraction (XML) ...
MELK  ( in XML )  (184)
  » maternal embryonic leucine zipper kinase (XML) | maternal embryonic leucine pull chain kinase (XML) | Multi-epitope-ligand-kartographie (XML) | maternal leucine zipper kinase (XML)
MEHHP  ( in XML )  (181)
  » mono-(2-ethyl-5-hydroxyhexyl) phthalate (XML) | mono-2-ethylhexyl hydroxyl phthalate (XML)
MEOHP  ( in XML )  (180)
  » mono-(2-ethyl-5-oxohexyl) phthalate (XML)
MELD-Na  ( in XML )  (175)
  » model for end-stage liver disease-sodium (XML) | MELD combined with serum sodium concentration (XML) | Model for End-stage Liver Disease incorporating sodium levels (XML) | MELD with the incorporation of serum sodium (XML) | MELD and serum sodium (XML) ...
mEPSC  ( in XML )  (171)
  » miniature excitatory postsynaptic current (XML) | miniature EPSC (XML) | mini EPSCs (XML) | miniature postsynaptic current (XML) | miniature glutamatergic EPSCs (XML)
MeDIP  ( in XML )  (169)
  » methylated DNA immunoprecipitation (XML) | methylation differential immunoprecipitation (XML) | Methylation analysis by DNA immunoprecipitation (XML)
MESS  ( in XML )  (164)
  » Mangled Extremity Severity Score (XML) | Modified Epworth Sleepiness Scale (XML) | multivariate environmental similarity surface (XML) | Multicentre trial for Early Epilepsy and Single Seizures (XML) | Master Equation System Solver (XML) ...
Met-Enk  ( in XML )  (163)
  » methionine-enkephalin (XML) | Anti-Met-enkephalin (XML)
MenSCs  ( in XML )  (161)
  » menstrual blood-derived stem cells (XML) | menstrual blood stem cells (XML) | menstrual stem cells (XML) | menstrual blood stromal/stem cells (XML) | menstrual MSCs (XML) ...
MEH-PPV  ( in XML )  (160)
  » poly(2-methoxy-5-(2-ethylhexyloxy)-1,4-phenylenevinylene) (XML) | poly2-methoxy-5-(2-ethyl-hexyloxy)PPV (XML)
MeS  ( in XML )  (160)
  » metabolic syndrome (XML) | methyl salicylate (XML) | Mazar-e-Sharif (XML) | melamine sponge (XML) | metal sulfide (XML) ...
MenC  ( in XML )  (155)
  » meningococcal (XML) | meningococcal serogroup C (XML) | meningitidis serogroup C (XML) | meningococcal C conjugate vaccine (XML) | meningococcal C conjugate (XML) ...
MEEKC  ( in XML )  (155)
  » microemulsion electrokinetic chromatography (XML) | microemulsion EKC (XML)
MEDAS  ( in XML )  (155)
  » Mediterranean Diet Adherence Screener (XML) | MD Adherence Screener (XML) | MD adherence score (XML) | Medical Emergency Decision Assistance System (XML) | MeDiet appraised with an absolute-normative score (XML) ...
METTL14  ( in XML )  (155)
  » methyltransferase-like 14 (XML) | methyltransferase-like protein 14 (XML) | methyltransferase-like enzyme 14 (XML) | N(6)-adenosine-methyltransferase-14 (XML) | methyltransferase 14 protein (XML) ...
MEPE  ( in XML )  (150)
  » matrix extracellular phosphoglycoprotein (XML) | metallo-supramolecular coordination polyelectrolytes (XML) | metallo-supramolecular polyelectrolytes (XML) | motorcycle exhaust particulate extract (XML) | motorcycle exhaust particulates (XML) ...
MESCC  ( in XML )  (149)
  » metastatic epidural spinal cord compression (XML) | Malignant epidural spinal cord compression (XML) | middle ear squamous cell carcinoma (XML) | metastatic ESCC (XML) | malignant spinal cord compression (XML)
MEDD  ( in XML )  (146)
  » morphine equivalent daily dose (XML) | methanol extract of Dictamnus dasycarpus root bark (XML) | milligram-equivalent daily dose (XML) | median equivalent daily dose of parenteral morphine (XML) | mechanical esophageal displacement device (XML) ...
MENK  ( in XML )  (145)
  » methionine enkephalin (XML) | met-enkephalin (XML)
MEDS  ( in XML )  (143)
  » Mortality in Emergency Department Sepsis (XML) | Matson Evaluation of Drug Side Effects (XML) | Minimum Essential Data Sets (XML) | microendoscopic decompression of stenosis (XML) | Mortality in ED Sepsis (XML) ...
MEN 2B  ( in XML )  (141)
  » multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2B (XML)
METABRIC  ( in XML )  (141)
  » Molecular Taxonomy of Breast Cancer International Consortium (XML) | metagenes to predict prognosis, on an external public dataset (XML) | Molecular Taxonomy Data of the International Federation of Breast Cancer (XML)
MEKK1  ( in XML )  (140)
  » MEK kinase 1 (XML) | mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 1 (XML) | MAP/ERK kinase kinase 1 (XML) | mitogen-activated protein kinase/extracellular signal-regulated kinase kinase kinase 1 (XML) | MEKK1 Delta (XML) ...
MELC  ( in XML )  (139)
  » murine erythroleukemia cells (XML) | microemulsion liquid chromatography (XML) | multi-epitope ligand cartography (XML) | microemulsion high-performance liquid chromatography (XML) | multidimensional fluorescence microscopy (XML) ...
MeRIP  ( in XML )  (139)
  » methylated RNA immunoprecipitation (XML) | methylated RIP (XML) | N6-methyladenosine immunoprecipitation (XML) | N6-methyladenosine RNA binding protein immunoprecipitation (XML)
MERSQI  ( in XML )  (138)
  » Medical Education Research Study Quality Instrument (XML) | medical education research study quality index (XML)
MedAE  ( in XML )  (131)
  » median absolute error (XML) | median absolute prediction error (XML) | median absolute refractive error (XML) | median absolute PE (XML) | median absolute error values (XML) ...
METS-IR  ( in XML )  (131)
  » metabolic score for insulin resistance (XML) | metabolic score for IR (XML) | metabolic insulin resistance score (XML) | metabolic score (XML)
MeCbl  ( in XML )  (130)
  » methylcobalamin (XML) | methylcobalamin cofactor (XML) | methyl-Cbl (XML) | mecobalamin (XML) | methylcobalamin(III) (XML) ...
MEOS  ( in XML )  (129)
  » microsomal ethanol oxidizing system (XML) | Managing the Emotions of Others (XML) | multimodal early onset stimulation (XML) | methanol leaf extract of O. subscorpioidea (XML) | multimodal onset stimulation therapy (XML) ...
MetMb  ( in XML )  (129)
  » metmyoglobin (XML)
MeHg  ( in XML )  (128)
  » methyl Hg (XML) | mercury (Hg(II)) and methylmercury (XML) | MeHg concentrations (XML) | MeHg formation and redistributes methylmercury (XML) | MeHg in both seston and hydropsychids, BCF (XML) ...
MeDi  ( in XML )  (125)
  » Mediterranean diet (XML) | Mediterranean-type diet (XML) | Mediterranean (XML) | Mediterranean dietary pattern (XML) | mental disorders (XML) ...
MEPCs  ( in XML )  (125)
  » miniature end-plate currents (XML) | Miniature endplate currents (XML) | miniature excitatory postsynaptic currents (XML) | mouse embryonic palatal cells (XML) | miniature EPCs (XML) ...
MEDs  ( in XML )  (122)
  » minimal erythema doses (XML) | minimum effective doses (XML) | morphine equivalent doses (XML) | molecular electronic devices (XML) | medulloblastomas (XML) ...
MEGA  ( in XML )  (120)
  » Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis (XML) | Mescher-Garwood (XML) | macrolide efflux genetic assembly (XML) | Multiple Environmental and Genetic Assessment (XML) | Multi-Ethnic Genotyping Array (XML) ...
ME-NBI  ( in XML )  (119)
  » magnifying endoscopy with narrow-band imaging (XML) | magnifying endoscopy with NBI (XML) | ME with narrow-band imaging (XML) | magnifying narrow-band imaging endoscopy (XML) | magnifying gastrointestinal endoscope with narrow band imaging (XML) ...
MEOR  ( in XML )  (119)
  » microbial enhanced oil recovery (XML) | methanol electrooxidation reaction (XML)
MELs  ( in XML )  (118)
  » Mannosylerythritol lipids (XML) | maximum exchange levels (XML) | mEnv liposomes (XML) | Microencapsulated liposome systems (XML) | Microemulsification (XML) ...
MECT  ( in XML )  (117)
  » modified electroconvulsive therapy (XML) | multi-energy CT (XML) | Multi-energy computed tomography (XML) | mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the thyroid (XML) | main effective component-target (XML) ...
men  ( in XML )  (115)
  » mmol creatinine (XML) | ml of red wine (XML) | mental health (XML) | more drinks (XML) | extension MVC -49 (XML) ...
MEF2A  ( in XML )  (115)
  » myocyte enhancer factor 2A (XML) | myocyte-specific enhancer factor 2A (XML) | myogenic enhancer transcription factor 2a (XML) | myocyte enhancer-binding factor 2A (XML) | Myocyte-specific enhancer-binding factor 2A (XML) ...
MetRS  ( in XML )  (115)
  » methionyl-tRNA synthetase (XML) | metabolic risk score (XML) | methionine aminoacyl tRNAMet synthetase (XML) | methionyl-tRNA synthetase from Escherichia coli (XML)
MEN I  ( in XML )  (109)
  » multiple endocrine neoplasia type I (XML) | multiple endocrine neoplasia (XML) | MEN-type I (XML) | multiple endocrine syndrome (XML)
MetAP2  ( in XML )  (108)
  » methionine aminopeptidase 2 (XML) | molecular target, methionine aminopeptidase-2 (XML)
mer  ( in XML )  (107)
  » mercury resistance (XML) | meridional (XML) | mercury (XML) | 10-methenyl-H4MPT reductase (XML) | many Hg-resistant (XML) ...
MeDIP-seq  ( in XML )  (104)
  » methylated DNA immunoprecipitation sequencing (XML) | methylated DNA immunoprecipitation combined with high-throughput sequencing (XML) | methylated DNA immunoprecipitation followed by sequencing (XML) | methylation dependent immunoprecipitation/DNA sequencing (XML) | Methylation Dependent ImmunoPrecipitation followed by sequencing (XML) ...
MEF2D  ( in XML )  (103)
  » myocyte enhancer factor 2D (XML) | myocyte-specific enhancer factor 2D (XML) | MEF2DLPC-KO mice (XML) | MEF2D-VP16 (XML) | Myocyte enhancer transcription factor 2D (XML)
mEGF  ( in XML )  (101)
  » mouse epidermal growth factor (XML) | mouse EGF (XML) | murine EGF (XML) | mouse submaxillary gland epidermal growth factor (XML) | mutated form of hEGF (XML)
MESs  ( in XML )  (101)
  » microembolic signals (XML) | microbial electrochemical systems (XML) | Mayo endoscopic subscores (XML) | microbial electrosynthesis systems (XML) | myoelectric signals (XML) ...
MECPP  ( in XML )  (100)
  » mono-(2-ethyl-5-carboxypentyl) phthalate (XML) | MECPP showed a positive correlation in the creatinine correction group (XML)
MeIQx  ( in XML )  (100)
  » mutagens 2-amino-3,8-dimethylimidazo(4,5-f)quinoxaline (XML) | major heterocyclic amines, 2-amino-3,8-dimethylimidazo(4,5-f)quinoxaline (XML) | mutagenic component has been identified as 2-amino-3,8-dimethylimidazo(4,5-f)quinoxaline (XML) | more effectively than 2-amino-3,8-dimethylimidazo(4,5-f)quinoxaline (XML) | meat are the heterocyclic aromatic amines, including 2-amino-3,8-dimethylimidazo(4,5-f)quinoxaline (XML) ...
MEH  ( in XML )  (99)
  » Multifocal epithelial hyperplasia (XML) | Moorfields Eye Hospital (XML) | medial hamstrings (XML) | meningo-encephalic-herniation (XML) | Meaning Extraction Helper (XML) ...
MEND  ( in XML )  (98)
  » multifunctional envelope-type nano device (XML) | massive endocytosis (XML) | Mastering Each New Direction (XML) | metabolic enhancement for neurodegeneration (XML) | Microbial-ENzyme Decomposition (XML) ...
MerTK  ( in XML )  (96)
  » Mer tyrosine kinase (XML) | MER proto-oncogene tyrosine kinase (XML) | Mer receptor tyrosine kinase (XML) | myeloid-epithelial-reproductive tyrosine kinase (XML) | Mer tyrosine kinase protooncogene (XML)
MEGs  ( in XML )  (96)
  » maternally expressed genes (XML) | motion encoding gradients (XML) | magnetoencephalograms (XML) | Maternal-effect genes (XML) | moist-electric generators (XML) ...
MERIT  ( in XML )  (94)
  » Metacognitive Reflection and Insight Therapy (XML) | Magistrates Early Referral Into Treatment (XML) | Mirasol Evaluation of Reduction in Infections Trial (XML) | Mayo Evaluation of Reflection on Improvement Tool (XML) | Multi-Error-Removed Improved-Terrain (XML) ...
MetO  ( in XML )  (94)
  » methionine sulfoxide (XML) | Met sulfoxide (XML) | methionine to methionine sulfoxide (XML) | methionine oxidation (XML) | protein-methionine sulfoxide (XML) ...
MED12  ( in XML )  (93)
  » mediator complex subunit 12 (XML) | mediator subcomplex 12 (XML) | mediator of RNA polymerase II transcription subunit 12 (XML) | Mediator subunit 12 (XML) | Mediator Complex Subunit 12 mutations (XML) ...
METS  ( in XML )  (93)
  » Measurement of Exercise Tolerance before Surgery (XML) | metabolic equivalents of task (XML) | Modeling the Epidemiologic Transition Study (XML) | metabolic units (XML) | memory-based event-triggered scheme (XML) ...
MeO-PBDEs  ( in XML )  (92)
  » methoxylated polybrominated diphenyl ethers (XML) | methoxylated PBDEs (XML)
MEAM1  ( in XML )  (91)
  » Middle East-Asia Minor 1 (XML) | Middle East-Minor Asia 1 (XML) | Middle East-Asia Minor 1, 'B' type (XML) | Middle East-Minor 1 cryptic species (XML) | Middle East-Asia Minor1 species (XML) ...
METex14  ( in XML )  (91)
  » MET exon 14 (XML) | MET exon 14 skipping (XML) | MET exon 14 skipping mutation (XML) | mesenchymal-epithelial transition exon 14 (XML) | Mesenchymal-epithelial transition factor exon 14 skipping alteration (XML) ...
MEEs  ( in XML )  (90)
  » middle ear effusions (XML) | middle-ear effusions (XML) | motor-endplate expressing cells (XML) | mechanical energy expenditures (XML) | medication exposure events (XML) ...
MeAIB  ( in XML )  (90)
  » methylaminoisobutyric acid (XML) | methyl-AIB (XML)
mecA  ( in XML )  (89)
  » methicillin resistance (XML) | methicillin-resistant determinant (XML) | methicillin resistance structural gene (XML) | methicillin resistance in Staphylococcus aureus (XML) | methicillin restraint S. aureus (XML) ...
MedPAR  ( in XML )  (88)
  » Medicare Provider Analysis and Review (XML) | Medicare inpatient records (XML) | Medicare patient discharge records (XML) | Medicare patients with epilepsy or seizure disorders (XML) | Medicare Provider Analysis (XML)
MELF  ( in XML )  (88)
  » microcystic, elongated, and fragmented (XML) | microendoscopic laminoforaminotomy (XML) | methanolic extract of L. flavescens (XML) | Medical English as a Lingua Franca (XML) | more aggressive and the elongated and fragmented glands (XML) ...
MECA  ( in XML )  (87)
  » Myoepithelial carcinoma (XML) | 5'-N-methylcarboxamidoadenosine (XML) | mecamylamine (XML) | Morehouse-Emory Cardiovascular (XML) | molecular emission cavity analysis (XML) ...
MEPC  ( in XML )  (86)
  » miniature end-plate currents (XML) | miniature EPC (XML) | microemulsion pre-concentrate (XML) | Marine Environmental Protection Committee (XML) | Macrofollicular encapsulated papillary carcinoma (XML) ...
MERT  ( in XML )  (85)
  » modulated electron radiotherapy (XML) | Medical Emergency Response Team (XML) | malignant extrarenal rhabdoid tumor (XML) | Macrophage Exclusion after Radiation Therapy (XML) | maximin efficiency robust test (XML) ...
MetAP  ( in XML )  (84)
  » methionine aminopeptidase (XML) | methionyl aminopeptidase from Escherichia coli (XML)
MetSO  ( in XML )  (81)
  » methionine sulfoxide (XML) | Metabolic Syndrome Outcome Study (XML) | Met sulfoxide (XML) | methionine to methionine sulfoxide (XML) | Met to methionine sulfoxide (XML) ...
MeBr  ( in XML )  (78)
  » methyl bromide (XML) | methobromide (XML)
MESNA  ( in XML )  (78)
  » 2-mercaptoethane sulfonate (XML) | Sodium-2-mercaptoethanesulfonate (XML) | 2-mercaptoethane sulfonate sodium (XML) | 2-mercaptoethane sodium (XML) | 2-mercaptoethanesulfonic acid sodium salt (XML)
meta  ( in XML )  (78)
  » metastasis (XML) | meta-analysis (XML) | most critical steps for accurate taxonomic identification in DNA (XML) | multi-flash visible laser excitation at room temperature, we visualize all (XML) | multi-anvil cells and remain (XML) ...
MESF  ( in XML )  (77)
  » molecules of equivalent soluble fluorochrome (XML) | methanolic extract of S. foetida seeds (XML) | mouse embryonic skin fibroblasts (XML) | minimum error score fusion (XML) | methanolic extracts of Sapota fruit (XML)
MEMs  ( in XML )  (76)
  » maximal exact matches (XML) | mixed effects models (XML) | middle ear muscles (XML) | multisource exchangeability models (XML) | mild errors of morphogenesis (XML) ...
MeHA  ( in XML )  (76)
  » methacrylated hyaluronic acid (XML) | methacrylated HA (XML) | methacrylates (XML) | methylhistamine (XML) | methacrylated hyaluronate (XML) ...
MESE  ( in XML )  (75)
  » multi-echo spin-echo (XML) | Maximum Entropy Spectrum Estimation (XML) | multiecho SE (XML) | mixed effects structural equations (XML) | multiband envelope spectra extraction (XML) ...
MEITL  ( in XML )  (75)
  » monomorphic epitheliotropic intestinal T-cell lymphoma (XML) | Monomorphic intestinal T-cell lymphoma (XML) | monomorphic epitheliotropic ITL (XML)
MeO  ( in XML )  (75)
  » methyl orange (XML) | methoxylated (XML) | methoxy (XML) | mechanism of cellulose in Amim (XML) | 2-methoxyethylamine (XML) ...
me  ( in XML )  (75)
  » motheaten (XML) | methylation (XML) | methylated (XML) | migration rate (XML) | metastases (XML) ...
META  ( in XML )  (73)
  » Management of Everyday Technology Assessment (XML) | Medical Editors Trial Amnesty (XML) | Metathesaurus (XML) | medical emergency team activation (XML) | metabolic enzymes transiently assembling (XML) ...
MENT  ( in XML )  (73)
  » 7alpha-methyl-19-nortestosterone (XML) | Morel Emotional Numbing Test (XML) | mentalis (XML) | mentalizing network (XML) | Morel Emotional Numbing Test for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (XML) ...
MESO  ( in XML )  (72)
  » mesothelioma (XML) | MELD to serum sodium ratio (XML) | mesothelin (XML) | MELD:sodium ratio (XML) | MELD to sodium (XML) ...
MEK/ERK  ( in XML )  (72)
  » mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase/extracellular signal-regulated kinase (XML) | mitogen activated protein kinase/extracellular regulated kinase kinase/extracellular regulated kinase (XML) | MAP kinase kinase/extracellular signal-regulated kinase (XML) | mitogen-induced extracellular kinase/extracellular signal-regulated kinase (XML) | MEK/extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) (XML) ...
MEMO  ( in XML )  (71)
  » Medicines Monitoring Unit (XML) | mutant enrichment with 3'-modified oligonucleotides (XML) | Minimizing Error, Maximizing Outcome (XML) | Memory and Morbidity in Augsburg Elderly (XML) | 3-Methacryloxypropyltrimethoxysilane (XML) ...
MELD-XI  ( in XML )  (70)
  » model for end-stage liver disease excluding international normalized ratio (XML) | Model for End-stage Liver Disease excluding INR (XML) | MELD excluding the international normalized ratio (XML) | MELD excluding INR (XML) | model for end-stage liver disease-XI (XML) ...
MEZ  ( in XML )  (70)
  » mezerein (XML) | mezlocillin (XML) | myoid and ellipsoid zone (XML) | malic enzyme (XML) | Metconazole (XML) ...
mETC  ( in XML )  (69)
  » mitochondrial electron transport chain (XML)
mEHT  ( in XML )  (69)
  » Modulated electro-hyperthermia (XML) | modulated, 13.56-MHz, radiofrequency-generated electrohyperthermia (XML)
M-ECT  ( in XML )  (69)
  » maintenance electroconvulsive therapy (XML) | maintenance ECT (XML) | maintenance form (XML)
MeSeCys  ( in XML )  (68)
  » Se-methylselenocysteine (XML) | methyl-Se-cysteine (XML) | MeSeMet and methylselenocysteine (XML) | Se-Methylated selenoamino acids, Se-methylselenocysteine (XML)
ME1  ( in XML )  (67)
  » malic enzyme 1 (XML) | malic enzyme 1, NADP(+)-dependent, cytosolic (XML) | ME1a and ME1b (XML) | ME1-Tg mice (XML)
MerA  ( in XML )  (67)
  » mercuric reductase (XML) | mercuric reductase enzyme (XML)
MECP  ( in XML )  (66)
  » minimum energy crossing point (XML) | 2C-methyl-D-erythritol-2,4-cyclodiphosphate (XML) | methanolic extract of Costus pictus (XML) | methanol extract of C. pectinata (XML) | mitoxantrone, etoposide, carboplatin, and prednisolone (XML) ...
Mes  ( in XML )  (66)
  » mesityl (XML) | mesencephalic (XML) | methanesulfonate (XML) | mesoderm (XML) | mesenchymal-like cells (XML) ...
MesPGN  ( in XML )  (65)
  » mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis (XML) | mesangial proliferative GN (XML) | mesangial cell proliferative nephropathy (XML) | Mesangial proliferative nephritis (XML)
MEIs  ( in XML )  (65)
  » mobile element insertions (XML) | monoenergetic images (XML) | middle ear implants (XML) | microsomal enzyme inducers (XML) | most exciting inputs (XML) ...
MeCN  ( in XML )  (64)
  » mixture of acetonitrile (XML) | methyl cyanide (XML) | metal cations in acetonitrile (XML) | 2-methylpentene decompose spontaneously in acetonitrile (XML) | 3-methyl-3-buten-1-ols by using a PdCl2 (XML) ...
MEMD  ( in XML )  (63)
  » multivariate empirical mode decomposition (XML) | multivariate EMD (XML) | melanoma metastasis clone D (XML) | mode decomposition (XML) | methanolic extract of M. dioica seeds (XML) ...
MEUF  ( in XML )  (63)
  » micellar-enhanced ultrafiltration (XML) | methanolic extract of U . fasciata Delile (XML) | micellar enhanced ultrafiltration technique (XML) | Micellar-enhanced ultrafiltration process (XML)
mERG  ( in XML )  (63)
  » multifocal electroretinogram (XML) | multifocal ERG (XML) | mouse ether-a-go-go (XML) | murine ERG (XML) | mouse ERG (XML)
MED1  ( in XML )  (61)
  » mediator complex subunit 1 (XML) | mediator subunit 1 (XML) | mediator 1 (XML) | multiple epiphyseal dysplasia type 1 (XML)
MEGA-PRESS  ( in XML )  (60)
  » Mescher-Garwood point-resolved spectroscopy (XML) | MEGA-point-resolved spectroscopy (XML) | MEGA-Point Resolved Spectroscopy Sequence (XML) | MEscher and GArwood-Point RESolved Spectroscopy (XML) | METHODS: J-difference-edited Mescher-Garwood PRESS (XML) ...
MESI  ( in XML )  (59)
  » multi-exposure speckle imaging (XML) | membrane extraction with a sorbent interface (XML) | mangled extremity syndrome index (XML) | Medication Experience Scale for Immunosuppressants (XML) | menstrual specificity index (XML) ...
mER  ( in XML )  (58)
  » membrane estrogen receptor (XML) | membrane ER (XML) | membrane form of estrogen receptor (XML) | membrane-associated estrogen receptors (XML) | membrane-associated ER (XML) ...
MERCs  ( in XML )  (58)
  » mitochondria-ER contacts (XML) | mitochondria-endoplasmic reticulum contacts (XML) | Microbial electroremediating cells (XML) | membrane contact sites (XML) | Reticulum-Mitochondria Contacts (XML) ...
meth  ( in XML )  (57)
  » methyl (XML) | Thermo-Mechanical Characterization of Polymeric Blends Based on Di (XML) | promoter-methylated (XML) | more than one (XML) | more sensitizing than a (XML) ...
MET-PET  ( in XML )  (56)
  » 11C-methionine positron emission tomography (XML) | methionine PET (XML) | MET-positron emission tomography (XML) | 11C-methyl-L-methionine-PET (XML)
MESOR  ( in XML )  (56)
  » midline estimating statistic of rhythm (XML) | midline statistic of rhythm (XML) | MESOR-hypertension when the chronome-adjusted mean value (XML)
MEDT  ( in XML )  (56)
  » Molecular Electron Density Theory (XML) | Musical Emotion Discrimination Task (XML) | medical therapy (XML) | Multiple epiphyseal dysplasia tarda (XML) | microwave enhancing dynamic therapy (XML)
MetH  ( in XML )  (55)
  » methionine synthase (XML) | metabolic health (XML) | methyltransferase (XML) | methionine synthase from Escherichia coli (XML) | l-methionine by methionine synthase (XML) ...
MedRec  ( in XML )  (55)
  » medication reconciliation (XML)
meanSD  ( in XML )  (54)
  » mean differences (XML) | mass index (XML) | Movement patterns were characterized by the spatial variability (XML) | medications (XML) | mean EQ-5D-5L Index score (XML) ...
MERTK  ( in XML )  (54)
  » Mer tyrosine kinase (XML) | Mer receptor tyrosine kinase (XML) | Mer tyrosine kinase receptor (XML) | mer tyrosine kinase protooncogene (XML) | Myeloid epithelial reproductive proto-oncogene tyrosine kinase (XML)
mEVs  ( in XML )  (54)
  » milk-derived extracellular vesicles (XML) | milk extracellular vesicles (XML) | microbial DNA-containing extracellular vesicles (XML) | medium EVs (XML) | milk-derived EVs (XML) ...
MEDI  ( in XML )  (53)
  » morphology enabled dipole inversion (XML) | Multidimensional Emotional Disorder Inventory (XML) | MEDication Indication (XML) | Medicinal Chemistry Division (XML) | medication indication resource (XML) ...
MeI  ( in XML )  (53)
  » methyl iodide (XML) | 4-methylimidazole (XML) | Meconium ileus (XML) | methane intensity (XML) | methylation index (XML)
MEIS1  ( in XML )  (53)
  » Myeloid ecotropic viral integration site 1 (XML) | Meis homeobox 1 (XML) | movement index was significantly associated with rs113851554 (XML) | murine ecotropic integration site 1 gene (XML)
met-enkephalin  ( in XML )  (53)
  » methionine-enkephalin (XML)
M-E  ( in XML )  (52)
  » morningness-eveningness (XML) | mechanistic-empirical (XML) | Metabolite E (XML) | easy monosyllabic (XML) | MCPZnPC-EPL (XML) ...
MERIS  ( in XML )  (52)
  » Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (XML) | Medication Risk Score (XML) | Medium-spectral Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (XML) | Medical Error Reporting Information System (XML)
MenA  ( in XML )  (51)
  » meningococcal serogroup A (XML) | meningococcal (XML) | meningitidis group A (XML) | meningitidis type A (XML) | meningococcal capsular group A conjugate (XML) ...
meQTL  ( in XML )  (51)
  » methylation quantitative trait loci (XML) | methylation QTL (XML) | methylation expression quantitative trait loci (XML) | methylation associated with nearby sequence variation (XML)
MEIC  ( in XML )  (51)
  » Multicentre Evaluation of In Vitro Cytotoxicity (XML) | Multi-resolution Emission Inventory for China (XML) | maximum electrically induced contraction (XML) | model for Climate and air pollution research (XML) | methanolic leaf extract of Indigofera cassioides (XML) ...
MERRA-2  ( in XML )  (51)
  » Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications, Version 2 (XML) | Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research-2 (XML)
MEKK  ( in XML )  (50)
  » MEK kinase (XML) | mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase (XML) | mitogen-activated protein kinase/extracellular signal-regulated kinase kinase kinase (XML) | MAPK kinase kinase (XML) | MAPK/extracellular signal-regulated kinase kinase (XML) ...
MEAM  ( in XML )  (50)
  » modified embedded atom method (XML) | material extrusion additive manufacturing (XML) | magnetic electroanatomic mapping (XML) | Malnutrition-Eat Additional Meal (XML) | matched controls completed the experimental music (XML) ...
MERs  ( in XML )  (50)
  » microelectrode recordings (XML) | maintenance energy requirements (XML) | market entry rewards (XML) | Major Error Rates (XML) | Medical escape rooms (XML) ...
MEF50  ( in XML )  (49)
  » maximal expiratory flow at 50% of vital capacity (XML) | maximal expiratory flow at 50% of FVC (XML) | maximal expiratory flow at 50% of expired volume (XML) | maximal flow after expiring 50% of the FVC (XML)
Me-beta-CD  ( in XML )  (49)
  » methyl-beta-cyclodextrin (XML) | methylated-beta-CD (XML) | Me-beta-cyclodextrin (XML) | randomly-methylated beta-CD (XML) | m-THPC inclusion complex with dimethyl-beta-cyclodextrin (XML)
MEMS/NEMS  ( in XML )  (49)
  » micro/nanoelectromechanical systems (XML) | micro-electro-mechanical/nano-electro-mechanical systems (XML) | mechanical microstructures in micro/nanoelectromechanical systems (XML)
Med  ( in XML )  (48)
  » medicarpin (XML) | Medea (XML) | Mediterranean diet score (XML) | mediators (XML) | motor end-plate disease (XML) ...
MEAP  ( in XML )  (48)
  » Met-enkephalin-Arg-Phe (XML) | methionine-enkephalin-arginine-phenylalanine (XML) | multi-exemplar affinity propagation (XML) | Met-Enk-Arg6-Phe7 (XML) | Multiphasic Environmental Assessment Procedure (XML) ...
MECS  ( in XML )  (48)
  » Multi Electrode Current Source (XML) | medical elastic compression stockings (XML) | minor eye conditions scheme (XML) | 2C-methyl-d-erythritol 2,4-cyclodiphosphate synthase (XML) | Multidimensional Environmental Concern Scale (XML) ...
MeCCNU  ( in XML )  (48)
  » 1-(2-chloroethyl)-3-(4-methylcyclohexyl)-1-nitrosourea (XML) | methyl-CCNU (XML) | methyl-1,3-cis(2-chloroethyl-1-nitrosourea) (XML) | 1-(2-chloroethyl)-1-nitroso-3(4-methyl)-cyclohexylurea (XML) | methylcyclohexyl chloroethyl nitrosourea (XML)
MECI  ( in XML )  (47)
  » minimum energy conical intersection (XML) | minimum-energy CI (XML) | multi-exposure laser speckle contrast imaging (XML) | minimal-energy crossing point (XML) | methyl-ethyl-substituted Criegee intermediate (XML) ...
MEBO  ( in XML )  (47)
  » moist exposed burn ointment (XML) | moist burn moisturizer (XML) | malignant extrahepatic biliary obstruction (XML) | methanolic extract of Brassica oleraceae (XML) | MEBO group (XML)
mE  ( in XML )  (47)
  » minor error (XML) | mesodermalized ectoderm (XML) | egg mass (XML) | Effective mass (XML) | mitral early diastolic flow speed (XML) ...
MEDIC  ( in XML )  (47)
  » multiple-echo data image combination (XML) | Multicenter Electrophysiologic Device Infection Cohort (XML) | motion-enhanced differential interference contrast (XML) | medium-dose intermittent chemotherapy (XML) | Michigan Emergency Department Improvement Collaborative (XML) ...
meta-GGA  ( in XML )  (46)
  » meta-generalized gradient approximation (XML) | hybrid-meta, long-range-corrected, meta-generalized gradient approximation (XML) | meta-generalised-gradient (XML)
Mer  ( in XML )  (46)
  » Merlin (XML) | methylenetetrahydromethanopterin reductase (XML) | Mer tyrosine kinase (XML) | Mer receptor tyrosine kinase (XML) | mercury chloride (XML) ...
METSIM  ( in XML )  (46)
  » Metabolic Syndrome in Men (XML) | main results were confirmed in a larger cross-sectional study population (XML)
med  ( in XML )  (46)
  » motor endplate disease (XML) | muscle displayed significantly higher F (XML) | median values (XML) | medrysone (XML) | medial (XML) ...
MeN  ( in XML )  (45)
  » Mesoamerican nephropathy (XML) | Mesoamerican endemic nephropathy (XML) | mol(-1) less stable than (XML) | 1-methylnicotinamide (XML) | measles nucleoprotein (XML) ...
MetAPs  ( in XML )  (45)
  » Methionine aminopeptidases (XML) | Met-aminopeptidases (XML)
Met-ENK  ( in XML )  (45)
  » Met-enkephalin (XML)
MEMA  ( in XML )  (45)
  » middle ear muscle activity (XML) | Microenvironment Microarray (XML) | 2-N-morpholinoethyl methacrylate (XML) | methylene chloride extract of MA (XML) | mucoid extracellular matrix accumulation (XML) ...
MEAC  ( in XML )  (45)
  » minimum effective analgesic concentration (XML) | methanolic extract of A. cadamba (XML) | minimal effective antibiotic concentration (XML) | maximum entropy analytic continuation (XML) | methanol extract (XML) ...
ME2  ( in XML )  (44)
  » malic enzyme 2 (XML) | Multilinear Engine 2 (XML)
MECG  ( in XML )  (44)
  » maternal ECG (XML) | multi-lead electrocardiogram (XML) | mechano-electrocardiogram (XML) | multi-channel ECG (XML) | mean high-amplification ECG (XML) ...
MEME  ( in XML )  (44)
  » Multiple Em for Motif Elicitation (XML) | multiple expectation maximization for motif elicitation (XML) | mixed effects model of evolution (XML) | Multiple Expression motifs for Motif Elicitation (XML) | membrane-enclosed multienzyme (XML) ...
MetALD  ( in XML )  (43)
  » MASLD with increased alcohol intake (XML) | metabolic dysfunction and alcohol-associated liver disease (XML) | metabolic and alcohol related/associated liver disease (XML) | moderate alcohol intake (XML) | metabolic alcoholic liver disease (XML) ...
MEKs  ( in XML )  (43)
  » MAPK/ERK kinases (XML) | mitogen-activated protein kinase kinases (XML) | MAP kinase kinases (XML) | mouse epidermal keratinocytes (XML) | MAPK kinases (XML) ...
MeFS  ( in XML )  (42)
  » metastasis-free survival (XML)
METRNL  ( in XML )  (41)
  » meteorin-like (XML) | meteorin-like protein (XML) | meteorin-like peptide (XML) | Meteorin-like hormone (XML) | Meteorin, glial cell differentiation regulator-like (XML)
met  ( in XML )  (40)
  » metallic (XML) | metabolic enthalpy H (XML) | 35S-methionine (XML) | MetRS-5SRNP-tRNA (XML) | plasmid expressing the EGS from the tRNA (XML) ...
METTL  ( in XML )  (40)
  » methyltransferase-like (XML) | methyltransferase-like protein (XML) | methyltransferase-like family (XML) | methanol extract of T. trilobatum leaves (XML)
MEm  ( in XML )  (40)
  » metabolizable energy for maintenance (XML) | maintenance energy requirement (XML) | methane emissions (XML) | ME for maintenance (XML) | maintenance energy requirements (XML) ...
MEDEVAC  ( in XML )  (39)
  » medical evacuation (XML) | medically evacuated (XML) | decision-makers in determining which aeromedical evacuation (XML) | medical evacuation by helicopter (XML)
MELoR  ( in XML )  (39)
  » Malaysian Elders Longitudinal Research (XML)
MET1  ( in XML )  (39)
  » METHYLTRANSFERASE1 (XML) | methyl transferase 1 (XML) | methyltransferase type 1 (XML) | methoprene-tolerant 1 (XML)
MeJ  ( in XML )  (39)
  » methyl jasmonate (XML)
MENs  ( in XML )  (39)
  » magnetoelectric nanoparticles (XML) | molecular ecological networks (XML) | multiple endocrine neoplasias (XML) | molecular ecological networks analysis (XML) | myenteric neurons (XML) ...
MenACWY  ( in XML )  (39)
  » meningococcal serogroups A, C, W, and Y (XML) | meningococcal ACWY (XML) | Meningococcal conjugate vaccines against serogroups A, C, W, and Y (XML) | meningococcal vaccines targeting serogroups A, C, W, and Y (XML) | meninigitidis group A, C, W, Y (XML) ...
MEPH  ( in XML )  (39)
  » mephedrone (XML) | methylephedrine (XML) | methylphenidate (XML) | methanolic extract of P. harmala (XML) | methanolic extract of P. hysterophorus (XML) ...
MERIT-HF  ( in XML )  (39)
  » Metoprolol CR/XL Randomised Intervention Trial in Congestive Heart Failure (XML) | Metoprolol Controlled-Release Randomised Intervention Trial in Heart Failure (XML) | Metoprolol Succinate Controlled-Release/Extended-Release Randomized Intervention Trial in Heart Failure (XML)
MeIm  ( in XML )  (39)
  » 1-methylimidazole (XML) | N-methylimidazole (XML) | Metal-Organic Framework Zn (XML) | IX-monomethyl esters (PPIX(MME)) and N-methylimidazole (XML) | manganese(I) tricarbonyl complex PhB (XML) ...
Metf  ( in XML )  (39)
  » metformin (XML) | makes the sequence of the anticodon loop of tRNA (XML) | Metf. group (XML) | metformin hydrochloride (XML) | metformin administration alone (XML)
Mena  ( in XML )  (38)
  » mammalian enabled (XML) | mammalian Ena (XML) | member of the Ena/VASP family (XML) | mammalian homolog of the Drosophila enabled protein (XML) | murine-Enabled (XML)
MetR  ( in XML )  (38)
  » methionine restriction (XML) | modes of DNA recognition: anti-parallel beta strands (XML) | methionine-rich (XML) | Methionine dietary restriction (XML) | methionine biosynthesis regulator (XML) ...
MESC  ( in XML )  (38)
  » Morningness-Eveningness Scale for Children (XML) | Metrics for Evaluation of Scientific Claims (XML) | microbial electrosynthesis cell (XML) | mediated expression score regression (XML) | monopolar electrosurgical conization (XML) ...
MEDALZ  ( in XML )  (38)
  » Medication use and Alzheimer's disease (XML)
METTL1  ( in XML )  (37)
  » methyltransferase-like 1 (XML) | methyltransferase 1 (XML) | methyltransferase-like protein-1 (XML) | methyltransferase like-1 protein (XML)
MEVs  ( in XML )  (37)
  » multi-epitope vaccines (XML) | mastoid emissary veins (XML) | milk-derived EVs (XML) | ME variants (XML) | milk EVs (XML) ...
MEMR  ( in XML )  (37)
  » middle ear muscle reflex (XML) | multiple exostoses-mental retardation (XML) | motor cortex-evoked muscle response (XML) | memory or emotional complaints without muscle power or response speed (XML) | mobile electronic medical record (XML)
MECU  ( in XML )  (37)
  » Mobile Emergency Care Unit (XML) | multi-epitope chimeric antigen (XML) | Medical Emergency Care Unit in Copenhagen (XML) | medical emergency care unit (XML)
mesDA  ( in XML )  (36)
  » mesencephalic dopaminergic (XML) | mesencephalic dopamine (XML) | mesencephalic DA (XML) | Midbrain dopaminergic neurons (XML)
MetE  ( in XML )  (36)
  » methionine synthase (XML) | methionine synthase from Escherichia coli (XML)
MESH  ( in XML )  (36)
  » Mentoring and Enhanced Supervision at Health Centers (XML) | mesh size (XML) | maximum expected size of hail (XML) | mesh ablator catheter (XML) | Matched emotional supports in health care (XML) ...
Men  ( in XML )  (36)
  » meningococcal (XML) | Malic enzyme (XML) | L(-)-menthol (XML) | meningitidis (XML) | meningococcal serogroups (XML) ...
MERFISH  ( in XML )  (36)
  » multiplexed error-robust fluorescence in situ hybridization (XML) | multiplexed error-robust FISH (XML)
MENS  ( in XML )  (36)
  » microcurrent electrical nerve stimulation (XML) | microcurrent electrical neuromuscular stimulation (XML) | methanolic extracts of Nigella sativaL. seeds (XML) | multicomponent envelope-type nanoparticle systems (XML) | microelectric neurostimulation (XML) ...
MERS CoV  ( in XML )  (36)
  » Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (XML) | Middle Eastern respiratory syndrome caused by novel coronavirus (XML) | Middle Eastern Coronavirus (XML) | Middle East respiratory syndrome-CoV (XML)
meso-DAP  ( in XML )  (36)
  » meso-diaminopimelic acid (XML) | meso-diaminopimelate (XML) | gamma-D-glutamyl-meso-diaminopimelic acid (XML) | Most bacteria require either lysine, or its biosynthetic precursor, diaminopimelate (XML) | meso-2, 6-diaminoheptanedioate (XML) ...
MEKK3  ( in XML )  (36)
  » mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 3 (XML) | Mitogen-activated protein kinase/extracellular signal-regulated kinase kinase kinase 3 (XML) | MAP kinase kinase kinase 3 (XML) | MAPK kinase kinase 3 (XML) | MEKK3-nhelix (XML) ...
MEU  ( in XML )  (36)
  » morphine equivalent units (XML) | maximum expected utility (XML) | multiply exposed uninfected (XML) | medical education unit (XML) | methyleugenol (XML) ...
MECD  ( in XML )  (35)
  » Meesmann's epithelial corneal dystrophy (XML) | Meesmann corneal dystrophy (XML) | microwave-enhanced catalytic degradation (XML) | multiple exostosis chondrodysplasia (XML) | Modulated electrochemical deposition (XML) ...
MEKP  ( in XML )  (35)
  » methyl ethyl ketone peroxide (XML)
mEPSPs  ( in XML )  (35)
  » miniature excitatory postsynaptic potentials (XML) | miniature EPSPs (XML)
mETE  ( in XML )  (35)
  » minimal extrathyroidal extension (XML) | microscopic extrathyroidal extension (XML) | minimal ETE (XML) | minor ETE (XML) | micro-extension (XML)
Meth A  ( in XML )  (34)
  » methylcholanthrene-induced fibrosarcoma (XML) | methylcholanthrene (XML) | murine tumor, methylcholanthrene-induced fibrosarcoma (XML) | modified-self or another tumor (XML) | methylcholanthrene-induced (XML)
MeVO  ( in XML )  (34)
  » medium vessel occlusion (XML) | medium-sized vessel occlusion (XML)
MeC  ( in XML )  (34)
  » 5-methylcytosine (XML) | methylcellulose acid gel (XML) | methane concentration (XML) | metatarsal circumference (XML) | mesoporous carbons (XML) ...
MEK-1  ( in XML )  (34)
  » mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase-1 (XML) | MAPK/extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1 (XML) | MAP kinase kinase-1 (XML) | mitogen-activated protein kinase/extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1 (XML) | mitogen- or extracellular signal-regulated kinase kinase-1 (XML) ...
MEC-AD  ( in XML )  (34)
  » microbial electrolysis cell assisted anaerobic digester (XML) | microbial electrochemical anaerobic digestion system (XML) | microbial electrolysis cell AD (XML) | MEC coupled to anaerobic digestion (XML) | MEC to AD (XML)
MEIS  ( in XML )  (33)
  » medium energy ion scattering (XML) | myeloid ecotropic viral integration site (XML) | Multivariate Emotional Intelligence Scale (XML) | Medium-energy ion spectroscopy (XML) | My experience of illness scale (XML) ...
MELISA  ( in XML )  (33)
  » memory lymphocyte immunostimulation assay (XML) | mixed enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (XML) | magnetic bead-based enzyme-linked immunoassay (XML) | Mapping sentinel lymph nodes in early-stage ovarian cancer (XML) | magnetic solid phase enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (XML) ...
mERs  ( in XML )  (33)
  » membrane estrogen receptors (XML) | membrane-associated estrogen receptors (XML) | membrane ERs (XML) | membrane-localized ERs (XML) | medaka ERs (XML) ...
MEIM  ( in XML )  (33)
  » Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure (XML) | modified effective index method (XML) | macrophage experimental infection model (XML)
MEF25  ( in XML )  (32)
  » maximal expiratory flow at 25% of the forced vital capacity (XML) | maximal expiratory flow at 25% of FVC (XML) | maximum expiratory flow at 25% of lung filling (XML) | MEF after 25% of VC had been expired (XML) | Maximal expiratory flow at 25% of FVC from residual volume (XML)
MEcPP  ( in XML )  (32)
  » methylerythritol cyclodiphosphate (XML)
MEAL  ( in XML )  (32)
  » Mediterranean healthy Eating, Aging and Lifestyle (XML) | Men's Eating and Living (XML) | methanolic extract of Acanthus ilicifolius leaves (XML) | Managing Eating Aversions and Limited variety (XML) | Mediterranean healthy Eating, Lifestyle and Aging (XML) ...
MEDA  ( in XML )  (32)
  » micro-electrode-dot-array (XML) | minimal evidence of disease activity (XML) | methotrexate, etoposide, dexamethasone and pegaspargase (XML) | manifold embedded distribution alignment (XML) | Mars Environmental Dynamics Analyzer (XML) ...
MEGS  ( in XML )  (32)
  » magnetic resonance enterography global score (XML) | mitochondrial energy-generating system (XML) | MRE global score (XML) | model-enabled gene search (XML) | MRI enterography global score (XML) ...
MEG/EEG  ( in XML )  (32)
  » magneto- and electroencephalography (XML) | magnetoencephalography/electroencephalography (XML) | multivariate decoding of electrophysiological brain responses (XML)
MePEG  ( in XML )  (31)
  » methoxy poly(ethylene glycol) (XML) | monomethoxy-terminated poly(ethylene glycol) (XML)
MESTK  ( in XML )  (31)
  » Mixed epithelial and stromal tumor of the kidney (XML)
MeTHF  ( in XML )  (31)
  » 2-methyltetrahydrofuran (XML) | Methyl-tetrahydrofolate (XML)
MELT  ( in XML )  (31)
  » Mantle Electromagnetic and Tomography (XML) | mobile element locator tool (XML) | Middle Cerebral Artery Embolism Local Fibrinolytic Intervention Trial (XML) | masturbation ejaculatory latency time (XML) | microdebrider excision and liposuction technique (XML) ...
MeDiet  ( in XML )  (31)
  » Mediterranean diet (XML) | Mediterranean dietary pattern (XML) | Mediterranean food pattern (XML) | Mediterranean-type diets (XML)
MEAW  ( in XML )  (31)
  » multiloop edgewise archwire (XML) | Multiloop Edgewise Archwire Technique (XML)
MEMSs  ( in XML )  (31)
  » microelectromechanical systems (XML) | micro-electro-mechanical systems (XML) | Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (XML) | magnetic microelectromechanical systems (XML) | measured by electronic monitors (XML) ...
MeG  ( in XML )  (31)
  » methylglyoxal (XML) | O6-methylguanine (XML) | methyl gallate (XML) | methyl green (XML) | 3-o-methylglucose (XML) ...
MeT  ( in XML )  (31)
  » methyltransferase (XML) | methyltestosterone (XML) | alpha-methyltestosterone (XML) | 1-methylthymine (XML) | Metformin (XML) ...
MEANS  ( in XML )  (31)
  » Modular ECG Analysis System (XML) | Multi-Ethnic Alignment Normative Study (XML) | Modular Electrocardiographic Analysis (XML) | Model for Estimating Anthropogenic pollutaNts diScharges (XML) | mean signal (XML) ...
mec  ( in XML )  (30)
  » methicillin resistance determinant (XML) | methicillin resistance (XML) | mec gene complex (XML) | methicillin (XML) | methoxychlor (XML) ...
MeRIP-qPCR  ( in XML )  (30)
  » methylated RNA immunoprecipitation-qPCR (XML) | methylated RNA immunoprecipitation quantitative polymerase chain reaction (XML) | methylated RNA immunoprecipitation-quantitative PCR (XML) | methylated RIP-qPCR (XML) | methylated RNA immunoprecipitation sequencing qPCR (XML) ...
MedPAC  ( in XML )  (30)
  » Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (XML) | Medicare Payment Advisory (XML)
MeGlcA  ( in XML )  (30)
  » methylglucuronic acid (XML) | 4-O-methyl-alpha-D-glucuronosyl residues (XML) | methylated GlcA (XML) | methyl glucuronate (XML)
MedD  ( in XML )  (30)
  » Mediterranean diet (XML) | management.Mediterranean diet (XML) | MD tailored to their habitual energy intakes (XML)
MEMC  ( in XML )  (30)
  » methanol extract of M. calabura leaves (XML) | methoxyethyl mercuric chloride (XML) | motion estimation and motion compensation (XML) | Middle ear muscle contractions (XML) | methylene chloride extracts of the M. cortex root (XML) ...
MEL-A  ( in XML )  (30)
  » mannosylerythritol lipid-A (XML) | 4-O-((4',6'-di-O-acetyl-2',3'-di-O-alkanoyl)-beta-d-mannopyranosyl)-meso-erythritol (XML) | meso-erythritol A (XML)
Mesh  ( in XML )  (30)
  » methods (XML) | 1966-May 2010 with the following key words: Chiropractic (XML) | METHODS: A Pubmed search using Simvastatin (XML) | MEDLINE (1/1990-6/2012) using the search criteria: Hepatitis B (XML) | MESH terms: Brain Death/legislation and jurisprudence (XML) ...
MEOX2  ( in XML )  (30)
  » mesenchyme homeobox 2 (XML) | mesenchyme homeobox protein 2 (XML) | mesenchyme HOX-2 (XML)
MESSi  ( in XML )  (30)
  » Morningness-Eveningness-Stability-Scale improved (XML) | Morningness-Eveningness-Stability-Scale (XML) | measure circadian preference and stability (XML)
MEFA  ( in XML )  (30)
  » multiepitope fusion antigen (XML) | material and energy flow analysis (XML) | multilevel exploratory factor analyses (XML) | mefenamic acid (XML) | multi-scale edge feature attention module (XML) ...
Meta  ( in XML )  (29)
  » metarhodopsin (XML) | molecular weights (XML) | metastatic liver cancer (XML) | metastatic colon adenocarcinoma (XML) | metastatic brain tumour cases (XML) ...
MECPs  ( in XML )  (29)
  » minimum energy crossing points (XML) | Met-enkephalin-containing peptides (XML) | multiplicities at the crossing points (XML) | miniature endplate currents (XML)
MERI  ( in XML )  (29)
  » middle ear risk index (XML) | Maximizing Engagement for Readiness and Impact (XML) | Middle East research institute (XML) | Mericanel della Brianza (XML) | Medical Education Research and Innovation (XML)
MEn  ( in XML )  (28)
  » metabolizable energy (XML) | motion entropy (XML) | methionine enkephalin (XML) | ME corrected for nitrogen balance (XML) | ME adjusted for a zero N balance (XML) ...
MelB  ( in XML )  (28)
  » melibiose permease (XML) | melibiose transporter (XML) | melibiose transporter from Escherichia coli (XML) | methylene blue (XML) | melibiose permease of Escherichia coli (XML) ...
mECG  ( in XML )  (28)
  » maternal electrocardiogram (XML) | mobile electrocardiogram (XML) | mobile ECG (XML) | mother ECG (XML)
MEAS  ( in XML )  (28)
  » methanolic extract of A. subulatum dry fruits (XML) | Medical Error Attitude Scale (XML) | multi-ethnic anthropometric survey (XML) | Meaningful and Enjoyable Activities Scale (XML) | methanol extract of A. scholaris bark (XML) ...
MEES  ( in XML )  (28)
  » Mainz Emergency Evaluation Score (XML) | Multiphoton electron extraction spectroscopy (XML) | mobile epilepsy educational system (XML) | Medical E-Learning Evaluation Survey (XML) | multiscale energy and eigenspace (XML) ...
mEGFP  ( in XML )  (28)
  » monomeric enhanced green fluorescent protein (XML) | membrane-bound enhanced green fluorescent protein (XML) | mutant enhanced green fluorescence protein gene (XML) | membrane bound EGFP (XML) | monomeric EGFP variant (XML) ...
METS-VF  ( in XML )  (27)
  » Metabolic Score for Visceral Fat (XML) | Metabolic Visceral Fat Score (XML)
MEK5  ( in XML )  (27)
  » MAPK kinase 5 (XML) | Mitogen/extracellular signal-regulated kinase kinase-5 (XML) | mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 5 (XML) | MEK5DD (XML) | MEK5-ca (XML) ...
MECLR  ( in XML )  (27)
  » mixed epidermal cell-lymphocyte reaction (XML) | mixed epithelial cell-lymphocyte culture reaction (XML) | methanol extract of C. lutea root (XML) | mixed EC lymphocyte reaction (XML)
MeB  ( in XML )  (27)
  » methylene blue (XML) | methyl blue (XML)
Meb  ( in XML )  (27)
  » mebendazole (XML)
MEDP  ( in XML )  (27)
  » Malaria Elimination Demonstration Project (XML) | mitochondrial energy-dissipation pathway (XML) | Medical Education Development Program (XML) | minority ethnic deaf people (XML) | methoxy-diisopropyl-phosphoramidite (XML) ...
MEDIS  ( in XML )  (27)
  » Mediterranean Islands Study (XML) | Mediterranean Islands (XML) | Multidimensional Essence of Disease and Illness Scale (XML) | MEDiterranean ISlands Elderly (XML) | Ministry of Health aiming to develop an information system (XML) ...
MEMM  ( in XML )  (27)
  » maximum entropy Markov model (XML) | modified endoscopic medial maxillectomy (XML) | murine embryonic maxillary mesenchymal (XML) | methanol extract of M. malabathricum leaves (XML) | multiensemble Markov model (XML) ...
MEPA  ( in XML )  (26)
  » methanolic extract of P. acidus (XML) | multiple electrode platelet aggregometry (XML) | Managing Emergencies in Pediatric Anesthesia (XML) | Mediterranean Eating Pattern for Americans (XML) | methyl eicosapentaenoate (XML) ...
MESA Air  ( in XML )  (26)
  » Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis and Air Pollution (XML)
Me-Can  ( in XML )  (26)
  » metabolic syndrome and cancer project (XML) | metabolic syndrome and cancer (XML)
MERA  ( in XML )  (26)
  » multiscale entanglement renormalization ansatz (XML) | Medication Rationalization (XML) | morphologic end-repolarization abnormalities (XML) | multi-effect residual analysis (XML) | Medication Error Reporting App (XML) ...
MEUS  ( in XML )  (26)
  » microbubble-enhanced ultrasound (XML) | minimum incision endoscopic urological surgery (XML) | microbubble-enhanced therapeutic ultrasound (XML) | morphological examination of urinary sediment (XML) | Microblog Excessive Use Scale (XML) ...
MECKI  ( in XML )  (26)
  » Metabolic Exercise test data combined with Cardiac and Kidney Indexes (XML) | Metabolic Exercise Cardiac Kidney Index (XML)
mes  ( in XML )  (26)
  » mesenchymal dysplasia (XML) | maximum quadriceps extension strength (XML) | MES and BN.MES-Cyba (XML) | modified the eye speed of the slow phase (XML) | mesophyll of adult leaves had a bimodal distribution of A (XML) ...
MeIQ  ( in XML )  (25)
  » mutagen 2-amino-3,4-dimethylimidazo(4,5-f)quinoline (XML) | 2-amino-3-methylimidazo(4,5-f)quinoline, 2-amino-3, 4-dimethylimidazo(4,5-f)quinoline (XML) | mice by chronic feeding of 2-amino-3,4-dimethylimidazo(4,5-f)quinoline (XML) | monoclonal antibody recognized IQ, 2-amino-3,4-dimethylimidazo(4,5-f)quinoline (XML) | mutagenic in the following order of decreasing potency: Trp-P-1, 2-amino-3,4-dimethylimidazo(4,5-f)quinoline (XML) ...
MELS  ( in XML )  (25)
  » Modular Extracorporeal Liver Support (XML) | mixed-effects location scale (XML) | modified extended least squares (XML) | microscopic extra-laminar sequestrectomy (XML) | methionine enkephalin-like substance (XML) ...
METTL16  ( in XML )  (25)
  » methyltransferase-like protein 16 (XML) | methyltransferase-like 16 (XML) | methyltransferase 16 (XML)
METT  ( in XML )  (25)
  » Micro-Expression Training Tool (XML) | Management Effectiveness Tracking Tool (XML) | methyltransferase (XML) | minimum expected treatment time (XML) | minimum emergence temperature threshold (XML) ...
METRO  ( in XML )  (25)
  » metronidazole (XML) | messenger transport organizer (XML) | meniscal tear outcome (XML) | myocardial infarction: a preliminary study (XML) | Medical Education Taxonomy Research Organization (XML) ...
MeNTS  ( in XML )  (24)
  » medically necessary, time-sensitive (XML) | Medically Necessary, Time Sensitive Procedures (XML) | Medically Necessary, Time-Sensitive Procedures: Scoring System (XML)
MEDC  ( in XML )  (24)
  » Medical Error Disclosure Competence (XML) | microbial electrolysis desalination cell (XML) | microbial electrolysis cell-based desalination (XML) | most potent were obtained from the brown alga Dictyota cilliolata (XML) | more economically developed country (XML) ...
MEN-II  ( in XML )  (24)
  » multiple endocrine neoplasia type II (XML)
MetSy  ( in XML )  (24)
  » metabolic syndrome (XML)
mel  ( in XML )  (24)
  » melibiose (XML) | melanin (XML) | melanogaster (XML) | melanin-producing (XML) | melanin synthesis (XML) ...
MELM  ( in XML )  (24)
  » Met-enkephalin-like material (XML) | multilayer extreme learning machine (XML) | modified extended Langmuir model (XML) | mixed-effects logistic model (XML) | min-entropy latent model (XML) ...
MenACWY-TT  ( in XML )  (24)
  » meningococcal ACWY-tetanus toxoid conjugate vaccine (XML) | MenACWY vaccine conjugated to tetanus toxoid (XML) | meningococcal serogroups ACWY tetanus toxoid (XML) | meningococcal A, C, W, Y-tetanus toxoid conjugate (XML) | MenACWY conjugated to tetanus toxoid as a carrier protein (XML) ...
MERP  ( in XML )  (24)
  » Medication Errors Reporting Program (XML) | medical emergency response plan (XML) | minimum energy reaction pathway (XML) | Medication Error Reporting and Prevention (XML) | Medication Error Risk Profile (XML) ...
MEGP  ( in XML )  (24)
  » medium-energy general-purpose (XML) | Median Energy General Purpose (XML) | co-methylated and co-expressed gene pairs (XML) | maximum efficiency at given power (XML) | Mimusops elengi Gelatinolytic Protease (XML)
MERCS  ( in XML )  (23)
  » mitochondria-ER contact sites (XML) | mitochondria-endoplasmic reticulum contact sites (XML) | Mitochondria-ER membrane contact sites (XML) | ER-mitochondria contacts (XML)
MERC  ( in XML )  (23)
  » mitochondrial-ER contact (XML) | Medical Education Research Certificate (XML) | mitochondria-endoplasmic reticulum complexes (XML) | microbial electroremediating cells (XML) | Reticulum-Mitochondria Contact (XML) ...
MEOWS  ( in XML )  (23)
  » modified early obstetric warning system (XML) | modified early obstetric warning score usage (XML) | maternal early obstetric warning score (XML) | modified obstetric early warning system (XML) | Maternal Early Obstetric Warning System (XML)
MEAD  ( in XML )  (23)
  » myoelastic-aerodynamic (XML) | minimum external anteroposterior diameter (XML) | modified electrical aerosol detector (XML) | Methanolic Extract of Ajwa Date (XML) | Mead acid (XML) ...
MedDietScore  ( in XML )  (23)
  » Mediterranean Diet Score (XML) | Mediterranean diet was assessed using a validated diet score (XML)
METC  ( in XML )  (23)
  » Medical Ethics Committee (XML) | Medical Ethics Review Committee (XML) | Medical Research Ethics Committee (XML) | methacycline (XML) | methanol extract (XML) ...
Meg  ( in XML )  (23)
  » megakaryocyte (XML) | Megafol (XML) | meglumine (XML) | maternally expressed gene (XML) | megakaryocyte count (XML) ...
MELA  ( in XML )  (23)
  » melamine (XML) | medaka embryo-larval assay (XML) | Modular Electromechanical Lock Actuator (XML) | multi-expert learning architecture (XML) | mitochondrial encephalomyopathy and lactic acidosis (XML) ...
mEC  ( in XML )  (23)
  » modified EC broth (XML) | muscle endothelial cell (XML) | metastatic endometrial cancer (XML) | modified Euro-Collins solution (XML) | modified Escherichia coli broth (XML) ...
MERV  ( in XML )  (23)
  » minimum efficiency reporting value (XML) | Menghai rhabdovirus (XML) | Medical Evaluation of the Disaster in Volendam (XML) | Medical Equipment Rental Vendor (XML) | melanoma-associated endogenous retrovirus (XML) ...
MetPA  ( in XML )  (23)
  » metabolomics pathway analysis (XML)
MENTOR  ( in XML )  (23)
  » Modeling ENvironment for TOtal Risk studies (XML) | Membranous Nephropathy Trial of Rituximab (XML) | Mindfulness, Exercise, and Nutrition To Optimize Resilience (XML) | Monitoring Efficacy of Neurogenic bowel dysfunction Treatment On Response (XML) | Monitoring Efficacy of NBD Treatment On Response (XML) ...
MECO  ( in XML )  (23)
  » Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum (XML) | Multilingual Eye-movement Corpus (XML) | Middle East crude oil (XML) | Middle European Cooperation in Statistical Physics (XML) | medical education and community orientation (XML) ...
ME-SA  ( in XML )  (23)
  » Middle East-South Asia (XML) | Middle East-South Asia topotype (XML)
MEAF  ( in XML )  (23)
  » Model for Early Allograft Function (XML) | Mental Health in Early Adulthood Study in Finland (XML) | MYST/Esa1-associated factor (XML) | monometallic endohedral azafullerene (XML)
MECH  ( in XML )  (23)
  » mechanical (XML) | 3-(2-mercaptoethyl)quinazoline-2,4(1H,3H)-dione (XML) | methanol leaf extract of Combretum hypopilinum (XML) | mechanical ventilation (XML) | mechanical loading (XML) ...
MERM  ( in XML )  (23)
  » Medication Event Reminder Monitor (XML) | merlin-ezrin-radixin-moesin (XML) | meropenem (XML) | mouse embryonic renal marker (XML) | merlin and the ezrin/radixin/moesin (XML) ...
MeCh  ( in XML )  (23)
  » methacholine (XML) | acetyl-beta-methylcholine (XML) | 3-methylcholanthrene (XML) | melanin chemiexcitation (XML) | methacholine challenge (XML) ...
MERCI  ( in XML )  (22)
  » Mechanical Embolus Removal in Cerebral Ischemia (XML) | MS-Enabled Rapid protein Complex Identification (XML)
met-hGH  ( in XML )  (22)
  » methionyl human growth hormone (XML) | methionyl-hGH (XML) | methionyl-human GH (XML) | methionyl recombinant human growth hormone (XML) | methionyl human growth hormone, Somatonorm (XML)
MEEi  ( in XML )  (22)
  » mechano-energetic efficiency (XML) | MEE per gram of left ventricular mass (XML) | MEE was normalized for LVM (XML) | mechano-energetic efficiency indexed for myocardial mass (XML) | myocardial energetic efficiency (XML) ...
MeCl  ( in XML )  (22)
  » methyl chloride (XML) | p-chloro-N-(p-methylbenzylidene)aniline (XML)
m-ENK  ( in XML )  (22)
  » met-enkephalin (XML) | D-ala2-metenkephalinamide (XML)
METI  ( in XML )  (22)
  » mitochondrial electron transport inhibitor (XML) | Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (XML) | Muenster Epistemic Trustworthiness Inventory (XML) | Morphology-Enhanced Spatial Transcriptome Analysis Integrator (XML) | multimetric (XML) ...
MECR  ( in XML )  (22)
  » Mitochondrial trans-2-enoyl-CoA reductase (XML) | methanolic extracts of tea leaves collected in the rainy season (XML) | mitochondrial enoyl-CoA reductase (XML) | methanolic extract from fruits of Campomanesia reitziana (XML) | methanolic extract of Cycas revoluta cone (XML) ...
mERalpha  ( in XML )  (22)
  » membrane estrogen receptor-alpha (XML) | membrane ERalpha (XML) | membrane-initiated ERalpha (XML) | membrane-related isoforms of estrogen receptor alpha (XML)
Med-Peds  ( in XML )  (21)
  » Medicine-Pediatrics (XML) | medicine and pediatrics (XML) | medicine-pediatrics residency (XML)
Meta II  ( in XML )  (21)
  » metarhodopsin II (XML)
MEIS2  ( in XML )  (21)
  » Meis homeobox 2 (XML) | Myeloid Ecotropic Insertion Site 2 (XML) | Myeloid Ectopic Viral Integration Site 2 homolog (XML) | Meis homeobox 2 gene (XML)
met-ENK  ( in XML )  (21)
  » met-enkephalin (XML)
MEAT  ( in XML )  (21)
  » mesenteric adipose tissue (XML) | Measure of Effective Attributes of Trainers (XML) | Middle ear adenomatous tumors (XML) | mobile encapsulated adipose tissue (XML) | Medicine Assessment Tool (XML) ...
Mex-SLEDAI  ( in XML )  (21)
  » Mexican Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Disease Activity Index (XML) | Mexican-SLE disease activity index (XML) | Mexican-SLEDAI (XML)
MEEP  ( in XML )  (21)
  » poly(2-(2-methoxyethoxy)ethoxy-phosphazene) (XML) | Macerated ethanolic extract of propolis (XML) | measuring energy expenditure in extracorporeal lung support patients (XML) | magneto-elasto-electroporation (XML) | methanolic extracts from edible plants (XML) ...
MEET  ( in XML )  (21)
  » maximized excess events test (XML) | Methane Emission Estimation Tool (XML) | Multidisciplinary Endocarditis Evaluation Team (XML) | Medical Education Empowered by Theater (XML) | more errors to homophones (XML) ...
METTL7B  ( in XML )  (21)
  » methyltransferase-like 7B (XML) | methyltransferase-like protein 7B (XML)
meso  ( in XML )  (21)
  » mesoporous (XML) | muropeptides cross-linked by L (XML) | meso-alkyl groups about C (XML) | modifications of the pending ortho-hydroxymethyl group of readily available C-8 (XML) | mesothelial cells (XML) ...
MESD  ( in XML )  (21)
  » Mesoderm development (XML) | maximum entrance skin dose (XML) | Mesoderm development LRP chaperone (XML) | minimal expected switch duration (XML) | methanolic extract of Sterculia diversifolia (XML) ...
MEGAN  ( in XML )  (21)
  » Model of Emissions of Gases and Aerosols from Nature (XML) | MEtaGenome ANalyzer (XML) | Molecule Edit Graph Attention Network (XML)
MEK2  ( in XML )  (21)
  » mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 2 (XML) | MAPK/ERK kinase 2 (XML) | MEK2-CA (XML) | MAP kinase kinase 2 (XML) | methyl ethyl ketone2 (XML)
MeDEGs  ( in XML )  (21)
  » methylation-regulated differentially expressed genes (XML) | methylation-regulated DEGs (XML) | methylated-differentially expressed genes (XML)
MEKK2  ( in XML )  (21)
  » mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 2 (XML) | MEK kinase 2 (XML) | MAPK/ERK kinase kinase 2 (XML) | MEK/ERK kinase 2 (XML) | MAP kinase kinase kinase-2 (XML) ...
MELP  ( in XML )  (21)
  » modified endoscopic Lothrop procedure (XML) | medium-energy low-penetration (XML) | methanol extract of Lafoensia pacari (XML) | ME-low-penetration (XML) | modified endoscopic Lothrop (XML) ...
MEEI  ( in XML )  (20)
  » Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary (XML) | Multi-Exposure Environmental Index (XML)
MENPs  ( in XML )  (20)
  » magnetoelectric nanoparticles (XML) | Multielemental nanoparticles (XML) | metallic engineered nanoparticles (XML) | multifunctional envelop-type nanoparticles (XML) | metal-containing engineered nanoparticles (XML)
MED25  ( in XML )  (20)
  » MEDIATOR25 (XML) | mediator complex subunit 25 (XML) | Mediator subunit25 (XML) | MEDIATOR COMPLEX SUBUNIT25 (XML) | Mediator complex 25 (XML) ...
MELASQOL  ( in XML )  (20)
  » Melasma Quality of Life scale (XML) | Melasma impact Quality of life Scale (XML) | Melasma QOL (XML) | melasma-related QoL (XML)
MeOPP  ( in XML )  (20)
  » 1-(4-methoxyphenyl)piperazine (XML) | metabolism of 1-(4-methoxyphenyl)piperazine (XML) | para-methoxyphenyl pentazole (XML)
mEPHX  ( in XML )  (20)
  » microsomal epoxide hydrolase (XML) | Microsomal epoxide hydrolase enzyme (XML) | microsomal enzyme, epoxide hydrolase (XML)
MesGN  ( in XML )  (20)
  » mesangioproliferative glomerulonephritis (XML) | mesangial glomerulonephritis (XML) | mesangioproliferative GN (XML) | mesangial GN (XML) | mesangial proliferative GN (XML)
MECE  ( in XML )  (20)
  » modified error in constitutive equations (XML) | mycellar electrokinetic capillary electrophoresis (XML) | methanolic extracts of C. excavata (XML) | myocardial energy conversion efficiency (XML) | modified eversion carotid endarterectomy (XML) ...
MeST  ( in XML )  (20)
  » Memory Specificity Training (XML) | median survival time (XML)
MEBS  ( in XML )  (20)
  » Minnesota Eating Behavior Survey (XML) | Mindful Eating Behaviour Scale (XML) | Minimum Energy-consumption Broadcast Scheme (XML) | Multi-genomic Entropy-Based Score (XML) | Multigenomic Entropy Based Score pipeline (XML) ...
MEEC  ( in XML )  (20)
  » middle ear epithelial cells (XML) | Measure of Empathy in Early Childhood (XML) | mixed endocrine-exocrine carcinoma (XML) | Ministry of Ecology and Environment of China (XML) | membrane-enhanced electrocoagulation (XML) ...
Mep  ( in XML )  (19)
  » 6-methylpterin (XML) | mepacrine (XML) | mepanipyrim (XML) | mepivacaine (XML) | methylamine permease (XML) ...
MenW  ( in XML )  (19)
  » meningococcal group W (XML) | meningitidis serogroup W (XML) | meningococci W (XML) | MenB, serogroup Y, serogroup W (XML) | meningococcal disease due to serogroup W (XML)
MeOx  ( in XML )  (19)
  » 2-methyl-2-oxazoline (XML) | manganese co-oxide filter film (XML) | metal oxide (XML) | methoxylamine hydrochloride (XML)
MEPS-HC  ( in XML )  (19)
  » Medical Expenditure Panel Survey-Household Component (XML) | Medical Expenditure Panel Survey data from the 2005-2007 Household Component (XML)
MECIs  ( in XML )  (19)
  » minimum energy conical intersections (XML) | minimum energy CIs (XML)
MeNPs  ( in XML )  (19)
  » metallic nanoparticles (XML) | metal nanoparticles (XML) | melanin-mimetic nanoparticles (XML) | melanin nanoparticles (XML)
MELR  ( in XML )  (19)
  » mixed epidermal cell-lymphocyte reaction (XML) | mixed-effects logistic regression (XML) | mobile English learning resources (XML) | mucoadhesive ELR (XML) | methanolic extract of Limnophila repens (XML) ...
MERRA  ( in XML )  (19)
  » Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications (XML) | Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis (XML)
MetD  ( in XML )  (19)
  » metabolic diseases (XML) | metabolic dysregulation (XML) | metadynamics (XML) | metabolic disturbance (XML) | metabolic disorders (XML) ...
MEN4  ( in XML )  (19)
  » multiple endocrine neoplasia type 4 (XML)
MEDPED  ( in XML )  (19)
  » Make Early Diagnosis to Prevent Early Death (XML) | Make early diagnosis to prevent disease (XML)
MESM  ( in XML )  (18)
  » methyl-esterified eggshell membrane (XML) | medical equipment safety manager (XML) | microfluidics-enabled soft manufacture (XML) | modified ESM (XML) | modified eggshell membrane (XML) ...
MESV  ( in XML )  (18)
  » murine embryonic stem cell virus (XML) | multiepitope-based subunit vaccine (XML) | middle ear SV40-transformed (XML) | multi epitope subunit vaccine (XML) | methanolic extract of Sterculia villosa bark (XML) ...
MEDLIFE  ( in XML )  (18)
  » Mediterranean lifestyle (XML) | Mediterranean Lifestyle Index (XML)
Meg-CSF  ( in XML )  (18)
  » megakaryocyte colony-stimulating factor (XML) | megakaryocyte-CSF (XML) | acting--megakaryocyte colony stimulating factors (XML)
MEMS and NEMS  ( in XML )  (18)
  » micro- and nanoelectromechanical systems (XML) | microelectromechanical and nanoelectromechanical systems (XML)
MenSC  ( in XML )  (18)
  » menstrual blood-derived stem cell (XML) | menstrual blood-derived MSCs (XML) | menstrual blood-derived mesenchymal stem cells (XML) | Menstrual blood-derived endometrial stem cells (XML) | Menstrual blood stem cell (XML) ...
MeDIP-chip  ( in XML )  (18)
  » methylated DNA immunoprecipitation microarray (XML) | methylated DNA immunoprecipitation combined with microarray (XML) | methylated DNA immunoprecipitation followed by custom-designed tiling microarray analyses (XML) | methylated DNA immunoprecipitation on a targeted array (XML) | methylated DNA immunoprecipitation used in combination with tiling microarrays (XML) ...
MeLan  ( in XML )  (18)
  » methyllanthionine (XML)
Mean  ( in XML )  (18)
  » mean gray-level intensity (XML) | mean dose (XML) | mean grey value (XML) | mean myocardial pixel (XML) | mean increase in temperature of the electrolyte, DeltaT (XML) ...
mEOC  ( in XML )  (18)
  » mucinous epithelial ovarian carcinoma (XML) | mucinous epithelial carcinomas of the intestinal type (XML)
mEpiSCs  ( in XML )  (18)
  » mouse epiblast stem cells (XML) | mouse epiblast-derived stem cells (XML) | mouse EpiSCs (XML)
MEP50  ( in XML )  (18)
  » methylosome protein 50 (XML) | PRMT5-methylosome protein 50 (XML)
mEGOS  ( in XML )  (18)
  » modified Erasmus GBS outcome score (XML) | modified Erasmus Giullain-Barre Syndrome outcome score (XML) | modified EGOS (XML)
ME-ICA  ( in XML )  (18)
  » multi-echo independent component analysis (XML) | multi-echo planar sequence and independent components analysis (XML) | multi-echo approach (XML) | multi-echo fMRI acquisition and independent components analysis (XML) | MRI sequence analyzed using independent components analysis (XML) ...
METF  ( in XML )  (18)
  » middle ear transfer function (XML) | malaria elimination task force (XML) | metabolic fitness (XML) | 5,10-methylenetetrahydroforate reductase (XML)
MERG  ( in XML )  (18)
  » macular electroretinogram (XML) | macular ERG (XML) | medical education research group (XML) | Monitoring and Evaluation Reference Group (XML) | momentum space entanglement renormalization group (XML) ...
MetaD  ( in XML )  (18)
  » metadynamics (XML)
ME/I  ( in XML )  (18)
  » measurement equivalence/invariance (XML)
MELI  ( in XML )  (18)
  » Met-enkephalin-like immunoreactivity (XML) | metabolic effect level index (XML) | methionine-enkephalin-like (XML) | Multiple Ecological Level Index (XML)
METEOR  ( in XML )  (17)
  » media Thickness: an Evaluation Of Rosuvastatin (XML) | mentored experience to enhance opportunities in research (XML) | Methodist environment for translational enhancement and outcomes research (XML) | Metric for Evaluation of Translation with Explicit Ordering (XML) | Modified EXIT-To-ECMO with Optional Reservoir (XML) ...
MEO2MA  ( in XML )  (17)
  » 2-(2-methoxyethoxy)ethyl methacrylate (XML) | 2-methyl-2-acrylate-2-(2-methoxyethoxy-ethyl) ethyl ester (XML)
METO  ( in XML )  (17)
  » metoprolol (XML) | metoprolol succinate (XML) | methanol extract of TO (XML) | metolachlor (XML)
MERGL  ( in XML )  (17)
  » Met-enkephalin-Arg6-Gly7-Leu8 (XML) | met-enkephalin-arg-gly-leu (XML) | Met5-enkephalin-Arg6-Gly7-Leu8 (XML) | met5-enk-arg6-gly7-leu8 (XML) | methionine-enkephalin-arg6-gly7-leu8 (XML)
MEGENA  ( in XML )  (17)
  » multi-scale embedded gene co-expression network analysis (XML) | Multiscale Clustering of Geometric Network (XML)
MEGJs  ( in XML )  (17)
  » myoendothelial gap junctions (XML)
mEq  ( in XML )  (17)
  » milliequivalents (XML)
mEPM  ( in XML )  (17)
  » modified elevated plus maze (XML) | modified EPM test (XML)
MeFOSAA  ( in XML )  (17)
  » 2-(N-methyl-perfluorooctane sulfonamido) acetic acid (XML)
MEBT  ( in XML )  (17)
  » middle ear barotrauma (XML) | medium energy beam transport (XML) | melanin extracted from black tea (XML) | melt extrusion bioadhesive tablets (XML) | moist exposed burn therapy (XML) ...
MeO-BDEs  ( in XML )  (17)
  » methoxylated polybrominated diphenyl ethers (XML) | methoxylated PBDEs (XML)
MEDV  ( in XML )  (17)
  » molecular electronegativity distance vector (XML) | methanol extract of D. volubilis leaves (XML) | maximum end-diastolic velocity of blood flow (XML) | maximum and diastolic velocity (XML) | magnetic electron drift vortex (XML)
MEAGL  ( in XML )  (17)
  » Met5-enkephalin-Arg6-Gly7-Leu8 (XML) | methionine-enkephalin-Arg6-Gly7-Leu8 (XML)
MEF2B  ( in XML )  (17)
  » myocyte enhancer factor 2B (XML) | Myocyte enhancer binding factor 2 B (XML)
MEED  ( in XML )  (17)
  » multisystemic eosinophilic epitheliotropic disease (XML) | Microbial Ecology Evaluation Device (XML) | Muscle Evaluation and Exercise Dosimeter (XML) | Medical Emergencies in Eating Disorders (XML) | mind esophageal epithelium dysplasia (XML) ...
MEMP  ( in XML )  (16)
  » Mitochondrial encephalomyopathies (XML) | Molecular Environmental Monitoring Program (XML) | mitochondrial energy metabolic pathway (XML) | 3-methyl-2-methoxypyrazine (XML) | mature, green fruits of Musa paradisiaca (XML) ...
MeArg  ( in XML )  (16)
  » NG-monomethyl-L-arginine (XML) | 3-methylarginine (XML) | methylated arginine (XML)
MEAA  ( in XML )  (16)
  » 2-(2-methoxyethoxy) acetic acid (XML) | methanol extracts of A. absinthium (XML) | N-methylolacrylamide (XML) | monolingual English-speaking Anglo-Americans (XML) | microencapsulated ampicillin anhydrate (XML) ...
MERF  ( in XML )  (16)
  » Mixed Effects Random Forest (XML) | modified elliptical rotation flap (XML) | mouse erythrocyte rosette-forming (XML) | Madras ENT Research Foundation (XML) | mouse erythrocyte rosette-promoting factor (XML) ...
MeHis  ( in XML )  (16)
  » tau-methylhistidine (XML) | delta-methyl-histidine (XML)
METP  ( in XML )  (16)
  » middle ear total pressure (XML) | methane production (XML) | multicomponent exercise training program (XML) | moderate exercise training program (XML) | motorized elephant-assisted therapy program (XML) ...
MECL-1  ( in XML )  (16)
  » multicatalytic endopeptidase complex-like 1 (XML) | macrophages from LMP7, LMP2, LMP10 (XML)
mESC-CMs  ( in XML )  (16)
  » mouse embryonic stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes (XML) | mESC-derived cardiomyocytes (XML) | mouse ESC-CMs (XML) | mouse embryonic stem cell-derived CMs (XML)
MEUs  ( in XML )  (16)
  » morphine equivalent units (XML) | Medical Education Unites (XML) | Mobile eye units (XML) | Medical Emergency Units (XML)
MeL  ( in XML )  (16)
  » methyl linoleate (XML) | metatarsal length (XML) | 2,7-bis(6-methyl-2-pyridyl)-1,8-naphthyridine (XML) | Methanol extract from the leaves (XML) | 4-methyl-2-pyridyloxy analogue (XML) ...
mEMA  ( in XML )  (16)
  » mobile ecological momentary assessment (XML) | mobile-based Ecological Momentary Assessment (XML) | membrane (XML) | momentary assessment (XML) | mobile EMA (XML)
MEPT  ( in XML )  (16)
  » middle ear pressure therapy (XML) | medial border of patellar tendon (XML) | methanol extract of P. trifoliata (XML) | methanol extract of immature P. trifoliata (XML) | middle ear paraganglioma tumors (XML) ...
MeSCs  ( in XML )  (16)
  » mesenchymal stem cells (XML) | melanocyte stem cells (XML) | meniscus-derived stem cells (XML)
merA  ( in XML )  (16)
  » mercuric reductase gene (XML) | mercury resistance (XML) | metal reduction (XML) | mercury-resistant bacteria (XML) | mercuric-reductase-encoding gene (XML)
ME-ARC  ( in XML )  (16)
  » median eminence-arcuate (XML) | median eminence-arcuate nucleus (XML) | median eminence-arcuate region (XML) | ME-arcuate nucleus (XML) | median arcuate nucleus (XML)
MEDL  ( in XML )  (16)
  » microendoscopic decompressive laminotomy (XML) | m. extensor digitorum longus (XML) | musculus extensor digitalis lateralis (XML) | methanol extract of D. linearis leaves (XML) | methanolic extract of Dicranopteris linearis (XML) ...
MeHPLA  ( in XML )  (15)
  » methyl p-hydroxyphenyllactate (XML)
MeGlc  ( in XML )  (15)
  » 3-O-methyl-D-glucose (XML) | alpha-methylglucopyranoside (XML) | alpha-methylglucoside (XML) | measuring the rate of uptake of 3-O-(3H)methyl-D-glucose (XML) | methyl-L-D-glucoside (XML)
Meg-CSA  ( in XML )  (15)
  » megakaryocyte colony-stimulating activity (XML) | megakaryocyte CSA (XML) | megakaryocyte colony-forming assay (XML)
METE  ( in XML )  (15)
  » Maximum Entropy Theory of Ecology (XML) | magneto-electro-thermo-elastic (XML) | Mao Expectancy of Treatment Effects (XML) | methionine synthase gene (XML) | microscopic ETE (XML)
MeSHs  ( in XML )  (15)
  » medical subject headings (XML)
MentS  ( in XML )  (15)
  » Mentalization Scale (XML)
MESSIER  ( in XML )  (15)
  » Matson Evaluation of Social Skills for Individuals with Severe Retardation (XML) | Matson Evaluation of Social Skills for the Severely Retarded (XML)
MEPD  ( in XML )  (15)
  » microendoscopic posterior decompression (XML) | Medaka Expression Pattern Database (XML) | Mitoxantrone, etoposide, cisplatin and dexamethasone (XML) | monoethyl pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylate (XML) | Middle Eastern Phoenix dactylifera (XML) ...
MeTeOR  ( in XML )  (15)
  » Meniscal Tear in Osteoarthritis Research (XML)
MeLiM  ( in XML )  (15)
  » Melanoma-bearing Libechov Minipigs (XML)
METase  ( in XML )  (15)
  » methioninase (XML) | L-methionine-alpha-deamino-gamma-mercaptomethane-lyase (XML) | L-methionine gamma-lyase (XML)
METRICS  ( in XML )  (15)
  » METhodological RadiomICs Score (XML) | multi-echo T2-relaxation imaging with compressed sensing (XML) | METHODS: The prospective multicenter study (XML)
MedAEs  ( in XML )  (15)
  » median absolute errors (XML) | median absolute prediction errors (XML)
Meq  ( in XML )  (15)
  » Marek's EcoRI-Q-encoded protein (XML) | million genome equivalent (XML) | MDV Eco-Q protein (XML) | Marek's disease virus Eco-Q gene (XML) | motor equivalence neurons (XML) ...
MEOX1  ( in XML )  (15)
  » mesenchyme homeobox 1 (XML)
Med19  ( in XML )  (15)
  » mediator complex subunit 19 (XML) | Mediator 19 (XML) | Mediator complex 19 (XML) | Mediator of RNA polymerase II transcription subunit 19 (XML)
meds  ( in XML )  (15)
  » medications (XML) | medication use (XML)
Met I  ( in XML )  (15)
  » metabolite (XML) | metaphase of meiosis I (XML) | metaphase I (XML) | metabolite I (XML) | metaphase of MI (XML) ...
Mev  ( in XML )  (15)
  » mevinphos (XML) | mevalonosomes (XML) | mevalonolactone (XML)
MESSS  ( in XML )  (15)
  » Modified Edinburgh-Scandinavian Stroke Scale (XML)
MEQs  ( in XML )  (15)
  » modified essay questions (XML) | morphine equivalents (XML) | morphine equivalent doses (XML) | microearthquakes (XML)
MEPL  ( in XML )  (15)
  » medulloepithelioma (XML) | metal-enhanced photoluminescence (XML) | methanol extract of Parquetina nigrescens leaf (XML) | multiphoton excited photoluminescence (XML) | methanolic extract of P. foetida leaves (XML) ...
META-PM  ( in XML )  (14)
  » Meta-Analysis for Pathologic Myopia (XML) | macular lesions according to a recent international photographic classification system (XML) | Meta-Analysis for PM (XML)
MeTr  ( in XML )  (14)
  » methyltransferase (XML)
MeanSD  ( in XML )  (14)
  » mean standard deviation (XML) | mean standard deviation over strides (XML) | METHODS: Fifty university employees aged (XML) | Mean core body temperatures of eight healthy bitches were (XML) | Mean age of the study population was (XML) ...
MEFC  ( in XML )  (14)
  » migrant elderly following children (XML) | mineral element fermentation complexes (XML) | methanol extract of F. cunia (XML)
MEx  ( in XML )  (14)
  » mesenchymal stromal cell-derived extracellular vesicles (XML) | mild exercise (XML) | mental exercises (XML) | moderate-intensity exercise (XML) | MSCs is conferred by their secreted extracellular vesicles (XML) ...
MeSAdo  ( in XML )  (14)
  » 5'-deoxy-5'-methylthioadenosine (XML) | methylthioadenosine (XML) | metabolic enzyme methylthioadenosine (XML)
MesoMT  ( in XML )  (14)
  » mesothelial-mesenchymal transition (XML) | mesenchymal transition (XML)
mEST  ( in XML )  (14)
  » mouse embryonic stem cell test (XML) | mouse estrogen sulfotransferase (XML) | modified EST (XML) | modified efficient purse-string stapling technique (XML) | minor endoscopic sphincterotomy (XML) ...
MErT  ( in XML )  (14)
  » mesenchymal to epithelial reverting transition (XML)
MEVM  ( in XML )  (14)
  » mouse ear vesicant model (XML) | methanolic extract obtained from Vitex megapotamica (XML) | methane energy value model (XML)
MECM  ( in XML )  (14)
  » meniscus extracellular matrix (XML) | malignant endometrial epithelial cell conditioned medium (XML) | MSC ECM (XML) | Micro electrochemical milling technology (XML) | micro-electrolysis composite material (XML) ...
MEJPs  ( in XML )  (14)
  » miniature excitatory junction potentials (XML) | miniature junctional potentials (XML)
MEGE  ( in XML )  (14)
  » multi-echo gradient-echo (XML) | myocardial early gadolinium enhancement (XML) | methanol extract from G. elata (XML) | MEmorizing and GEneralizing framework (XML)
M-ERM-Q  ( in XML )  (14)
  » mean effects range-median quotient (XML) | mean effect interval median quotient method (XML)
mEBs  ( in XML )  (14)
  » mouse embryoid bodies (XML) | murine EBs (XML) | mESC-derived embryoid bodies (XML) | mESCs-derived EBs (XML)
MEOTs  ( in XML )  (14)
  » malignant epithelial ovarian tumors (XML) | malignant EOTs (XML)
mEASI  ( in XML )  (14)
  » modified Eczema Area and Severity Index (XML) | modified EASI (XML)
MERGE  ( in XML )  (14)
  » multiple-echo recombined gradient echo (XML) | motion sensitized driven equilibrium rapid gradient echo (XML) | Metrics and Essential Ratios for Gathering Events (XML) | models Reconciled with Gene Expression (XML) | marker-less enrichment and recombination of genetically engineered loci (XML) ...
MeBT  ( in XML )  (14)
  » C-methionine breath test (XML) | methylbenzotriazole (XML) | N-methylbenzothiazolium moieties, QCy (XML)
MePB  ( in XML )  (14)
  » methylparaben (XML)
MEN-1  ( in XML )  (14)
  » multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 1 (XML) | multiple endocrine adenoma type 1 (XML) | multiple endocrine type 1 (XML) | multiple endocrine neoplasia 1 syndrome (XML)
MERLIN  ( in XML )  (14)
  » Middlesbrough early revascularisation to limit infarction (XML) | moesin-ezrin-radixin like (XML) | modular regulatory network learning with per gene information (XML) | mitochondria ER length indicator nanosensor (XML) | mode using an ambulatory device (XML) ...
mezlocillin, Baypen  ( in XML )  (14)
  » 6-((R)-2-(3-methylsulfonyl-2-oxo-imidazolidine-1-carboxamido)-2-phenyl-acetamido)-penicillanic acid sodium salt (XML)
MEDAL  ( in XML )  (14)
  » My E-Diary for Activities and Lifestyle (XML) | Multinational Etoricoxib and Diclofenac Arthritis Long-term (XML)
mets  ( in XML )  (14)
  » metastatic lesion (XML) | multiples of resting oxygen consumption (XML) | metastatic tumours (XML) | metastatic uptake (XML) | methyl derivatives (XML) ...
METamp  ( in XML )  (14)
  » MET amplification (XML) | MET gene amplification (XML) | MET-amplified tumors (XML) | Mesenchymal-epidermal transition factor gene amplification (XML)
MeCAT  ( in XML )  (13)
  » metal-coded affinity tag (XML) | metal coded tags (XML)
MetF  ( in XML )  (13)
  » Metabolic flexibility (XML) | methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (XML) | 10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (XML)
MEDF  ( in XML )  (13)
  » Multiple eruptive dermatofibromas (XML) | mesoscale energy deposition footprint (XML) | Median power frequency (XML) | maximal effective dialysate flow (XML) | methanolic extract obtained from leaves of D. furfuracea (XML)
MESP1  ( in XML )  (13)
  » mesoderm posterior 1 (XML) | mesoderm posterior transcription factor 1 (XML)
MEPPS  ( in XML )  (13)
  » Mid-European Pediatric Peritoneal Dialysis Study Group (XML) | Miniature endplate potentials (XML) | morphology-enhanced probabilistic plaque segmentation (XML) | miniature EPPS (XML)
MEBF  ( in XML )  (13)
  » monsoon evergreen broad-leaved forest (XML) | middle ear blood flow (XML) | methanol extract of BF (XML)
MERR  ( in XML )  (13)
  » Minimum effective release rate (XML) | Multimedia-enhanced radiology report (XML) | Mexican Endovascular Reperfusion Registry (XML) | maximum energy release rate criterion (XML) | multiple external root resorption (XML) ...
MET/CBT  ( in XML )  (13)
  » motivational enhancement therapy/cognitive-behavioral therapy (XML) | motivational enhancement treatment/cognitive behavioral treatment (XML)
MePEG-b-PCL  ( in XML )  (13)
  » methoxy poly(ethylene glycol)-block-poly(caprolactone) (XML) | methoxy poly(ethylene glycol)-block-polycaprolactone diblock copolymers (XML)
MEFS  ( in XML )  (13)
  » mouse embryo fibroblasts (XML) | Minnesota Executive Function Scale (XML) | multiple excitation fluorometric system (XML) | medical encounter form system (XML) | maximum isometric elbow flexion strength (XML) ...
MEKC-LIF  ( in XML )  (13)
  » micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography with laser-induced fluorescence detection (XML) | MEKC methods have been combined with LIF detection (XML)
MePO  ( in XML )  (13)
  » median preoptic nucleus (XML) | methyl-paraoxon (XML) | median preoptic area (XML)
MEDOS  ( in XML )  (13)
  » Mediterranean Osteoporosis Study (XML) | Mediterranean osteoporosis (XML) | MEdication Decisions in Osteoarthritis Study (XML) | Microwave enhanced diversity-oriented synthesis (XML)
MeONPs  ( in XML )  (13)
  » metal oxide nanoparticles (XML) | Metal oxide NPs (XML)
MEVC  ( in XML )  (13)
  » multi-epitope vaccine construct (XML) | multi-epitopes vaccine (XML) | ME voltage coefficient (XML) | methanol extract of the whole plant of Vernonia cinerea (XML) | multi-epitopes subunit vaccine (XML) ...
MERO  ( in XML )  (13)
  » meropenem (XML) | more resistant to meropenem (XML) | mitral effective regurgitant orifice (XML)
MELCs  ( in XML )  (13)
  » murine erythroleukemia cells (XML) | mink lung epithelial cells (XML)
MEDEA  ( in XML )  (13)
  » Munich Examination of Delay in Patients Experiencing Acute Myocardial Infarction (XML) | M-Estimator with DEterministic Annealing (XML) | Microbial Ecosystem Dynamics (XML) | may be described as diatom-dominated (XML) | maternal effect dominant embryonic arrest (XML) ...
MEBR  ( in XML )  (13)
  » membrane electro-bioreactor (XML) | methanol extract of Bauhinia racemosa (XML) | micro-electrolysis with biological reactor (XML) | measured embolus-to-blood ratio (XML) | methanolic extract of B. rotunda (XML) ...
mef  ( in XML )  (13)
  » macrolide efflux (XML) | macrolide-resistant streptococci species, producing an efflux pump (XML) | mefenamate (XML) | medial lip element fullness (XML) | mefenamic (XML) ...
MeVOs  ( in XML )  (13)
  » medium vessel occlusions (XML) | Medium Vessels Occlusion (XML) | medium and distal vessel occlusions (XML)
MEKis  ( in XML )  (13)
  » MEK inhibitors (XML) | MEK kinase inhibitors (XML) | MAPK/extracellular signal-regulated kinase kinase inhibitors (XML)
MEREC  ( in XML )  (13)
  » method based on the removal effects of criteria (XML) | MEREC Bulletin (XML) | Method for Eliciting Relative Weights (XML)
MEAN  ( in XML )  (12)
  » 6-methoxyethylamino-numonafide (XML) | MADE A RECENT SUICIDE ATTEMPT (XML) | mean HU value (XML) | MATERNAL AGE (XML) | mean relative strain value within the region of interest (XML) ...
MESSY  ( in XML )  (12)
  » Matson Evaluation of Social Skills with Youngsters (XML) | Multi-Modal Evaluation of Sensory Sensitivity (XML)
mEGFR  ( in XML )  (12)
  » EGFR mutation (XML) | membrane EGFR (XML) | METHODS: ctDNA of EGFR-TKI sensitizing mutations (XML) | mouse EGFR (XML) | mutated EGFR (XML) ...
MESR  ( in XML )  (12)
  » multinomial endogenous switching regression (XML) | muscular electro-seismic response (XML) | methanol extract of SR (XML) | methanolic extracts of S. robusta (XML) | methanolic extracts of the roots (XML) ...
MeImAA  ( in XML )  (12)
  » methylimidazoleacetic acid (XML) | 1-methyl-4-imidazoleacetic acid (XML)
MECL  ( in XML )  (12)
  » multicatalytic endopeptidase complex-like (XML) | mammary epithelial cell line (XML) | myoepithelial cell layer (XML) | methanolic extract of carob leaves (XML) | methylenechloride (XML) ...
MEPO  ( in XML )  (12)
  » mepolizumab (XML) | maximum equivalent pressure output (XML) | methanolic extract of PO (XML) | mutant erythropoietin (XML) | p-methoxypyridine N-oxide (XML) ...
meta-RR  ( in XML )  (12)
  » meta-relative risk (XML) | meta-rate ratio estimate (XML) | meta-analysis relative risk (XML) | meta-risk ratio (XML)
MEDCAC  ( in XML )  (12)
  » Medicare Evidence Development & Coverage Advisory Committee (XML) | Medicare Evidence Advisory Committee (XML) | Medicare Coverage and Analysis Advisory Committee (XML)
Meg-CFC  ( in XML )  (12)
  » megakaryocyte colony-forming cells (XML)
MELDNa  ( in XML )  (12)
  » Model for End-stage Liver Disease Sodium (XML) | Model for End-Stage Liver Disease with sodium incorporated (XML) | Model for End-stage Liver Disease and Serum Sodium Concentration score (XML) | model for end-stage liver disease sodium score (XML)
MEBD  ( in XML )  (12)
  » muscle-eye-brain disease (XML) | modified Evans blue dye test (XML) | mental, emotional, behavioral, and developmental (XML) | micro-electrolysis and biological denitrification (XML) | mitoxantrone, etoposide, bleomycin and dexamethasone (XML) ...
Met-PET  ( in XML )  (12)
  » methionine positron emission tomography (XML) | 11C-methionine PET (XML)
MEWT  ( in XML )  (12)
  » Maternal Early Warning Trigger (XML) | Methanolic extract of W. tinctoria (XML) | mildly elevated water temperature (XML)
MEEG  ( in XML )  (12)
  » magneto- and electroencephalography (XML) | migration-enhanced encapsulated growth (XML) | magnetoencephalography and electroencephalography (XML) | magnetoencephalographic (XML) | MEG and EEG (XML)
meat  ( in XML )  (12)
  » methods in objectiva evalution of overeating foood of carnivores (XML) | meat cut (XML) | meat broth and in a food model (XML) | meat intake (XML) | mantle (XML) ...
MELiSSA  ( in XML )  (12)
  » Micro-Ecological Life Support System Alternative (XML)
metal-Abeta  ( in XML )  (12)
  » metal-bound Abeta (XML) | metal-associated amyloid-beta (XML) | Metal binding to Abeta (XML) | metal-associated Abeta (XML) | metal-bound amyloid-beta (XML)
mECM  ( in XML )  (12)
  » mineralized extracellular matrix (XML) | Mesenchymal stem cell-derived extracellular matrix (XML) | modified Elixhauser's Comorbidity Measure (XML) | method to induce hMSC chondrogenesis within self-generated extracellular matrix (XML) | mammary extracellular matrix (XML) ...
MeFG  ( in XML )  (12)
  » medial frontal gyrus (XML)
MERSI  ( in XML )  (12)
  » Massachusetts Eye Research and Surgery Institution (XML) | Medium Resolution Spectral Imager (XML)
METRC  ( in XML )  (12)
  » Major Extremity Trauma Research Consortium (XML) | Major Extremity Trauma Consortium (XML)
meta-analysis  ( in XML )  (12)
  » methodological quality limited an aggregate statistical analysis (XML) | methodological quality and data were synthesized quantitatively (XML) | more than one study, we calculated pooled odds ratios (XML) | model was used for the quantitative analysis (XML) | methods to reduce statistical imprecision using quantitative synthesis (XML) ...
MenCC  ( in XML )  (12)
  » meningococcal serogroup C conjugate (XML) | MenC conjugate (XML) | meningococcal conjugate vaccines (XML) | meningococcal glycoconjugate vaccine (XML) | meningococcal serogroupC conjugate vaccine (XML)
MeTCS  ( in XML )  (12)
  » methyl triclosan (XML)
methyl-CCNU  ( in XML )  (12)
  » 1-(2-chloroethyl)-3-(trans-4-methylcyclohexyl)-1-nitrosourea (XML) | methylcyclohexyl nitrosourea (XML)
mEI  ( in XML )  (12)
  » membrane-Enterococcus indoxyl-beta-D-glucoside agar (XML) | modified Elixhauser index (XML) | measured via echo intensity (XML) | medium (XML) | mCSA, echo intensity (XML) ...
MENSA  ( in XML )  (12)
  » medium enriched for newly synthesized antibodies (XML) | multiecho in steady-state acquisition (XML) | Mepolizumab as Adjunctive Therapy in Patients with Severe Asthma (XML) | Monitoring Endocrine Nursing in South Asia (XML) | main trial in which the evidence was gathered (XML) ...
Met-tRNAi  ( in XML )  (12)
  » methionyl-tRNA (XML) | methionyl initiator tRNA (XML) | methyionly-tRNAi (XML) | methionyl initiator transfer RNA (XML) | makes a ternary complex with GTP and eukaryotic initiator tRNA (XML) ...
MEONF-II  ( in XML )  (11)
  » Minimal Eating Observation and Nutrition Form - Version II (XML) | Minimal Eating Observation and Nutrition Form (XML)
ME-GRE  ( in XML )  (11)
  » multi-echo gradient-echo (XML) | multi-echo gradient recalled echo (XML) | multi-echo GRE (XML)
MEVA  ( in XML )  (11)
  » methanolic extract of Vernonia amygdalina (XML) | alpha-keto-beta-methylvaleric acid (XML) | Modified Exposure Variation Analysis (XML) | mesometrial/endometrial vascularization area (XML)
med-peds  ( in XML )  (11)
  » medicine-pediatrics (XML) | medicine-pediatrics physicians (XML)
MELAS syndrome  ( in XML )  (11)
  » mitochondrial encephalomyopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke-like episodes (XML) | myopathy, encephalopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke-like episodes syndrome (XML) | mitochondrial encephalopathy lactic acidosis and stroke-like symptoms syndrome (XML)
MeHNL  ( in XML )  (11)
  » Manihot esculenta (XML)
MEJ  ( in XML )  (11)
  » myoendothelial junction (XML) | methanol-extracted juice (XML) | meat-eating justification (XML) | Medical Excellence JAPAN (XML) | Methanolic extract of jatamansi (XML)
MetSSS  ( in XML )  (11)
  » metabolic syndrome severity score (XML) | MetS severity score (XML)
MePCE  ( in XML )  (11)
  » methylphosphate capping enzyme (XML)
MESFETs  ( in XML )  (11)
  » metal-semiconductor field-effect transistors (XML) | metal-oxide field effect transistors (XML)
m.e.p.p.'s  ( in XML )  (11)
  » miniature end-plate potentials (XML)
MEDLARS  ( in XML )  (11)
  » Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System (XML) | Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (XML)
MEF75  ( in XML )  (11)
  » maximal expiratory flow at 75% of expired VC (XML) | maximal expiratory flow at 75% of the forced vital capacity (XML) | maximum expiratory flow rate at 75% of vital capacity (XML) | midexpiratory flow75 (XML) | maximal expiratory flow rate at 75% FVC (XML) ...
METAVIR  ( in XML )  (11)
  » meta-analysis of histological data in viral hepatitis (XML)
MENDS  ( in XML )  (11)
  » Multi-State EHR-Based Network for Disease Surveillance (XML) | Medical Equipment Network Documentation System (XML) | Maximizing Efficacy of Targeted Sedation and Reducing Neurological Dysfunction (XML) | motivational enhancement and device support (XML)
MEOs  ( in XML )  (11)
  » myrtle essential oils (XML) | medium earth-orbit satellites (XML) | myoepitheliomas (XML) | mammary epithelial organoids (XML) | medical education offices (XML) ...
MEMT  ( in XML )  (11)
  » middle ear myoclonic tinnitus (XML) | Macrophage-Electrophoretic-Mobility-Test (XML) | Mastering emotions technique (XML) | microelectromagnets traps (XML) | methanol extract of MT (XML) ...
MELODI  ( in XML )  (11)
  » Multidisciplinary European Low Dose Initiative (XML)
METTL7A  ( in XML )  (11)
  » Methyltransferase-like protein 7A (XML) | methyltransferase-like 7A (XML)
MEBM  ( in XML )  (11)
  » Methanolic extract of Butea monosperma flowers (XML) | maternal expressed breast milk (XML) | methanolic extract of B. monniera (XML) | methanol extract of Bombax malabaricum leaves (XML) | migration-enriched BM (XML)
MeDH  ( in XML )  (11)
  » methanol dehydrogenase (XML)
ME/C  ( in XML )  (11)
  » medical examiner/coroner (XML)
meTIMP  ( in XML )  (11)
  » methylthioinosine monophosphate (XML)
Met-Enk-Arg-Gly-Leu  ( in XML )  (11)
  » Met-enkephalin-Arg-Gly-Leu (XML) | methionine-enkephalin-Arg6-Gly7-Leu8 (XML) | methionine-enkephalin(Met-Enk), leucine-enkephalin(Leu-Enk), methionine-enkephalin-Arg6-Gly7-Leu8 (XML) | methionine-enkephalin-argynine-glycine-leucine (XML)
MELASQoL  ( in XML )  (11)
  » Melasma Quality of Life (XML)
Mel200  ( in XML )  (11)
  » Melphalan 200 mg/m2 (XML) | Melphalan 200mg/m2 at day-2 (XML) | Melphalan is given at a dose of 200mg/m2 (XML) | Melphalan 200 (XML)
MeCP  ( in XML )  (11)
  » methyl-CpG-binding protein (XML) | 2-methylcyclopropene (XML) | methyl-cytosine binding protein (XML)
MESSENGER  ( in XML )  (11)
  » MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging (XML)
MedMgt  ( in XML )  (11)
  » medication management (XML) | medication management alone (XML) | medication management strategy alone (XML) | algorithm-medication alone (XML)
Met-Met  ( in XML )  (11)
  » methionyl-methionine (XML) | methionyl-methionine dipeptide (XML) | l-methionyl-Met (XML)
MESL  ( in XML )  (11)
  » mean eye scanning length (XML) | Middle Eastern surname list (XML) | microemulsion (XML) | methanolic extract of Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi leaves (XML) | Magneto-Electric Spin Logic (XML)
ME-LI  ( in XML )  (11)
  » methionine enkephalin-like immunoreactivity (XML) | ME-like immunoreactivity (XML) | Met5-enkephalin-like (XML) | Met-enkephalin-like immunoreactive material (XML)
METR  ( in XML )  (11)
  » metritis (XML) | metritis resistance (XML) | metronidazole (XML) | middle ear tendon resection (XML) | medical emergency treatment report (XML) ...
MEBs  ( in XML )  (11)
  » members of editorial boards (XML) | memory B cells (XML) | mental, emotional, and behavioral problems (XML) | middle ear biopsies (XML) | Morphogenetic embryoid bodies (XML) ...
MELDI  ( in XML )  (11)
  » material-enhanced laser desorption/ionization (XML) | material-enhanced LDI (XML)
METER  ( in XML )  (11)
  » Medical Term Recognition Test (XML) | Mental health emergency response (XML) | Mobile Ecological Test of Emotion Recognition (XML) | Measuring Events Through Environmental Research (XML)
MEX3A  ( in XML )  (11)
  » Mex-3 RNA binding family member A (XML)
MET-CBT  ( in XML )  (11)
  » motivational enhancement therapy with cognitive behavioral therapy (XML) | MET/cognitive behavior therapy (XML) | Motivational Enhancement Therapy-Cognitive Behavioral Treatment (XML)
MEVVA  ( in XML )  (11)
  » metal vapor vacuum arc (XML) | metal vapor vacuum arc technique (XML)
MetAP1  ( in XML )  (11)
  » methionine aminopeptidase 1 (XML)
MEGRE  ( in XML )  (11)
  » multiecho gradient echo (XML) | multicenter trial Epidemiology of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease in Russia (XML) | Multi-echo gradient echo (XML)
mem  ( in XML )  (11)
  » membrane viscosity of red blood cells, eta (XML) | mice meromelia (XML) | multilamellar vesicles, Kp (XML) | model for endosomal escape of CPPs: DeltapH (XML) | membranes, Kp (XML) ...
MEcDP  ( in XML )  (10)
  » 2-C-methyl-d-erythritol 2,4-cyclodiphosphate (XML) | methylerythritol cyclodiphosphate (XML)
MEMG  ( in XML )  (10)
  » mirror electromyographic activity (XML) | multiunit electromyographic (XML) | muscle measured by an electromyogram (XML) | muscle electromyographic (XML) | masseter electromyographic events (XML) ...
MEG8  ( in XML )  (10)
  » maternally expressed gene 8 (XML) | maternally expressed 8, small nucleolar RNA host gene (XML)
ME-TRAP  ( in XML )  (10)
  » multiple epitope-thrombospondin-related adhesion protein (XML) | multiple preerythrocytic-stage epitopes joined with the preerythrocytic-stage antigen TRAP (XML)
MEFVC  ( in XML )  (10)
  » maximum expiratory flow-volume curve (XML)
METRIC  ( in XML )  (10)
  » Mapping Evapo Transpiration at high Resolution with Internalized Calibration (XML) | metastatic, gpNMB overexpressing, triple-negative breast cancer (XML) | Mapping Evapotranspiration with Internalized Calibration (XML) | Measurement, Education and Tracking in Integrated Care (XML) | Metastatic Triple-Negative Breast Cancer (XML) ...
MeNU  ( in XML )  (10)
  » N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (XML)
MenV  ( in XML )  (10)
  » Menangle virus (XML) | meningitis vaccine (XML)
mEpo  ( in XML )  (10)
  » murine erythropoietin (XML) | murine Epo (XML)
MEMB  ( in XML )  (10)
  » modified eosin methylene blue (XML) | maximum-excluded-mass-burning (XML) | macrophage electrophoretic mobility (XML) | Medicare-eligible military beneficiaries (XML) | methanolic extract from M. bimucronata (XML) ...
MESO-PP  ( in XML )  (10)
  » melting solidification printing process (XML) | technology-melting solidification printing process (XML)
MEC-U  ( in XML )  (10)
  » Medical Research Ethics Committees United (XML)
MESFET  ( in XML )  (10)
  » metal-semiconductor field-effect transistor (XML) | metal-semiconductor FET (XML) | metal semiconductor field effect transistor structure (XML)
MEQ-5  ( in XML )  (10)
  » Morning and Evening Questionnaire-5 (XML)
MEL1  ( in XML )  (10)
MEEMD  ( in XML )  (10)
  » multi-dimensional ensemble empirical mode decomposition (XML) | modified ensemble empirical mode decomposition (XML) | mean empirical modal decomposition (XML)
MEDENOX  ( in XML )  (10)
  » Medical Patients with Enoxaparin (XML) | Medical Patients With Enoxaparin Study (XML) | Medical Patients with Enoxoparin (XML)
MENG  ( in XML )  (10)
  » magnetoenterogram (XML) | Magnetoenterography (XML) | moist-electric generators (XML) | Magnetic enzyme nanogel (XML) | magnetometer (XML) ...
MEUC  ( in XML )  (10)
  » minimally enhanced usual care (XML) | microbial electrochemical ultraviolet photolysis cell (XML) | minimally enhanced usual care comparison group (XML) | microbubble-enhanced ultrasound cavitation (XML) | microbial electrolysis ultraviolet cell (XML)
mEPSP  ( in XML )  (10)
  » miniature EPSP (XML) | miniature excitatory postsynaptic potential (XML) | monosynaptic excitatory postsynaptic potentials (XML)
Mex  ( in XML )  (10)
  » multidrug efflux (XML) | methoxamine hydrochloride (XML) | Methylobacterium extorquens (XML) | Meloxicam (XML) | methotrexate (XML) ...
MEPN  ( in XML )  (10)
  » Museo de la Escuela Politecnica Nacional (XML) | Myxopapillary ependymomas (XML) | molecular electrostatic potential (XML) | methanol extract of Parquetina nigrescens (XML) | methanol extract of Piper nigrum (XML) ...
MetID  ( in XML )  (10)
  » metabolite identification (XML)
MECPTP  ( in XML )  (10)
  » mono-2-ethyl-5-carboxypentyl terephthalate (XML)
ME-SIMS  ( in XML )  (10)
  » matrix-enhanced secondary ion mass spectrometry (XML) | matrix enhanced SIMS (XML)
mEHP  ( in XML )  (10)
  » mono-2-ethylhexyl phthalate (XML) | monoethylhexyl phthalate (XML)
MePyPs  ( in XML )  (10)
  » 7-methylpyrido(3,4-c)psoralen (XML)
MEKC-MS  ( in XML )  (10)
  » micellar electrokinetic chromatography-mass spectrometry (XML)
mENaC  ( in XML )  (10)
  » murine ENaC (XML) | mouse ENaC (XML) | alphabetagamma-mouse ENaC (XML) | mouse epithelial Na(+) channels (XML) | mouse alpha,beta,gamma-ENaC (XML)
MEIM-R  ( in XML )  (10)
  » Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure-Revised (XML)
MEDR  ( in XML )  (10)
  » maximally efficient dose-range (XML) | methanolic crude extract of Dryopteris Ramosa (XML) | Minimum expected delay-based routing protocol (XML) | Minimum Expected Delay-based Routing (XML) | minimum effective dose regimen (XML) ...
MEN 1  ( in XML )  (10)
  » multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 syndrome (XML) | multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 1 (XML) | tumorigenesis-multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (XML)
MeD-seq  ( in XML )  (10)
  » methylated DNA sequencing (XML) | Methylated Cell-Free DNA Sequencing (XML) | methylation of cfDNA was determined using a high-resolution sequencing technique (XML)
MESCs  ( in XML )  (10)
  » miniature excitatory synaptic currents (XML) | mammary epithelial stem cells (XML) | mesenchymal stromal cells (XML) | menstrual blood endometrial cells (XML) | multifunctional energy storage composites (XML) ...
Med-DQI  ( in XML )  (10)
  » Mediterranean dietary quality index (XML) | Mediterranean-DQI (XML)
meso-DAPDH  ( in XML )  (10)
  » meso-Diaminopimelate dehydrogenase (XML)
MEN2A  ( in XML )  (10)
  » MEN type 2A (XML) | Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2A syndrome (XML) | multiple endocrine neoplasia type2A pedigree (XML)
MEFR  ( in XML )  (10)
  » maximal expiratory flow rates (XML) | mid-expiratory flow rate (XML)
meta-GWAS  ( in XML )  (10)
  » meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies (XML) | meta-analysis of GWAS (XML) | meta-genome-wide association studies (XML) | meta-genome-wide association (XML) | meta-analysis of GWAS summary statistics (XML)
MEWHC  ( in XML )  (10)
  » manganese-exposed workers healthy cohort (XML)
mEFAP  ( in XML )  (10)
  » modified Emory Functional Ambulation Profile (XML)
Mef  ( in XML )  (10)
  » mefloquine (XML) | Mefenamic acid (XML) | mouse embryonic fibroblast (XML) | mefenpyr-diethyl (XML)
Meis1  ( in XML )  (10)
  » myeloid ecotropic viral integration site 1 (XML) | myeloid ectopic viral integration site 1 homolog (XML)
MET-h  ( in XML )  (10)
  » metabolic equivalent hours (XML) | meeting physical activity recommendations and higher overall physical activity (XML)
MEGF10  ( in XML )  (10)
  » multiple epidermal growth factor-like domains 10 (XML) | multiple epidermal growth factor 10 (XML) | multiple epidermal growth factor-like domains 10-encoding gene (XML)
MeHi  ( in XML )  (10)
  » methylhistamine (XML) | tele-methylhistamine (XML)
ME/RRKM  ( in XML )  (10)
  » master equation/Rice-Ramsperger-Kassel-Marcus (XML)
MEGI  ( in XML )  (9)
  » magnetoencephalographic imaging (XML)
MEL-B  ( in XML )  (9)
  » mannosylerythritol lipid-B (XML) | 4-O-((6'-mono-O-acetyl-2',3'-di-O-alkanoyl)-beta-d-mannopyranosyl)-meso-erythritol (XML) | 1-O-beta-(2',3'-di-O-alka(e)noyl-6'-O-acetyl-d-mannopyranosyl)-d-erythritol (XML)
mesoMOFs  ( in XML )  (9)
  » mesoporous metal-organic frameworks (XML) | mesoporous MOFs (XML) | mesoporous iron-metal-organic framework nanoparticles (XML)
mev  ( in XML )  (9)
  » mutant viable motheaten (XML) | Motheaten viable (XML) | mevalonate pathway gene cluster (XML) | mast cells from viable motheaten (XML) | 1-2-mo-old viable motheaten (XML)
MEMSA  ( in XML )  (9)
  » myoclonic epilepsy myopathy sensory ataxia (XML) | maximum entropy mobility spectrum analysis (XML) | microscopic endoscope-assisted transmaxillosphenoidal approach (XML)
MeP-dR  ( in XML )  (9)
  » 6-methylpurine-2'-deoxyriboside (XML) | 9-(2-deoxy-beta-D-ribofuranosyl)-6-methylpurine (XML) | MeP releasing prodrug 9-(2-deoxy-beta-d-ribofuranosyl)-6-methylpurine (1) (XML)
mean-IMT  ( in XML )  (9)
  » mean-intima media thickness (XML) | mean carotid intima-media thickness (XML) | mean carotid IMT (XML)
MELO  ( in XML )  (9)
  » meloxicam (XML)
MeDSG  ( in XML )  (9)
  » methyldeoxyspergualin (XML) | mechanism of Deoxymethylspergualin (XML) | more stable analogue, deoxymethylspergualin (XML) | 15-Deoxy-11-O-methylspergualin (XML) | mechanism in vitro using Deoxymethylspergulin (XML)
MEN 2  ( in XML )  (9)
  » multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 syndromes (XML) | syndrome--multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 (XML)
MELSHA  ( in XML )  (9)
  » Melbourne Longitudinal Studies on Healthy Ageing (XML)
MEGC  ( in XML )  (9)
  » multiple early gastric cancer (XML) | methanolic extract of Gleditsia caspica (XML) | microfabricated enumeration grid chambers (XML) | methanol extract of ginseng CMCs (XML) | Missed early gastric cancer (XML) ...
MEM-test  ( in XML )  (9)
  » macrophage electrophoretic mobility test (XML) | macrophage electrophoresis mobility test (XML)
Me2  ( in XML )  (9)
  » MesSeC6H2 (XML) | 3-(2,6-dimethylphenoxy)-2-methylpropanamine (XML) | Me2NR-Si (XML) | mechanism of O2 insertion into the Pt-H bond of Tp (XML) | Me (2); Tp (XML)
METTL5  ( in XML )  (9)
  » methyltransferase-like 5 (XML) | methyltransferase 5, N6-adenosine (XML) | methyltransferase 5 (XML)
METAC  ( in XML )  (9)
  » methacryloxyethyltrimethylammonium chloride (XML) | 2-methacryloxyethyltrimethylammonium (XML)
MECIR  ( in XML )  (9)
  » Methodological Expectations of Cochrane Intervention Reviews (XML) | Mapuche Equipo Colaborativo para la Investigacion de la Resiliencia (XML)
MEIT  ( in XML )  (9)
  » maximum electrically induced torque (XML) | membrane-enclosed immersion test (XML) | micro-electrical impedance tomography (XML) | Mobile Emotional Intelligence Test (XML)
MEIG1  ( in XML )  (9)
  » meiosis-expressed gene 1 (XML) | meiosis expressed gene 1 product (XML)
MEURI  ( in XML )  (9)
  » Monitored Emergency Use of Unregistered and Investigational Interventions (XML) | Monitored Emergency use of Unregistered Interventions (XML)
MeDALL  ( in XML )  (9)
  » Mechanisms of the Development of Allergy (XML) | Mechanisms of the Development of ALLergy questionnaire (XML)
MEDB  ( in XML )  (9)
  » mental, emotional, developmental, or behavioral (XML) | musculus extensor digitorum brevis (XML) | Metal Environment Database (XML) | M. extensor digitorum brevis (XML)
MeTase  ( in XML )  (9)
  » methyltransferase (XML)
MEN IIA  ( in XML )  (9)
  » multiple endocrine neoplasia type IIA (XML) | Multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type IIA (XML)
mEV  ( in XML )  (9)
  » minimum E-value (XML) | animal-milk-derived EV (XML)
ME-IR  ( in XML )  (9)
  » met-enkephalin immunoreactive material (XML) | material (XML) | met-enkephalin immunoreactive peptides (XML)
MemFlex  ( in XML )  (9)
  » Memory Flexibility training (XML) | Memory Flexibility (XML)
Melan-A  ( in XML )  (9)
  » melanoma antigen (XML) | melanoma antigen recognized by T cells (XML) | melanoma tumor antigen (XML) | melanoma Ag A (XML) | melanocyte differentiation antigen (XML) ...
mESS  ( in XML )  (9)
  » modified Epworth Sleepiness Scale (XML) | modified ESS (XML) | meridional end-systolic stress (XML)
MethyQESD  ( in XML )  (9)
  » methylation-quantification of endonuclease-resistant DNA (XML)
MEBot  ( in XML )  (9)
  » mobility enhancement robot (XML) | Mobility Enhancement Robotic Wheelchair (XML)
MEGSSs  ( in XML )  (9)
  » MEG spike sources (XML) | magnetoencephalography spike sources (XML)
MEPCM  ( in XML )  (9)
  » microencapsulated phase change material (XML) | microencapsulated PCM (XML)
MeHV-1  ( in XML )  (9)
  » Meleagrid herpesvirus 1 (XML)
MerR  ( in XML )  (9)
  » mercury resistance regulator (XML) | mercury-responsive transcriptional activator (XML) | metalloregulatory (XML) | mercury-responsive regulator (XML) | metalloregulatory-like protein (XML) ...
methyl-GAG  ( in XML )  (9)
  » methylglyoxal-bis-guanylhydrazone (XML)
METTL13  ( in XML )  (9)
  » methyltransferase like 13 (XML) | methyltransferase-like protein 13 (XML)
MEIR  ( in XML )  (9)
  » Met-enkephalin immunoreactivity (XML) | mean entomological inoculation rate (XML) | Medical Effects of Ionizing Radiation (XML) | Mean enhancement of intensity of a region of interest (XML)
MeTA  ( in XML )  (9)
  » methyl-CpG targeted transcriptional activation (XML) | Medicines Transparency Alliance (XML) | metabolic telomere attrition hypothesis (XML)
MEBP  ( in XML )  (9)
  » multi-epitope-based peptide (XML) | methanol extract of B. pilosa leaf (XML) | methanol extract of B. purpurea leaves (XML) | methanol extract of Bauhinia purpurea leaf (XML) | 1-methyl-4,4'-bipyridinium iodide (XML) ...
mEA  ( in XML )  (9)
  » moderate asthma (XML) | mild-moderate equine asthma (XML) | mean EAT attenuation (XML) | mean area of endothelium (XML) | modified ensemble averaging (XML) ...
MEF-CM  ( in XML )  (9)
  » MEF conditioned medium (XML) | mouse embryonic fibroblast-conditioned media (XML) | mouse embryonic feeders (XML)
MenX  ( in XML )  (9)
  » meningitidis serogroup X (XML) | meningococcal X (XML) | Meningococcal group X (XML) | meningitidis X (XML)
MEDCAP  ( in XML )  (9)
  » Medical Civic Assistance Program (XML) | medical civic action program (XML) | medical civil action project (XML)
MERFS  ( in XML )  (9)
  » Multicenter European Radiofrequency Survey (XML) | Melbourne Risk Factor Study (XML) | Melbourne Stroke Risk Factor Study (XML)
MEAI  ( in XML )  (9)
  » 5-methoxy-2-aminoindane (XML) | modified eco-risk assessment index (XML) | methanolic extract of Azadirachta indica (XML) | 2-methoxyethylammonium iodide (XML)
MetA  ( in XML )  (9)
  » metal-assisted (XML) | mutation of L-homoserine O-succinyltransferase (XML) | mutant of the homodimeric protein homoserine o-succinyltransferase (XML) | l-methionine production and the pivotal enzyme homoserine O-succinyltransferase (XML) | Metabolaid (XML) ...
mEP  ( in XML )  (9)
  » movement event-related potential (XML) | monoethylphthalate (XML) | miniaturized electrostatic precipitator (XML) | minimization principle (XML) | midbrain evoked potential (XML) ...
MeCLA  ( in XML )  (9)
  » methyl carlactonoate (XML) | methyl ester of carlactonoic acid (XML)
MEJs  ( in XML )  (9)
  » myoendothelial junctions (XML) | medical education journals (XML)
Meta I  ( in XML )  (9)
  » metarhodopsin I (XML)
MEKO  ( in XML )  (9)
  » methyl ethyl ketoxime (XML)
MEMS-IMU  ( in XML )  (9)
  » micro-electro-mechanical system inertial measurement unit (XML) | measumrement unit (XML)
MEK-ERK  ( in XML )  (9)
  » mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase-extracellular signal-regulated kinase (XML) | mitogen-activated protein kinase/extracellular signal-regulated kinase kinase-extracellular signal-regulated kinase (XML) | MEK-extracellular signal-regulated kinase (XML) | MAPK/ extracellular signal-regulated kinase and extracellular signal-regulated kinase (XML)
MED16  ( in XML )  (9)
  » mediator complex subunit 16 (XML) | MEDIATOR16 (XML) | Mediator subunit16 (XML) | med16-2 and med16-3 (XML) | mediator 16 (XML)
MEHM  ( in XML )  (9)
  » Minimum European Health Module (XML) | marital status, employment, income, health status (XML)
mE-RABP  ( in XML )  (9)
  » murine epididymal retinoic acid-binding protein (XML) | murine epididymis synthesizes and secretes a retinoic acid-binding protein (XML)
MEndoT  ( in XML )  (9)
  » mesenchymal-to-endothelial transition (XML)
MEKK4  ( in XML )  (8)
  » mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 4 (XML) | mitogen-activated protein kinase/extracellular signal-related kinase 4 (XML) | MEK kinase 4 (XML) | MAP kinase kinase kinase 4 (XML)
Medicare Part A  ( in XML )  (8)
  » Medicare's hospital insurance program (XML)
MEPEs  ( in XML )  (8)
  » metallosupramolecular coordination polyelectrolytes (XML) | metallo-supramolecular coordination polyelectrolytes (XML) | metallo-supramolecular polyelectrolytes (XML)
MEDUNSA  ( in XML )  (8)
  » Medical University of Southern Africa (XML)
MeH  ( in XML )  (8)
  » methylhydrazine (XML) | 3-methyl-l-histidine (XML) | measles virus hemagglutinin (XML) | metal hydrates (XML) | measles hemagglutinin (XML)
MEGO  ( in XML )  (8)
  » microwave-exfoliated graphite oxide (XML) | modified efficient global optimization (XML) | microwave-expanded graphene oxide (XML) | methanolic extract of G. oppositifolius (XML) | metamaterial embedded geometrical optics (XML)
meanNN  ( in XML )  (8)
  » mean of all RR intervals between normal beats (XML) | mean of all normal RR intervals (XML) | mean RR interval from sinus beats (XML) | mean normal to normal R intervals (XML) | mean of normal-to-normal heartbeats (XML) ...
MELTVR  ( in XML )  (8)
  » Myoepithelioma-like tumors of the vulvar region (XML)
meDNA  ( in XML )  (8)
  » methylated DNA (XML) | microbial environmental DNA (XML) | microbial eDNA (XML)
MED8  ( in XML )  (8)
  » Mediator complex subunit 8 (XML) | MEDIATOR SUBUNIT 8 (XML) | MEDIATOR8 (XML) | Mediator of RNA polymerase II transcription subunit 8 isoform 1 (XML)
MED23  ( in XML )  (8)
  » mediator complex subunit 23 (XML) | mediator subunit 23 (XML) | Mediator 23 (XML) | Mediator Complex 23 (XML)
med-LN  ( in XML )  (8)
  » mediastinal lymph nodes (XML)
MEGJ  ( in XML )  (8)
  » myoendothelial gap junctions (XML)
MEN-IIa  ( in XML )  (8)
  » multiple endocrine neoplasia type IIa (XML) | multiple endocrine neoplasia (XML)
METAL  ( in XML )  (8)
  » METformin in Advanced Lung cancer (XML) | MacroEcological Theory on the Arrangement of Life (XML) | Magnet Extraction Through Appendectomy Laparoscopically (XML) | Meta-Analysis Helper software (XML) | Metabolic Diseases in Shanghai (XML) ...
MEDCC  ( in XML )  (8)
  » microbial electrolysis desalination and chemical-production cell (XML)
MEL cells  ( in XML )  (8)
  » murine erythroleukemia cells (XML) | mouse erythroleukaemia cells (XML) | mouse erythroleukemia cells (XML)
Merc  ( in XML )  (8)
  » 2-mercaptopyridine-N-oxide (XML) | Mercuric chloride (XML) | mercury sphygmomanometers (XML) | 111In-Mercapto pyridine (XML)
MEL200  ( in XML )  (8)
  » melphalan 200mg/m2 (XML) | melphalan dose of 200mg/m2 (XML) | most commonly used dose of 200mg/m(2) (XML)
MEOGRT  ( in XML )  (8)
  » Medaka Extended One Generation Reproduction Test (XML) | medaka extended one-generation test (XML)
MEF2a  ( in XML )  (8)
  » myocyte enhancer factor 2a (XML) | myocyte-specific enhancer factor 2a (XML)
MeOBDCG  ( in XML )  (8)
  » N-(4-methoxybenzyl)-D-glucamine-N-carbodithioate monohydrate (XML) | N-(4-methoxybenzyl)-D-glucamine dithiocarbamate monohydrate (XML) | N-(4-methoxybenzyl)-N-dithiocarboxy-D-glucamine (XML) | mmol/kg of sodium N-(4-methoxybenzyl)-D-glucamine dithiocarbamate (XML)
ME3  ( in XML )  (8)
  » malic enzyme 3 (XML) | Magee equation 3 (XML) | module 3 (XML)
MedEd  ( in XML )  (8)
  » medical education (XML)
mERA  ( in XML )  (8)
  » mHealth Evidence Reporting and Assessment (XML) | mHealth evidence reporting and assessment checklist (XML)
MEMI  ( in XML )  (8)
  » mindfulness ecological momentary intervention (XML) | Motivations to Eat Meat Inventory (XML) | 1-methyl-5-ethyl-4-mercaptoimidazole (XML) | Munich Energy-balance Model for Individuals (XML) | methanolic extract of M. indica (XML) ...
meta-GGAs  ( in XML )  (8)
  » meta-generalized-gradient approximations (XML)
MELDs  ( in XML )  (8)
  » Model for End-Stage Liver Disease score (XML) | medical end-of-life decisions (XML)
methQTL  ( in XML )  (8)
  » methylation quantitative trait loci (XML) | methylation quantitative loci (XML)
MeFOSE  ( in XML )  (8)
  » N-methylperfluorooctane sulfonamidoethanol (XML) | investigated--N-methyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoethanol (XML)
MEAQ  ( in XML )  (8)
  » Multidimensional Experiential Avoidance Questionnaire (XML)
MEKAR  ( in XML )  (8)
  » MEK inhibitor-associated retinopathy (XML) | Mitogen-activated protein kinase inhibitor-associated retinopathy (XML) | MEKi-associated retinopathy (XML)
meanSE  ( in XML )  (8)
  » milk SCC for L-W, PMG, and Fossomatic were (XML) | mornings before and after treatment conditions were calculated (XML) | mesohaline river site by 13018Mg biomass km(-2) yr(-1) (XML) | measurements (XML) | Mercury concentrations (XML) ...
mEs  ( in XML )  (8)
  » minor errors (XML)
MEPDG  ( in XML )  (8)
  » Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide (XML) | mechanical-empirical pavement design guide (XML)
MetaSUB  ( in XML )  (8)
  » Metadesign of the Subways and Urban Biomes (XML) | Metadesign of Subways and Urban Biomes Consortium (XML)
MEFL  ( in XML )  (8)
  » malformations or embryo-fetal lethality (XML) | molecules of equivalent fluorescein (XML) | microelectrofluidic lens (XML) | molecules equivalent fluorescence (XML)
MEN IIb  ( in XML )  (8)
  » Multiple endocrine neoplasia type IIb (XML) | multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome, Type IIb (XML)
mERMq  ( in XML )  (8)
  » mean Effects Range-Median quotient (XML) | mean ERM quotient (XML) | mean effects range-median quotient values (XML)
MEPCMs  ( in XML )  (8)
  » microencapsulated PCMs (XML) | microencapsulated phase change materials (XML)
MEPS-IC  ( in XML )  (8)
  » Medical Expenditure Panel Survey-Insurance Component (XML)
MeOTf  ( in XML )  (8)
  » methyl trifluoromethanesulfonate (XML) | molar equivalent of methyl trifluoromethanesulfonate (XML) | molar equiv of methyl triflate (XML)
met-E  ( in XML )  (8)
  » methionine enkephalin (XML)
MEECs  ( in XML )  (8)
  » matrix-embedded endothelial cells (XML) | middle ear epithelial cells (XML) | matrix-embedded ECs (XML) | murine epithelial cells (XML)
ME-Scan  ( in XML )  (8)
  » Mobile Element Scanning (XML)
METTL21C  ( in XML )  (8)
  » Methyltransferase-like 21C (XML) | Methyltransferase-like protein 21C (XML)
MEFP  ( in XML )  (8)
  » monosynaptically evoked field potential (XML) | multiple explosively formed projectile (XML) | Mytilus edulis foot protein (XML) | multi-core encapsulated flavor powder (XML) | multi-element fusion prediction (XML)
METD  ( in XML )  (8)
  » minimum external transverse diameter (XML) | methanolic extract of Trianthema decandra (XML) | methanolic extract of Turnera diffusa (XML) | minimal effective therapeutic doses (XML) | minimum effective training dose (XML) ...
MetOH  ( in XML )  (8)
  » methanol (XML)
MedLEE  ( in XML )  (8)
  » Medical Language Extraction and Encoding (XML) | medical problems in discharge summaries were extracted using NLP software (XML)
MEBDT  ( in XML )  (8)
  » modified Evans blue dye test (XML)
MECN  ( in XML )  (8)
  » Methanolic extract of Clinacanthus nutans Lindau leaves (XML) | Methanol extract of Cola nitida (XML) | Min exchange energy for a C-N bond (XML) | methanolic extract of Crataeva nurvala leaves (XML) | methanolic extract of the leaves of Crataeva nurvala (XML) ...
MEDINA  ( in XML )  (8)
  » methylenedinitramine (XML) | Migrants Examined for Determinants of psychopathology through INternet Assessment (XML)
MetC  ( in XML )  (8)
  » Metabolic co-morbidities (XML) | Met C-terminus (XML) | Met C-terminal region (XML) | moonlighting racemase activity, such from cystathionine beta-lyase (XML) | methionine biosynthesis enzyme cystathionine beta-lyase (XML) ...
MELE  ( in XML )  (8)
  » maximum empirical likelihood estimator (XML) | medial entropion of the lower eyelid (XML) | magnitude estimation of listening effort (XML) | Methanolic leaf extract (XML) | Manihot esculenta Crantz (XML) ...
MEEM  ( in XML )  (8)
  » matter-element extension model (XML) | modulated explant/enzyme method (XML) | MEE at maximum (XML) | Media Experts Evolutionary Model (XML) | maximum-entropy expectation-maximization (XML)
MECSH  ( in XML )  (8)
  » Maternal Early Childhood Sustained Home-visiting (XML)
MEWC  ( in XML )  (8)
  » Maternal Early Warning Criteria (XML) | methanol extract of Wedelia calendulaceae (XML)
mEPCR  ( in XML )  (8)
  » membrane EPCR (XML) | mouse EPCR (XML) | murine endothelial protein C receptor (XML) | membrane expression of endothelial protein C receptor (XML)
MEEA  ( in XML )  (8)
  » 2-(2-(2-methoxyethoxy)ethoxy)acetate anion (XML) | microfluidics-based enrichment device and an emulsion-based whole-genome amplification procedure (XML) | methanolic extract of E.africanum (XML) | MEE on admission (XML) | methanolic extract of root and rhizome of Epimedium alpinum (XML)
MEASURE  ( in XML )  (8)
  » meningococcal antigen surface expression (XML) | Methods EvAluation of the high-volume low-complexity Surgical hUb pRogrammE (XML) | Monitoring and Evaluation to Assess and Use Results (XML)
Met-tRNA  ( in XML )  (8)
  » methionyl-tRNA (XML)
MetFlex  ( in XML )  (8)
  » metabolic flexibility (XML)
MeDTC-SO  ( in XML )  (8)
  » S-methyl-N,N-diethylthiocarbamoyl sulfoxide (XML)
MetS-Z  ( in XML )  (8)
  » metabolic syndrome severity z-score (XML) | MetS-severity Z-score (XML) | metabolic syndrome Z-score (XML)
MEHS  ( in XML )  (8)
  » Maximal Eccentric Hamstring Strength (XML) | methanolic extract of Hibiscus sabdariffa (XML) | major elective hepatobiliary surgery (XML) | multiple electro-hydraulic systems (XML) | microbial electrochemical hybrid system (XML) ...
MEBCD  ( in XML )  (8)
  » methyl-beta-cyclodextrin (XML)
MeGLA  ( in XML )  (8)
  » meglumine gamma-linolenic acid (XML) | meglumine-GLA (XML) | 1-deoxy-1-methylamino-D-glucitol salt of GLA (XML) | meglumine gammalinolenate (XML)
MEPPC  ( in XML )  (8)
  » multifocal ectopic Purkinje-related premature contractions (XML)
Mek1  ( in XML )  (8)
  » MAPK/Erk kinase 1 (XML) | mitogen-activated protein kinase 1 (XML) | mitogen-activated kinase kinase 1 (XML)
ME-PCR  ( in XML )  (8)
  » mutant-enriched PCR (XML) | mutant-enriched polymerase chain reaction (XML) | mutant-enriched PCR technique (XML)
MEHA  ( in XML )  (8)
  » mono-2-ethylhexyl adipate (XML) | methanolic extract of Homalomena aromatica (XML) | mean electrical heart axis (XML) | N-(2-mercaptoethyl)heptanamide (XML) | 3-methyl-N-ethyl-N-(beta-hydroxyethyl)aniline (XML)
mEJP  ( in XML )  (8)
  » miniature excitatory junctional potential (XML)
mEB  ( in XML )  (7)
  » mouse embryoid body (XML) | multiple EB (XML) | monomicrobial Enterobacteriaceae bacteremia (XML)
MEN II  ( in XML )  (7)
  » multiple endocrine neoplasia (XML) | medullary thyroid carcinoma (XML)
MEMO1  ( in XML )  (7)
  » mediator of cell motility 1 (XML) | mediator of ErbB2-driven cell motility 1 (XML)
Med1  ( in XML )  (7)
  » Mediator complex subunit 1 (XML)
Megf10  ( in XML )  (7)
  » Multiple EGF-like domains 10 (XML) | multiple EGF-like-domains protein 10 (XML)
MEDOC  ( in XML )  (7)
  » Mendelian disorders of cornification (XML)
MEBV  ( in XML )  (7)
  » multi-epitope-based vaccine (XML) | methanolic extract of Beta vulgaris (XML) | multiepitope-based peptide vaccine (XML) | multi-epitope-based subunit vaccine (XML)
MEFI  ( in XML )  (7)
  » movement-evoked field I (XML) | movement-evoked field component (XML) | medical event following immunisation (XML) | magnetic field I (XML) | microelectrofluidic iris (XML)
methyl-TROSY  ( in XML )  (7)
  » methyl-transverse relaxation optimized spectroscopy (XML)
METi  ( in XML )  (7)
  » MET inhibitors (XML) | meta-analysis evaluated MET inhibitor therapy (XML) | c-Met inhibitor, PF-04217903 (XML)
mES cells  ( in XML )  (7)
  » mouse embryonic stem cells (XML) | murine embryonic stem cells (XML)
Mel1a  ( in XML )  (7)
  » melatonin1a (XML) | melatonin receptors have been identified, including MT1 (XML) | MEL receptor subtypes 1a (XML) | membrane-bound, G-protein-coupled receptors: the MT1 (XML)
MeBA  ( in XML )  (7)
  » methyl benzoate (XML) | methyl ester of betulinic acid (XML)
MEF2c  ( in XML )  (7)
  » myocyte enhancer factor 2c (XML)
MePGN  ( in XML )  (7)
  » mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis (XML) | mesangial proliferative GN (XML)
MeAN  ( in XML )  (7)
  » methacrylonitrile (XML)
MESMA  ( in XML )  (7)
  » multiple endmember spectral mixture analysis (XML) | Multi-Endmember Spectral Mixture Analysis (XML)
MENDs  ( in XML )  (7)
  » Multifunctional envelope-type nanodevices (XML) | Multifunctional envelope-type gene delivery nanodevices (XML) | Microscopic epidermal necrotic debris (XML) | magnetoelectric nanodiscs (XML)
mEpoR  ( in XML )  (7)
  » murine erythropoietin receptor (XML) | membrane counterpart (XML) | murine EpoR gene (XML)
MePA  ( in XML )  (7)
  » methyl-parathion (XML) | methylated PA (XML) | methylphosphonic acid (XML)
MeD  ( in XML )  (7)
  » Mediterranean diet alone (XML) | mean diameter (XML) | mean difference (XML) | mean intergroup difference (XML) | medial amygdala (XML) ...
MEF1  ( in XML )  (7)
  » movement-evoked field 1 (XML) | MDR1-promoter enhancing factor 1 (XML) | MITOCHONDRIAL RNA EDITING FACTOR1 (XML) | motor evoked field 1 (XML)
ME-MRI  ( in XML )  (7)
  » Manganese-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (XML)
MEKPO  ( in XML )  (7)
  » methyl ethyl ketone peroxide (XML)
MeCFES  ( in XML )  (7)
  » myoelectrically controlled functional electrical stimulation (XML) | myoelectrically controlled FES (XML)
MEL 200  ( in XML )  (7)
  » melphalan 200 mg/m2 (XML)
MelARV  ( in XML )  (7)
  » melanoma-associated retrovirus (XML)
MEKKs  ( in XML )  (7)
  » MEK kinases (XML) | mitogen-activated protein kinase/extracellular signal-regulated kinase kinase kinases (XML) | Mitogen-activated protein/ERK kinase kinases (XML)
MeAB  ( in XML )  (7)
  » methylamine borane (XML) | methanol root extracts of Alafia barteri (XML)
MeCPs  ( in XML )  (7)
  » methyl-CpG-binding proteins (XML)
Met-F-AEA  ( in XML )  (7)
  » 2-methyl-2'-F-anandamide (XML) | 2-methyl-arachidonyl-2'-fluoro-ethylamide (XML)
MEMalpha  ( in XML )  (7)
  » minimal essential medium alpha (XML) | modified essential medium-alpha (XML) | Medium Eagle Alpha Modifications (XML)
MEEQ  ( in XML )  (7)
  » Marijuana Effect Expectancies Questionnaire (XML)
medLNs  ( in XML )  (7)
  » mediastinal lymph nodes (XML)
mean RR  ( in XML )  (7)
  » mean of RR intervals (XML)
MELD/PELD  ( in XML )  (7)
  » model for end-stage liver disease and pediatric end-stage liver disease (XML)
MER-BCG  ( in XML )  (7)
  » methanol extract residue of Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (XML) | methanol extraction residue of BCG (XML) | Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (XML)
MethHF  ( in XML )  (7)
  » methamphetamine-associated heart failure (XML) | MA in patients with heart failure (XML) | methamphetamine-associated HF (XML) | Methamphetamine-associated cardiomyopathy/heart failure (XML)
MEOF-II  ( in XML )  (7)
  » Minimal Eating Observation Form-II (XML) | Minimal Eating Observation Form-Version II (XML)
MEP's  ( in XML )  (7)
  » multimodality evoked potentials (XML) | motor evoked potentials (XML) | multichannel evoked potentials (XML) | molecular electrostatic potentials (XML)
Met-HCl  ( in XML )  (7)
  » metformin hydrochloride (XML)
mEECs  ( in XML )  (7)
  » mouse endometrial epithelial cells (XML)
MEN2B  ( in XML )  (7)
  » MEN type 2B (XML) | Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia cancer syndrome type 2B (XML)
MES test  ( in XML )  (7)
  » maximal electroshock test (XML) | maximal electroshock seizure test (XML)
Meg-POT  ( in XML )  (7)
  » megakaryocyte potentiator (XML) | megakaryocyte-potentiating activity (XML)
MEY  ( in XML )  (7)
  » maximum economic yield (XML) | maize equivalent yield (XML) | Milk energy yields (XML) | metabolizable energy yield (XML)
MeMan  ( in XML )  (7)
  » alpha-methyl-mannose (XML) | methyl alpha-d-mannopyranoside (XML) | methyl-alpha-D-mannose (XML)
met1  ( in XML )  (7)
  » methyltransferase1 (XML) | MET1 null mutant (XML)
MeRIP-Seq  ( in XML )  (7)
  » methylated RNA immunoprecipitation with next-generation sequencing (XML) | methylated RNA immune-precipitation sequencing technique (XML) | methylated RNA immunoprecipitation and sequencing (XML)
MEBC  ( in XML )  (7)
  » methanol extracts of Buccholzia coriacea (XML) | middle-affinity, estrogen-binding component (XML) | MOCPs-enzyme biocomposite (XML) | Methanol extract of the seeds on B. coriacea (XML) | molecular electronics and biocomputing (XML)
MeF  ( in XML )  (7)
  » methanolic fraction (XML) | 2-methylfuran (XML) | Methyl fluoride fluoride (XML) | medial fringe subnucleus (XML) | mental foramen (XML) ...
MECLO  ( in XML )  (7)
  » meclofenamate (XML) | Meclofenamic acid (XML)
MEHHTP  ( in XML )  (7)
  » mono-2-ethyl-5-hydroxyhexyl terephthalate (XML)
Me-RIP  ( in XML )  (7)
  » N6-methyladenosine binding protein immunoprecipitation (XML) | modification was determined by RNA immunoprecipitation (XML) | mRNA was determined by RNA immunoprecipitation (XML) | Methylation Immunoprecipitation (XML) | A-modified RNA immunoprecipitation (XML)
MECK  ( in XML )  (7)
  » micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography (XML) | micellar electrokinetic chromatography (XML) | minimum evoked current of the vascular stiffness value (XML) | methanol extract of C. kanehirae trunk (XML)
m-EMR  ( in XML )  (7)
  » modified EMR (XML) | modified endoscopic mucosal resection (XML) | mobile electronic medical records (XML)
MERGs  ( in XML )  (7)
  » Multifocal ERGs (XML) | macular electroretinograms (XML) | multifocal electroretinograms (XML) | MitoEV-related genes (XML)
MelSCs  ( in XML )  (7)
  » Melanocyte stem cells (XML) | melanocytes are derived from stem cells (XML)
MEOC  ( in XML )  (7)
  » Medical Emergency-Pandemic Operations Command (XML) | maximum-entropy options critic (XML) | methanol extractable organic carbon (XML) | main essential oil compounds (XML) | malignant epithelial ovarian cancer (XML) ...
metE  ( in XML )  (7)
  » methyltransferase (XML) | methionine-requiring strains (XML) | methionine synthase genes (XML) | methionine (XML) | methionine regulon (XML) ...
meta-RL  ( in XML )  (7)
  » meta-reinforcement learning (XML)
M.E  ( in XML )  (7)
  » myalgic encephalomyelitis (XML) | Myalgic encephalitis (XML) | Medical Electronics (XML) | Measurement error (XML) | monolayer equivalents (XML) ...
MENAT  ( in XML )  (7)
  » Middle East, North Africa, and Turkey (XML)
MER-VAB  ( in XML )  (7)
  » meropenem-vaborbactam (XML) | meropenem/vaborbactam (XML) | meropenem in combination with a vaborbactam (XML)
MEROS  ( in XML )  (7)
  » methylphenidate extended-release oral suspension (XML) | ER-MPH oral suspension (XML)
MeDIC  ( in XML )  (7)
  » Medical Data Integration Center (XML)
MeTro  ( in XML )  (7)
  » methacryloyl-substituted recombinant human tropoelastin (XML) | methacrylated tropoelastin (XML) | methacryloyl-substituted tropoelastin (XML) | MA-modified tropoelastin (XML)
MESUPES  ( in XML )  (7)
  » Motor Evaluation Scale for Upper Extremity in Stroke Patients (XML)
MeSeA  ( in XML )  (7)
  » methylseleninic acid (XML) | methylselenic acid (XML)
MEK4  ( in XML )  (7)
  » mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 4 (XML) | MAP kinase kinase 4 (XML)
mESCC  ( in XML )  (7)
  » metastatic esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (XML) | metastatic squamous cell oesophageal cancer (XML) | metastatic ESCC patients (XML)
mEMG  ( in XML )  (7)
  » mean electromyograph (XML) | masseter EMG (XML) | macro EMG (XML) | multi-unit EMGs (XML) | mean electromyographic amplitudes (XML) ...
MEFT  ( in XML )  (7)
  » Mesoscopic Epifluorescence Tomography (XML) | meat emulsion with fibrinogen and thrombin (XML) | Musical Executive Function Training (XML) | Microbial-Electro-Fenton Technology (XML) | Muscle endurance and functional test (XML) ...
MERVL  ( in XML )  (7)
  » murine endogenous retroviruses with leucine tRNA primer (XML) | murine endogenous retrovirus-L (XML) | murine endogenous retrovirus with leucine (XML) | MuERV-L (XML) | murine endogenous retrovirus-like elements (XML)
MeDS  ( in XML )  (7)
  » Mediterranean diet score (XML) | Medical De-identification System (XML) | medical dispatchers (XML)
Me-PFOSA-AcOH  ( in XML )  (7)
  » 2-(N-methyl-perfluorooctane sulfonamido) acetic acid (XML)
MEBPR  ( in XML )  (7)
  » membrane enhanced biological phosphorus removal (XML) | membrane EBPR (XML)
MEBA  ( in XML )  (7)
  » methanolic extract of Bambusa arundinacea (XML) | multivariate empirical Bayes statistics (XML) | multivariate empirical Bayes time-series analysis (XML) | myelinating glia-enriched DNA binding activity (XML) | 4-(2-methoxyethylsulfonyl)benzene-amine (XML) ...
MECF  ( in XML )  (7)
  » methanol extract of Codium fragile (XML) | microendoscopic cervical foraminotomy (XML) | marbled eel caudal fin (XML) | maximal eccentric contraction force (XML)
MESSI  ( in XML )  (7)
  » multisection excitation by simultaneous spin-echo interleaving (XML) | Magnetic susceptibility shift selected imaging (XML) | Metabolic Engineering target Selection and best Strain Identification tool (XML) | Mixture of Experts for Spatial Signaling genes Identification (XML) | Molecular Epidemiology of SepsiS in the ICU (XML) ...
MES-like  ( in XML )  (6)
  » mesenchymal-like (XML)
MeO-PCBs  ( in XML )  (6)
  » methoxylated polychlorinated biphenyls (XML)
MEAR  ( in XML )  (6)
  » minimally invasive endoscopically assisted remodelation (XML) | minimally invasive-assisted remodelation (XML) | middle-ear acoustic reflex (XML) | methanol extract of A. remota (XML) | Methanolic extract of Asparagus racemosus (XML)
MENC  ( in XML )  (6)
  » MetS exercise+Nano-Curcumin (XML) | Multi-hop Energy Neutral Clustering (XML) | Magnetic enzyme-nanoparticle complexes (XML) | mitochondria-ER encapsulation structure (XML) | Music Education National Conference (XML) ...
M-EDTA  ( in XML )  (6)
  » minocycline-EDTA (XML) | Minocycline and edetic acid (XML) | mg of EDTA per ml (XML) | metal-EDTA (XML) | minocycline-ethylenediaminetetraacetate (XML)
Mega  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Megatrachea (XML) | Macrolide Genetic Assembly (XML) | mel encoding another ABC trasporter (XML)
meta-ROI  ( in XML )  (6)
  » meta region of interest (XML) | Measures of CBF, in a predetermined set of regions (XML)
m.e.p.p.s  ( in XML )  (6)
  » miniature e.p.p.s (XML)
MEBB  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Methanolic extracts from broad beans (XML) | microextrusion-based bioprinting (XML) | mineralized extracellular building blocks (XML)
meso-DMSA  ( in XML )  (6)
  » meso-2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid (XML)
MEDCOM  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Medical Command (XML)
METU  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Middle East Technical University (XML) | microscopic extension toward the uterus body (XML)
MEJC  ( in XML )  (6)
  » medical education journal club (XML) | myoendothelial junctional complexes (XML) | methanolic leaf extract of Justicia carnea (XML) | MedEd Journal Club (XML)
MEDUSA  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Metagenomic data utilization and analysis (XML) | Martian Environmental Dust Systematic Analyzer (XML) | MEmbrane DiffUse Scattering Analysis (XML) | multi-scale encoder-decoder self-attention (XML) | modeling evolutionary diversification using stepwise AIC (XML) ...
mECT  ( in XML )  (6)
  » modified ECT (XML) | murine engineered cardiac tissue (XML)
MET group  ( in XML )  (6)
  » metformin group (XML)
Men B  ( in XML )  (6)
  » meningitides type B (XML) | meningitidis serotype B (XML) | meningococcus group B (XML) | Meningococcal B (XML)
medRNA  ( in XML )  (6)
  » mini-exon donor RNA (XML) | mini-exon-derived RNA (XML) | mini-exon donor RNA or spliced leader precursor RNA (XML)
med-surg  ( in XML )  (6)
  » medical-surgical (XML)
mELISA  ( in XML )  (6)
  » maleimide plates (XML) | microfluidic ELISA (XML) | multiplex ELISA (XML) | maleimide-based enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (XML) | mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS and LC-HRMS) and a screening immunoassay (XML)
MEPS-GC-MS  ( in XML )  (6)
  » MEPS gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (XML) | method online with gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (XML) | microextraction in a packed syringe online with GC-MS (XML) | microextraction in packed syringe-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (XML) | microextraction packed sorbent and gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (XML)
MeCuM  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Medical Curriculum Munich (XML) | medical curriculum (XML)
Mes V  ( in XML )  (6)
  » mesencephalic V (XML) | mesencephalic V neurons (XML) | mesencephalic nucleus of V (XML) | mesencephalic of V nucleus afferents (XML)
MEAMs  ( in XML )  (6)
  » music-evoked autobiographical memories (XML)
MEWMA  ( in XML )  (6)
  » multivariate exponentially weighted moving average (XML) | multiple exponentially weighted moving average (XML) | multivariate extension of EWMA (XML)
MeGC  ( in XML )  (6)
  » methacrylated glycol chitosan (XML)
Mean SD  ( in XML )  (6)
  » mean and standard deviation (XML)
MED-12  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Mediator Complex Subunit 12 (XML)
mETDRS  ( in XML )  (6)
  » modified Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study (XML) | modified ETDRS (XML)
Mets  ( in XML )  (6)
  » metastatic prostatic adenocarcinoma (XML) | methionine solution (XML) | metabolic disorders (XML) | metabolic diseases (XML)
MEFAB  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Maastricht Essential Fatty Acid Birth (XML)
MEEX  ( in XML )  (6)
  » mild encephalopathy associated with excitotoxicity (XML) | Manual erythroexchange (XML) | moderate energy intake plus exercise (XML)
MePD  ( in XML )  (6)
  » medial posterodorsal amygdala (XML) | MeA, particularly its posterodorsal subnucleus (XML) | medial amygdala posterodorsal (XML) | mRNA expression in the posterodorsal part of the medial amygdaloid (XML)
MEPSUM  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Multiple Event Process Survival Mixture (XML) | multiple-event process survival mixture model (XML)
Men C  ( in XML )  (6)
  » meningitidis type C (XML) | meningococcal serogroup C PS (XML) | meningococcal vaccines (XML) | Meningococcal C conjugate (XML) | Meningococcal serogroup C Conjugate (XML)
MEDIA  ( in XML )  (6)
  » media campaign (XML) | Motivate-Engage-Digitize-Implement-Assess (XML) | MEtabolic Road to DIAstolic Heart Failure (XML) | Medical Image Archive (XML) | Measuring and Evaluating the Determinants and Influence of Advertising (XML) ...
Meso  ( in XML )  (6)
  » mesothelin (XML) | Mesolithic (XML) | (LCSS)-Mesothelioma (XML) | mesothelioma tumors (XML) | mesoscale stiffness tensor C (XML)
Method A  ( in XML )  (6)
  » molybdenum(V) thiocyanate (XML) | modified enzymatic extraction method (XML) | metoclopramide(MCP) + dexamethasone(DM) (XML) | mm from the adjacent teeth (XML)
MeEAP  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Measure of Experiential Aspects of Participation (XML)
Met1  ( in XML )  (6)
  » methionine1 (XML) | Methoprene tolerant 1 (XML)
MEndT  ( in XML )  (6)
  » mesenchymal-to-endothelial transition (XML) | mesenchymal-to-endothelial (XML)
MELSCI  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Multi-exposure laser speckle contrast imaging (XML) | Multiexposure LSCI (XML)
me-NAM  ( in XML )  (6)
  » N1-methylnicotinamide (XML)
MELV  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Melao virus (XML) | modified ellipsoid volume (XML) | Mustelidae endogenous lentivirus (XML)
MEPREP  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Medication Exposure in Pregnancy Risk Evaluation Program (XML)
MEDEVACs  ( in XML )  (6)
  » medical evacuations (XML)
mEEG  ( in XML )  (6)
  » mobile electroencephalography (XML) | mobile EEG (XML) | MECTA EEG (XML)
M-EVs  ( in XML )  (6)
  » microglial-derived extracellular vesicles (XML) | metformin-treated EVs (XML) | macrophages-derived EVs (XML) | mitochondria-rich EVs (XML)
mED  ( in XML )  (6)
  » minimal effective daily dose (XML) | mean Euclidean Distance (XML) | monthly integrated erythemal dose (XML)
m-ERGs  ( in XML )  (6)
  » multifocal electroretinograms (XML) | multifocal ERGs (XML)
Met-E  ( in XML )  (6)
  » met-enkephalin (XML) | methanol extract (XML)
MEDE  ( in XML )  (6)
  » main excretory duct epithelium (XML) | multiscale envelope dispersion entropy (XML) | morphology envelope dispersion entropy (XML) | minimal erythematous dose equivalents (XML)
merT  ( in XML )  (6)
  » mercury transporter (XML) | mercury-inducible promoter, P (XML) | mercuric transport protein gene (XML)
MELISSA  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Micro Ecological Life Support System Alternative project (XML) | Meloxicam Large-scale International Study Safety Assessment (XML) | MatErnal BLood IS Source to Accurately diagnose fetal aneuploidy (XML)
ME-model  ( in XML )  (6)
  » metabolism and gene expression (XML) | metabolism and macromolecular expression (XML)
MeGXn  ( in XML )  (6)
  » methylglucuronoxylan (XML)
MENN  ( in XML )  (6)
  » mouse-echocardiography neural net (XML) | mixed effects neural network (XML) | multi-edit-nearest-neighbor (XML) | multi-lead ensemble neural network (XML) | mean European nearest neighbor distance (XML)
ME3DP  ( in XML )  (6)
  » material extrusion 3D printing (XML) | material extrusion 3DP (XML)
mE-PASS  ( in XML )  (6)
  » modified E-PASS (XML) | modified estimation of physiologic ability and surgical stress (XML)
MEDRETE  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Medical Readiness Training Exercise (XML) | Medical Readiness Education and Training Exercise (XML) | medical readiness and training exercise (XML)
meas  ( in XML )  (6)
  » no-to-minimal leak was confirmed based on excellent agreement between mPtr (XML) | modelling approach, we established the relationship sigma=alpha (XML) | measured, which is proportional to SAR (XML) | measured values of P (XML) | method has an advantage over conventional R (XML) ...
meQTLs  ( in XML )  (6)
  » methylation QTLs (XML) | methylation-expression QTLs (XML) | cis-methylation quantitative trait loci (XML)
MECh  ( in XML )  (6)
  » monoethylcholine (XML) | middle-ear cholesteatoma (XML)
mExo  ( in XML )  (6)
  » milk exosomes (XML) | milk-derived exosomes (XML)
MEBt  ( in XML )  (6)
  » middle ear barotrauma (XML)
mesh  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Metal films with arrays of subwavelength holes (XML) | mapped altitude data, future estimates of the old age population (XML) | methods of abdominal wall reconstruction include the use of prosthetic (XML) | metal film with a patterned array of holes (XML) | most recently developed techniques, vertical (XML) ...
MECII  ( in XML )  (6)
  » medial entorhinal cortex layer II (XML) | MEC layer II (XML)
MEFF  ( in XML )  (6)
  » methanolic extract of the leaves of Fraxinus floribunda (XML) | methanol extract of Fomes fomentarius (XML) | multi-level edge feature fusion (XML) | migrant elderly following family (XML) | medial epicondylar fissure fracture (XML) ...
MESCM  ( in XML )  (6)
  » modified embryonic stem cell medium (XML) | modified embryonic SC medium (XML)
MELODY  ( in XML )  (6)
  » MKL1-elongated derivative of yield (XML) | MELodica Orchestra for DYspnea (XML) | melody using the syllable/la (XML) | Music Therapy Versus Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Cancer-related Anxiety (XML)
MED15  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Mediator complex subunit 15 (XML) | mediator subunit 15 (XML) | MED15CC (XML) | MEDIATOR15 (XML)
MelR  ( in XML )  (6)
  » melatonin receptor (XML) | melphalan-resistant (XML)
MEAV  ( in XML )  (6)
  » methanolic extract of leaves of Amaranthus viridis (XML) | minimum effective analgesic volume (XML) | Meaban virus (XML)
MEDRETEs  ( in XML )  (6)
  » medical readiness training exercises (XML) | Medical readiness education and training exercises (XML)
MeDBC  ( in XML )  (6)
  » N-methyl-dibenzo(c,g)carbazole (XML) | methyl derivative, N-methyldibenzo(c,g)carbazole (XML) | N-methyl DBC (XML)
mesd  ( in XML )  (6)
  » mesoderm development (XML) | mesoderm (XML) | mesodermal deficiency gene (XML)
MEPV  ( in XML )  (6)
  » multi-epitope peptide vaccine (XML) | middle ear pressure values (XML) | minimum endpoint variance hypotheses (XML) | microsystems-enabled photovoltaic (XML)
metAFLP  ( in XML )  (6)
  » methylation-sensitive Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (XML) | methylation amplified fragment length polymorphisms (XML) | methylation sensitive AFLP (XML)
MESTs  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Mixed epithelial and stromal tumors (XML) | Mixed epithelial-stromal tumours (XML)
MeR  ( in XML )  (6)
  » main results, Mediterranean (XML) | Metopic ridge (XML) | menace response (XML) | mechanical reperfusion (XML) | methicillin resistance (XML) ...
MEAO  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Middle East Area of Operations (XML) | methyl ester of Annona oil (XML) | methanol extract of the tuber of Alisma orientale (XML) | methanol extract of A. officinarum (XML)
Mest  ( in XML )  (6)
  » mesoderm-specific transcript homologue (XML) | mouse ear swelling tests (XML) | mesothelioma cells (XML) | Mest gene (XML)
methyleneTHF  ( in XML )  (6)
  » 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate (XML)
MEDES  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Medicina en Espanol (XML) | Medicine in Spanish (XML)
MeTRH  ( in XML )  (6)
  » methyl-TRH (XML) | methylhistidine-thyrotropin-releasing hormone (XML) | ((3)H)3-methyl-histidine TRH (XML) | 3H-3-methyl-His-2-TRH (XML) | 3H-(3-MeHis2) TRH (XML)
Met2PY  ( in XML )  (6)
  » N-methyl-2-pyridone-5-carboxamide (XML)
meq  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Marek's disease EcoRI-Q gene (XML) | molar equivalent (XML) | milliequivalent (XML) | Mareks's EcoRI-Q (XML) | MDV Eco Q-encoded oncogene (XML)
MEHs  ( in XML )  (6)
  » medial hamstrings (XML) | microemulsion-loaded hydrogels (XML) | Multi-element hydroxides (XML) | Mytilus edulis hydrolysates (XML) | Medicinal and edible homologs (XML)
Mem  ( in XML )  (6)
  » membrane-bound (XML) | membrane group (XML) | membranes obtained from whole blood cells (XML) | cell-membrane antigens (XML)
MEV90  ( in XML )  (6)
  » maximum effective volume of dye in 90% of cases (XML) | minimum effective volume 90 (XML) | minimum effective volume of 0.5% ropivacaine in 90% patients (XML) | minimum effective volume in 90% of patients (XML)
MED28  ( in XML )  (6)
  » mediator complex subunit 28 (XML) | Mediator subunit 28 (XML)
MetS score  ( in XML )  (6)
  » metabolic syndrome score (XML) | Metabolic Syndrome risk (XML) | MetS scoring model (XML)
MERS-TM  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Medical Event Reporting System for Transfusion Medicine (XML)
MESOT  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Middle East Society for Organ Transplantation (XML)
MEQAS  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Measure of Environmental Qualities of Activity Settings (XML) | measures of qualities of home and community activity settings (XML)
MenDeVAR  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Meningococcal Deduced Vaccine Antigen Reactivity (XML)
MET-RADS-P  ( in XML )  (6)
  » METastasis Reporting and Data System for Prostate Cancer (XML)
mea  ( in XML )  (6)
  » methylamine (XML) | meander tail (XML) | medea (XML) | maternal effect mutant medea (XML) | may be the presence of the (osar) (XML)
Meff  ( in XML )  (6)
  » mass percentage of NPs recovered from the effluent (XML) | mass recovery of the bacteria from the effluent (XML) | mass recovery of effluent (XML)
Mec  ( in XML )  (6)
  » mixing performance cost (XML) | meconium-stained amniotic fluid (XML) | 7-amino-4-methylcoumarin (XML) | mec-15 touch-insensitive (XML) | meclizine (XML) ...
MelCAM  ( in XML )  (6)
  » melanoma cell adhesion molecule (XML)
MesP  ( in XML )  (6)
  » mesangioproliferative glomerulonephritis (XML) | mesitylphosphinidene (XML) | mesangial proliferative (XML)
mEBMT  ( in XML )  (6)
  » modified European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation risk score (XML) | modified EBMT risk score (XML)
MEG and EEG  ( in XML )  (6)
  » magneto- and electroencephalography (XML)
MEQC  ( in XML )  (6)
  » Medicaid eligibility quality control (XML) | myc embryonic quail cardiomyocytes (XML)
MetHgb  ( in XML )  (6)
  » methemoglobin (XML)
MECV  ( in XML )  (6)
  » myocardial extracellular volumes (XML) | metastases of endometrial carcinoma into the vagina (XML) | myocardial extracellular volume fraction (XML) | middle ear cavity volume (XML)
MENB  ( in XML )  (6)
  » mixed-effects negative binomial (XML) | micro-electronic neural bridge (XML)
M-ECG  ( in XML )  (5)
  » micro-electrocardiography (XML)
MERMAID  ( in XML )  (5)
  » membrane protein dynamics (XML) | Medical emergency aid through telematics (XML) | microscopy, and integrated digital genomics (XML) | Model to Account for Incomplete Data (XML)
MEPEDS  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Multi-Ethnic Pediatric Eye Disease Study (XML)
MelBSt  ( in XML )  (5)
  » melibiose permease of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (XML) | MelB in Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (XML) | melibiose permease of Salmonella typhimurium (XML)
mEG  ( in XML )  (5)
  » mono ethylene glycol (XML) | monomethoxy ethylene glycol (XML) | mainland Equatorial Guinea (XML) | methoxyethylene glycol chain (XML) | mucosal electrogastrogram (XML)
MEROD  ( in XML )  (5)
  » methoxyresorufin-O-demethylase (XML) | Methoxyresorufin-O-demethylase activity (XML)
MEML  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Malawi Essential Medicines List (XML) | methanolic extract of Moringa oleifera leaves (XML) | municipal essential medicines lists (XML) | mixed-effects machine learning (XML)
ME.2  ( in XML )  (5)
  » multienhancer 2 (XML)
METcor  ( in XML )  (5)
  » methylation-correlated (XML) | MET-correlated (XML) | methylation-correlated expression (XML)
mEFs  ( in XML )  (5)
  » mouse embryo fibroblasts (XML) | murine embryonic fibroblasts (XML) | mouse embryonic feeder layers (XML)
MEG-CSF  ( in XML )  (5)
  » megakaryocyte colony stimulating factor (XML)
MESCO  ( in XML )  (5)
  » membrane-enclosed sorptive coating (XML) | membrane-enclosed silicone collector (XML) | membrane enclosed sorptive coating extraction (XML)
Mee  ( in XML )  (5)
  » methanol extract (XML)
Medi-StuNTS  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Medical Students' Non-Technical Skills (XML)
ME-BLI  ( in XML )  (5)
  » magnifying endoscopy with blue laser imaging (XML) | magnifying endoscopy with BLI (XML) | ME with blue laser imaging (XML)
MEGAWHOP  ( in XML )  (5)
  » megaprimer PCR of whole plasmid (XML)
mEPC  ( in XML )  (5)
  » mature EPC (XML) | myeloid EPC (XML) | microfluorimetry, in parallel with voltage-clamp recordings of spontaneous (XML) | miniature EPCs (XML) | metastatic EPC (XML)
META-Health  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Morehouse and Emory Team up to Eliminate Health Disparities (XML)
METTL23  ( in XML )  (5)
  » methyltransferase-like 23 (XML) | Methyltransferase-like Protein 23 (XML)
Me2SO  ( in XML )  (5)
  » METHODS: Rabbit corneas were cryopreserved using 20% wt/wt dimethyl sulfoxide (XML) | Mg2+ and dimethyl sulfoxide (XML) | Mg2+ interactions, the presence of 20% (v/v) dimethyl sulfoxide (XML) | medium containing either 20% (v/v) dimethylsulfoxide (XML) | M22-resistant mutants were also resistant to dimethyl sulfoxide (XML)
Me-4FDG  ( in XML )  (5)
  » alpha-methyl-4-(F-18)fluoro-4-deoxy-D-glucopyaranoside (XML) | alpha-methyl-4-deoxy-4-18F-fluoro-d-glucopyranoside (XML)
MEMS-VCSEL  ( in XML )  (5)
  » microelectromechanical system, tunable vertical cavity surface emitting laser (XML) | MEMS-tunable vertical cavity surface-emitting laser (XML)
MET-Home  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Multiple Errands Test Home Version (XML)
MeGel  ( in XML )  (5)
  » methacrylated gelatin (XML)
MeLo  ( in XML )  (5)
  » methyl linoleate (XML)
MESPs  ( in XML )  (5)
  » molecular electrostatic potentials (XML)
MEF25-75  ( in XML )  (5)
  » maximal expiratory flow between 25% and 75% of VC (XML) | maximal expiratory flow 25-75 (XML) | maximal expiratory flow at 25%-75% of FVC (XML) | midexpiratory flow 25-75 (XML)
metHb  ( in XML )  (5)
  » methemoglobin concentration (XML) | mechanisms to reduce methemoglobin (XML) | much greater than aquomethemoglobin (XML) | more abundant oxidized form of extracellular hemoglobin (XML)
Met II  ( in XML )  (5)
  » metaphase II (XML) | metaphase of meiosis II (XML)
meanK  ( in XML )  (5)
  » mean keratometry (XML) | mean keratometry reading (XML)
mELT  ( in XML )  (5)
  » meningeal ectopic lymphoid tissue (XML) | meningeal ELT (XML)
ME7  ( in XML )  (5)
  » ME7-mo (XML) | ME7-ha (XML) | ME7 were successfully constructed by inserting the E7 (XML) | ME7 prion strain (XML) | ME7 infected (XML)
METOCARD-CNIC  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Metoprolol in Cardioprotection During an Acute Myocardial Infarction (XML)
Met-35  ( in XML )  (5)
  » methionine residue in position 35 (XML) | methionine residue 35 (XML) | methionine-35 residue (XML)
MEVT  ( in XML )  (5)
  » middle ear ventilation tube (XML) | methanolic extract of V. tricolor (XML) | malignant epithelioid vascular tumors (XML) | modified extreme value theory (XML)
mEMVI  ( in XML )  (5)
  » MRI-detected extramural vascular invasion (XML) | mesorectal fascia involvement, extramural venous invasion (XML)
MesoDyn  ( in XML )  (5)
  » mesoscopic dynamics (XML) | mesodynamics (XML)
MET-minutes  ( in XML )  (5)
  » metabolic equivalent minutes (XML)
MEIA II  ( in XML )  (5)
  » microparticle enzyme immunoassay (XML) | microparticle enzyme immunoassay for tacrolimus II (XML)
MeO-AMVN  ( in XML )  (5)
  » 2,2'-azobis(4-methoxy-2,4-dimethylvaleronitrile) (XML)
Mek  ( in XML )  (5)
  » mitogen-activated protein kinase/extracellular signal-regulated kinase kinase (XML) | mitogen activated and extracellular signal-regulated kinase (XML) | mitogen-activated Erk-regulating kinase (XML) | MAP kinase-activating kinase (XML) | mean values of kurtosis eigenvalues (XML)
Met-R-SO  ( in XML )  (5)
  » methionine-R-sulfoxide (XML)
mean-K  ( in XML )  (5)
  » minimum and maximum keratometry readings (XML) | mean keratometric value (XML) | maximum keratometry readings (XML) | Mean keratometry (XML)
MEC or HEC  ( in XML )  (5)
  » moderately or highly emetogenic chemotherapy (XML) | moderately or highly emetogenic conditioning (XML)
Med I  ( in XML )  (5)
  » medullipin I (XML)
MethA  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Methamphetamine (XML) | MethA sarcoma (XML) | MethA fibrosarcoma (XML) | methylcholanthren-transformed mouse (XML) | methanandamide (XML)
MEDH  ( in XML )  (5)
  » microendoscopic discectomy for disc herniation (XML) | Mass Effect Deformation Heterogeneity (XML)
METALS  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Military Extremity Trauma Amputation/Limb Salvage (XML)
Me-tIMP  ( in XML )  (5)
  » methyl-thio-IMP (XML) | metabolized to methylthio-IMP (XML)
MEKA  ( in XML )  (5)
  » methanol extract of Kuji amber (XML) | multiple extended Kalman algorithm (XML)
MeSH Terms  ( in XML )  (5)
  » MeSH Term OR prevalence study (XML) | medical subheading terms (XML) | MeSH terms lymphoma, extranodal nk-t-cell (XML) | MESH terms quality of life (XML)
mEWS  ( in XML )  (5)
  » modified Early Warning Score (XML) | modified early warning scoring system (XML) | modifiedearlywarningscore (XML)
MESIAH  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Model to Estimate Survival in Ambulatory HCC patients (XML) | model to estimate survival in ambulatory hepatocellular carcinoma patients (XML)
MELBA  ( in XML )  (5)
  » mediolateral balance assessment (XML) | Merkmalprofile zur Eingliederung Leistungsgewandelter und Behinderter in Arbeit (XML)
MEL100  ( in XML )  (5)
  » melphalan 100 mg/m(2) (XML)
MERCURY  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Rectal Cancer European Equivalence Study (XML) | Measuring Effective Reductions in Cholesterol Using Rosuvastatin therapY (XML) | Molecular Education and Research Consortium in Undergraduate Computational Chemistry (XML)
MEDM  ( in XML )  (5)
  » minimal-entropy diversity maximization (XML) | medical ethical decision-making (XML) | modified-emulsion-diffusion-microfluidization method (XML) | moderately electron-dense material (XML) | multiexpert decision-making (XML)
met-EK  ( in XML )  (5)
  » methionine-enkephalin (XML) | met-enkephalin (XML)
MetLuc  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Metridia luciferase (XML) | mosquitoes expressing the secretory luciferase protein (XML) | marker system containing three kinds of proteins: secreted-type luciferase (XML)
MEX-SLEDAI  ( in XML )  (5)
  » MEX-SLE Disease Activity Index (XML) | Mexican-SLEDAI (XML)
MED13L  ( in XML )  (5)
  » mediator complex subunit 13 like (XML)
MEGA-sLASER  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Mescher-Garwood-semi-localised by adiabatic selective refocusing (XML) | MEGA-semi-localized by adiabatic selective refocusing (XML) | MEsher-GArwood-semi-LASER (XML)
MenC-TT  ( in XML )  (5)
  » MenC vaccine conjugated with tetanus toxoid (XML) | Meningococcal serogroup C tetanus toxoid conjugated (XML) | meningococcal C tetanus conjugate (XML) | MenC-polysaccharide tetanus toxoid conjugated (XML) | MenC-tetanus toxoid (XML)
methylTHF  ( in XML )  (5)
  » 5-methyltetrahydrofolate (XML)
MERLOT  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching (XML) | Macular Degeneration (XML)
MeGAXn  ( in XML )  (5)
  » methylglucuronoarabinoxylans (XML) | methylglucuronoxylan (XML)
ME-SXR  ( in XML )  (5)
  » multi-energy soft x-ray (XML)
MED/LC  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Mediterranean/low-carbohydrate (XML)
MetScore  ( in XML )  (5)
  » metabolic syndrome risk score (XML) | metabolic score (XML) | measured and a cardiometabolic risk score (XML) | metabolic syndrome composite score (XML)
Mela  ( in XML )  (5)
  » melatonin (XML) | melanomas (XML)
memTNF  ( in XML )  (5)
  » membrane TNF (XML) | membrane-bound TNF (XML) | membrane form of TNF (XML) | membrane-bound TNFalpha (XML)
MEPSI  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Modified Erikson Psychosocial Stage Inventory (XML) | Mechanical Expression Preserving Shape Integrity (XML) | magic-echo phase-encoding solid imaging (XML) | multishot echo-planar spectroscopic imaging (XML)
Met-8  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Met-enkephalin-Arg6-Gly7-Leu8 (XML) | methionine-enkephalin-Arg6-Gly7-Leu8 (XML)
MEDI-Q  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Menstrual Distress Questionnaire (XML)
MetMAb  ( in XML )  (5)
  » monovalent antibody fragment onartuzumab (XML) | MetLung Trial: A Randomized, Double-Blind Phase III Study of Onartuzumab (XML) | Met inhibitors, a monoclonal antibody (XML) | Anti-c-MET Antibody Onartuzumab (XML) | monovalent antibody, onartuzumab (XML)
MenCV  ( in XML )  (5)
  » meningococcal conjugate vaccine (XML) | Meningococcal C glycoconjugate vaccine (XML) | MenC glycoconjugate vaccine (XML)
MeGG  ( in XML )  (5)
  » methacrylated gellan gum (XML) | methacrylate GG (XML)
meta-RRs  ( in XML )  (5)
  » meta-relative risks (XML) | meta-risk ratios (XML)
MelCOR  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Melanoma Clinical Outcomes Registry (XML)
MEMSS  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Maryland Emergency Medical Service System (XML) | minimal estradiol-modulated stability sequences (XML)
MEDQUARG  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Medicine Quality Assessment Reporting Guidelines (XML)
MePC  ( in XML )  (5)
  » methylphosphocholine (XML) | 2-methylphenyl cinnamate (XML) | 5-methyl-pyrrol-2-carbonyl (XML)
MetaHIT  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Metagenomics of the Human Intestinal Tract (XML)
ME-AM  ( in XML )  (5)
  » melt extrusion additive manufacturing (XML) | melt extrusion AM (XML)
me3  ( in XML )  (5)
  » methylate substrates containing the H3K4 (XML) | H3K9-tri-methyl (XML) | MEFs and an increase in the H3K4 (XML) | mechanism for the segregation of the biologically opposing marks, H3K4 (XML) | methylate H3K4 (XML)
mERAS  ( in XML )  (5)
  » modified ERAS (XML) | modifiable Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (XML)
MEIOB  ( in XML )  (5)
  » meiosis specific with OB domains (XML)
MERPs  ( in XML )  (5)
  » mammalian ependymin-related proteins (XML) | medical emergency response plans (XML)
MeAsp  ( in XML )  (5)
  » N-methyl-D-aspartate (XML) | methylaspartic acid (XML) | alpha-methyl-DL-aspartate (XML)
ME-cells  ( in XML )  (5)
  » mammary gland epithelial cells (XML) | mouse mammary gland epithelial cells (XML) | mouse embryo cells (XML)
MethylCap-seq  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Methyl-Capture sequencing (XML) | Methylated DNA Capture sequencing (XML) | Methylated DNA Capture followed by Next Generation Sequencing (XML) | MethylCap targeted bisulfite re-sequencing (XML) | MethylCap and next generation sequencing (XML)
mEUD  ( in XML )  (5)
  » modified equivalent uniform dose (XML) | modified equivalent uniform dose formulation (XML)
M.E.S  ( in XML )  (5)
  » mangled extremity syndrome (XML) | medical expert systems (XML) | maximum eye speed in slow phase of nystagmus (XML) | Maximal Electroshock Seizure (XML)
mECS  ( in XML )  (5)
  » modified Euro-Collins solution (XML) | murine embryonic stem cells (XML) | minimal corneal electroconvulsive shock (XML)
MenPS  ( in XML )  (5)
  » meningococcal polysaccharide vaccine (XML)
MEOA  ( in XML )  (5)
  » 9(12)-10(13)-monoepoxy 12(9)-octadecanoic acid (XML) | multiobjective entropy optimization algorithm (XML) | monoepoxide linoleic acid (XML) | multi-electrode-optrode array (XML)
melan-a  ( in XML )  (5)
  » melanocyte lineage (XML) | melanosomal proteins in wild type (XML) | melanoblast-like pink-eyed dilution (pcp/pcp), and in pigmented (XML)
MetaQAT  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Meta Quality Appraisal Tool (XML) | Meta-tool for Quality Appraisal of Public Health Evidence (XML)
meAda  ( in XML )  (5)
  » methylated Ada (XML) | methylated form of the Ada protein (XML) | methylated Ada protein (XML)
MEKM  ( in XML )  (5)
  » molecular enzyme kinetic model (XML) | multiple empirical kernel mapping (XML)
Met-AuNCs  ( in XML )  (5)
  » methionine protected gold nanoclusters (XML) | l-methionine-stabilized gold nanoclusters (XML)
MEHPPV  ( in XML )  (5)
  » poly(2-methoxy-5-(2'-ethylhexyloxy)-1,4-phenylenevinylene) (XML)
mERMQ  ( in XML )  (5)
  » mean effects range median quotients (XML)
MEGY  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Met-enkephalin-Gly-Tyr (XML) | maize equivalent grain yield (XML)
Mep50  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Methylosome protein 50 (XML)
melt  ( in XML )  (5)
  » melting field component H(c) (XML) | melted (XML) | melting temperature T (XML) | 1-methyl-3-ethylimidazolium tetrachloroaluminate (XML) | mechanisms that lead to the incompatibility of T (XML)
MESG  ( in XML )  (5)
  » methylthioguanosine (XML) | methanolic extract of Sesbania grandiflora (XML) | micromachined electrostatically suspended gyroscope (XML) | microbe-encapsulated silica gel (XML)
Method I  ( in XML )  (5)
  » measure the mean droplet size (XML) | methods viz. simultaneous equation (XML) | methods using normal phase (XML) | measured spectrophotometrically (XML) | measured by spectrophotometric (XML)
MEG, EEG  ( in XML )  (5)
  » magneto- and electroencephalography (XML) | Magnetoencephalography and electroencephalography (XML)
MetSCs  ( in XML )  (5)
  » metastatic stem cells (XML) | Metabolic syndrome components (XML)
MENR  ( in XML )  (5)
  » microfluidic electrochemical nitrogen-removal reactor (XML) | models were formulated to determine the nutrient requirements (XML) | Ministry for High Education and Research (XML) | Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources (XML) | maleated epoxidized natural rubber (XML)
MET-2  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Microbial Ecosystem Therapuetic-2 (XML) | Midwest Exercise Trial 2 (XML) | manganese 1,2,3-triazolate (XML)
MENAP  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Molecular Ecological Network Analysis Pipeline (XML) | metallic nanomaterial-particles (XML) | Middle East, North Africa, and Pakistan (XML)
ME-models  ( in XML )  (5)
  » metabolism and expression (XML) | metabolism and expression model formalism (XML) | Metabolism and protein Expression (XML)
MeHPriC  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Mental Health in Primary Care (XML)
MEARC  ( in XML )  (5)
  » median eminence-arcuate nucleus complex (XML)
MECIII  ( in XML )  (5)
  » medial entorhinal cortex layer III (XML) | MEC layer III (XML)
meanSEM  ( in XML )  (5)
  » motility and live sperm rate (XML) | men and women with a body mass index (XML) | METHODS: Forty-six women aged (XML) | medication and the PFS diet partially corrected these abnormalities (XML) | medial tibial plateau exhibited a compressive strain of -5.11.0 (XML)
MEX-3  ( in XML )  (5)
  » muscle excess 3 (XML) | muscle excess protein-3 (XML)
MePGE2  ( in XML )  (5)
  » 15-R-15-methylprostaglandin E2 (XML) | (15S)-15-methyl-1-prostaglandin E2 methyl ester (XML) | 15,R,15-methyl-PGE2 (XML) | methyl-prostaglandin E2 (XML)
MeSG  ( in XML )  (5)
  » 5'-methylschweinfurthin G (XML) | Metabolism of the halomethanes via GSTT1-1 yields S-methylglutathione (XML) | methysergide (XML)
MEMF  ( in XML )  (5)
  » modulated electromagnetic field (XML) | most effective modulation frequency (XML) | multiexponent multifractal (XML)
ME/GE  ( in XML )  (5)
  » metabolizability of energy (XML) | metabolizability of GE (XML) | metabolizable energy/gross energy (XML) | metabolizable energy (ME) and metabolizability of gross energy (XML)
MEHT  ( in XML )  (5)
  » mild essential hypertension (XML) | modulated-electro-hyperthermia (XML) | medical equipment and healthcare technology (XML) | mono(ethylhexyl) terephthalate (XML)
MeAm  ( in XML )  (5)
  » methylamine (XML) | medial amygdala (XML) | medial nucleus of the amygdala (XML)
MESDs  ( in XML )  (5)
  » miniaturized energy storage devices (XML) | Microfluidic electrochemical sensing devices (XML) | micro-energy storage devices (XML)
MET2  ( in XML )  (5)
  » multiexponential T2 relaxation (XML) | METHYLTRANSFERASE 2 (XML) | Multiexponential T2 (XML)
MEDFRAT  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Memorial Emergency Department Fall Risk Assessment Tool (XML) | memorial ED fall risk assessment tool (XML)
Mech  ( in XML )  (5)
  » mechanism (XML) | mechanical treatments (XML) | mechanical partial harvest (XML) | methacholine hydrochloride (XML)
MECB  ( in XML )  (5)
  » methanol extract of coffee beans (XML) | methanol extracts of C. bursa-pastoris (XML) | methanolic extract of Cinnamomum bejolghota (XML) | methanol extract of Caesalpinia bonducella (XML) | methanol extract of Cinnamomum burmannii (XML)
MERD  ( in XML )  (5)
  » minimal change esophageal reflux disease (XML) | mechanical emboli retrieval device (XML) | Mekong River Delta (XML)
MeAla  ( in XML )  (5)
  » N-methylalanine (XML)
mean, SD  ( in XML )  (5)
  » measures of central tendency (XML) | maximum PRU reduction from baseline (XML) | 2-min isometric handgrip was 18910mmHg (XML) | manual segmentation expressed as DSC (XML) | manner as compared with control (XML)
MeNP  ( in XML )  (5)
  » 4-methyl-1-nitrosopiperazine (XML) | a-methyl-2-nitropiperonyl (XML)
MeGlcpA  ( in XML )  (5)
  » 4-O-methylglucopyranosyluronic acid (XML) | 4-O-Me-alpha-d-glucuronic acid (XML) | 4-O-methyl-alpha-D-glucuronosyl (XML) | 4-O-methyl-alpha-D-glucuronosyl residues (XML)
METB  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Methanolic extract of T. bellirica (XML) | Metronidazole Benzoate ester (XML) | Metronidazole benzoate (XML) | metabolic/digestive (XML) | microcurrent electrical therapy and bandage (XML)
MEIRS  ( in XML )  (5)
  » metasurface-enhanced infrared reflection spectroscopy (XML) | metasurface-enhanced infrared spectroscopy (XML)
MECa  ( in XML )  (5)
  » mucoepidermoid carcinoma (XML) | Mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the conjunctiva (XML)
MESB  ( in XML )  (5)
  » methanolic extract of S. bilgeriana (XML) | Medical Education Standards Board (XML) | Mannheim protocol for subjective feeling (XML) | modified sugarcane bagasse (XML) | methanolic extract of strawberry (XML)
MelTs  ( in XML )  (5)
  » melting types (XML) | melt types (XML)
MEOW  ( in XML )  (5)
  » Marine Ecosystems of the World (XML) | methanolic extract of walnut (XML) | multiply enhanced odd-order wave-mixing (XML) | Modified Education in Otolaryngology Website (XML)
MenY  ( in XML )  (5)
  » meningitidis serogroup Y (XML) | meningococci Y (XML) | meningococcal serogroup Y (XML) | MenB and serogroup Y (XML)
MEDICA  ( in XML )  (5)
  » methyl-substituted diacarboxylic acids (XML) | beta'-Methyl-substituted alpha, omega-dicarboxylic acids (XML) | MEthyl-substituted long-chain DICArboxylic acid (XML) | mechanisms for the diabetes preventing effect of Candesartan (XML)
ME-CSIA  ( in XML )  (5)
  » multi-element compound-specific isotope analysis (XML) | Multi-element compound-specific isotope fractionation (XML)
MeDIP-qPCR  ( in XML )  (5)
  » methylated DNA immunoprecipitation-quantitative polymerase chain reaction (XML) | Methyl-DNA immunoprecipitation quantitative PCR (XML) | Methylated DNA immunoprecipitation sequencing was combined with real-time PCR (XML) | methylated DNA immunoprecipitation, real-time quantitative PCR (XML)
MERGETPA  ( in XML )  (5)
  » D-L-mercaptomethyl-3-guanidine-ethylpropanoic acid (XML)
ME's  ( in XML )  (5)
  » medical examiner's (XML) | median eminences (XML) | microembolic events (XML)
MEA6  ( in XML )  (5)
  » meningioma expressed antigen 6 (XML)
MeHb  ( in XML )  (4)
  » methemoglobin (XML) | methylated hemoglobin (XML)
MED30  ( in XML )  (4)
  » mediator complex subunit 30 (XML) | Mediator complex 30 (XML) | Mediator subunit 30 (XML)
M-ELISA  ( in XML )  (4)
  » monolayer enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (XML) | macro-ELISA (XML)
MeBSA  ( in XML )  (4)
  » methylated bovine serum albumin (XML)
MesProGN  ( in XML )  (4)
  » mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis (XML) | mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis-IgA negative (XML)
Mecr  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Methicillin resistance (XML) | mitochondrial enoyl-CoA/ACP reductase (XML) | mitochondrial enoyl coenzyme A reductase (XML)
MER/BCG  ( in XML )  (4)
  » methanol extraction residue of BCG (XML) | methanol extraction residue of Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (XML)
MethB  ( in XML )  (4)
  » methylene blue (XML)
ME31B  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Maternal expression at 31B (XML)
MedFT  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Medical family therapy (XML)
mEFS  ( in XML )  (4)
  » median event-free survival (XML)
MESTA  ( in XML )  (4)
  » multielemental scanning thermal analysis (XML)
MEVP  ( in XML )  (4)
  » mitoxantrone, etoposide, vindesine, prednisolone (XML) | melphalan, cyclophosphamide, vincristine, and prednisolone (XML) | mitantroxone-etoposide-vindesine-prednisolone (XML) | methanolic extract of the Vernonia patula whole plant (XML)
MeODMT  ( in XML )  (4)
  » 5-methoxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine (XML)
mESR  ( in XML )  (4)
  » micro-erythrocyte sedimentation rate (XML) | micro ESR (XML)
MetSeO  ( in XML )  (4)
  » l-methionine selenoxide (XML)
MEave  ( in XML )  (4)
  » morning and evening BP (XML) | morning-evening average (XML)
MeDAB  ( in XML )  (4)
  » 3'-methyl-4-dimethylaminoazobenzene (XML)
mejp  ( in XML )  (4)
  » miniature excitatory junction potentials (XML)
MeDDC  ( in XML )  (4)
  » S-methyl-N,N-diethyldithiocarbamate (XML)
MePR  ( in XML )  (4)
  » methylated polyrotaxane (XML) | mesenchymal progenitor (XML)
Me-AIB  ( in XML )  (4)
  » methyl alpha-aminoisobutric acid (XML) | non-metabolisable System A amino acid analogue (XML) | alpha-methyl-aminoisobutyric acid (XML) | methyl 2-aminoisobutyrate hydrochloride (XML)
MENCs  ( in XML )  (4)
  » magnetic epoxy nanocomposites (XML) | multimeric enzyme nanoclusters (XML) | magneto-electric nanocarriers (XML) | mitochondria-ER encapsulations (XML)
MenD  ( in XML )  (4)
  » metal-ion-dependent 2-succinyl-5-enolpyruvyl-6-hydroxy-3-cyclohexadiene-1-carboxylate synthase (XML) | meningococcal A + C diphtheria-toxoid-conjugated vaccine (XML) | MQ biosynthesis is catalyzed by 2-succinyl-5-enolpyruvyl-6-hydroxy-3-cyclohexadiene-1-carboxylate synthase (XML) | Men's diabetes project (XML)
MEP, MIP  ( in XML )  (4)
  » maximum expiratory/inspiratory pressure (XML)
MeRAM  ( in XML )  (4)
  » multipurpose ecological risk assessment and management (XML) | magnetoelectric random access memory (XML)
Memo1  ( in XML )  (4)
  » mediator of ERBB2-driven cell motility 1 (XML) | mediator of cell motility 1 (XML)
MeOH-E  ( in XML )  (4)
  » methanolic extract (XML) | methanol extracts (XML)
MerP  ( in XML )  (4)
  » mercuric ion scavenging protein (XML) | metal-binding proteins (XML) | mercury-binding protein (XML)
META-KLS  ( in XML )  (4)
  » MEdical imaging sTudy bAsed on KaiLuan Study (XML)
MED13  ( in XML )  (4)
  » mediator complex subunit 13 (XML)
MEGF11  ( in XML )  (4)
  » multiple epidermal growth factor-like domains 11 (XML)
MEEE  ( in XML )  (4)
  » 2-(2-(2-methoxyethoxy)ethoxy)ethyl (XML) | 2-(2-(2-mercaptoethoxy)ethoxy)ethanol (XML) | mercaptoethoxy-ethoxy-ethanol (XML) | maximal electrically-evoked extension (XML)
MERB  ( in XML )  (4)
  » ME receptor binding (XML) | Multi-scale Extraction Recalibration Block (XML)
MeLi  ( in XML )  (4)
  » methyllithium (XML) | means of salt elimination (XML)
MedLib  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Medical Library (XML)
Me-RDA  ( in XML )  (4)
  » methylation-sensitive representational difference analysis (XML) | methylation-sensitive RDA (XML)
MELAA  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Middle Eastern, Latin American, and African (XML)
MES's  ( in XML )  (4)
  » myoelectric signals (XML) | metastable equilibrium states (XML) | microembolic signals (XML)
MEDIS-DC  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Medical Information System Development Center (XML)
MeMPs  ( in XML )  (4)
  » methylmercaptopurine metabolites (XML) | methylated 6-MP metabolites (XML) | methylmercaptopurine nucleotides (XML)
MELFI  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Minus Eighty Degree Laboratory Freezer for ISS (XML) | minus eighty degree Celsius freezer in ISS (XML)
Me-DDC  ( in XML )  (4)
  » metabolite diethyldithiocarbamic acid methyl ester (XML) | methyl esters of diethyldithiocarbamic acid (XML) | metabolism, which involves formation of diethyldithiomethylcarbamate (XML)
meAIB  ( in XML )  (4)
  » alpha-methylaminoisobutyric acid (XML)
MEFD  ( in XML )  (4)
  » microfluidic extensional flow device (XML) | microscopic extraforaminal discectomy (XML)
MEd  ( in XML )  (4)
  » master of education (XML) | manipulability indices: the volume and direction of the 'manipulability ellipsoid (XML) | maternal education (XML)
MeanCV  ( in XML )  (4)
  » mean coefficient of variance (XML) | mean count value (XML)
MedScore  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Mediterranean dietary score (XML) | Mediterranean score (XML)
MeanT  ( in XML )  (4)
  » mean temperature (XML)
MeTU  ( in XML )  (4)
  » methylthiourea (XML) | 1-methyl-2-thiourea (XML) | 6-methyl-2-thiouracil (XML)
MedDiets  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Mediterranean diets (XML)
mESC-FBs  ( in XML )  (4)
  » mESC-differentiated fibroblasts (XML) | mESC-differentiated FBs (XML)
Me-3,2-HOPO  ( in XML )  (4)
  » 1-methyl-3,2-hydroxypyridinone (XML) | 1-methyl-3-hydroxy-2(1H)-pyridinone group (XML)
MED17  ( in XML )  (4)
  » MEDIATOR SUBUNIT17 (XML) | mediator complex subunit 17 (XML) | Mediator17 (XML)
Me-TMS  ( in XML )  (4)
  » methyl ester O-trimethylsilyl ethers (XML) | methyl ester-trimethylsilyl (XML)
MerB  ( in XML )  (4)
  » methylmercury by the organomercurial lyase (XML) | most stable was a complex consisting of the organomercurial lyase (XML) | Mercury by Organomercurial Lyase (XML) | merBpe, encoding organomercurial lyase (XML)
ME-PPD  ( in XML )  (4)
  » 2-methoxymethyl-p-phenylenediamine (XML) | 2-methoxymethyl-PPD (XML)
MEHIRA  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Mental Health in Refugees and Asylum Seekers (XML)
MeOPhSe  ( in XML )  (4)
  » p-methoxy-diphenyl diselenide (XML) | most important findings of the present study are that (XML)
MECOR  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Methods in Epidemiologic, Clinical, and Operations Research (XML) | Model for possible Early COvid-19 Recognition (XML)
MEOF  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Moore's Expanded Outcomes Framework (XML) | membrane encapsulated optical fiber (XML) | Minimal Eating Form (XML) | methanol extract of Opuntia ficus-indica (XML)
METAP2  ( in XML )  (4)
  » methionyl aminopeptidase 2 (XML)
MeDIP-Seq  ( in XML )  (4)
  » methylated DNA immunoprecipitation and next-generation sequencing (XML) | anti-5-methylcytosine antibody immunoprecipitation followed by next-generation sequencing (XML) | Methylated DNA immunoprecipitation and high throughput sequencing (XML)
MeHg-Cys  ( in XML )  (4)
  » MeHg-cysteine (XML) | methylmercury-cysteine conjugate (XML)
mECC  ( in XML )  (4)
  » miniaturized extracorporeal circulation (XML) | murine endometrial cancer cell (XML)
MeAA  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Methyl anthranilate (XML) | N-methyl-l-alpha-amino acids (XML) | methanol extract of A. aspera aerial parts (XML) | methanolic eAA (XML)
ME2-SR  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Multilinear Engine 2-species ratios (XML)
MEDITS  ( in XML )  (4)
  » MEDiterranean International Trawl Survey (XML) | Mediterranean bottom trawl surveys (XML)
mENETS  ( in XML )  (4)
  » modified European Neuroendocrine Tumor Society (XML) | modified ENETS (XML)
ME-SALDI-MS  ( in XML )  (4)
  » matrix-enhanced surface-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (XML)
ME-bSSFP  ( in XML )  (4)
  » multi-echo balanced steady-state free precession (XML)
MED-TVC  ( in XML )  (4)
  » multi-effect distillation-thermal vapor compression (XML) | Multi-effect desalination with thermal vapor compression (XML)
mew  ( in XML )  (4)
  » multiple edematous wings (XML)
MesH  ( in XML )  (4)
  » medical subject heading terms (XML) | Medline data with the following key words (XML) | Major Exploded Subject Headings (XML)
MERW  ( in XML )  (4)
  » maximal entropy random walk (XML)
MEHTP  ( in XML )  (4)
  » mono-2-ethylhexyl terephthalate (XML)
MEase  ( in XML )  (4)
  » D-Mannose 2-epimerase (XML) | methyl transferase (XML) | methyl-esterase (XML)
MED18  ( in XML )  (4)
  » mediator subunit 18 (XML) | MEDIATOR18 (XML) | Mediator 18 (XML)
MEEF  ( in XML )  (4)
  » mycelial extract of endophytic fungus Talaromyces purpureogenus (XML) | middle ear effusion fluid (XML) | MEE criterion with fiducial points (XML) | Minimum error entropy with fiducial points (XML)
ME-ICC  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Myalgic Encephalomyelitis International Consensus Criteria (XML) | Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (XML) | ME-International Case Criteria (XML)
ME-Dixon  ( in XML )  (4)
  » multi-echo-Dixon (XML) | multiecho Dixon imaging (XML)
mEHRA  ( in XML )  (4)
  » modified European Heart Rhythm Association score (XML) | modified EHRA (XML)
MetAp2  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Methionine aminopeptidase 2 (XML) | molecular target methionine aminopeptidase 2 (XML)
methyl-THF  ( in XML )  (4)
  » methyltetrahydrofolate (XML) | methyltetrahydrofolic acid (XML)
Mef2C  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Myocyte-specific enhancer factor 2C (XML) | myocyte-specific enhancer 2C (XML)
MEN-2  ( in XML )  (4)
  » multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 syndrome (XML) | inheritance--multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 (XML)
MEN-I  ( in XML )  (4)
  » multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type I (XML) | multiple endocrine neoplasia, type-I syndrome (XML)
Met35  ( in XML )  (4)
  » methionine-35 (XML) | methionine in position 35 (XML)
Med-VQA  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Medical visual question answering (XML)
MENDCR  ( in XML )  (4)
  » mechanical endonasal dacryocystorhinostomy (XML) | mechanical powered endoDCR (XML)
MEHC  ( in XML )  (4)
  » methanol extract of H. caustica leaves (XML) | methanol extract of H. clathratus (XML) | MEH concentration (XML) | maximum emission hourly mean concentration (XML)
MEF2s  ( in XML )  (4)
  » myocyte enhancer factor 2s (XML) | MEF2 family members (XML)
Med Sync  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Medication Synchronization (XML)
METRN  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Meteorin (XML)
metH  ( in XML )  (4)
  » methionine biosynthesis (XML) | mutants in the suppresion of b12-dependent homocysteine transmethylase (XML) | methionine synthase locus (XML)
MeDIP-Chip  ( in XML )  (4)
  » methylated DNA immunoprecipitation-DNA microarray (XML) | MeDIP, in our study combined with a promoter tiling array (XML) | methylated DNA immunoprecipitation chip (XML)
MeOX  ( in XML )  (4)
  » methoxyamine (XML) | 3-O-methyloxazepam (XML)
Me-MPR  ( in XML )  (4)
  » methylmercaptopurine ribonucleoside (XML)
Mei  ( in XML )  (4)
  » meisoindigo (XML) | mume Sieb. et Zucc (XML) | meiotic (XML)
MECMR  ( in XML )  (4)
  » multi-event capture-mark-recapture (XML) | Manganese-enhanced cardiovascular magnetic resonance (XML)
MEICC  ( in XML )  (4)
  » multi-energy inter-pixel coincidence counter (XML)
MErbB-2  ( in XML )  (4)
  » membrane overexpression of ErbB-2 (XML) | Membrane overexpression of the receptor tyrosine kinase ErbB-2 (XML) | membrane ErbB-2 (XML)
MEeP  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Medical Education e-Professionalism (XML)
MetDs  ( in XML )  (4)
  » metabolic disorders (XML) | metabolic diseases (XML) | Metabolic diseases (XML)
met-GH  ( in XML )  (4)
  » methionyl-GH (XML) | methionyl growth hormone (XML)
MECis  ( in XML )  (4)
  » multi-effect-coupling ionic-strength-stimulus (XML)
MEKK-1  ( in XML )  (4)
  » MAPK kinase kinase-1 (XML) | mitogen-activated protein kinase/extracellular signal-regulated kinase kinase-1 (XML) | MEK-1 kinase (XML)
MERG-PC  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Microcephaly Epidemic Research Group Paediatric Cohort (XML)
Me-NPs  ( in XML )  (4)
  » metal oxide nanoparticles (XML) | metal NPs (XML) | metal-nanoparticles (XML)
MED FASP  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Multienzyme Digestion-Filter Aided Sample Preparation (XML)
MesoLF  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Mesoscale volumetric light-field (XML) | mesoscale light-field (XML)
MEIDs  ( in XML )  (4)
  » major emerging infectious diseases (XML) | minimum effective iron doses (XML)
MEFAD  ( in XML )  (4)
  » marginally EFA-deficient (XML) | marginally deficient in EFA (XML) | marginally deficient in essential fatty acids (XML)
MExFM  ( in XML )  (4)
  » magnetic exchange force microscopy (XML)
MES-TNBC  ( in XML )  (4)
  » mesenchymal sub-type of triple negative breast cancer (XML) | mesenchymal-like TNBC (XML)
MenB-FHbp  ( in XML )  (4)
  » meningococcal serogroup B-factor H binding protein vaccine (XML)
MetBC  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Metaplastic breast cancer (XML)
Meth-AEA  ( in XML )  (4)
  » methanandamide (XML)
Med12  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Mediator 12 (XML) | Mediator protein complex subunit 12 (XML)
MEC LII  ( in XML )  (4)
  » medial entorhinal cortex (XML)
MELPH  ( in XML )  (4)
  » melphalan (XML)
MEPamp  ( in XML )  (4)
  » motor evoked potential metric, amplitude (XML) | motor evoked potential peak-to-peak amplitude (XML)
MEAG  ( in XML )  (4)
  » 3-O-methylellagic acid 4'-O-beta-D-glucopyranoside (XML) | methanolic extract of leaves from A. glandulosa (XML) | methanol extract of Ashwagandha (XML) | medical expert augmented generation (XML)
MeFAVS  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Mediterranean Federation for the Advancing of Vascular Surgery (XML)
MEWA  ( in XML )  (4)
  » microwave ablation (XML) | MEWA group (XML) | methanolic extract of Wrightia arborea (XML) | Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture (XML)
Measles Protection Act  ( in XML )  (4)
  » measles and strengthen vaccination prevention (XML)
Met-O  ( in XML )  (4)
  » methionine (XML) | Met-sulfoxide (XML)
MEDPREP  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Medical/Dental Education Preparatory Program (XML)
METL  ( in XML )  (4)
  » multi-source ensemble transfer learning (XML) | Mission Essential Task List (XML) | Mutational Effect Transfer Learning (XML) | manifold embedded transfer learning (XML)
M.E.M  ( in XML )  (4)
  » macrophage-electrophoretic-mobility (XML) | Minimum Essential Medium (XML)
MED-FASP  ( in XML )  (4)
  » multiple-enzyme digestion, filter-assisted sample preparation (XML) | Multiple Enzyme Filter Aided Sample Preparation approach (XML) | multiple enzyme digestion - filter aided sample pretreatment (XML)
METTS  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Medical Emergency Triage and Treatment System (XML) | Muallem ET Tube Stylet (XML)
MepA  ( in XML )  (4)
  » murein endopeptidase A (XML) | Adenosine-5'-methylphosphate (XML) | metalloprotease (XML)
MESAU  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Medical Education for Equitable Services for All Ugandans (XML)
Melan A  ( in XML )  (4)
  » melanoma antigen recognized by t-cell (XML) | melanoma-specific antigen A (XML) | Melanoma A (XML) | melanocytic markers HMB-45, MART-1 (XML)
MegE  ( in XML )  (4)
  » megakaryocyte/erythroid (XML)
MEDSEM  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Medical Seminar (XML)
MeATP  ( in XML )  (4)
  » 2-methylthioATP (XML) | beta,gamma-methylene-ATP (XML) | beta-methylene ATP (XML) | gamma-methyleneadenosine 5'-triphosphate (XML)
MEPAN  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Mitochondrial Enoyl CoA Reductase Protein-Associated Neurodegeneration (XML)
METIS  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Mood Enhancement Therapy Intervention Study (XML) | Multi Element Telescope for Imaging and Spectroscopy (XML) | maximizing extraction, transfer isopropanol step (XML) | METals In Situ analyzer (XML)
meso-BDH  ( in XML )  (4)
  » meso-2,3-butanediol dehydrogenase (XML)
ME and LE  ( in XML )  (4)
  » met- and leu-enkephalins (XML) | peptides--Methionine and Leucine Enkephalin (XML)
MEDICS  ( in XML )  (4)
  » MEntally Disturbed Inmates Care and Support (XML) | MEchanical DIlatation of the Cervix-- in a Scarred uterus (XML) | Medical Examination and Diagnostic Information Coding System (XML) | Medway Integrated Care Support (XML)
MeDTC  ( in XML )  (4)
  » S-methyl-N,N-diethylthiocarbamate (XML)
meth-HOXA9  ( in XML )  (4)
  » methylated Homeobox A9 (XML) | methylated HOXA9 (XML) | Methylated Homeobox A9 circulating tumor DNA (XML)
mENT1  ( in XML )  (4)
  » mouse ENT1 (XML) | mouse equilibrative nucleoside transporter 1 (XML)
MEq  ( in XML )  (4)
  » million equivalents (XML) | morphine equivalent units (XML) | morphine equivalent (XML) | mature-equivalent (XML)
MEMORY  ( in XML )  (4)
  » memory training (XML) | Memory via an Orthogonal Recombinase arraY (XML)
MECCs  ( in XML )  (4)
  » medical education and communication companies (XML) | Minimized extracorporeal perfusion circuits (XML) | minimal extra-corporeal circuits (XML)
MeSD  ( in XML )  (4)
  » medullation, standard deviation of medullation (XML) | microenvironmental pH-regulated ternary solid dispersion (XML) | medullation standard deviation (XML) | mean surface distance (XML)
MEC90  ( in XML )  (4)
  » minimum effective concentration for 90% of the isolates tested (XML) | MEC of ropivacaine to achieve a successful CEB in 90 (XML) | minimum effective concentration for 90% patients (XML)
MePEO-b-PCL  ( in XML )  (4)
  » methoxy poly(ethylene oxide)-b-poly(epsilon-caprolactone) (XML)
MeFox  ( in XML )  (4)
  » 4alpha-hydroxy-5-methyltetrahydrofolate (XML) | 4alpha-hydroxy-5-methylTHF (XML) | 5-methyltetrahydrofolate can be oxidised to a pyrazino-s-triazine (XML)
MEIF  ( in XML )  (4)
  » methanol root extract from I. frutescens (XML) | magnetic separation enzyme immunofluorescence (XML) | methanol ethyl acetate insoluble fraction (XML) | Membrane entrapment immunofluorescence (XML)
MenACWY-CRM  ( in XML )  (4)
  » meningococcal glycoconjugate ACWY-CRM vaccine (XML) | meningococcal serogroup ACWY CRM197-conjugate vaccine (XML) | meningococcal ACWY CRM197-glycoconjugate vaccine (XML) | meningococcal ACWY-CRM conjugate vaccine (XML)
MERS-S  ( in XML )  (4)
  » MERS-CoV in its full-length (XML) | Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus spike protein (XML) | MERS-solS (XML) | MERS-CoV spike glycoprotein (XML)
MEPh  ( in XML )  (4)
  » methanolic extract of physalis (XML) | Microelectrophoretically (XML)
MeMO  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Medication Monitoring and Optimization (XML)
MERCOSUR  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Member Countries of the Southern Common Market (XML) | Market of the Southern Cone (XML) | Market of the South America (XML) | Mercado Comun del Sur (XML)
MeTRS  ( in XML )  (4)
  » meta-total RNA sequencing (XML)
MeSy  ( in XML )  (4)
  » metabolic syndrome (XML)
MEN IIB  ( in XML )  (4)
  » multiple endocrine neoplasia type two B (XML) | multiple neoplasia type IIB (XML) | multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type IIB (XML) | multiple endocrine neoplasia IIB (XML)
mEU  ( in XML )  (4)
  » milliesterase units (XML) | modified EU (XML)
meso-C  ( in XML )  (4)
  » mesoporous carbon (XML)
MEKC-UV  ( in XML )  (4)
  » micellar electrokinetic chromatography with diode-array UV detection (XML) | micellar electrokinetic chromatography-UV detection (XML) | micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography with UV detection (XML)
meta-inflammation  ( in XML )  (4)
  » metabolic inflammation (XML) | metabolically induced inflammation (XML)
MEDPAR  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Medicare provider analysis record (XML) | Medicare hospitalization data file (XML) | Medicare inpatient database (XML) | Medicare Provider Analysis and Review Limited Data Set (XML)
MeOBGD  ( in XML )  (4)
  » N-p-methoxybenzyl-D-glucamine dithiocarbamate (XML)
MeOEP  ( in XML )  (4)
  » methyl ethylene phosphate (XML)
MEK3  ( in XML )  (4)
  » mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 3 (XML) | MAPK kinase 3 (XML)
MeSHOPs  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Medical Subject Heading Over-representation Profiles (XML) | MeSH Over-representation Profiles (XML)
METHRO  ( in XML )  (4)
  » MElagatran THRomboprophylaxis in Orthopaedic surgery (XML) | Melagatran for THRombin inhibition in Orthopaedic surgery (XML)
MeIAA  ( in XML )  (4)
  » methyl-IAA ester (XML) | methyl indole-3-acetic acid ester (XML) | methyl-IAA (XML)
MeOA  ( in XML )  (4)
  » mechanism(s)-of-action (XML) | mechanism of action (XML) | methylated OA (XML) | methyl ester of OA (XML)
MELG  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Melbourne Excimer Laser Group (XML) | methanolic extract of Lippia graveolens (XML) | materials engineered by living grafting (XML)
MEDCO  ( in XML )  (4)
  » minimally extended distal Chevron osteotomy (XML) | medical comorbidity (XML) | Medco Health Solutions (XML)
MEER  ( in XML )  (4)
  » multienergy element-resolved (XML) | Minimum Error Entropy Renyi (XML)
mEpiLCs  ( in XML )  (4)
  » mouse epiblast-like cells (XML) | mESCs, chemically transitioned epiblast-like cells (XML)
MethylRAD  ( in XML )  (4)
  » methylation-dependent restriction-site associated DNA sequencing (XML)
MEF-2  ( in XML )  (4)
  » myocyte-enhancer-binding-factor-2 (XML) | myocyte enhancer-specific factor-2 (XML)
ME305  ( in XML )  (4)
  » mature-equivalent 305-d (XML) | mature equivalent 305-d milk yield (XML)
METTL8  ( in XML )  (4)
  » methyltransferase-like 8 (XML)
MEL140  ( in XML )  (4)
  » melphalan 140 mg/m2 (XML) | melphalan at a dose of 140mg/m(2) (XML) | MEL 140 mg/m(2) (XML)
meta-DEGs  ( in XML )  (4)
  » meta-differentially expressed genes (XML) | method was applied to identify differentially expressed genes (XML) | Meta-analysis of DEGs (XML)
methyl-beta-CD  ( in XML )  (4)
  » methyl-beta-cyclodextrin (XML) | heptakis(2,6-di-O-methyl)-beta-cyclodextrin (XML)
Mea  ( in XML )  (4)
  » male-enhanced antigen (XML) | male-enhanced antigen gene (XML)
MERCY  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Minimally-invasivE surgery for oncologic Right ColectomY (XML) | meropenem in critically ill patients (XML)
m-ERM-Q  ( in XML )  (4)
  » mean effect range-median quotient (XML)
M-EI  ( in XML )  (4)
  » met-enkephalin immunoreactivity (XML) | methotrexate-etoposide-ifosfamide based regimen (XML) | methotrexate and etoposide/ifosfamide (XML)
MedBC  ( in XML )  (4)
  » medullary breast carcinoma (XML) | Medullary carcinoma of the breast (XML) | medullary breast cancer (XML)
MeRGE  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Meta-analysis Research Group in Echocardiography (XML) | metabolic and radiologic gathered evaluation (XML)
MENP  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Mount Elgon National Park (XML) | Mimusops elengi's floral silver nanoparticles (XML) | Mindshift educational networking programme (XML) | MagnetoElectric NanoParticle (XML)
M-Ex  ( in XML )  (4)
  » mastic ethyl acetate extract (XML) | motor execution (XML) | moderate exercise (XML) | metformin dose only, with exercise (XML)
ME-fMRI  ( in XML )  (4)
  » multi-echo fMRI (XML) | multi-echo functional magnetic resonance imaging (XML) | multi-echo functional MRI (XML)
methyl-Ado  ( in XML )  (4)
  » 2-methyladenosine (XML)
MediCul  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Mediterranean Diet and Culinary Index (XML)
mECV  ( in XML )  (4)
  » myocardial extracellular volume (XML) | measured extracellular fluid volume (XML) | Measured ECV (XML)
MEVS  ( in XML )  (4)
  » maximum expiratory volume per second (XML) | mammalian expression vector system (XML)
MEGR  ( in XML )  (4)
  » methanol extract of Glycyrrhizae radix (XML) | maximum element growth rate (XML) | minimum entropy generation rate (XML)
Meal IQ  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Meal Index of dietary Quality (XML)
MEM-R  ( in XML )  (4)
  » meropenem-resistant (XML) | middle-ear muscle reflex (XML)
MedDi  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Mediterranean diet (XML)
MEG's  ( in XML )  (4)
  » magnetoencephalograms (XML) | magnetoencephalography's (XML)
Met-Hgb  ( in XML )  (4)
  » methemoglobinemia (XML)
ME/PT  ( in XML )  (4)
  » median eminence/pars tuberalis (XML)
MEN-IIb  ( in XML )  (4)
  » multiple endocrine neoplasia type IIb (XML)
MedMaIDE  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Management Instrument for Deficiencies in the Elderly (XML) | management using a combination of validated (XML)
MelNPs  ( in XML )  (4)
  » melanin-like nanoparticles (XML)
MEAE  ( in XML )  (4)
  » mycelial ethyl acetate extracts (XML) | microwave- and enzyme-assisted extraction (XML) | maximum equilibrium activation effect (XML)
MEVCs  ( in XML )  (4)
  » multi-epitope vaccine constructs (XML) | multi-epitope vaccine candidates (XML) | multiepitope-based vaccines (XML)
MEDIA-DHF  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Metabolic Road to Diastolic Heart Failure: Diastolic Heart Failure study (XML) | Metabolic Road to Diastolic Heart Failure (XML) | Metabolic Road to Diastolic HF (XML)
MeM  ( in XML )  (4)
  » morphine-equivalent medication (XML) | meningococcal meningitis (XML) | Mode evolution Metric (XML) | meningeal myelomatosis (XML)
MET-min  ( in XML )  (4)
  » metabolic equivalent task minutes (XML) | metabolic energy equivalent minutes (XML)
MeNER  ( in XML )  (4)
  » 2-(alpha-(2-methoxyphenoxy)benzyl)morpholine (XML) | 2-((2-methoxyphenoxy)phenylmethyl)morpholine (XML) | 11C-methylreboxetine (XML)
m.e.p.p  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Miniature end-plate potential (XML)
MERiT  ( in XML )  (4)
  » magnetically -enhanced radionuclide therapy (XML) | Menotrophin versus Recombinant FSH in-vitro Fertilisation Trial (XML)
Me-PAHs  ( in XML )  (4)
  » methylated PAHs (XML) | methylated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (XML) | methyl-PAHs (XML)
MeSyBePo  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Metabolic Syndrome Berlin Potsdam (XML)
MEANTs  ( in XML )  (4)
  » middle ear adenomatous neuroendocrine tumors (XML)
METHO  ( in XML )  (4)
  » ((8s,10s)-10-(4-amino-5-hydroxy-6-methyl-tetrahydro-2h-pyran-2-yloxy)-6,8,11-trihydroxy-8-(2-hydroxyacetyl)-1-methoxy-7,8,9,10-tetrahydrotetracene-5,12-dione) and methotrexate (XML) | Methohexitone sodium (XML) | methoctramine (XML) | methotrexate (XML)
MeU  ( in XML )  (4)
  » 5-methylurapidil (XML) | 1-methyl uracil (XML) | methylurea (XML)
MedMAP  ( in XML )  (4)
  » Medication Management Approaches in Psychiatry (XML) | medical officers on the 'Medication Management Plan (XML)
Me-ALA  ( in XML )  (4)
  » methyl delta-aminolevulinic acid (XML) | marketed ALA methyl ester (XML)
MeAmp  ( in XML )  (4)
  » methamphetamine (XML)
MePTs  ( in XML )  (4)
  » metal pyrithiones (XML)
MeVs  ( in XML )  (4)
  » measles viruses (XML)
MERTs  ( in XML )  (4)
  » medical emergency response teams (XML) | Malignant extrarenal rhabdoid tumors (XML)
MeFISH  ( in XML )  (3)
  » methylation-specific fluorescence in situ hybridization (XML)
Met.R  ( in XML )  (3)
  » methicillin-resistant (XML)
MERH  ( in XML )  (3)
  » modified extended right hepatectomy (XML) | methanolic extract of rice hulls (XML)
MEP-1  ( in XML )  (3)
  » metal element protein-1 (XML) | multiple-epitope polypeptide 1 (XML)
MERRFs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Myoclonus epilepsy with ragged-red fibers (XML)
Mefp-1  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Mytilus edulis foot protein 1 (XML)
M-EML  ( in XML )  (3)
  » methanol leaf extract from Erica multiflora (XML) | mixed host emissive layer (XML)
Met-S-SO  ( in XML )  (3)
  » methionine-S-sulfoxide (XML)
MECY  ( in XML )  (3)
  » methotrexate-leucovorin plus cyclophosphamide (XML) | methotrexate-citrovorum factor rescue plus cyclophosphamide (XML)
MeaNS  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Measles Nucleotide Surveillance (XML) | measles nucleotide surveillance database (XML)
MEG-3  ( in XML )  (3)
  » maternally expressed gene-3 (XML) | micro-exon gene 3 (XML)
MeRP  ( in XML )  (3)
  » methylarginine proteins (XML) | methylated proteins (XML)
ME-Gel  ( in XML )  (3)
  » microemulsion-based hydrogel (XML) | MSC exosome-loaded hydrogels (XML) | microemulsion-gel (XML)
Me alpha Man  ( in XML )  (3)
  » methyl alpha-D-mannopyranoside (XML)
MEWSs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » modified early warning scores (XML) | modified EWSs (XML)
Mel-ASCT  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Melphalan-based autologous stem cell transplant (XML)
METI-I  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Mitochondrial Electron Transport Inhibitors of complex I (XML)
MEBa  ( in XML )  (3)
  » methanol extract of Basella alba (XML)
MEARDS  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Molecular Epidemiology of ARDS (XML) | Molecular Epidemiology of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (XML)
MeMPN  ( in XML )  (3)
  » methylmercaptopurine nucleotide (XML)
ME-HaD  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Microvesicles and Exosomes in Health and Disease (XML)
MeTHPA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » methyltetrahydrophthalic anhydride (XML)
MEPS-NHC  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Medical Expenditure Panel Survey-Nursing Home Component (XML)
MeCF  ( in XML )  (3)
  » methylotrophic cell factory (XML) | mesoporous carbon foams (XML)
ME-MILD  ( in XML )  (3)
  » microendoscopic muscle-preserving interlaminar decompression (XML)
MEKT  ( in XML )  (3)
  » manifold embedded knowledge transfer (XML)
MEOP  ( in XML )  (3)
  » mediated electrochemical oxidation process (XML) | metastability-exchange optical pumping (XML) | mono-2-ethyl-5-oxohexylphthalate (XML)
MEID  ( in XML )  (3)
  » minimum embryonal infective doses (XML) | Major emergent infectious diseases (XML) | minimally economically important difference (XML)
MEFSE  ( in XML )  (3)
  » multi-echo fast-spin-echo (XML)
MENTAL  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Mobilisation in the EveNing to TreAt deLirium (XML) | Mobilisation in the EveNing to prevent and TreAt deLirium (XML)
meso-2,3-BDH  ( in XML )  (3)
  » meso-2,3-butanediol dehydrogenase (XML)
MetB  ( in XML )  (3)
  » methylene blue (XML) | methyl blue (XML)
MEMOS  ( in XML )  (3)
  » MEchatronic system for MOtor recovery after Stroke (XML) | Mouse Embryo Multi-Organ Segmentation (XML) | Mobile Extensible Memory System (XML)
MEQ-SA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » morningness-eveningness questionnaire self-assessment version (XML) | Morningness-Eveningness Questionnaire (XML)
MEM-VAB  ( in XML )  (3)
  » meropenem-vaborbactam (XML)
MELANY  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Metabolic, Lifestyle and Nutrition Assessment in Young Adults (XML)
MEF-1  ( in XML )  (3)
  » MEFs prepared 1 (XML) | myocyte-specific enhancer factor 1 (XML) | myocyte enhancer factor 1 (XML)
m-ER  ( in XML )  (3)
  » mean euploidy rates per biopsied blastocysts (XML) | mean euploidy rate (XML) | mean blastocyst euploidy rate (XML)
melEDI  ( in XML )  (3)
  » melanopic equivalent daylight illuminance (XML) | melanopic-EDI lux (XML)
MEANT  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Middle ear adenomatous neuroendocrine tumor (XML)
ME-MAR  ( in XML )  (3)
  » medication administration recording (XML) | mobile electronic medication administration record (XML)
MEPSs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Medical Expenditure Panel Surveys (XML) | molecular electrical potential surfaces (XML) | Mayo Elbow Performance Scores (XML)
Me-4-FDG  ( in XML )  (3)
  » alpha-methyl-4-deoxy-4-((18)F)fluoro-D-glucopyranoside (XML)
mefp-1  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Mytilus edulis foot protein-1 (XML)
ME-SALDI  ( in XML )  (3)
  » matrix-enhanced surface-assisted laser desorption/ionization (XML) | matrix-enhanced SALDI (XML)
MEBN  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Multi-Entity Bayesian Networks (XML) | Melanoma ex blue nevus (XML)
MeTAD  ( in XML )  (3)
  » N-methyl-1,2,4-triazoline-3,5-dione (XML)
MeHPLAase  ( in XML )  (3)
  » methyl-p-hydroxyphenyllactate esterase (XML)
Me.Ar  ( in XML )  (3)
  » medullary area (XML) | medullary (XML)
MeMD  ( in XML )  (3)
  » N,N-bis(5-methoxy-2-hydroxybenzyl) methylamine (XML) | mineral equivalent marrow density (XML)
MEQ-CA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Morningness-Eveningness Questionnaire for Children and Adolescents (XML)
METh  ( in XML )  (3)
  » metabolic equivalent of task - hours (XML) | METs and time spent performing physical activities (XML) | methanolic extract of Tournefortia hartwegiana (XML)
MELD-LA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » model for end-stage liver disease-lactate (XML) | Model forEnd-StageLiver Disease (XML)
MEAAs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » medium-entropy alloy aerogels (XML) | Middle Eastern/Arab Americans (XML)
MeMP  ( in XML )  (3)
  » methylated mercaptopurine (XML) | 6-mercaptopurine metabolites (XML)
MEDNIK  ( in XML )  (3)
  » mental retardation-enteropathy-deafness-neuropathy-ichthyosis-keratoderma (XML)
METT-Line  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Mohrenheim-Estimated-Tangential-Tracking-Line (XML)
MECS-IHT  ( in XML )  (3)
  » multi-electrode current-source interstitial hyperthermia (XML)
Me-Glc  ( in XML )  (3)
  » methyl-alpha-D-glucopyranoside (XML)
MEF 50  ( in XML )  (3)
  » maximal expiratory flow at 50% vital capacity (XML)
Meiji NPS  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Meiji Nutritional Profiling System (XML)
MeO-DOTA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » alpha-(5-isothiocyanato-2-methoxyphenyl)-1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane-1,4,7,10-tetraacetic acid (XML) | methoxy-DOTA (XML)
meA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » methyl group to the N-6 position of adenine (XML) | methylated adenine (XML) | N-6-methyladenine (XML)
MEIP  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Methionine enkephalin-immunoreactive peptide (XML) | micro-encapsulated extract of I. paraguariensis (XML) | Met-Enkephalin-immunoreactive peptides (XML)
me-PCR  ( in XML )  (3)
  » mutant enriched PCR (XML) | methylation-sensitive polymerase chain reaction (XML) | multithreaded e-PCR (XML)
METM  ( in XML )  (3)
  » MIN plus ETM (XML) | memory-event-triggered mechanism (XML) | multiple exercise training modalities (XML)
Me beta-CD  ( in XML )  (3)
  » methyl-beta-CD (XML) | methylated beta-CD (XML)
MeHAEMO  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Mesoglycan for pain control after open excisional HAEMOrrhoidectomy (XML) | NCT04481698-Mesoglycan for Pain Control After Open Excisional HAEMOrrhoidectomy (XML)
MESK  ( in XML )  (3)
  » microencapsulated streptokinase (XML) | Mangifera indica seed kernel extract (XML)
MeHgCl  ( in XML )  (3)
  » MeHg chloride (XML) | mg Hg/kg as methylmercury chloride (XML)
mENSAT  ( in XML )  (3)
  » modified European Network for the study of Adrenal Tumors (XML) | modified ENSAT (XML)
mefA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » macrolide efflux (XML) | macrolide efflux protein A (XML)
mE7  ( in XML )  (3)
  » mutant non-transforming HPV16 E7 (XML) | mannosylated HPV16 E7 (XML) | modified HPV 16 E7 (XML)
MeLLFs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » metal liquid-like films (XML) | metal-like liquid films (XML)
m-exp  ( in XML )  (3)
  » multi-exponential equation (XML) | multi-exponential (XML)
MetS-BMI  ( in XML )  (3)
  » metabolic syndrome-body mass index (XML)
MesoCS  ( in XML )  (3)
  » mesoporous calcium silicate (XML) | mesoporous CS (XML)
MEF 1  ( in XML )  (3)
  » magnetic field component 1 (XML) | myocyte-specific enhancer-binding nuclear factor 1 (XML) | movement-evoked field component 1 (XML)
mel-EDI  ( in XML )  (3)
  » melanopic Equivalent Daylight Illuminance (XML)
MePdR  ( in XML )  (3)
  » 6-methylpurine deoxyribose (XML)
MESDA-G  ( in XML )  (3)
  » magnifying endoscopy simple diagnostic algorithm for early gastric cancer (XML)
MERRION  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Multicenter Evaluation of Rectal cancer ReImaging pOst Neoadjuvant (XML)
MeNET  ( in XML )  (3)
  » middle ear neuroendocrine tumors (XML) | 7alpha-methyl-NET (XML)
Me9H3  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Methylated histone H3 at K9 (XML) | Monomethylated-K9 H3 histones (XML) | methylated lysine 9 of histone H3 (XML)
MEEREB  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Middle East and Eastern Europe Rabies Expert Bureau (XML)
MeCy5-OSu  ( in XML )  (3)
  » 1-(epsilon-succinimydyl-hexanoate)-1'-methyl-3,3,3',3'-tetramethyl-indocarbocyanine-5,5'-disulfonate potassium (XML)
meta-II  ( in XML )  (3)
  » metaphase II (XML) | metaphase of the second meiosis (XML) | metaphase of meiosis II (XML)
MeOxNPs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Metal oxide nanoparticles (XML)
M-ECM  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Matrigel-ECM (XML) | muscle-derived extracellular matrix (XML)
mEPO  ( in XML )  (3)
  » mouse eosinophil peroxidase (XML) | murine eosinophil peroxidase gene (XML) | mouse EPO (XML)
MeAde  ( in XML )  (3)
  » methyladenine (XML)
MERSC  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Metrics for Evaluation of Regulatory Science Claims (XML)
METREPOL  ( in XML )  (3)
  » medical treatment protocols for radiation accident victims (XML)
Memb  ( in XML )  (3)
  » membrane separation method (XML) | molded membrane (XML) | membrane (XML)
MEDFUN  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Multi-center Evaluation of Diabetic Foot Ulcer in Nigeria (XML)
MEnT  ( in XML )  (3)
  » MEL cell line that carry a dominant interfering myb allele (XML) | mice expressing a T-cell-specific dominant interfering allele (XML)
M-Exos  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Macrophage-derived exosomes (XML) | milk exosomes (XML)
MERDLVT  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Merida-like virus Turkey (XML)
MERN  ( in XML )  (3)
  » MongoDB, ExpressJS, ReactJS, and NodeJS (XML) | Medical Ethics Resource Network (XML) | Maximum economic rate of N application (XML)
MeTs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » metalloids (XML) | metal stock trays (XML)
m-es  ( in XML )  (3)
  » mono-innervated external sensory (XML)
MEMeQ  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Munich-Evaluation-of-Mentoring-Questionnaire (XML)
MeE  ( in XML )  (3)
  » metabolic fingerprint of entire ecosystems (XML) | Melinjo endosperm extract (XML) | mesencephalon (XML)
MET-CAMO  ( in XML )  (3)
  » beta-Methyl-14 beta-(p-nitrocinnamoylamino)-7,8-dihydromorphinone (XML)
MESECs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » mouse embryonic-stem-cell-derived endothelial cells (XML)
MeGlu  ( in XML )  (3)
  » (2S,4R)-4-methylglutamic acid (XML) | 3-O-methylglucose (XML) | 4-methylene-L-glutamic acid (XML)
MEMo  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Mutual Exclusivity Modules in cancer (XML) | Manifold Epigenetic Model (XML)
mEGRIS  ( in XML )  (3)
  » modified Erasmus GBS Respiratory Insufficiency Score (XML) | modified EGRIS (XML)
Me-DDTC  ( in XML )  (3)
  » methyl diethyldithiocarbamate (XML) | methyl ester of DDTC (XML)
MESP2  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Mesoderm posterior 2 (XML) | mesoderm posterior 2 homolog (XML)
MEEV  ( in XML )  (3)
  » maternal early exposure to violence (XML) | methanol extract of E. variegata leaf (XML)
MECpH  ( in XML )  (3)
  » multi-effect-coupling pH-stimulus (XML) | Multi-Effect-Coupling of pH Stimulus (XML)
Mepd  ( in XML )  (3)
  » methylprednisolone (XML)
MESIA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » magnetic-force assisted electrochemical sandwich immunoassay (XML) | multi-epigenome sample integration approach for precise peak calling (XML)
MEA-ND  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Middle ear adenoma with neuroendocrine differentiation (XML)
MELEK  ( in XML )  (3)
  » microkeratome and excimer laser-assisted endothelial keratoplasty (XML)
m-ESA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » mouse epididymal sperm aneuploidy (XML)
meth-ctDNA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » methylation in circulating tumour DNA (XML) | methylated ctDNA (XML) | Methylated circulating tumor DNA (XML)
MetI  ( in XML )  (3)
  » methylation index (XML) | methionine-biosynthesis enzyme cysteine-gamma-synthase (XML)
MELH  ( in XML )  (3)
  » manometric esophageal length to height (XML)
mEcoG  ( in XML )  (3)
  » multilobar electrocorticography (XML)
MePy  ( in XML )  (3)
  » 4-methyl pyridine (XML) | methylated or protonated bis(4'-pyridyl)-tetrathiafulvalene cations (XML) | N-(2-(dimethylamino)ethyl)-1-methyl-4-aminopyrrolo-2-carboxamide (XML)
MEFAs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » multiepitope fusion antigens (XML) | monoepoxides derived from polyunsaturated fatty acids (XML)
M-Exo  ( in XML )  (3)
  » macrophage-derived exosomes (XML) | medium exosomes (XML)
meERG  ( in XML )  (3)
  » multi-electrode electroretinography (XML) | multi-electrode ERG (XML)
MedRadio  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Medical Device Radiocommunications Service (XML) | medical device radiocommunication (XML)
MEAB  ( in XML )  (3)
  » methanol extract of leaves of A. brasiliana (XML) | methanol extract of AB (XML) | Multi-scale edge enhancement attention block (XML)
Meta III  ( in XML )  (3)
  » metarhodopsin III (XML)
MEGF8  ( in XML )  (3)
  » multiple epidermal-growth-factor-like-domains 8 (XML)
METTL6  ( in XML )  (3)
  » methyltransferase-like protein 6 (XML) | Methyltransferaselike6 (XML)
MelQx  ( in XML )  (3)
  » mutagenic heterocyclic aromatic amine compound, 2-amino-3,8-dimethylimidazo-(4,5-f)quinoxaline (XML) | Meanwhile, dietary 2-amino-3,8-dimethylimidazo(4,5-f)quinoxaline (XML) | measured 2-amino-3,8-dimethylimidazo(4,5-f)quinoxaline (XML)
MetSox  ( in XML )  (3)
  » methionine sulfoximine (XML)
metII  ( in XML )  (3)
  » meiotic division (XML) | metaphase II arrested (XML)
Me6  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Me6TREN (XML)
MetA-SIMS  ( in XML )  (3)
  » metal-assisted SIMS (XML) | metal-assisted secondary ion mass spectrometry (XML)
MEng  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Master of Engineering (XML)
Me-PPD  ( in XML )  (3)
  » 2-methoxy-methyl-PPD (XML) | methyl-PPD (XML)
MEPAS  ( in XML )  (3)
  » multimedia environment pollutant assessment system (XML)
MESFL  ( in XML )  (3)
  » methanolic extract of Spilanthes filicaulis leaves (XML)
ME-1  ( in XML )  (3)
  » more than 10% of the annual normative household consumption expenditure (XML) | malic enzyme-1 (XML) | more than 10% of total household consumption expenditure (XML)
MEFV curve  ( in XML )  (3)
  » maximal expiratory flow-volume curve (XML)
mEXOs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » milk-derived exosomes (XML)
Met-7  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Met-enkephalin-Arg6-Phe7 (XML) | methionine-7 (XML)
MeRNA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » 2'-O-methylRNA (XML) | 2'-O-MeRNA (XML)
Methyl-GAG  ( in XML )  (3)
  » methylglyoxal Bis-guanyl hydrazone (XML)
MEG-CSI  ( in XML )  (3)
  » MEG coherence source imaging (XML) | Magnetoencephalography-coherence source imaging (XML)
MEKF  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Multiplicative Extended Kalman Filter (XML) | Modified Extended Kalman Filter (XML)
MEp  ( in XML )  (3)
  » ME for pregnancy (XML) | microencapsulated powder of the extract (XML) | metabolizable energy from protein (XML)
mESR1  ( in XML )  (3)
  » membrane ESR1 (XML)
MERRAero  ( in XML )  (3)
  » MERRA Aerosol Reanalysis (XML) | Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Application (XML)
MEPEI  ( in XML )  (3)
  » magnetic field enhanced photoelectron ionization (XML)
MEEK  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Meek micrografting technique (XML) | MEEK group (XML) | mitogen-activated protein kinase/ERK kinase kinase-1 (XML)
MetDC  ( in XML )  (3)
  » l-methionine decarboxylase (XML)
MEDTEP  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Medical Treatment Effectiveness Program (XML) | Medical Treatment Effectiveness in Diverse Populations (XML)
MEHO  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Minority Health Observatory-project (XML) | methanol (XML) | Migrant Ethnic Health Observatory (XML)
meso-silica  ( in XML )  (3)
  » mesoporous silica (XML)
ME group  ( in XML )  (3)
  » MI + aerobic exercise group (XML) | muscle embedment group (XML) | Medium intensity Exercise Group (XML)
ME-180R  ( in XML )  (3)
  » ME-180 cell variants (XML) | ME-180 cell variants were isolated that stably expressed complete resistance (XML)
MeO-TPD  ( in XML )  (3)
  » N,N,N',N'-tetrakis(4-methoxyphenyl)-benzidine (XML) | molecules used for hole transport (XML)
mECE  ( in XML )  (3)
  » microscopic extracapsular extension (XML) | mpMRI ECE (XML) | microscopic ECE (XML)
mEPN  ( in XML )  (3)
  » modified Edinburgh Pathway Notation (XML)
MESDC1  ( in XML )  (3)
  » mesoderm development candidate 1 (XML)
MenQoL  ( in XML )  (3)
  » menopause-specific quality of life (XML) | menopause specific quality of life questionnaire (XML)
METex14 skipping  ( in XML )  (3)
  » MET exon 14 skipping mutations (XML) | MET exon14 skipping (XML)
M-ECOHIS  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Malayalam version of the ECOHIS (XML) | Mexican Early Childhood Oral Health Impact Scale (XML) | Mexican version of the Early Childhood Oral Health Impact Scale (XML)
Meig1  ( in XML )  (3)
  » meiosis expressed gene 1 (XML)
medPFC  ( in XML )  (3)
  » medial prefrontal cortex (XML)
ME/MC  ( in XML )  (3)
  » motion estimation and motion compensation (XML)
MENA-ISN  ( in XML )  (3)
  » MENA Influenza Stakeholders Network (XML) | Middle-East and Africa Influenza Surveillance Network (XML)
MEDI-HPS  ( in XML )  (3)
  » MEDI high-precision subset (XML)
MeLISA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » metal-linked immunosorbent assay (XML) | metal enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (XML)
METTEM  ( in XML )  (3)
  » metal-tagging transmission electron microscopy (XML) | metal-tagging TEM (XML)
mEpiSC  ( in XML )  (3)
  » mouse epiblast stem cell (XML)
mEF  ( in XML )  (3)
  » mid-range ejection fraction (XML) | modified EF (XML) | mass of fertiliser (XML)
MEISCP  ( in XML )  (3)
  » minimum energy intersystem crossing point (XML)
mes-met  ( in XML )  (3)
  » mesencephalic-metencephalic (XML) | mesencephalon and metencephalon (XML)
MedTax  ( in XML )  (3)
  » medication discrepancy taxonomy (XML)
MEOE  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Marjoram essential oil (XML) | malignant transformation of extra-ovarian endometriosis (XML) | methanolic extract (XML)
MELD-Albumin  ( in XML )  (3)
  » MELD score with albumin replacing international normalized ratio (XML) | MELD including albumin (XML)
Me-DMES  ( in XML )  (3)
  » methyl ester-dimethylethylsilyl (XML) | methyl ester O-dimethylethylsilyl ethers (XML)
Met.S  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Metabolic syndrome (XML)
MeQone  ( in XML )  (3)
  » 1-methyl-2(1H)-quinolinone (XML) | 1-methyl-2-quinolone (XML)
MetM  ( in XML )  (3)
  » metastatic melanoma (XML)
MEFIB  ( in XML )  (3)
  » MRE combined with FIB-4 (XML) | multi-element focused ion beam (XML)
MES16  ( in XML )  (3)
  » methylesterase family member 16 (XML)
metabolic ratio  ( in XML )  (3)
  » metabolites, 2- and 5-dehydropachycarpines (XML) | metabolite-to-drug concentration ratio (XML) | metabolite concentration (XML)
MEGG  ( in XML )  (3)
  » multi-channel electrogastrography (XML)
MeSMV  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Melon severe mosaic virus (XML) | melon severe mosaic orthotospovirus (XML)
mEpH  ( in XML )  (3)
  » microsomal epoxide hydrolase (XML)
MeSATP  ( in XML )  (3)
  » 2-methylthioadenosine 5'-triphosphate (XML)
MEmO  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Medical Emergencies in Obstetrics (XML)
Mel-LNC  ( in XML )  (3)
  » melatonin-loaded lipid-core nanocapsules (XML)
METa  ( in XML )  (3)
  » mosaic ends tagmentation (XML) | methanolic extract (XML)
MECe  ( in XML )  (3)
  » multi-effect-coupling electric-stimulus (XML)
MelEM  ( in XML )  (3)
  » melanocyte early marker (XML) | melanoblast/cyte early marker (XML)
MeAD  ( in XML )  (3)
  » medial amygdala (XML) | MeA subnuclei--anterodorsal (XML)
MeOAs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » mechanisms of action (XML)
mesLN  ( in XML )  (3)
  » mesenteric lymph node (XML) | mesenteric draining lymph nodes (XML) | mesenteric LN (XML)
MEF3  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Multiscale Electrophysiology Format, version 3 (XML) | monkey epididymal fluid protein 3 (XML) | mitochondrial editing factor 3 (XML)
MEL 100  ( in XML )  (3)
  » melphalan 100 mg/m(2) (XML) | melphalan < or =100 mg/m2 (XML)
MeOPEG  ( in XML )  (3)
  » methoxy polyethylene glycol (XML) | monomethylether of PEG (XML)
MERITg  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Metacognitive Reflection and Insight Therapy (XML) | MERIT format to a group-based intervention (XML)
MegaOR  ( in XML )  (3)
  » mega-analysis of odds ratio (XML) | mega-analysis of OR (XML)
MECHE  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Metabolic Challenge Study (XML) | Metabolic Challenge (XML)
MeAl  ( in XML )  (3)
  » methylated amylose (XML) | Melaleuca alternifolia leaf oil (XML) | mesoporous alumina (XML)
MECIDS  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Middle East Consortium on Infectious Disease Surveillance (XML)
Met-BLG  ( in XML )  (3)
  » methylated beta-lactoglobulin (XML)
mean SD  ( in XML )  (3)
  » time-matched controls was -8.86.0 mmHg (XML) | molar ratio increased 7.0+/-7.7 (XML) | 6-month nodule shrinkage (XML)
Methyl-Seq  ( in XML )  (3)
  » methylation sequencing (XML) | methyl-CpG capture associated with massive parallel sequencing (XML) | method followed by next-generation sequencing (XML)
MEAM-BO  ( in XML )  (3)
  » modified embedded-atom method (XML) | Modified Embedded-Atom Method with Bond Order (XML) | MEAM potential for unsaturated hydrocarbons (XML)
METAREP  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Metagenomics Reports (XML)
MEHE  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Minimally invasive endoscopic hematoma evacuation (XML) | Modified Enhanced Homomorphic Encryption (XML) | Malignant epithelioid hemangioendothelioma (XML)
MECSs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Medical elastic compression stockings (XML) | multi-energy complementary systems (XML) | multi-enzyme catalytic systems (XML)
memb  ( in XML )  (3)
  » membranes to adjust the |pH (XML) | membrane partitioning coefficient, K (XML) | membrane lifetime, t (XML)
MetfDeca  ( in XML )  (3)
  » metforminium decavanadate (XML)
MEHL  ( in XML )  (3)
  » M. extensor hallucis longus (XML) | multiexposure holographic lens (XML)
MeOpy  ( in XML )  (3)
  » 4-methoxypyridine (XML)
MEA I  ( in XML )  (3)
  » multiple endocrine adenomatosis type I (XML) | multiple endocrine adenopathy syndrome, type I (XML)
MEFVL  ( in XML )  (3)
  » maximum expiratory flow-volume loop (XML)
method A  ( in XML )  (3)
  » MDA extraction by trichloroacetic acid (XML) | 3-methylbenzo-2-thiazolone hydrazone and Fe3+ (XML) | measured either by SRM 909-standardized/noncompensated (XML)
MEHRS  ( in XML )  (3)
  » medium-energy, high-resolution sensitivity (XML) | medium energy high resolution (XML)
mEPCs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » mouse EPCs (XML) | mice were analyzed for twitch tension, spontaneous (XML) | mature EPCs (XML)
METc  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Medical Ethical Committee (XML) | MET prototype that offers full protection to users (XML) | Medisch-ethische toetsingscommissie (XML)
MED-SAIL  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Making and Executing Decisions for Safe and Independent Living (XML)
MEEAR  ( in XML )  (3)
  » maximal elbow extension angle during reaching (XML) | minimum error entropy-based atomic representation (XML)
MEDITATE  ( in XML )  (3)
  » multiple-echo diffusion tensor acquisition technique (XML) | multicenter randomized controlled trial (XML)
mECs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » myocardial endothelial cells (XML) | medullary ECs (XML) | mature endothelial cells (XML)
MendT  ( in XML )  (3)
  » mesenchymal-endothelial transition (XML)
MEVF  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Mediterranean fever (XML) | modified equivalent value factor (XML) | mediterranean fever gene (XML)
MECVI  ( in XML )  (3)
  » modified expected cross-validation index (XML) | maximum-likelihood expected cross-validation index (XML) | microwave-enhanced CVI (XML)
MEDION  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Meta-analyses van Diagnostisch Onderzoek (XML)
MECSE  ( in XML )  (3)
  » multi-echo chemical-shift-encoded (XML)
Met1-Ub  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Met1-linked polyubiquitin (XML)
mECH  ( in XML )  (3)
  » mitochondrial 2-enoyl-CoA hydratase (XML) | modular enoyl-CoA hydratase (XML)
MePFC  ( in XML )  (3)
  » medial prefrontal cortex (XML)
Me-JA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » methyl ester of JA (XML) | Methyl Jasmonic acid (XML) | Methyl ester of jasmonic acid (XML)
med sync  ( in XML )  (3)
  » medication synchronization (XML)
MEHHs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » modern environmental health hazards (XML)
ME/NA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Middle Eastern and North African (XML) | Middle East/North Africa (XML)
MERCURY I  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Measuring Effective Reductions in Cholesterol Using Rosuvastatin Therapy (XML)
MECCIR  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Methodological Expectations of Campbell Collaboration Intervention Reviews (XML)
mean S.D  ( in XML )  (3)
  » mg/kg, daptomycin plasma concentrations (XML) | method, the in vitro intrinsic clearance (XML) | magnitudes of 0.970.45 Ls(-1) (XML)
MelNP  ( in XML )  (3)
  » melanin-like nanoparticle (XML) | melittin nanoparticles (XML)
MEI1  ( in XML )  (3)
  » meiotic double-stranded break formation protein 1 (XML) | meiosis inhibitor protein 1 (XML)
MeNOUr  ( in XML )  (3)
  » N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (XML)
METEPC  ( in XML )  (3)
  » multi-element tissue equivalent proportional counter (XML) | multi-element TEPC (XML)
MeFM  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Magnetoelectric force microscopy (XML) | Methanolic extract of a Fraxinus micrantha (XML)
MED19a  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Mediator subunit 19a (XML)
MeSe  ( in XML )  (3)
  » methylseleninic acid (XML) | methylselenol (XML)
MeONQ  ( in XML )  (3)
  » 2-methoxy-1,4-naphthoquinone (XML)
MeCSV  ( in XML )  (3)
  » melon chlorotic spot virus (XML)
MEAUS  ( in XML )  (3)
  » melt extrusion-annealing-uniaxial stretching technique (XML) | Melt-Extrusion, Annealing and Uniaxial Stretching (XML)
MEMN  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Marginal Estimation of Multiple Networks (XML) | methanolic extract of M.nagi (XML) | N-(2-mercaptoethyl)-6-methylnicotinamide (XML)
Met-AEA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » methanandamide (XML) | (R)-1'-methyl-2'-hydroxy-ethyl-arachidonamide (XML)
MESFs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » mouse skin-derived fibroblasts (XML) | molecules of equivalent soluble fluorophores (XML) | Monkey ear skin fibroblasts (XML)
Mea-1  ( in XML )  (3)
  » male-enhanced antigen-1 (XML)
MeTC  ( in XML )  (3)
  » S-Methyl-L-thiocitrulline (XML)
ME-i.r  ( in XML )  (3)
  » met-enkephalin-like immunoreactivity (XML)
MEKK1-DN  ( in XML )  (3)
  » mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 1 (XML)
Meg-GPA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » megakaryocyte growth-promoting activity (XML)
MedFC  ( in XML )  (3)
  » medial frontal cortex (XML)
MEMIs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » mindfulness ecological momentary interventions (XML)
Met-Cys  ( in XML )  (3)
  » methionine and cysteine (XML) | methionine-cysteine (XML)
MeSeH  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Methylselenol (XML)
METTS-A  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Medical Emergency Triage and Treatment System-Adult score (XML)
MeMBL  ( in XML )  (3)
  » gamma-methyl-alpha-methylene-gamma-butyrolactone (XML) | MeMBL/BA copolymerizations are r (XML)
mEJPs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » miniature EJPs (XML)
MeV-UED  ( in XML )  (3)
  » megaelectronvolt ultrafast electron diffraction (XML)
MetLife  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Metropolitan Life Insurance Company (XML) | Metropolitan Life Insurance (XML)
meg  ( in XML )  (3)
  » megalomicin (XML) | micro-exon gene (XML)
MeSpd  ( in XML )  (3)
  » alpha-methylspermidine (XML) | methylspermidine (XML) | mechanism(s) of alpha-methylspermidine (XML)
MECPM  ( in XML )  (3)
  » maximum entropy conditional probability modeling (XML)
MeUmb-Galp  ( in XML )  (3)
  » 4-methylumbelliferyl beta-D-galactopyranoside (XML)
MePS  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Membrane-Based Pressure Sensors (XML) | mesoscale physiological system (XML)
Met-Enk-Arg-Phe  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Met5-enkephalin-Arg6-Phe7 (XML) | Met-enkephalin-Arg6-Phe7 (XML) | methionine-enkephalin-Arg6-Phe7 (XML)
mECEA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » modified eversion carotid endarterectomy (XML)
ME-BH  ( in XML )  (3)
  » median eminence-basal hypothalamus (XML)
mENR  ( in XML )  (3)
  » major early neurological recovery (XML)
MEATBall  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Microwave endometrial ablation versus thermal balloon endometrial ablation (XML)
MEP and MIP  ( in XML )  (3)
  » maximal expiratory and inspiratory pressures (XML)
MePyr  ( in XML )  (3)
  » methylpyrene (XML) | methyl pyruvate (XML) | 1-methyl-1H-pyrrole (XML)
MECH-HK  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Migraine Exposures and Cardiovascular Health in Hong Kong Chinese Women (XML)
ME-FBR  ( in XML )  (3)
  » microbial electrochemical fluidized bed reactor (XML)
MeS-BrC  ( in XML )  (3)
  » methanol-soluble BrC (XML) | methanol-soluble brown carbon (XML)
meal  ( in XML )  (3)
  » major challenge that remains is handling an unknown glucose disturbance (XML) | meals on separate occasions, and Ra (XML) | meals per day with an average feeding bout (XML)
MEGT  ( in XML )  (3)
  » methanolic extract of G. tiliaefolia leaves (XML) | Methanolic extracts of Gracilaria tenuistipitata (XML) | Multi-scale Efficient Graph-Transformer (XML)
metAP  ( in XML )  (3)
  » methionine aminopeptidase (XML)
MEDYAN  ( in XML )  (3)
  » mechanochemical dynamics of active networks (XML)
MET-hours  ( in XML )  (3)
  » metabolic equivalent hours (XML)
MESQ  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Menopause Emotional Symptom Questionnaire (XML) | mesquite (XML)
MeONs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » methyl naphthalene-2-sulfonate (XML) | methyl 4-nitrobenzenesulfonate (XML)
mER-beta  ( in XML )  (3)
  » murine estrogen receptor beta (XML)
MEMNC  ( in XML )  (3)
  » malignant effusion-associated mononuclear cells (XML) | N-(2-methoxy-4-nitrophenyl) carbamate (XML) | ME-associated mononuclear cells (XML)
MeHLit  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Media Health Literacy (XML)
MetSynd  ( in XML )  (3)
  » metabolic syndrome (XML)
MENA-SINO  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Middle East and North Africa Stroke and Interventional Neurotherapies Organization (XML)
MEBarcoding  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Microfluidic Enrichment Barcoding (XML)
M.E.D  ( in XML )  (3)
  » multi dynamic extraction (XML) | Multiple epiphyseal dysplasia (XML) | Minimal Effective Dose (XML)
MECCS  ( in XML )  (3)
  » multienzyme cascade catalysis system (XML) | Mexican Cervical Cancer Screening (XML)
MEQr  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Morningness-Eveningness Questionnaire (XML)
MELD score  ( in XML )  (3)
  » model for end-stage liver disease score (XML)
MetMap  ( in XML )  (3)
  » metastasis map (XML) | metabolism map (XML)
MeAmyg  ( in XML )  (3)
  » medial nucleus of the amygdala (XML)
MetHCl  ( in XML )  (3)
  » metformin hydrochloride (XML)
MEXA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » methanol extract from Xylopia aethiopica (XML) | Multi-energy x-ray analysis (XML) | Multi-energy X-ray absorptiometry (XML)
MENE  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Monitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment survey (XML) | magnetization exchange network editing (XML)
meanHR  ( in XML )  (3)
  » mean heart rate (XML)
MEPAG  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Mars Exploration Program Analysis Group (XML)
MeV-H  ( in XML )  (3)
  » measles virus hemagglutinin (XML) | MeV envelope hemagglutinin protein (XML)
MESN  ( in XML )  (3)
  » mesenchymal (XML) | micro-encapsulated sodium nitrite (XML) | multiembedding-based synthetic network (XML)
MEDDF  ( in XML )  (3)
  » mouse erythroid differentiation and denucleation factor (XML)
MeOTs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » methyl tosylate (XML) | methyl toluene sulfonate (XML)
MeAM  ( in XML )  (3)
  » methamphetamine (XML)
METTL3-14  ( in XML )  (3)
  » methyltransferase-like proteins 3 and 14 (XML) | METTL3-METTL14 heterodimer complex (XML)
mEMRs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » mobile electronic medical records (XML)
MEGL  ( in XML )  (3)
  » methanol extracts of G. lucidum (XML) | melanoma cells than Ginkgo biloba leaves (XML) | methanol extract of Ganoderma lucidum (XML)
ME panel  ( in XML )  (3)
  » meningitis/encephalitis panel (XML) | Meningitis/Encephalitis FilmArray Panel (XML) | multiplex PCR panel (XML)
mEDI  ( in XML )  (3)
  » melanopic equivalent daylight illuminance (XML) | multiple Event-based Double Integral (XML)
MeCys  ( in XML )  (3)
  » S-methylcysteine (XML)
MEc  ( in XML )  (3)
  » malic enzyme (XML) | metabolizable energy content of the feed (XML)
METHOX  ( in XML )  (3)
  » methoxamine (XML)
Mel-NPs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » melatonin entrapped PLA nanoparticles (XML) | melatonin nanoparticles (XML) | melanin-loaded polymeric nanoparticles (XML)
MEUSC  ( in XML )  (3)
  » morphology evaluation using strict criteria (XML) | Morphological evaluation of spermatozoa using strict criteria (XML)
MetPr  ( in XML )  (3)
  » metalloprotease (XML)
MEMPRAGE  ( in XML )  (3)
  » multi-echo MPRAGE (XML) | Multi-echo Magnetization Prepared Rapid Acquisition of Gradient Echo (XML)
MeGA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » 4-O-methylgallic acid (XML) | 4-O-methylglucuronate (XML) | Medical Spanish Graphic Activity (XML)
MedEx  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Medication Extraction (XML) | Medical Data Explorer (XML) | medication information extraction system (XML)
Me-Lex  ( in XML )  (3)
  » (1-methyl-4-(1-methyl-4-(3-methoxysulfonylpropanamido)pyrrole-2-carboxamido)-pyrrole-2-carboxamido)propane (XML) | 3-methyllexitropsin (XML) | MeOSO2(CH2)2-lexitropsin (XML)
MePEGMA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » methoxy-poly(ethylene glycol) monomethacrylate (XML)
MEISi  ( in XML )  (3)
  » MEIS inhibitors (XML)
MedA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » medullary area (XML) | medial amygdala (XML)
MexD  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Mexican Diet (XML)
MetOA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » metabolic osteoarthritis (XML) | metabolic syndrome-associated osteoarthritis (XML) | metabolic-associated osteoarthritis (XML)
MetDys  ( in XML )  (3)
  » metabolic dysfunction (XML) | metabolic dysregulation (XML)
ME-PBM  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Mechanism-Enabled Population Balance Modeling (XML)
MECHPA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » mechanic physical activity score (XML) | mechanical components of physical activities (XML) | mechanical impact of physical activity (XML)
MetaMIS  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Metagenomic Microbial Interaction Simulator (XML)
MetP  ( in XML )  (3)
  » methylparaben (XML)
MeCPC  ( in XML )  (3)
  » methyl cytosine-binding protein complex (XML)
MEACs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » MYHIIA-exposed apoptotic cells (XML) | Middle East Arab countries (XML)
ME-EC  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Microchip electrophoresis with amperometric detection (XML) | method with electrochemical detection (XML) | microchip electrophoresis with electrochemical detection (XML)
mecs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » myoepithelial cells (XML)
MESLI  ( in XML )  (3)
  » multiple ecosystem services landscape index (XML)
MEVI  ( in XML )  (3)
  » multi-energy volatility index (XML) | Mixed Ecological Value Index (XML) | multi-slab echo-volumar imaging (XML)
METRIQ  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Medical Education Translational Resources: Impact and Quality (XML)
MeCP1  ( in XML )  (3)
  » methyl-CpG-binding protein 1 (XML) | Methyl-CpG-binding protein complex 1 (XML)
MEMS-SM  ( in XML )  (3)
  » micro-electro-mechanical-system scanning mirror (XML) | MEMS scanning mirror (XML)
MeVV  ( in XML )  (3)
  » measles vaccine virus (XML)
MECCA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Middle East Childhood Cancer Alliance (XML) | measure of coping capacity questionnaire (XML) | mitomycin C, etoposide, cisplatin, and carboplatin (XML)
MEKC-DAD  ( in XML )  (3)
  » micellar electrokinetic chromatography method, coupled with diode array detection (XML) | micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography-diode array detector (XML)
MEM-A  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Mealtime Emotions Measure for adolescents (XML) | mealtime measure for adolescents (XML)
M. elengi  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Mimusops elengi (XML)
metaQTL  ( in XML )  (3)
  » metabolic QTL (XML) | metabolic quantitative trait loci (XML)
MEMRS  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Multimedia Electronic Medical Record System (XML)
Melbourne VIP  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Melbourne Visual Impairment Project (XML)
mERAT  ( in XML )  (3)
  » modified endoscopic retrograde appendicitis therapy (XML) | modified ERAT (XML)
ME-li  ( in XML )  (3)
  » methionine enkephalin-like immunoreactivity (XML)
Mel18  ( in XML )  (3)
  » melanoma nuclear protein 18 (XML)
mEGP  ( in XML )  (3)
  » murine epithelial glycoprotein (XML)
M-EDI  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Minnesota Eating Disorders Inventory (XML)
MEHPs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » medicinal and edible homologous plants (XML) | MEH polysaccharides (XML)
MEQI  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Medication Error Quality Initiative (XML)
MEMTS  ( in XML )  (3)
  » metastasis-related EMT signature (XML) | microdevice-based electromechanical testing system (XML)
metC  ( in XML )  (3)
  » methylated cytosines (XML) | metC-cysK operon, encoding a cystathionine beta-lyase (XML)
me-v  ( in XML )  (3)
  » motheaten-viable (XML)
MeX  ( in XML )  (3)
  » methanol extracts (XML)
MelasQoL-BP  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Melasma Quality of Life Scale-Brazilian Portuguese (XML) | MelasQoL questionnaire, validated for Brazilian Portuguese (XML)
MEKS  ( in XML )  (3)
  » methanol extract of K. scoparia, mature fruit (XML) | Mediterranean Kaposi's Sarcoma (XML)
MetS-RF  ( in XML )  (3)
  » metabolic syndrome risk factor (XML) | metabolic syndrome and its risk factors (XML)
medA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » medusa (XML)
mESAS  ( in XML )  (3)
  » modified Elective Surgery Acuity Scale (XML) | modified Emergency Surgical Acuity Score (XML) | modified Edmonton Symptom Assessment Scale (XML)
ME-EPI  ( in XML )  (3)
  » multi-echo EPI (XML) | multi-echo echo-planar-imaging (XML)
MEPR  ( in XML )  (3)
  » modeled with the entropy generation (XML) | maximum entropy production rate (XML) | Maximum Entropy Production Rate-density model (XML)
Mea-2  ( in XML )  (3)
  » male-enhanced antigen-2 (XML)
mEars  ( in XML )  (3)
  » mouse eosinophil-associated RNases (XML) | mouse eosinophil-associated ribonucleases (XML)
MeAlO  ( in XML )  (3)
  » methylaluminoxane (XML) | model for the principal activator (XML) | mole of aluminoxane repeat unit (XML)
Meth-A cells  ( in XML )  (3)
  » methylcholanthrene-induced sarcoma cells (XML)
MenC-PS  ( in XML )  (3)
  » MenC-polysaccharide (XML) | meningitidis type C polysaccharide (XML)
MebetaCD  ( in XML )  (3)
  » methylated beta-cyclodextrin (XML) | methyl-betaCD (XML)
MEM-FA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » medium without folic acid (XML) | MEM without folic acid (XML) | MEM without folate (XML)
MESDA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » multi-exon-skipping detection assay (XML)
MET-R  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Multiple Errands Test-Revised (XML) | metronidazole-resistant (XML)
MELGA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » magneto-PCR-enzyme linked-gene-assay (XML) | Magnetic Nanoparticles PCR Enzyme-Linked Gene Assay (XML) | MNPs-PCR enzyme-linked gene assay (XML)
MERSpp  ( in XML )  (3)
  » MERS-CoV pseudoviral particles (XML)
MEAF6  ( in XML )  (3)
  » MYST/Esa1-associated factor 6 (XML)
METFs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » middle ear transfer functions (XML)
MED-HEP  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Mediterranean-style healthy eating pattern (XML)
MetS-score  ( in XML )  (3)
  » metabolic syndrome risk score (XML)
METAFoR  ( in XML )  (3)
  » metabolic flux ratio (XML)
MEDRA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Mediterranean Dietary Intervention for Adults with Rheumatoid Arthritis (XML) | MEDiterranean diet in Rheumatoid Arthritis (XML)
MECCC  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Montefiore-Einstein Comprehensive Cancer Center (XML) | methanolic extract of Caesalpinia crista coat (XML) | Montefiore Einstein Center for Cancer Care (XML)
MeNbz  ( in XML )  (3)
  » alpha-N-acyl-N'-methylbenzimidazolinone (XML) | N-methylbenzimidazolinone (XML)
MelmAA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » methylimidazoleacetic acid (XML)
MeBZT  ( in XML )  (3)
  » 5-methyl-1H-benzotriazole (XML) | methyl benzotriazol (XML)
MECDP  ( in XML )  (3)
  » 2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 2,4-cyclodiphosphate (XML)
Mef2  ( in XML )  (3)
  » myogenic enhancer factor 2 (XML) | Myocyte enhancer factor 2 protein (XML)
MEEDAT  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Micronutrient and EED Assessment Tool (XML)
METhwk  ( in XML )  (3)
  » metabolic equivalent task-hours per week (XML) | MET-hours per week (XML)
MEICA  ( in XML )  (3)
  » multi-echo independent component analysis (XML) | Marijuana Expectancy Inventory for Children and Adolescents (XML)
MENFIS  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Mental Function Impairment Scale (XML)
MedT  ( in XML )  (3)
  » medical treatment group (XML) | O4-methylthymidine (XML) | Medical Transformer (XML)
MERITS-LT  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Multicenter Evaluation of Reduction in Tumor Size before Liver Transplantation (XML)
MetGen  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Metformin Genetics (XML) | Metastatic Cancer Expression Generator (XML) | Metformin Genetics Consortium (XML)
MetSV  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Methanosarcina spherical virus (XML) | Methanosarcina-infecting virus (XML)
MEN III  ( in XML )  (3)
  » multiple endocrine neoplasia type III (XML)
MEOI  ( in XML )  (3)
  » maximally exposed offsite individual (XML) | maternal end-organ injury (XML)
MeDETC  ( in XML )  (3)
  » S-methyl-N,N-diethylthiocarbamate (XML)
meV  ( in XML )  (3)
  » millielectron-volts (XML)
MePEG-PCL  ( in XML )  (3)
  » methoxy poly(ethylene glycol)-polycaprolactone (XML)
MeBLDTC  ( in XML )  (3)
  » N-(4-methylbenzyl)-4-O-(beta-D-galactopyranosyl)-D-glucamine-N-carbod ithioate (XML)
met. CT  ( in XML )  (3)
  » metrizamide CT (XML) | metrizamide CT myelography (XML)
metal-NPs  ( in XML )  (3)
  » metal nanoparticles (XML)
MeO.BG.DTC  ( in XML )  (3)
  » N-(4-methoxybenzyl)-D-glucamine dithiocarbamate (XML)
MeAiB  ( in XML )  (3)
  » methylaminosobutyric acid (XML) | substrate-N-methylamino-isobutyric acid (XML)
meso-2,3-BD  ( in XML )  (3)
  » meso-2,3-butanediol (XML)
MENK8  ( in XML )  (3)
  » methionine-enkephalin-Arg6-Gly7-Leu8 (XML) | Metenkephalin-Arg6-Gly7-Leu8 (XML)
MedISAFE-BP  ( in XML )  (3)
  » Medication adherence Improvement Support App For Engagement-Blood Pressure (XML)
MEnd  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mismatched end (XML)
MEOM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » metal embedded in oxidized matrix (XML) | manual enhancement of occlusal morphology (XML)
me-ECEA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mass of the baroreceptor apparatus; this improved modification (XML) | modified eyebrow eversion carotid endarterectomy (XML)
MeCS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » milk casein (XML) | methacrylated chondroitin sulfate (XML)
meva  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mevastatin (XML)
MEGA-7  ( in XML )  (2)
  » molecular evolutionary genetics analysis-7 (XML)
MeNQ  ( in XML )  (2)
  » 1-methyl-3-phenylquinoxalin-2-one (XML) | 2-methyl-1,4-naphthoquinone (XML)
methyl triflate  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methyl trifluoromethanesulfonate (XML)
MedFI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » median fluorescence intensity (XML)
Me4FDG  ( in XML )  (2)
  » alpha-methyl-4-(18F)fluoro-4-deoxy-alpha-D-glucopyranoside (XML) | methyl 4-deoxy-4-(18F) fluoro-alpha-d-glucopyranoside (XML)
MetaSalt  ( in XML )  (2)
  » microbiome, and dietary salt intervention (XML)
mexABR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » MexAB-OprM efflux pump system (XML)
MeBmt  ( in XML )  (2)
  » 2-N-methyl-(R)-((E)-2-butenyl)-4-methyl-L-threonine (XML) | N-methyl-4-butenyl-4-methyl-L-threonine (XML)
META-D  ( in XML )  (2)
  » metadynamics (XML)
Met-Tyr-Lys  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methionyl-tyrosyl-lysine (XML)
MEIG  ( in XML )  (2)
  » multiple elimination of inert gases (XML) | Medical Education Interest Group (XML)
MeDL  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methanol extract of air-dried latex (XML) | methanol extract of dried latex of Calotropis procera (XML)
MECtherm  ( in XML )  (2)
  » multi-effect-coupling thermal-stimulus (XML)
MeSe-T  ( in XML )  (2)
  » 5-methylselenyl-methyl-2'-deoxyuridine (XML)
MeOCl  ( in XML )  (2)
  » (1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis(4-methoxyphenyl)ethane) (XML) | methyl hypochlorite (XML)
MESNa  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mercaptoethanesulfonate (XML)
MetaT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » meta-temporal (XML) | metatranscriptomic (XML)
MED-diet  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Mediterranean-style dietary pattern (XML)
mEosFP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » molecule sensitivity to characterize uptake and release of fluorescent protein (XML) | monomeric Eos fluorescent protein (XML)
MEMS TGA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » micro-electro-mechanical system thermal gravimetric analyzer (XML) | micro-electromechanical system-based TGA (XML)
MESTT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » MASCC EGFR inhibitor skin toxicity tool (XML) | MASCC EGFRI Skin Toxicity Tool (XML)
MegBP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » megalin-binding protein (XML)
mEAK-7  ( in XML )  (2)
  » MTOR associated protein, eak-7 homolog (XML) | mammalian EAK-7 (XML)
MES GSCs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mesenchymal glioma stem cells (XML)
MEG-SA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Meglumine-stearic acid (XML) | megestrol acetate saccharin cocrystal (XML)
MeLDL  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methylated pigeon LDL (XML) | methylated LDL (XML)
MELMC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » minimal lignocellulolytic microbial consortium (XML) | minimal and effective lignocellulolytic microbial consortium (XML)
MEG/MSI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » magnetoencephalogram/magnetic source imaging (XML)
MEW-PDQ  ( in XML )  (2)
  » multiple-energy-window projection-domain quantification (XML)
met-enkephalin-Arg-Phe  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methionine-enkephalin-Arg6-Phe7 (XML)
MESi  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methanol extract of S. involucrata leaves (XML)
MeOx ENPs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » metal oxide engineered nanoparticles (XML)
MERQSI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Medical Education Research Study Quality Instrument (XML) | Medical Education Research Quality Study Instrument (XML)
MeMA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methylmalonic acid (XML) | methyl mercapturic acid (XML)
MENZ  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mu and epsilon near zero (XML)
METAR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » meteorological aerodrome report (XML)
MenDis-CHD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mental disorders in patients with coronary heart disease (XML)
MEPNs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » myxopapillary EPNs (XML) | myxopapillary ependymomas (XML)
METTL9  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methyltransferase-like 9 (XML) | Methytransferase-like proteins 9 (XML)
MERIDIAN  ( in XML )  (2)
  » MRI in the diagnosis of fetal brain abnormalities in utero (XML) | made in the largest diagnostic accuracy study to date (XML)
MEP 24.15  ( in XML )  (2)
  » metalloendopeptidase (XML)
MeVal  ( in XML )  (2)
  » N-methyl valine (XML)
MeRS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Medical Professionals Resilience Scale (XML) | methicillin-resistant staphylococci (XML)
mean 0.27  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mmol/l and citrate/creatinine ratio 0.0011-0.852 (XML)
Me-Li  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methyllithium (XML)
Me5C5  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Me5C5H2+B(C6F5)4- produces the salt (XML) | mixed silicocene (iPr5C5) (XML)
MeSAMP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methyl-S-adenosine monophosphate (XML) | 2-methylthioadenosine 5'-monophosphate triethylammonium salt (XML)
MED-D  ( in XML )  (2)
  » morphine equivalent dose-days (XML)
Mean JI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mean Jaccard Index (XML)
Met-hGH  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methionyl-extended human growth hormone (XML) | N-methionyl recombinant human growth hormone (XML)
METV  ( in XML )  (2)
  » multi-epitope tetanus vaccine (XML) | most enhancing tumor volume (XML)
MePAPh  ( in XML )  (2)
  » 4-((4-methylphenyl)azo)-phenol (XML)
MET genes  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methionine biosynthesis genes (XML)
Mean3  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mean output across 3 jump trials (XML)
MEa  ( in XML )  (2)
  » ME, the anterior section (XML) | medial amygdala, the anterior region (XML)
met-6  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methionine-6 (XML)
MeOT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » medial optic tract (XML) | 5-methoxy-tryptamine (XML)
Met-age  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Metabolic age (XML)
MEPROCS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Methodologies and Protocols of Forensic Identification by Craniofacial Superimposition (XML)
MEWD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » multiple evanescent white dot (XML) | modified equal-width discrete (XML)
Med Rec  ( in XML )  (2)
  » medication reconciliation (XML)
MeGVL  ( in XML )  (2)
  » alpha-methylene-gamma-valerolactone (XML)
MetAP-1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » metalloenzyme with two structurally distinct forms in humans, Type-1 (XML) | methionine aminopeptidase-1 (XML)
MEBE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Membrane Enhanced Bioaccessibility Extraction (XML)
MepL  ( in XML )  (2)
  » motor evoked potentials (XML)
met-BSA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Metformin-bovine serum albumin (XML) | DNA-methylated bovine serum albumin (XML)
METAB  ( in XML )  (2)
  » metabolic disorders (XML) | metabolites (XML)
m-ERG  ( in XML )  (2)
  » multifocal ERG (XML)
Me-delta 8-THC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » (-)-O-methyl-delta 8-tetrahydrocannabinol (XML)
Methoxy-DPTQ  ( in XML )  (2)
  » 8-methoxy-4-(3-diethylaminopropylamino) pyrimido(4',5':4,5)thieno(2,3-b) quinolines (XML)
medBGAN  ( in XML )  (2)
  » medical boundary-seeking GAN (XML)
MeYE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methylated yeast (XML)
MEC1-ROR1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » MEC1 cells transfected to express ROR1 (XML)
MET-PS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Motivational Enhancement Therapy for pregnant substance users (XML)
MERGIO  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Middle-Eastern Research Group in Integrative Oncology (XML)
ME-P  ( in XML )  (2)
  » microemulsion containing penetratin (XML) | min pretreatment with beta-mercaptoethanol (XML)
MeLoOOH  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methyl linoleate hydroxy compounds (XML) | methyl linoleate hydroperoxides (XML)
MET-1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » model 16-peptide of endothelin-1 (XML) | mESC-metallothionein-1 (XML)
MeO2C  ( in XML )  (2)
  » MeO2CC=CH (XML)
MESJ  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methanolic extract of S. japonica (XML) | methanol extract of the flower buds of S. japonica (XML)
MeAE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » median absolute error (XML)
met-ctDNA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Methylated ctDNA (XML)
met-tRNAi  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methionyl-tRNA (XML)
MEDJUS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » magnetic-end double-J ureteral stent (XML)
m-ECT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » maintenance electroconvulsive therapy (XML)
mEVD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » modified external ventricular drainage (XML)
MEDPass  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Medication Pass Nutritional Supplement Program (XML)
mean10-25  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mean of the 10th-25th percentile (XML) | mean of the 10th through 25th percentiles (XML)
MelcaTle  ( in XML )  (2)
  » melting curve analysis after T allele enrichment (XML)
metal-PM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » metal(loid)-enriched particulate matter (XML)
MEPGN  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis (XML)
Met30  ( in XML )  (2)
  » MET30, encoding a component of the SCF (XML) | methionine substitution at position 30 (XML)
Meth-ICH  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methamphetamine-associated intracerebral hemorrhage (XML) | methamphetamine-associated ICH (XML)
MEEPQ  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Morningness-eveningness Exercise Preference Questionnaire (XML)
methyl-CoM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methyl-coenzyme M (XML)
MEPBA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » (-)-2-(1-methoxyethyl)phenylboronic acid (XML) | (E)-4-(4-metoxyphenyl)-4-oxo-2-butenoic acid (XML)
Mes-GBM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mesenchymal glioblastoma (XML)
MEDQI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Mediterranean quality index (XML) | Mediterranean dietary quality index (XML)
meCpG  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methylated CpG (XML) | methylated CpG residues (XML)
MesWAT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mesenteric white adipose tissue (XML)
METTL15  ( in XML )  (2)
  » circ-methyltransferase-like 15 (XML)
MetAphAs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Metalinguistic Skills in Aphasia Protocol (XML) | Metalinguistic Skills in Aphasia (XML)
mECDS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mobile electronic clinical decision support (XML) | mobile device-based electronic clinical decision support (XML)
meanCrea  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mean of serum creatinine (XML)
Me2Py  ( in XML )  (2)
  » N1-methyl-2-pyridone-5-carboxamide (XML)
MEFISTO  ( in XML )  (2)
  » measurement of electric filed by interferometric spectral trace observation (XML) | MEDICATION FIXED IN THE SCLERA (XML)
Mes 52A  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Mesenterocin 52A (XML)
Met-CDs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » method to prepare blue-emitting carbon dots (XML) | metformin derived carbon dots (XML)
MeO-MA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methoxy mycolic acid (XML)
MethTarget  ( in XML )  (2)
  » multiple targeted bisulfite enrichment sequencing (XML)
MEDITI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » multiple echo diffusion tensor imaging (XML)
metal-free  ( in XML )  (2)
  » metal-binding regions via comparisons between the fragmentation patterns of apo (XML) | single-molecule discrimination between apo-transferrin (XML)
Mecs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methicillin-sensitive (XML)
MEGISD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » maternal effect genomic imprinting sex determination system (XML)
Med First  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Medication First (XML)
MEN 2A and 2B  ( in XML )  (2)
  » multiple endocrine neoplasia types 2A and 2B (XML)
MENet  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Motion Information Features Extraction Network (XML) | Mitscherlich function-based Ensemble Network (XML)
MeRIT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Mentored Research Investigator Training (XML) | Method Reporting with Initials for Transparency (XML)
MEVIR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » maximum entropy velocity image reconstruction (XML)
MERSR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Mitochondria to ER Stress Response (XML)
MENSI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Menopause Symptom Index (XML)
MetG  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methyl green (XML) | methyl glucuronide (XML)
MedHi  ( in XML )  (2)
  » medium and high categories (XML) | Med or Hi (XML)
Mel Cy  ( in XML )  (2)
  » melarsenoxide cysteamine (XML)
MEDAE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Median Absolute Error (XML)
MESBAC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Multiecho segmented EPI with z-shimmed background gradient compensation (XML)
Met4PY  ( in XML )  (2)
  » N-methyl-4-pyridone-3-carboxamide (XML)
Mel-6-OHDA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » melatonin-treated + 6-OHDA-injected (XML)
METZ  ( in XML )  (2)
  » metronidazole (XML) | methimazole (XML)
mEGC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » metastatic esophagogastric cancer (XML) | mucosal enteric glial cells (XML)
MEPCE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methylphosphate capping enzyme (XML)
MEXs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » melanoma-derived exosomes (XML) | MSCs-derived exosomes (XML)
MEEZ  ( in XML )  (2)
  » micro-elevation of the EZ (XML) | Mauritanian Exclusive Economic Zone (XML)
M. eupeus  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Mesobuthus eupeus (XML)
MENM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mixed elastic network model (XML) | Medical errors or near misses (XML)
MEWPs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mobile elevated work platforms (XML) | Mobile Elevated Working Platforms (XML)
MeOx NPs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » metal oxide nanoparticles (XML)
Meg8  ( in XML )  (2)
  » maternally expressed gene 8 (XML)
m-EASIX  ( in XML )  (2)
  » modified EASIX (XML)
MEAM-1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Middle East Asia Minor 1 (XML) | minimum acquisition access period and inoculation access period of 15 (XML)
MECEL  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methanol extract obtained from Chloranthus erectus leaves (XML) | methanol extract of C. erectus leaf (XML)
Met-Hb  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methemoglobin level (XML)
METTL4  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methyltransferase-like protein 4 (XML) | Methyltransferase Like 4 (XML)
mEx  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mild swimming exercise training (XML) | Milk-derived exosomes (XML)
MENDit  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Mental Health Services Deinstitutionalisation Measure (XML)
MESA-1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mouse endothelial surface antigen-1 (XML)
MedCAT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Medical Concept Annotation Toolkit (XML) | machine learning-enabled method (XML)
MEZs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Mestizos (XML)
MEMRY  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Memory Ratings for Youth (XML)
MET-REPAIR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » MET: REevaluation for Perioperative cArdIac Risk (XML) | multicentre, international, prospective cohort study (XML)
metF  ( in XML )  (2)
  » 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (XML)
MedFTs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » medical family therapists (XML)
Me-PFP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methyl esters pentafluoropropionic (XML)
MEMMI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » metadynamic electron microscopy metainference (XML)
Met-Val  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methionine-valine (XML)
mEVPI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » multinomial expected value of perfect information (XML)
MeNiMS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » melatonin for treatment of Nocturia in adults with multiple sclerosis (XML)
Mek-1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mitogen extracellular signal regulated kinase 1 (XML)
MeSC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mesenchymal stem (XML) | methylated milk casein (XML)
MEHQ  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methyl ether hydroquinone (XML) | 2-methyl-6-ethyl-hydroquinone (XML)
MEOTA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » 7-methoxytacrine (XML)
mERN  ( in XML )  (2)
  » magnetic equivalent of the ERN (XML) | measure both the error-related evoked brain activity (XML)
MedMask  ( in XML )  (2)
  » medical face mask (XML) | medical mask (XML)
MeCyt  ( in XML )  (2)
  » 5-methylcytosine (XML)
MeSHe  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Mental and Somatic Health without borders (XML)
MedRecon  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Medication reconciliation (XML)
MeTS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » metabolic-tumor-stroma score (XML) | molecules: ethane, ethene, and methyltrichlorosilane (XML)
MemTTHP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » 6-(3-Methoxybenzylamino)-9-tetrahydropyran-2-ylpurine (XML) | meta-methoxy-9-tetrahydropyran-2-yl-topolin (XML)
MePL  ( in XML )  (2)
  » miliacin encapsulated within polar lipids (XML) | Menton plane (XML)
MeAc  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methanolic extract of Amaranthus caudatus Linn (XML) | methyl acrylate (XML)
Med-Aug  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Medical Augmentation (XML)
Merg  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mouse Erg (XML) | mouse ether-a-gogo-related gene (XML)
M. esculenta  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Myrica esculenta (XML) | Morchella esculenta (XML)
MEC-2  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mec-2 protein (XML) | mechanosensory protein 2 (XML)
ME-RGL  ( in XML )  (2)
  » ir-methionine-enkephalin-Arg-Gly-Leu (XML) | Met-enkephalyl-Arg-Gly-Leu (XML)
mean Sm  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mean myocardial ejection systolic velocity (XML) | mean basal segments longitudinal systolic (XML)
mega  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mef(E)-carrying genetic element (XML) | management of large-scale (XML)
MeNPOC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » microarrays is currently performed using either ortho-nitro-benzyl-type (XML) | ((alpha-methyl-2-nitropiperonyl)oxy)carbonyl (XML)
MeDOC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Metabolic dysregulation and cancer risk program (XML) | Metabolic Dysregulation and Obesity Cancer Risk (XML)
MetER  ( in XML )  (2)
  » metformin-extended release (XML) | metformin hydrochloride extended-release (XML)
MedF  ( in XML )  (2)
  » median frequency (XML)
Mex3b  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mex-3 RNA binding family member B (XML)
MEmin  ( in XML )  (2)
  » minimum elastic modulus (XML)
MeO-P  ( in XML )  (2)
  » p-methoxyphenol (XML)
MEIDA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » sodium-mercaptoethyliminodiacetate (XML) | Medical Database Adaptor (XML)
MEP-A  ( in XML )  (2)
  » motor evoked potential amplitude (XML) | motor-evoked potential (XML)
MEVE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methanolic extract of Vernonia elaeagnifolia aerial parts (XML) | Morchella esculenta var. esculenta (XML)
Metformin DR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » metformin delayed-release (XML)
MesM-P  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mesoscopic membrane with proteins (XML)
MediDiet  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Mediterranean diet (XML)
MedTech  ( in XML )  (2)
  » medical technologies (XML)
MEL2  ( in XML )  (2)
MetY  ( in XML )  (2)
  » most bacteria use an O-acetylhomoserine aminocarboxypropyltransferase (XML) | Microbial diversity, Faecalibacterium prausnitzii and O-acetylhomoserine aminocarboxypropyltransferase (XML)
Methyl-COOM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methylome-based cell-of-origin modeling (XML)
MECHs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mechanical causes (XML) | medicinal and edible Chinese herbs (XML)
MEK6  ( in XML )  (2)
  » MAPK/ERK kinase 6 (XML) | mitogen-activated protein kinase 6 (XML)
MEMOs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » minimal endogenous modules (XML) | multilineage ESC-derived mammary organoids (XML)
Mesp1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mesoderm posterior factor 1 (XML) | Anti-mesoderm posterior1 (XML)
MEUG  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methyleugenol (XML)
methylmalonyl-CoA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methylmalonyl-coenzyme A (XML)
MEW-M  ( in XML )  (2)
  » miniaturized epi-fluorescence widefield microscope (XML)
Met-Enk-Arg6-Gly7-Leu8  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methionine-enkephalin-Arg6-Gly7-Leu8 (XML)
MeNCs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Metal nanoclusters (XML)
MECDuo  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mean exclusion chance in father/daughter or mother/son duos (XML) | mean paternity exclusion chance in duos (XML)
m-EIS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » microchannel electrical impedance spectroscopy (XML)
ME-AD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » microbial electrolysis assisted AD (XML) | microchip electrophoresis and amperometric detection (XML)
MeO-MBM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methoxy-monobenzoylmethane (XML)
mEMR-C  ( in XML )  (2)
  » modified cap-assisted endoscopic mucosal resection (XML)
MEIA-II  ( in XML )  (2)
  » microparticle enzyme immunoassay (XML)
MEP17  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mouse epididymal protein 17 (XML)
MEMARB  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Methanolic extract of Morus alba root bark extract (XML)
MED-FIT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Multifunction cardiogram Evaluation in Diagnosis of Functional coronary Ischemia sTudy (XML)
melB  ( in XML )  (2)
  » melibiose (XML) | Mel-6His permease was constructed by modifying the permease gene (XML)
Mef2d  ( in XML )  (2)
  » myocyte-specific enhancer factor 2d (XML)
Meth-Cs-NPs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methotrexate-loaded chitosan nanoparticles (XML)
mepp  ( in XML )  (2)
  » miniature epp (XML)
MEHH  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methanol extract of H. hookerianum Wight and Arnott stem (XML) | methanol extract of Hypericum hookerianum stem (XML)
MeO-PCDEs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methoxylated-polychlorinated diphenyl ethers (XML)
mECog  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mobile everyday cognition scale (XML)
MEMS-FPFC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » micro-electro-mechanical-system-based Fabry-Perot filtering chip (XML)
MeCTL  ( in XML )  (2)
  » metallic element chelated tag labeling (XML)
MevK  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mevalonate kinase (XML)
MERS-R  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Montefiore-Einstein Rigidity Scale-Revised (XML)
MedPF  ( in XML )  (2)
  » median power frequency (XML)
MeTIR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » metal-templated interface redesign (XML)
MEFTP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methanol extract of the florets of Tagetes patula (XML) | marker-embedded Fourier transform profilometry (XML)
ME-LA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Medio-Lateral rotation (XML) | mildly enlarged LA (XML)
Me-TZ  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mercaptomethyltetrazole (XML)
METTA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » model of endoscopic transnasal transsphenoidal approach (XML) | microscope-assisted endoscopic transcanal transpromontorial approach (XML)
meta-OR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » meta-odds ratio (XML)
MERVT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mandarin expressive and receptive vocabulary test (XML)
MEBCI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Making Every Baby Count Initiative (XML)
MELM cells  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mouse embryonic lip mesenchymal cells (XML)
MeAAs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » N-methyl-amino acids (XML)
MECPrP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mono(2-ethyl-3-carboxypropyl) phthalate (XML)
MEASE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » multi-modal EASE (XML) | Metal's EASE (XML)
med10  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mediator complex subunit 10 (XML)
MEUVAC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Methanol extractable UV-B absorbing compounds (XML)
mEASIX  ( in XML )  (2)
  » modified-EASIX (XML) | modified version of the Endothelial Activation and Stress Index (XML)
MEGF6  ( in XML )  (2)
  » multiple epidermal growth factor-like domains protein 6 (XML) | multiple EGF like domains 6 (XML)
MELAS-like  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mitochondrial encephalomyopathy, lactic acidosis and stroke-like (XML)
MetSD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » metabolic syndrome (XML)
MEIS3  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Myeloid ecotropic viral insertion site 3 (XML) | Meis homeobox 3 (XML)
M-EMS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mold electromagnetic stirring (XML)
MERIFACS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Metabolic risk factors in first acute coronary syndrome (XML)
meanUAPI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mean uterine artery pulsatility index (XML)
MEDIx  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Multiple Environmental Deprivation Index (XML)
mega-ICC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mega-ileo-ceco-colon (XML)
MENRT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » ministry of education, research, and technology (XML)
MECAM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Minnesota-Edinburgh Complexity Assessment Measure (XML) | Memory Environment Cue Array Model (XML)
ME-LC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » membrane extraction, to be followed by liquid chromatographic (XML) | multipotent endothelial-like cells (XML)
mech  ( in XML )  (2)
  » myosin head upon ADP release, or DeltaDeltaG(-D) = Deltamicro (XML) | mechanical power predicted by aerodynamic models by dividing P (XML)
MELIA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » medication literacy assessment instrument (XML) | Metformin-Lifestyle in antipsychotic users (XML)
MetaSig  ( in XML )  (2)
  » metabolite signature (XML)
MEX-CCRC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Mexican Colorectal Cancer Research Consortium (XML)
mel 1a  ( in XML )  (2)
  » melatonin receptor 1a (XML)
MEPARI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » meditation or exercise for preventing acute respiratory infection (XML)
ME-MC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » ME and MC (XML) | myristate mixed with monocaprylin (XML)
MePhPTA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » N-methyl-N-phenyl-1,10-phenanthroline-2-carboxamide (XML)
MenIN  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Meniscus International Network (XML)
MeDDL  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Metabolite differentiation and discovery lab (XML)
meCCNU  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methyl-CCNU (XML) | methyl-cyclohexyl-chloroethyl nitrosourea (XML)
Me2BBQ  ( in XML )  (2)
  » MOF-gel separator and 5,5'-dimethyl-2,2'-bis-p-benzoquinone (XML) | metal anode||5,5'-dimethyl-2,2'-bis-p-benzoquinone (XML)
MEBECs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mouse extrahepatic bile epithelial cells (XML)
MEDIS-FFQ  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Mediterranean Islands study food frequency questionnaire (XML)
Me-beta-CDs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methylated beta-cyclodextrins (XML)
MedS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Mediterranean diet adherence score (XML) | median survival of patients who are not cured (XML)
MEPLT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » MEP latency (XML) | motor evoked potential latency time (XML)
MEMFCS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » maximum-entropy-based FCS data fitting model (XML) | maximum-entropy-method-based FCS (XML)
meanSM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mean values of the shear modulus (XML) | mean shear elasticity modulus (XML)
M-EIA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » monoclonal antibodies (XML) | Micro-Particle Immunoassay (XML)
metERalpha  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methylated form of ERalpha (XML) | methylated ERalpha (XML)
mEGF-URO  ( in XML )  (2)
  » human epidermal growth factor-urogastrone (XML)
mELAST  ( in XML )  (2)
  » magnifiable entangled link-augmented stretchable tissue-hydrogel (XML) | multiscale imaging of human organ-scale tissues (XML)
Mef2c  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mads box transcription enhancer factor 2, polypeptide C (XML) | myocyte-specific enhancer 2c (XML)
MetHbRed  ( in XML )  (2)
  » metahemoglobin reductase (XML)
mel-flufen  ( in XML )  (2)
  » melphalan-flufenamide (XML)
MESOLAC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mesocosm experiment in Lake Geneva (XML) | mesocosm experiment simulating extreme climate events in Lake Geneva (XML)
MePEG-PLLA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » monomethoxy-poly(ethylene glycol)-b-poly(L-lactide) (XML)
MeFOSA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » N-methylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide (XML)
MeOP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methoxypiperamide (XML)
meRIP-qPCR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methylated RNA immunoprecipitation coupled with quantitative real-time PCR (XML) | methylated RNA immunoprecipitation qRT-PCR (XML)
MESSM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mixed-effects state-space models (XML) | methanol extract of Spondias mombin seed (XML)
MEVELER  ( in XML )  (2)
  » maximum entropy velocity Legendre reconstruction (XML)
Medi-Diet  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Mediterranean diet (XML)
MEFsi  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mouse embryonic fibroblasts (XML)
MED-QoL  ( in XML )  (2)
  » male ED-specific quality of life (XML) | male erectile dysfunction specific quality of life (XML)
Met group  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methylprednisolone group (XML) | metformin treatment group (XML)
MELDEQ  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Model for End-Stage Liver Disease equivalent (XML) | MELD Equivalent (XML)
MERUS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Multi-echo reflection ultrasound spectroscopy (XML)
METPA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » metabolic components of physical activities (XML) | metabolic physical activity score (XML)
MedMon  ( in XML )  (2)
  » medical security monitor (XML) | medication monitoring (XML)
MEM/NLS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » maximum entropy and nonlinear least squares method (XML) | Maximum-Entropy/Nonlinear Least Squares (XML)
MEGDI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mixed epigenetic and genetic and mixed de novo and inherited (XML)
MEF I  ( in XML )  (2)
  » movement-evoked field I (XML) | motor evoked field I (XML)
Meal Ra  ( in XML )  (2)
  » meal appearance (XML)
Meth-APAH  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methamphetamine-associated pulmonary arterial hypertension (XML)
MEDIATE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Medication optimisation in severe mental illness (XML) | Medical Information Acquisition and Transmission Enabler (XML)
MetAps  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methionine aminopeptidases (XML)
MedSD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Mediterranean-style diet (XML)
MEZA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methanol extract of Z. alatum (XML)
mEHC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » middle extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (XML) | multi-EnerCage-HC (XML)
Met-R  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Met-RANTES (XML) | S-methoprene was increased against the same resistant strain (XML)
MethTFs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Methylation TFs (XML) | methylation-sensitive TFs (XML)
ME-CsA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » microemulsion formulation of CsA (XML) | microemulsion CsA (XML)
MEGABASE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » maximum entropy genomic annotations from biomarkers associated with structural ensembles (XML)
MENQoL  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Menopause-Specific QoL questionnaire (XML) | menopause-specific QoL (XML)
MeDOPE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » monomethyldioleoylphosphatidylethanolamine (XML)
M. emarginata  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Merremia emarginata (XML)
MED-fLAG  ( in XML )  (2)
  » MEDication literacy assessment of geriatric patients and informal caregivers (XML)
MECglu  ( in XML )  (2)
  » multi-effect-coupling glucose-stimulus (XML)
MEF2-HDAC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » myocyte enhancer factor 2 and histone deacetylase (XML)
MEPEX  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methylprednisolone versus plasma exchange (XML)
MEMS FT-IR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Micro-Electro-Mechanical System Fourier Transform Infrared (XML)
MeAFoxp2  ( in XML )  (2)
  » MeA cells expressing the transcription factor Foxp2 (XML) | mice that express the transcription factor Foxp2 (XML)
MES-EX  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Memory and Executive Screening (XML)
metG  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methionyl tRNA synthetase gene (XML) | methionyl tRNA ligase (XML)
MEDHS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mini-Ethiopian demographic and health survey (XML)
MenaINV  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Mena invasive (XML)
M-EA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methotrexate, etoposide, dactinomycin (XML)
MeanOD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mean optical density (XML)
MEMS-VCSELs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Microelectromechanical-systems-based vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (XML)
MERML  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methanolic extract of Rhizophora mucronata leaves (XML)
MESU  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Medical Surveillance (XML) | mobile eye surgical unit (XML)
ME-CyA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » microemulsion cyclosporine A (XML) | microemulsified CyA (XML)
MEGSS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » MEG spike source (XML) | magnetoencephalography spike sources (XML)
mean, 7  ( in XML )  (2)
  » more occasions in 1-17 patients (XML) | median of 7 SLNs (XML)
MetaORFA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Metagenomic ORFome Assembly (XML)
MESCH  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Mars Environmental Simulation Chamber (XML)
mE-C  ( in XML )  (2)
  » modified equalization-cancellation (XML)
METPET  ( in XML )  (2)
  » L-methionine positron emission tomography (XML) | Metalized Polyester (XML)
MedNARS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Medications Non-adherence Reasoning Scale (XML)
M-ET  ( in XML )  (2)
  » m-ethyltoluene (XML)
MEr-R  ( in XML )  (2)
  » measurement error, and repeatability (XML)
MEW system  ( in XML )  (2)
  » l-menthol-ethanol-water ternary solvent system (XML) | l-menthol-ethanol-water system (XML)
MetSd  ( in XML )  (2)
  » metabolic syndrome (XML)
m-ECM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » muscle derived ECM scaffold (XML)
MeNDMM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » N-Nitroso-2-methoxy-2,6-dimethylmorpholine (XML)
MEISC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » minimum-energy intersystem crossing (XML)
MEDSI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Mobile Emergency Department Software Iconic (XML) | Making Ethical Decisions about Surgical Intervention (XML)
memHsp70  ( in XML )  (2)
  » membrane heat-shock protein 70 (XML) | membrane-bound form of Hsp70 (XML)
MEADERS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » medication error reporting system for ambulatory care (XML) | Medication Error and Adverse Drug Event Reporting System (XML)
MEONP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methacrylate-co-p-nitrophenyloxycarbonyl oligo(ethylene glycol) methacrylate (XML) | MPC-co-SMA-co-p-nitrophenyloxycarbonyl polyethyleneglycol methacrylate (XML)
meth-yl  ( in XML )  (2)
  » supra-molecular structure is further stabilized by C-H (XML) | di-methyl-silane and (4,5-di-hydro-furan-2-yl) (XML)
MESS-CHAD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Malay version of Epworth sleepiness scale for children and adolescents (XML)
meGlcA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » 4-O-methyl-alpha-D-glucopyranosyl uronic acid (XML) | 4-O-methyl-alpha-D-glucuronic acid (XML)
MEDG  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methanol extract of D. grandiflora stem barks (XML) | Moredagha (XML)
MELc  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methanolic extract of L. caulescens (XML) | methanolic (XML)
MECHA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Mechanics, Experiences, and Change (XML) | Model of Explicit Cross-section Hydraulic Anatomy (XML)
MEPG  ( in XML )  (2)
  » ME pressure gain (XML) | methanolic fruit rind extracts of Punica granatum (XML)
MeXCh  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methylxylocholine (XML)
MEJCs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » miniature excitatory junctional currents (XML)
Meto  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mitozolomide (XML) | metoclopramide (XML)
mel1a  ( in XML )  (2)
  » melatonin subtype 1a (XML)
MesoPs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mesoplastics (XML)
MEMSL  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Musa sapientum leaves (XML)
MEST-C  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mesangial hypercellularity, endocapillary hypercellularity, segmental sclerosis, tubulointerstitial fibrosis and crescent (XML) | mum to the Oxford classification (XML)
MeCuMLMU  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Medical Curriculum Munich (XML)
MEGASET-HR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Menopur in Gonadotropin-releasing hormone Antagonist Single Embryo Transfer-High Responder (XML)
MEO F  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Methoxyflurane (XML)
MedUseQ  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Medication use Questionnaire (XML)
Med-DLBCL  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mediastinal diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (XML)
Mean PI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mean pulsatility index (XML)
MELAc  ( in XML )  (2)
  » medaka embryo-larval sediment contact assay (XML) | medaka embryo-larval assay with sediment-contact exposure (XML)
MesV  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mesencephalic nucleus of the trigeminal nerve (XML)
METTL11B  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methyltransferase-like protein 11B (XML) | methyltransferase-like 11B (XML)
MEF-G  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mitochondrial elongation factor G (XML)
MEGA11  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis 11 (XML)
MEM alpha  ( in XML )  (2)
  » medium with alpha modification (XML) | Minimum Essential Medium Alpha (XML)
MEPSP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » miniature excitatory postsynaptic potential (XML)
M-EGG  ( in XML )  (2)
  » multichannel EGG (XML) | Multichannel electrogastrography (XML)
MedFASH  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Medical Foundation for AIDS Sexual Health (XML)
MetS-HCC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » metabolic syndrome-related hepatocellular carcinoma (XML) | MetS-related hepatocellular carcinoma (XML)
MELFO  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Melanoma Follow-up (XML)
MEX3C  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Mex-3 RNA-Binding Family Member C (XML) | muscle excess 3 (XML)
MeSADP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » 2-methylthioadenosine diphosphate trisodium salt (XML) | 2-methylthio-adenosine 5'-diphosphate (XML)
METNB  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mixed energy neutron beam (XML) | modified enhanced thermal neutron beam (XML)
mEPO-R  ( in XML )  (2)
  » murine EPO-R (XML) | mouse EPO-R (XML)
mEL  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mean energy loss (XML) | murine EL (XML)
MePa  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methylparaben (XML)
MelSC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » melanocyte stem cells (XML)
MERS-CoVs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronaviruses (XML)
MEAEC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Migrating electric field-assisted electrocoagulation (XML)
MESMS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » multi-echo simultaneous multi-slice (XML)
merC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mercuric ion transporter (XML) | mer has an additional coding region (XML)
MenA CPS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » MenA capsular polysaccharide (XML) | meningitidis serogroup A capsular polysaccharide (XML)
Me-PGP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methyl-proline-glycine-proline (XML) | phosphatidylglycerol-phosphate-methyl ester (XML)
METH-induced  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methamphetamine-induced (XML)
MEEPT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » N-(2-(2-methoxyethoxy)-ethyl)phenothiazine (XML)
m-ECVCT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » modified Emory Clinical Vestibular Chair Test (XML)
MEVT and MEFV  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Maximal expiratory volume-time and flow-volume (XML)
MedQoL  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Medication and Quality of Life in frail older persons (XML)
MET-Gs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methylation genes (XML) | methylation-related genes (XML)
MelDex  ( in XML )  (2)
  » melphalan with dexamethasone (XML)
MENbeta  ( in XML )  (2)
  » multiple endocrine neoplasia-beta (XML)
mERV  ( in XML )  (2)
  » murine endogenous retroviral (XML)
MEBXS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » miniature electronic brachytherapy x-ray sources (XML)
Me-TPA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » 4-O-methyl-12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (XML) | para-methyl-TPA (XML)
MEtA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mitoxantrone (XML) | monoethanolamine (XML)
MeRef  ( in XML )  (2)
  » multivariable extrapolated reference values (XML)
metaHi-C  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Metagenomic Hi-C (XML)
MeUmb  ( in XML )  (2)
  » 4-methylumbelliferyl (XML)
Methyl-MAPS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methylation mapping analysis by paired-end sequencing (XML)
MED's  ( in XML )  (2)
  » minimal erythema doses (XML) | main excretory ducts (XML)
ME-WMRI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » multiple-frequency excitation wideband MRI (XML)
Met-Enk-Arg6-Phe7  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methionine-enkephalin-Arg6-Phe7 (XML)
MEG-disulfide  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mercaptoethylguanidine disulfide (XML)
METTL18  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methyltransferase-like 18 (XML)
MetaPhlAn2  ( in XML )  (2)
  » metagenomic phylogenetic analysis 2 (XML)
MET-ENKi  ( in XML )  (2)
  » met-enkephalin immunoreactivity (XML)
MEALS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Measurement, Evaluation, Accountability, and Leadership Support (XML) | Measuring EAting in Everyday Life (XML)
MEF10  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mitochondrial RNA editing factor 10 (XML) | maximum expiratory flow rate at 10 (XML)
ME-R  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mitochondrial energetic-redox (XML)
MEA-D  ( in XML )  (2)
  » McGill Empowerment Assessment-Diabetes (XML)
metabolite I  ( in XML )  (2)
  » metabolites, 1-(2-hydroxyethyl-)2-hydroxymethyl-5-nitroimidazole (XML) | metabolic intermediates, 3,5-dichlorophenyl-carboxamide (XML)
MEDIUM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » medium-CP diet (XML) | mechanical with electronic 2-dimensional intracardiac ultrasound monitoring (XML)
mEMAs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mobile-based ecological momentary assessments (XML)
MegK  ( in XML )  (2)
  » megakaryocyte (XML)
MesLN  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Mesenteric lymph node (XML) | mesangial LN (XML)
MethDB  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Methylation database (XML)
MET-IBU  ( in XML )  (2)
  » metformin-ibuprofen (XML) | Methyl 2-(-4-isobutylphenyl)propanoate (XML)
Me4N  ( in XML )  (2)
  » deca-aquadi-mu4-oxido-tetra-mu3-oxido-hexa-deca-mu2-oxido-hexa-oxidodimang-anese(II)-deca-vanadate(V) penta-hydrate (XML) | mixed-valence octadecavanadates, (NH4)2 (XML)
MEJ-24  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Medical Education Journal List-24 (XML)
MERITAGE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » macular degeneration (XML)
MeCTPPH  ( in XML )  (2)
  » 2-aza-2-methyl-5,10,15,20-tetraphenyl-21-carbaporphyrin (XML) | C-methylated high-spin iron(II) complexes (XML)
MetDH  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methionine-specific dehydrogenase (XML) | metformin dihexyl sulfosuccinate (XML)
meb  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Mitoxantrone, Etoposide and bleomycin (XML) | Mebendazole (XML)
met-IR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » metformin (XML)
MEBSV  ( in XML )  (2)
  » multiepitope-based subunit vaccine (XML)
MEIO  ( in XML )  (2)
  » magnetism-engineered iron oxide (XML) | methanol extract from Inonotus obliquus (XML)
MetRSs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methionyl-tRNA synthetases (XML)
Me-MDA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methyl malondialdehyde (XML)
MEQ-CWT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » muscle-equivalent chest wall thickness (XML)
MEGSs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » magnetoelastic resonance-based gas sensors (XML) | mutually exclusive gene sets (XML)
meso-Au NPs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mesoporous Au nanoparticles (XML)
ME-PCM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » multi-element probabilistic collocation method (XML) | Microencapsulated phase-change material (XML)
mecI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methicillin-sensitive S. aureus, whereas the repressor gene (XML) | Methicillin (XML)
M eff  ( in XML )  (2)
  » effective multiplicity (XML)
MetBio.net  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Metabolic Biochemistry Network (XML)
ME-MP2RAGE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » multi-echo magnetization-prepared 2 rapid gradient echoes (XML) | multi-echo-MP2RAGE (XML)
Meg3-DMR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » maternally expressed gene 3-DMR (XML)
Met-ALA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methylated alpha-lactalbumin (XML)
MECRGs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » malignant epithelial cell-related genes (XML) | MEC-related genes (XML)
Merr  ( in XML )  (2)
  » major proteins of seeds of soybean (XML) | montana Loureiro (XML)
MedNM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » N-methyl-1-deoxynojirimycin (XML)
MET/HGF  ( in XML )  (2)
  » MET proto-oncogene, receptor tyrosine kinase/HGF (XML) | mesenchymal-epithelial transition/hepatocyte growth factor (XML)
METEOR-dPCR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » melt-encoded-tags for expanded optical readout in digital PCR (XML)
ME SIMS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » matrix-enhanced secondary ion mass spectrometry (XML)
MetS-DC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » metabolic syndrome diagnostic components (XML)
MeLeu  ( in XML )  (2)
  » N-methylleucine (XML)
mesoHb  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mesohemoglobin (XML) | mesoheme IX-reconstituted hemoglobin (XML)
mEndo  ( in XML )  (2)
  » murine endostatin (XML)
MERIN  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mutations of ERs in perturbed interactions (XML) | Meningitis and Encephalitis Surveillance (XML)
m-EC-SOD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mutant EC-SOD (XML)
MEL-C  ( in XML )  (2)
  » 4-O-((4'-mono-O-acetyl-2',3'-di-O-alkanoyl)-beta-d-mannopyranosyl)-meso-erythritol (XML)
m.e  ( in XML )  (2)
  » molar equivalents (XML) | massive enterorrhagia (XML)
Met-II  ( in XML )  (2)
  » metaphase of the second meiosis (XML) | metacyclic trypomastigote, those encoding metacyclin-II (XML)
MEXCLP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » maximal expected coverage problem (XML) | Maximum Expected Covering Location Problem (XML)
MesangioPGN  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mesangioproliferative glomerulonephritis (XML)
Mel1aR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » melatonin 1a receptor (XML)
meso-PS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » meso-porous silicon (XML)
Me-Cbl  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mechanism of methylcobalamin (XML)
MEM-C  ( in XML )  (2)
  » memory composite z-score (XML)
MEA-1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » multiple endocrine adenomatosis, type 1 (XML)
Met8  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methionine at position 8 (XML) | Met at position 8 (XML)
MERDS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Multigroup Everyday Racial Discrimination Scale (XML)
meanPI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mean pulsatility index of both uterine arteries (XML)
MeO-TEMPO  ( in XML )  (2)
  » 4-methoxy-TEMPO (XML) | 4-Methoxy-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidinyl-1-oxyl (XML)
ME-WE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mental health and well-being among AYCs in Europe (XML) | mental health and well-being among adolescent young caregivers in Europe (XML)
mE-MTX  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mean of all E-MTX values (XML) | mean of all E-MTX (XML)
meso-CNRs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mesoporous carbon nanorods (XML)
mee1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » maternally expressed in embryo 1 (XML)
mep  ( in XML )  (2)
  » morphologic pattern of contrast enhancement (XML) | modified expression patterns (XML)
MeLOVARS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Multi-echo length and offset VARied saturation (XML)
MESR4  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Misexpression suppressor of ras 4 (XML)
MEX3D  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mex-3 homolog D (XML) | Mex-3 RNA-binding family member D (XML)
MEDSS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Minnesota Electronic Disease Surveillance System (XML)
Mep-A  ( in XML )  (2)
  » meprin-A (XML)
MESSMT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » muscle tumors (XML) | Mixed endometrial stromal and smooth muscle tumor (XML)
MECT1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mucoepidermoid carcinoma translocated 1 (XML)
MenSC-Ex  ( in XML )  (2)
  » MenSC-derived exosomes (XML) | menstrual blood-derived stem cell-derived exosomes (XML)
MECAS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » microfluidic electrochemical aptamer-based sensor (XML)
mechano-miRs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mechanosensitive microRNAs (XML)
METSS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » medical expulsive therapy stone score (XML)
MenAC-TT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » meningococcal serogroups A and C tetanus toxoid-conjugate vaccine (XML)
MeltPt  ( in XML )  (2)
  » melting point (XML)
MEVTI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » middle-ear ventilation tube insertion (XML)
ME-TLIF  ( in XML )  (2)
  » microendoscopic transforaminal lumbar interbody fusions (XML)
MeMoSA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mentor support programme (XML) | Mobile Mouth Screening Anywhere (XML)
MED-E  ( in XML )  (2)
  » MED diet without whole eggs (XML) | Multicomponent Exercise and Sustainable Healthy Diet Interventions in the Elderly (XML)
METHODS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Methotrexate to treat hand osteoarthritis with synovitis (XML) | down-migrated lumbar disc herniation (XML)
Mesp2  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mesoderm posterior 2 (XML)
MECpHe  ( in XML )  (2)
  » multi-effect-coupling pH-electric-stimuli (XML)
MEDry  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Medellin Dry Eye Inventory (XML)
MEDiC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus Eradication and Decolonization in Children (XML) | MRSA Eradication and Decolonization in Children (XML)
METTL2A  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methyltransferase-like proteins 2A (XML) | methyltransferase-like 2A (XML)
Me3  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Metabolic stability and renal excretion of 3H-labelled l-Lys (XML) | malic enzyme 3, NADP(+)-dependent, mitochondrial (XML)
METAPSY  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Meta-Analytic Psychotherapy Database (XML)
MeSDCC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methacrylated solubilized decellularized cartilage (XML)
METRA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Memory Training for Recovery-Adolescent (XML)
meanTBRmax  ( in XML )  (2)
  » maximum target-to-background ratio (XML)
MEIAs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » microplate enzyme-immuno assays (XML) | monoclonal enzyme immunoassays (XML)
MenQOL  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Meniere's disease quality of life (XML) | Menopausal Quality of Life questionnaire (XML)
MECAF  ( in XML )  (2)
  » modified extended coronally advanced flap (XML) | maximum-type equal-covariance-assumption-free (XML)
MEMAs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » microenvironment microarrays (XML) | middle ear muscle activity (XML)
mean0-10  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mean of the bottom 10th percentile (XML)
MEDICATE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Medical Diagnosis, Communication and Analysis Throughout Europe (XML) | MEDiastinal Irradiation and CArdio-Toxic Effects (XML)
MeSO-net  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Metropolitan Seismic Observation network (XML)
meTHF  ( in XML )  (2)
  » 5,10-methylene-THF (XML) | N5,N10-methylenetetrahydrofolate (XML)
Med-Lat  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mediolateral (XML) | medial-lateral (XML)
MELSM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mixed-effects location-scale model (XML)
MenSS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Men's Safer Sex (XML)
Met-G-CSF  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methionyl-granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (XML)
MEG-OH  ( in XML )  (2)
  » monoethylene glycol hydroxide (XML) | monoethylene glycol (XML)
ME/MI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mid-expiratory to mid-inspiratory flow (XML)
MetaMap  ( in XML )  (2)
  » medical concept extraction system (XML) | main components of quEHRy: concept normalization (XML)
MerT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » membrane-bound protein (XML) | mercuric ion transporter (XML)
memo-BNT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » modification of the Boston Naming Test (XML)
Meso-TiO2  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mesoporous single-crystal anatase TiO2 (XML) | mesoporous, multiphase TiO2 (XML)
MES-UC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Motivation and Engagement Scale - University/College (XML)
MeCyC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » 3-cyano-4-methyl-7-hydroxy coumarin (XML)
Met-EK  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Met-enkephalin (XML)
MeSh  ( in XML )  (2)
  » medial shell (XML) | Major subject search headings (XML)
meso-BD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » meso-2,3butanediol (XML)
mEpiSCLCs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mEpiSC-like cells (XML)
Mem-ECT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Memory Training for ECT (XML)
MEG-14  ( in XML )  (2)
  » micro-exon gene 14 (XML)
mEDAS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » modified encephaloduroarteriosynangiosis (XML)
MeOH ext  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methanolic extract (XML) | methanol extract (XML)
M.E.C  ( in XML )  (2)
  » minimal effective concentration (XML) | Montreal Evaluation of Communication (XML)
MERFLP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » multiple enzyme restriction fragment length polymorphism (XML)
mEUS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » miniprobe endoscopic ultrasonography (XML)
MELODIC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » model-free independent component analysis tool (XML) | Multivariate Exploratory Linear Optimized Decomposition into Independent Components (XML)
mEGA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mNGS screening enhanced by a group testing algorithm (XML)
MEMAC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mycelia of A. cinnamomea (XML) | mycelia of Antrodia cinnamomea (XML)
Met-Hba  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methemoglobinemia (XML)
MEFM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » multiscale exploration and fusion module (XML) | maximum expiratory flow monitor (XML)
MEPTIDES  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Poly-N-methylated Abeta-Peptide C-Terminal fragments (XML)
MEF8  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mitochondrial editing factor 8 (XML)
MENGO  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Microbial Energy Gene Ontology (XML) | mengo virus (XML)
MEs-Ap  ( in XML )  (2)
  » microemulsions containing adapalene (XML)
meso-PSi  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mesoporous silicon (XML)
MERKO  ( in XML )  (2)
  » muscle-specific ERalpha knockout (XML) | mice which lack estrogen receptor alpha specifically in skeletal muscle (XML)
M-EPASS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » modified approach to EUS-guided double-balloon-occluded gastroenterostomy bypass (XML) | Modified endoscopic ultrasound-guided double-balloon-occluded gastroenterostomy bypass (XML)
MECUs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mobile emergency care units (XML)
MetGlu  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methyl beta-D-glucuronide sodium salt (XML) | Methyl-beta-D-Glucuronide sodium (XML)
MEG-PMG-MegaCC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » megalencephaly-polymicrogyria-mega-corpus callosum (XML)
MeDIA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methylated DNA isolation assay (XML)
MeOE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » 1,2-methyl orthoesters (XML) | 9-methoxy-ellipticin (XML)
ME.1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » multienhancer 1 (XML)
MerTKCR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » MerTK cleavage-resistant mice (XML)
MEA 1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » male enhanced antigen 1 (XML) | Multiple Endocrine Adenomatosis Type 1 (XML)
MESCA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Melbourne Epidemiological Study of Childhood Asthma (XML) | molecular embryonic stem cell assay (XML)
MERDV  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Merida virus (XML)
MECP2-TG  ( in XML )  (2)
  » MECP2 transgenic (XML)
MESVC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Moran eigenvector spatially varying coefficients (XML)
MEGCTs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Mediastinal extragonadal germ-cell tumors (XML) | malignant extracranial germ cell tumours (XML)
Met-S  ( in XML )  (2)
  » metabolic factors, single or combined (XML) | Methanol-soluble (XML)
ME-qPCR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » multiplex enrichment quantitative PCR (XML)
Met-HA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methacrylated HA (XML) | Methotrexate-loaded hyaluronic acid (XML)
MEC/HEC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » moderate/highly emetogenic chemotherapy (XML)
METTL1-WDR4  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methyltransferase like 1-WD repeat domain 4 (XML) | methyltransferase 1-WD repeat-containing protein 4 (XML)
Me2N-BH2  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Me2NHBH3 (3) to afford the cyclodiborazane (XML) | Me2NHBH3, to yield the cyclic diborazane (XML)
MEFIC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » multiecho frequency domain image contrast (XML)
MedisGroups  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Medical Illness Severity Grouping System (XML)
MeHAS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Men's Health and Aging Study (XML)
MeO-Kaol  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methoxy-modified kaolinite (XML)
MEC50  ( in XML )  (2)
  » MEC at which 50% of the isolates tested are inhibited (XML) | minimum effective concentrations required to produce 50% EC-desquamation (XML)
metHr  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methemerythrin (XML)
MEM-alpha  ( in XML )  (2)
  » minimum essential media-alpha (XML)
MeFOSEA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » N-methylperfluorooctane sulfonamidethylacrylate (XML)
MeSAG  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methyl salicylate 2-O-beta-D-glucoside (XML)
MedCM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » medical countermeasures (XML)
MESSO  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methyl ester of Sesbania seeds oil (XML)
MECT1-MAML2  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mucoepeidermoid carcinoma translocated 1--mastermind like gene family (XML)
mechano-NPS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mechano-node-pore sensing (XML)
MERCA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Microfluidic Exponential Rolling Circle Amplification (XML) | outdoor-mobile affect dataset (XML)
m.e.j.ps  ( in XML )  (2)
  » miniature junction potentials (XML) | miniature e.j.ps (XML)
MET3pr  ( in XML )  (2)
  » MET3 promoter (XML)
MeMo  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Membrane Monitor (XML) | meta-modulation (XML)
MEPRA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » micro-electrode and platinum resistor array (XML) | Mindful Ethical Practice and Resilience Academy (XML)
MEA II  ( in XML )  (2)
  » multiple endocrine adenomatosis, type II, syndrome (XML) | multiple endocrine adenomatosis type II (XML)
MePIIID  ( in XML )  (2)
  » metal plasma immersion ion implantation and deposition (XML)
MEg  ( in XML )  (2)
  » metabolizable energy requirements for growth (XML) | metabolizable energy for growth (XML)
MESCCs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » malignant spinal cord compression (XML) | metastatic epidural spinal cord compression (XML)
MedWAR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Medical Wilderness Adventure Race (XML)
MeUmb beta Gal  ( in XML )  (2)
  » 4-methylumbelliferyl-beta-D-galactopyranoside (XML)
meDMT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » moderately effective DMT (XML) | medium-efficacy disease-modifying therapies (XML)
MeWo  ( in XML )  (2)
  » melanoma cell line with low proliferative and invasive capacity (XML) | melanoma cells without (XML)
mEDS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » myopathic Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (XML)
MetS-C  ( in XML )  (2)
  » metabolic syndrome criteria (XML) | metabolic syndrome conditions (XML)
MEMW  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Marine Environmental Modeling Workbench (XML) | Myocardial Equivalent Minute Work (XML)
met-ENK-LI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Met-enkephalin-like immunoreactivity (XML)
MeNx  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Methylnaloxone (XML) | methylnaloxone methylsulfate (XML)
Met score  ( in XML )  (2)
  » metabolic risk score (XML)
Meis  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Myeloid ecotropic insertion site (XML) | Meis homeobox (XML)
MELPi  ( in XML )  (2)
  » minimal energy pilonidotomies (XML) | Minimum energy laser pilonidotomy (XML)
Megace ES  ( in XML )  (2)
  » megestrol acetate (XML)
medOS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » median overall survival (XML)
MegKO  ( in XML )  (2)
  » megalin knockout (XML)
MEDFORD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Metadynamics of Dipeptides for Rotamer Distribution (XML) | MEtaData Format for Open Reef Data (XML)
Me-DLC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » metal-doped diamond-like carbons (XML) | metal-containing diamond-like carbon (XML)
MECTR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methanol extract of Clitoria ternatea L. root (XML) | modified endoscopic CT release (XML)
Met diet  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methionine-supplemented diet (XML) | methionine enriched diet (XML)
MEGAP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Mental disorder-associated GTPase-activating protein (XML)
ME-OCT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » middle ear optical coherence tomography (XML)
mean25-50  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mean of the 25th through 50th percentiles (XML) | mean of the 25th-50th percentile (XML)
MEFB  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methanolic extract of F. bengalensis (XML) | mixed-fill ecological floating beds (XML)
MePhe  ( in XML )  (2)
  » N-methylphenylalanine (XML)
MEDAG  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Mesenteric estrogen-dependent adipogenesis gene (XML)
meso-TiO2  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mesocrystal TiO2 (XML) | mesoporous TiO2 (XML)
MECP2 DS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » MECP2 duplication syndrome (XML)
methylene reductase  ( in XML )  (2)
  » N5-10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (XML)
MelV  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Melaka virus (XML)
MEMDO  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Management in the Dental Office (XML) | 3-methacryloxypropylmethoxysilanediol (XML)
MECIF  ( in XML )  (2)
  » monocyte-derived endothelial cell inhibitory factor (XML)
M-eff  ( in XML )  (2)
  » most-efficient (XML) | most feed-efficient (XML)
MEMED  ( in XML )  (2)
  » microelectrochemical measurements at expanding droplets (XML)
mES-CM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mouse embryonic stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes (XML)
meta-images  ( in XML )  (2)
  » metasurface-images (XML)
methyl-RA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mono-methylated RA (XML) | methylated RA (XML)
merR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mercury responsive (XML) | mercury detoxification operon (XML)
MET/MI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Motivational Enhancement Therapy (XML) | motivational enhancement therapy/motivational interviewing (XML)
MED14  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mediator complex subunit 14 (XML) | MED14V763A (XML)
M.E.O  ( in XML )  (2)
  » malignant external otitis (XML)
MEA-MFC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » membrane electrode assembly microbial fuel cell (XML)
MelasQoL  ( in XML )  (2)
  » melasma quality of life questionnaire (XML)
Mef2a  ( in XML )  (2)
  » myocyte enhancer factor 2A (XML)
MeRA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » medium responder animal (XML) | methylated analogue of ARA (XML)
metHb A  ( in XML )  (2)
  » met-forms of Hb A (XML) | methemoglobin A (XML)
meta-review  ( in XML )  (2)
  » METHOD: A review of systematic reviews (XML)
mEndoglin  ( in XML )  (2)
  » membrane Endoglin (XML)
meta-CATS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » metadata-driven Comparative Analysis Tool for Sequences (XML)
methyl-3H  ( in XML )  (2)
  » metabolism of endogenous sphingomyelin labeled with 32P or (XML) | medium using (5-3H)cytidine 5'-triphosphate or S-adenoxyl (XML)
meGAL  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methyl gallate (XML)
Me-PGE2  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methyl-PGE2 methyl ester (XML) | methyl-prostaglandin E2 methyl ester (XML)
meta-SMRs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » method to generate summary effect estimates (XML) | meta-Standardized Mortality Ratios (XML)
MENGs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » magnetic enzyme nanogels (XML) | moisture-enabled nanogenerators (XML)
MEPP F  ( in XML )  (2)
  » miniature endplate potential frequency (XML)
MeanLD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mean luminal diameter (XML) | mean lumen diameter (XML)
MeEPA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Meglumine-Eicosapentaenoic Acid (XML)
M.EcoRII  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mechanism of DNA recognition and catalysis by EcoRII DNA-methyltransferase (XML) | MTase EcoRII (XML)
MEGASTROKE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Multi-ancestry Genome-Wide Association Study of Stroke consortium (XML)
MECBM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » microbially enhanced coalbed methane (XML) | multiple empirical criteria based method (XML)
MedIA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Medical Image Analysis journal (XML) | Medical image analysis (XML)
MeOEGMA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » monomethoxy oligo(ethylene glycol) methacrylate (XML) | monomethoxy-terminated oligo(ethylene glycol)methacrylate (XML)
mEDV  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mean EDV (XML) | mean end-diastolic velocity (XML)
Method B  ( in XML )  (2)
  » more efficient HBTU/HOBT/single coupling procedure (XML) | method using electronegative membranes (XML)
MELAD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methanol extract of the leaves of Adansonia digitata (XML) | metastatic lung adenocarcinomas (XML)
MESVCs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » MESV constructs (XML) | multi-epitope-based subunit vaccine constructs (XML)
MEWF  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methanolic extract of W. fruticosa (XML) | methanol extract of W. fruticosa leaves (XML)
MEN-type 2  ( in XML )  (2)
  » multiple endocrine neoplasia of type 2 (XML)
MecISP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Medical Examiner/Coroner Information Sharing Program (XML)
MeMet  ( in XML )  (2)
  » S-methylmethionine (XML)
MeACh  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methacholine (XML)
M.Ecl18kI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » DNA-methyltransferase Ecl18kI (XML)
Me2NBH2  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Me2NHBH3 into the ring compound (XML) | Me2NHBH3 to afford the cyclic dimer (XML)
MES1-like  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mesenchymal-1-like (XML)
mERGs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » micro ERGs (XML) | micro electroretinograms (XML)
meAMY  ( in XML )  (2)
  » medial amygdala (XML)
MET HCl  ( in XML )  (2)
  » metformin HCl (XML) | Metoclopramide Hydrochloride (XML)
mean-FA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mean fractional anisotropy (XML)
MELFUS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » microbubble-enhanced low-frequency ultrasound (XML)
ME4C  ( in XML )  (2)
  » midesophageal 4-chamber view (XML) | mid-esophageal 4-chamber (XML)
metNCC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methylated nanocrystalline cellulose (XML) | methylated NCC (XML)
ME-POSS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methacrylethyl-polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane (XML)
MEGA-n  ( in XML )  (2)
  » alkanoyl-N-methylglucamides (XML) | N-Acyl-N-methylglucamides (XML)
MERSI-II  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Medium Resolution Spectral Imager-II (XML)
ME-FAM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » multielectrode fast automated mapping (XML)
ME-Liquidchip  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mutant-enriched liquidchip (XML)
Me-NI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » N-methyl-1,8-naphthalimide (XML)
MET4  ( in XML )  (2)
  » microbial ecosystem therapeutic 4 (XML)
MEL200-ASCT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » melphalan 200mg/m2 and ASCT (XML)
MEOSAAPVNA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methoxysuccinyl-alanyl-alanyl-prolyl-valyl paranitroanilide (XML)
mesoSnPi  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mesoporous/crystalline tin phosphate (XML) | mesoporous tin phosphate (XML)
MeCp  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methylene cyclopentane (XML) | methanol extracts of C. procera (XML)
MEDLO-tool  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Maastricht Electronic Daily Life Observation-tool (XML)
MECVL  ( in XML )  (2)
  » metabolite of C. velutina leaves (XML) | methanolic extract of C. velutina leaves (XML)
meCC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mechanical chest compression (XML)
MeSO3  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methanesulfonate (Et3NH) (XML) | Mixtures of the Protic Ionic Liquid (Et3NH) (XML)
MePc  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Metal phthalocyanines (XML)
M. expansa  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Monezia expansa (XML)
metPA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » metastatic prostate adenocarcinoma (XML) | Metabolomics Pathway Analysis (XML)
met-A  ( in XML )  (2)
  » metabolite (XML)
meanRR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mean interval between normal heats (XML) | mean intervals between R peaks (XML)
ME NLM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » multi-energy non-local means (XML)
MEM1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » M expression module 1 (XML) | minimum essential medium 1 (XML)
ME-MZM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » multi-electrode Mach-Zehnder modulator (XML)
ME-SOG  ( in XML )  (2)
  » metal-enhanced singlet oxygen generation (XML) | metal-enhanced SOG (XML)
Mettl3  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methyltransferase 3 (XML)
meiS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » meiosis requires a single round of premeiotic DNA replication (XML) | pre-meiotic S phase (XML)
MECSEL  ( in XML )  (2)
  » membrane external-cavity surface-emitting laser (XML)
mean 0.19  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mg/l for 2,5-hexanedione, 0.10-0.43 (XML) | amblyopic eye amounted to between -0.1 and 0.4 log units (XML)
Me-ATP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » 1-methyladenosine 5'-triphosphate (XML) | 2-methylthio-ATP (XML)
MEPFL  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mitomycin + epirubicin + cisplatin + fluorouracil + leucovorin (XML)
metaSEM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » meta-analysis procedures and structural equation modeling (XML) | Meta-analytic structural equation modelling (XML)
MeJa  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methyl jasmonate response elements (XML) | methyl jasmonate application (XML)
MeO-PEGN-Succ-RSV  ( in XML )  (2)
  » MeO-PEG succinylamide resveratrol (XML) | alpha-methoxy-omega-carboxylic acid poly(ethylene glycol) succinylamide resveratrol (XML)
meen  ( in XML )  (2)
  » N-methyl-ethylenedi-amine (XML)
MEMSI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Manchester Early Morning Symptoms Index (XML)
MERITS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » MycobactERIal PE/PPE proTeinS (XML) | Multicentre evaluation of renal impairment in thoracic surgery (XML)
MeSF  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methanesulfonate (XML)
MedPhys  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Medical Physics (XML) | Medical Physics Residency (XML)
membrane skeleton  ( in XML )  (2)
  » membrane-associated cytoskeleton (XML)
MESNP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Medication Exchange and Sharing Network Program (XML)
ME-LIT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mesh-electrode linear ion trap (XML)
ME-A  ( in XML )  (2)
  » ME-C also won significantly higher AUC0-t compared with tributyrin microemulsions (XML) | mistletoe extracts from plants grown on fir trees (XML)
MeLa  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Meta Label Learning (XML) | methyl lactate (XML)
methylene-THF  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methylenetetrahydrofolate (XML)
met-EK-IR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » met-EK-like immunoreactivity (XML)
MedRE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » median postoperative refractive errors (XML) | median relative error (XML)
mecciRNAs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mitochondria-encoded circRNAs (XML)
METH/AMPH  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methamphetamine and other amphetamine-type stimulants (XML)
MEPK  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methanolic extract of the aerial plant parts of Phragmites karka (XML) | mitogen-activated protein kinase (XML)
MEABRs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Management and Exploitation Areas for Benthic Resources (XML)
metBMI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » metabolic BMI (XML) | metabolomic body mass index (XML)
mEcR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » membrane ecdysone receptor (XML)
META-BOA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » METAbolomics data Balancing with Over-sampling Algorithms (XML)
means.e.m  ( in XML )  (2)
  » maneuverability, with (R/L)min values of 3.410(-3)5.910(-4) and 1.210(-3)4.710(-4) (XML) | measured cell number fractions (XML)
Meta-LARC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Meta-network Learning and Research Center (XML)
MenoVWL  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Menopausal Voice-Related Work Limitation Scale (XML)
MelasQOL  ( in XML )  (2)
  » melasma quality of life (XML) | melasma quality of life score (XML)
MECEQ  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Modified E-cigarette Evaluation Questionnaire (XML)
Me-lex  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methyl-lexitropsin (XML)
ME-3HB  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methyl-esterified 3-hydroxybutyrate (XML) | methyl-esterified dimers and trimers of 3-hydroxybutyrate (XML)
MEBJ  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methanol extract of B.javanica (XML) | methanol extract of BJ (XML)
MeCMV  ( in XML )  (2)
  » melon chlorotic mosaic virus (XML)
MECANO  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mechanical ventilation against no ventilation during cardiopulmonary bypass heart surgery (XML)
melC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » melanin locus (XML) | melanin-production locus (XML)
Me PGE2  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methyl prostaglandin E2 (XML)
me6-MP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » 6-methylmercaptopurine (XML)
Me-DTC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Me-DDC also undergoes oxidative biotransformation to diethylthiomethylcarbamate (XML) | metabolite, diethylthiocarbamic acid methyl ester (XML)
Mel1b  ( in XML )  (2)
  » melatonin receptor 1b (XML) | melatonin 1b (XML)
MEMSN  ( in XML )  (2)
  » multifunctional envelope-type mesoporous silica nanoparticle (XML)
MERL  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Mobile Environmental Radiation Laboratory (XML) | median residual life (XML)
MESTF  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mixed epithelial stromal tumor family (XML)
m-ECV  ( in XML )  (2)
  » measured ECV (XML)
mENT2  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Mouse equilibrative nucleoside transporter 2 (XML) | mouse ENT2 (XML)
MedPyr  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Mediterranean Diet Pyramid Index (XML) | Mediterranean Pyramid Score (XML)
MECBP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mono(2-ethyl-4-carboxybutyl) phthalate (XML)
MeQ  ( in XML )  (2)
  » 7-chloro-3-methylquinoline (XML) | Mental Quotient (XML)
MePben  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methylparaben (XML)
mEPI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » multi-band echo-planar imaging (XML) | multi-echo EPI (XML)
MEFWC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » modified electrolyte-free water clearance (XML) | modified EFWC formula (XML)
MERE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » modified edentulous ridge expansion (XML) | Muscular endurance resistance exercise (XML)
MetAP2i  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Methionine aminopeptidase 2 inhibitors (XML) | MetAP2 inhibitors (XML)
MeTc  ( in XML )  (2)
  » metal binding by crystal structure determination of TetR (XML) | tetracycline-metal(II) cation (XML)
MeY  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methane yield (XML)
MEPdia  ( in XML )  (2)
  » motor-evoked potential recorded from the diaphragm (XML) | motor evoked potentials (XML)
mEND  ( in XML )  (2)
  » magnetic endoglin aptamer (XML) | mouse endgolin (XML)
ME-IRIS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Microwave Extraction with Isotope Ratio Infrared Spectroscopy (XML)
Me-beta-D-Ribp  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methyl beta-D-ribopyranoside (XML)
MeYVMV  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Mesta yellow vein mosaic virus (XML)
MeOLi  ( in XML )  (2)
  » MeOLi, (EtLi) (XML) | MeOLi monomer and (EtLi) (XML)
MEC95  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Meanwhile, the probit regression analysis obtains 95% effective concentration (XML) | minimum effective anesthetic concentrations for 95% patients (XML)
met-QTL  ( in XML )  (2)
  » metabolite quantitative trait loci (XML) | metabolomic-QTL (XML)
MEP/M  ( in XML )  (2)
  » M wave amplitude (XML) | motor evoked potential, maximal Mwave (XML)
mEV71  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mouse-adapted EV71 (XML)
MEF2C-AS1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » MEF2C antisense RNA 1 (XML)
Meso-MFI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » meso-MFI zeolite (XML) | mesoporous MFI (XML)
MED27  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mediator complex subunit27 (XML)
MESA-ICSI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » microsurgically from the epididymis (XML) | Microsurgical epididymal sperm aspiration and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (XML)
MEMK  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methanolic extract of M. koenigii (XML) | methanol extract of the leaves of Murraya koenigii (XML)
MeCO  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methanolic eCO (XML) | methanolic root (XML)
m-EDL  ( in XML )  (2)
  » motor experiences of daily living (XML)
Met-Dep  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methionine-dependent (XML)
METFORS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Metropolitan Toronto Forensic Service (XML)
MedHAT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Medication History Assessment Tool (XML)
ME/DE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » metabolizable energy/digestible energy (XML) | ME from DE (XML)
MenACWY-DT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » MenACWY diphtheria toxoid conjugate vaccine (XML) | meningococcal ACWY-diphtheria toxoid conjugate vaccine (XML)
Met-Indep  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methionine-independent (XML)
Me-7KLCA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methyl 7-ketolithocholate (XML)
Memo  ( in XML )  (2)
  » memory (XML) | memory test (XML)
meanNI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mean notch index (XML) | mean of the notch index of both uterine arteries (XML)
MEL-26  ( in XML )  (2)
  » maternal effect lethal (XML) | Maternal Effect Lethal 26 (XML)
Mentha piperita  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Metabolism of d-Neomenthyl-beta-d-Glucoside in Peppermint (XML) | mediated anaphylaxis to peppermint (XML)
mepc's  ( in XML )  (2)
  » miniature end plate currents (XML)
MeBC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » metaplastic breast cancer (XML)
meG  ( in XML )  (2)
  » 6-O-methylguanine (XML) | methyl group from O6-methylguanine (XML)
MedAPE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » median absolute per cent error (XML) | median APE (XML)
MexPOS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Mexican Public Open Spaces Tool (XML)
MEMOTE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Metabolic Model tests (XML)
melan-c  ( in XML )  (2)
  » melanocytes (XML)
Me. Ext  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methanolic extract (XML)
MeUmbGlc  ( in XML )  (2)
  » 4-methylumbelliferyl beta-D-glucoside (XML)
meDMTs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » moderate efficacy disease-modifying therapies (XML)
MesY105  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Mesentericin Y105 (XML)
MenuStat  ( in XML )  (2)
  » menu item was obtained from a restaurant nutrition database (XML)
MECDM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » micro-electro chemical discharge (XML) | micro-ECDM (XML)
MEf  ( in XML )  (2)
  » metabolizable energy of a food or feedstuff (XML) | Myocardial efficiency (XML)
MeNNG  ( in XML )  (2)
  » N-methyl-N-nitro-N-nitroso-guanidine (XML) | N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (XML)
MED-Net  ( in XML )  (2)
  » multiscale encoder-decoder network (XML)
MEGF  ( in XML )  (2)
  » multiple EGF-like domains (XML) | methanol extract of Gloiopeltis furcata (XML)
MELAS/LS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mitochondrial encephalopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke-like episodes/Leigh syndrome (XML) | Mitochondrial encephalomyopathy with lactic acidosis and stroke-like episodes/Leigh (XML)
MeDiC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Measure of case-Discussion Complexity (XML) | metal-difluorocarbene coupling (XML)
MEFLA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » metabolic fluorine labeling (XML)
MePNet  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Membrane Protein Network (XML)
METC-LDD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Medical Ethical Committee Leiden-Den Haag-Delft (XML)
MET-HV  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Multiple Errands Test-hospital version (XML)
MEP2  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Morchella esculenta polysaccharide 2 (XML) | methylammonium permease 2 (XML)
MeGAG  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methylglyoxal-bis-guanylhydrazone (XML)
MET-RD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Medical Emergency Team assistance (XML) | medical emergency team calls in the radiology department (XML)
MesLNs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mesenteric lymph nodes (XML)
MEN 4  ( in XML )  (2)
  » multiple endocrine neoplasia type 4 (XML)
MePFOA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methyl perfluorooctanoate (XML)
MED6  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Memantine-d6 (XML) | mediator complex subunit 6 (XML)
mEHI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » modified early wound healing index (XML)
MeO-PEGO-Succ-RSV  ( in XML )  (2)
  » MeO-PEG succinylester resveratrol (XML)
MerITS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Merseyside Integrated Transport Strategy (XML)
MEVOOs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » monovarietal extra virgin olive oils (XML)
Met-DNA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » metastasis-inducing DNA (XML)
Med-PIC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Mediator complexed with a PIC (XML) | Mediator-RNA polymerase II pre-initiation complex (XML)
MECb  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methanolic extract of Condalia buxifolia (XML) | methanolic extract of the root bark of Condalia buxifolia (XML)
MEDI-LITE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » literature-derived Mediterranean diet (XML) | Mediterranean diet was evaluated using the validated literature-based adherence score (XML)
me-phen  ( in XML )  (2)
  » 5-methyl-1,10-phenanthroline (XML)
ME-SBS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mold-enclosed shear bond strength (XML)
MEu  ( in XML )  (2)
  » marine eutrophication (XML) | molybdate and tungstate phosphors (XML)
MEIOSIN  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Meiosis initiator (XML)
MESH1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » metazoan SpoT homolog-1 (XML)
meanA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mean amplitude (XML)
MEff  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mechanical efficiency (XML)
Met-Lys-BK  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methionyl-lysyl-bradykinin (XML) | Met-Lys-bradykinin (XML)
MEDASHIP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Medical Assistance for Ships (XML)
MEXT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » moderate-intensity exercise training (XML) | maximal exercise tests (XML)
met-PET  ( in XML )  (2)
  » 11C-methionine PET/CT (XML)
MEMPHI-SYS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Memphis Pandemic Health Informatics System (XML)
MeSq  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methyl-squarylium (XML)
MECES  ( in XML )  (2)
  » medical expert consultation systems (XML) | Medical Electronic Expert Communication System (XML)
ME-TSE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » multi-echo turbo spin echo (XML)
MetHb-emia  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methemoglobinemia (XML)
Me-3HB  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methyl 3-hydroxybutyrate (XML)
MetN  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methionine binding protein (XML) | metD locus encodes an ABC transporter which includes Abc (XML)
MeMS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methyl methanesulfonate (XML)
mean velocity  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mean peak velocity (XML) | measurement items are lifting velocity (XML)
MedJN  ( in XML )  (2)
  » N-methyl-1-deoxynojirimycin (XML)
MeCAOT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » (1'-(1'-thio-4'-methylcyclohexane)-acetic acid1)-oxytocin (XML)
MeOBGDTC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » N-(4-methoxybenzyl)-D-glucamine-N-carbodithioate (XML)
meSMLM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Modulation enhanced single-molecule localization microscopy (XML)
mERbeta  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mouse ERbeta (XML)
ME-LIF  ( in XML )  (2)
  » microendoscopy-assisted lumbar interbody fusion (XML) | ME coupled to laser-induced fluorescence (XML)
MEJM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mask electrolyte jet machining (XML)
MedDairy  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Mediterranean diet with 3-4 daily serves of dairy food (XML) | MedDiet with 3-4 daily servings of dairy (XML)
MECOS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » metagenomics co-barcode sequencing workflow (XML) | metagenomics co-barcoding sequencing (XML)
MEMS-NIR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » micro-electromechanical near infrared spectroscopy (XML) | Micro-Electromechanical Systems (XML)
MERLG  ( in XML )  (2)
  » modified extended right lobe graft (XML)
Met-Gly  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methionylglycine (XML) | methionine-glycine (XML)
MetSyndr  ( in XML )  (2)
  » metabolic syndrome (XML)
MERT-LAMP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » loop-mediated isothermal amplification technology (XML)
MEBAS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Membrane Enabled Bio-mineral Affinity Screen (XML)
Med.V  ( in XML )  (2)
  » medullary volume (XML)
meanProt  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mean of urinary protein concentration (XML) | Mean of urinary protein excretion (XML)
MEsP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » 2-C-methyl-D-erythrose 4-phosphate (XML) | morpholinoethyl esters of alkoxy-substituted phenylcarbamic acid (XML)
Me-UDCA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methyl ursodeoxycholate (XML)
mENK  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mouse enkephalin (XML) | methionine enkephalin-like immunoreactivity (XML)
Met-Enk-8  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Met-enkephalin-Arg6-Gly7-Leu8 (XML)
MEGD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Myo-Ectodermo-Gonadal Dysgenesis (XML) | minimal euthyroid Graves' disease (XML)
MEN type I  ( in XML )  (2)
  » multiple endocrine neoplasia type I syndrome (XML) | multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type I (XML)
MESH-QI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Mentorship, Enhanced Supervision for Healthcare and Quality Improvement (XML)
Mettl14  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methyltransferase 14 (XML)
METAPAD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » METAbolic PAthways Decoded (XML)
ME-PLIF  ( in XML )  (2)
  » microendoscope-assisted posterior lumbar interbody fusion (XML) | Microendoscope-assisted PLIF (XML)
M.E.N  ( in XML )  (2)
  » multiple endocrine neoplasia (XML)
ME2Ox  ( in XML )  (2)
  » 3-((2-(2-methoxyethoxy)ethoxy)methyl)-3-methyloxetane (XML)
MES2-like  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mesenchymal-2-like (XML)
MEPmax  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Maximal Expiratory Pressure (XML) | Maximum amplitude (XML)
MEP/MIP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » maximal expiratory pressure to maximal inspiratory pressure (XML)
Men-PS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » MenACWY-polysaccharide vaccine (XML)
MedOnc ITE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Medical Oncology In-Training Examination (XML)
MEGH  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mixed-effects general hazard (XML) | Measuring Essential Good Hydration (XML)
mER-alpha  ( in XML )  (2)
  » membrane form of the estrogen receptor-alpha (XML) | murine estrogen receptor-alpha (XML)
MEDCO2  ( in XML )  (2)
  » microendoscopic CO2 -LASER-assisted treatment (XML) | micro-endoscopic diverticulotomy with the CO2 laser (XML)
MeanIE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mean end-inhalation and end-exhalation positions (XML) | mean end-exhale diaphragm positions (XML)
MeSeMet  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Methylselenomethionine (XML)
MEPAH  ( in XML )  (2)
  » N-(2-mercaptoethyl)picolylamine (XML)
Met-deplete TPN  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methionine-depleting total parenteral nutrition (XML)
MeAF  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Mean Airflow Rate (XML) | mean air flow (XML)
MED-PED  ( in XML )  (2)
  » make early diagnosis-prevent early death (XML)
MePV  ( in XML )  (2)
  » median platelet volume (XML)
MED-health  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Macroeconomic-Environmental-Demographic-health (XML)
mel-CSPG  ( in XML )  (2)
  » melanoma-associated proteoglycan (XML) | melanoma cells express specific chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans (XML)
MerCreMer  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mutant estrogen-receptor ligand-binding domains (XML)
mEar  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mouse eosinophil-associated RNase (XML) | musculus eosinophil-associated ribonuclease (XML)
MEIMS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Maintenance Error Information Management System (XML) | Monitoring and Evaluation information management system (XML)
MEST score  ( in XML )  (2)
  » most prognostic importance are identified (XML) | more serious pathological lesions (XML)
MedR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » median ranking distribution (XML) | medically ready (XML)
M-EMD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » memristive EMD (XML) | modified empirical mode decomposition (XML)
MetT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » 4-methoxy-TEMPO (XML)
MedIP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » medication-based index of physical function (XML)
METLIN  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Metabolite and Chemical Entity Database (XML) | metabolites contained in a reference library (XML)
mexR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » MexAB-oprM pump (XML) | MexAB-OprM-hyperproducing (XML)
metA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » metadrenaline (XML)
methyl-Pd  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methyl-prednisolone (XML)
MESYAS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Metabolic Syndrome in Active Subjects in Spain (XML)
mEnv  ( in XML )  (2)
  » membrane-embedded envelope glycoprotein spikes (XML)
MEG-4  ( in XML )  (2)
  » micro-exon gene 4 (XML)
MethylRAD-seq  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methylation-dependent restriction-site associated DNA sequencing (XML)
MESIF  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Model for End-Stage Intestinal Failure (XML) | macroporous elastomeric silicone foam (XML)
M-ECEF  ( in XML )  (2)
  » monocyte-derived eosinophil cytotoxicity-enhancing factor (XML)
MePEC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » 2-methylphenyl 4-ethoxycinnamate (XML) | methylation-based prognostic classifier for early-stage CRC (XML)
MEMH  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mixed extract of medicinal herbs (XML)
MeADbx1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » MeA cells derived from the Dbx1-lineage (XML)
MEDCAPS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » medical care for the local population through ad hoc clinics (XML) | Medical civic action programs (XML)
MeLPPP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methyl-substituted ladder-type poly(para-phenylene) (XML) | methyl-poly(para-phenylene) (XML)
mega-GWAS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mega-genome-wide association study (XML) | mega-analysis of GWAS (XML)
MegL  ( in XML )  (2)
  » megakaryoblastic leukemias (XML)
MeOb  ( in XML )  (2)
  » pons-medulla oblongata (XML) | medulla oblongata (XML)
MEDICHOS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » medicalization training in hostile environment (XML) | medical courses in hostile environment (XML)
Me-FRAGS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methylated free radical activated glycan sequencing reagent (XML) | methylated-FRAGS (XML)
MeJAs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methyl jasmonates (XML)
MEP pathway  ( in XML )  (2)
  » 2-methyl-D-erythritol-4-phosphate pathway (XML)
MERITS I  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Managing Effective Relationships in Treatment Services (XML)
MELSs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » multiple Euler-Lagrange systems (XML) | mobile element-like sequences (XML)
mECTs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Mouse engineered cardiac tissue constructs (XML) | three-dimensional engineered cardiac tissue constructs (XML)
met-DNA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methylated DNA (XML)
m-Ent  ( in XML )  (2)
  » m-enterococcus agar (XML)
MEDPIN  ( in XML )  (2)
  » 7-(n-decyl)-2-methyl-4-(3',5'-dichlorophen-4'-one)indonaphthl++ +-1-ol (XML)
MEOD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mild early onset diabetes (XML) | Multi-element odour detection (XML)
mean2SD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mean thickness of this epidural space was 4.382.26 (XML) | males and 12 females aged 5723 years (XML)
MET-SV  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Multiple Errands Test-Simplified Version (XML)
MeFBSAA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » N-methyl perfluorobutanesulfonamido acetate (XML)
MedAid  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Medical Aid insurance (XML) | medical aid (XML)
Mexo  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Membrane and extracellular antigens of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis (XML) | melanoma-derived exosomes (XML)
MetaGAP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Meta-GWAS Accuracy and Power (XML)
MERMQ  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mean effects range median quotient (XML)
MePro  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methyl propanoate (XML) | alpha-methylproline (XML)
Me-Cys  ( in XML )  (2)
  » S-methyl-l-cysteine (XML)
MEGCs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Multiple early gastric cancers (XML) | multinucleated epidermal giant cells (XML)
mecC-MRSA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mecC-positive methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (XML)
meGua  ( in XML )  (2)
  » O6-methylguanosine (XML)
MET-TKIs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » MET tyrosine kinase inhibitors (XML)
Men-C-C  ( in XML )  (2)
  » meningococcal conjugate type-C (XML) | meningococcal vaccines (XML)
mEAC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » metastatic esophageal adenocarcinoma (XML)
MeDZQ  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methyldiaziridinequinone (XML) | mode of cytotoxicity of 2,5-diaziridinyl-3,6-dimethyl-1,4-benzoquinone (XML)
MetaboCCC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Metabolomic profiles throughout the continuum of colorectal cancer (XML) | Metabolomic profiles throughout the continuum of CRC (XML)
MeGa  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methanolic extracts of Garcinia atroviridis (XML)
MERRA2  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications version 2 (XML) | MERRA phase 2 (XML)
medOB  ( in XML )  (2)
  » medial part of the olfactory bulb (XML) | medial olfactory bulb (XML)
metHbF  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methemoglobin fluoride (XML)
MeFo  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methyl formate (XML)
Meisn  ( in XML )  (2)
  » anti-microbial effects of ethanol extracts of Persicaria nepalensis (XML) | MPN-1-1 from Persicaria nepalensis (XML)
MEBL  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methanol extract of Bryonia laciniosa (XML) | methanol extract of aerial parts of Barleria lupulina Lindl (XML)
MetaChip  ( in XML )  (2)
  » metabolizing enzyme toxicology assay chip (XML)
met-rhGH  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methionyl-recombinant human growth hormone (XML)
MedGRFood  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Mediterranean Greek Food (XML) | Mediterranean Greek Food database (XML)
mechanoATRP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mechanically controlled atom transfer radical polymerization (XML)
MeTIL  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methylation of TIL (XML) | methylation of tumor-infiltrating lymphocyte (XML)
MET3  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methyltransferase 3 (XML)
ME-CV  ( in XML )  (2)
  » magnifying endoscopy with crystal violet staining (XML) | magnifying chromoendoscopic findings with crystal violet staining (XML)
MeNTA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » metallic nanotube array (XML)
MesG  ( in XML )  (2)
  » 7-methylthioguanosine (XML)
MEQ-19  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Morningness-Eveningness Questionnaire 19 (XML)
MenAV  ( in XML )  (2)
  » meningococcal A conjugate vaccine (XML)
MEDINE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » medicine (XML) | Medical Education in Europe (XML)
MEDALUS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Mediterranean Desertification and Land Use (XML)
Me-PRXs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methylated beta-CD-threaded PRXs (XML) | methylated beta-cyclodextrins-threaded acid-labile polyrotaxanes (XML)
ME-D  ( in XML )  (2)
  » melittin diastereomer (XML) | ME to the CTL diet (XML)
MegDB  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Microbial Ecological Genomics DataBase (XML)
MedReview  ( in XML )  (2)
  » medication review tool (XML) | medication review algorithm (XML)
MECC System  ( in XML )  (2)
  » miniaturized extracorporeal circulation system (XML) | minimized ECC-system (XML)
MEFGS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » magnetoelectric flux gate sensor (XML) | methanol-extracted fraction of G. sylvestre (XML)
MePDN  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methylprednisolone (XML)
MED-SATS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » medical students how to teach (XML) | medical students as teachers (XML)
MEOLP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Modified expansive open-door laminoplasty (XML) | modified EOLP (XML)
mean SUVmax  ( in XML )  (2)
  » maximal standardized uptake value (XML)
MEP1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » metallopeptidase-1 (XML) | metalloproteinase-1 gene (XML)
mEVA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » modified ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer (XML) | modified electric vacuum aspiration (XML)
MEMAP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » metal-enhanced multiphoton absorption polymerization (XML) | Methylphenidate in mania project (XML)
MEGHA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » massively expedited genome-wide heritability analysis (XML)
medFG  ( in XML )  (2)
  » medial frontal gyrus (XML)
mean-field  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mean entropy production from its value in the deterministic (XML) | model for a symmetric L-L interface and obtained high-precision (XML)
MeO-PCB  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methylated derivatives of hydroxylated (OH-)PCB atropisomers (XML) | methoxylated PCB (XML)
methyl alpha-lactoside  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methyl beta-galactopyranosyl-(1-->4)-alpha-glucopyranoside (XML) | Methyl 4-O-beta-D-galactopyranosyl alpha-D-glucopyranoside (XML)
MEPVC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » multi-epitope peptide vaccine construct (XML)
MesN  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis (XML) | Metalation reactions with the bulky diiminodiphosphorane ligand (XML)
ME difference  ( in XML )  (2)
  » minus evening systolic BP difference (XML) | minus evening BP difference (XML)
Meniere's  ( in XML )  (2)
  » manifestations of hydropic ear disease (XML)
Medtronic-Hall  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mm Bjork-Shiley Standard, Bjork-Shiley Convex-Concave, Bjork-Shiley Monostrut, Hall-Kaster (XML) | months' experience with an improved tilting disk valve (XML)
Merm1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » metastasis-related methyltransferase 1 (XML)
MEM-DWI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mono-exponential model DWI (XML)
mEDWIN  ( in XML )  (2)
  » modified EDWIN (XML) | modified Emergency Department Work Index (XML)
ME-CPP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » 2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 2,4-cyclodiphosphate 1 (XML)
MEUO  ( in XML )  (2)
  » malignant extrinsic ureteral obstruction (XML)
MedN  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Medical necessity (XML)
met-enkephalin-Arg-Gly-Leu  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methionine-enkephalin-Arg6-Gly7-Leu8 (XML)
Meno  ( in XML )  (2)
  » menopause (XML)
MEWS-G  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Mind Excessively Wandering Scale (XML)
MeAM1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Methylobacterium extorquens AM1 (XML)
Men1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » multiple endocrine neoplasia 1 (XML) | multiple endocrine neoplasia 1 gene locus (XML)
MEDCAPs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » medical civic action projects (XML) | Medical Civilian Assistance Programs (XML)
Met-RANTES  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methionylated RANTES (XML) | methiolynated-regulated on activation, normal T cells expressed and secreted (XML)
MEMRs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » middle-ear muscle reflexes (XML)
MESSA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » MEta-Server for protein Sequence Analysis (XML)
metallic valve  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mitral valve replacement (XML)
ME-TRE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » malic enzyme gene-TRE (XML) | malic enzyme TRE (XML)
MEmax  ( in XML )  (2)
  » maximum elastic modulus (XML)
MEF40  ( in XML )  (2)
  » maximal expiratory flow at 40 (XML)
MESAM  ( in XML )  (2)
  » membrane saturable absorber mirror (XML)
MEEO  ( in XML )  (2)
  » microencapsulated complex of thymol, carvacrol, and cinnamaldehyde (XML) | methanolic extract of Emblica officinalis (XML)
METUX  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Motivation, Engagement, and Thriving in User Experience (XML)
MePAOT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » (1'-(1'-methyl-4'-thiopiperidine)-acetic acid 1)-oxytocin (XML)
Met-DNAs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » metastasis-inducing DNAs (XML)
MEAH  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methanol leaves extract of A. hookerianum (XML) | methanol extracts of A. apiacea Hance (XML)
Med-Plus  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Mediterranean-plus diet (XML) | Mediterranean Plus (XML)
Met-RO  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methionine R-sulfoxide (XML)
MEPyV  ( in XML )  (2)
  » marbled eel polyoma-like virus (XML)
MERTIL  ( in XML )  (2)
  » My Early Relational Trauma-Informed Learning (XML)
METJA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Methanocaldococcus jannaschii (XML)
MEMOIR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » memory by engineered mutagenesis with optical in situ readout (XML) | METHODS: Melanoma Outcomes Following Immunotherapy (XML)
MErD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » minimal erythemal dose (XML)
MED DIR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Medical Directors (XML)
mean Pdi  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mean transdiaphragmatic pressure (XML)
MEHPT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » medical education and health professionals' training (XML)
MEOT  ( in XML )  (2)
  » main effect of time (XML) | methanolic extract of Operculina turpethum stems (XML)
Meso-Y  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Mesoporous Y zeolite (XML)
MENISCUS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Menstrual health and school absenteeism among adolescent girls in Uganda (XML) | menstrual health intervention program in Ugandan schools (XML)
ME-Arc  ( in XML )  (2)
  » median eminence-arcuate complex (XML) | median eminence with arcuate nuclei (XML)
MeSUS1  ( in XML )  (2)
  » MebHLH68 directly bound to the promoters of sucrose synthase 1 (XML) | mechanisms of the cassava sucrose synthase 1 gene (XML)
MEQIP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Modified Ensuring Quality Information for Patients (XML)
meff  ( in XML )  (2)
  » method to calculate the effective complex refractive index of nanocomposites (XML) | effective mobility (XML)
met-bPRL  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methionyl bovine PRL (XML)
mESCMs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mouse embryonic stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes (XML) | murine ES cell-derived cardiomyocytes (XML)
meC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methylated at the 5-position of cytosine (XML) | methylated residues are in the symmetrical (XML)
MeTA-array  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methyl-CpG targeted transcriptional activation (XML)
mEE  ( in XML )  (2)
  » miRNA expression extractor (XML) | modified enriched environment (XML)
means.d  ( in XML )  (2)
  » males/females, age 5113 years, body mass index 313kgm-2 (XML) | measurements were -7.712.7% for AIx and 0.170.14 for PP amplification (XML)
methoxycarbonyl-PROXYL  ( in XML )  (2)
  » 3-methoxycarbonyl-2,2,5,5-tetramethylpyrrolidine-l-oxyl (XML)
MES-PrEP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Motivational Enhancement System for PrEP Uptake and Adherence (XML)
mePLND  ( in XML )  (2)
  » modified-extended pelvic lymph node dissection (XML)
MEACL  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methanolic extract of A. carambola leaves (XML) | methanol extract of A. colorata leaf (XML)
MEYA-FS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » MEYA Fidelity Scale (XML) | Modular Evidence-Based Practices for Youth with Autism Fidelity Scale (XML)
M.E.P  ( in XML )  (2)
  » malignant eccrine poroma (XML) | mean evoked potentials (XML)
MeLOOH  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methyl linoleate hydroperoxide (XML) | methyl 13-hydroperoxyoctadeca-9,11-dienoate (XML)
MESIs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » medical events of special interest (XML)
mesoITO  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mesoporous indium-tin oxide (XML)
metaROI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » meta regions of interest (XML) | meta-analytically derived regions of interest reflecting AD hypometabolism pattern (XML)
MEDCFs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Mobile Electronic Data Collection Forms (XML) | Mobile Electronic Data Capturing Forms (XML)
MeRIP-PCR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methylated RNA immunoprecipitation-PCR (XML)
METRIAP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » 3-(3',4'-dihydroxyphenylazo-1')-5-mercapto-1,2,4-triazole (XML) | 3-mercapto-5-(3,4-dihydroxyphenylazo-1')-1,2,4-triazole (XML)
MenAC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » mass-energy absorption coefficient (XML) | meningococcal group AC (XML)
MED ID  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Medication identification in pediatric asthma (XML) | medication identification (XML)
MEPGL  ( in XML )  (2)
  » middle ear paraganglioma (XML) | methanolic extract of Punica granatum leaves (XML)
me6-TG  ( in XML )  (2)
  » 6-methylthioguanine (XML)
MetaSPR  ( in XML )  (2)
  » metasurface plasmon resonance (XML)
Met 30  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methionine at position 30 (XML)
MENT Ac  ( in XML )  (2)
  » MENT acetate (XML)
MedQA  ( in XML )  (2)
  » medical definitional question answering system (XML) | medical question answering system (XML)
METROS  ( in XML )  (2)
  » MET-Deregulated or ROS1-Rearranged Pretreated Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (XML) | Multicenter, Two-arms Trial (XML)
MeBavaC  ( in XML )  (2)
  » 4'-O-methylbavachalcone (XML)
Met B  ( in XML )  (2)
  » malignant hamster fibrosarcoma (XML)
Met-P  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methionine-based polymers (XML) | mesenchymal epithelial transition factor-phosphorylated type (XML)
MEDDs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » morphine equivalent daily doses (XML)
meta-GWASs  ( in XML )  (2)
  » meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies (XML)
MESW  ( in XML )  (2)
  » motivational-educational songwriting (XML)
MEWI  ( in XML )  (2)
  » medical waste incinerator (XML)
MENU  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Making Effective Nutritional Choices for Cancer Prevention (XML) | Metabolism, Exercise and Nutrition at UCSD (XML)
MedRF  ( in XML )  (2)
  » medial reticular formation (XML)
MeanBP  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Mean Blood Pressure (XML)
Me-betaCD  ( in XML )  (2)
  » methyl-betacyclodextrin (XML) | methylated betaCD (XML)
metMb  ( in XML )  (2)
  » Mb is converted to both MbNO and oxidized myoglobin (XML) | metals to form metmyoglobin (XML)